OCR Interpretation

The Ocala banner. (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.) 1883-194?, February 02, 1894, Image 1

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0. L.' BITTINQER. Oity Editor.
All Qi tloes, oaatLs oi reaolutioa* o!
respect and Condolence over ten lines will be
charged for at the rate of one Cent a wold.
For the intelligent v tier the coming
mar trill be fraught irith more
interest th n a campaign. By
what is done this winter the Fate
of parties and the history of gov
ernment will be determined.
The most valuable paper that comes
to this office is the New York World.
Fearless aud independent, working at
all times for the best interest of the
peeple, aud never for the sellish ends
of any ring or individual, supporting
the right and condemning the wroug
wherever found, it becomes a great
i>ower for good throughout the land.
Its policy is defined by its well-known
motto: “Equal Rights to All, Special!
Favors to none.” The reputation of
the Weekly World as an incomparable
newspaper Is fully established. 1
reaches for the very best aud fullest
news of the entire country, and gets
it. The celebrated “Tariff Mulle” ar
ticles are again running in their
weekly and are creatiug widespread
attenliou. Its miscellaneous pages
are replete with articles of valuable
and interesting information to every
one. It is a large 12-page, 8-eolumu
(taper for ouly $1 a year. THE
OCALA BANNER aud the Weekly
World one year, both for ouly $1.63.
The BANNER aud World Alinauac,
$1.29. BANNER, Weekly World oue
year aud Woild Almanac, all three for
$1.85. Address, OCALA BANNER,
Ocala, Fla.
Unpreotdented Newspaper Combine.
The Ocala Banker and the Atlan
ta Weekly Constitution, for one dol
lar AND FIFTY CENTS a year to CASH
subscribers. The Constitution is the
best weekly paper in the country, aad
is emphatically the people’s paper.
The Banner aud Weekly Citizen,
Jacksonville, oue year for only one
dollar aud a half cash, in advance.
Show cases for sale at Peyser’s.
Florida survives the light.
Lovers of first-class apples can rind
them at Smith's.
Avery refreshing frost Wednesday
Ball bearing and Cushion Tire Baby
Carriages at E. L. Root & Co’s.
The wood men s smile is growing as j
the thermometer goes down.
It is said 1,000 acres has been plant- :
ed in cabbages around Mclntosh.
Leave orders for wood at Will Lu
cius’ meat market.
Will Knox left Thursday for Ten
nessee for another car-load of horses.
Tuesday the Weekly Banner added
ten new names to ils subscription list.
It is reported that DaGama, the !
Brazilian insurgeut, has capitulated.
Finest Residence in Ocala for sale
Inquire at this office.
There is a “deadlock” in Mississippi
. over the election of a successor to
Senator Walthall.
Harry Davis, messenger for the
Merchants' National Bank, speut Sun
day in Jacksonville.
Hard-water soap now sold at popu
lar prices, eighlly-five cents a dozen.
It has no equal for the bath, at the
Anti-Monopoly Drug Store.
The Baptist Witness this week con
tains eight full columns about the
Corbett-Mitchell fight.
The Duval Athletic Club, which has
disbanded, is out about $4,000 in the
Corbett-Mitchell contest.
It looks like Veunor Adams, being
tried in Orlaudo for an assault on Miss
Laubach, will be cleared.
Mr. Edwaid C. Butt'um and family
arrived last Saturday from their sum
mer outing at Westerly, R. L
The literary entertainment at the
Belleview hotel Tuesday night was a
most successful aud pleasant affair.
Dr. E. Van Hood had the misfor
tune Tuesday to have his spirited
horse run away and wreck his buggy.
. Mr. Herbert J.nes having disposed
. of his bottling works to A?r. Ed. C.
Smith, intends to go to Montgomery
U> reside.
The water works question at Gaines
vill k nearing the end. They are in
hopes that by the 15th of February
they can turn the water into the
Shelled almonds,
Evaporated vegetables
for soups,
Smoked beef,
Jellies and
Cranberry sauce
At the Tea Pot.
The paper of the people.
L. Hickson Johnson, of Micauopy.,
spent Tuesday in Ocala.
Merchant M Fishel made a flying
trip to Jacksonville Tuesday.
John C. Jenkins, of Hotmsassa, has
I been appointed a substitute postal
! clerk.
Rev. J. C. Porler, of the Baptist
I Witness, preached at LaCrosse, Alueb
! ua county Sundlft..
Aimng the late arrivals w the
i Frederick House is Mrs. Butler, of
! Texas, a very agreeable lady.
