D.S. WOODROW, j HEAL ESTATE AMD LOAM AGhHT, j UNION BLOCK. OCAJL.A, - • ITLOKIDA. ESTABLISHED 1866. THE OCALA BANNER 0' O. L. BITTINGEB. City Editor. Unprecedented Newspaper Combine. The Ocala Banner and the Atlan ta Weekly Constitution, for one dol lar AND FORTY CBNT3 a year to CASH subscribers. The Constitution is the best weekly paper In the country, and Is emphatically the people’s paper. BANNER and New York Weekly World, one year, for Jl.ts,. Some peach trees are iu full bloom. Houvenier spoons at Coudon’s. “Let tbe galled jade wince, our withers are uuwrung.” Mr. D. D Rogers is up from atm days confinement of grippe. A party in Jacksonville is advertis ing for 10,000 live chameleons. The nickel iu the slot machine is doing a big business at the saloons. Adjourned meeting of the council will take place Friday night at 7:30 p. ui. New jewelry at WeiheV Captain Coons Is doing a rushing business on the river with his line of boats. Report has it that Professor Daisy, the terpiscorean artist, will leave us shortly. During Judge Hill’s absence Mr. D. A. Miller will have charge of the county judge’s office. Governor Mitchell has telegraphed the Ocala Rifles to be in readiness to go to Jacksonville. An unrequited editor again tiles his claim for unpaid services against au Ocala editor—same old story. Mr. Jno. O. Mathews and family, who recently arrived from harre, Mass., are guests of the Ocala House. Mrs. Frank Barrett, who has beeu so seriously ill at her home iu Savan nah, we are glad to learn is much bet ter. Walter Hawkins is confined to his bed from a badly sprained and swollen ankle, the result of a fall from his bicycle. _ When gold dollars cm be picked up on the side-walks times must be get ting better — and that’s what was done in Ocala to-day, Gainesville made the first shipment of strawberries last week. Col. Ship man, receiver of the U. 8. land office, grew the berries. The stockholders of the Capitol Phosphate Company met Thursday aud elected their old board ot directors for the ensuiug year. W. A. Reddiug’s bond as city treas urer was approved by the couucil last night. R. B. McCouuell and l>. A. Miller are his surities. Porter aud Ale aud Milwaukee beer ou draught at Rowe’s Montezuma Wine and Billiard Parlors, always genuine, Fresh and cool. Mr. L. 8. Brooks, largely inte retdc in the orange industry of Citra, ac companied by his wife, arrived last evening at the Ocala House. Miss May B. Smith, daughter < f Rev. Dr. Smith, of Macon, Ga., is vis iting the Misses Allred, of this city. Hhe is a most charming youug lady. Judge Hooker received a request to come to. Tampa and hold court for Judge Phillips, but as Judge Hooker is unwell with la grippe, bad to de cline. The auction sale of horses at San ders’ Saturday broke the record ou prices, ranging from $27 to $74 ou the animal. They are unbroken. Four teen head were sold. Mr. August Auderson a first-class ieweler aud engraver, arrived Mon day and is iu the employ of Mr. Fred G. B. Welhe, one of Ocala’s most en terprising and successful jewelers. Parties from Umatilla were iu the city this nrorniug with a view to sell ing a very Hue stock horse, but this market was fully supplied aud they went elsewhere. Deputy Nugent said he did not real ize how scarce young oak trees were getting in the hammocks around Ocala uutit he tried to get a load yes terday to plant arouud the court bouse euolosure for sheriff Hodge. Salvation Artuy meeting Saturday uight at 7:80, led by Mr. Lang, of Chicago; Sunday services at 3:30 and Bp. w. Sunday night Captain Hail and Lieutenant Weller will give their farewell address. Ail are iuvited to these services. Captain H. C. of the Merchants’ National Bank, is au ap p icaut for the position of deputy rev enue collector of this district under the Hou. George W. Wilson, provided the senate don’t go back ou Marion’s favorite son. * ■ THE OCALA BANNER. PERSONAL. Will Sparr took in Jacksonville over Sunday. . M. B. Johnston, esq., of Cleveland, Ohio, is in the city. Mr. Jno. Wertz has gone to work for the Standard Phosphate Company. H. B. Coulter, E-,q., a prominent attorney of Bronsou, died Friday morning. Mr. M. J. Williams, of