of all in Leavening Power—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
The Industry in & Cn ical Condition—
A Nesting Called in Ocala, Febru
ary 6th.
The prominent growers at the Ocala
bouse gathering Jan. 23 were Gen.
Bullock. Judge W. 8. Bullock, M. Uil
tett, F. C. BulFuiu, Samuel VV. Teague,
Major Kooks, Geo. Campbell, Major
Magruder, W. P. Haisley and it. L
Gen. Bullock presided aud Myron
Gillett acted as secretary.
There was an expression of views
' on the serious condition of affairs .-ur
rounding the orange industry among
the leading ones of Florida aud the
necessity for prompt and immediate
To begin the active agitation of the
important subject it was determined
to call a meeting of the oruuge grow
ers of the state in Ocala, Tuesday,
February t>th, aud an invitation ex
tended to Dudley Adams, of Orange
county, to address the gathering.
Judge Bullock and R. L. Anderson
were requested to draw up a call ask
ing the eo-operatiou of every orange
grower iu the state and their pres
ence on the occasion, ami that the
eall be ordered printed iu every paper
in Florida.
The following committee was ap
pointed to prepare a program and the
work to be considered aud acted on
February 6th. consisting of General
and Judge Bullock, Major Rooks, F.
C. Buffum and Myron Gillett.
Our readers will please take notice
that not only the orange growers of
the county and state are cordially in
vited to be present on February 6th,
but all persons interested in that and
kin lred pursuits. We trust that the
attendance wilt be large, for informa
tion not generally disseminated and
tacts not thoroughly understood by
our people will be given a thorough
At a large aud enthusiastic meeting
of the orange and lemon growers of
Florida, held in Ocala. January ;3,
184 M, when the present depressed, dis
tressed and threatened situation of the
industry was discussed by prominent
and leading growers of the state, the
undersigned was authorized to call a
convention of the lemon and orange
growers of the state, which is hereby
done, to meet in Ocala, February 6th.
1894, for the purpose of a more e tfec
tual organization and the perfecting of
~ sueh plans as may be deemed expe
dient and necessary to save the indus
Distinguished talent will meet with
us and we earnestly appeal to the grow
ers of the state to give us their pres
ence, sympathy and co-operation, and
meet with us. Robert Bvllock,
Attest: Chairman.
M. E. Gillett, Secretary.
The following petition is being ent
to orange growers for their signatures:
2o fee Senate of the United Mntes:
The orange and lemon growers of
Florida, without regard to party or
political affiliations, wish to cull your
attention to the pressing need for a
protective tariff for their fruit. There
are at present in our state about 6,< Mi)
persons who own orange aad lemon
groves. We have invested iu this in
dustry nearly $30,000,000, and now
produce from three to live million
boxes of fruit annually. Our fruit be
gins to come to market in August and
the last shipments are made iit April.
Thus with Florida and California or
auges, the market of the United
States can be fully supplied the year
round. Iu cultivating more thau 40,-
•00 acres of orange and lemuu trees,
we give employment to a Urge labor
force, {laying for ordinary Libor, sl,
and for skilled labor from $2 to $3 per
day, while our Mediterranean com
petitor pays put a few cents per day.
It costs us to produce, gather, pack
anti freight a box of osanges to New
York nearly $1.50, while the foreigner
can pay the present duty aud lay
down in New York a box of oranges
at a cost of $1.25. Thus, owing to the
great difference in the cost of labor,
we are undersold iu our own market.
Id our effort to dispose of our pro
duct, we frequently rind our markets
very much demoralized through the
heavy importation of foreign fruit,
and iu couaequeuce we are obliged to
market our fruit at a loss. With the
heavy increased production which
must come from an extensive plant
ing of trees* both oranges aud lemons,
in Florida, California. New Mexico
and Arizoua, we can fully supply our
own home market, aud we believe
that it should be preserved to us bv
placing upou all foreigu oranges anil
lemons a duty of $1 per box.
We therefore pray your honorable
body to give us such provisions in the
pending tariff bill as will enable us to
overcome the difference iu the values
of Labor between the old country aud
the new, and preserve our industry
from destruction.
The extraordinary low price of or
anges this season has cause*! a number
of our leading orange growers and
se those interested in the orange busi
ness to study the gravity of the situa
tion in all ita bearings and have come
to the conclusion, irrespective of poli
tic*, that the orange industry, being
d.Jffereut in many particulars from
any other industry in this or other
states of the Union, must.have sup
port and help from the low priced and
long hours of labor and cheap freight
of the millions of boxes of imported
fruit that reaches our shores annually
and In most instances causes the low
price* received for domestic fruit.
