OCR Interpretation

The Ocala banner. (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.) 1883-194?, May 24, 1901, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074815/1901-05-24/ed-1/seq-13/

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rl rlu rlr
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u THE OCALA OC aLa BANNER MAY I Y r 24 4 1H01 1
The fIi est ta > t aid d Best Bestx i iT00t5
t < 5 5 i < rrV rrVf r f T00t5
f n 1 i iif If t t c < t ic icad 1V 1VIlT1 rttTS rttTStai
ad uKiti tai IlT1 + n tkii t L t Ha the circulation circulationgrarrhisc < Lul4tiOl1lItRhl
grarrhisc t a aa l ttrf h oCtI > ic es all alllnacilel manner mannert4
t4 1 T j i tn l c l 11 > oo r l itul titatutthe rji rjii
11 t t i II k or e to arm t tr fJ the 8temo i1 bitlt bitltthe
011 the r TSTT t e general health healthfur bultht
f t + TO n s tOttl oa tbem tbemnt tbt 16rFt tktte tktteDort
fur h s S n nt t v a I tOd rod pcrifier pcrifierv
Dort v n < > < nl lvnc ar a I IS kt trtD + raRtb < < tb tb11th
Ott 1 Islda 11th up t p e c t 4ituti titatiou titatiouwtIk nn nntrhik
wtIk J1fj prrug the Mood of impari imparicunt t tS
S S o S t + carte An ail H dictzces dvrj do < ac of Ii r ro a atfin ftII arq
rq tN7 tR2 cfinn tfin II Cancer CssatKntnfulu CssatKntnfuluf Scrofula ScrofulaRfce u1ao u1aoe
Rfce Xtitnsnatrb e arat n m at i f Clironic 81 rts R aau aauFcaimA aadtCZ atsuCArr
CArr FcaimA tCZ m1 Poriai rtiOT P osis i a < Ri i II Salt SaltIlcTf Sa SaltllttiC I t tOIIkum
OIIkum llttiC IlcTf I1 and a tisrlar hDI trrnbic trrnbican t = ollbl ollblrfalHbW nbks1
s1 n an rfasbk > rare cr 1t14 4 the l1 WGt teGii ly lyr
i IAr 1 r f Tthfct tl nt m A hrtrr h 1toTLk U U tl tlA 3aIIe 3aIIet ieaseCottdp
Cottdp t = WI I B1U01i I eit itllOWl itllOWlitC4d + trt trti
i A wmrt of nearly h fifty years rear of ofifl ofIk taitcecrlnl
ifl tcecrlnl Ik f or 4 l colt rtS w a record ft < onI to be proud proudr PgradtitS
r fI titS < rf S fS S IC nnrc 1iN + re INpo1ar q w > palar today todayu toda todatkan
i tt tkan u s tvw t t ft It Kmnbem hers it ite friend 1 1ttIr ltfcr > ti tiItMr
tfcr t ifouraaad a anib O tar r medical core convs convslaipcr c cI o of
I f rile b i laipcr than tvrr t tYy ft in in the thec4 tbetx thed
c4 the medicine wciftC Many J1I vriU vriUfc
i t1 t fc kth e the preat rlat good R ocd S o S Sdc 8 8UMJC Shas
has dc = UMJC t1a uire e ethers l1k 1S RTV Te kd rtttkrl xk xkaUui 0 0yjCCtttlt
yjCCtttlt w at aUui < t1t ihtir causes a o All Alliwipt A A11i 1 1ka
1i ka 1i T 1 n1t e pr iwipt s pt and careful carefulat ealefnlatitntK
alii atitntK nt r talt turjthwtr 111 tttn 1 I arcade arcadea 1tI2dcd
a at d r tudy d + J f F nod Patti t1d Skin His HisWo4 Iispyt lisutu
Wo4 t utu tunumk ttt r und nndUi < st4 td dChcns dChcnsthan < l Mch st Cli CSCthan cases casesT
than t T n nTo rv < ratttioacr who whoj whcttiik
ttiik m l j It 1S K1 if < f no 0 rne ne unease uneaseWe ca caSSS e
We lV l arc 1 C doiif doiifhunantlv great greatgnK1 nfit nfitncf1
gnK1 ncf1 to suffering sufferingIIInanity n f e ri n
SSS S S S hunantlv 11 l nant Y tlro tllxtgu tllxtguU 0t1 pi piur 1 1u
ur u r ccnsultinK ccnsultinKIiitmtiU CC ii uliinh ta taIeattncnt < t1attmnt
IiitmtiU ad a d invif invifnv i11ityou intityou
you to toor W W7tt tt 11 nv if vou 1 11 hare an my blood bloodor
or tkn fk t n trt 11 < a ulc ulcwhat ul c We c make no Char Charwhat charge chargewb
what wb t IT for this > tnnce tnnceTHI trice uyictH tricem
Jute Tiltmans tm ns View of Prospects ProspectsIn
r In n Georcte and an Florida Floridala FloridaUil
t Uil la IIiw a MMMh rmrtbrn ha ra Jtowiriti elf Li LtL nud nudIMI IUldf IUldrPa tludplitla
rPa plitla b IMI iMare t i eea sNwt M < iH + rn ty it txmie txmieidK b4UEr
r c d w tt idK fc iritlTiK < f their ihoiriTl l h t i r ra
pr iTl + wJu limta tp a It itH UMtulKT u t t of oftt n nf ofI
f Mpriri rift t ila slsrlyt hell n imatatra imatatratisest illt lt e eI
I tisest aasN ist c tt the n ututtitu utituln t tuho tuhoI lio lioMuitKMP o oth >