Early Bird, called iu to-day to pay his financial respects to the Banner. Father Corrigan, who preached a serhs of splendid sermon* in Ocala some years ago, is dead. Mr. aud Mrs, Wm. Bangs take pos session ot their huuusome new house to-day south of the Graded school, Miss Smith, of Forsythe, Ga., ar rived on the noou train Tuesday to visit her fiieud, Mrs. A. Mclntyre. Mr. B. W. Lacey, aud old newspa per man of Philadelphia aud New York, is spending the winter at Belle view. M iss Underwood, < f Fayetteville, N* C., is expected iu a few days and will s;iend tiie winter with Miss Maggie Birdaev. Col. Zimmerman, the popular aud obliging clerk of Citrus county, made the Hauiiet a pleasaut business call to-day. C. Z. Chambliss, of the Btiff’um Isiuu fc Trust Company, went to Boardmau to-day ou very important business. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Fyfe and Mr. Baltou, of Massachusetts, friends of Mr. Hosmer, will be iu Ocala in a week aud remain for the winter. G. C. Lonier, a prominent citizen of London, aud largely interested in phosphates, is iu the city and is a guest of Mr. and Mrs C. S. Clarke. Mr. S. L. Cleveland, of Rockwell, Fla., aud as engineer with the Duun eilon Phosphate Company, was in the city to-day and autographed for the Banner. Andrew West, of Stanton, who is painting the Harris mansion, in the Monarch orange grove, Panassoft'kee paid the Banner au acceptable call Monday. Rev. Louis Griffi th, a worthy col ored citizen of Beileview, was in the city to-day. lie is not only a good school teacher and preacher, but also j an excellent farmer. * Dr. W. C. Giliaitu paid the Standard mine No. 2 a visit, and while gone was the guest of that kind ana generous hearted rnau, Captain Frank Purser, lire Doctor hail a splendid time. Miss .May be lie Glover, ot Marietta, Ga., who is on her way to M.llwood, stopped over at Thouiasville, Ga., where au elgegaut recent ion was ten dered her at the residence of Mr. E. H. Smith’s. Hou It .A. Harford, of Ocala, is a gentleman of much force aud ability, aud one who would represent Marion aud Sumter in the state senate with credit aud distinction.—Wildwood Viuette. Henderson Harvey, one of the besi kuowu aud most reliable colored citi zens of Citra, died Saturday.” His name honored the roll of Banner sub scribers, aud he was a t'rieud to the printer. Mr. Ed. E. Foster, manager of the Aekron Grove at South Lake Weir, j was iu the city Tuesday aud made the little Banner a pleasant call last evening. He says the fruit is iapidly disappearing. A young ten pound conductor ar rived in the Parr mansion Sunday morning. Mrs. H. Davis is the happy mother and conductor H. A. Davis, of the South Florida R. It., is the overjoyed papa. Ebb Harris iis assistant postmaster at Citra. Ebb’s many friends iu Ocala will be pleased to hear of his promo tion. Ebb used to be the “devil” of the Marion Free Press aud a mighty clever ore he was too. Colonel Nick Barco and wife, coun ty Super inteudent E. A. Harrison, and several other parties went to Jacksonville over the F’. S. R. R. to at tend he meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons of the state. Mr. R. A. Boyd, one of the leading merchants of Reddick, was in town Tuesday ou busiuess. He never forgets the Bauuer. Mr. Friday, of Reddick, now occupies a corner ot Mr. Boyd’s new store room for the postoffice. Mr. Arioui, tbe agreeable aud popu lar traveling passenger agent of the Ocean Steamship Company, of Sa vannah, with headqunrteis in New York during the summer, and all over the south, especially in Florida, in winter, was with us yesterday. Dr. J. M. Willis will wed Mias Jen nie Sistrunk at Phoenix, January 23. Dr. Willis is a recent graduate of the Louisville Medical College aud a resi dent of Williston, While the fair bride to be is a sister to our popular deputy c unty clerk, S. T. Sistruuk. J. W. Johnson, oue of the staunch yeomanry of Candler, was iu the city to-day aud called on the Bauuer. He said he had quit it for a year to try another local paper, hut at the expi ratiou of that time he was more than glad to return to his first love. Mrs. W. D. Chipley, one of the