When the difference in conditions are
aaraftoliy noted it will be *su that
foreign fruit is brought here and sold
at a price which give** a profit to the
foreign grower, yet at the same figures
makes a positive haw to the home
grower. It is to overcome these dif
ferences and place the orange indus
try on a fairly profitable basis that
the meeting was called.
Florida papers plsass copy.
Candler Chit-Ohat
To the Editor of tbs banner.
Prof. J. M. Chatter is building a cot*
tage ou his lot west of town.
Mrs. Hornibrook and Mrs. Bowies,
of Eustis, Fla., have been visiting
friends here,
l>r. S. F. Crocker has been quite ill
with la grigpp.
Mrs. Martin, of Montague, has been
visiting friends here.
Mrs. Mary Benjamin is building a
cottage on her orange grove south of
Rev. Mr. Stearns is holding a pro
tracted meeting iu the Presbyteriau
church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Van De
leter, of the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Lamar, Mo.,
arrived Saturday evening on a visit to
Mr. aud Mrs. L. 11. Smith, of this
The road from Heather Island to
Candler has been completed.
Pit king aud packing oranges seem
to be the order of the day. Frank
Moses shipped a ear-load Tuesday, and
weut to his grove across the Ocklawa
ha river Wednesday to pick his or
auges there.
Mrs. Tenney, of Hammock Pond, is
visiting relatives here.
A Millions Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend iu Dr.
King’s New Discovery for eonsump
lion, Coughs, and colds.—lf you have
never used this Great Cough Medi
cine, one trial w ill convince you tbatr
it has wonderful curative powers in
all diseases of Throat, chest and
I.uugs. Each bottle is guaranteed to
do all that is claimed or money refun
ded. Trial bottles free at J. B. Car
lisle Drug Store. Large bottles 50c.
and $1 .no.
Paving Their Streets.
Collector Wartmann came down
from Citra last evening to aid his son
and faithful assistant, Kyle, to rake in
the shekles for state taxes.
Refering to his town he says the city
conucil has struck a rich lead in get
ting on to the idea of paving their
-treets, not with rock, gravel, saw-dust
or palmetto shucks, but with genuine
soft phosphate, which averages way up
in the nineties, and is as rich in fer
tilizing qualities as that used by Mr.
Tompkins, which he is mining and
selling to his neighbors as a first-class
Weil, this soft phosphate is use*! as
street dressing, beiDg put on about
four inches deep and twenty feet
br ad.
The first street to receive this gen
erous ami acceptable coating of rich
earth is the one leading to the depot
west to the piuey heights beyond, and
the good work will not stop until
every important street leading to the
prominent groves of the place has
been strewn with soft phosphate.
It uot only makes the champion
road pavement of the country, packing
dowu like cement, and as firm as rook,
but at a cost unheard of, only thirteen
ceuts a running foot.
Hurrah for Citra and its long level
headed councilman. E. L. Wartmann,
who conceived aud proposed the
work, which is now being so success
fully carried out.
The Grip-
Aii experience with this disease dur
ing all its past epidemics, warrants
the bold claim that Dr. King’s New
Discovery will positively cure each
and every case if taken in time, and
patient takes the ordinary care to
avoid exposure. Another thiug has
been proven, that those who have used
Dr. King s New Discovery escape the
many troublesom after results of this
disease. By all means get a bottle
aud try it. It is guaranteed, aud
money will be refunded if no good re
sults follow its use. Sold by James B.
A Will Case.
Our readers may remember a very
interesting case that came before his
honor, fudge Hooker, at the late term
of the court which involved a deed
aud ownership to land.
The parties were from Fort McCoy.
The deed was made to Elijah Love, sr.,
but the Elijah, jr.. claimed it was in
tended for him. He lost the case.
Siuce then the senior has died, and
the junior will contest the will. The
ease will come up before Judge Hill
iu about ten days. It will be intero-c
--iug matter.
For Sale,
Sixty-five acres of good land, 12
miles from Ocala. 5 acras in orange
grove. Will guarantee 250 boxes of
orauges this year. Will sell close if
sold soon. Also 3 lots in Ocala, 100 by
356 it. on high grouud. To parties
wishing to build will sell cheap.
Buildings are rapidly externling in
direction of lots. For information ap
ply to box 525, Ocala, Fla. 7-21—
Meats, Salt aad Freeh Fieh of *Q Kind*
aad Varieties
Fowl, and Vegetable*. As good an
a*x>rtmeut for quality and kind and
as low prices as can be found in the
city. City and country trade invited.
Highest cash prices paid for country
produce. Call on Gxo. Cocstnxt,
City Hark
Mr*. Hmantha J. Ogden died Janu
ary 3rd, 1894.