Captain Joe Palmer, of Montlceilo,
j arrived in town Monday and will as
; sist Mrs. Palmer in conducting the
Hodge House,
Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Columbia,
S. C., are pleasantly located at the
Frederick House and enjoying our un
equalled climate.
Dr. Bartley returned
from Wiillstou, where ne operated on
John Tttoinas for cataract of the eye.
It was successfully done.
Mrs. Montgomery and her daughter,
Mrs. Smith, who spent part of last
j winter in Ocala, are here agaiu enjoy
ing the comforts of the Ocala House.
Dr. S. B. Gildings is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. W. 8. Edwards, of
Ocala. The doctor will remain in
j Ocala several weeks.—Gainesville Hun.
Mr. T. Boylissaud family, of Brook
lyn, N. Y., are on a visit to Mr. J. M.
Smith, lu the Cotton Plant district,
where Mr. Boyliss has it very flue or
ange grove.
Mr. Geo. Peyser aud son, Nathan,
arrived Thursday night from New
York on a visit to Mr. ('has. Peyser,
and will remain for the winter. Mr.
Chas. Peysor is delighted to have his
{ brother with him.
j Mr. E. D. Mills, of Metamora,
i iiieli., made the Banner u pleasant
call Tuesday and took iu the Banner.
He has purchased some land on the
Waldo place aud experts to make it
his home iu the future.
Mr. A. L. Waldo, wife aud five tittle
daughters, of Atlanta, G:t., are guests
of Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. N. Bungs and
Col. Joliu M. Martin and family. Mr.
Waldo is a former Marion county man,
but now a leading insurance umu of
| Atlanta.
| Mr. L. W. Haile, who, since the
I death of his estimable wife, has been
absent at Tallahassee, where he
plated his two iittie boys in the home
of his sister, has returned to Ocala,
and after settling up his business, will
return to Tallahassee to make it his
home. The Banner regrets to lose
Mr. Haile as a citizen, for he has made
an excellent one.
Judge Eugene Gary, of Abbyvilie,
South Carolina, with his mother ar
rived Wednesday and is on a visit to j
Mrs. Colonel Gary and her family, of i
this city. Judge Gary, who previous !
to ins election to the bench as associ- i
ate justice oi the state, was elected !
lieutenant governor on the Tiiitnan J
ticket. He is quite a young man, not I
yet thirty, aud is oue of the rising
young nicu of the Palmetto state, for
whom, if life is spared, a distinguished
future awaits him.
- Beggs’ Diarrhoea Balsam
Relieves Colic, Diarrhoea, and Dys
entery instantly. Always keep a sup
ply on hand. Solo aud warranted by
J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
Gone to flis Long Rest.
Mr. J. L. Mathews, father of Marion '
county’s well known aud peerless as-j
sessor, died at Flemiugton, January j
14th of paralysis, being helpless for !
the past four years.
Deceased has been acitizenof Fletn- j
iugton since 1853, ha ving come from |
South Carolina. He was the father of j
eight children, seven boys and
girl, of whom four boys and one |
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Chilly, survive
him. He was married twice, liis se
cond wife, who was 5 rs. Pinkerton,
survives him.
Mr. Mathews was one of the best
and most successful farmers that ever
tilled the soil of Marion county.
He lived at home, and after Ids se- j
corn! season in the state, never bought J
a bushel of corn, always having plenty i
to sell himself.
He was aged 78 years, lu politics, j
an unwavering democrat; in religion, j
a devoted and zealous Biptist. A
good citizen has gone from us, but
left us an example wor.hv of Lmita
tiou. Pea cto his ashes.
Is your hair failing out or turning gray?
If so try Biggs’ Hair Renewer. The
effect is wonderful. Bold and war
ranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
A fire was discovered Wednesday
afternoon iu the residence of Mr. Wil
lis Ethridge, on Fort King avenue.
The alarm was turned in and the fire
quickly extinguished without serious j
damage to the roof of the house or the
contents of the building. Fire origi
nated from proximity of chimuey* to
roof. Hose Company JSo. 1 met with
an accideut as they started for the
fire, caused by someone not connected
with the company assisting iu bar
ucssiug the hor.-e, fastening one rein
iu the ring of the hames instead of the
ring of the bridle bit, result, that when
the horse plunged out of the hose
house, the driver, in drawing the
reins, ran the wagon against the
building, breaking the siugle tree,
which caused a delay of fully five
minutes. Persons, not connected
with the company, should keep their
hands off.
Can be cured. Try Boggs’ German
Salve when everything else has failed.
Sold aud warranted by J. B. Carlisle,
New jewelry at WeiheV
An Uncomfortable Predicament-
Monday afternoon a young man, B.
