0. L. BITTUKJEE. Pity Editor,
All ni.ttrss, marriage*, awUia 01 resolution* o(
respect and e. •ndolem • over ten lines will be
charred for at >be r*te of one cent a word.
Unprecedented Newspaper Combine.
YL World one year, for only $1.85.
The BANNER and World Almanac,
$1.20. BANNER, Weekly World one
year and Wot Id Almanac, all three for
$1.86. Address, OCALA BANNER,
Ocala, Fla.
The Ocala Banner and the Atlan
ta Weekly Constitution, for one dol
' lar and fifty CENTS a year to CASH
subscribers. The Constitution is the
best weekly paper in the country, and
is emphatically the people’s paper.
The Bauuer and Weekly Citizen,
Jacksonville, one year for only one
dollar and a half cash, in advance.
New Jewelry at Wei he’s’
The Masons of Ocala are talking of
building a LaU lu cost $<,ud0.
Look out for the Dewee Hey wood
Comedy Co., on February 20lh.
Comic or scenic valentines of every
variety at the Auti-Mouopoly Drug
The largest and tiuest lot of bananas
at Smith’s.
The county commissioners will hold
another session next Monday, Febru
ary 12th.
Lovers of first-class apples can find
them at Smith's.
For soaps,- toilet or bath, do not fail
to visit the Anti-Monopoly Drug
J. D. Price, a prosperous fruit anu
vegetable growtr of McIntosh sent
the first beets from that, place to mar
ket and got good pt ices.
Pocket book found. Same can be
had by calling at the Banner office. It
contains a (Spring Park posioffice box
receipt and other papers.
Ball bearing and Cushion Tire Baby
Carriages at E. L. Root «k Co’s.
D. C. Cuttler is busy shipping cu
cumbers from Ills hot house to the
Ponce de Leon hotel, and receiving
good prices for same.
Mrs. E. T. Bug bee'died very sudden
ly Monday morning of heart disease.
Her remains were sent to her old
home in Maasachussetts for burrial.
Buttermilk Soap for toilet and bath,
highly perfumed, nothing equals it.
Price ten cents a cake, at the Anti-
Monopoly Drug Store,
Leave trders for wood at Will Lu
cius’ meat market.
Dr. Walkup, of Bourdtuau, has pur
chased Dr. Delouest’s stock ot drugs
and will establish a drug store at Mc-
Intosh, where be is erecting a two
story building, 2-ix66 feet.
Mr. Sid Perry, the real estate dealer,
disposed of a nice lot 70x112 feet near
Captain Richardson's residence to Mrs.
Lizzie Hunt. This meaus another
house in Ocala, in spite of hard times.
The Woman’s Christian Temper
ance Uuiou will meet in the Ai. E.
church on Friday afternoou, 9th Inst.,
at 8:30 o’clock. All cordially iuvited.
Finest Residence in Ocala for sale
Inquiie at this office.
The Sutherlin and Edmonson suit
will be heard Monday before Squire
Clary. It seems that Sutherlin was
about to sue Edmonson for taking a
wagon seat, but while be was getting
out (papers Edmonson got the drop on
him from Judge Hill’s court. The
gentlemen are from Anth ny.
Hard water soap now sold at popu
lar prices, eightly-five cents a dozen.
It has no equal for the bath, at the
Anti-M onopoly Drug Store.
Captain Coons, thegallaut tar of the
unsalted uck.a t waha, was in the city
Monday and says he is fitting up his
boats to make alternate day runs be
tween the Springs and Palatka. This
summer he will make a weekly trip.
The Captain has done a big business
this season.
E. W. McDonald, one of the yeo
manry of Grabamville, appeared be
fore the county commissioners Mon
day and demanded a free ferry at that
place, sb ten times as many persons
crossed there as at Sharp’s, which the
county sotons made a free of ferry last
month. General Charles Gibson ably
supported Mr. McDonald, but the
board stood them off.
Shelled almonds,
Evaporated vegetables
for soups,
Smoked beef,
Jellies and
Cranberry sauce
At the Tea Pot.
Mr. L. Dozier, who visited friends
In Jackson ?llle, returned home Tues
Rev. Dr. Blake’s health is in a very
precarious couditiou. He is not ex
pected to live.
We regret to hear that Mrs. Captain
Coons, of Silver Springs, is still con
fined to her bed.