most distinguished womeu of Florida, aud iu the Baptist denomination, who at tended the state convention at Plaut City, stopped over in Ocala to visit with Rev. J. C. Purler and wife. She registered this noon at the Ocala Hohse. Miss Preston, of Wallingford, Conn., is iu the city and comfortably located with Mrs. F. J. Owens. She came here for the benefit of our delightful winters, being directed to this point by Mr. aud Ors. Griswold, who, sev eral years ago, passed a winter with us aud which they say they will never forget, so pleased were they with our incomparable elimate. HE IS A FRAUD. RABBI JOHN SERGIUS BEN ISRAEL NOT WHAT HE CLAIMS TO Be. He Took in Ocalians as Well as Good People ail Along t.he Line —The Rabbi and His Story Denounced by the Au thorities in Fercandina. Rabbi John Sergius Ben Israel, who figured iu Ocala and Gainesville and other Florida towns about a year ago as a Christian Jew, the Savannah News find* out to be a fraud. The follow ing article from the News will no doubt be interesting to the church people here by whom he was deceived: Rabbi John Sergius Beu Israel claimed to be a descendeut of Jews from India of the lost ten tribes, who were iu Jerusalem and were convert ed ou the day of Pentecost, or were won to Christ by the Apostle Thomas iu India. He claimed that there are many thousand Christian Jews there, and that he is the pastor of a large congregation of Jews in Travancore, ou tire Malabar coast, in Madras Pres idency. The Rabbi’s wife and three children accompanied him. The former was ! said to have been a Zenana mission ary, of the London Missionary Society, tie and his flock were very poor and he asked assistance for both. came well indorsed. Numerous letters of commendation were shown from clergymen for whom he lectured or preached, and who took up collections for him. Several min isters iu Savannah were thus induced to let him address their congrega tions, and took up collections for his use. His statements, however, were out of accord with reliable history. Other circumstances, too, aroused suspicion that he was not what he professed to be, aud inquiries of great missionary boards and of persons who had commended him failed to clear up the matter. A letter of inquiry was finally writ ten by Rev. L. C. Vass, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, to Rev. S. Mateer, a missionary of the London Missionary Society iu Trevaudrum, Travancote district, Southern India, Sergius claiming to have come from this section of the world. Recently the following reply has been re ceived : the rabbi shown rv. Tre van drum, Oct. 7, 1893. Dear Dr. Vass, your letter comes to me as Mr. Mateer is in England. Never having heard of any Christian Jews in tire L. M. S., or southern part of Travancore, I sent it on to Dr. Hodges. C. M. S. (Church Missionary Society), bishop of Travancore. His secretary writes me for him: “Sergius is a gross impostor, for there are no Chris tian Jews in Travancore.” The ven erable Archdeacon Kostii, D.D., a na tive gentleman of long experience of this laud, says: “I have never heard of such a person as Sergius, or of a Jewish Christian congregation in Tra vancore. The whole story appears to be a black species of imposture. -This is to my miml conclusive, that is, if his refer nee to Travancore is correct. This, of course, is but a very small part of ludia, and we should know the name of the place where bis schools are, to be sure. * * * j am sorry I cannot semi you better news. Yours most sincerely, Harold T. Wills, M. A. Lay Missionary (London Missionary Society, i STILL DO IXO THE ROUNDS Tbe latest news news from Rabbi Sergius is from New Berne, N. C., where i he New Berne Journal says he preached in the Baptist church Suu d iv. •'W. 31st, and lectured iu the Yo g 'den’s Christian Association hi !. From the above letter it seems tint he is .m impostor, aud that he is simply getting money under false colors. The American Israelite, edited by the distinguished Rabbi Wise, of Cin cinnati, 0., denounces luiu as an ‘ Oriental scamp,” and says “the story that Mr. Sergius tells altogether lacks probability, aud we have no doubt he is laughing in