Newspaper Page Text
Sudden Conversions- TO the Editor of the Peoner: A careful readlug of nn article lu the Banner of December 22ud, under the heading or “Sudden Conversions,” in reference to the remarkable conver sion of three remarkable men, viz : Paul, Constantine and John (1. Car lisle, will certainly indicate that you are “well up” In theology and sacred and profane history’; also that the reply of Festus to Paul is very applicable lu your cast-: “Much learniugdoth make thee mad.” However, believing your premises to be wrong and not a true version iu either case, 1 ask space that your read ers may hear "the other side.” Now, there was nothing remarkable iu the conversion of Paul, it was sim ply a manifestation of the power of the Holy Ghost through the Son to show Paul how hard it was for him to “kick agaiost the pricks,” and utterly useless. Paul was not converted agaiust his will—uor any other man—there was a fierfeet willingness when he cried, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” Your biblnal reading will tell you what he did and bow he was saved. 'Tis true Paul learned at the feet of Gamaliel, who was a learned doctor of the law. But Paul was hard headed and over zealous in a bad cause, and no more heeded the advice of Gamaliel in re gard to persecuting the Christians than 9oiue hard headed uewspaper editors of the present day, who claim to have learned democracy at the feet of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, remember their teachings. It was not the teaching of Gamaliel that induced Paul to be a party to the stoning of Stephen aud the halting of men and women; quite otherwise, for Gamaliel advised “if this tiling be of men it will come to naught—if of God it can not be stopped.” You remember the old sayiug, “wise men sometimes change, but fools never do.” Paul w T as wise enough when the scales fell from his eyes to see the utter folly and wickedness of his course and chauged, so there was nothing remarkable iu a wise man changing front error to truth. in the conversion of Demetrius, the eilverswith, aud others who made “silver shriues" for the “Goddess Diana.” there would doubtless have been something remarkable for tbeie were many “craftsmen of that kind, and their occupation brought them much gain”—doubtless some of them owned silver mines. If you will read back a little further you will read of a conversion seeming ly more remarkable than Paul’s, al though you say bis was the most re markable that had taken pla e up to that time. We have no record that Paul was a covetous man, a liar, aud a robber, and a thief, or that he was persecuting the Christians for gain. In Jacob we find all these things combiued, with everything else that was mean aud despicable to make up his character—bad Jacob lived at the present day he doubtless would have cheated somebody out of a silver mine and would have been iu favor of the unlimited coinage of silver. He would certainly have been heard bargaiuiug with the I.ord for all the silver, and as a seniorage “promising to give Him one-tenth.” Jacob’s conversion occurred long be fore Paul s that there might be such as Paul. Still there was nothing more remarkable iu one than the other. In one who “so loved us” as to “give His only begotten Sou” there was nothing remarkable iu the exer cise of His power to change two ba*' men—by opeuiug their eyes to the er ror of their ways—that the world might be made better. As for Constantine, his conversion was from purely selfish motives. He no more saw a cross and the words “by this