I MuitKMP uw pr + t1IIIt + dtrrt tha th t t tb 9etle iou iouj no noJ
j M J lC t tear r p wr r rI
1 I t ttl r 5 > Igaf rtw 1iI n r 4I4 I + t roiIrN rns rnsfer +
b14 4 + rriaeae far the i ic IrN v tal talt ient 01 01it
t aM sl t tttt4red tttt4redCurt 4 it i t i llii ttwtf1 c iitlWl tW s fl f t > a fr frtt frtti1Ik t > t trnmfc
Curt i1Ik Mltotoi Ifill f it i > ite r ot o CM1 nir niritrsmthe r ri
itrsmthe 11 KotIII i ronlic 4H1 + i ti from from38W fruuas
as 9 tee 38W ssr1114 na4 ia t x ff try r mtano mtanor ttltarltIlea
Ilea tJ ilt r Hf t a > wt q < tsfte te S Sit h per T H 2ur < re frmti frmu1Llit frmtiWhere frttlult1Jt
lt1Jt f Where 1Llit htr r is the thefr t thestry beratlthtit
stry ratlthtit tuna ki u ibwty 1h ll wolltuhle irntlfattleiri wolltuhleIr
Ir iri 4 fr av the dI swan MII1 Utki nt lIt lItIa
ki Ia atttd Mtir r + yRirt a tt to 4J tRidtttN wI Ut na n attt atttE tad tadJUt1I lA < l
E rt i inc takYrket JUt1I rp ° A
r 1 iiaa + sr r exn c rhhlSt t wen tWtIIf wenla weut
f t 1JilItI141 tr twtaltptiv aer CI as rhe9ay 1t sl 3 3ktJ af
f ktJ at101 i4 Ik ataaulwr wtt r e uetth M la I tt corn cornf efrnlwI + rn rni1
lwI i1 rtes Merit + sutr dud tlak I d 1 M ohHt wftuld wftuldMSJI wnuldb
b fist w tt IIMmhtr Itt1 f ncres r iu iuit iuI
I bras it I K P iuuir4Jy wm ftJy clear clearI eJ clearIhslttiIt ar arC
C wt tilt faN t tf
IhslttiIt f teeilrt e lwrtu tr trIJ y yII
IJ I ta y ally If jr newt < S Yett the t e eu eutKttf eIijr n nllr
llr o ihantlrr at rrttabtnru Ja ru H Tvoc iu aaul aault t i I II
tKttf I kN thfti t b alaptt4 a4lHiMt alRII d to t the grvv1ug grvv1ugwale crou rnwiu lac i ifill
fill wale ht i 4 iSltata lt ttJ Te it will Itre i t1rl t1rlI < rt rt rtteite s sI
I rlltlrilot tike wi x w r ptH2ii prnlacti tJ < TtU fra a > of ofMy ofJ oftUIUn
tUIUn J h II My tnItd Frew irllfftt y ir r rI elf elfitwn
itwn I r tlle + 4 f the rant tltaUlat tf tfrAt 4
rAt 1 hlllr rtn + wth < stbrr < twr r nintrles nintrlesr mns tries triesth
81 Wit with tbm tbmweflgllNtiISl th r raW4 raUrtD A liiiioreAeH itrore l + iaL as asf j jMNI
weflgllNtiISl MNI per f mptth e + ptftt and you Q will willI willtier viilia
tier b I alsw ia < biIsg a your n r i ftIiDItU ftIiDItUfa > pinltatixlld i inim inima4ait
fa ixlld a4ait tht tbi t th for l M ibiitk of ofare ott oftbtlett
+ t tbtlett r Is aad a < or 6 are areBut yet yetit w wlit
lit lktth ueIaldu 41 a1M But aappo t tc e ee4
c e4 t I nl tM CHlt wltt CHlt4IC
t 4IC f tbia4g utr IarMt Ie oth othwtttarir othr othrIi er
wtttarir < Ks yore retiliar Ii wbat bat the itoethK theP b bW
P whl W be iVbut t w u11 Iod Iaudstbi Iodfill
fill thK ailtlhe rl Hi W worth a Our Ourf tf tftka t t r riI
iI es w thuu tka f stignr lgarll IN INto I w sUi waB
i t3I aB il rI U ii i tr Vial it bad Intlj bad1tI4
j 1tI4 d to siEtJ Fitt ryr evea v3 m ii i a lit m4 4 4J > ill illLaft iuIrru4 u uhf
Laft atrtltl hf v to o a y yI t dt f1 Sr Sre
111 1111 dfW r n e I nihiUoa OD The ink t + ra
11 11 Fteltle H llaKcs ii es Ym aa Miserable MiserableyfccdJr llser1blet
t A Altntid ewe yfccdJr yfccdJrto ho t6C > > reads rf nA ads s the tber aew aewc i itipr
r I tipr j IS m to know be c ri < the wonderful wonderfulmade woIlderfltyres f fCilia
f Cilia made by t Dr DrKilmer DrJ
i = J t K Kilmer illner t I SwampRoot SwampRoottfee SwmpRthe Sw asr + p pc Root
c i the ptkadDey f rt t kidney bear IrvarSM
I 1 ant SM larder remedy remedyIt
I L t r It is the pr cnt cntca U Ur reds redscal
cal r ca iiriymp4io iiriymp4ioleecth Irtutnt2 I + 11 oldie oldieIftrb of die uine
leecth ce centvry centvryccvncd < < ntv c ds dscotruaed s suwnM
1 ccvncd after years jrs y is of ofrteanfic ofby ofrtrntrnic
rteanfic researck by byOr byt byIDr
t Or Kilmer the emf emfbtod ftftIk einiatet
mat kidne kidnekidnev k 8Mb 8Mbt ael btod btodand bisddtx
t dew aetrI tr < < I and istieo8rafuiir Is temat IsI
tieo8rafuiir lfulIJ sjcctssfJ shl ta fI0ftIfdJ roii try airier airieritirlr cur IIC IICwk
I itirlr wk tmrile kidnev k tiad tiads tiadder t uric acid ac troo troothe trout tto ttot
