ti d X L > ir StjSjS ijM THE QGJLLA BANNER ftA1f lt 3 JAVUARJ lA AI ttAR tTARY 4 1901 Ift O1 l r c a + u utt I v tt r t tJM t JM A Chronological ChronologicalReview AO The eta oa Fal Fali < i v lltL Review Reviewof R vlew vlewIJ view viewe of the theWorlds e w wIn NillOtOOlitil 4 Worlds WorldsHistory r s History IJ Or In i1 the theww ePst e ww wwPwst 1 1 Century Pst P st OneHundred One OneHundred OneHundred Hundred Years Yearsn ears earsw 1 > > < r 00 00 00Jl n n Jl > 0 w w > w 44 t ib tee w > The Ttt century opened ol1eoe with the brut bruttiapoleoaic grfcatNapoleonic gr nt nt9poleoaic Napoleonic wars As ASl a leader 1 > 1ler of armies armiestlhe armiestike 1rmiestlhl > tike great rclt Corsican never to vr found foundltis foundltislutfUeIt his hisintatdi hisnwttcit intatdi Wellington won ou renown rt in that thatora thatro thatIra Ira ro by reason of his vietoie ktlnt > over the theFrench tlilil tlnibroucll French il in the peninsular tear Ir and till tliefletfeat tillOlfeut thedefect defect of Kapoleou at Waterloo WaterlooOn rttrlou rttrlouOn On the continent of Ctirope Von111ke Von VonM on on11te 11te M UJe the tb German leader r in tiltFrancoPrussian tilt theFrancoPrussian tiltiFrnncoPrusslan FrancoPrussian war sinnSs Itn out as U a amaster 11uair 1 1tJulswr master in the latter half of the tl < enuiy enuiyGetienil Imm ImmGltltrll n nty ntyGenerll Getienil Grant placed his name ties be beside hl5tl s side that of the great leaders of mod modem modl l em + rn n times Scott SCottand and Zachary Taylor Taylorwere Tn Taylorwore lor lorWOft were the tll > heroes of the tl Mexican war warSherman tearShernmu 3r 3rStmrmuu Sherman Sheridan Thomas Itobrrt E ELee EIl ELee Il Lee and Stonenall St011l nlll lacksun 13 < 1 on an Uf names nanesforever namesforever muuesIfGrt forever IfGrt r to be b associated n < with the hrH UrilUlaut hrHIitaut hriltaut taut campaimts Impai us of the tJ > civil war wirCplsoB wlrXlsoll war1som CplsoB 1som i ctiwUt4lltltt u f > tntl tlie century a 10 > a 1 naval unvalc tul al allIud c csisnMitndtr H HM ier MU lIud i at 11 its close > Fartage Fartagein F2t Fariiiguttmta rl11gu 1 1lI1l i in mta cw + ar4 cj J units < unrivaled unrivaledStns 1111 1 tike IH lust t half of the century meth methwere UlethfIJl 0 6 fIJl ftrftn were revolutiooixetl revokuiontwetllS1ewa revolutiooixetlsnils ren IuientzC1 IuientzC1IS IS lS1ewa s lIIlod Mils ils pad Dd Iron ariucr ariucrluills IIrtucrtr I tr Ilhtftlod umcanl iirtl hulls Ite ItenIillg lvtti tier turirds tierIrllbs I ur urIV4IIS irds wild alllllraitid mpkl sift 1 guns wen tn M svtrely svtrelyItsMl v rely relytes ItsMl tes t tiI1U m ju lilt dose of the etiitury tlUur ForIlia For ForIhnHd FOtIIttIIll IhnHd Ilia Nl troof tlie perrussittdt perrus le l1S6in ion rifles 11I1t Itorl ItorlIlse url urlItllte u < l ltike tike brjK 1ItrNodl cl loii4iitie mnciidue ritk the tbenra tb tbIteMUt theiiwscMnt IteMUt nra tw It1N > itKl smokeless I powderiidl powder powdertbnuirtHl Ihldcordllutotl iidl iy tbnuirtHl methods of fight flghtcnai t1 fightlb J1t J1tt lb cnai rt aI t titrstlry It v nlIQ lr chains d s wf if NaItr1los Xa Xalinn t tII II Itr1los linn Ctt were w crl ri never r rlkUII jHate twit twitf hlaIte faitthe the ttapoi tatxr 1Jna f ntouateti troops has hasby Itft ItftIltclllllShlbUN1 hayIlwew Ilwew IltclllllShlbUN1 teiwhii ilkl by b the exi lxlt1rieuc erieufe a nf nfItille ofitllie nfitbe itbe I1K4r Iliw r wurs W JUS of tl the + e century centuryitoe ClDI ury uryWtAIRS WAIRS Wr JRS AND ANDGHEAT GREAT BATTLES BATTLESTrent l tlnutIU nlnJn Trent Trcnt1icl ic i Mu MiJrtinl rtinI liriiilera liriiileraAmi ICIHlcrsrUUtnltnl ii c r rt Ami t rUUtnltnl niii cut t etc t5tc1SOI It c clSt1 1SOI 1SOId 1 lSt1Ti1i cI cI1f1ltpelllttiItlItoC 1f1ltpelllttiItlItoC Ti1i d dt ilmf l war a ttgaitist Miast the thof IheC theC4 C C4 hrs hrsllttkntix s s1I 1I llttkntix 1t tJf f 1a Ltwevilk I NitlIkHIttlU tacyi1k VH iwt i u Iraure Iraurey nrc nrcItt sari ittrillw Itt allllIt ty y I i Boa Boa1fhti > tm 1fhti 11 C Clfthd t ud ulrts hi lit t tIrar w r with witbom withiillc1i11ar ttb 11 iillc1i11ar iillc1i11arIID4e 11D IID4e IHJt4eJln IIIil Is 41 l tirc4sl ktilPlIW1tir0III + eif wwr om France PIiDCeloSH FrancelHtweon lt tnce tnceth0 loSH loSHll th0IIirwee ll IIirwee twstlcitrlltll tN1 lHtweon the heUait