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THE OCALA BANNER. F. E. EASSIS tic tiMßwit advert,*•■** *eu Jx- pn ’ i t m Mhr*a<. JkiitoiTi'TttwnMwxrtkv Jt* rs&Mts* M*r. **** atfwvwjw mxp*x o* ~• u Vis - r^-. Un)ar m.’iK a"ftixs. mfcit &*.;* .-a..-., a* *H*?C.tw3 t-' I *>.: :,a **aJ I*2l*, sk i.r-' ;,* tr*t i:v* .job. *e* *cwß®*>fot ue I'tM-OK&awf* i*at Bum taf pamttiUme tun .c-. *lw* tfcc .-*< —pii HU, ST tfea fMMMSWd. <F* Tt*t Ks •tetrwv* <nw>i ir. all h* wK-auw *hn■•'awi 6* *i!wsi-s! ■,. //.< Owxwiat s jvruuaia# t • Immm FNIUiIiNM. 4h-<A;J iw totoj t-wwi n> tae Owtwifv® *-r. vs EW<I mt ever* k Msth-hs cv*iHVj. Ce- **,;•.*.-as* ise jxtaaem HnHiM fei muM ata tt. i* r~ ~ ;-* > l'* N *i. r tS** W ■ -X i.' . • aU MtstMA* !** ?>-. v.* -..- AGmwsu pj*fr test * "ipaiA-KS w a deuuvsA*' . fcand Maniiißt! a lb* Chamgo j fo with Unb (M *.i tLtfoot*,;. 1. #Wb*i "Titxi tfltec* i-. - ♦ttadia? Jvii platform wura :• ;fe *rt •*kl fUthw’oi he b. cv to Wfbtague as to tee wstrrtX'*;* of pdu' tsirnuUxx" Ax -. s3r*>. . > awxtioni w* max he FlothU LYlueu read the C •- . .:- fom *B>i bsxVOSv .->,%.• .... JtsC '■- ..l sent# of *-:#■ fitKdinatvsuu featurv> v> a pan of tee of taut Mr.i> tt It wIH Ua4 tb< toil-.- witter *iui muavhtt It *>■* :: -in .-, - -,,. (htlitv-jr Uui ti'< UxX-v'" \ l ■ ■:w lllw” bk) fata jxWtsj ;• •■ i* te. to ws. liws to the tuis-x . - ; **We haU to she- $e .1 .-.--te .. •ail tdwr * tite su . the country, *r-o fo tee<vi/t;; .-.1 • .a *old Ilf SiiVrl * ifdos; diikt agouti. v*r -,-r aaiotaf. v c&A3pc\tor outttago- ' If tibN a ttot **fwo s!wr id * >-'' ttwt wosiwttld Uttf to bi% > %h:-. is k A* tb CutSfiS tx'ktr. •:> : MNMkif i* F4-4Tv-.t. WV it •-> as t- Itwif to road tfeo pa:-i:o a; ■r aaor of tin* democa£to A.: :y •. *tW. It too- beoa dost;i a> ao ptbetuf of •aaewitdtd In Ftortd*. Ttw- ,lVa> as. *ad the Skttyswtts *&d th-. S.'. ■ of the patty of ewry eocasy jv thevo. Wk tell tiho i'tiisov. ;L..:c4 or ail tiiix ha*poßrd r*.-:■,. r. .. . Hss ail t*s4n**ito& to is. W ... awMUwnd. the aini ae SMMMk wad the See; re ...'.*. w<tr -. at Ott the ffcK&.'ftli OWBiWitSee. "let* ••WMttittof laasie this vrvrL.a'x-t -oi. *ffld they made it ja the Ai'-.;. -.i. tattv o£ afes ii fibey :'<<-& .. • n ad was | mwM *tvat it. The ,- -- mlwaa mai with cseat . *vvss> , m wltii fSTaTTfS jfth “W# sitmaa-i the of fcjvrr.” The- mpMe to tb. JoitiAa-i ■: . the EAttoaai desttoerioy %-*s it. we have irvtdy “fha Wkttoval denwvracy s<d .: FWtda iettKv-raqr: "Voit siat.l .ve the mdiViited eosaafv or' ?A - r ,\ - y •WW : Yow s&&d he* she -a-feLr*- - A.t ciMisef£tTer**aiad theev v eharce fee Kfeiaij^e.'' Sow. If •“dree siJver" > -sc - \ date') the Khttosm pfciJosa sc rx have a pceity t<*4 <-***■ < i u Ami jet the Cl:.i ; s . :. • tedhitwees he&'W hdrAr .< r . ' *t saavei >'> jv ihedesu .. y •fFteevte aad to the (feste-.-cta* > <. - the aatto*: TWdn&aad 5 c r-- > > w wharh yvx* amhe > :-.i.