t I t e ant 8nt1 s Dteea e eH hda Ir the went wentu
t H KvJnev KvJnevK k + V troufDl troufDli F FI
l K i tmra tH mer merduf J u not rec ncr recelto rectrouble
r I r duf duft h1eftt cvtrAling cvtrAlingcK tut d Yoriavekil
l < t cK b bdier trouble tao + bk it ertU n tt ke be4Y iDliodatl fouad fouadI t
4Y Vet I has been tested
tfiY wart a n hot IaaEaslcrk KT tal crk fk ta private JfavaleacAC privateifce r
acAC a ifce e hefplr he JT tHS S tee peer r to p pt par param purfi r
I successful sucusfll tn tnthat toe
t fi 1 am fcas proved eo
l e t that t a vactal arrangement nUC WDt has hasit S St
t gar uo Mt d all rMdn c4 tlw paper paperI
114 it ma lave a afree aIe at
M t + lvt ft got btady Ind mar
I t m Ieo1t Ie al R1 free b by > rr mall it also a book bookwotv bookr
i RCt and an1l1Cw how to toI
r 4Nlag C wotv r + Oft IItIOUt bev SwamrRcot San
I i aril cn > It drvbve e k IlMinr cr f t lad e f t rouble roubleMeta tle tlewnanc
Meta wnanc men m nt In rt i this r rous erousdice rous4IffW
dice w arts 1 rd d
Yw Ywttl
ttl ld ww wwIt vt Ir u 1 w wi I
i 1CU Itw k Ce CeMsl t 1 111UJI
It lIT N Yo Y Thet The
11UJI t at a f f art ad nlIflrr ft > ft rtia FYIII > or noec flcotlw I
dAr k lw ato ritN aM br all good druggists
hfwS a reniarkihk reJ1Utrk ll u urtga 1 reuatiou tion of ofCane ofCOUUIU ofcouturptlou
COUUIU couturptlou couturptlouCtlne pc in inCuut
Cane tim be t trrowu r twu on an area of oftiot ofnIt
nut leis than bfltllit 50 OOl < X pquure mile in inGeorgia inGtnrgia
Georgia Ht u and Florida The pine land landcoustmite Ittntlcoo
coustmite Ch = UUIt much ruu h the hirser lur er pnrtouLad porfou porfouaiul portonaud
Lad is rs Uy It f tar r the best n th + cage cagea catecontain caulcnlltAin
contain a + ntttins 331 3 per p r + ietif t nt of n uMr Con Content ou outeat O Otent ¬
tent while hnt the I1 IOpi Lnjilmm kuJl cane < rttu rttutttin > n ntain11
tain11 tuiuJ 11 i p r oeut ut There Na re ii 110 crop cropthat iro irothat N Nthat
that PUU I tgritvtl irtmvti thus Is j o t > univr univrsiilly HuhprILJ univ r rrealm
siilly ILJ 4trlait ert in tioiie tlvit t j po o s sgrwtt
grwtt realm rMt r dr druuthwifbstnnding < Hittiuttb tun < liug power powerIt 1e 1eIt
It will thrive tbri utMi uttdr r iu il11 X5t t tiny iiinl nut + I ml aiICondition mlcotuiiiion alltUllditiun
cotuiiiion of f ii ytsnu ou Then wh whit tt i iluckiur iltietdue ilaekiti
luckiur Just IJ I t tt vt t u be known and andour andour nd I ItiT
our tiT t uiire Mijrnr < llt will soon IH tilled lilleriwith Iillt tilleduitlt > ri riI
with I lh u turtfiy Ha rI ff ftu fl uxl xl clays cltl 5 of imnii imniijmint i inntigrttnt ll m i 0 0UlI
jmint UlI who will prduee ir ICt Kluce < more kinl kindof kinlof killlof
of i rotiiublM crop than rnn nn h he > e raieil raieilin rai rll rllIn
in any uu other jmrt lurt of the toutiuentAnother contiueni contiueniAnother i iAnothtr I
Another ureat rent aflvhntaje that will willreadily willreudily willreadily
readily present rrt lt itself it elf over the north northami northand I Inod
nod wet e t is J that th the fanners t rU1 r5 can urmv grrnvother grfJWollttI urmvotlter
other profitibly irotit thle T crctps + + IJIS every month 111411 iii in inthe inthe i
the year yt tnr at Another b i = that the p Wulh peoleof ojie ojieof I Iof
of thb entire eel eition tinn are n noted ntt f for forth ftHthir ftirtht
th thir ir hopiuility rt ittineintnt Itt tineult lwlUtnt ut Mud nd in intlliieu iut inti
t ti tlliieu lIi eu40 < Toe eiiHiattoual advjtn advjtntnge it ttlvantage an antngt
tnge are ttr 0 xeellent Our eliiuate i ideliulitfui b btldis11 idelightful
delightful tldis11 tful the year round roundThe roundThe roundThe
The industrial iUtlu trial advancement advau eewe11t of this thissection thi3ecliol1 s ssection
section is i s going oi at t such a rapid rapidrate rapidrate rapidrate
rate and that without proper encour eucouragerneut encouragement eucol1rgement ¬
agement that the th unwary stand apast apastand Uustu11 akastLull