Hall, came up from Leesburg and
called on Sir. W. O. Massey. He
showed Mr. Massey a letter which he
(Massey) had written Hall’s sister and
insisted in it his sister had beeu in
No sooner did Mr. Massey acknowl
edge the letter than Hall drew a pis
tol, with which he covered Massey,
and with a whip proceeded to lay it on
with a lively stroke.
This incident took place on South
Third street, opposite J. W Bander’s
livery stables. As soon as the deed
was done Mr. Hull took the train for
The circumstances leading to this
little episode are these: Mr. Hall had
a sister who came to Oeala several
weeks ago from Leesburg to rent a
house, iiiss Hall was stopping at
Mrs. McAteer’s, and in course of bus
iness called on Mr. Massey, who is a
real estate dealer. He made several
business calls on theyouug lady. In
course of conversation, after he be-
I came well acquainted with her, he
| called her "little sweetheart,” using it
iu a playful manner, and as the young
lad. took it '.ood naturedly, in writing
to her on business, after she went
boute, he used the same expression iu
liis letier. This letter Miss Hall
showed her brother, who took exemp
tion to it, boarded the first train for
Ocala, with the uenoament as above
The occurrence created food for
talk, and the town was full of it Tues
day morning.
Mr. Massey, who is old enough to be
the young woman’s grand-father, in
sists that he meant nothing disre
spectful or discourteous by the expres
sion, “little sweetheart.”
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr! King’s New Discovery
for Consumption, Couchs, and Colds,
u on this condition. If you are afflic
ted with a cough, cold or any Lung,
Throat or chest trouble, and will use \
this remedy as directed, giving it a
fair trial, atfd experience no benefit, j
you may return the bottle and have !
your money refunded. We could uot
make this offer did we not know that
Dr. King’s New Discovery could be
relied on. Tt never disappoint*.
Trial bottles free at J. B. Carlisle
Drug Store. Large size 50c. and SI.OO.
Marion Oounty Men Convicted.
In the United States Court Tuesday
morning Owen Sykes, n white man 71
years of age, from Mclntosh, was con
victed on two indictments—operating
an illicit still and selling liquor with- !
out paying the special tax. Owing to j
his age, and being a sufferer from can
cer of the face, sentence was suspend
ed in both cases. Everett Waters, a
young white man, was also convicted
for assisting Sykes in stilling liquor
and was sent to the county jail for
fourteen elays. John E. Fields, an
other white man, was convicted of
selling liquor iu this county without j
paying the government tax, but he.
was not s utenced.
Rheumatism, Headache, Earache, !
Toothache, and Neuralgia, are only j
severe reminders that your stomach, j
liver and kidneys are not iu proper
w orking order, aud that you should j
remove the cause at once. Beggs’ j
Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will’
postiveiy do this as it acts directly ou ■
these vital parts. Every bottle war- ’
ranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
A Florida Family.
Mr. I. N. Shepard, jr., died at his
home in Gadsden county from pneu
monia ou Tuesday, the 23rd iust. He \
was au ex-Coufederate soldier and was j
nearly 48 years of age at the tira° of
hi- dea h. vr. Miopard hit a widow
aqd eighneu < i nioeieen children to
mourn his untimely loss. Disauthor
ilively reported that Mrs. Shepard j
was the mother of twenty-one or
twenty-two children by her late hus
band, three aets of twins being among
the number.
From Arcadia to Palmetto-
We note by the l ist issu * of the Ar- ;
cadiau Commercial that brother J. Ira
Gore will remove from Arcadia to
Palmetto. Mr. Phillip Isaacs, of ;
Oveido, will assume charge of the i
Commercial. The Banner exteuds!
its best w ishes to the retiring aud as- i
suming editors aud trusts success will
follow them in their new fields of
A congested condition of the throat
and bronchial tubes is a dangerous |
symptom. Inflammation of the bron- j
chia extending downward may soon (
reach and involve the lungs. Under i
such circumstances to avert consump
r j
tion take Dr l all’s Cough Syrup reg
uiwriy according to :h> directions on
the bottle.
Just Rushing,
Monday the Ocala Wagon Works,
of which Mr. Gates is the efficient
n anager, disposed of six vehicles, one i
buggy, three backboards, oue double I
and one single wagon Considering ;
the fiuauctai status of things, the j
Ocala Wagon Works never did a bet- i
ter or more thriving business.
Choice chrysanthemums for sale, j
twenty varieties for $1
1-24-11 Mrs. T. D. Crawford.
backlm's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup
tions aud positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund- j
ejj. Price 25 cents per bottle. For.,
sale bv Jas. B. Carlisle.
