Newspaper Page Text
D. S. WOODRO W, REAL ESTATE AMD LOAN AGENT? UNION BLOCK. OCALA, - - FLOKIDA. ESTABLISHED 1866. *§®wsb nan AEB STILL JF : ■ I N TOWN WITH THEIR ■ ;--i=?^======z — OF ■ ;:.---= Furniture 4 T GOST. MILLER Block, corner MAGNOLIA AND Isi ST. THEOCALA BANNER L. BITTIKOEB. Oitj Editor. All lu.lHfss, n'.drrlßgea, deaths 01 resolutions ot respect and coudoleiue over teu line* will be chargeil for Ht the rate of one Cent a word. Unprecedented Newspaper Combine. THE OCALA BANNER and Week yi. World one year, for only $1.05. The BANNER aud World Almanac, $1.20. BANNER, Weekly World one year and World Almanac, all three for $1.85. Address, OCALA BANNER, Ocala, Fla. The Ocala Banner and the Atlan ta Weekly Constitution, for one Dol lar and FIFTY cuNTs a year to cash subscribers. The Constitution is the best weekly paper in the country, and is emphatically the people's paper. ' * The Banner aud Weekly Citizen, Jacksonville, oue year for only one dollar aud a half cash, in advance. New jewelry at Weihe’s* Some oue said the weather we are experiencing is the finest ever made. The largest aud finest lot of bananas at Smith's. Dr. Veal, of Cotton Riant, is the president of the Marion county medi cal society. Buttermilk Complexion Soap fra grant aud desirable at the Auti-Mo noooly drug store. At the next meeting of the hoard of county commissioners they will revise the election districts. J. L. Smoak and Jno. H. Mann were the experts to test the iron cages in the new jail buiidiug. The young men have organized a debating society, of which Mr. Ed. Helveston is president. Glimpses of the World’ Fair Pho tographic views, paper 50c, cloth $1.01) at the Anti-Monopoly drug store. The celebrated IV. B. Corset for sab* at the Ocala Commercial t Bazar Co.'s for one-half its actual value. Captain Willard’s Homosassa Inn is enjoying a splendid ruu. He is now entertaining fifty-five guests. The Auti-Mouopoiy drug store is prepared to fill all mail orders, either perscriptluus or family receipts, hav ing full facilties to return promptly all orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. THE OCALA BANNER. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. li. C. Loveridge are visiting the Indian river sectiou. James liliteh, aged 17 and oldest son of Mr. Furnerss Blitch, died last week. Judge Hamuel F. Marshall lias gone to South Carolina to visit his chil dren. 5 rs. Dr. 8. 11. Blitch, of Biitchton, is visiting her brother, Dr. Jno. L. Davis, at Dunnellon. Mr. Jno. Kendig, of Philadelphia, is visiting his tine grove near Citra. He pays it an annual call. Walter M. Davis, the talented law yer of Palatka, was married Mouday to Miss Annie Ackerman. Will Condon and Prof. Pike sup plied the music at Mr. Sampson’s Valentine party, Boardmau. • Rev. H. H. Baker, of Plaiutield N. J., an old friend of civil engineer 1). D. Rogers is on a visit to Ocala. Ex-Sanitary Inspector Fuller and Billy Clark, have formed a partner ship to do a grocery business in Tuck ertowu. The veureable Dr. E. C. Hood left Saturday for Mulberry Grove to look after spring planting on his Georgia plantations. Mr. O. M.Royster aud wife, of Hick ory, N. C., paid Mr. aud Mrs. Joe Mullett a visit the lirst part of the week. Mrs. R. is Mr. M.’s sister. Captain Willard, who was in town Monday said his Homosassa Inn was doingagood business, tifty-live guests were enjoying his excellent accomo dations. Ten wild turkeys a d-, with tish ami oysters ad libitum as sisted in making the bill of fare at tractive. Rheumatism, Headache, Earache, Toothache, and Neuralgia, are only severe reminders that your stom icti, liver aud kidneys’ are not in proper working order, aud that you should remove the cause at once. Bcggs’ Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will postively do this as it acts directly on these vital parts. Every bottle war ranted by J. B. Carlisle, (tesla. Court Jury. F. IX Coates, IX B. Cappleman, X. A. Fort, li. A. Giggs, G. I, Seekenger, Fred C. Lucius, C. I>. P. Haycraft, W. N. Bangs, W. R. Dreher, A. ('. John son, J. B. Malloy aud J. M. Black burn. Beggs' Diarrhoea Bt Isam Relieves Colic, Diarrhoea, and Dys entery instantly. Always keep a sup ply on hand. Sold and warranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala. Btggj’ Little Giant Pills Relieve Headache, Constipation and Indigestion. Try them. Sold and warranted by J. B. Carlisle, Ocala. All Sizes show cases for sale at CANT STAND FIRE. THE BAPTIST WITNESS AND THE OCALA BANNER. Manuscript Rejected on the Ground that it Attaoisits Job Office —A Sample t iece of Unfairness. In Us issue of- February 7th, the Baptist Witness published the follow ing about the Banner aud its editor. The Bible Misapplied.