sigu conquor” emblazoned on the heavens than Maiiomniet saw a sword suspended, the placing of it ou his bauners was a ruse to enthuse Christians. Had it been a sigu from heaven there would not have been a Mahome deu leit to occupy the Holy places to day. There has been but one showing of the cross aud that tvas so tirmly plant ed on Calvary that all might see it who would look that way, and time will cause its light to shine iu the ut termost parts of the world. A closer reading of your biblical liter ature will convince you there was aud is only one cross, and that conquers by peace and not by slaughter. Having been a close observer of John G. Carlisle since his advent iuto political life, aud having very closely read his speeches, iududing the fa mous one before the Chawberof Com merce dinner, and considered the oc casions upon which they were deliv ered, 1 fail to see any inconsistency iu bis course, but find much to commend iu his consistency as a great states man and patriot. Whilst Speaker of the House time and time again he was credited by both friend and foe tor his consistent fairness iu his rulings and honesty of purpose. Knowing you to be iucapable of in tentionally misrepresenting anybody, you surely must have been thinking of somebody else when you ascrioe to him eutertaiuiug such views up to the hour of his accepting the port-folio ot the treasury. You surely don’t mean to say that John G. Carlisle made the saoritlce he did tor the small price of the secreta ryship of the*treasury for four years, or that Grover Cleveland entertaining the views he did on the silver ques tion would oiler the place to Mr. Car lisle knowing he must be converted before they could work together har moniously. No, 1 don’t believe that. 1 would rather apply Festus’ reply to Paul to you than believe it. CHAS. W. C'AMUBKLL, t?K. Glassification and Quality of the Orange- The Audubon Agricultural aud Hor ticultural Association of I<ouisiaua have appointed a committee to exam ine aud report upon the various varie ties of the orauge for the purpose of ascertaining which are the best adapt ed for the climate aud aoil of that stats, sad thinking lbs report will bs interesting to the orange growers of Florida, we reproduce It: The Satsuma—Specimens from five orchards were tested. Fruit from young trees was found imperfect, putty and unequally ripened; from old trees smaller, better aud more juicy Some were seedless; others had a few seeds. An early aud prolific bearer. Trees hardy, dwarfish, with large leaves aud thornless, belong to the “kid glove” or Mandarin family of Japanese orLin, synonymous with OOnshiu and Unsbiu. Mandarin—Various samples were submitted; upon testiug, committee pronounced ail identical. Fruit juicy aud delicious, but seedy. Willow leaved, dwarfish tree; fruit of the thin skinned, “kid glove” variety. Early and prolific bearer. Very desirable. Mikado—Resembles the Satsuma Clofely K. —Also closely resembles the Sat surna, and is almost seedless. Kiuo Ku no—Smaller than the Sat suma, which it closely resembles, ex cept that Us foliage is like that of the Mandarin. A good variety, worthy of propagation. The Tangerine—ls of the Mandarin family, with large leaf; flavor inferior to that of the Mandarin. Matures late. The following varieties of Tan gerine were tested: Red, Dancy’s, Cogwell’s aud Huuter's, all being simi lar in flavor. Queen Orange—Newly imported. Good sized, vigorous tree, medium in maturing. Specimens examined too immature to judge of quality. Raid win No. i—From California; early aud