; The Harm-Waldo Wedding a Brilliant
Thursday at 11 a. m., at Millwood
j Mr. W. W. Harris, jr., of Wilming
! too, N. C , was married to Miss Mary
Owens Waldo, in the presence of nu
merous friends from far aud near.
Mr. Albert H. Birdsey acted as bevt
mau, while Mbs Annie Waldo, the
lovely sister of the bride, was the
graceful maid of honor.
Those present from Ocala were Col.
John M. Martin, wife and daughter,
j Msss May, Dr. Wm, Anderson and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Birdsey, Mrs.
; W. N. Baugs and little daughter, Mrs.
| W. K. McDonald, Mrs. R B. McCou
i nell, Mrs. F. D. Mason, Misser Maggie
Birdsey aud Maud Reardou, and the
Messrs. D. S. Woodrow, Fred Clark,
W. W. Condon, A. H. Birdsey and
Profs. Colby and Foskett, the two last
supplying the music.
| The house was beautifully decorated
] anti after the ceremony and cougratu
| lations had been offered, all were ia-
I vlted to au elegant spread,
i It was the most elegant wedding
! that has been witnessed in Marion
| county since the old ante-bellum days.
The groom is a well known young
business man of Wilmington, while of
the fair bride naught need he said, as
she is “to the manner born,” well
known and a decided fiiqontc in o
eieiy, beautiful, accomplished aud
possessed of a genial, sunny disposi
i tion,- which endears her to ail with
j whom she comes in contact.
The h ppy couple left on the after
; noon train for New Orleans to take in
j Mardi Gras, thence to Wilmington,
their future home. The Banner ex
tends best wishes.
A Hous hold Treas tire
D. W. Fuller, of Cansjohurie, N. Y. t
I says that he always keeps Dr. King's
: New Discovery in the house and his
j family has always found the very
| best results follow its use; that he
would not be without it, if procurable.
G. A. Dykeinan Druggist, Catskili, N.
| Y., says that Dr. King’s New Dis
| covery is undoubtedly the best cough
! remedy; that he has used it in his
' family for eight years, and it has
never failed to do all that Is claimed
j for it. Why not try a remedy so long
; tried and tested. Trial bottles free at
J. B. Carlisle Drug Store. Regular
size 50c. and SI.OO.
, Falsely Accused.
Monday Judge Hill passed on the
case iu which Louise Dickens was
charged by Eunice Edwards of ap
propriating SIOB, the proceeds of-one,
Johnson’s orange crop, who had leased
Edward’s land. Edwards could not
make good his charge against the
woman, and she was discharged. All
j the parties in the case were colored,
i and reside some four miles north of
Uuequaled as a pain-destroyer.—E.
D. Weiss, Gay Building, Bc. Louis,
Mo., writes: “I have used your Sal
vation Oil several times and find it uu
equaled as a pain-destroyer. 1 was
troubled with pains in my legs and"
tried several remedies which did me
no good. I then used Salvation Oil ,
, and the results were good.”
The Banner Circulates.
Some time siuce the Bauuer n ted j
j the fact that our justly popular county j
cierk, D. A. Miller, bad come in pos- j
session through a partial friend of a
superior kind of sweet potato. Sirce
then he has bad many letters and
! callers to see the potato to find out all
. about them. Tuesday he bad a letti r
I from Pawnee, Oklahoma, in which
j the writer desired to kuow if he bud
them for sale, etc.

Johnsou’s Aromatic Compound Cod
i Liver Oil enriches the blood, builds
sound flesh, restores strength aud vi
tality to the debilitated body. Full
pint bottles $1 at the Anti-Monopoly j
Drug Store.
A Fine House-
Geo. Mackay, Ocala’s skilled arebi- |
teet Is drawiug plaus for a residence
for Mr. W. G. Norswortbv. Air. N. j
is one of the most successful aud pros- !
perous vegetable and fruit growers in !
Mclntosh aud a good friend of the !
Banner. May success continue with
him and his. The building will cost
I $5,000.
You can never tell what a sligh cold
may lead to; it is best, therefore, to *
give yourself the benefit of the doubt,
and cure it as soon as possible with j
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. A day’s de
lay, sometimes an hour’s delay, may
result in serious consequences.