and seemingly et ruingly enquire whether r it is isreally isrt 5 5r1IJ
rt really r1IJ tI1y hiinel l1illl elf I or some one else t > Jse that thatsliving thatlivingJo
living IhojngJI5eph livingJo Jo = = eph Tillmau of Quituiau QuituiauGa
Ga Ts in Baltimore Manufacturers ManufacturersRecord Man nfaeturers nfaeturersRee I IHeelrl
Record Ree trd
Hws = W5 w Tnis TnisVe 1115 1115ot d2 d2e
Ve ot e oiler Cn r One Hundred Dollars Re Reward H Hw3rd Rewind ¬
ward for auy iU case > a e of Catarrh that can
not be cured Catarrh Cure CureF CureFJ
We the undersigned uuder igu igned d hsve known knownF
F J T Cheney for the last tiftfeu years yearsand yearsand eu eusnd
and believe him perfectly honorable honorablein
in all business bu lue > trau iietious rrt tiou and finan financially tinanciuJly finatidIlly ¬
dIlly nl atlh le to t carry out any a y obliga obligalioutiuad obligations bHt bHttiuns
lioutiuad tiuns mnch by h their tinu tinuWEST ti tiriuVEST rlU rlUV
WEST V T fe TRIAX Tx Wholesale Druggists DruggistsToledo Druggistsroltdo DruggistsToledo
Toledo Toledo 0 0WATPIXG OIonI 0VALnlNG
Wholesale Drusgi Dngito Dru gir i Toledo Ohio OhioHalls OhioHt1J OhioHair
Halls Catarrh Cure ure is i taken inter interimiy interI1nly internnlr
imiy actincdirerlly 1ltinl > tliret cHrellly tly upon the blood bloodmid bioodnud bloodtad
mid nnuon surface urfttt es of the > system systemPrice sytemPrit sytern1rkt
Price 75i 510 i ltr > er bottle Sold o1d by I all a1Iiirttteit alldruggist alltfrClt
druggist tfrClt il Testimonials 1t > free freeHalls fretHsUs freepairs
Halls family llill pillare are the best bestThe be bestThe t tThe
The 20th Century Woman WomanThi WomanThis WomanThb
This > i the golden era of the a ae aeit seit es esit
it is i the diamond age for women womenIn
In a recent address delivered dd tr d before beforethe b beforethe > fore forethe
the West Vt t End Woman1 club of Chi Chicago ChiCMS Chicago ¬
cago entitled uTh The Twentieth T r tuti eutieth th Cen Century Centur Century ¬
tury tur Woman fm n Mr Ir Margaret Gang Saugster Gangster U Uter ¬
ster touched upon many UlIUl thing thingstbat bat I
have from time to time appeared in inthese inth inthese
these th e coluiu and which we W commend commendAmong c eorllwendAtuong nnHuttlclAmong
Among other thiug Mrs rr augner augnersaid au anwtersaid ter tera
said a i cI cIIATht
The woman of It th the twentieth cen eentury century en enuU ¬
tury uU is going oiu to be the most ll1 t beautifulwomau beautiful beautifulwoman htnutifulnwau
woman that htt ru = ever e r lived Jit > d CJteat CJteatbeauty tC CfteatBeauty at atheRut
beauty heRut t comefrom mt rtUllllerfed perfect health and andwoman tndwotnau ncl nclwoman
woman is going ig t i tta healihy h uhhy because becauseshe hec becauseshe u e eShl
she will eat wholtonie whI l1w f fud d and takeplenty take takeplenty takeItnt
plenty Itnt of exercise exerciseNot exercisesot t i
Sot only nul i the woman ol 1 the thetwentieth thetwentieth i it
twentieth t eutief11 century tnur going to be beau beautiful lwauti bs au autiful ¬
tiful ti ful her herel t1 e 1 hln > nt she is i going to war wearbeautiful warbeautiful Wfarbautifttl
beautiful clothe She be i is going to tohave toh tohave
have h the prettiest t gowns that have haveever havettr haveever
ever been eu seen It need l1t d not follow that thather tllU thaher
her dresses will be extravagcut and andthat audthtt andthat
that he b i b going to tt ruin her h r husband husbandby
by lt her extravagance for that is far farfrom farfrom farfrom
from niy w meaning But her clothes clothesare
are going to be dainty and artistic artisticCured RltisthCured artisticCured
Cured a Running Sore
1 had a 1 bad running sore on my mybreast ill illbroo mybreut
breast broo t for over a year tl1 says Henry HenryB
B Richard of Will ilJ eyville X Y Yand YIud 1auI
and tried a great reut many remedies remediesInit rem die diebut
but got ot 110 relief ff ffitlve until I used u ed Banner BannerSitlv Bnurernht