-.vy W-eaghte to w.e O ...rx-. :1: It hmu; i tsetf aad Sad ect wi. > ; , 'W*-'' Asrd Whea ab.-U.sxthis :.-.x.- mf tihaa>wetrejegeot . '.a wkseh pasty is iei.-i?.^. iJv-ai rc->L r wesiy . .-i dteat'Waae&fexi'y. -s . > massy" the these -s . ~v - a*si of a tzii'c y-ij.i -. o~ tey" whea. there > 5 .-.-. --y v > teme: *s>i d#e>3v:xx e . • \ ‘ theeasdsaaS yi*aut . £ ‘t<t 'is : * Wdteaal ytettotm *' t; * ie-a- ;x ?> party. it is bypateo s the V" sm htewitelatii ~r .. iv •> : Vs. it3 ii £afe-ik .vx 'i ci tef*S&orthe we >ci.: . - moee wcsjpjx. totm - Awi Want Mo A x - -- r CkMhajfe"' ' lkt K. . red jwsed to the jM!ve <.• "a.v a. .. - -■> etese aesc-sca,: vc. j .re •: . . htewr* to geyc.-rs.-A...r. te t.-t,. c e a%o peevej,cx f tee ft*a i . .-.-...- . * party ite: imt h> * tiew tee- mteat ar®s- t vf **?& vt- WSOV.-Jty &:.'■* to e-.i whuto asti.s hk-t %ts Ui.- .v. c .-. tfeMnad * year he toy * - tax; •tech Btac aa> s Lir . .-. .. .- '. the tu. :f~ A t'kr->m. ■•*...►■■ _ eecae hr pay* the ux a. . -a ataotg shr haev Is tU* a., a .at mamma ahha of ail re.u-- aai .a, thmaitisea Bfthey are Aaa.^. m. Bsm if a sox- .-c w-.-asuaa oa. ... tewstw teey poy *w thit ptedpAr tW2 teeesstsh :ae *-1 -Ae •JpKeax <Mf htewe. JSt a axci iw ar pamiumtpmi n'ty he py> gessa sa_ mxee- it he tee ae ami' ~ r t-. > ae-seal eeaxsr tKBto V i£ -txr Sj 3v£ S&, tS Ssaor teitoa >e |ay> a*> '->,'<*-■ sxx Aad wroß sa Sate miaimut tte aa& 9N vhA.x-.c:r mxea Afe teme am TheaygHmste af tehteowne s&x tev ; wet a tesve ges ijpt a whkh to aa aßtaattas aa*i have --dheed avc .- AM they have aiwratyoed. to idkr have haaa aa Kaawaad tebx aster attoca.. ; tf Waad M,vAl~sx-..:> Hr tteurFA' las its*. Utevx rUirthtey hyvay-hae k*N w 4 %.* ever USy ymss If ss ii hw of aatet toe i3e eaiteeaa White teKhtaf*. wish svrov; esswwKj. l! wMthea the vte-U. tov*.<£u cte yctoa ateyeaapadaeww wu®a **fcc. aao te tee teet tettiedy fer wdl m&eve the peer &&* tmOkspe hairnr ifliiTrt' Sete sy ta. wv ganotftheweciO. S* a tettte Bhvamjvuau tor -Mm teabw* v aad st*v ao steer m X. J Oa'l lUkto • Pmitm De&ial • VYashixotox. D. C., Feh. S, ItSM. Ta ti? Eilior and iSw Browtr I had broaght to my not ire an edito rial in the railroad oorporaUon rule j cewsfaper |vuMib-d iu Itefcaanile. | under the name of “The Florida Citi i.u.” whieb eontais* these wwd: 1“ ■ e are reminded that a pmraiaeat | railroad man lately told us that not ! only li..x the senior senator never oeeu \ ; knowQ j© refute a railroad iwas hut be ! is one of the persistent seekers for such courtesies." The statement ss alee icteiv false. 1 . have not rkideu on the free pass of ' any r-hroad company for some years. 1 a'.u.-otgb tbey are occasionally sent to n>t l have uet askted feu t*r swgtit .-either directly or iud rvx-;iy h*r any rs read p* for myself or anyone ; cv*4inecseel with me for several years. ; I have ia firmer years asked fsr such i a-ourtesios to < iher whose nee .; teesi'.i-.