I I i 0 > PAGE TWO THE OCALA BANNER FRIDAY JANUARY 12 1906 n tv A SUDDEN DEATH MY S A Standby Died Sunday Morn i ing at His Home in this City w t Mr Sands A Standby Sunday morn ing fell upon this community like a bolt of lightning from a clear sky The deceased on Friday last acted as auctioneer in the sale of a lot of his horses and his voice was remar kably firm and clear and showed no indication of an early demise and on Saturday he attended to his regular duties stating that he felt better f than he hud for several week He spout ti most comfortable night and rOll14 Sunday morning and was at the telephone giving Instructions to one of his wen when 1m complained of f t lln0r bad and wit down in a chair ttunr tho lire find expired almost in sstnntly Mr Standloy had boon in bad health for some time but had consulted spec ialists and he his family and friends thought he was recovering Mr Standley was born in Randolph county Georgia near Cuthbert or t nine years ago and was a man of indomitable enterprise and splendid t capacity for business He was for a long time a citizen of Valdosta and < wa a member of the linn of Cranford Standley C Co lIe came to Ocala In I 189S and bought an interest in the livery firm of C A Liddon Com pany but about four or live years ago he established tho firm of S A Stand Icy Company which he conducted up to the time of his sudden death Sunday morning at eight clock with Y remarkable success Mr Standby was a good and enter prising citizen and one whose loss is greatly deplored Ho leaves a wife and several children viz Mrs Lee Miller Mrs Arthur Clarke Misses Lu cite and Tommie Staifdley and Mas ters Charley M C and Cranford Standby who an bowed down with grief over the sudden death of their husband and father The funernl was held Monday after noon from the residence oi Ocklawa Etta avenue nt throe oclock and was one Of the most largely attended funerals I that has ever been held in Ocala Mr Standby was a member of the Elks tho Wodmcn of the World and the I ar Fraternal Union of America and the members of these orders attended the funeral in a body At the house Ho C C Carroll jwistor of the Baptist church conducted the services and made a few well chosen and beauti X ful remark A choir composed of Mrs AY A Goin Miss Sara Whit I tteld Messrs G A Nash and A E II Gerig sang several hymns and RevL I V Moore made the closing prayer These gentlemen wore the active pall bearers Messrs Z C Chambliss H A Ford William A Knight G C Crom R S Hail and Louis Lang The I honorary pall bearers were Messrs V GXB Weihe and T 13 Bryan of the Woodmen Messrs W 1 Chambers and J W Crosby on the part of the Elks and Messrs W L Towott and G A Nash for the Fraternal Union Arriving M thc cemetery the Wood mon of the World took charge of the t obsequies Mr X J Gottlieb chancel 4 lor commander reading the beautiful and impressive ritual of that order amid the other lodnres participating In the aervlra Tha grave was covered with many bemiUful llowors among the most beautiful being a pillow of r vloiuts from the Woodmen a similar pillar from the Elks and a pillow of t white and pink japonics from the + te nal Union Each member of the a 1gtllf deposited a sprtg of cedar In t o grav vt their departed brother It ms a sad so44ra awd impressive Stn Dr K C Paslny of WlHiston whose nantd has appeased on our sub scription book regularly for the past Uiirtynine years sends a dollar with I I tho request that his suInscription be moved forward another year He is tha kind of friend that has made this utoiior what it Is I I Mr and Mrs A A Hewitt of hos t ton Mass arrived Monday afternoon 1el are the suesis of Mr and Mrs T J Owen Mrs Hewilt is a sister of Mr QWWI IR a few days they will go Sawn to Lake Weir for the winter whore Mr Hewitt owns a pretty cot tfcga awl brvo 1 I Mr and Mrs D S Woodrow An r nie Blair Woodrow Sidney Harold Miss EmU UNard Miss Mela Jet aKt Rev J H Harrison returned home PrWay aften o tt from Lake Weir where they spent several clays in a U most idyMic manner at the Wood row cottngo Blair Villa at Woodmar Miss Millie Nurney of Suffolk Vir ginia came Friday night to spend several weeks in Ocala with her sis tor Mrs Jack Camp Miss Nurney was a visitor to Ocala two winters ago and the friends she made then I will be delighted to see her again Albert Miller who has been at home for the past few weeks has resumed l his duties on the road for the That = cher Medicine company and started on his trips Tuesday