Sitlv nht After using one half box I Iwn IIi Ix
wn x Ii perfectly prf d + tly caivJS > t 1 cannot re reon reonntlud om ommeud oallueutl
meud it too highly and will never be bewithout lipwithout bewithout
without ut It in the house bu E AntiMo ¬
Uoptly uof olT Drug Dru Store StoreA trt t + ire m mA toA
A Big Strike On OnTIM OnoT OnTile
TIM T gtueral utml trine of > f the theu ewpLylt ewpLyltin
in u the wachin prtiehinery ry r and lIill alli l metal metaltnuilcs metaltnld metaltmties
tnuilcs tnld s throughout the > country to en enjhro enW > 11 11f
jhro W ft f olueIiour lay h with au iwreae iwreaeof iu iUIrt reae reaeof t tt
hm iu the theh thehdur thef
the retliitlou raiI
of t wnee W war = es to Ct + meet
ttlt k eUWt eU t Monday MondayThe MlIdll MlIdllrb
h hdur Hir ittrThe of f bUtr tftI t htk
The rb trike pr treftd re + ettds tl over Ut > ver > t a large t1rg exttrut ex ext
t ttrut < it t of ojntry aqtl itit Inoladius In hldhJ nearly n rly nl nlvt nits alleletetlr
s eletetlr eletetlrt1ne it ito
o t1ne vt j th the timis < 5 that voluntary voluntaryits htutRr htutRrits
rh et its tlh door kr + rs = ay = t hat t it r vouUi not notto notft nottt
ft tt + t to th tilt inbour iw if it were werel Wtoretral weretni
tral l in a 1 iH II the ut hut with ten teuhour t tenboitr u uh
hour h iii roartatt H I r atau stah1Sod s awl ui uiite > > e eiu iu others othersmskr othlr3Bask othersalsktr
unfair and umi nuruuh tturtnttuallr umiand
Bask e l mHntk n + w I itloa n
tuallr uh and ahwwt hU T im imixtsuihk bW and it ittent itj ituti
j dtlh11Ct uti t fair r tii tiieicUCI UfUl1S 4 of Iilitnts tent w ws t ttOUI totau
tOUI tau dt Rittl ith the + 14ruud s of the tb iue iueuuiil IUef tuechiuiR
f chiuiR > biuk until tli the matter l tter Man an ire irewrote H Hmmde t tde
wrote de settcnL settcnLb geueratihnleoUc uenL
l llltblaart hnleoUc nl b PriuktS Prftil 6 Suppi S Jpiy y house in iuwthe
lltblaart IIaD wa wthe 8 the flint lJlt to sign gu tk the Dine
hour hourYe
Ye yClltSKltow Kaow What Yo Y04I Are Taking Takingtiill fakingoh takingllets
take CroveS GnV s Tasteless Ilstele IlsteleII
you n
1tl 1tlCtltli oh llets
tiill II ill TiMiItf uk bee t eeuse u the formula is isHaiuly is1aiuS i3l1aily
Haiuly printed print IKt IKthats uttd l ou every bottle show showin howll
Iron and Quiuttte Qui Quinine QuiU1n ¬
it lis IsmiplX stD11tl
in i ll that t
nine Inn usteless lftstt > Its form so o cure no nopay
pay 11 w V Vlur o ow 4 4of
Our line truevole 1iu of shoes seem 8c > em to please pleaseeveryone ltIeu5edsotH
pair Comearound Come Comearound COllienround
everyone dsotH vole who tries tri a
well n ou too M MFlshel NFishel 1 1F
around and m we please you
Flshel F he1
r k
fJcti fJctiDR
25 and 50 cents at your Druggist
Ii i 1 tIor t t I 1oI
Life in Florida a Sweet Song SongMr Song1It
Mr 11 Jim Juuto J cur A Hoilornan nifii nifiieditor mluin mluineditur ntning ntningeiitor
editor of the TitianUnion Tmu > rniou au lul I Citi Citiun Citiz1 iti itizen
z1 un while on a l vi vbi i tt i Atlanta pose poseof poi e
of Hfe in Florida to an Atlanta AtlantaJournal AtlantuTournaI AtlantaJournal
Journal reporter n > as follows followsOh
Oh Florida i all right We VI have havethe ht htthe leavethe
the only oul tat mite in the h country T Ti Tthought
i thought ijeorcia t w wn wets s the be bet t until itrent I 1went Iwent
went to Florida Tner i is nothing in
j all this country to t compare with ith the theLaud theauI
Laud auI i of of Flo Flowers er g = Everybody Evers ho1y c i1 i out outfor outfur
for a govi go o ri 1 time and everybody e ryhody gets getswhat
j what is wanted The Th busy season 5eU OU is isover isoer issettling
over now UO and we tt e are just ju t settling settlingI settliugdown ettlll ettllllOWU
I down to a pleasant ummer vacationwith vacationwith vacation
with nothing to worry u us Weather Weatherdelightful Weatherdelightful Veatherdelilhtful
delightful money mone free as the = un unhiue unhue