Mardi Gras-
The F. C. & P. are iu it again in t
connection with the celebration of
this popular carnival. Round trip'!
rates to Mobile, $24.30, and to New I
Orleans, $29.95. You can purchase j
same until February sth, limited to '■
fifteen days. We understand a man- j
ber of Ocala people are going. The j
F. C. & P. is the shortest and quickest
If, when crossing a railroad track, j
you see a train approaching at thirty j
miles an hour—get out of the way as ■
soon as possible. When threatened
withcJjroDtc rheumatism or catarrh,
take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla persistently
I and patiently, aud the dauger will
soon pass away.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm known as B. H. Seymour
A Cos., doing a saw-mill business near
| Ocala is dissolved by mutual consent
this 16th day of January, 1894. B. H.
Seymeur continues the business, as
sumes all the liabilities of the old firm
and is to collect all bills due the sauu*
B. H. Seymour,
R. A. Boyd.
1-19-94 41.
Bible and Musical Institute-
Beginning at Ocala, Fla., February
2ud, 1894, at the Christian church for
, the beuefit of all Sunday schools. The
| following is the program:
FIRST DAY.—7 p. m.—Song Service.
7:3o—Lecture, "Spiritual Growth.
8:00 Blackboard Illustraiious.
! Chautauqua Normal methods are used.
‘SECOND DAY.—IO:3O a. m.-Soug
11:00—“Studyingand Teaching”—A
Teacher’s Meeting. Blackboard
exercises on the next Sunday
School Lesson.
7 :Q0 p. m,— Song Service—A Drill.
7:30 Lecture, “Sunday School
B:oo—lllustrations on the Interna
tional Lessons with large chroiuo
THIRD DAY.—IO:3O a. m.—Song
• 11:00—“The qualifications and Prep
i aration of Teachers”—a chalk talk,
j 7:00 p. m.—Song Service.—a drill,
j 7:3o—“Suuday School Manage
j ment.”
| 8:00 —Blackboard Drawing.
| FOURTH DAY.—IO:3O a. in.—Song
j 11:00—“The Word Divided”-.!
chalk talk.
T&eO p in.—Song Service—A drill.
[ 7:30—“G0 and Teach the Nations.”
B:oo—Missionary Offerings.
Nonpareil Hair Ourler
, Will keep the Hair in etirl the damp
j est weather. Every bottle war
j.ranted by J.. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
In Dnranoe Vile for Perjury
I O. A. Look, who has for some time
been occupying the attention of (he
! people of Belleview in connection
j with the v'arnland estate, had a hear
ing Monday !> f re Squire Abshire for
perjury, aud in default of a S4OO bond,
; was sent to the county jail to await
the acton of'the criminal court next
Extending His Trade.
Wednesday, J. B. Sutton, Ocala's
reliable seed man, had an order from
Chicago for seed anil the same day
shipped five pounds of encumber seed
to Pass Christian, Mississippi, Mr.
Sutton feels justly proud of the repu
tation and trade he is building up iu
his line of bu-iuess.
In Jail.
Jno. Clark and Jno. Sheldon, Wm.
V. Curtis and Ijeopold Ock, white,
were committed to jail Tuesday by
. Squire Oyer, of Citra, for luting an or
ange packing camp iu the Citra or
ange groves. Some of the articles
stolen were found on the prisoners and
■ two of them confessed.
Fine correspondent stationery and
j society stationery < an he found at the
j Anti-Monopoly Drug Store, at low
prices. Envelopes at twenty-five cents
for a quarter of a thousand.
Elected Offioers.
Tuesday, the Ocala & Blue River
Phosphate Company elected the fol
lowing directors: C. W. White, R. L.
j Anderson, E. 8. GaulifeD, C. S. Clarke j
! and Gustave lhuillier. C. W. White]
I was again chosen for president and E.
| S. Guulden made vice-president.
Arbor Lay.
] Will he duly observed at the Ocala
Graded High school loday, coramera
] orating the same with the planting of j
trees, shrubs and flowers, singing j
songs, reciting, etc. It will be a most
enjoyable occasion aud we trust many :
patrons and friends of the cause will !
be on hand to encourage the young. !
“Johnnie" Has Gone.
We refer to Johnnie Thomas. For j
some time he was Penny Duke’s clev
er salesmau, then developed into a
full fledged reporter for the Capitol.
He disappeared and the Vatoidt now
mourns an unpaid board bill.
Winter dress goods at the Ocala Com
mercial ad Bazar Co.'s at astonishing
ly low prices. Insped the n.
A $20,000 Fhospbate Deal-
We note by the Gaiuesville Sun of
Monday that president J. M. Graham,
of the First National bank of Gaines
ville, had sold a tract of phosphate
laud several miles north of Roek
Springs, Marion county, for $20,000.
Do Yon Want a Naw Mattress?
Jf so, buy one direct from the fac
tory and save '0 per cent. We make
mattrisses of every size and material.