Mr. Joe Richardson, of Flemington,
was in towu Tuesday and purchased
Mr. Peter Mclntyre’s pacer.
Prof. J. B. Parkinson, of the Lake
City Agricultural College, spent Sun
day in Ocala visiting friends.
Mr. H. C. Groves left Wednesday
for Jacksonville to attend the conven
tion of the Christian churches of Flor
Alias Mamie Dukes, of Atlanta, is
visiting Mrs. P. B. Dukes, and will
spend the winter with her relatives in
this city.
Walter Hawkins spent Sunday with
his family in this city. Walter i
hustling for his new line, the Ocean
Steamship Cos.
Albert W. Redding, the popular as
sistant cashier of ihe Merchants Na
tional Bunk, is the proud lather of a
handsome little son.
Mr. M. Kelly, of Eastlake, is quite
low with consumption. His wife ar
rived several weeks ago from Munson,
Muss., to attend him.
Judge Jennings, of Brooksville, was
in towu lust Saturday, and assigned as
the cause for his happy smile that an
heir blessed his home.
Mr. A. Mead, of Acton, Mass., and
owner of tliecelebrated “ ead Grove,”
near town, arrived Monday aud wiil
pass the whiter with us.
The literary entertainment given
Tuesday night at the Baptist churcli
for the purpose of raising a fuud for
rebuilding Howard Academy was a
success. Prof. Jo-eph hud charge of
training the participants.
essrs. E. P. Dismukes and W. M
Munroe, of Quincy, were in towu (be
first of the week. Report had it they
proposed to start a statelbauk. J>aier
developments say they sold their stock
in the Merchants’ National Bunk, in
which tt.ty were stockholders, and ihe
proposed new organization is off for
the present.
That Microbes cause diseases, and
that Raoam’s Microbe Killer is a sure
cure for any blood or chronic ailment
can be proven by gettting a 60-page
book, free, from Geo. I). Tyler Agent,
Ocala, Fla.
On the 30th day of January at the
residence of the bride’s mother, Mr.
R. C. Fort was married to Miss Mary
L. Roberts. B. I. Hull per
formed the ceremony. The Banner
extends congratulations.
With pure, vigorous blood coursing
through the veins and animating
every fibre of the body, cold weather
is not only endurable but pleasant
aud agreeau e. No other blood medi
cine is so certain in its results as
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. What it does for
o.liers it will do for you.
Bobbed His Safe and p ostponed bis Wed
Mr. W. 8. Atlsopp, . merchant of
Weirsdale, intended to get married
Thursday. The day previous lie sent
to Ocala for Ins license. That night
he put the certificate in the safe, his
safe was robbed and license was
stolen as well as the money. Hence
he seat to Ocala for auolher. But
the marriage has taken place and
everything is happiness.
firgga’ Little Giant Fills
Relieve Headache, Constipation and
Indigestion. Try them. Hold and
warranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
“Faust” was splendidly acted Mon
day night at the opera bouse to a good
audience. It was painfully demon
strated that the accessaries lu the form
of gass or electrict lights aud stage
room were sadly lacking. Wnat
Ocala should have is a suitable temple
of amusement. But, dear posses-ors
of “fltby lucre,” don’t all rush on the
stage at once aud build one.
Hyperdermic injections of morphia
are frequently prescribed by physi
cians for cure of neuralgia; but its
effects are only ephemeral aud you
will have to repeat the injection every
day. Discard this seductive enchan
ter, and use Salvation Oil, which
goes to the seat of the trouble and
effects a permanent cure.
The Bible aud Sunday-school Insti
tute held at the Christian church was
a big success. Rev. A. C. Hopkins
and daughter were the drawing cards.
Prof. Price, at the Baptist church, is
awakeuing much interest in his meet
ings. He will close this wedk.
The Wilson bill has passed the
House. ______
Is your hair falling out or turning gray?
If so try Beggs’ Hair Renewer. The
effect is wonderful. Sold and war
ranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
Miss Rosa Stanuu9, a reader aud re
citer of fine ability, entertained Wed
nesday night very delightfully a select
audience in tho Ocala House ciniug
All Sizes show cases
for sale at
Meet in Ooala to Consult, Aitise and
Formulate —They Speak for Closer
Union, Belter Methods, Lower
Freights aud Better Prices—Address
ee, Etc., Etc.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
the orange and truck glowers of this
aud adjoining counties convened in
Ocala Tuesday, to devise means f r
obtaining belter returns iu the grow
ing and marketing of their product*.