abundant bearer; clean, round, large fruit, and ripens in De cember. Naval Orange—Of several varieties presented, the Bahia, from Brazil, was pronounced best, in fact, superb weet, but pieasautly acid, very juicy aud of large size. Found thoroughly ripe, inqiorted by the United States agri cultural department, and parent of all Naval varieties Next in quality comes an unknown Naval variety, which the comraittte, iu the absence of the tree, could not name. The Washington Naval, interior to either of above, but larger and rather immature. The Militeuses Naval is an early and abundant bearer; fruit large and a month later than the Washington Naval. Sweet Seville—Very sweet, even when green. Lacking iu acidity. A medium-sized, early orauge. Some times called in Louisiana “Qulnette’s Sugar Orange.” Brazilian—A pretty, showy orange, strongly acid; good shipper; prolific, but rather late bearer. Keeps late in summer. Magnum Bonum—Large, pleasantly acid, delicious; rather thick skin. Tree a vigorous grower, but moderate bearer. Mediterranean Sweet—Fruit medi um-sized, deliciously acid. Tree an early and prolific bearer. Majorca—Fruit medium size, round, rich and joicy. Keeps well; good shipper. Tree robust, nearly thorn less aud good bearer. Imported by General Sanford. Maltese Blood—Fine flavor, but sam ples before us not blood colored; very small and compact. Saul’s Blood—Medium in size aud quality, but meat not blood color. Armory’s Blood—Very large, thick skin, but uot blooded. Quality me dium. Beach’s No. s—Large, pear-shaped fruit, moderately sweet, with good fla vor. Ripens late. Prolific bearer. Homosassa —Fruit medium size skin tough, with bright color, and heavy, rich juice. Bt. Michael’s Egg—Fruit large, ovalt thick-skinned ; said to be rich juiced aud quality fair. Prolific bearer with few thorns. Unripe and uot tested. St. Michael—lmported by General Sanford. Fruit medium, round, with tough skin; said to be of good quality, and tends to overbear. Too green to be tested. Hybrid With Pomelo—Fruit large, smooth, with thick skin, and sample palatable, lough green. Only slightly bitter. Star Palyx— Fruit small, but rich in flavor. Too tsreen to test. Variety new, foliage of tree peculia aud limbs crimpied aud drooping. Hart’s Tardiff—Fine, large orange, but ripens too late for Louisiana. Pride of Malta—Large, round or ange; a fine but late variety. Too green to test. Mikado —From San Francisco. Fruit small, with deeply red flesh: matures very early. Kumquat—Three varieties tested. Wry sweet, obloug, aromatic peel; tree a dwarf aud very oruameutal. Japanese Variety—An orange with unknown name. Very small, with good flavor. Japauese Obioug Pomelo—Very large, with agreeable flavor. Flesh white Japan Summer Orange—A Pomelo, very large, unripe aud quite sour. Bell’s Favorite—Originated by Mr. E. Bell, at Biloxi, Miss. A seedling— large, sinoot orange, very early, ripeu iug by October Ist, and flavor deli cious. Dame, at Smith’s has ihe finest dis play of fruits and confectionaries in the city. “Yours in a tight to the fluish,” is the way the K. of L. General Master Workman closes his address to the Kuights of Labor of America. XradawsX \ MICROBE ( l KILLER ) y Isthe only known principle % a that will destroy the microbe X / iu the biood w ithout injury to \ | the system. By removing the 1 0 one cause it cures ail human 1 1 1 I The Wftlttaai Katlaiu M lrrote Killer Cos. I K 7 Laigbl L. New York Ctty. M \ Agent for OjiU a GKO. D TYLBB. IMIUiQifCV—“ y rote* atonal. Gold fillings and other alloys for