Try one made of our Florida moss
hair. Encourage home industries and
write at once for priees to Davies and
Griiveson, moss-hair aud mattress
factories, Welaka, Fla. 2-2-4 t.
For Sale.
Eggs from thoroughbred exhibition
Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorns
at $2 for thirteen. Stock can be seen.
Address, A. B. 8., Banner office.
Oity Tax Books.
The tax books for the year 1593 are
now open at council room. Hours,
9:3Q a. m. to 12 m., and 2to4p. m.
SIMON Bknjamin,
Tax Collector, City of Ocala.
For Rent—A 7-room bouse, newly
papered,-with nil modern improve
ruedts. Rent reasonable. Apply to
C. D. Massey, First National Bank.
2- in
For Sale.
640 acres first-class pine laud, about
one-half/ lea red, balance well tim
bered. Fteen miles from Ocala.
A. F. Barnard, M.D.
l-26-2t. St. Marys, Ga.
I Wrinkles and hollow cheeks, and
dull suken eyes don’t always mean
. that a woman’s old. Half tire time
, they only show that she’s overworked
or suffering. To such women, to every
woman who is tired or afflicted, Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription safely
and certainly brings hack health aud
! strength. It’s a legitimate medicine
that corrects and cures; a touic that
invigorates and builds up; a nervine
that soothes and strengthens. For ail
the derangements, irregularities and
weaknesses peculiar to women, it is
the only guaranteed remedy. If it
does not benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
It won’t do to experiment with Ca
tarrh. There’s the constant danger of
driving it to the lungs. You can have
a perfect and permauenr cure with Dr.
Sago s Catarrh Remedy.
Not Guilty-
Walker Swain, who was taken to
Jacksonville and tried before the Dis
! triet U. S. Court far perjury in the
| Tbos. Richardson homes ead case, was
j discharged aud released from his
j bond.
- Miss Lillie Williams left Thursday
morning for St. Augustine to visit her
sister, Mrs. Fred Hand.
j Ex Presidft.it E. P. Dismukes, of
! the Merchants’ National Bank, left
Saturday night for Quincy, his fu ure
School supplies can he found at the
j Ami-Monopoly Drug Store. A main*
j moth tablet for five cents. Also
: school text hooks.
I' • -
j In the opinions of leading lawyers
! given in the Bapiist Witness ou the
: prize fight lawyers Miller aud Curry
i seem to be on top.
| Senator Wahhall stands conspicu
ous as the only Senator who ever re
| signed IDs heat for the reasons a
rigned. His action reaches the high
est pitch of honor.
j R. C. Taylor, Murfreesboro, Teun.,
j writes: I have used the Japanese
j Pile Cure with gr< at satisfaction and
success. For sale at the Anti- Aionup
oly Drug Store.
The Baptist Witness,*in this weeks’
; issue, goes for Judge Call and his
| conduct in connection with the Cor
; bett-Mitchell contest. Iu connection
j With this editorial appears interviews
| with Judge Fiuley and lawyers R. L.
i Andersou, 11. L. Anderson, Judgeßul
i lock J. H. Curry and Hugh E. Miller.
We are the sole agents for Radam’s
Microbe Killer in Ocala. Persons suf
fering with any blood or chronic dis
ease sh. uld try this wonderful reme
dy. Fifty page book free, giving germ
theory of disease. G. D. Tyler.
Borax is au excellent washing pow
der. The women of Belgium and
Holland are noted for their snowy liu
en. They attain this desired result by
the use of borax—a handfui to ten
] gallons of water.
Dr. William Moor, of New York,
■ announces that he has discovered an
auli-dote for morphine poisouiug.
The alleged remedy is permanganate
of potassium. It is claimed that doses
of the drug taken internally will
counteract the effects of morphine or
] of auy other of the opium poisons.
Prof. Mell, principal of the Ocala
! Graded High school, s’arted tor Wiid
] wood Friday night to deliver a lec
[ tore before the pupils of the school
| and its friends, hut the engine which
j drew his ir.tin becoming disabled, the
j train was detained and he did not
reach his dessinution until 9 p. m.,
when his audience, deeply regretting
his absence, dispersed.
Mr. G. W. Higginbotham, who has
the contract for buildiug a dirt road
through the Ocklawaha swamp, 600
yards, expects to finish same next
week. While it will cost $1,200, it
will connect Eureka with Lake Kerr,
making the distance across five, in
stead of twenty-five miles around. A
great convenience to that portion of
Marion county.