his sleeve at the fine harvest he is reaping from his dupes.” Sergius is a man of low statue, stout, wit l dark aud loug hair whis kers. His address is plausible, his manner unctuous, and his Euglisli very broken aud indistinct. He left Savannah ostensibly for the World’s Fair, leaving his wife and children here. Thfey lived fora while iu a little house ou Second avenue, but finally disappeared and are sup Dosed to have joined Sergius iu his tx-avels. % IB A GAME OF CHANCE HE LOSES. The Loser 0 'in* in the Winner and at tire Month of a oix-shooter Drops His Wad- Avery remarkable occurrence took place last eveniug at Lyon’s billiard rooms iu the Ocala House. It seems that Claude Reeves aud au unknown person were trying a game of chance. Reeves scooped in the wealth of the unknown player. Then to get even with the victor he placed a pistol in his face and demanded back his lost money or the blood of the victor. The victor, noticing the determined look of the victim aud that blood ran riot in his eyes, he quietly handed over SO.OO aud the man with the pistol quickly disappeared. baokliii’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve iu the world tor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,. Fever Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup tions aud positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale bv Jas. B. Carlisle. THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE. OCALA, FLA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1894, HILL CARNEY. A Quiet but Elegant Wedding at Grand View. La> T” e i r . The name of James .1. Hill, Ma rion’s popular county judge, has be come familial* to almost every citizen of this county. The young attorney and jurist enter ed into a very Important and solemn contract Wednesday at Lake W 7 eir with a lovely and beautiful young lady, Miss Josephine Carney. It is for life or until death do them part, and the occasion solemnized the seal ing of hands and hearts of two persons whose love and affection for each oth er will make their earthly journey i-righ er, sweeter, holier and happier. The joyous event took place at Grand View, the elegant home of the bride’s parents, ou the east side of take Weir, at ten o’clock this morn ing Rev. Mr. Stearns, of Candler pronounced the bamo The marriage was strictly a family affair and those present outside of the family cirele were Albert Wright,esq., and Miss Mary Lou Wilson, of Ocala, the latter a teacher in the graded school and Miss Ring, of Murphrees boro, Tenn. No invitations were extended or cards s<*ut out Af:er the ceremony the bridal cou ple crossed the shining waters of beau tiful Lake Weir on one of the boats of Uie Lake’s navy, and took the train for St. Augustine where they will tar ry for a few days at one of the el-gat caravansaries of the Ancient City, re turn to Ocala Friday and take rooms at the Central hotel. The bride i tbe daughter of ('apt. John L. Carney,a lovely and preposses sing blonde, nceompl’shed and of most winning and obliging manners. The groom is s well known to every body in Ocala and Marion county, that when we say he is fillirg his high office with honor to himself and to the .satisfaction of his constituents aud by his pleasing address and obliging ways, officially and socially, has made every oue with whom he has come in contact, a friend. Judge Hill is a North Carolinian by birth and education, lias resided in Marion county twelve years and has de monstrated that he is an intelligent, progressive and broad-minded man, who would be an ho tor to any com munity. The Banner extends its con gratulations for a long, happy aud prosperous life to the newly wedded couple. Sunday Among the Churches. Rev. C. M. Gray was so sorely afflic ted with throat troubles that he did not deliver a sermon. Rev. Dr. G. J. Johnson drew good audiences at the Baptist church and preached two grand sermons This distinguished Baptist divine is quite well known to the*Baptists of Florida, having preached some ten years ago at DeLaud. He then returned to his old charge at Burlington, lowa, for whom he preached a quarter of a cen tury. About a year ago he was called to