United Cttitedi Unitedmm6 d dSIMt i SIMt trth mm6 wellCrilto wellCriltox TriiwiH TriiwiHf x ilNiMrik It f 1 Tiilatrar Trnf lIIIf p r > ainl JlilH1denltt risf dent of ofOf er111Milk ofiltistNtiN 111Milk Of OfIHJt4eJln Atirlt491tt Atirlt491ttl 11I t tttL tttLil il i sou souf ClH ClH1II1IIil + 1II1IIil I riir w iltltitlk l II Irosin IrosinVii rt rt1f Vii Viihlrmtg 1f hlrmtg tF f Tilsit l JIWI twee flJtPrwastnalMJ flJtPrwastnalMJIllI P PPwtural Prvn a iM1 iM1iriilM IllI iriilM NsptJiPst dPQIInl d Pwtural Pwturalwar Purtut sI liN 1sr 4 Wl lJe tc Iet1 tcttlit ttlit t1 I tww a Ia arir r war w r I U CfI a + rmnl OIId Austriaa cum cumof CttpIIM j I 1 IIM 1 t ntd of Vayram and tlttlttrelf troaty troatyllJitle tlOItYr r elf f liwwet 11 lit f 4ileirt t1w nt upwiS1 isi 1 11 11Il i iier t1llhu Il 1llhu aw9ier at1 ier b btwrl tvi ti tin < < Unitocl Unitoclires States StattJfll Stateslf Jfll lf i at tt ilrttiddtit 1I ires d41tt Mt aId a ad the tb I citisit I4 citisitIVrl iLLSit1hr3 sIoc tI tIIll llJitle llJitlettlh Ill UtlL I luuifl IVrl iiinc i of ofwar ItOfllltties in inVr int I Iitllrr itllrr ttlh t rwiE war wilb Creat roar 1 t Prttain Brittillitltlie Prttainof In llitltlie of f Tiplnaeot1St Tfnipsmoe 11tIIH ftO ftOISI 1Stq ISI ISIdfollllttd Vr xrw q i dfollllttd lnred apuinst ilt t Grrat Britain 13r4talnGun Britainttee BrltftnrJ1l1I Gun It ttee I1 rlprirt d1 of f swreb > rfh Cflnadfl CE da InItIr4 in inV inYk10ry ItIr4 Jewry V liict iry cf the frigate fl1 t Consti CoiistiItiotius Constivt Itiotius t vt cr r tbe tbti PrltJsh 111tl warshl warships rstttps s Gw G Gueria > r rJura r11mIId 11mIId diet iiad iiadt Jura Ja t a Juradteastioas t s 5 dteastioas Russia > > caw camilMM1 caiab caw11MtMndag ilMM1 11MtMndag b ra tdg s of f Moscow1s1a Moscow Moscow1S13 I05towIS13 1S13 1S13IPerrys IS131lN1rys 1s1aIht IPerrys Iht rrs naral DIt 1 victory on Lake lk Erie Erie2Cttfioteoa EriepoIeoi Erid 2Cttfioteoa poIeoi defeated d rMtM1 at 1 Lcipslc Lei i iifhrcell Sk and andifroefi mcJto ifroefi to retreat to France FranceThe FranceFrtIIclt FranceThe The Preach armies driven dri n from flOftln fromtSjMtfn tSjMtfn S sdln n by > Hoston tHt eIlingtonI Hoston1S14 ton tonIS14 I 1S14 1514I1 1S14IBttttles IS14IBttiJltS I1 IBttttles of > f Luadys Lane Plnttsburg Plnttsburgliilndousbur Plnttsbgg3MI Pinttsbarg1Elwdeilshurg 3MI liilndousbur capture of the city clt of ofby of1aSla of7asbigton 7asbigton 1aSla by Ute British Baltimore BaltimoreBritisJi BftI timore timoreIJIItltad 1 IJIItltad aittac4ed British R Hsll moved lDO oa New Nc Or OrJacksons Orftllle OrIleatis Ileatis ftllle Jacksons 1e 9ons first battle hattieTreaty battleflVearr h1UleUilrmuy Treaty of Ghent concluding peace be Over ver = Work WeakensYour Weakens WeakensYour veakensYour Your Kidneys KidneysUnhealthy KidneysUnbellthy KidneysUnhealthy Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood BloodAll BloodAU BloodAll All the blood in your body passes through throughyour throughoor throughyour your oor kidneys once every three minutes minutesThe minutesThe minutesThe The kidneys are your yourblood yo yourblood r rw w blood purifiers they fil filter filter fil2r ¬ 2r i ter out the waste or orimpurities orl l impurities in the blood bloodIf If they are aresiek sick or out outof outof outof of order they fail to do dotheir do5e 1 5e i their work workPains workPains workPains 1i 1it 1il Pains aches achesandrheu achesandrheumatism and rheu rheumatism ¬ l matism come from ex excess excess ¬ t ex cess of uric acid in the theblood theblood theblood blood due to neglected neglectedkidney neglectedJ neglectedkidney J kidney trouble troubleKidney troubleKidney Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady unsteadyheart unsteadyc F c heart beats and makes one feel as thoughthey though thoughthey thoughtite they tite had heart trouble because the heart is isoverworking isworking isoverwotkktnS overworking working in pumping thick kidney kidneypeisoaed kidneyL1 kidneypsoiled < l peisoaed blood L1 UIUUU through th TOug h veins and an d arteries arteriesIt ar t enes enest i It t used to be considered on red that only urinary urinarytaMoies urinarytMbIes urinaryt taMoies t were to be traced to the kidneys kidneysIbwtrtow kidneysIbtUItOW kidneysF F M4 T I1t Ibwtrtow now modern science proves that nearly