The court house was the place of
their meeting.
Geu. Bullock w'sa made chairman
ami Mr. M. E. Uillet, secreiary.
On taking the chair Geu. Bullo k
made i u address full of iuterest to his
hearers. He demonstrated by read
ing exiracts from leading democrats,
including Cleveland, tbat the history
of the parly was for incidental protw -
tion, tbat the majority of the demo
cratic orange growers were for protec
tion as instanced By the action of the
state legislature of 1891, also the state
convention of growers that convened
that year at the Ocala exposition
and over which the Hon. Geo. \V.
Wilson presided.
He believed in a duty on oranges
but thought flfiy cents a box suffi
cient, and this was Ihe ouly article in
the Wilson bill to which he took ex
ception and ou the grouud that oran
ges were not a raw material but a fin
ished product.
He then cited an article from the
New York Trade Fruit Journal whieh
showed th t the leading deulers and
fruit speculators iu that city favored
restrictive measure, on the miscella
neous importation of all kiuds of tor
eigu oranges and lemons, which, be
ing dumped ou ourmaikets,depressed
the price of first-class domestic lrult.
Much of this imported fruit was of
such poor and iuferior quality that
health regulations were called ou to
protect the public against ils uuhy
geuic influences.
Such trash should be excluded.
Why not impose a duty and seep it
out. Good fruit could afford to pay a
duty, and ou such quality the govern
ment would receive more revenue
than by a low tax, permitting ail
qualities to enter our ports to compete
and lower the price of tiome grown.
Houieihing was wrong, something
must tie done to equalize and give a
basis of value to orange aud vegetable
products of the state. A close uuion
of all parties interested must be had,
and persistent effort made towards
righting the wrongs and disadvanta
ges under which these interests la
He had invited the representatives
from the Florida Fruit Exchange, in
which he believed, to be present and
a letter was read sayiug delegates
would be at the meeting but they
failed to respond.
This epitome faintly and imperfect
ly intimates the good talk winch Gen
eral Bullock made. It was well re
ceived. He said a “condition” con
fronted the orange industry of the
state, a question so alarming that he
was not prepared to answer it, for if
ruinous prices on a ero£ of 5,000,000 of
boxes confronted the producer, what
would be the couditiou of the industry
when the young groves planted came
to maturity and presented a crop ten
times the Value of the present one.
He believed in protection aud was
confident a duty of $1 a box would be
a boon to the growers. While this
was desirable it was useless to petition
congress and ask for that amount of
protection as the present members
were elected on a different platform.
He claimed protection' would ex
clude forci" 'fm : : ; • •. ii • stimu
late home industry By excluding'
product ion won! Lave the whole
market to tc*. Tittp \mertcaii labor
at 31 a day •- uM not compete with
* Dago” help at thirty-seven cents a
day. He believed protection made
prosperous communities, it gave labor.
Oranges were no longer a luxury but a
necessity and well paid laborers were
their best consumers.
Mr. Adams made a fine address
from his standpoint but suggested no
plan or method beyond protection to
aid and better the condition of the or
ange and truck growers of their
Mr. W. P. Haisley took issue with
Mr. Adams. He said he expected
this and could tell by the applause
which greeted Mr. Adams’ address
‘ who were who,” politically, in the
house. He suspected this as a repub
lican trick to aid in defeating the
Wilson bill in which be was a firm
believer. That the orange industry
had to take ils chances w ith the other
interests of the country. Outside
competition he did not fear. He had
visited Arizona, California aud Mex
ico, studied the situation aud felt con
fident Florida could hold her own
against them. He had grown oranges
since 1875, never made much money
out of them because the transporta
tion companies had got the lion’s
share. He either sold on the tree or
let the fruit decay. No consigner
need apply to him. If all acted as he
did the fruit would briug something
He believed in close organization of
the growers and giving the entire
crop of the state to one line to trans
port. Anew bid to be received year
ly. This, he was confident, would
bring the transporters to lower down
to 25 cent* a box, all It was worth.
Mr. H.’s remarks created a sensation
aud much merrimeut. He woke up
the convention.
Geo. Tilsou, of Leesburg, Major
Rooks, of Fruitland Park aud 8. H.
Galtskill, of Mclntosh, suggested sup
port to the Fruit Exchange, which
had done more to insure good price*
thau any institution in the s'ate..