Chicago, and quite recently his ser vices were demanded at St. Augus tine, to which charge lie will minister in the future. Rev, Mr. Chase, at the Presbyterian church, had fair audiences. Sunday night ILv. J. M. Pike, of the Methodist church, had a crowded house and electrified them by his elo quent and burning words. He laid great stress ou profession vs. practice and remarked that, spiritually, his church would be better off if_ fifty per cent of the names on the rolls were dropped. The contingent of the Salvation Army virtually spoke their farewell words last night to a large audience. While tbeir work had resulted iu good and the conversion of quite a number of persons, it was not as great as they had hoped for. They spoke of the kindness aud courtesies extended to them by the people of the city and regretted their leaving, hut as they were under orders they were com pelled to obey, During their stay here they had visited thirty families on an average a week, and were al wa\s ready to wait on the sick aud atliieted, many of whom they at tended. The Ocala W. 0. T- U. A well attended meeting of the above organization whs held Friday afternoon iu the Baptist church for the election of officers, which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. VV. C. Bull; vice-presidents, Mesdames I. VV. Ogle, J W. Pearson, aud Peter Ingram; re cording secretary, Miss Gray; corres ponding secretary; ?;rs. F. R. Gary; treasurer, Mrs diaries Richards; su perintendent of press work, Mrs. Loveridge; superintendent of litera ture, Mr**. F. P. Gaffney; assistant, Mrs. Carrie K. (’bailie; Christian temperance, Mrs. L. M. Thayer. The Union insisted ou re-electing Mrs. Fannie It. Gary president, but she declined the honor in au admira ble address that captured the hearts of all Her reasons for so lining were her defective heariug, declining health and home duties. Among other things she said was that she had served as president of the Union for ten years, ever since the formation of it iu Ocala and thought she could not be their presiding officer again. She would take the same interest in promoting the success of the Union that she al ways had done, aud would meet with them regularly as of old. J. Barker’s Tailoring Department. Has removed from Thompson’s block to Butler’s new block on Expo sition Street, where he will continue his busiuess of cleaning and repairing suits. Will also have iu stock a tine line of pants and suiting. J. Barker, Butler’s new block. 10-6-lm DEATH OF JUDGE HILTON. He Expires From a Stroke of Paralysis at Tallahassee- Judge R. B. Hilton, of Tallahassee, died last Wednesday of paralysis. Deceased had for many years been a prominent figure in this state as a lawyer, politician and edi tor. He had been a resident of Flor ida, except for about two years, since 1846. Iu 1556 he associated himself with the late L. I. Fleming of Jack sonville, and began the practice of law. In 1860 he was elected to congress, but owing to the threatening condi tion of public affairs never went to Washington. He then raised a volun teer company aud entered the army of the Confederacy, but was soon after elected to the Confederate Congress, and at the expiration of his term was re-elected. On the collapse of the Con federacy he returned to Florida, and in Jacksonville and Tallahassee has since remained, practicing law and editing a paper at the latter place. By an act of the legislature Judge Holten’s name was changed from Smith to that of Hilton. He was married three times, first, to Miss Bradford, daughter of the late Dr. Ed ward Bradford, a prominent.and influ ential citizen of Leon county: next, to a Mias Roberta Alexander, of Virgin ia, and last to Mrs. Phillips, of Brook lyn, N. Y.. to whom he was wedded in April, 1892, in Tallahassee, where he lias since resided. Judge Hilton was a native of Vir ginia and about 75 years of age. He leaves no children. Happy and Fall of Enthusiasm. Rev. J. C. Porter and wife, who have been attending the State Bap tist Convention, which adjourned yes terday at Plant City, have returned home. Rev. Mr. Porter is particularly hap liy and full of enthusiasm because of the success