At a meeting of the Candler Metho
dist Ladies’ Aid Society held January
17th, the following resolutions were
Whereas, God in His divine Prov
idence has seen fit to remove from the
scenes of this life, and the cares and
troubles of this earthly existence, our
I beloved sister, Samantha J. Ogden,
wife of D, B. Ogden, to purer scenes
aud eternal life with Him above; we
feel that this Society has lost an effl- ,
cient worker; the community a good
citizen, and her husband and children
a devoted wife and mother.
Resolve i, That we bow in humble
submission to the Divine will of an
allwise God in this, our great lose, re
membering that He doeth all things
for the best. That we tender to the
bereaved family our heartfelt sympa
thy in their bereavement.
Resolved, That her name, age and
date of death be Inscribed in the min
ute book of this Society on a page re
served for that purpose.
Resolved, That a copy of these res
olutions be furnished the family aud
one to the Oeaia Banner for publica
Mrs. A. D. Moore,
Mrs. W. H. DeLono,
Mrs. VVm. Wilson,
fitggi' Little Giant Pills
Relieve Headache, Constipation aud
Indigestion. Try them. Bold aud
warranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
Blaine a Handy Manual of Useful Infor
There ha** just been published In
Chicago a most valuable book with
the aK've title, compiled by Prof.
Win. H. Blaine, of Lancaster Univer
sity. Its s<k) page-* are full of just
what its name implies—useful infor
mation—and we fully advise all our
readers to send for a copy of it. It is a
compeudium of things worth know
ing. things difficult to remember, and
tables of reference of great value to
everybody, that it has never before
’ l>eeu our good fortune to possess in
j sueh compact shape. Our wonder i
j how it can be published at so low a
price as is asked for it. It is hand- j
-omely bound in flexible cloth covers, 1
and will be sent to any address, poet- !
paid, on receipt of 25 cents in postage j
stamps, by the publishers.
276 A 278 Franklin St.,
Chicago, Ills.
The Honduras Colony,
At the meeting of the “Honduras
Immigration and Improvement Colo
ny" lately held, this name and a con
stitution and by-lawe were adpoted.
The present officers are: President, 8.
L. Bitting, vice-president; 8. P. A
thony; secretary, R. R. Snowden; as
sistant secretary. B. M. Williams;
treasurer. G. W. Cleveland. Board of
' directors; G. W. Cleveland, R. M.
Williams, R. R. Bnowden, 8. P. An
thony, 8. L. Bitting, J. H. Curry aud
John H. Mann.
A committee of three members will
be sent to Honduras to get all possible
information relative to the character
of the country and best terms upon
which grants of land can be secured
and to secure said grants conditioned
upon approval by the members after
returning and make their report to
All this movement is almost entire
ly spontaneous. There is no “working
it up." We invite all desirable per
sons interested to join ns in getting
iujoruiatioa, a* that is the whole im
port of our work now. So far all In
formation received from different
sources is flattering.
Soft Fertilizer-
Mr. Henry Rice, one of the officers
of the Btandard Phosphate Cos., al
Kendrick, who make a specialty of I
preparing soft phosphate for fertilizing !
purposes, made the Banner a call this
morning and said the company is ,
very busy filling orders.
He said last evening's mail brought I
them orders for 348 tons, which he
says is a fair sample of their mail or
ders daily.
The. Banner is pleased to hear that j
soft phospbatesare commending them- j
selves to orange aud vegetable grow- i
Chrome Catarrh Cured.
After suffering severely from chron- j
ic catarrh, and almost losing my
voice from the effects of the disease, I j
resorted to Hadam’s Microbe Killer,
and found relief.
Mist* Coils May,
Dowagiac. Mich.
Money :a Sight For Investors,
Horace P. Eagleton, dealer in all
kinds of improved real estate in Mar
ion, Lake aud the other counties o* I
the state. Call on or write to
Horace P. Eagleton, j
Room Motes Block. Leesburg, Fla.
The Ocala
Photo Cos.
Headquarters for the
The Ocala -
.* Photo Go.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A 37-acre farm within 1J miles of
city limits of Ocala. 100 head of
fowls, 25 bead of hogs, 14 head of cat
tle, horse and wagon and other farm
tools. I will sell cheap for cash or ex
change for Ocala city property. Ad
dress or apply to J. B. Sutton, Ocala,
Fla. 1-4-94 lm.
Steam Vail Borers.
The undersigned parties are pre
pared on short notice to drill all kinds
of wells, guarantee their work and
time required to complete same.
Apply to, J. D. Allen,
Wx. McKay, Hernando, Fla.
Oomlm, Fla. s§■ss.
Missing Word Contest-
Supply the missing word in the fol
lowing sentence:
In society the all absorbing topic in
England during the qaarter was the
Prince of Wales and the ....