They believed in giving it more
strength and that would help the
Hon. W. M. Bennett, of Lake coun
ty, was opposed to auetian sales.
Mr. F C. Buffutn suggested a plan
to assist the growers. Space will only
allow us to touch on It. It was organ
ization, perfect in ail Us parts Hay
the 10,000 growers cast their fortunes
in the order. Result, a unity aud
streugth that could command all out
side influences and bind them for the
good of Florida's great interest—or
ange aud truck growing. Such an or
ganization could c>mpel ower rate.
If transportation companies fallen to
meet the producers this organization
••oultl command money to buy steam
boats and build railroads and at a
price tbat would lay down a box of
fruit in New York for 26 cents.
On motion of Geo. Badger a com
mittee of fifteen was named from the
floor to formulate a plan of closer
union. The committee consisted of
M. Bennett, chairman, Gen. Bul
lock, W. 1) Eiland, F. C. Btiffum, M.
E. Gillett, E. B. Foster, Major Rooks,
Geo. Snook, C. 8.-Magnifier, I)r. Gil
liam, W. 8. Bullock, Geo. Badger, I ts.
Hayden, 8. 11. Gaitskill ami Douglas-*
They labored that night and Wed
nesday morning until 10 o’clock,
when they formulated rules for the
Florida Producers and Shippers or
ganization. Object, greater •te in
cultivating and preparing for market
their products, secure better transpor
tation rates and safer handling of
paekages and better prices.
laical organizations shall tie the
members * f the state body when ten
are secured. The president of the
first local association shall call a con
vention for permanent slate organiza
tion. Every grower shall be eligible
to membership on payment of $1 and
subscribing to the by-laws and regula
tions of the association. Each asso
ciation shall select a shipping agent
wtio shall receive and disseminate
market reports.
A committee of four, composed of
Geu. Bullock. F. C. Buffuru, 8. H.
Gaitskill and VV. M Bennett were ap
pointed to issue a stirring address to
the fruit and vegetable growers of the
state to come together and effect local
If anything is to be accomplished to
promote the gem ral welfare of the or
ange aud truck growers of Florida, it
must come from close aud continued
The meeting was a pronounced suc
cess. The Banner regrets space will
ma permit us to go into greater de
tails, as eighty per cent of those at the
meeting were Banner men.
Gen. Bullock had written to our
congressmen and among answers re
ceived was oue from Senator Call, ex
pressing great interest in the meeting,
but Came too late to be read.
To Mr. F. O. Buff'um’s iuterest in
the meeting idue its large success.
A Well Known Ooala Firm Obangss.
We beg to call attention to the
change In the firm of Waterman &
Fuller to that of U. R. Waterman &
The change will not materially ef
fect the general business of the firm,
as the name of our p*q)tilar young
business manat the head will attest.
Air Waterman, will, as heretofore,
manage the details of the business and
have general supervision over it, and
Ihe marked success and popularity he
lias attained will assure the future of
the business.
The establishment has always been
conducted on the highest plan of bus
iness principles, fair dealing with an
eye to please its customers, aud it will
he its aim to continue in the same
line to merit its already extensive pat
ronage, and endeavor to iucrea e it.
The new firm will carry a full and
most complete line of men’s furnish
ings of every description, and will try
to make their already well known
tailoring estabishmeut second to none
in the state.
Tite Banner extends its best wishes
for the success of the new firm, and is
confident the host of friends that have
rallied around Mr. Waterman iu the
past will not be unmindful of the con
fidence they repose iu him, but will
contiuue it with increased patronage.
Harry Hill, charged with forging
Mrs. Porters' name to notes to tite
amount of $20,000. ha 9 been sentenced
fo five years in the state penitentiary.
The trial was sensational In the high
est degree.
Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam
Relieves Colic, Diarrhoea, and Dys
entery instantly. Always keep a sup
ply on hand. Sold and warranted by
J. B Carlisle, Ocala.
Gome Back and Gone Again-
Johuie M. Thomas ex local repor
ter for the New Capitol who report
had it, had skij ped last week, re
turn'd Saturday having been called
to Kavanuah on very important busi
ness, but Monday was summoned to
Norfolk, Va. He w-tehed the Hauuer
to say he Jiad uot left with intent to
defraud any one and the only reason
he did not pay his board bl.l was be
cause he was unable to collect his
wages. •
Dissolution Notioe.