-s seemed to justify such a re- i ; v|-.:-->t fr-tn uie to jers'us who often ex:.-reseed their desire to show tne * x‘: >;v i an expresecon * f p -;o-*v.. *\.r ; -ittuuate and prefer I tt -...: :o U' •- >r pr. ter and jus; inter <t > ' fv. 1 • -u e the statetnent therefore s tti.f• -us fatsehowd and aivi. 1 -s r ----I.e the ac-use. the falsehood, .Or and -411*1 of the nxvrpor- - a::, a r..;e newstar'ejs a&i their lure, ft. - V ;* v are the ewemiew of the ye y’-e : rf-rhia and of '.he repuf-.c. 1 . teal are the organs of those who are -■ it. *-. r■■a y - a-: * von t: cto overth to *• -e - v.r'.v.r of the {wpie :* ’he -r • v.ass.-s may exact thvn . : "i. o'.r. the ;r-a*cr pin of their m -l v .v; .- -.* e;•• .>* ia the tec-pie and . 1 u -y y mark thf.retietf . -.- a. 5 h -r ,ru;.-*s nicttsst the-at :■•’■ ■ ■-. r stnewstev. ami re - ewsywpv nitteßi . 1 . . > ... htoirm. -4; earnest apj'-to'ral au-i with - .p.p*r; <:-i faiwsi dustvuetk-n. Y .HiTS. Waxtxs v Can. C svsjizi s Way r.-.e s'as: steisatnuw a- -.le e- c:. ora. K%yet he. a ,se Ski - a -t V. x- renia ned srwe to the oato <nal t-AshT.u : iand to : s cemstita* e-V -S a. ' ' . 1 'U g(?t <Q* Of CVS :' cauc he has recxai* :r.uvi for He a; f..x v -te ..-is are f-r-.eeritesi he •vatifse he -.mje-xed the silver tojea. >dh s'atr* ss p •; d:-w she rewari of d:ue. aad drr-xaw to the ■ |-aA..- wea. asrd to party ;rm:m-e. .ei was ws teh to 1 A*r. 'v '.-.ce.-er H rV.-kr-.ah- recefc Uy .-. vva-d x the prxsciea; to heev-me an axx v ste j ust: ,-e of the sup-rente -rs uul. ■ h.x s.ix sCa -x ~u ihe way f his rvu armm.. c. There smodieg rw&e oi , the .i-admaary v*rr.a;;::eo to report sta •■Tv-ra"..'y .mvii she sixes of ah &.-tu -’*::■ >* , .aw passed the age of - :'-. a am: /as passe-.: . -mh As " -sipresue juigee are re hrs /. J: wvahi take Mr. hrlten - '/ :.e Si use to ootoase ..‘am-.har :a tte ru.-ew of court *si la the very -. A .uto -/f :hu*gs te wottei re of very u..h x. r os the ceseSs. Rut *s.*ie :/ -.x, Y * toX/ralct was vet ia v c . evx..x-v a' hh sxx •'..•<• h S V /a: so Staasi-UASe Vraue ' M- FV-kham. Sfcouxt ci:mx - ; '-• :e a -.v*sa x: and res-.-egm ,c to sße sa.hmf>.i temoeewfy. ksi a rvvvcs £i*. ' Schitor H ■:■- two seew.*. ..- . 1 /cms as a .as is.ia :e ""-r g-v veec -.•* au-i d.-t a: fte evetid wrfex*h was see mo.h :-.. Jews ~..s to see -c ate. K*:-:s.i)'v:o by Jit •/' 'o-vvLat-.t enu seaoe •usr-ier a >ieat ■> ' - *.:. -...rav.dr.- r-st-ev a_ly as ;t .x •.?. *p-i:e attd x* pay - 2 as oiel pc * 3-'' .*e-f a- f. ii -: ■ •_ sc X...-.'. te p>"'.-’u; rbly reyecte-i. y ■ c xui: -he vex., -it ra says :. a: ; -.m ut-.t- sfeu. ie mate :;< :-: a:- ; with, the -rc-iseat • -X-. . z ' as .: :_. •Ve ':rex.iei' -•-- xOt-.e. *# . a great asuaay .>v tas . . -re A 1 .tie xcitg • ; vs w-.s-id beteipfkl a4 aoc hars~ h to ('■‘eve.