One Focrxh of the subscription re
ceipts of those entering this contest
will be divided amoug those who sup
ply the correct word in the blank in
the above sentence. Thus, if there
are $5,000, one-fourth would be $1,250.
If ten supply the correct word each
would receive $125, If 100. each $12.50,
Both of the above contest* free and
in addition to two paper* for the price
of one.
The Weekly Constitution has a cir
culation of 156.000, and i* the people'*
paper. It favors Tariff Reform, an
individual income tax, aud the expan
sion of the currency to a degree suffi
cient to meet the legi imate business
demands of the country.
It cover* the uew9 of the world
every week, having news correspon
dents in all the news centers of the
Take your home paper, The Banner,
and The Constitution, both for $1.40.
Notice of Annual Meet ag.
Notice is hereby given that the au
nuai meeting of the stockholders of
the Anglo-Florida Phosphate Com
pany has been adjourned to meet at
the Ocala House ou Wednesday, Feb
ruary 14, 1894 at the hour of seven p.
m. for the purpose of electing direc
tors, altering by-laws aud transacting
such other business as may naturally
come before the stockholders annual
meeting, where all stockholders are
requested to be present in person or bv
proxy. Ephraim Banning,
8. M. Meek, President.
Secretary. w-9-12t.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A six room house with kitchen at
tached ; the house is in good order:
one-half acre ground; bearing orange
trees, good cistern, etc. The house is
in Citra. next to the biggest orange
groves sn the world, which offer good
opportunities for labor. Apply at this
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Chicago-Florida
Phoehate Company will be held at 12
o’clock noon, Wednesday, Februarv
14tb, 1894, at the office of the compa
ny in Ocala, Florida, for the transac
tion of such business as may be pre
sented, and for the election of direc
tors to serve the ensuing year. All
stockholders are requested to be pres
ent. H. 8. Merritt,
1-19-21 Becretarv.
Will Build.
Prof. C. H. Colby has let the con
tract to build a neat, e< sy cottage on a
lot recently purchased from Mrs. Fov.
The lot faces east and joins Mr. Hugh
E. Miller’s residence on the north. It
will cost $1,500, and Mr. E. H. Likows
ki will erect it.
Yancey A Davis.
Purveyors to the public in meats,
poultry and fish* of every variety.
Quality high Prices low. Remem
ber, stalls 1 ai - City Market.
Lake Weir Nurseries
Offers 15,000 oue and two year budded
orange, lemon and grape fruit trees
for sale at prices to suit the time*.
Call ou or address
Geo. E. Cahhbkll,
1-9-94-3 m 1 Lake Weir, Fla.
A farm of 280 acres located on Ock
lawaha river, ten miles from Ocala
and four miles from .Silver Springs,
comprising shell and chocolate ham
mock with first-class productive pine
land, high, dry and healthy, natural
drainage to river: about 1(H) acres
cleared and well fenced. Nice frame
house 30,6x36.6, 11 stories, ceiled and
painted throughout, also dining room,
kitchen aad pantry. 17x38, packing
house, sheds, stables, barns, heuery,
etc. No. i well of water, bearing
grove of eight acres. A creek runs
through part of the land on which
there is a wild orange grove and
chalybeate springs. The finest cattle
and sheep range in the county ad
joins this property. Large crops of
corn, oats, rice, sugar-cane, potatoes
and cabbage have been grown on it.
The timbered portion consists of pine,
hiekory, white and willow oak, red
cedar, magnolia, ash, bay and sweet
gum. The above property is now of
fered at one-half its value. Apply to
1-2* tf. Marion, Cos., Fla.
The Place to Buy—
The Place to Sell,
.Second-hand household furnishing
goods of every variety and kind.
It will save you money by calling
North side Square. Ocala.
Also bargains in bran new furniture.
Hand-Made Sour Mash
I beg leave to announce that I have
been appointed by Mr. I. W. Harper. 1
the famous distiller, of Nelson county, j
Ky., agent for his superb Hand Made
Sour Mash Whiskey. This announce
ment is of importance to every one,
for it insures to them for the future
one of the purest, most delicate and
celebrated whiskies in the world, and
those who will take the trouble here
after to demand the “L W. HA RPER
WHISKY" need have no fear that its
moderate use will injure either health
or (Deposition.
■ LW. J ’ HC*a.xx, Oeaia, Fla.
Startling News for
Stovk aud fixtures have to go within
a very short time and the Model
■ Ciothing Cos., of Ocala, will shortly be
a thing of the past. We have decid
; ed to give up business and offer our
entire stock of Clothing, Gents’ Fur
; nishiugs. Trunks and Valises at such
| price# for the next twenty days that
will surprise and *tarile the trade, as
we don’t care to move the stock, and
prefer giving the people the benefit.