The firm known as B. H. Seymour
& Cos., doing a saw-mill business near
Ocala is dissolved by mutual consent
this 16th day of January, 1894. B. H.
Seymour continues the business, as
sumes all the liabilities of the obi firm
aud is to collect all bills due the same
B. H. Seymour,
R. A. Boyd.
1-18-94 4t.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant*
The Hitherto Hidden Cypress Swamps
to Yield Up Tneir Treasure.
Mr. T. R. Rickards, of Candler, who
knows Florida wet and dry, as no
other man knows it, having traveled
all over it time and again, and selected
and surveyed lands for the F. C. A P.
R. R., and Florida (Southern railroad
for years, came out of the Ocklawaha
cypress swatnps Wednesday, where
b * upany with J. J. McTavish,
be been speudtug the past sixty
days iu estimating cypress timber.
The tale he told the Banner’s re
porter is one of immense magnitude,
and means much to Marion couuty.
It meaus this; Mr. W. N. Hmitli,
of Haginaw, Mich., lias a million dol
lar contract with the Wilson Cypress
Lumber Company to get out 200,000,-
000 feet of cypress logs, for w hich Mr.
Httiilh is to receive $5.00 a thousand
To secure this immense amount of
lumber Mr. 8. lias constt u**ted steam
lighters, equipped with 1.000 feet of
wire cables, with which the logs are
dragged from the swamps to the
river. Eaeh cable clears a circuit of
1,0 0 feet.
Besides his own plant for securing
logs Mr. Hmith lias sub-iet .contracts
to a number of persons with small* r
The inspector’s lowest estimate
placet! oa the cypress timber ou the
Ocklawaha and Silver Spring run (all
in Marion county) are 250,000.000 feet.
Tne finest aud Jarg- st timber seen was
on the run and barely five miles from
Ocala, aud calculated to cut 2 000.000
of leet to the 40 acres, or 50,u00, feet
to the acre, while the average will
be 1,(KM),000 feet to tbe forty or 25,000
feet to the acre.
A valuable feature of this immense
contract is that in the disbursement of
the $1,000,000 nine-tenths of i w ill be
paid foi labor done iu Marion county.
Mr. J J. cTavisit, who assisted Mr.
Rickards, is from the big lumber sec
tion of Saginaw, Mich., and an expert
iu ills liue, and hits traveled the world
over iu his business anil says the cy
press inspected biats anything be lias
ever seen.
The Wilsou Lumber Mills, which
are uow located at Palalka, where the
logs of this contract will herb ped into
lumber and shipped to till parts of the
world, were formerly in the i tint tar
business at Saginaw, Mich , before
suit superseded the lumber interest ot
tbat Wolverine soverignty.
Nonpareil Hair Cmler
Will keep the liair iu curl the damp
est weather. Every bottle war
ranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
Running a Blind Tiger-
Will Field was sought for Saturday
by ad puly U. 8. marshal and J. J.
Meadows, marshal of Anthony, for
running a “blind tiger” in the
town of Anthony. He was fouud
bird hunting near Spring Park. When
the officers cuute upon him he shot at
them and then took to the woods. In
his flight a bullet from the officer’s pis
tol wounded him in the heel, he wus
captured and taken to Jacksonville.
It is said Field was once iu the same
liue of business at Reddick and Citra.
Fine correspondent stationery and
society stationery can be fouud at the
Auti-Mouopoly Drug Store, at low
prices. Envelopes at twenty-five cents
for a quarter of a thousand.
Winter dress goods at the Ocala Com
mercial a ‘d Baz ir Co.'s at astonishing
ly low prices. Inspect the n.
Do You Want a New Mattress?
If so, buy one direct from the fac
tory an*l save '0 per cent. We make
mattresses of every size and material.
Try one made of our Florida moss
hair. Encourage home industries and
write at once for prices to Davies and
Grilvesou, moss-hair aud mattress
factories, Weluka, Fla, 2-2-4 t.
For Sa’e.
Eggs from thoroughbred exhibition
Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn*
at $2 for thirteen. Stock can he seen.
Address, A. B. 8., Banner office.
City Tax Books.
The tax books for the year 1893 are
uow open at council room Hours,
9:30 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4 p. m.
Simon Benjamin,
Tax Collector, City of Ocala.