that has atteuded the gathering, the largest in the history of the association in Florida, and of the representative men preseut in the lie nomination from the leading centers of thought among Baptists in the country and the enthusiastic and elo queut addresses made by them. Among the intellectual aud spirit ual light preseut were Rev. Dr. Bit ting, of Philadelphia, secretary of the • aptist Publishing Company; Dr. J. B Gaubrell, president of the Mercer Uuiversity, Macon, Ga.; Rev. Dr. Jno. A. Broadus, president of the Louisville Baptist Seminary; Dr. T. P. Bell, of Nashville, secretary of the Sunday-School Board and Dr. F. C. McCouuell, of Atlanta, secretary of the Home Mission Board. Mr. Porter was greatly cheered ou account of the handsome sum of $350 being raised for subscriptions to the Baptist Witness for those of the faith too poor to pay for the excellent pa per. He feels proud over the fact that the convention made au Ocala lady Mrs. Dr. T. D. Crawford, president of the State Baptist Woman’s Missionary Society and added the names of Mrs. E. W. Agnew, Mrs. L. D. Geiger and Mrs. Milton F. Hood to the board aud located the meetings of same in this city. Miss J. L. Spaulding, of De- Land, was made the secretary. All of this aud the fact that the association raised $'0.50 for mission work and the generous hospitality with which the people of Plant City opened their hearts and homes to the association and the royal m inner iu which they entertained all comers, touched h s heart greatly, filled his soul with gladness, inspired him to do more amt better work through tbe Witness than he has ever done for his people. Happy Times--Judge Hill the Medium. Mr. Morgan Hopley, in company with Miss Mary Ann Twitcben, ap peared before the couuty_judge this morning for a license and a request t ■ tie the hymenial knot. The lady, a decidedly tiloud beauty, made the re quest with such insinuating grace that he blushingly complied. To witness the happy event Mr. D. A. Miller was called in. The ceremo ny was cleverly performed. The fair looks of the new bride so worked on Mr. Miller’s imagination ttiat he told the story to the boys around the court house, and every body the Banner reporter met this tnorniug said, “Did you hear of it? She was a beauty.” The parties to the contract are new ly arrivals from the shores of old Al bion, but with an old love that never grew old. Will Never Play Again. Charley Bennett, the famous catcher of the Bostou champion baseball club, was run over by a Santa Fe passenger train Wednesday night ami had both legs cut off'. He was on his way from Kansas, City to W iliiamsburg and got off at Wellsville to speak, to a friend. When he was getting back ou the train be slipped and fell under the wheels. His left leg was cut off at the ankle and the other at tbe knee. Bowden’s si,ooo Bet. A Jacksonville despatch in yester day’s Savannah News says: “I will bet $1,000,” said Manager Bow den, of the Duval Athletic Club, “that in a week Governor Mitchell will lay down his hand aud announce own signature that he will uo longer attempt to prevent Corbett and i itch ell from fighting in Florida.” Mr. Bowden declined to give the reason for his confidence. Economy in Court Expenses- The Gainesville Sun says the ex pense of holding the last term of tbe circuit court was $956.15, as against $4,000 in term previously held. The expense of the county court was sllO. THE FLORIDA NATIONAL. First A miaul Meeting of the Stock bold ers of the Florida National Build ing and Loan Association. Yesterday afternoon the stockhold ers ot this association met in Secreta ry Fox’s offlt-o. Judge VV. g Bullock occupied the chair and Mr. Fox re corded tlic proceedings. The statement showed that the un social ion received during the year $22,582, and had loaned out $24,300. The following are the places where the money was loaned ; Ocala,sß,soo; Orlando, $2,300; Clear Water Harbw, $700; Starke, $300; Brooksville, $1,000; Pulaika, s3,ooo;Anthony, $1,500; Jack sonviile, $1,500; Citra,36oo; Wildwood, $400; Micanopy, SSOO, Dcluml, c2,c00; Green Cove Springs, S6OO. aiiil Kis simmee, S3OO. The net iarcings on amount re ceived was $1,347, or six cents on the dollar, or averaging twelve per cent, net. Several sections of the by-lays were amended to suit the ideas of the pres ent management. The association is on a sound basis, with bright prospects ahead. Mr. E. W. Agnew is president of the associa tion. The Play of the “Deacon” Stranded The Littie Daily Banner has noted the fact that the Ocala Dramatic Company i:ns preparing the play of the “Deacon” and would prepare the same for the delight of the people of Ocala and benefit of the Ocala library. The cause of this lies not in the face of an unpaid printer or board bill at - tached baggage for a claim against the leading man of the company, but be cause of a strike on the part of one of the actresses who took great anti pathy against her lover. For fuff par ticulars of this surprising story give your ear to Jake Gerig. Another Run Away. L>r. I/.lar made a professional visit to the Emerson Industrial Home School this mo-ning. His new horse got lose, and while picking grass the school dismissed, and the shouts of the pupils set the horse agoing. In his coming to town he collided with Nathan Crown’s sulky, wrecking it; continuing on p issed around to the Doctor’s office, then around the square down by Jenkin’s old saloon, where he tore down awning; then down by the Doctor’s former residence to the Whitfield House and over town gen erally, and strange to say, did not in jury to his buggy. A Sad Acc dent. Word lias reached Ocaia that Mrs. Milton Sparr, who moved to Cali fornia a year ago, met with quite a serious accident. It- seems she wgs riding ou a wagon and sitting In a chair. Ingoing up a hill tne chair capsized, throwing Mrs. Sparr to the ground and injuring ner spine, which, it is feared, may afflict her fm life. This will be sad news to her many friends. _ Pouring In- Congratulations by letter continue to pour iu ou Hon. Geo. W. Wilson iu such numbers that he finds it im possible to keep up with his corres pondence. Then too, the demand for positions under him as deputy revenue collec ts i•& are very numerous, over a hun dred having beeu filed up to Tuesday, and still coming in at a lively gait. A Legal Opinion. County Solicitor R. A. Burford has pointed out the section of the law passed by the legislature of 1893, which says by the payment of not less than $lO by tbe first of March, twenty persons can become honorary members of any company of the state troops and be exempt from jury duty Coming Back. The latest reports about our old friend, Mr. B. C. Harter, is that he has grown tired of California and proposts, with his good wife, to re turn to Florida, and that Mrs. Sparr will also return with them. Lake Weir Nurseries Offers 15,000 one and two year budded orange, lemon and grape fruit trees for sale at prices to suit the times. Call on or address Geo. E. Camhbell, l-9-91-3ml Lake Weir, Fla. Two Checks for $25 Each- Messrs. E. W. Agnew A Cos., aud Mr. Simon Benjamin, cacti sent their checks to Chief Campbell of the fire department, as a token of their ap preciation of services rendered on the night of the fire, December 27. t For Toiler requisits do not fail to visit the Anti-Monopoly Drug Store, standard preparation always in stock. Luudburgs May Pink now a leader in perfumery. Pomona Nursery Stock. Every desirable variety aud kind ot fruit trees suited for Florida's soil aud Florida stock for sale. Bedded iu lot nor*h side of putilie square. Kraybill am. Rriggance, nurserymen, Ocaia, Kla. 12*8*93 tf. TaM Music Mrs. F. A. Stoy Offers her services as a teacher of music to the public of Ocala. V’oice theory of music and thorough instruc tion on the piano laugh. Call ou or address, > RS. F. A. STOY, 1-19 Ocala House. Watches. Clocks, Jew elr y. S’ 1 ver ware, Gold W Pens, Spectacles. WATCHMAKER and JEWELED FEED fi. WEIEH. OCALA, ’ FL ORAH6E BUDS FOB SALE. Ant Irony ]N~iai*series UAS IN STOCK A CHOICE SELECTION OF Fine Orange Buds. Be Sure and Examine our stock before you purchase your trees elsewhere. We can save you m >ney A H H t*pra I. J. BROKAW, Proprietor, Anthony. Marion County, Pla. Or inquire of E. W. Kraybill at FRUIT TREE YARD, North side of public