hiue When Cott ou uet lt tired working workingI
I fo for a living ju jut t come t to Florida and andenjoy audcujoy
enjoy YOUl yoniaelf yoniaelfIt elf elfIt elfIt
It is perhaps proper to say that Mr MrHollamaus MrHollamaus Ir IrHolJamans
Hollamaus visit wu < just before the theJacksonville thetire theJacksonville
Jacksonville fire fireNational tireNational fireNational
National Mental Science Association AssociationThe
The above named association a will willconvene willconven willconvene
convene at lea ta Breeze next Thanks Thanksgiving Tlusnk8giving Thanksgiving ¬
giving day dayIt I
1 It will be b a t gathering of great gr at im importance iuiportauce ¬
portauce to the state a as it will inducepeople induce inducepeople indueeI indueepeople I
people M t come < < Hlle to Florida froUl all allparts allparty II I
parts of the world worldThe worldThe I
The members of this sissoeialiou sissoeialiouwho 5so iation iationwho
who have their headquarters at Sea SeaBreeze tieaBreeze ea I
Breeze have made the people of nil I
countries familiar with the beauties of ofour ofour ofour
our state by discriptive writings writin io illus illustrations iIIustrations illustrations ¬
trations and their weekly publication publicationa publi < < atiou atioua
a widely read newspaper entitled entitledFreedom entitlectFreedom entitledFreedom
Freedom FreedomThey FreedomThey I
They have been b eu largely insruu itis run n ntul utat I
tat in building up Upl a town that lb t has call called called called ¬
ed forth the ad miration of thousands thousandsof thousauof
of tourists who visit i it it annually auunallyThe auuuall auuuallThe
The holding of the national meti oifring oifringat rn in inat u uat
at lea Breeze Bree means mu muh + h tor the thewhole thewbnle thewhole
whole state stateBeware stateBeware tnteBeware
Beware of a Ccugh CcughA
A couah cou l1 is not a disease but a ymp ymptom vtu 1U po potom p ptore
tom Consumption Cou umptiou and bronchitis bronchitiswhich uronchitiswhicl1 bronchitiswhich
which are the most dangerous dtHl erous and andfatal audfatal andfatal
fatal diseases have for 01 their th h first tlr t in indication inieation indicatiou ¬
dication a persistent cough and if ifproperly ifpropeJI ifproperly
properly treated as soon as this cough coughappears eou coughappears h happears
appears are easily cured Chamber Chamberains Chamberaius Chamberairs
airs Cough Co ugh Remedy has proven provenwonderfully proenwouderfu1Jy provenwonderfully
wonderfully successful succes ful and gained its itswide icswide itswide
wide reputation and an < < extensive pxten ioe sale by byits byits byits
its success in curing UIill t th ttte j di lJisp eae eaewhich > oes oeswhich eswhich
which cause e U5e coughing coin Bing If it is not
beuetieial it will not co cost < t you a cent centFor centHorsde i
For Horsde sale by the th AntiMonopoly Drug Drugttn Drugstore Druglre a
store lre ttn e ruThe in inThe llJThe
The State Convicts ConvictsThe ConvictsThe ConvictsThe
The hill introduced introIJu ed iu the lower lowerbranch lowerhranch lowerbranch
branch 01 of the legislature Ifgbl lei ish tore by Mr MrChambers MrChambers Ir IrChamhers
Chambers of this county < prohibiting prohibitingthe
the convicts from being leased to phos phusphate phosphate ph us uspbne ¬
phate miners pas 11 5 = = ed d that body by vote voteof voteuf voteof
of 40 tj to 15 15The jjThe l lThe
The bill was w s ably championed by byMessrs u ule5 byMcSSN
Messrs le5 r 0 Chambers and Zewadski of ofMarion ofIarion ofMarion
Marion Mr 11 Fulton of Hernando Mr MrJackson MrJackson 11 11Jaek
Jackson Jaek on of Citrus and others othersThe othersThe othersThe
The public conscience con cience is being beingaroused beingaroused beingaroused
aroused and the legislature in adopt adopting adopting adoptlug ¬
ing the measure is only onl obeying the thebehests tbebehests thebehests
behests of the good people of the thestate the8tate thestate
Los LostTemper t t1mp1r
Temper 1mp1r Leisure L isure and andEnergy andEnergy 1