nearlyB nearl nearlt t IX a6 B cc constitutional const n utiol diseases have their begin beginning beginIDIDc beginldtig ¬ i ning in kidney trouble troubleIt trotlbleJt Jt It you are sick you Ou can make m ke no mistake mistakes I s k i19first ibjr first doctoring your kidneys The mild mildand mildt mildeffect t and the extraordisery extraordi y effect of Dr Kilmers KilmersSwampRoot 0 SwampRoot the great kidney remedy is issoon is3IOa iswf wf A t soon a realized It stands the highest for its itswonderful itsul itst ± t wonderful ul cures of the most distressing cases casesand casesme casesw w and me is usoh1 sold en its merits meritsall pTj pTjby frY by all dr druggists UiioSts ats in fifty fif fiftytxatundonedollar j joem J Jcent cent txatundonedollar and onedollar one oUar siz sizes z ¬ i ies u ues it es You may have a asample aample sample bottle by b mail nosoe of r SwampRoot SwampRootfree stiamtneotftee t tfree free also pamphlet telling you how to find findoet findoat findolst oat if ify you ou have kidney or bladder trouble troubleMoatkm troubleIMoKkn troubleMotion Motion thin naper when writing Dr Kilmer KilmerCo Kilmer1CoElnghamton 1CoElnghamton < Co Binghamton N Y Yv v 4 Y tween the United States and Great GreatBritain GreatBritain GreatBritain Britain Ism 1S15Battle IsmBntth sintattle Battle of New ew Orleans Naval n nl con conflicts confilct confilets ¬ filets between lIlt wln the United States 8tnt > s frigate frigateConstitution frignteConstltmlon frigateConstitution Constitution and an the British sloops sloopsCyanc sloopsCynlw sloopsCyant Cyanc and Levant LevantWar 13ntnr LevantVar War nr with Algiers AlgiersNapoleon AIiefs1oINn AlgiersNapoleon Napoleon 1oINn escaped from Elba to France Franceand Frnoceanll Franceand and retstabliphed rt his empire Battle Battleof of Waterloo Napoleon n polon Imprisoned at atSL atSt SL Helena HelenaNaval 1 tsu7 tsu7naval S SKn Naval Kn al battle of Navarino = a arino and defect defectof of the Turks s by the allies resulting inthe in inthe j jI the independence of Greece Greeceis I Imnll I is isBlack 1rBlarh Black Flawk war warI w I I SU 156Massacre SUt t I Massacre 1la saIe of the Alamo battle of ofSan ofSan I San nn lacinto and n tl independence of Textc Tex Texas ¬ as asj ISI j 1512 1512j is isj 1 1I j End of the Seminole S warI war wnrDors 1 I Dorrs rebellion in Rhode Island IslandEnd IslnndEnd IslandEnd End of Englands opium war In Chi China China China ¬ na cession of Hongkong Hongl ong and opening openingof opulnof of five treaty ports portsistu portsISIU istu istuWar ISIUYnr 1816War War with nc lih Mexico MexicoIS47 JiesicoISI7 leslcolSJ1 IS47 ISI7Battles IS47Battles lSJ1Bnttlfs Battles of Buena Vista ls l and Chapul Chapultepec ChaputelJeC Chapultepee tepee Mexico and capture of the Meg Meglean Mexican Meslenn ¬ lean capital General Zachary Taylor Taylorled led the American forces at Buena Cista Vis Vista Vistn ¬ ta General Gen ral Winfield Scott the armies armieswhich nnnieswbidJ armieswhich which captured the City of Mexico Mexico1S4S MexicoISIS I IIS1S ISIS 1S4STreaty IS1STrenty ISISTreaty Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo end endof endof endof of the Mexican war warISol wnrI I ISol ISolBeginning IS ISBeginning isasBeginning Beginning of the Crimean war fir First Firstuse Firstuse Firstuse use of plated warships famous charge chargeof of Ute Light brigade at Balaklava and andsiege andsi andsiege siege si of Stovastoiwl Stovastoiwlisrc isrc 1sn0Treaty 156Tlent s sTreaty Treaty Tlent of Paris end of the Crimean Crimeanwar war i i18a7 isrr isrrSepoy IS ISSepoy 18a7Sepoy Sepoy rebellion in India I n ln famous fttn us for forsiege forsiege forsie sie siege r e of Lueknow LueknowEngland LuckuowEnglno England rEngland at war with Cbinn Uoabardment Uoa OOUIItftldment twathnrdmeut bardment of Can Canton CantonIS Canton18n9 ton ton1S59 1S59 1S59AustroSardininn IS ISAustroSmt1inian 18n9Austro Austro AustroSardininn Sardininn war 1 battles of oiIn oiIngeutn Mnge4stn Mn Mngc gc geutn tn nnd fin Solforino Solforino1SB1 1SB1 1SB1Fort ISGIFort 1861hoer Fort Sutnter Hull Run iuuIllVaatoil RunInvasion RunI Invasion I It Itflou of Mexico hx 10 by iEI1rm EninntlFrwtwe Engchiud EngchiudFrance uti I IlrAftel France and Spain SpainCapture ISt IStlltHln 1812 1812Capture