-as'c There are h. aye to a the V.- :<c ~ -x. x, t to jm eves ia Fteente, j vtwee •me vge* of a ar-i Sh who -- - -- ii: i -.-i :■ ■ (Xaj:i /here X ■ cv v-.r 1 vv.jtot •vxtipecse* ' -xr ptecea. | Running Seres. I ife vi ~j -:-e i A.. -V ; .Aii .this, aS 3ai-n* ao4 !(Winie V ? "i 3|S|Onai 4aaua*>i .-s s A .- - --- - - . 0.1 -caa i-> tj.i iXsrrx —-wMHt *-*i :a SswtSisa sewees r -Vits. -st:uw>nawewiTuitltoag uvxxirm 1 ; -,> j“ M JC44an m * iM*m aoi x maun.-: I •. Y .".„ ~L „, * -> aeirccs **d '> . .f tie F..-••x... ■ Nt: • rPc. 5. /f N-v Y /evt. * a, 5 ex y-asi gc-jec-iedWx H > -c* X.-C :. he x gtel *ste,.tee-i r --e ■-■•■- tie tenti :sesie •-> ....' - ace-te via: Yv (|r . xcu ./r -,;c: : - se >s--- -• <■' ta. t ■■--'! wt i w h.A and tosjeeas gtoCi -a:ax. lie tevi.ares that eac-ugi - ■ r mss >rp were .;iee - Pd. A3i* iivas vaviag e xtedteed tie power. . the ja-’ceca-y. rf tew twwsary -*.*aoe , set A” >.. a CoaaiiSasawt. suggests j 4 tSiat .'iitcaeii, teU anft tee ' ' -■ ■- ?■ *. a ' i .ltery petes tteipa . J SotmteHe spoowa a Comtes V 1 xew Txosra sr'% pins II * >•• J. A.. Ftetaawa A & r | *lWmm wutepotew * L | -asoteesafcac temfeMm. t ; r ntpffiiud wpte ewecyteteg >i te Ste iaw poeea rwiwad*a. Odtee -Jdi wiiis aatee Editemi Sparks. ludiw Ajvdis Journal.—At last ao ■ costs fs Pirsiiiwit Cleveland had no: sent Senator Hill a bottle of wine. NVa.xfe:srrn Rout.—Perhape Sce-e --tary Omusc uid compromise with St. Os miens if the latter would ioserr a bathing ssui. Philadelphia Record.—The medal fuse n:sght be adjusted by |*utucg a IFauotleroy sash around Young Atu erica's middle. Lootsville Courier - Journal. — The debate on the Wlbou mil ha s rati ued the thin Dennx raue enamel : off of a great many prutectiuriteta. .deinjdHs Appeal-A alsaee.—Amer* kan girts continue to marry f>reign Uv-bk-meti. This shows that there ia suit co? and ience u Ameriewu aeun ties a hr. id. RiOto . GU be.— tva*ues Msaiura Peck, the Southeru poet, b dividing ; his tim oetweea wrillßg jax try and turkey- otsing. We mas; that the turkeys pay. St. Lotus P”st-Db|'*:i.*ts. -The New Y >ri IVu;-vraiie xsw- are making a rv>* leausf Ph-s ieut tYeveiaud not k--. p ..g a;- pv-...mis*a to them, bat ; it is u-v; a cirvautstanee to the row the aie w. i make if he u.-es not keep hi' p--ws to them. > r Repu. /.can. —Just now H... - ■ ,e < i the leading "oligarchs" of the "aristocratic** : >sly which he leu-.- ,-ed .ox- tuaa tea years ago. He BU have changed ht oput; a l regarding the dddrabality af -tee sat mediate ami total aixal.uou of the coaSrtß'/.'g .s 4 er. ” ita :-. more Aaierwaa —An -mexpee : led j> m u Latte par* Stas devel oped ..r c*. -.egos to an alarming ' -extol. U earned farther, u may eu iangc-c the fa rare of faocoaii. Atb* 'ecu .te-.-.x x a t be permitted to s'- - large *a is •’as... a . f "at* -. -'. 