—Hon. F, E. Harris, of Ocala, i:i a unique article published ui the limes- Viiioii ami the Ocala Banner last week compared the two thugs who pounded each other in Jack sonville for the entertainment of a crowd of gamblers and for a purse of $20,000, to Samson aud David, two famous Bible characters, who ex pended their best strength, both physical and mental, 111 glorifying God and improving the so ciety ol the times. According to our judgment he could just as well compare Wilkes Booth. Guitcau and Preudegast to Geo. Washington. 1. 1 S G*n t and Kobt. K. bee. We are surprised that Mr. Harris, standing in the front rank of the editorial fraternity of the state and an honored member of the Board of Trustees of our State College at Lake City, would come out over his own signature in one of Florida's great dglies and prostitute the Bible to a level with prize lighting and hold up such a character a> the brutal Jim Corbett as an ex ample to our young men. The following are his closing words and dearly show which side he is We must uot to harshly censure those who are just now engaged in showering praises and adulations 011 the victor of the liaud to-haud combat that so recently occurred iu the metro polis of our state. It is the natural and neces sary outgrowth of the moral, intellectual and religious lessons of the ttges, aud will uot be ! stopped as long as our civilization is as it is.” * * * * j According to the Citizen, editor Frank Hairis j sees no harm iu the establishment of the* "lottery’s priutshops” at Port Tampa City. We are afraid | that Mr. H arris' reputation gained by many I years of biave. honest and liberal journalism, ; will !e seriously impaired, if not totaly wrecked, if he does not stop excusing prize fights and 1 lotteries.- Baptist Witness. To which the editor of the Banner ! made the reply appended hereto but which the editor of the Witness re turned unpublished on the ground ’j that it was “an attack on the W itness j job office and the Florida Citizen.” | This point we shall not argue, hut will ! permit our fair minded readers to judge for themselves. THE EDITOR OFTHE BANNER’S REPLY. OCALA, Fla., Feb. 8, 1894. To the Editor of the Baptist Witness. Mr. Horace Greeley, the most emi nent journalist of his times, had fre quent occasion to criticise the public utterances of his contemporaries, hut along with his criticisms appeared the utterances of the man he criticised. This was simple fairness. It was fair to the man who excited the vigor aud fierceness of his pen, and was fair to his readers, and yet it helped to lift the American press to the high plane of journalism it has since occupied. However roughly his adversary was handled he could not complaiu be cause his utterances appeared iu the columns of the same paper iu which he was criticised. And Mr. Greeley’s pa per was uot exceptional in this re gard. It is the settled policy, was then and is now, of many of the lead ing secular newspapers of the country, aud the religious press should uot he less fair. Indeed, it should set the example for fairness. The veriest criminal is uot condemned before the THE paper OF THE PEOPLE. OCALA, FLA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY i, IVJ4 courts without a hearing. You con demn me without according me this privilege. Nay, you give what I say an interpretation, taken as a whole, it will not bear. You say: * "We are afraid Mr. Harris’ reputation, gained by many years of brave, honest and liberal jour nalism, will l>e seriously impaired, if not totally wrecked, if he does not stop excusing prizefights and lotteries. Now, I submit that if you publish iu the columns of your paper just what I did say in full, aud not independent and isoloted