Capture lltHln of Fort Dowolson DoutISOftlksl first milt rilltary military ¬ tary t1tr achievement of Grant GrantIVninsuinr GrautPtllnsular 1 I IVninsuinr 1 ui n tllR r cntuimi It ft m IN Hugs 1 u Hsjistei Usm > < ior et at rt ntFredt t tI FrwiiricUsbur Fredt ricksburg IJflttle of Autietam rt md 111 d dproclaimed tlnmKipttion ettlatuipittionprocla tlnmKipttionproehl proehl proclaimed proclaimedBnttle hued huedHattie i uudnttll Hattie betweeu lIlt u the Monitor and Mer Merritntic Merrilnac ritntic first fight between bet w1t ironeia < Kand Kandfifst and andtlist mlllkst fifst use of the revolving gun turn in inbattle inbo inLathe battle battleDecisive bo it Ie ISH ISr3Derisive ISHDtlsln Decisive buttles l > of Vicksburg andGettysburg and amiGettysburg nnclG Gettysburg G tt sbu Death of Stonewall Jack Jackson Jackeon TICkSOli son the Coufedt ate leader leadert I SKI SKISiege Stt4Siege CI CISiegc Siege of Petersliurp etrslur CHItule c iituro of At Atlnjita 1tIwuta t tlautn lnjita Ku stud < l Shermans tnorch to tbe sea seaBattle stJBattle seaBattle Battle of Cedar r Creek CreekSurrender lItioJ1S reekISa ISa ISaSurrender 1S 1SSurl Surrender Surl ndel of Lee etui Jfth of the civilwit civil civilwar ci it itfir war wit fir r isoo isooWar 1566ar lSUUftr War ftr between Prussia and ftM6Austrjn ftM6AustrjnfttU AustriaBattle Austria AustriaBnttle Battle fttU of Sadowa first St use of the nee ueeOie neem neetie tie m gun UI1 IS7O IS7OFrattcoPrussteu 180FrnucoPrussfftu 1570hraacoPrusslna FrattcoPrussteu war Bnttles of ofMaislnTour ofhuSlftTour ofMarshtTour MaislnTour Graveiottc Grn elotte Mctz and andSedan nlh1Sooan andSedwn Sedan 1S77 1S77RusaoTurkish IS77Ihtssormitish 1577husso RusaoTurkish husso Turkish war ftr decisive e ishc battle of ofPlevna ofrl ofPlevna Plevna rl Da 1S7S 1S7SImportant IS8ImlJOrtnltt 157xImportant Important treaty trCftt of Berlin Bt rnn signatory signatorypowers signatorlwels signatorypowers > powers Great Britain Kussia Germa Germany ¬ ny AustroUungary France Italy and andTurkey andTurlt andTurkey Turkey Turlt 1SS5 1SS5British lssaBritish British disaster at Khartum in the theSudan theSu theSudan Sudan Su m death of General Gordon GordonWar GordonI Gordon159t I 159t 159tWar Ht j jWnr and bat battle battie I ItIc War between China Japan ¬ tIc of the Yalu son ISOoEnd 18DEnd sonEnd End of the war between China andJapan and andJapan nn nnJnpm Japan treaty of peace at Simouoseki SimouosekiInsurrection SimonosektInsurrection SimonosekiInsurrection Insurrection in Cuba Cubaisos Cubn18DS CubaI SOS isosUnited 18DSUnittd I SOSUnited United States battleship unttl > sbip Maine blown blownup up in Havana harbor Feb 15 War declared de declared d dclared > ¬ clared by the United States on Spain Spainand SpninnUll Spainand and volunteers called out in n April AprilNaval AprilK1ul AprilNaval Naval battle of Manila May 1 Battle Battleat at Santiago July 1ul 1 Cerveras fleet de destroyed ¬ I Istro istroted stroyed stro cd July 3 Santiago surrendered surren surrenderedJuly ered eredJuly j jJuly July 17 Si Spain > ain sued sne for peace July 20 G GPeace i irece i iPeace Peace protocol signed Aug 12 Manila Mnnilncaptured Manilacaptured i icaptured captured Aug 13 j jisno I i1S99 isno isnoTreaty 1S99Treaty I ITlent Treaty of Paris between the Cnited j jStates i IStates States and Spain Spain evacuated evacuatedCuba j Cuba CubnYnr CubaVar I IWar War in South Africa between Great GreatBritain GreatBritain i iBritain Britain and the South African Repub Repube j jlie I Ilic lie and Orange Free State j190O j IIDOO 190O iBritish I jBritish IBritisb British victories yi 10ries in South Africa AfricaBoer j jBoer I IBoer Boer republics annexed nl1l1 > l as British col colonies j jonies I Ion onies on its itsAnUforelguJiprising i iAntiforeigu i iAntiforeigililprising Antiforeigu AnUforelguJiprising uprising In China siege siegeof ntin Battle fought at lien Tientsin lientsiii nlUtsin ¬ of the legations I r tsin between allies tlli < S and Chinese impe imperial imperinl imperial ¬ rial troops Peking abandoned by the theChinese th thCbinesecourcnnd theChinese Chinese Cbinesecourcnnd court and occupied by the aln alj ali al nlUIQ j UIQ n j i t f tlIE I 1 r r TJ s sDisease TheBlightlng The BllahanDisease Bllahan SCROFULA s 0 r II Disease of