b u te MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL The Old Officers go Out and the New Officers Come In r The last meeting of the city council under the administration of Mayor Ed wards was held in the city council chamber Tuesday night Those present were Aldermen Gates Ford Weathers Chace and Owen After finishing upthe odds and ends of the old years busbies ssuch as ap pointing a special committee to insure the now electric light plant and sell the old boilers and other abandoned property of the old plant the old council adjourned sine die The clerk then called the roll of the newly elected aldermen towit H A Ford alderman at large A G Gates alderman from the first ward Chas K Sage alderman from the second ward and they were sworn in by city at torney T E Biggs acting as notary public Mr E K Nelson aldermanelect from the third ward and Mr G A irniichael aldermanelect from the fourth ward were not present City attorney Biggs next administer ed the oath of otllce to Richard Mc Conathy Mayorelect who was pres ent After those formalities were ended the new council convened by electing Mr B A Weathers temporary pre siding officer Alderman Ford arose and in a very pleasant and felicitous speech named Hon A G Gates for president of the council and he was unanimously elect ed This is Mr Gatoss third term and it tolls of his efficiency and faithful ness to duty and no better tribute in deed could be paid him Hon T J Owen on motion of Al derman Weathers was unanimously elected president pro torn of the coun cil After a few unofficial but very pleas ant remarks the new council adjourn ed ExMayor Edwards was present and paid his respects most pleasantly to the new mayor It was an interesting meeting Meaning of the Word Chauffeur Every time I pick up a newspaper said Col Hem on Montague I see I chauffeur has run his car at a rate of I ninety miles an hour A chauffeur nearly run over Kaiser Wilhoim A chauffeur has boon fined for over speeding and so on Now I will wag er a large 10 cent Milo Deco cigar that not one person out of a thousand c who roads those articles or the man I that writes them knows the real niean I ing of the word chauffeur It is an I old French word and was originally I applied to robbers ho went tbout the country entering farm houses and tOt tuing farmers to tell where they had hidden their money It was used as a derisive appellation by the French to the drivers of the first smoke wag ons and now it has come into general use Tl o French also use it to desig nate a fireman or a stoker and in En glish chemistry it denotes a small stove for ineUtn purposes H is en tirely out of pUre when used for the driver of a motor car and he should be called a motorist or something like that Bmklyn Eagle The Beavers The Ocala Dam f Beav trs met Friday f night at their halls in the Gary block and installed their new officers for next six months The following is a list of the officers N 1 Gottlieb president K P Pitman guide T D Bryan guardian Robt D Mathews sentry H M Hampton secretary G 1 Bliteh treasurer Rev W C Lind say chaplain W H Powers physi cian V L Martinot Jas B Carlisle and Fred G B Weihe trustees I After the regular order of business i the Dam was treated to an excellent entertainment for half hour or more by Mr Peter Mclntosh and his four SODS with music and dancing They rendered In fine style several Scotch dances which were greatly enjoyed by the Beavers 13d Pitman also ren dered several musical and vocal selec tions i At bout ten thirty the entire Dam adjourned to Harry Stalbergs restau rant and pariook of a big oyster sup per To tell how well Beavers enjoy this Iwtous edible would be impossi ble Mr Job T Lewis of Moss Bran Is enthusiastic for the building of a new court house He says that as Marion county Is the banner agricultural coun ty of the state the banner stock coun ty the banner newspaper county and the baner county in almost all other respects it is entitled to the banner court house He wants a new court I housebuilt at once and wants it to be beautiful and substantial Mr Albert Davis who is in the ex press service at Jacksonville has re turned to that city after spending a few days in Ocala While here he was the guest of his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs G T Maughs i 4 > r < < r TUXEDO PARK CLUB OPENING I < Magnificent Club Rooms Thrown Open I at North Essington Monday Special to the Ocala Banner North Essington Pa Jan SThe Tuxedo Park Club of