square, Ocala, Fla. CHRISTMAS HAS GONE BUT ONE WHO SMOKES Thinks more of a first-Clas3 Cigir than He does of the past. You (*a.i always t?tt a BOX OF FINE CIGARS or a line MEFRBHAI7X or UK IKK I*l t*R At PEYSER’S. You will find the largest assortment ia ih3 state in this lme nr g*- The El Tropico Cigar Store. OCALA. FLORIDA. They are Happy. The sliding pole which was ordered for Hose Company No. 2, has arrived aud is in place. It extends from the ground floor through the circular opening iu the second floor. It is for convenience and quick exit to the hoys who sleep In the room on the second floor, so that as soon as an alarm of fire is sounded they cau slide quickly to the ground floor with out tTMtMMIit tinie and. trouble to huut the stairway. A Pound Party. Last evening about forty young peo ple met at the hospitatde home of Mrs. L. J. Lu-ninus aud participated iu a pound party and supper. They en joyed a most delightful time. Special to the Public. I wish to state that the crayon I advertise to give FREE with each dozvu of my uuexcelled Photographs is a GENUINE CRAYON PORTRAIT, and not a fake. Call at studio aud see for yourselves. Resiieetfully, C. H. Colby. TAXES FOK lhff.’t The state aud county taxes are now due and the books will be opeu in Ocala November Ist, when I will be ready to receive TAX *3 on lands, TAXES ON PSRH iNAI. PROPKKTY AND P LL TaXKS. Ths books will be positively closed April Ist, 1894. If not convenient to come to Ocala, taxpayers cau write giving des cription of property, and I will send statement of amount of taxes. Rc|*ectfully, H. T. Wartmann, Tax Collector, Mariou County. WOOD. WOOD- WOOD Having moved on Ockiawaha ave nue. I-atn prepared to furnish wood and gasoline oil in any quantity. Or der box in front of postofflee. j. g Hayoood. A lrass band complete for SIOO, is the biggest offer. Upright Piano, Square piano, Concert Organ Chappel Organ Parlor Organ and Baby Organ. Steinway, Mason ( NORTH 81'>E PCRLI'* QC*BR. ( ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The Honduras Colony- Heveutrtn prrwm* on Honduras bent met in S. L. Bitting* mil estate office ami made him president and Russell M. William- secretary. It I’M agreed to appoint a deb gifiuo of three to go to thnt country, look it over, select a suitable s|s*t on which the colonists can p ant tin ir tenU and get the niiliion or more eoui-eaakm out of the Honduras government. FOR SALE. OIC.I.VOK ‘.FEES Two thousand two-year-ohl l.tids, choice atock at low price*. Address, M. A. RICE, 1-19-94 dm Cttra, Fla. Finest Nursery Stock in the State Consisting of budded orange, lemon and gra|M-iruit tree*. Any age de sired. Those in need of nursery stock ■ •an make no miatake iu quality or price by uridressitig or calling ou E. D. Coatee, Stall ton, Fla. 10-27 tf. A new Uaderta er’s Firm The tirui of J. A. Pittman A Cos. of fer their aervlce* to the public iu the undertaking buaineae. They are aiipplied with everything in the line; prices reasonable. Office n old council chum tier. I>utiie, at Smith’s has the Itueat dis play of fruits and confectionaries In the city, Firat-Ciau Livery Service. The leading ikvery nuu of Ocala Single or double teams and saddle horses at Liddou Bros.. Ocala, Fla. Flannel overshirte at sacrificing prices at Waterman A Fullers’. Ocala House Barber bhop. (Jet shaved and have your hair cut at the leading shop in Oeuia. Special attention iriveu to children and 'adieu' hair cutting and bang trimming. Work done satimactory by exception* ally good workmen tu shop ora resi dence. Police (J .Zell* endorsement March 11th. 18U3. C. V. McCoy, Prvq*. ’BUS AS I) EXHKfcM Skhvick.—The ‘Old and Reliable” is now prepared to move parties ou short notice. Wagon* made purposely fwi the business Leave order* with the ’hua driver Charles Meyers, manager. New Goods. LOWEST PRICES Having just returned from the mar ket with au elegant stock of New | Style Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace*, Gloves, Notions, Gents’ Furnish lugs, : Ladies’ Goods and Children’s Bbusa. j Trunks aud Valine*. I solicit a share of your patronage. Uiva me a nail before making your purchase. Very Kespeettuiiy, 1 U. A. NASH