ofHeredity J rlIn JIn In many respects Scrofula and Consumption are alike they develop from the same gen genera 1 1eral era eral causes both are hereditary and dependent upon an impure and im fmvished impovished Heredity 8ele I UJ UJpovished povished Po vished blood supply In consumption c the disease fastens itself upon uponthe uponthe t tthe the lungs in Scrofula the glands of the neck and throat throatswel swell and suppurate causing ugly running sores soresthe soresthe soresthe the eyes are inflamed and weak w ak there is an almost continual discharge from the ears the limbs swell swellbones swenbones i ibones bones ache and white swelling is frequently a result causing the diseased bones to work out through throughthe the skin producing indescribable pam and suffering Cutting away a sore or diseased gland does no nogood nogood good the blood is poisoned poi oned The old scrofulous taint which has probably come down through severalScro several severalgenerations severalgenerations 1 generations has polluted every drop of blood bloodScrofula bloodScrofula r rs s Scrofula Scro Scrogenerations fula requires vigorous persistent treatment The blood m must st be brought back to a healthy healthycondition healthycondition health healthcondition condition before the terrible disease can be stopped in its work of destruction Mercury potash nnd nndother nndr andother r other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than good they ruin ruin the digestion digestionand and leave the system in a worse condition than before beforeS S S S is the only medicine that can reach deepseated blood troubles like Scrofula It goes down to the very roots of ofthe ofthc ofthe the disease and forces every vestige of poison out of the blood S S S is the only purely vegetable blood purifier knownThe known knownThe knownThe The roots and herbs from which it is is made contain wonderful won erful blood purifying properties which no poison arson however howeverpowerful powerful can cant cand canlong long resist S S S stimulates and in purifies rifies theblood the blood increases the theH theSA theappetite SA < i H rrrj V r Zi trnvrxjrr rn S HE t L 0BaBiLiJfff J mMI a aa LiM + i l rr appetite aids the digestion and restores r torcs health and strength to theenfeebled the theenfeebled thefII fII fE J Q i t1unk have Scrofula enfeebled body If you on have reason to thinkyou YOU or oryour oryour orvonr your vonr child has inherited any an > blood taint dont wait for it to develop but begin at once the use of S S S It Itis is a fine tonic and the thebo theh thebest bo h best < t blood purifier and blood builder known as it contains no poisonous minerals S S S is preeminently a remedy for forchildren foreh forchildr children childrenWhen eh 1dr1 1dr1Vhcn n n1C1cnmvIiugliterwasaniifzrtsireladnscvceease When 1C1cnmvIiugliterwasaniifzrtsireladnscvceease my m d mvlitrr was an infart shr sh had a severe case ca of Scrofula for iorwhich which shewasunderth she was under the con constait cont1 r ratatt stait t1 t tare < of o puvstiiaus for more than two cars years > hheuns She was woreat worse at the end cn of that time however and andw w Vl e aliost C t o c cJ < J of < h r I Ii lire e e A f sr v bottles of Swift ift s Specific cured ct1r 1l her com complete letely a > it Termed H to topo too togo po o direct to the u uc ueof cof of the t1 e trouble I do not believe it has halian an an equal for stubborn casesof cases < l sr of 1 l1 lo > d I diseases diseaseswhich diseaseswhich liseaseshich which are beyon 1 the power of other ocalled blood remedies S I BROOKS Monticello Ga GaOur GaOur CaOur Our medical department is in charge of experienced es P erieficed physicians who have made madeScrofula madeScrofula r rScrofula Scrofula and other blood 1 > diseases di eascs a life study Write them about your your case or any anyone anyoneyon one oneyon yon yon ou are areno inters cd 1 11 ii i Yuar letter will receive prompt and nd careful attention We e make makeno no charge char e whatever for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA u HULE HuiERS R ANU STATESMENur STATESMEN sr A TESMEN TESMENnn tIii tenter ur > tlii ot < it OfMliij n sited nlHunr sitedII ntl ntlAmong II unr unrAmon It er erlniong Among Amon th MMUsinri sin 11I1 tsIln UItu Li snul