Miss Katherine and Miss Elode
Helm, of Elizabethtown, Ky., have
arrived aud are enjoying the cpmforts
of Mrs. E. W. Agnew’s delightful
home. Miss Katherine Helm is not
onlv a distinguished artist, but by
ties of blood is related to the immor
tal Lincoln, whose niece she was, anil
the grand-daughter of Governor
Helm aud daughter of General Ben
Helm, two of the famous men of Ken
tucky. Mias Elode |is her younger
Dandruff is an exudation from the
pores of the scalp that spreads and
dries, forming scurf and causing the
hair to fall out. Hall’s Hair Renewer
will prevent it.
Mr. G. A. Kunze, one of thesuccess
ful fruit and vege'able growers of Ot
ange Lake, paid his respects to the
Banuer Monday and ssi i he had dis
posed of his orange crop f.>r - 8 1.12 net
a box, and was happy over the result.
Last year the cabbage crop panned
out $3,000, while the tomato crop
cleaned up S7OO on the wroug side of
the ledger. This year the Kuuze’s
will double their vegetable acreage.
In bis visit to this office he was ac
companied by his wife and baby.
For Sale m Ocala- .
Two acres of land with a good four
room house. Good well of water and
good improvements. Terms reason
able. Part in trade. Call on or ad
dress H. H. Meadows, at Smoak’s car
riage factory. 1-28 3tw.
BH >The Watchmaker,
Jl Optician,
Y*maz fred 6. R. WDEL
A.ntliony Nurseries
Fine Orange Buds.
Be Sure and Examine our stock, before you
purchase your trees elsewhere.
We can save you money.
A. d.dr6Sß
I. J. BROXAW, Proprietor,
Anthony, Marion County, Fla.
Or inquire of E. W Kraybill at FRUIT TREE YARD,
North side of public square, Ocala, Fla.
I will be at the tollowing named places for the
purpose of talcing returns of person* and proper
ty subject to taxation in Marion county, fer state
! and county taxes for 1594, and agricultural report
for 1893 :
B’.itchton. Monday. February la
Cotton Plant. Brook's store, Tuesday " 13
Heidtville. Wednesday “ 14
Dunnellon. Thursday “ 15
Buck Pond school house. Friday “ it am
E'.ms .Hi, Saturday “ 17 am
Shady Grove. Monday " 19
Pedro Tuesday " re
Summmfrfield, Wednesday 21
Belleview, Thursday "
Samos, Friday “ 3®
Martin. Monday " 26
Candler. Tuesday “ ?
N. Lake Weir. Benson’s, Wednesdav " 2a
E>tsi Lake. Thursday March 1 a m
Weirsdaie, " “ I pm
S. Lake Weir Friday ’* aam
Linadale. Saturday •* 3
Cnipco. Monday " sam
Moas Bluff, Tuesday " 6am
Clectra, “ “ 6 pm
Grahamville. - Wednesday " 7
Brooklyn. Thursday “ Sam
Salt Springs Friday " 9
Kerr Cite, Saturday •• 10am
Mdntoeh. Monday “ is
Citra. Tuesday “ 13
Orange Springs Wednesday “ 14
Eureka. Thursday “ 15
Fort McCoy. Friday “ 10 am
Greenwood Friday " 16 pm
Span Saturday “ 17 am
Reddick, Monday " 19
Anthony, Tuesday “ 20
Silver Springs Park. Wednesday “ 21am
Silver Spring, “ “ at pm
Kendrick. Thursday “ ham
Benedict, " " 23 am
FlcTuingtou. Saturday " 14
Ocala, Tuesday. J.arch 27 to Friday 30
J. C. Mathews.
Ml Tax Assessor, Marion Cos., Fla.
Sheriff Hodge returned from Citra
last evening with Ed Clayburn, where
he was caught stealing a gun. This Is
the same “trusty” who, a month ago,
smuggled saws into the jail to Ed
Darsy, to acnist him in making bis es
cape. Tho strange part of Clay burn’s
escape is that he liatl ouly a few days
more to serve to be a free man, but
says be heard that as soon as he had
served out his term another warrant
awaited him, so he took time by the
forelock aud lit out.
Mr. B. H. Seymour, who has been
inspecting the vegetable crops in the
Mclntosh neighborhood, estimates
the cabbage crop alone at two hun
dred thousand crates. The fields now
are in fine condition and there will
also be a large shipment of beans,
cukes and tomatoes. Florida is going
to come out on top after all. The or
ange crop is not more than halt sold
and the prices continue to get better.
During the orange shipping season
Mr. L. S. Light had a sincle order for
three hundred thousand box heads.
He filled orders to the extent of five
hundred thousand; Mr. B. H Sey
mour filled orders during the season to
the ex eut of three hundred thousand
and Mr. J. M. Mett'ert two hundred
and flity thousand. They are now
kept busy sawing orders for vegetable
Fcr Sale.