For Rent—A 7-roont bouse, newly
papered, with all modern improve
medts. Rent reasonable. Apply to
C. D. Massey, First National Bank.
2- m
Always Comte and the Beepeot of tfci
Edaca'ed and Refined.
Prof. Gentry, with his army of edu
cated ponies and dogs, holds the fort a
Norih First and Orange streets Mon
day and Tuesday night, February l:
aud 13, with a grand matinee Tuesday
at 2:20 p iu.
One of the secrets of the wonderfu
sum as of Prof. Gentry is that he is ai
kind aud gentle u> the liitle beauty
Site!lands ami dogs as a fond mnlhei
is to tlie ohildii n -he loves. He has
only to tell them what lie wants them
to do, and it is done. They all s< eui
anxious and willing to perform tlteii
parts as any o.u- who might exp-el to
be iiberally rewarded. This may par
tially be from the fact that th-y so
thoroughly enjoy the visit of the audi
ence ou tne stage alter each perform
ance aud seem disappointed when u
visit is not made them. They ihot
oughly enjoy the sweetmtats and ca
resses of the ladies aud children. Ad
mission, children 15 cents, adults 25.
Every child iu this couuly should
come aud see tltis show.
School supplies can tie fouud at the
Auli-Moiiopoly Drug Store. A mam
moth tablet for five cents. ALso
school text hooks.
7he celebrated W. B. Corset for sals
at the Ocala Commercial <t* Bazar Co.'s
for one-half its actual m ue.
Shot Dead.
Word reached Ocala Monday
morning that Mr. John C. Philips ol
Fleiniugtou, wus shot dead Saturday
night iu the bouse of his aged father.
Robert Ellison and M. P. Edison were
accused of the deed and are uow at
this writing (Wednesday) in the
county jail. M. P. Ellison married a
sister of the deceased.
The deed is the outcome of an old
feud in he family. Mr. Phillips had
t large phosphate deposit at o illis
ton. The sad afair is deeply regret
To-day, in the case of the Ellison*
accused of shooting Phillips, W. F.
Phillips, son of deceased, swore that
W. P. Williams, known as “Wild
Bill,” hind the Kilieous and paid
them for doing the shooting. Th*
case w is postponed until Mouday aud
Williams was sent for.
If the ha,r is falling out, or turning
gray, requiring a stimulant with
nourishing and coloring faod, Hall’*
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is
just the specific.
Returns Thanks-
To the Editor of the Banner.
Please allow me space in your valua
ble paper to express bow greatly we
appreciate tite many manifestations ol
sympathy we received during our late
serious affliction. Especially will we
remember Mr. Jas. McKibbon and
family for their generous hospitality
and the prompt and efficient service of
Drs Izlarand Hood.
We have but recently moved to
your midst and we uow feel assured
we have cast our lot among good peo
ple. Very respectfully,
M. T. W. Christian.
Captain George T. v aughs, South
ern expr* 88 age tit- in Ocala has been
promoted to route agent. Mr. A. An
derson, late of JacKsonville, takes
charge of the Ocala office.
Date of S. S- Convention.
By an error in last issue the date 26,
27 and 28 was intended f,,r February
and not March, at which dates the
Marion Sunday School Convention
will conveue in Ocala.
Rheumatism, Headache, Earache,
Toothache, and Neuralgia, are only
severe reminders that your storu *eh,
liver and ktdueys are uot iu proper
working order, and that you should
remove the cause at once. Beggs’
Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will
posti vely do this as it acts directly on
these vital parts. Every bottle war
ranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala.
The steamship Oswald was cleared
Wednesday with 2,200 tons of phos
phate. Agent Bailyofthe Dunnellor
company did some quick work in
loading the vessel from the elevator,
she having received her cargo at an
average of more than nit ety tons per
hour:.—Feruaudiua Mirror.
We lea-n that the first car of cab
bage shipped front Sumter county,
and the State too, for tiiat matter,
this season, went north from Cole
man this Week. Our sister city ou
the south is a hustler.— v\ ildwood Vi
backlit}’* Aruioa Salve.
The best Salve iu the wot 1 tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sai Kheutu,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappt Hands,
Chilblains, Corns and all Sk.u Eriqt
tiousand positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guarauteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
ed. Price 25 cents per bottle. For
sale bv Jas. B. Carlisle.