orators oniiorsvhost oratorstyhose WIIUISIjc vhost Ijc l Hiriiiinc I rhn iliiriuu nl I11r I h II ritiinn ritiinnivi i ntnrl ntnrltv1 IIn ivi 1 < only Mrotul st tdfI 10 o Him of of tin I hI glint glintrulers givalrulers I IrtllI rulers vrpfi tPI I iHIuhi > nwi 0 OComitlI onuttl called callidtin alltllIIrI tin Hlnnuor thnIirr1 ivlio 111I ditcJ h < l in 1SJ7 I Ij John JohnC Johnt111otin C Calliotin t111otin American iatfsman w h III1 n am amor unit unitor 11111O or O tor or ami IJ 111 Rotten feel hls IiJ EnglishrcnitniporarY English KngHslironirnipoiary Englisht ronirnipoiary t t 1101 both otl h of ivimm died hiis1 In Inisru IiiISO ISO llnrv Clay and Daiwl NVobster NVobstermost phtlr phtlr1II0 ehster1110si most 1II0 t I1Ilotytleti rciiou net among n ml1 American IlIlriC > H1 ova orator omlor ovator tor tor who died in the su same 111 ne year tm 1SVJ 1SVJStephen ISoI ISoIIIJllHn IS i iSteihitl Stephen A 1 IpllgiI Dnn DOIII iao and a I 1Ie1 Count ou olltit III Oivonr Oivonrtin < 2i your 10111lhl yourtin tin Italian statesman who died in in1X111 IIIlStil iniSfl 1X111 Villinin II Seward Sen ani Lincolns Lincolnssecretary Lincolnstrtmrr Lincolnssecretary secretary of Siam Il > Mazzim Italian Italianrevolutionist ItJlil1lIolutloui Italianrevolutionist revolutionist t Tlncrs of France rJmt hi Iirn hirmH i iIfh rmH Ifh Ii of England and Cnnhnldl n litmll1 the thefight tillfihtlllg thetight fight fihtlllg in lug patriot of ltal Italy I tlad iadinm iadinmthe 1lIl tom IOIlIht tomilia the great Rngltsh ElIglI sigh h Libeiai Ii tikiiL siml I IK IKmarcUthe ni nim1 is istnarekthe marcUthe m1 rcl thp Iron I rOil Chancellor of < Jermin JerminImlli prlll1 n nbirth birth died in IN lSI IS + having been in puli pulilie IHI IHIIh putilit lie life almoM t bait I rvntnry rvntnryPaul r IuIUIYI r uttlry uttlryIsot I Isot IsotIatll UI UIIanl Paul 1 of Itussia Hn s n assasMnaied sue suecceded SUIctttlttl sueceeded cceded hy Alexander I IThomas ITholllns 1ihoinas Thomas Jefferson president pres < lpIII of tlie tlieUnited lllenitet theCntted United nitet States StatesFrance StatesFrance tn ts tsFrJI1 France FrJI1 > a republic under a directorate directorateGeorgo dllltomltJeorge directorateGeorge George 111 Uing Gin of England EnglandISO ISO I U ULirnnce I IFrance IFrance France constituted on tltl1f11 an empire withNapokan with withNapolean withNapolCno Napolean hereditary emperor emperor1M tluJlrorI 1M I 11 11Ab 1 tAbdicatiotl 1Abdication Abdication Ab < 1lCatlo of Napoleon nJlIloll and 111 u l1 < 1 exile x ill to toElba toElun toElba Elba IMO IMOAccession I ISOAccession snAcccssion Accession of Jeorge < IV I to the throne throneof of England EuglnudII i sy u uiturhideI i iIturbide iturhideI Iturbide II es eiafieror of Mexico J xlo put putto putto putto to death for attempting to overthrow overthrowthe the th Mexican republic republicisj isj isjAndrew 1 1929 1929Aalt S SAndrew > Andrew Aalt ret Jaeksou la rkson inaugurated ttd presi president president presld ¬ dent d > nt Jackpou served two terms and andhis andhis mdltis his period In office was a tuo molt t excitingIatinued exciting excitingCo exc1tugotctinued Iatinued Co tinned on 6th pnge 1 pngel > n eJ eJI I ioJV J JIi i iI I I 1m m m1m IV IVs 9 s Easy anYJr Y V 1m I I v v1m i r r iv ivii V Vm 1m Vi i I m = v ii iiI J JI j To Toi I I L V W Wm u I II m N W WI V1 w wno I V1il il ilOF T TI Ti no I V ilV I i i i Thin pale anaemic an anaemic mic girls girlsneed girlsI ilv w W v I need a fatty food to enrich enrichtheir tyW ty tyi 3 3their i their blood give give color to totheir tom W is ist1 i > m t1 their cheeks and restore r their theirhealth W cf cfI B Bhealth > > C I health and strength It is issafe issafe W te safe tc c say ay that th t they the nearly nearlyall 1 t 1t y < > all reject fat with their foodI food Y w Yw YI I I U Ui UCOTTS iU iUr i 9 9I kj1 r COTTS EMiU SIOH I t OF OFCOD OFCOD j COD ODLP OVER T E Y OIL OILW7H f L LHTH M i 1I I I I r W7H U HHYPOPHOSPHITESOFllflE HYPOPHOSPfilTES OFLIME SODA SODAJ 1 is 1 13 exactly exac tl y what w h a t they 4 t l nY v require re q uIre w W Wt I VII VIIIt tainot It ii i not no t only on I y gives them th em the th e im important 1m g gportant 5 portant element codliver oil oilin oilin oilin in a palatable and easily di digested digested 1 > gested form