Energy by the thehousekeeper j iLottsekeeper jhou
housekeeper hou k eper who whoneglected whoneglected m mn
neglected n e g 1 e c t e d to use F
VI 1 I
G 60W J V D Dtr DUSTi DUSTiWeshhng ii T rip ripWsshing Tf Tfrip It f1 f17ashing i iJ
Wsshing Powder i iiI rt rtt j jJAPANESE
iI iIs iIt
A new ant c iplcle p d treatment tre tT < itrient c nstin n i1 o ortippoiiones 0SUJPO osuppoItorlv
rtippoiiones SUJPO loric Cmputs of O Ototmert t tm ri t sail n1 two moKnee twoNntb twobaxei
Knee of Ointment A aeerta uOeraiHng sng cue tcr tcrrileoi tTIe krPitetot
rileoi Ie of everv nature aa and i degree It nakc ma < j joperation nopetation n nation
operation ation with the knife k1 fe which hich i is paiutul pain fu1 and andi andsari nl nld
i d hen D results jn death nnece l1UD U iry W i hv h v endure en enlurc enden
den < thi temble diaearet < h j asef a ef We p pack ck a atnUen atnUennnhe writtengnaranterin written writtenKuamntce
Kuamntce gnaranterin nnhe in each S l hex > cx < x No o cure no pay payand C CaDd coc cocand < >
and I a box 6 tor > 5at > rt by J mail sample sampletrw Siunplcth 5ampiefree
trw th
trwO1XT3IEXT O1XT3IEXT o 1 IJiIXT 2 2G8KST1PATIOS ltila lXD NJ iOC iOCt 0 0rm
rm t t turgid Pies le Prevented PreventedLtx b1 b11PUO
1PUO itutIL hiun i Ltx Liver r PcUet the
great aver iver an and < J a rtact regulator n 11ltor and blood bloodpurifier bloodpurifier bloodpatitier
purifier Small mild and p Peasant a ant to take takepeocial1y e epeciaHv epeciany
peciaHv adapted ta ptcd for bildrtn use Fifty F t doaes doaesrf docIIIsAntih doatevcc
rf vcc < ClAauMonopov Antih Anti MofOpoiy > npCily Drug Dro Store ore Ocala a sPIANO aPIANO 2PIANO
Pitmos and organs tuned regulated regulatedand
and repaired in a first cla class s manner mannerAlso mannerAlso mannerAlso
Also make a specialty of repairing repairingfine
fine violins and guitars
P 0 Box 655 Ocala Fla 2S S SRr A
Rr 4
I I iUU t1 J g 1 Ii 1J 1nn
I 81 U ULt bnh a Unu tI tII tILa o
Lja L S1t1Ig iiir il g Dealers in inWAGONS inWAGONS inWAGONS
a j
and LanE 1 1i i SADDLERY SADDLERYOCALA S r13 IDnr JJ 1 i1RJ i1RJVn jRY
y Ki Kidri Kidney lyDIsealisP y Dise ose as S e s
p Pronounced Incurable I ° 0MrG oStllsort f
MrG A Stisou a m merchant h y yf3rS5Srg ntC ntCTamPI f t
I TamPI CURE Tam sss p i IS is oIIJVitcs mee meehng ttnfi with FOLEYS wonderful kiDNEY kiDNEYIn KIDNEYt KIDNEYCURE In InI InCURE IJ IJnc1
i cel It hu au IIIUC nil nilth
t nc1 Cured
som some c C cases s c he here hereole
that th at phYlilcJall bo
ole proJounced pronoun ced
incurable incurablelity
I I in
myself tf an anbow
city able to
bow merits erlts M My Yfac face testify to o it
e to
day is
a li JiviD vtn it
felEHSS felEHSSBANNER picture I
and it health and KidneI b
your our Kidne b
teeth rteethr Cure Cu re has made it such I h had a d suffer 7 7td y yix
r td t ix RJO
among amongto wentyeven yeah yea with the th d
nt t to eueo1 eau and to
any zJy o day I feel ten rreara
Y ear
fmich truth Ich as to tole younger than I did One
I yU year a Jgo 1 f f
J caD Obt obtain
itng Loges UU l1t1 un t some wonderful
c rtifi tquafftre t
le e of J life and andfactthat cater of Ita medical quaUti t
factthat fact that hi b r rBANNER
BANNER SALVE SALVEor is the a Great eat Healer HealerFor
For or sale a bv AntiMonopoly Anti Nonopoly pngStore P 1 ° llg Store Storej >
IV or orCfp
Cfp < 9 > > K J
I I Nine NineI ie w e = j IIE u BINE is isw
Tenths Tenthsn i 1 1 ii1 tl18
I 1 i 4 4j l = ft i li I
G n ot otall j ft ftot Pure Pureiijuices iijuices Jolces k4 from Natural Roots RootsBEGOlATEStteUY8rStoraaBhaBdBv Rootsa t tG ta j
all r the thePeople
a BEGOlATEStteUY8rStoraaBhaBdBv BEGOlATEStteUY8rStoraaBhaBdBvCleanses R GULATES ha liver Stomach and a B RPeople
f People PeopleSuffer Cleanses c earses the t t System Sts Purifies lift ies ibe th iiSuffer Bi BiCURES lti i iSuffe
> Suffer Sufferfrom O CURES URES Malaria Biliousness a tr ne St Constipation ConstipationWeak Con on > rttsaTi tipaioiJ tipaioiJfrom oa oaWeek I