fillings. Crown and bridge work a speciality. Sets ot teeth of gold, platinum, aluminum, celluloid aud rubber, or without plates, if desired Teeth extracted free of pain by use of gas and other methods. Ottloe in Merchants’ Block, over Merchants’ National Bank. R. D. FULLER, Dentist, Ocala, Fla. j am ks chace DENTIST. Special aneutiou given to crown brtOawufk, Goldplates. and all fl ret-cl ass operation pertain lag to the Denial Art. Gas administered for tlif paTnlee* extraction of taeth OBre in Kirt Ya tloual Bunk Balldlng. . H. B. IKEDEKICK. M l>. A.— Having Graduated in four of the beat medical last tutioua tn the United States, with an ex perience ,t tbirty-sii years lu .h pm alee o Sledlelne, Surgery and Gynecology, I offler my services to thi citUens of Ocala ana unround, lug country. ALL IWSkABkS or Wont.' A if Eel vi.l Y. Consultation free by mail or at office, Agoew Hall; Residence on Ft. Kin* avenue. Office Hours:- 8% to 11 a. m ; -'Hi to 6 p. in. OcALA - FLOfiIDA J AMES H HILL, ATTORSBY AT LAW. Court House Ocala, - - - Fla. County Judge. Wu2W3 w davh ATTORNEY AT LAW AST) SOUCrTuB IS CHAR OK BY. Office Ist National Bank Building. v-2-tW W. A. (ToCKKB. E. Y. Al.t.BR. J JOCKER * ALLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LW. Office in Merchants* Block Yy 8 BULLOCK, ATTOftHKY-AT-LAW. Union Block, Ocala. -----i lorida A. HEftFORP, Attorn y-at-U * Room 1 aud 3. Hood Block. OCALA. ..... Fla TyjILTON F. HOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Union * Block, Ocala ... Florida J J. FINLEV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Legal - Row, 7*14 Ocala - - Florida N. oKKKN. ATTORNXY-AT-LAW. Land mattetb a Specialty. l oom No 3 Merchant’s Block Y MARSHALL, AT7ORRIY-AT-LA W Lafayettee Block, Ocala, Florida ■yy K. ZEWADSKi. —-ATTORRKY-AT-LAW. Room 6, Gary Block, - - • Ocala. Florida OCALA LIME COMFY OCALA. FLA factnren* of the famous Trowel Brand Of lime, for building and finishing works. Guar.mtee full weight i-i their barrels, and better results per barrel, than any lime offered u this mar k Ocala Wagon Worts. N. J. KINGMAN. Proprietor, Jfv .SiwviKy, fS6,SO WagonsGarriaytte and UARNES' All kinds of Wagon Sup plies always on hand. Ocala, - - Fla. VIGOR of MEN t Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, aud all the train of evil* from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry,etc. Fuilstrengrb, development and tone given to *\ ery organ and portion of the body, simple, natural tnethniis. Immediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (scaled) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. MAKBLk. Uk.Ai.Bh ABu UNDERTAKER Have a full stock of Coffins, Casket*, and Burial Suits of every description. Special attention paid to burial service*. Embalming to Order. All orders from the country, either by letter or telegraph, will receive prompt attention. Alar a complete line of Mouume via and Head stones . For any work or material indicated call on or address 8 KoIVBK ' i:ibk FLA OCAJ.A FLA. L. FOX, SPECIAL AGENT Equitable Life Assurance Society. SfflMaU M. GBMMM UwUlflL THE OCALA BAJNAEK BAiMJAtII *o, iow* Th#Largest and Most Com - j plete Establishment Snath. Ik S. Hacker; Son. M 4 Jil’FACTl’ It Eli OK DOORS, SASH, Bi.INDS. MOULDING AND BUILDING MATERIAL, i Office and warevooms King opposite Cannon! Street CHAKLFKTON, - S. V. ■ Porch tt> our make, which we guarantee superior to any sold 'South and thereby save money. Window ,<9<i Pates 4 fpecially 1 Spectacles and Eye-Glasses of Every: Desc npTtpri M ■■ ■ ro Order ttperati-s Extensive I.