Everybody know* we have new goods,
uot shelf worn, motheaten, nor have
we auction good*. We manufacture
our own goods, and e:-m assert that we j
can save you 50 per cent, and more on
all your purchases, as we don’t care to
take anew lease ou our store. A u
* enonnou* assortment of tailor-made
I clothing, iu cutaways, uck, double
breasted. Prince Albert suits In do
mestic and foreign fabrics of tile latest
styles, and are able to suit the most
fastidious Sas'e, but to show you that
we are determined this stock must tie ;
closed we quo‘e a few prices: t*uit
actually worth and sold everywhere 1
for $lO go for $3.65; Cawiruere Buit*
worth sl4 sell foi $6.75; Dries t-uits ,
wor t slt>.so only $7.75; tine Corkscrew j
Suits *>ld everywhere for s2u aud $22
mutt go for $10.90: Pants as low os 75
cents; bov suits worth $2 50, for only j
9" cents: Overcoats, good value forslo, .
we will sell for $4: Dress shirts for 40 j
cents, which cost anywhere else $1; f
latest slyUe iu neckwear of all descrip
tion. Trunks and Valises must go
like everything else in the store aud j
we will make prices that will surprise
everybody. W e propose to sell all our !
goods within a very short time: rath- j
<-r sacrifice it iu selling cheap than j
pay freight. No u>>e complaining
of hard times when you can buy goods j
at your own price. This is a chance i
which only comes once iu a life time. ’
but you must coute at once, while as-j
sortment aud sties are complete, j
Merchants will do well do well to call ;
on us aud take advantage of this ex
raordinary big sale, as this stock aud j
fixtures must be positively closed aud
at once.
Our goods are all marked in plain j
figures and positively no deviation in
price*, ouly ouc price for all, and j
goods warranted as represented or
mouey refunded. Come early and
convince yourself that this gigantic
sale rneaiis wi,at we say.
Parties indebted to us will please i
call aud settle, as we are winding up
the business.
I nder Opera House, Ocala, Fla.
19 blocks in the eiiy of Ocala, also
720 acre of flue hammock and mixed j
lands, known as the Juo. E. Williams’
plantation. About4oo acres of same,
cleared and suitable for cultivation of j
tobacco, sugar cane, corn, oats, etc.;,
j will also make good stock farm.
Dwelling of nine rooms, store-house,!
smoke-house, barn and stables aud
several flue sites for building, two I
good springs and good deposit of peb- \
bie puosphate. Said lands nine miles j
south of Ocala aud two miles from
Santos Station, on F. C. A P. R. R.
Also 86 acres fronting on beautiful j
Like 'A eir; 3." aert s cleared sad uu- i
der wire fence; 11 acres in ( range j
j grove, 5 acres in bearing. Dwelling |
| aud barn ou same with front view of!
i five miles. The lake abounds iu fish, !
j the black bass or trout predominating. |
j Fine sailing, etc. For information j
■ apply to or address,
E. T. Williams,
Box 483, Ocala, Fla.
Hotel for Uaie.
An eighteen room hotel for sale or j
rent. For particulars address thieof-!
flee, or I’. O. Box 312. Ocala, Fla.
5t <1 and 1 w 1-15 64
Huh l jHufi
| Stoves, Tinware
Crockery and ;
Planet, Jr.. Grove Cul
tivators, Car
den Tools.
Iron and Steel.
Bolts and Rope >
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
Huian S Hlaclull
fail Music
Mrs. F. A. Stoy j
Otters her services as a teacher of
music to the public of Ocala. Voice <
theory of music and thorough in*true-! •
tion ou the piano taugh.
Call ou or address, ’ j
MAS. F. ▲. STOY,
Mi Ooak Heme. ,
For less than one-half its value
t 11
The finest improved
and unimproved property .1
in the State ot Florida.
a- Jo. e.; r udert-d by i • nul** at ih • Clr
>nit court of the Fifth judicial * ir uU ■ f T’or
in*, iu and for Vatioa eouuiy. ic si
u it.e.'Hb dty of L>- •inber, A. D., !*•,
in ac* rt*iu tin'll pending in *i<l *u
whffein CH \KI-L- O. WlTih w,*us co ■; ! a
a' nd AKM IS F. WITTE in fc * r gat
•mla* *u *iviM partner of WITTE BKuiri- j
EH.-, a ai rcaiitiie fine toap<>se' of HtOKUK j
W. WITTS and AK.ei-S F. WTITX, :.,1 K se '
<S. WITTE, In tier own : ght and a* axecut-ix j
of the last wli! of t'.SOaUE W. WITTS, de :
ceased, and IDA WI vtk. tr>- Jefen.iatito, i, I
R. A. Burford. u 6;>e*;M doiv up- i
po. 'ed ui at *1 by *aid dashd-ere. io eic-em*
Che name, will on
Muiutivj ‘.'it !>th da., ;< February. A. L> . If**,
in front of the court boue d.air in the e ty of
Old! . Mnr.O’i ourny, Florida, within the le
at, hours of s :t*. vtf.-i ad oxpose for *a e > and
will th-n tfn! there, at public nut ry. -el, to
tnr highest anil best hi idt-r for orh ihe mort
g wed p.e i ise deeeribe i iu said decise. .< io>
U.Ws, ! -wit.