from a aDiseased U Weak Stomach an and impaired aIaire Digestion t es c n nDiseased aDiseased
Diseased ESE ver yery Bo Bottle e Guaranteed to 6 Gina 8 SatisfactionLiV Satisfaction SatisfactiollS
s1ix RGE G F BOTTLE SO 1SLTrE s Sl > tr ALL xXe DC 17 os osT > E EJ
J Liver LiV T t S Price PriceO 3O 0 Cents CentsPure i
Prepared by JAMES F fo BALLARD St Louis l u 5 Mo MoFor MoFor MoFor
For sale by b byMOWIEZUMA AntiVIonoiol Antillon ol olr DrtigStoie DrtigStoieMOMTEZOMA Drug StOJe StOJeMONTEZUMA
J P GALLOWAY PropLiquors Prop PropLiquors
Liquors Wines Beer Cigars CigarsFIRST GigarsFIRST CigarsOLASSPOOL
Prompt i and an Satisfactory sfactar Service Se rvice > Assured Everyoneldontezttnna Everyone EveryoneJlontezuma Ev ryol1e ryol1etIontezuDu
Jlontezuma Block Ocala F FH JTa JTaJH FttJ
AtsoSuccessor to Yankee Kevelty Works WorksRough WorksRt1Ugh Workst
Rough and Rnishin loll S Seh0 t IL Lumber lliii t eI IvLLiles IvLLilesSehoi J ri s IAt LtltS LtltSSehol L
Sehoi eh0 1 Desks De k Crurch Seats SeaisTables SeatsTable
Tables Door and Vindow Frames > iraiiit Eailirus Rai1il 1 < aiatt Pulpits BedIcoBt
Suits Kitchen Tables and Safes Moldings Tuiutd TUJ Hd Vo VoScroll f ork VorkScroll orkScroll
Scroll Sawing Lath MihUs hit hiIf ts s Etc EtcPATENT EtePATENT EtcPATENT
J = j j Estimates promptly furnished furnishedReliable furnishedn furnishedr
= n
= =
i < Reliable era z Garden GardenRcfugte a1AeI1 ADAPTED FOR SOUTHERr1PANTING SOUTHERN g gPLANTING
Refugee Refu ec and Valentine al tlllC Beans Genuine GenniueP GenuineBermuda = <
P > c sion stow Bermuda Cabbage Onion Matchless Seed Gri Griffigs Grifft 5 and grs g s Money 11oo Succesc Successtow succes Succcssion < y y3f3ker and an d Field F te Id Seed Seedilater S ee d
4 Maker Tomatoes etc etc etccomplete etcComplete etcComplete
S complete stock of Fresh i e5 Field je > and tint Garden en Seed Always o 02 IM IMS IMONLY U lla llarr JI m mONLY
g g6t
4 a I ITHE
fiaa jf 6t r SM Wot S VU > 8 J a X Vjy Jba LM W l S JU JUTHE 9
11 P O Box 533 B EL JACKSOiV2LLE FLA FLACatalog it LA LAf
f ftUV
f 3 Catalog + eiree < free upon a aI pHca piranon piranoni7 wn wnCO
tUV IJ1J nJn nJnQo Q QA
Qo > > A A4 A ouo
la oanectiott > with Florida Hast I ast Co Case t and lId Plant SyUen Sr te S elute t Jule effective Jan t 16 > got
i o < sTIe Tj cetbrattd New Zit w Tat an and FJoriia
Xo j8 II No 3AIYo I o 3 Special p < < i the f1 a Legg t train in t a the Wt1rido Qrld c Solid 1 td tdttbulr ce T l lDRily
tly Deis f
DRily Ih + Daily tibult Pn2rxn PuU1 n train St AU AaEnatine tIlttlH to hetvS Ncw York Yorku ork orkcomprisedt
u 0 I romprtsed Of > f otrettration t eauon C Blpr1mtJJt draw drawteAve drawIeare
teAve tort 1tntMl 9 JO a S 20 2op tDK room sleeping t plng and dining cur > Jht lighted by
TuoJft i INosa 05 a loop oopelectrtcitsar4bewedbysteam oopelectrtcitsar4bewedbysteamack ledfJcity 3 rJ hetlted by ste8m ste8m8
ack oaviUe i 8 oop 0o la n Sop SO P Ma 35 a aSawnnah Xo 3z uDai FtJrida and We lveot Indian Limited Limitedt imiteJavaunsh
avaunsh J to It 5 15 P t 0 oS p
etJn1e r Nacbes > sch1e Jacksonville to asl11ngtono
Carlestou 64Sa 6 43 a 835 a 35 P 5 = > 22p 22pa VestiDUl Pulmau drawing room room buffet slcepn2 R
Arrive Richmond RlCh fDd 4 425P ASP 6403 6 40 a 400 4 00k a ca car t3ckonil1f to 1ew York C Cannectslnih DDects 1t11 1t11a
tahiugton a Hu tou tl 10 a 7 39 a
20p 10321 32
Ualtlnlore 85 a aa i CoIo ColonialkxpressatltashtngtonforBastont iat Ex res at Washington forDostoa I IPhtlade
lhUnde 11 1SChia > hia 3 50 a r 57 P t II 12 2a a Xo is 3 tX exp TnOllJh Duffel DnfletIht11man Palnman can carsNett canNew
New York 1 ork 653 5a a 4 35 35P1 PI S 1 43 PP pi Mia iani ni P Pr > t Tampa and nd Tampa to New York YorkUoston YorkBoston
Boston 3 300p 00 P S JO VI VIFor A AFor
For Pullman reservations rates and all other information apply to toF toF toF
208 West Bay ay St Jacksonville Ja Fla Flay >
Gx twcs < ai + > Eo + ac

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