* M> t Ri -i -■> Mai'ht.iory Hun br Electric Power. Alain Ofllce, I“ Whitehall St. ATLANTA, - - CIA. j All eyes fitted and a til guaranteed ! by Wm. Anderson, Druggie', and ! Optician, Ocala, Fla. A Beautiful Drang Srcya Near Ocala For Safe. Cost $5,000 . ~. , i Owing to the pres sure of hard times will be sold for $2,- 500. A Great Bargain DR. BARI LEY Eye, Ear, Nose a ;cl Throat 8 P EUi A L ATT E N T IO N (i 1 V KN TO KITTING GJ,ASSES. Consultation Free. OFFICE AT CHAU LE HOUSE W.C. JEFFORDS, I REAL ESTATE. AGEM Florida Fertilizer Cmi jm y W. J. EDWARDS* MARKET STALLS. . You will always liud tlie best meats and vegetables at his stalls, j SAMUEL S. TbAGUE, AUD. REAL ESTATE Ocala & L fly Lke. Fla. and will cure you. Druggets have it. bead It Will Pay You to Read This. If you not'd a riding, driving or car riage, wagou or all around farm ani mal I.iddou Bros., can supply you. The attention ot farmers is called to their excellent lot of brood mares. PARK COTTAGE (No S. Laura t.) Jacß*osvuok, Fi.a. Couvenieutiy locate.! opposite City Park, one block from St. James and Windsor Hotels. FURNISHED ROOMS: Witto Witkokt br4. THE HOLIDAYS AHE FAST BUT Evlmhw inonv VALUES All dill (llldn CONTINUE In Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Oil Cluths and Curtains of varied descriptions and Styles. Dress Goods in Great Variety! Fine Line of Winter Goads. SHOE DEPARTMENT COMPLEX? FOR MEN AND WOMEN. c. mcimiiEi 8 Bris. \~sa4iW. L. DOUGLAS W CU GENUINE 4 M OIiVC WELT. ** <o.£ sggjfc.i . : Waterproof. Best Sho* sold at the price. pi\ -ml! \£a*ss. S4 anti S3.CO Dress Shoe. „ §•• mr \ < ti>D iu . unsung trotn to s:>. cf li§ \vgK.S3.6O Police Shoe, 3 Soles. gify % \#L S2.CO, and 52 Shoes, §0 '■ X^^LBo y S 52 & SI. 7 5 School Shoes $3, $2.60* S2, $1.75 ‘ B:bja Itvat Uougolu, Stylish, I'trfvct ii rittixgawiHmlccable.lkit H T...iN -f. -r-, \ in the world. All Style*. % IHIS IS IHE dFSTT & a- \ Insist upon having W.L. %• ** "** C. ;v hougia* shoes. Name ■ V • / "■ r - • ”Mlak ~ anu prieo stamped on DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. Tiu-y *an ; ;it a lea profit, aud we believe vou ran nave money by haying all your footwear of the draieT advertised belorr. Catalogue free upon apidiuatioa. LEITNER ti LIITMER, Dunnellon, Fla A Otraonlinary Clothing** •cloth! nc WAT HR.MAM & FULLER, : determining to supply tbe wants ol Ocala in the Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Line have on hand an unrivaled stock, to which tney proudly call attention of the public. New, Nobby, Elegant. CALL AND SEE BURNETT, The Watchmaker, MERCHANTS’ BLOCK \ ith at at e c n ection ol Diamonds and the finsta line ol sohde dtl rp siieware ewelry. etc., ever brought to Ocala. Headquarters for Watches. Largest assortment Lowes t prices I I C tION ES, MANUFACTURER OF SODA AND MINERAL WATERS AND DEALER IN Appe Peach Grape Orange O iders & Viega v - Thaukiug my friends ami patrons for favors in the past, I solicit a continuance of same an I guarantee satisfaction. Works Near F. C. & P. Depot OCALA, - - - FLA OcaD h iflrj eM Icli| Ms / GENiilAi. SOIB IBOFS. A Iron and Brass / g casting of every / A variety supplied at xf short notice. Phosphate Machinery" State Agents Kisk Steam Pump. .J "J JL=- 'WISB Mlosj manhood restored. o BIVYNISII SEIIVEGUAIKSB the wonderfui remedy is sold with a wnueo guarantee o cure ai mnvot:* diseases uch -s Week Mem ory, Lossvt Kratu PoerJUat ttanyiod, Nighdy Emissiors, EvU Dreams Lack o£ Confidence. Nervousness, Lassitude, all drains and loss of power of the Generative Orjer-s • .. r ux cacssii by over c* rtioo, youthfol eners,or excessive maecf mfeacog, opi an or sriemiants stbach soon lead to !:{rm:tv,Coov npCrn : ; :td I. . .r.isy. i'nt op cocvtr.jent tocarry m vest pocket. Sent by mail la pMiapaclt:. <* to arty ttddns fur Qt, r 6 igSanaffr 1 1'lirMrwrwinwir ull-Ziyt./ OfiJ itw., and. C.OrorM, Prspullssta,Funds. LUMBER LUMBER LUMra* Cypress Shingles,Plus ering i aths, T-.'getuhs Builaing Lumber of all Kinds. DRY ORANGE BOX HEADS A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR Meffert's “ Square Brand Lim?." SAW MILLS AND PLAINING MILLS J MILES NORTH OF OCALA ON FLORIDA SOUTHERN RAILROAD B- H • Seymour Cos. Sinclair’s Warehouse. Ocala, - - Florida. THE ALLIANCE STORE Has just Received a mst Com plete stock of FALL AND WINTERGOODS Lot* Prices for Cash Purchases. J. J. OERIG, nOALA, - - • FLORIDA. Tile Ocala Hews DbpbT Has a full line Letter Presses, Office and School Supplies, ard Diaries tor 1894 anil Fverything in the Stationary Line. OCALA NEWS DEPOT FLORIDA Merchants' Steamship Cos. of Florida. Steamers “JOHN G. Uli BISTOPHEK” And“El IHI THOMSON” Are npp Jntcd to sail from Fler 30, North River, New York, every B*tt'r*ay. From J .ekamrll • every tu lday, to gnu the tide. Rtt*s oa orange-, 330 er Nix; 60c per barrel. New York Pier is orated by .t, am and i* located in the center of the fruit trade. K it*-* from New York to JackgonvXe are 20 per cent lower thac other lines. Insurance 1-5 of l r>er cent W. H. CHRISTOPHER, W. 'f. CXJ4TFB Avent. Getter I Fr-iirht 4 vent Pfer 30. North River, N. Y. J. U. CHtUSTopHER. G- neral Manager JackKmvili*. K.a. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE Real Estate Borrow Money or Make Investments, WRITE The L. R Benjamin Investment Company, Not Iropuratßd) JACKSONVILLE, FLa. Money Loaned for a Chicago Trust Cos. OCIU LUMBER COMPANY, OCALA. FLA, -DEAL** IN LUMBER, 5 us laths, 2 s i SHINGLES, is CASINGS, “ -g CEILING, j FLOORING, < SIDING, MOULDING. T -A ]NTK©. FOR PRODUCTION AND PROFIT BuvTrees of the Well-known, ReliahleJen years ts^ed • GLEN ST. MARY NURSERIES. ® 3ATBT3MA 08X1.91* h.rd, ud *rly HCMI. .Ml f.p.r ix.ll TXrt.ty OAMr*OX TkXX* FEARS *ll ktad.. Itßffli... stock WAI.BVT* *m* J.pxa ecxllforai* THAI VMCXELLA *Eaches, to .Ari.tu. *.W ud *l4. ciumn j.uHuxa,tA. tumtu uivm SLDMTJ bt Jpin ud sxtiv. .art*- OLIVE* ud AFXICOT* HUIOLIA srAKOIftOXA JAPAK PERSIMMONS,v.rt.tluail t... 4, PIU ud HSIIIBUII CITRUS t ’POLSATA 9RAPES, good .apply, all Uodln. kud* POME9RASATSS ROSES vart.ti.. Other klad. lot* of Uarui write for wkal yee want. FBKK: Snedrimeni. of fruit to tteaaon : and oar experience and Informal!- „aa> tr your locality, worth much more. For instance, we hare dtacarded one variety of which we .hipped d(i bushel, in l**7. and this but on* of the hundred* of varieties t**t*d. We h*T* built our ref utaiiab on line Woe*-some say the /incut. An Kx-Governor of Fla. writes: “They are beauite*. m> adwilruHf packed as to shame a novice, and even many who pretend to be experts.'’ Prompt and ear-fal attention to correepoadence. Price* reaeonable. Catalogue free. - G. L. TABER, Clen St. Mary* Fla. 1 Hi" . - -■ - i~THEr-r-^ OLDEST, LARGEST, BEST iCg-aipped Livery, Feed and Sale Stable in South Florida. Don*t forget tbe old RELIABLE LIVERY STAND E. B. RICHARDSON, OCA LA, - - FLA AL WAYS ON HAND PERFECTLY RELIABLE la Ocala's old and well known watchmaker and jeweler. LOXJIB VOLK, Who carries a well selected stock of goods in his line, prices of whioh will commend themselves. lu ▲. E. UeleuMt’i Hardware Store. OCALA, - FLORIDA