paragraphs, that very ‘ few, if indeed, any of your readers will ; come to the conclusion that you did. The preacher, whether in his pul pit or in his uewspaper, must be care ful of bis utterances as well as of bis treatment of others. The worst flaying that I have run across in many a day was that admin istered to the eminent president of Emory College by a devoted member of his church, and this member a woman. See Mrs. VV. H. Felton’s let ter in the Sunday edition of the Atlanta Constitution of February 4th, which I enclose. We live iu an age of independent thinking; iu an age of investigation; in au age in which everything the preacher says is not takeu forgrauted; so unless he wants his utterances to lose their savor lie must salt them down with truth aud a'l the con comitants thereof. A false statement, a false inference, a false interpretation, from the pulpit or iu the religious press, in the eyes of this christiau woman, aud there are many like her, are more pernici ous and harmful than the avowed teachings of Mr. lugersoll. In speaking of the Bible narrative of the great feats of strength performed by Samson and David I said: “As the achievements ot these champions in single combat are narrated with more or less gloss and glamour, so have the commanders of all victorious armies, from Jackson to Graut. been immortalized as heroes, and pictured to us as receiving and deserving the plaudits and hom age of the world and the favor of God; and as loug as our civilization, moral ami intellectual preception lead up to these things.instead of away from them; as long as standing armies are re garded as necessary annexes to Christiau gevern* meats; as long as the military overshadows the civic hero, we must not too harshly censure those just now engaged in showering praises on the victor of the hand-to-hand combat that so recent ly occurred iu the motropolis of our state." And I added: “It is the natural and necessary out growth of the moral intellectual and religious les sons of the ages.and will not be stopped as long as our civilization is as it is." I humbly submit that this is not an excuse nor justification for prize fight im*. It is not only a condemnation of prize fighting, but is likewise a cou demuutiou of the civilization that has attained in Christiau governments which thinks it necessary to main tain standing armies for Die butchery of neighboring uatious,and which welt the earth with the bitter tears of weeping mothers,widows and orphans for the blood of their slain, aud which cries as loud to heaven as ever Abie’s did. Again you interpret me wrongly. X. said: ■The Louisiana lottery has asked for no grant of power from the legislature of Florida, aifd I cannot see how the establishment of its print shops at Fort Tsai pa can work an injury to the state. Tojthe extent* that it gives employment A ward.9l 'Hi<T heSt Hon to labor it seems to me, it will be a benefit. And f * — ■ ■■■■■ l think we shall have bigger issues to engage u- OVS km Ol*ldL S FdrlP. jsM in polities than imaginary ones." Is this an excuse or a palliation, or *?: j. it justification for the Louisiana lot- w _ tery. '.>3# There js absolutely no points of re- 6jj||k <£. f1? : semblance between a printing estate- ißi £# gel lishiuent aud a lottery company. sa!/ in the job rooms of the Baptist ??' Witness are printed the theatrical r CE9FAIM programmes for this city. Forsooth, y ! should it be charged that the Baptist V&l ~H jitT F Witness is engaged iu promoting the j§ theatre? And should the moral sen- I JLKimMikAl , v timent of the community he furiously 7|?ra $3P3S , |k aroused against it therefor? Viewed r from a moral aspect there are many I fffF Ifaßl points of resemblance in a printing UACT rr , n^_r ,_ ... re establishment printing lottery tickets MOST perfect made. and one printing theatrical pro- A pure Grape Cream Tirtar Powder. Free gnomes, and there can be found pet,- *n Ammonia, Alum or any ether adulterant, pie phairsaical enough to say that the 4° YEARS THE STANDARD. devil is behind them both. ~~ ".7~TT~T~"~nI - The Florida Citizen, a veritable San- 011 Promptly Rejected clio Panza, that is just now waging a There are two pioposilions before gigantic war against a supposed