1 *:** in eolteg>-- aib*- a.rii ... ?to sea. Soap aac-a. Please don’t think that J-tea Sa-.r man has i-ec-rme a LVasvra! xt a ply because he ivrui lewis * txg . IY-acs.ra* I'J the & e.—Atlanta <\- Stlto't’S. Oar Atwrran Honsbeower bad the same effect 041 the ad.miaassratswi as Sh-ee-ctheto nad e thr *a is of Jen . cohv sw ceutune* ag-c Both fed town. Yliicagc IYate-s Dear okl Roetsbiteats farmer, have . they gx ecu ugh of your wheat ac-i evea-m wded vutn the dollar f Wheat *.;-i ctv.. ere g--ag down rapwdly. and w hen you get euosaeh "a>cirt Wv atas.. N .. Arts - r State. r .. ~ie a xiave. live Lite a dog. g rloche-i like a beggar, save like a ia ser. - eere when the putihal bee take* x.-aff aad vote uke a fo*L , >: 0 :• -• party "you die a paft* ] per This to keep, igntak of pohuos. —Na:;-. a** Re-s.raer tox/to-tarr Car.-x.e may n-/; be a sue- ! .esis a: every suiciertakiwg, hat there . im '"to a secretary x—ee :he '•/•atsdat.-j-a c-f the cirmncc: who ’ co-id get un s : £ % treasury eeaotJ ■ xx x. ;/ . .; e.-Sinsbcn: Her ®fy. W d/a.'; the xm<dnoi*Jers and the so a.-t :■ c--: aioeev aiv-vatw asa to at the be made cos ,-f scare* %b ..4. tea' has - ittsttiawe ' valueT The -are? -aeon whi-cb they are pcia j..i ..-X.-.-X swx; ;c- ”-xh./.’g. and teev ■ Sell aas saa; the a* esansoc . rewav va it. Vf ,44- *>V.v*i ’. saw a man anakigg baskets and .' '•i.r* n . -oi :ut • a arge p’e. I xw * man /a the sade x' the '• stem -x and carry og away Close ... . .... .-- h< eves .- Jtj sankec* by teeft. He re r - .• .tat be was i*pt *.- b-jy xoak it| teat he aad so time to see wtsas iieesfcMM ■:£ chess.. I then teoaghs of toe farmer who attec* scrie*tly to k or- and never scad-es. Meatvihe. Y-i. ". r-hc-r Hamruer. £•• r-o-Yy a vert.-Jt to- *ev~ncry i a.: -- x .* “*> sa.e >c 'x the Nto Yri soa -ays “Win w .me -x-oretary A- w-'s •re jewceeds.? He ?ar/i--r as* ->■ m i.r twite*otesg ‘he : u teoifito. . aoe -.-- • s txi r a ■• red* e ti>ts *ad tf . r /tern 1 pa; ,*m/n as g • rert: he _S ’ eapea -*. he wite iiTert teem horn their awite objeeft. The secre tary s. .hersfore, cn th s kjteaa; Fit . - ~ he k keep locked p ta the tovwsmry te S-io.f-r. SA of ghi s?r win -a the 2a"vn > to pay ta. tee :>--/>e -f tee sex: *eo years 125, I W-.- -- t tt: teres;.-tr he bk lay vtobat and Legal hnn*is * c ani pas .: t :• /er ms 012 CW Siagkr VW fet v i/c-f - tea* be .a astbwßMd pew *-are . . If he /oed/es aimrurtf to h.j sc.*-.-, 5 'egal >ia. y. s* wtE haw micixd to*/ .he ..e-oo *v C 1 wogtod *ad tee 'toto-B-4 f ?dt. ♦•-. u: lai-ervK toe sea ts-t-4 At-i. -r b -x .ee-is chat da;y. he wiU mate is a*s* c *?**•''•* u aa pwnci&meek. '•i - -10 A 'to -/.x, —I .' 'to ->c the /a-- j A.'*-- • •?*■' s*< -x,m> iy arheruoo* rie w a* : -i a.-/ das re*h * m-mraed 5* --I risawsex sf aa over tee t*.aed scat 7*. H * ttentl was to- toggeet ever b--t .a Pliisadelpitat Mr wer named by preet ient *.ie ito-.t/d t'? tee saftem* s*ack and > to.