formbutaho but also the hypo hypophosphites hYPohasPhlteswhich 1 1phosphites phosphites hasPhlteswhich which are so valua valualli valuable 1 1S S ble in nervous disorders that S ST iJ iJusually 3 3II Ii Iiusua T g usually usua u II y accompany anmia an anamiaSCOTTS mJa g gSCOTIS > g gSCOHS SCOHS EMULSION isag isagS isa isafatty is a ao S fatty food that o is more easily easilyg tft I w wdigested g digested di desaed than any an other form j jof Im I Iof m of fat A certain amount of S SS 1 1m S M n flesh is is necessary for health Ui Uit t Y Yt j jYou I w wYou t + 1 m rs You can get it in in this way 1 1 1i I i tR We have i e known kno vn per persons er = I Im m tRt t t sons to t 0 gain a pound poun d a ai am to today ti tit i m fi day J while taking takin it tai taifi g gft W WcD cD f1 ft soc and t roo oo all druggistsr druggists W WSCOTT Ii Iim i if1 m SCOTT Sr BOWXE BOW E Chemists New ew YorkE York YorkJULIETTE jJ jJeeeeeeeeEEeeeeeeeEeee eeeeeeeeEEeeeeeeeEeee eeeeeeeeEEeeeeeeeEeeeJULIETTE E E v EEG 6FeccECEE E EJULIETTE JULIETTE JULIETTEWe I IYe We have a few f w choice lot forsHe for sale in inJULIETTE inJULIErrE inJ17LIETTE JULIETTE also timber phospbat phospbatand pho phat phatand phatand and farm lands landsJ J H LIVINGSTON IJIVIXGSTOXSON S SON 10 13tf 13tffy CI CIc c 4LS + = G GL fy L ter = = = F < = I < = I = L rrQ < = Ir = 1 < > Er = lEEr rrrr rrrre = I < = = = I < = I = r rBudded = = = r Budded e Pecan e an Trees TreesOrange nee 9 FREICHT FREIGHTPREPAID i UOr Orange Or an ge Trees All Kinds cn < s of ofPeach 5 J 5 5Largest ijPeach Peach Trees Tr Tret P > ants antsrREPAID es ° s and andj PREPAID PREPAIDPEARS P REP ID 5I I tPEARS j PEARS PERSIMMONS PLUMS FIGS MULBERRIES CAMPHOR CAMPHORTREES CAMPHORIJ IJ I TREES GRAPES ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS SHRUBSLargest SHRUBSLargest Largest Stock of Trees Best Qualit Qu lt Low Prices PricesMACCLFNNY IT i 11 11I MACCLFNNY FLA FLAMIAMI FLAI TJniWAMA ll A MTTr T > n OT170 5 j I POMONA 1I 1 li NURSERIES NURSERIESADOR NUB 1 1J RRIES at MIAMI 1 BI IAIvI IFA IFAii FLA FLAJACKSONVILLE FLAi FL A i ii I 1 JACKSONVILLE JACK ONVILLE FLA FLATJniWAMA li lit IADJit i 11 ADOR ss THE C 1TFISG I li FIC B BqOTHE OTHE S C V1PANY V1PANYCatalogue i i iCtlat t M Mr Ctlat Catalogue ue free f aPonn upon apphcat Ptieaton l on P 0 B 132 nX5338 3X 533 J 3 J CKSONVl CK ONfI I l IE E Ft FLII FLnm i irJr = = = Sjj Sjjv ll llI = rJr = r 1 = r = = = rr r i = Jr r = I = = I i i T i i ii J i L t r = lj ljj ii j 1 1 M J < i iJ U MU e eMail A J fl > 1 = nm J s ss ioi E Exjrvsi v < Mail Orders Poftulai f ldtlJfJ xjrvsi a 1 ljjJfff VrSSSS SrdS y iJ iJf w wu wProm 7J rz Dq Dqa d 1JL f < J > J I4 > I m i t p C J JI KS KSFor t A c > i > IJ i iT iTf f fJ1 < iai u 10 J j jf f f 15 t Gt Jt > T 1a 7 7fo < < fo ts yve T1G I J n to e < i 4 Prom fl Filled I < l i c < i + U trE cr tJ AD p < > > > c Ip IpCz2kwa rD rDJ1b l J1b i W A fJJ 4 < gf t < W z jO jOi w 65f n ni i < tqiCig i v Cz2kwa ua > O > y yiw o iw rra rrar1 7 iif ° 2 H u K MU MUN vii VSTALLETS VSTALLETSHEALTHY LL iS l lE r1 v i ru f N AND ii a MAE MAETO aKi io1 = I E F E TO TOWI f HEALTHY AND ANDHANDSOME p1DSOW SOW WI tJ WumtN a I HANDSOME HANDSOMEWOMEN HANDSOMEANL i MANLY ANL 4L G I r WOMEN WOMENI I VITALLETS = t For Xvr > crw < e 5 Sirens sriJi I1 nn ot < I Blood BtootllInUtI BtootllInUtIJ Henllli HenllliVital IllealtllSitiill Po J I 1 Vital itlL tsarc a power ii nl ntrrr per r > br lJn in and blood 1 lood foO1 foO1Th 00 s r J s G Th Thnnsie fl i e + 1 > th biii k l > u ill il U uprein uR net a r Ina an 1 II sirongtlien sirongtlienwu sirenth n I I ° wu wulrte te I worn w ern an aut 11 t tr r I n i r os 8 t ur Y till li 1 Lrrol > xH Oilmute makei make makevverycrganact J JJif Jif i i vverycrganact very nnn lIet aeLnl nil causey 0 cause use y 11 it t > inrf > vri h iev ie s itfe itfeIlareyotiU itreIlarcyouw A AIlarc1lQt1tL1fltTlSor1t111I1lretJhfJd1 IlareyotiU Ilarc1lQt1tL1fltTlSor1t111I1lretJhfJd1 tzkverr sorimintreM lt Doyonlatk Doyonlatkrneryu ro wtt wttM M 7 J It rneryu env 1rTvamb arnbouorr amb onorr T rt Lp Isymirmrmiryi isrruem + rt port > oor1 Are Arejoitc ii iivOiLronsiIIcdf ti ti ti2J 2J i you rcaisix1tIt joitc vOiLronsiIIcdf < > iisijKiVI Arc 11reyurkihrr 1rCVJItkiln v > ur iilneuistnactire1 SinIlCtilei Are 1TC1IO vonZ you