Forty handsome building lots in the
most desirable portion of the eity, sit
uated on Fort King avenue, Exposi
tion street aud Lime street, near the
High School building, besides others
in more retired localities. Must be
sold to pay debts of minors. Terms
reasonable. Apply to
Mrs. F. R. Gary, Guardian.
11 29 4m and and w
Having moved on Ocklawaha ave
nue, lam prepared to furnish wood
aud gasoline oil in any quantity. Or
der box iu front of postoffice.
J. G. Haygood.
A brass band complete
for SIOO, is the biggest offer.
Upright Piano,
Square piano,
Concert Organ
L'happel Organ
Parlor Organ
and Baby Organ.
Stein way,
Mason & Hsnlin,
A. B. Chase,
and Sterling Pianos.
and Accordians.
and Fifes.
Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise,
at the Ocala Music House, Montezu
ma Block, F. W. Hunt, Agent for
Ludcoru 4 Bates, 8. M. H.
■ liis YaiWlisiiiiirfflPj
[boarding and lodging;
! That if you wish to take advantage
. ; of Colby’s Free Crayon offi-r you had
; j better do so soon as it may be discon
-1! tin mil at any time. 1-23-94 d-w.
Owing to the Bluest* of chief Camp
i hell, of the Ocal* fire department
; j ihere was no meeting last Friday of
companies No. 1 aud 2, to Determine
what disposition should be made of
the SSO presented to the department
by "e-srs. E. W Agnew 4 Cos., and Mr.
Sim. n Benjamin in their efforts to
extin uish the late fire a! the railroad
The old man who applied for help
Tuesday at the Board of Trade office
is the father of the Anarchist Donjan,
who recently was arrested for threat
ening the lives of the President and
cabinet officers at Washington. His
daughter is now at Ocala employed in
a store, and his wife acting as a cook
in the suburbs of Ocala.—-Metropolis.
A young negro, scarcely sixteen
years of age, was brought from Citra
Wednesday night for attempting a
nameless crime on an aged colored
woman. The negroes of Citra were so
incensed that they would
lynched him if they could have laid
their hands on him.
Mr. Ed. Marsland, of Sing Slug, N.
Y., who has been spendiuga month at
Belleview, straight* hmg out the es
taie of bis late sister-in law, returned
home Thursday. He said he never
met people who treated him as kindly
as did the people of Belleview aud
Ocala. He says he never shall forget
For Sale 10 Aorta Land
one mile from Ocala. Suitable for
fruit or vegetable growing.
Addrees E. C., Box 667, Ocala
Fla. dawl-lotf
Ladies' coats and jackets at half
price at the Ocala Commercial 4 Bazar
Co.'s. It will pay you to cal' and ex
amine them.
J. Barker’s Tailoring Department.
Has removed from Thompson’s
block to Butler’s new block on Expo
sition Street, where he will coutinue
his business of cleaning aud repiirtng
suits. Will also have in stock a fine
line of pants and suiting. J. Barker,
Buffer’s new block. UMMm
Pomona Nursery Stock.
Every desirable variety and kind ot
fruit trees suited for Florida's soil and
Florida stock fur sale. Bedded in lot
uorffi side of public square. KraybiU
an*. Brigganee, nurserymen, Ocala,
Fla. 12-8-88 If.
Finest Nursery Stock in the State
Consisting of budded orange, lemon
aud grape-fruit trees. Any age de
sired. Those in need of nursery stock
can make no mistake in quality or
price by addressing or calling ou E.
D. Coates, Stanton, Fla. 10-27 tf.
First-Glass Livery Service.
The leading livery men of Ocala
Single or double teams and saddle
horses at Liddon Brae.. Ocala, Fla.
Ocala Rons# Barber Shop.
Get shaved and have your hair cat
at the leading shop in Ocala. Special
attention given to children and ’adiee’
hair cutting aud bang trimming.
Work done sal iaiactory by exception
ally good workmen in shop or at resi
dence. Police Gizette endorsement
March 11th. 1893. C. V. McCoy. Prop
’Bus and Express Service.—The
‘Old and Reliable” is now prepared to
move parties on short notice. Wagons
made purposely for the business
Leave orders with the ’bus driver
Charles Meyers, manager.
New Goods.
Having just returned from the mar
ket with an elegant stock of New
Style Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces,
Gloves, Notions, Gents’ Furnishings,
Ladies’ Goods and Children’s Shoes.
Trunks and Valises. I solicit a share
of your patronage. Give me a eaU
before making your purchase.
Very Respectfully,

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