-Ce-; -y he -vaafir, waarseeaS itoeciy h -c . St's. Easily Ns jsc'-e, vik > a sosce-r ;• hoslx vt.%, 5 Dc Yao Expect to Becsn* m M J Yitfetr ? C S- MOTHERS S s FRIEND” B 8 f Hakes g 4* Childbirth S N EasAy N H *Xy WRie sasered ame s aea H * nnssass wtet her rcser condrsa • M tea see pte al mgtsaer wtet her M K iasmliter 'wag used tear hcvsaa M Has Xcnasafs riscra." sxf* a | J INtejjßHk, "vrv*i HL 4 * mwg 'C a awj rmmjs m BWBISftR lOTSOL ML2B ft 3k.r mSlk ft 1 s j the ocala* banner, February 9 *^4 j The f ebt twtwv*-n Owtat and JacP a will not be pulled off ia England. This fact weems to be ettl>d by Mana ger Bredy's annooncement tliui he l*w telegraphed the TYcoma c lub, whb-l odev* SIO.cM) for the tight, to r&ake It* offer by mail ac*l state what scuaraatea it caa give for the ttr *uey and what protection it will haw from intarterearv. Dr. Candler, president of Emory College, recently made the statement that "society vaaet* cant pray, if they saty they pray *feev tdi a He.” In reply to which Mrs. Faitou sajs that Mr. R.i’ert logeraoU never UAercd a mare persk-kua sentiment or a statement more at variance with the tsachinsr* of the geepei Rev. J. B. Culpepper, tue noted Methodist tevivaiwt, o been cou diictinga cneeciag at Fraact* Street church, iu l?ri J seph. Mo, that is •aid to have beets the moat effective in waking sinners and- reviving *kt heared Cbriatiaßa of any held there in years. Jerry Sinspeou may or ruaj uc-t wear sucks bat as a simple act **f jus tice to hint the Washington JYat -ays he does not wear h trousers tamed up at the bottom nor smoke eigarvttes. The populist i neither dudih nor * English. Puppies and kittens, -ays the Farm er and Miner, open their eyes in nine days, hot the average Ameriewc voter •go It biimi" all their lives. Thi* fits the followers of all panes. In last Snaday’s tVt -iitetxsn Mr* W. H. Feiton says that "for luxuriuoa living and ease iaZiOQ. few people are more firttinate than our high salaried iweachers." The ehaatploa pme Ig am/ig tee -x eprions. E I j Buchu j end j Juniperj ifiTTUPOfex i :Li Li JXuu ; i • VvilMlr ic.n.-s 3 ?---4 ; t ■> t ♦ If yoa hive any urinary ticohie t . I of aay kiad, try a beetle ct this\ J wvoderftil sedtetne. It dacsn * * J cure evaytiiißg, bet rt Is a Specific' • for all * Ivhlncy Diseases* j I r!y a :ir.- g w. I 6c>d bv Jas, B. Car-tsle. Urth. Mr. E - I tkisweo. while eric rrated aa a sea;:* and polittcal . eccVBMOBMk. caa aot o* tsaach of a teecl.-g'.aa. He says that "duality a unity as smshtskahie.' 'The KeatUKky lewsiatare waars tee Kvarockv Jk-tta: rt u voce tn ret tee esalnuhm -f FieUn fbr aasec-ale of tee sarcetac ccart Report it teat seaee one raa aisg a■: Yud tiger at is. rer ffroft The senate Vioadrv-Cesteen:a. wt asftae* aa* dec-aied tea: rt GaaMeo K3*e chance ha medal or haw .; re jected, The committee say teey know a sade pic-utre who® teey see ' is. Ota a wager a man :a New York receatiy ate 14® ureter* ta cs# hc-ur as<i eigitteei; MAGNETIC NERVINE. * *r 4 wtsi wnttm zrrr rssr- W- ****.