How is tiiis ? wood in Key West,
split and ready for the stove, only
s*lls for $1.2 per c*rtl. Here it sells
for a dollar a load and some of the
lo >ds are precious little ones at that.
0. B. & L. Association.
The Ocala Bui ding and Loan Asso
ciation sold $2,500 Monday at a pre
ntiain of 32} cents. 'ibi9 insures an
other house for Ocala.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor keeps the trolp
free from dandruff; prevents the hair
from becoming dry and harsh, and
makes it flexible aud glossy. All the
elements that nature requires, to
make the hair abundant aud beautL
full are supplied by this admirable
The Watchmaker,
Jeweler and
A Optician, Jr'
yoCOMH, m l | W[l
Anthony Nurseries
Fine Orange Buds.
Be Sure and Examine our stock before yon
purchase your trees elsewhere.
We can save you money.
A rl H fpefi
I. J. BROKAW, Proprietor,
Anthony, Marion. County, Fla.
Or inquire of E. W. Kravbill at FRUIT TREK YARD,
North side of public square, Ocala, Fla.
I wilt be at the tollowing named places for the
purpose of takiug returns of persons and proper
ty subject to taxation in Marion county, for state
and county taxes for 1594. and agricultural report
for 1893 :
Biitchton. Monday, February a
Cotton Plant, Brook’s store, Tuesday " 13
Heidtville, Wednesday " 14
Dunncllon, Thursday " 15
Suck Pond school house, Friday “ 16am
Elmwood. Saturday " 17 am
Shady Grove, Mouday 19
Pedro Tuesday " 20
SiimiDraerfield. Wednesday •* 21
Belleview. Thursday " 22
Santos, Friday “ 23am
Martin. Monday “ 36
Candler, Tuesday “ 27
N. Lake Weir. Benson's. Wednesday “ 23
East Lake, Thursday March 1 a m
Weirsdale, ’* “ 1 pm
. Lake Weir, Friday “ 2am
Linada'.e, Saturday “ 3
Onipco, Monday •* sam
Moss Bluff. Tuesday “ 6am
Clectra, “ “ 6 pin
Grahamville, Wednesday " 7
Brooklyn, Thursday “ sam
.■Salt Springs, Friday “ 9
Kerr City, Saturday “ loam
Mclntosh, Monday “ 12
Citra, Tuesday " 13
Orange Springs, Wednesday " 14
Eureka, Thursday " 15
Fort McCoy, Friday " loam
Greenwood Friday “ 16 pm
Sparr, Saturday " 17 am
Reddick, Monday “ 19
Anthony, Tuesday “ 20
Silver Springs Park. Wednesday " 21am
Silver Spring, " “ 21 pm
Kendrick, Thursday “ 22 am
Benedict, " 23 am
Flemington, Saturday “ 24
Ocala, Tuesday, *• arch 27 to Friday 30
J. C. Mathews,'
2-2-td Tax Assessor, Marion Cos.. Fla.
The Famoait Three 8:- Felix Sisters. '
The above urell known little bulbs
will appear at the opera house f* r one
night only, 'Vednesday, February 14,
presenting for the first time in tins
city their uew far. e comedy, “A
Lucky Hit.” The Montgomery (Ala.)
Journal lias the fallowing to say of the
play aud company:
“I’he well liked St. Felix Sisters
played to a crowded house last night,
aud of course pleased all. Every one
w ent expecting to see a great allow,
and they saw it. “A Lucky Hit” is
one of tite funniest farce comedies pre
sented here this season, aud the sing
ing and comic features were immense,
l’he company is first-class, each mem
ber being an artist. The St< rs can
always rely on big houses iu this city.”
Dou’t fail to see * A Lucky Hit” at
tite opera house, one nLht only, Wed
nesday, February 14th. It is one ot
the tunniest farce comedies of the
year. Bre* zy, ligln and funny. It is
on the order of Hoyt’s, but said to be
much funnier. Tite company carry
-peeial seeitery for the piece, the
hrakaway ceiling, making an uprour
ous finish for the second act. The Sr.
Felix Sisters, whom the play was writ
ten for, have the leading parts, aud
(hey have surrounded themselves with
a c.ever company of comedians,
vocalists ami dancers.
For Eale-
Forty handsome building lots In the
most desirable portion of the city, sit
uated on Fort Kiug avenue, Exposi
tiou street aud Lime street, near the
High S.-hool building, b*sides others
in more retired localities. Must be
sold to pay debts of minors. Terms
reasonable. Apply to
Mrs. F. R. Gary, Guardian.