youninanandwti Z = a ninanandwti lonanund 1dl 7 mClIIlJutBu tu t I manjmtsufftr trngrm erngfrntrailco1c erngfrntrailco1ctrthereffect nyfr mvaiicotle mvaiicotler 1 I e TlllfTfffect > r > thcr effect it of enrl Mrliniscre jin < tscreTl tons onsottrtvorkuorrv < msovirvorJ orrworkworryr worry worryor 1 1or r or orothererceS other ercf Xefl < 3 Arcywiniicvmunaiidajltctcluith Arcywiniicvmunaiidajltctcluitht are 1fJIt L1tQnu It u ll alJlictehJit iwith iwithl i iI t anil ILJlyof of the i Sll st rss isc cfullur to yr vtT > itr sr ST r or J l1uc > avc v tu tuaty u uafJ I IsmcnHjn Vrcli VrcliFri = = V1TAIIKTS 6 ZTAliH ETS and ivill 111 1t Rc tei cl id idtprer cli cliIrtf aty rl f tlt t ap Jl smcnHjn s mcnJnlllab lab r t I TlientaUo Thru tal tako c you Fri r t freahucttNC TNt t12 t Rt tprer t OCr n a117m il l 1 11 > yiniil lnaU ail Do not notdolnpbutorder delay but order now nowCO9 nowlVIALYDOR nnwa lVIALYDOR a tDO JVJFG CO9 CO C Box 750 TSZOa 75 O Lanoas Z n nj irscaster c O Oki ito j y j 1 u en > a tin i TIle plant 1ant 1anto gystem gystemTill e o TI Till I tt CilJKAT nl R ILtI T T TJlnO li li 1O 1 QRIE CAR 1A IIXE IIX L1 1 TO TOTo l t 1 l J Oj OjCOIiNECTIONS LIiI LIiICONNECTIONS t CONNECTIONS CONNECTIONSV COIiNECTIONSE1Asrl tOM tOMMM 1r V i The TI le Atlantic Coast Ct Ca t D t Line le via Chailesion C Cl 3J1e al 1 1n t I1 Bich Bichinoncl l hcl t tTO co To ToThe MM I I Ill IllTh inoncl and and Washington VashingtonVia The Th e I i t j I Jhc Southern Baihvay Railw n v vJ via in Sa armili ar itaIi Colum Columbia Colunlla ¬ Via ia all rail I J bin and AVabliington AVabliingtonTo asliingtonss ss rf rfThe 1 The Southern Railway via Jesup J csup Atlanta Atlantar AtIantalES 1tIt nta ntaand r i and Chattanooga ChattanoogaLouisville Chattanoogbi CllattanooaTO i To The e I V lES r Louisville Xashville via via Montgomery MontgomeryI Iontgon1 y yI I Southern Ry h v via a Sav Columbia Ashvllle AshvllleJ J Hlobile Ohio via Montgomery MontgomeryI fontgomeryE Via Savannah and ndUccan Ocean Steamship Ct Company C n1 mrn pan panZoto ny 3 j jj 1 I Zoto 10 E A Sr I j I for Kew X ew York ork Philadelpia and Loston hostouZhe Lostonm l Zhe 1 he LJLIrJi f i iLJLIrJi r T TI I Via Savannah uli and Meichants lICJ IcIchantsVia chants fe Almcis l lWJ s m Trans Tiansportatiou THlnsVia Via 88 S J IJ I portatiou Company for Baltimore Baltimorei 3a1tllnoreroIT ro i i ri Via la Port Tain TUIBIa pi and and1he 111 111l n ni roIT 1oy iCY C Pt l i t t T Ulll am nru H LlllHUIlli UniTitnn nnvr a T d i it na ri 1 occidipihiseHiuhii Coinpunv CoinpunvNova g Occidtrshl Com The P Pi ivnii Ptnhul I anti nv 1 Mii S Se ul > rtw > r 1lJ > apes hiITON hiI mi minnvr i iOccidtrshl TON Nova ova r i r Scotia i I I ami Pike Edwards 1 1i Tt c Isle IslanVia IsleVia Island t i ir ti Via Boston amiiihe Canada Atlantic and an Plant Steamship Stetlm 5el t in4hi1 bip Line Linenfi lintVilltCl i 1 rjcf Filnic Will 1ttllbe 1ttllbewestern 111 be oa sale throughout the Northern Eastern EasternlOil Entctuv EasternTViIIAC1 nfi VilltCl I01111 lOil t1115u IbL v L Tintc mivClh 4 tetS western Vest ern aon and andollthern ndSouthernStates Southern States to all Florida Jllon a Resortvia Resorts Resortsvin R c orts i ii1 during luriti the coming season 1 i9cosgor 01901 limited to return until May 1 21St with withhbernKtopovtr with1iht withiiberI1 via i1 the Plaut System < r 1iht hbernKtopovtr iiberI1 ltopoer to over privileges prhiie es in Floridacoming Florida Addresses of parties in the Xorth sent tg to the undersigneu undersigneuil ucd rsign t1 i iwNix 4 4wI1 with all information and handsome advertising matter matterFor matterFor J JFor wNix wI1 il be t > C liberally supplied For information as to rates sleeping car reservations etc call on or write to toM toF sz s F M 5 r JOLLY Div Pass Ant 138 West Bay BayDENHAM Ea St Jacksonville ria riaW 1 1W la W 3 DBKEAM D AH Genl G en 1 Supt S UC B W W WEEN1T W WREririPass Ji I Pass as Traffic Jra Ofl 1C Mgr KgrSavannah U gr grSawanl r rSar Savannah Sar an na nar lh n Ga a Savannah Ga GaWM GaVvMz r rarrsss r moo moor WM BEN BEIJUS BEIJUSfJt E US USV y + + r + r w fJt iJ rf ft1PU feprnepB S frp b bi A tff B1r Fiaicy FiaicyF V ttt f M 11 i r i 1i r f1i k i b bJ r i J f > f Vl l i itjf itjfrircit II t tM < J c cOC OC LA rircit C b 61 F s rs fad fada f rfiC rfiCA A a