.AU that pstfe parcel or tract of land “’ta
re. yi”2 ; id ..-ing in the mm, ( .f \ ,aoh,i*
State ut fl >rid, degenhed at* totHnn, to-wit:
Die northeast quarter of the northc .s j t .rtcr
and eat half of east half of northwes , tarter
of northeast <t’.rrer of se tion 38. owasiiip 8
lan* l , t ore or ie*-
AII that ei-.a n tr-ct.'pieceor parcel of :. i,
si'u.’tr i \la<v utcounty, in the tateofFL. ,
described a seoriou 18. i .wnsliiu 9. rauae iS.
ai)d the northwest q-.a-ter of s —tiou 10, low ,-
-h p 9, range ;u east, .-on ain og Aai aorve. oure
or le-s.
Also ad that oetiaioiot. p re- or parcel of
land sttnnt- and ly ng 'nd !eiOk- in the county of
Alichu.l. tete >f K'ornla, i-arheulariy auowu
and described as follow*, ti w.t; courinetc-in*
it the oaf n lie stake . n the !ae between
si. na 14 and 15 in towns up 10. south, ravine is
e ist. and running thence .-at li chains ana 50
iinks to a stake; '.hence gnuth 5 main., and
links to a -take, widen is :ue pond of bes;u
ntug foils the laud he e n and i.e eos eorvaie!
did**, -cube I. and rutxtiaa lhet<*“ a<t 7 chains
and 86 huks to a stake; thence south IX chains
and i lib aa to ast xe; ibeute wet7chati* ~a>:
tW inks to a s &ie; them* north Si chain- inc. ’
.inks *o the o are of bg i tp. a: otmdrirg lit
acres o. i-ind, mo or eaa, ,y,t‘g u anil iviutr a
rt if eciion M. iu tow,whip In. solitfa range
Itf ess .
Also the following res rtie* lands n the !
couaiy of Alachua M-* e ol F i.ir.i. to w t !
_5 ucri'S otf of the northern par: a; the ouia- j
we* quarter of ihe north weal qiiar e of nr I
t on 1. townsoip 10. range ic. ibr n.-r hen* iin<* j
of the --rid tract ronntng parallel the ;
•ami dary line of the north vmt quarter il ;rn [
m.-niiw st quarter id sad sif on. tu.*naiii t
un ; rang
Aib) all iftiu tract, ; : e,-e or parcel id it>ud
, >JU'g ,nd be vf in Alach a >• tint* s>ts of
l ;o- da. and in tu a he southwest qua :vr • : j
i -outh. a*t q .ane of ,*i.n i. owuship U>, i
range ir: . "nt lung a) a. res.
Altar Hie iorowing and -e::beJ lands in the j
ounty *>f A achua. state of Florida, tn-wa
lo acres of land < fl of the south, ru part o'
ne northwest quarter of the -atheist .yr a
ter ol Ms*io i. u.wuabip I*. rang ii.
A so !, that ceßdin trad or pur**tr ot la :d
: lying ad being in .he comity or i.-. ;n : h
; Btate of Florida, ts i known asd fwr.if a
the nor hwe-r qua 'rr o: ’ae north wear qn s'er
■ .ind the ortheast quarter ot tt.- no* !;■ as
! qu rter of section 28. tow ship 18. rarqe 18.
1 south and ea-t, conuiniDg sO-25-l<j>t <ic;c*. more
! ■. r U*.
Also the following descrd-eo piece* or pare*:*
iof land,lying *n<l rh ;si tu* ein the county of ■
Marion, state of rio? da, to wit: Last i*.ll of j
i aortherust quarter aud east half of south two '
and a quarter, section !, nd e•■ ibwe-t quarter,
-ecu n 3. and east half of am in a-t quarter I
a id south ‘Ai ot south >tq. wetk>n 4. towtistsip i
; 13, rar.ge St. rfs about 3n actr s pie', iousiy s>nf. i
Alan the fid owing desenb- and ydete- • r pareets I
ot ia and, lying and being in Marion ennatv. i
j aforesaid stau-of Florida to-wit: lV,,t iia f I
i of ni rthwesi qu -rter aad sou - h ha f s cin-n
i 3’-: all ct Ks-tion 31, said laud ail i. Ing and ’• I
ms m township 14, sou. a. range St eat t, ( , u- i
taiuing I O'ti a, ,e. h ih" same in' r., < i css r !