11 29 4m and and w
Having moved on Ocklawaha ave
nue, I urn prepared, to
aud gasoline oil in any quality. Or
der box iu front of |K>stofflce.
J. G. Haygood.
A brass band complete
for SIOO, is the biggest offer.
Upright Piano,
Square piano,
Coueert Organ
C’happel Organ
Partor Organ
aud Baby Organ.
Stetu way,
Mason A Hanlin,
A. B. Chase,
and Sterling Pianos.
aud Accord ians.
Glare nets,
and Fifes.
Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise,
| at the Ocala Music House, Montezu
! ma Block, F. W. Hunt, Agent tor
Luduui A Bate*, 8. M. H.
; Tne moist mmkiup
I Remember.
That if you wi*h to take advantage
j of Colbj ’ Free Crayon off V-r you bad
better do so soon as it may be discon
tinued at any time. 1-23-94 d-w.
In the ease of S. H. Perry vs. F. H.
Lytle, in whieh the defuuct “Ocala
Demands” cut a prominent figure, O.
T. Green, referee, appointed by Judge
Hooker, decide*! ,n favor of Mr. Perry,
and judgment was entered up accord
ingly. Tite suit was for a note made
by Captain Lytle for S2OO, which note
was purchased by Mr. Perry. Our
rising young attorney, Ray Bullock,
represented Mr. Perry* interest iu the
All diseases of the skin cured and
lost complexion restored by Johnson's
Orienial S >ap.
To Rent.
A nicely furnished front room, with
fire place and closet. Convenient to
public square. Call ou r address
Mrs. A. E Muuden, Ocala, Fla.
2 9 94 ltn.
A New Shoe ' hop-
At Smith's harness simp a flrstclase
workman, ready to do all kinds of re
pairing, as well as new work. Ladies’
work a specialty. 2-9-2 t
Stry&ed Stears,
With red side and white hack, marked
straight split iu one ear and under
nick in the other. No brand. About
six years old.
2-9-2 t J. 8. Edwards,
Ocala, Fla.
For Sale 10 Acrta Land
one mile from Oeala. Suitable for
fruit or vegetable growing.
Address E. C., Box 657, Ocala
Fla.- dawl-lOtf
L’uUra' emits atui jackets at half
pri-e at the Orala Commercial <£■ Bazar
Co.'s. It wtl pay you to cal', and ex
amine them.
J. Barker’s Tailoring Department.
Has removed from Thompson's
block to Butler’s new Mock on Expo
sition Street, where be will continue
his business of cleaning and repairing
suits. Will also have iu stock a fine
line of pants and suiting. J. Barker,
Butler’s new block. 10 6-lru
Pomona Nursery Stock.
Fvery desirable variety and kind ot
fruit trees suited for Florida's soil and
Florida stock for sale. Bedded In lot
uor*b side of public square. Krayblll
ana Briggauce, nurserymen, Ocala,
* i Ta. 12-8-83 tf.
Finest Nursery Stock In the Btat*
Consisting of budded orange, lemon
and grape-fruit trees. Any age de
sired. Those in need of nursery stock
cau make no mistake iu quality or
price by addressiug or calling ou E.
l>. Coates, Stanton, Fla. 10-27 tf.
First-Class Livery Bervioe.
Tiie leading livery men of Ocala
Single or double teams aud saddle
horses at Liddon Bros., Ocala, Fla.
Ocala House Barber (hop.
Get shaved ami have your hair cut
at the leading shop in Ocala. K|ccial
attention viven to childreu and 'adies’
hair cutting and hang trin.ruing.
Work done sa'isractory by exception*
ally good workmen iu shop or at real*
oenee. Police G Zette endorsement
March 11th. 1893. <J. V. McCoy, Prop.
’Bus AND Express Service.— The
‘Ol*i unit Reliable” is now prepared to
move parties on short uotice. Wagons
made purposely foi the business
La-svc orders lth the ’bus driver
Charles Meyers, manager.
New Goods.
Having just returned from the mar
ket with an elegant stock of New
Style Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laoea,
Gloves, Notions, Gents’ Furnishing**,
Ladies’ Goods and Children’s Shoes.
Trunks and Valise*. I solicit a share
of your patronage. Give me a call
before making your purchase.
Very Respectfully,