~-wis*r‘**'EM , W> wl" stvc*asaaßWW*aw ■. y-. ___ Mem.aMilsve -to MKaV ftten *sa: It.- , yVrj,. * LVsfc a -'• Xfmsax CejKWW ■ SfrkCMt - AP-rt K • fcjt. Scesw- x, * ** Mrw. w, .’•ajeav SB war*. •***.--'Tj too >*•—* 3c-m.* tBL-gnmai-j. U-rw* vjar a cor -as. NaM* Om> !. Sateratw* -aw*. w*i IT OBWxia-iapastw eaaweaareca j t tat Jrta *CM EtoW* Jf 3*-S. It *T'.-S4 it T-*i ,t*3f-KB* JhKT SAtsir*. r ’w-v mi !UKiSum s* Xs~* * K*. nrm SaDOßtaw aoc Tn*.i* V six** 4 ana * visa net a ; aa jw-asw*. Sr *,. * osr ■->*■., U j—r x-x. * x-w* Sk res rrj Knw w* W- f aw C*wrwe— a .-are -r xftxl Sa®- ear. /if -war-* swa i-xarsc/ts an*, oar it xi aa aasa.** apata- Anti-Monopoly Drug Storv. I*asil tee Very End of the World peept* wtii **> to we t"; High gr*!e Fl?v: Class Ossnedy. Oeor . LA- teas sc crow - .grt aa>f we w rate-r iajgh teskaety Thccaserfcj Charles Townsend *pMt■ 3g b 3s**r-y ifomec - x Capa* ia. Bbosfart :a Ta Lca-iati Cttivs m khc best, .tewsrree sue 1.-Hx*du aadioa' -ew Captain Racket as Mr Tn erumsul s Mamc *3.5 tcetrseat ronaaniy. *3.; ;r*- seMd wrte muct-ievre; eaa tomew sufgatot sai rtsc.y saage teetteso* aad s snesw sysf as i/gaowt sent a: tee Marsm Opera Boca Feccwsry ideh ldk 3e serwed seam mtw es m&s e Trvraier it Dmkaa’t. rj jHHBf jjyF JAMES H WAITE, B* Miim JTWanai C*. rut*, M. Tswwd JtCTasßhgiiaaocggtogel-r f-w *h~> m, wias I was aii-nwi watt a ersuaw sos it Yjton. *=t& ta/u*a; tar< sot .t. mi ac l —•*< . , x.’ ---at . - JiiwtieiyeiTi— TMrn3SV-r i ■isd iirkit c lines, tan tmMs * a, nlto - - - ~zS B:iwtoa I .**■>-.■:-■ at su.- DR. MILES' NERVIKE ar/d ta tgree ratts i ,a ae*rc*i. eaacr la sit truTriaawia year, a aea i *-* un at ;a<we vacka ar an i ft* - tam Cisuc. a>:ag frmtr-ytaic* ier. H U '• •'*- Mjwrlaai wfcj n m W rf oe-nia asu *i.a ia*. i W sereaia. 1 Sat* 'ixe p--zf to Ctcta aa> ** a -m*B >ar amwiusMcytia S'.-.-diaUl, wi . m mm an. ahfr- tSari oaatijcCUßtD fir:a aer-r.vt*wa v W w tai pwair* uca ari aemca ciYasicSub. lerogts ea ty / ; ./ uaa Soauaa eagaged a, l m..i SteSTHOUSANDS a* * uv tor* tar ato giftr-ag fives utw c&a* ,'aa to Wtotrx. Ml M i faaitiT* Gaarmstwa. Oe. MILES' PiLLS.SO Doses2sC- Sei by Auti-2oß< -p>lv Drug *-t re. Tk-* spwee fof tee Model Cwifgcy vfce i> precw.'wd t ~ffe-r aaprevteeuteu te^pstea* MKB. f TUSO. 1 .5. REAL ESTATE Jt L 4j Fta. W 0. MASSEY, R eal Estate. Cl -j. C**a j, Prsw4s>iuAe Orrj- Gtwc Ami limber Fif 'U II Ml Tfflß. A'l Hcu*e R*-; WfE >e ■'TTn amih ■ ! OhHKr. Ci<a Ifitt few. |s& in W C. JEFFORDS. REAL ESTATE. ifisn Ft nd* Ffrliilifr Cp fSymm soerf * rsfes*. irieta# sr -■ w*d |, ni *I ™™f ini lidoott. Brm, aa yam BulMSIscM Hardware. DOORS, SASH AICD BLiliS' Dq. Stoves. Tin.vare Crockerv and Glassware. i BAR3 VV‘RE CJT AND tf.RE HAILS. AMMUNITION PAINTS, oils. VARNISHES, A T uANTiC WHITE LEAD GLASS OF a._ K NDS PUTT : DEERE PLOWS. Planet. J .. G"ov * Z i t V3l ”> S G - * tie**, roc.s Agricultural Im pie men ts. Iron and Steel. Bolts and Hopf Largest S ? oek Lowest Prices. BUM S Hut! OCALA. FLA The Large#* and M'**t fm piete JEtabli*hmemt South. lift S. Hanker' Son. MAUFiOIRtR OF i DOC‘ES. SASH. EUSPr MOULDING AND building material. ,Sb u! *.