! so much thereof as may be snffi.ien- to s uiafy ]
I said dc. re.-, c-cati* co timtiiaioasanii *rp. -u-,-.. ]
K. A BCRI Oi.D, Speci.i laL r.
! L-S-W td ('umpminam s Solicitor*.
L e ree reunered on the f’lh day of Decent
i ‘ 1833. by ibe Hon. W. A. Hoc her. Judgwof
; the Circuit Touri. atn Judic ai Circuit, Marion
rerun y. Florida, in aeeraih ca .ee then pend
ing tn said court, wherein .I. M. II DILL t*
com; iainaur and H. FKIf! * jnd others, e
-1,-n.lards, I H s Special Master, appointed in
said de. ee ts execute t; e : a . on
Monday the '.th Dty ot lSt>4. j
in front of the court houfe do rr tu sanlci -nn- i
t -and state, withiu the tegui hours lor sale, t
wilt * vpo ef r sale nd se i :o th in,heat -nd
i>-at. holder for ca-h (be mortg>igei ’.re..uses de I
•, ed in said decree, to-wil; B*g: ning *1
the non ha ! raer of the 'titerse, urn <:
Ch ritsssfret w,: . ui ! is.ni, street, as shown ;
bv the map of Keilev.ew on ft: - in tue clerk's j
flic*, running ih nt* to ty-six ad one-’ u'h
feet northwcas.erl, on ii .cof sou Last Front
- r.er: them-c non he; se- ly un- hi.ndrel i
paral >‘l t line of LTrarlc* -tree , thence south- ]
> !lei:y fort ,-t* one- tenth fee-t t-> r:.,RI, 1 -mi '
.Of said Charles street; f*. nee non sr* : ; • ,
sOUthWcstcr.y one bundled ei p iu; ..,
eiun ug. cootai’ii g by K.-tanation.one te tit * f 1
-a ac eof laud, trope or ie--., or -o tnu*' rfter - :
fas may be siifli ie:.t l -sum . >a.d d-rt c
I and e -IS. 8 l -is i KL' K. i
J. ii. HILL. Special Master j
foa pLainant's Solicitor. 1 5-d td I
In me Circuit court >n and i.r .Marion, i oiid- -
ty Florida.—iu Chancery. *
1 HA,’iLKS W. TOSEEY, CotEbla'aatif, vs.
JULY BRU AN et. al. Ueteudahiß.
• err* e reudere iu lire above cm.t ed
cause on the tilh lay of De ember. A. D . I-t*L
1. the uuders.rned special aia-ter in chsne- rv,
a med 8 .<! a.’p ;nted In wud due re, to execute
the same ml ou
Vumfiijs th* sth (sly,/ February, 1 —>4.
the same being a safes day, during the legai
hour- of sale, at the county c >urt Souse dooi- tt
the city •>! i cala. Marion eouuiy. Florida, offer
and *-*oose for Ss.e at public ucn m, ..nd w 1
-eli to rite highest and best bidder for e *h ibe
mortg*ge*l pi curses is said dual dee e* de -
eribed as foil ws: All t e in rth-We-t quarier
of bio. k So. loin Dunn's north-west addition
to the town now eit , of ccal, in a
CiUhty, state of riorida. The-ame being sc and
pursuant to and io sa>. i*fy ihc *.-id decree, tn- -
terest and cos's. Dated Oeaia. e-. S, I-“K
5-1-id E. I*. ALLEN,
S- eiai Master in Cuar.ccry j
H. 8r KCHSit. Com 'is. houencr. t-.’) .-
In the Circuit court. Fifth Judicial Circuit.
Marion county. E'lorid*.—ln Chancery
4yA AX.V aH DAVIS Fore J u-ure
J. de.i to me hoi (i'ed in the al,ve ere 1
cause that JAMES H DAVES aad sAV ,\ i
N\H l> \ IS, the defendant- therein nm-1 I
are resid nig of Uieskateof rfoii.fa. ~at h..ve j
been alxa-nt tberefro g -or more than sixty !
days ia.*t past a-’J re •■rut tit age of rwen v
oiie ye r-; it la therefore ruerat that sar! non
resident .i* fe :da.< is be aud they ar** 'rtf.ebv
q aired to apiasr lo ihebUl of coiapiaui,' fi;ei
su said cause nor oelora
Monday, tiestk day of February. A. O, .fH. j
oihcrw;*; the allegations of aid bill wui be
tan .a as co fesaed u, -aid defendant
It is farther ordered that this older be pub- I
•Uehea once a week for four consecut v wee j
tn the Ocala Uanaer, a u, wspaper published .u I
said county aud t:e This Dee US. IWK.
l-SKAL] D A. MlU.trit
Clcra Llreuil Court Mari n county Fla.