evil, the council asking for special aud is charged as being a corporation organ, exclusive privileges that should be aud established to promote the cor- promptly rejected. Oue is tor grant porate influence in this state, or to use i u K to E. L. Root, and whoever may the more forceful language of Senator be associated with him, the exclusive Call, to “destroy the sovei ignty of the privilege of operating a gas plant iu people,” and to put itself iu shape to the city of Ocala for the period of do this it must hide its real purpose by b years; the other granting to a pretense of morality that it does not Jumes Chambers the exclusive privil possess, and thus waging a gigantic ege of operating a telephone service for war on an evil that has no real ex- the same period ot time. I here is uo istence, is all a blind and a hlutt’, oue time stated wheU theß * gentlemen are which for ridiculousness is a fitcoun- to besin operations, what they are to terpart to its first effort iu which it so charge or anything about it. If they aroused tiie fury of the governors of ure granted exclusive privileges they two soverign states as to actually hyp- can P° , * iet their franchises, keep oth-> notize them into the belief that it was ers out, and in time sell to strangers uece sary to order out two armies to what COBt thena nothing hut a display prevent two men from fighting :t “fair 1,1 cheek. Of course they are propost fight and uo gougliiug” and that, too, Rons the council can uot seriously eu with “ gloves on.” tertain. For genuine absurdity, it capped the b ac klin’s Arnica Salve. climax, and for downright folly, ex- _ , . u , ... ’ . ... . . The best Halve in the world for Cuts, cept on the pantomimic stage, has no Hruißeß? Bores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum) parallel in grown-up his ory. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, No man can view the present condi- Chilblains, Coras aud all Skin Erup tion of attairs and be blind to the fact tion * :U "! positively cures Piles or no .. ... , .... pay required. It is guaranteed to give that there are real live stirring issues satisfaction, or money refund before the people, aud whatever in- ed. Price 25 cents per bottle. For fiuence I may have shall lie exerted sale bv Jas. B. Carlisle. in the effort to prevent them from * being obscured by fa!Be and uuical Dedicated, ones. Rev. J. C. Porter, of the Baptist I think iu fairness you should pub- Witness, went over to Pheuix, anew lishrny articles which you so vigor- tow " m Levy county, ou the Archer ouily condemn in order that your Ambler R. R, aud assisted in dedi readers may see whether or not they eating a line new Baptist church, merit the interpretation you place which cost SISOO. A big audience was upon (he o. F. E. Harris. present aud a big dinner followed the ■ ; dedicatory services. A pleasing fea ture of the deeply interesting occasion Do You ant a New Mattress. V vas Mr. F. Copier’s contribution of If so, buy one direct from the lac- towards paying for the church tori and save "0 per cent. We make building. mattresses of every size aud material. - - Try one made of our Florida moss- Mr. Geo. B. Lond, business maua hair. Encourage home industries and ger of the “Home aud Country Maga wr-.te at once for prices to Davies and ziue,” spent Sunday in Ocala visiting Griivesou, moss-hair aud mattress his sister, Mrs. F. J. Durant. Mr. L. factories, Welaka, Fla. 2-2-4 t. was a former citizen of Pensacola, and a nis last visit to Ocala was seveu years Winter dress good* at the Ocala Com- ago, since which time he has seen mercial and Bazar Co.'s at astonishing- wonderful improvements in our city. ly low prices. -Inspect then. r * ** a gi eat G. A. R m<*n,and atteuded the \m.e state meeting at JLqversof first-dass apples can find San font. He the first post hem at Smith’s. ever instituted oP the order iu Florida. Settled. The case ot McKibbou vs. .Stevens & Graham was settled by the ruling of the United .States court at Jacksou v Captain McKibbou to receive half the money, stock, bonds, profits aud other property of the company. To turn over half interest in 11,640 acres of phosphate lauds iu Alachua, Ma rion and Levy counties, sold by Stev