-a-r. ;a* A ag .:e *a a tevat. CHARLESTON. - S C. Pwrchme our t&jkk* which w* fUATiitr* ■&|herit>r to *ay s* ic ec;i *cd tfa*rv&y istc thoe.^t. Vain m hza Sijs 1 lij DR. BARTLtY Eye. Ear, Nose ar.d Tiiroat ? SPECIAL T*> FITTING 6USSES. Consultition Free- OFFIt fc tT i H AItLE Hur^r A Beautiful Orang Grove Near Ocala For Sale. Cost $5,000 O'ring to the pres* sure oi hard times wi.l be sola for S2. 50“- A Great Bargain toia i.. a ?*wy g4/r :o o*-tr -.-Wwliwane tjcx laonow* i ■*aa ' I?wcnc jw*ar Mala Off. II WkltvksU $c AILAYTA, - . GA A-l *ye itefd a>i s !t& j-rn~nifint ay Vi *. Aj*irasjjv. Tbwggjm. *ac or-c*!m3. FSh. W. r. ED WABBS' market stalls. T-tvi vnU; a*, way* ha*i saw bes? ; wg-i sapHßfcbi*4 gar aia s—a*.. ?Ait CCTTISS J*w te, lam m r*cMw*m ito >'ifnsioi2y **-* □ city 1 c ■■ Vy * wo; -- *. *a* r *l^ Some Advice is w*rth foftir.’g. ewpeciallj the aduh-w tw mak- *li jvur p-'chwmg|| | the- sia- f carriais-*. e**ldlvrv *n*i ftiraisarv wt E L 4 CO. It s3 advice 10 <ave ta you bay at ihi- lading -rorw *■( tia ai iin this p*ut c: r .rda. {& ‘the- earriagv* ‘h-i-aritoi-nt. w** are grxd cp-u bsgf v* krlM \ Top t-ugjfies from #3>? ap; Baggy htnirie from f£.s&: wmg*m IwH .from #7.5- -.- inm tz ap. Al?*t .1 . . aof -kp rabahaH blwakrts a* prime*, r* -uit aO. Rex^^rctiitoly. E. L. ROOT & CO. Reduced fßjfiTSl Kedarei To Give everyone a chance, the Ocala Steam Laundry has reduced its rates on the following goodr Cwßterpa&es M* Tab * Cloths 3% fiheots ... it Piilc-w Caw 1 fct Toweh? J* Napktes 1* N. J. JOHANSON, Manager. Palace Drug Store J. B. CARLISLE Prop. FINE DRUGS A N l) MEDICINES. WALLPAPER. PERFUMES. TOILET ARTICLES. BRUSHES AND SOAPS. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. A. E. DELOUEST HARDW ARE. * te , Y" , ~ - FARM TOOLS. SASH AND DOO! S. STOVES. PAINTS. J Ay.. At MPALV - - FLORTPA. | J. M- MLFFERT, Manufacturer of the famous “Square Brand I ; me‘ LUMBER. VEGETABLE CRATES 1 ORANGE BOX AND B.'RREL MATERIALof all kinds LOWELL, . pjJ| ““ SEEDS ‘( NKW R>" TUKNT?. arp*y ar • , m A FULL LIRE cf PORE I'RGGS BAim>u I tTinetar, tmct tim es. to. a#mju€ *.4W’iferut ‘ '‘* a *S —uaxui iiyau £ wf-g* L±* AL WOJJ aOte U LOW A$ TiiS LOWEST AS tki toWaXiT#! - • —GCAiAMTvy* “**!■ Hawke's Celebrated Spectacles. •w 11* It Nxkf 1 OCALA WINE AMI BILLIAHII Hi J Xothiai like Gmu im tie Yoa nnc tuere what cannot be ferrd e*.se;i wuere. Nothing too good ior the r CRstamenl Lovers of Billiards and Pool will find the tables unequaled. wi best of attention. .V. LIbAS |TWII