By a. T FISI Hf x’K. D. C.
Jams H. Hill. Solicitor for Cum i-5
Money to Loan.
On goo*i security in Oeaia or vicin
ity. For particular* call on or ad
dress L. N. Green, Merchant’* Block,
Rn*>in 3
*aEHirFs SiU..
BY VIHTI K OK FX-xrTION.- Tu me di- }
reciel. issut-d out uf ihc ireuit Co<rt of j
Mai ion County, FS.uiUr, out ii; favor of J H
B Aia against WILLIAM . E *BY and. ue m
iav.-.r ot JOHS J and JAMES J. ti!< XKAN
againy. WILLIAM R. ELsEY and S.AH'KI*
JOHNSDS, I will offer for toe to ibe higm-st
ouu t bou “
February 3th, 134,
during legal sale hour*. c*rtUcute* So# 71 and
tMca ot the capital sbick of
the Florida Hedge and *i Fence Company,
the property of W. it. Eisey, and . eruocaUa
thih Bpace rf>erved for the
Tea Pot Grocery
To liuv is tit c
’l’ins. liras Mil Sewin? Wm
At cost for Gash.
Piano Tuner for tbia House.
Opposite Dunn's Park . Qmla, 7)ortfhl
• i' . _■ ■ ■ i
100 Desirrble Tints in t'- Citv
| CAL. A.
i Fronting on Ft. King and oekl3w?ha Aves
From SSOO to $750 Each.
This fine rea property i® owned by Sanmel W Tengne wed
more desirabie aie to be found in Ocala. K<r u-rras 3 uer-
Iti mlare apply to Vf, C* JKFFHRDS. ih ai t. Ha.
Have the finest st.ck of UITRI'S FHfl r TBISES in the
state, consisting of Orange. Lemon aad Grape-Fruit, all the lead
ng varieties. Can also furnish a full line of Deciduous Tree* at
I.oft E V T PRIf ES for first-class sjock. We invite inspection u
nurseries. Packing guaranteed first-class in every particular.
Less than two per cent of our trees die in transplanting.
Catalogue and priee-list free upon application.
We also offer a pair of good working mules cheap for cash.
-1. W. and F. D. WAITE.
Belleview, Marion Cos. Hi. j
Mr//. / second chance. If
HiV/, you would at, first sue- SOM
ffl/// ceed, be sure and start with wJBk
n\\\ Ferry’* Seed lubbsl for ISM 1W
WiU contain* the sum and sub* tan ce If HU '
WAX', of the latest farming kno-.ri- /M j
TOYy edge. Every planter abotud
WKNN, have It. Sent free. ///iff
WEAK MF M **< r *™ from
TT 'VI c N youihful error*
r**rtf man,y vigor. Vartroeele. etc. Very n*
Pll! will efect a •peedy cur#. Bv its u*.
thouc-mls of egse of the very worm kind and
of lona standing hare been restoreto pe'eei
health 15.00# temim -nt.le from all over tha •
*ror!o. p: ice pe~ package $100; .ax for js M '
Trla. paecagj sent seeutely aeaU-d lor 10 eeuu j
pomaai sddr*>,
...The Une 10 R. medial .inner,
VA . for. Wabat*h .*• and lab 3t
Meni!<>n thi* paper Ch.eago. U’ !
*•3 o***
— I
Laud Ornca at Goiuct.h a pu.i I
ianu rr ci-ih .* I
££ following.named * ttirr haa fl'a 1 notice of i
bia intention to state final [ roof in upnon of i
hi* claim, and tba* aaidproof will oe >< m>ie be- ■
February idth, 18&4,
eix: B tSTKu OWENS, of Of-aia. kVa. horn*.
Sulhwaw ?f*L*? c 4** *• >*•* quarter of
srraU3. 01 tme * *• **•> ia
tae following w tnoaata to proaahar
WiMPntL'tijr** 1 * 00 " aP °° •* MI eld v **** <*
i VMiM j,
K. C. Palmer. , H R* .riKuv * W VnaJ
Sucre* *ora to G. t. Fean
Souiberu aud Tropical FruiUi anti
Pr due*.
l**ft Rwt St., - - . . x. Y.
Reference*—Chatham NaUoawl Bank. Brad.
ureet * and i>inn * Commercial liiairtu New
! York day.
R eal Estate.
City. County. Phoaptaate, Onum*
Grove and Timber U<di
For falo od Easy Tom
All Houaw Rented Will be Ouaraotaad
to Owner.
Offlci Ltjti fill, Fen La| imu
auta te ti bmX'