ens & Graham to the Augip-Florida and Chicago-Flouda Phosphate com panies, or pay one-half cash, stpek, bonds aud other property. There be ing showu that of assets Stevens Jt Graham had withdrawn $01,757 17,de fendants w ere ordered to pay to Mc- Kibbou a half interest. Tnis decree is subject to order in favor of the Laud Mortgage Bank of Florida. J. 11. Bun-hell was appointed special master to tuke testimony aud report ou McKibbou’s indebtedness to the Mortgage Bank of Florida. Sing a song of common sense. A mind that's full of try, A man who knows a thing or two And shows it iu his eye— Who's well aware (he medicine That's best for you aud me Is always Dr. Fierce's Med ical Discovery. You can escape just about one-half the ills that fiesh is heir to, by being ready for them. When you feel dull, languid, “oulof sorts” geuerally—then you may know that some of them are coming. Don’t let them get any further. Brace the system up with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. That prevents as well as cures: It invigorates ihe liver aud kidneys, purifies and enriches the Llood, sharp ens the appetite, improves digestiou and restores beal.h aud vigor. The vanishing city, or photographic views of the White city at the Auli- Monupoly drug store. Price iu cloth $2.50; list price $2.50 A brass band complete for SIOO, is tiie biggest offer. Upright Piano, Square piano, Concert Organ Uhappel Organ Parlor Organ, and Baby Organ. Stein way, Mason & Hanliu, A. B. Chase, Matbushek, and Sterling Pianos. —_ f Mandolin, Guitar, Banjos, Fiolins, Autoharps, aud Accordiane. Flutes, < 'laronets, Cornets, *- Flagolets, • .7 and Fifes. Sheet. Music and at tiie Ocala Music House, Montezu ma Block, F. W. Hunt, Agent for U,a l. >. . M.H. | Tie yaiolfliiraiL ! BOARDING AND LODGING ! AT REASONABLE RATES OYSTERS Of EVERY STYLE ! COOKED TO PERFECTION. ! NORTH sin* PTSUT SQCABR. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Remember- That if you wiah to take advantage of Colby’s Free Crayon offer you had better do so soon as it may be discou tiuued at any time. 1-23-94 d-w. To Rent. A nicely furnished front room, with fire place aud eioeet. Convenient to public square. Call ou or address Mrs. A. E. Miiudcu, Ocala, Fla. 2-9 94 Im. A-Sew Shoe Shop. At Smith’s harness shop a finite lass workman, ready to do all kinds of re pair! ug, as well as uew work. Ladies’ work a specialty. 2>9-2t 8 try ami 8 tears, With red side and while back, marked straight split in one ear aud uuder nick iu the other. No brand. About six years old. 2-9-2 t J. S. Edwards, Ocaja, Fla. for Sale 10 A ores Land one mile from Ocala. Suitable for fruit or vegetable growiug. Address E. C\, Box 067, Ocala Fla. dawl-lbtf Ladies’ coats and jackets at half price at the Ocala Commercial if Bazar Co.'s. It will pay you to call and ear amine them. J. Barker’a Tailoring Department- Has removed from Tbompeoo’s block to Butler’s new block ou Expo sition Street, where he will coutinue his business of cleaning aud repairing suits. Will also have iu stock a fine line of puuts aud suitiug. J. Barker, Butler’s uew block. 10-6-1 in Pomona Hursery Stock. Every desirable variety and kind ot fruit trees suited for Florida's soil and Florida stock for sale. Bedded in lot uor‘h side of public square. Kraybili aut. Briggance, nurserymen, Ocala, Fla. 12-8-981/. Finest Rnrsery Stock in the Stats- Consisting of budded orauge, lemon and grape-fruit trees. Any age de sired. Those in need of nursery stock can make no mistake in quality or price by addressing or calling on E. D. Coates, H tan ton, Fla. 10-27 tf. Firat-Oiaia Livery Serrioe. The leading livery men of Ocala •Single or double teams and saddle horses at Liddou Bros., Ocala, Fla. Ocala House Barber Bhop. Get shaved and have your hair cat at the leading shop in Ocala. Special attention given to children and ladies’ hair cutting and bang trimming. Work done satisfactory by exception ally good workmen In shop or at resi dence. Police Gisette endorsement March 11th, 1898. C. V. McCoy. Prop ■ A. ’Bus and. Eithh Skkvtck.—Ths ‘Old and Reliable” is now prepared to move parties on short notice. made purposely for the business Leave orders with ths 'has drtvsr C harles Meyers, manager.