which Tom ORourke is the leading spirit will formally open its magnificent club house this evening It is not quite I completed in every detail of its equip ment but the work is far enough ad vanced to enable the new club to g c an elaborate housewarming The club has been formed for the purpose of fostering every branch of lawful ama teur and professional sport but es pecially boxing In accordance with program the club will arrange twice every month a number of twenty round boxing contests between some of the best boxers of this country Particular attention will be paid to the physical condition of the contes tants in order that accidents may I not occur which would arouse antag onism to the club The company will operate under a charier granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to encourage by contests and exhibitions of baseball boxing footracing auto mobile trials and all other forms of in door and outdoor sports Under its charter the club has not the right to sell or give away liquor on its prem ises and no for mof gambling is to bo tolerated The land upon which the I large club house has boon built is lo cated at North Essington Delaware county Pa and has boon leased for a term of ten years It runs parallel with the Chester branch of the Phila delphia Reading Railroad The building includes a largo ampotheatre seating 6000 people dressing and locker rooms and a thoroughly equipp ed arena The building is so arrang ed that it can be quickly turned into a convention hall exhibition room or auditorium in which musical festivals can be given Fishing Clubs to Come to Homosassa From Saturdays Daily The Atlanta Homosassa Fishing Club is coming to Florida again next week The club will leave Atlanta for llomosassa Fla on Wednesday Jan uary 10th to remain until the 1st of February The party includes George Muse Dr A W Calhoun Dr J S Todd E C Peters George S Lown des T M Armistoad John Borkele David Woodward W S Duncan W M Crumley Henry R Duand H M McCord Lawrence Harrison J C S Brannnn and AL Kontz of Atlanta and Dr Hearn of Philadelphia The Griffin Ga Fishing Club is making preparations for its annual trip to Homosassa Fla for a weeks I fishing The club is composed of the following wellknown citizens of Grif fin E C Smith Robert Strickland Col Douglas Glessner Capt Sea ton Grantland Eli Brewer and Tom I White The party will leave Gritl n on January 7 and will remain at Ho mosassa about ten days A Hit at Marions Commissioners The county commissioners of Cit rus county advertised in the Chron icle for bids for working the county convicts during the present year and on Monday several bids were receired The highest bid was that of Pierson Sox ton at 2710 each per month for the males and 7 each for the fe males Last year we received 1S50 per month a difference of 11160 each per month And the convicts will re main In the county Marion county did not advertise for bids and she gets UI per month which shows that she is losing J1110 per month on every prisoner sentenc ed to the county gang It pays to advertise as one little notice in the Chronicle will bring into I the county treasury several thousand dollars this year above what we have been heretofore receiving It pays to advertise Citrus County Chronicle Prosperous in His New Home Mr L T Norwood who lived in this county in the nUth ton and Fantville neirhborho for more than twenty years moved to Black Point in the southern portion of Dade county after Rosin his orange grove here in the big freeze of 1SSS He wanted to get below the frost line and thinks he has I succeeded in doing so Writing to us recently he says I have been down here nearly four years and have a mine place Am on a homestead of ISO acres of fine red soil pine land adapted to al kinds of fruits and vegetables such as oranges grape fruit pineapples bananas guavas av acado pears mangoes figs peaches limes lemons and many of the purely tropical fruits At this writing I have ripe tomatoes from the vines guavas both ripe and green hanging on the branches of the trees beautiful bun ches of bananas I have seen no frost so far this winter The orange and grapefruit trees of my neighbors older than my own arc loaded down with fmiL I think this + s destined to be a great section J r > < r < < J < 1t < PUBLIC BUILDINGS DECORATED Banquet at Delmonicos in New York Between Three and Four Thou sand Democrats Turn Out o Special to the Ocala Banner Jacksons Memory is Honored Evansville Ind Jan SThe Hen = dricks Club which now has about four hundred members will celebrate Jack son Day this evening by a big ban quet Governor Folk of Missouri and leading Democrats in all parts of the country have been invited The new Mayor of the city John W Boehmc will act as toastmaster Portland Ore Jan SThe Demo crats of this city will celebrate Jack son Day today by holding a big meet in gthis evening at which the mem bers of the State Central Committee the Multonomah Domcoratic Club the Young Mews Democratic Club and many prominent Democrats from oth er parts of the state wil l < e present A number of distinguishe orators will address the mass moetin Oklahoma City Okla Jan S Be tween three hundredanl four hundred democrats from all pacts of Oklahoma wil attend the banquet in honor of Jackson day which will be given hero this evening by the democrats of this city Several distinguished democrats will deliver addresses on than occasion Minneapolis linn Jan S Lewis F Pest the Chicago editor and single tax advocate will bo the principal speaker at the Jackson day banquet which the Jefferson Club of this city has arranged for tonight at the West Hotel It is expected that Municipal ownership will be the keynote of the j speeches at the banquet tonight t L ayetto ltd Tan Following its custom in form re years the Jack son Club ofthis city will honor the memory of Andrew Jackson by a big banquet this evening Many distin guished democrats of national promi nence have been Invited and it is ox pected that there will be an exception ally interesting gathering of demo cratic loaders at the banquet tonight Last year William Jennings Bryan was the principal orator of the Jack son day banquet New York Jan SFlags were raised all day on all public buildings in honor of Jackson day the anniver I sary of the day on which Andrew I Jackson later President of the United I States routed the English in the bat tle of New Orleans As in former years the members of the Veteran Corp of Artillery will hold a meeting in the Governors Room of the city hall with I addresses by prominent orators and followed by the customary Jackson day banquet The banquet will be held at Delmonicos I The Veteran Corps of Artillery was organized in the CityTavern at the I corner of Broadway and Thames street in November 1730 by officers and sol diers who had served in the Continen tal Corps of Artillery in the Revolu tion After the War of 1S12 another body of exsoldiers was formed call ing itself The Society of the War of 1St Later this consolidated with J the Veteran Corps of Artillery The last of the original members was Hi ram Cronk the Veteran who died last year The corps has at present HO members among whom are many prominent men like Rear Admiral Rogers Rear Admiral Allen Asa Bird Gardiner Charles A Schermerhorn Perry Belmont Loyall Farrasut M Livingston Delafleld Calvin Tompkins and Howard Pell Epworth League Meeting Monday night the Epworth League held an euthisiastic business meeting in the lecture room of the Methodist church our newly elected president I Mr George L Taylor in the chair About twenty four members includ ing nearly all of the newly elected offi cers were present As this years work has scarcely begun last years busi ness was wound up and the new offi cers reported plans for the new year committees were appointed and meth ods for forwarding the work were dis cussed Special stress was laid upon the importance of keepingup the Ep worth League public reading rooms and it is hoped that Leaguers their friends and the public in general will realise the good that may be accom plished through this medium and do aU in their power to forward this move ment Mr Taylor presides with ease and ability and shows that his heart is in the work and with about seventy members the cooperation of the church and earnest prayers for Gods blessing upon the work we predict for the Ocala Epworth League the best year of its life E P H League Reporter Mr Walter Ray of Martel and Mr J W Ward jr of Floral city were I among the turpentine operators in Ocala on Tuesday A THE SPEED KING Winner of the Automobile Races at Ormond to be Crowned by Flor ida Girl The Jacksonville Times Union is creating unusual interest in the Or mond Daytona automobile races this year by the 1000 trophy it has offer ed to the winner and by its contest for a Florida girl to crown the speed king The coupons are printed daily in the Times Union and the result of the first count will be announced in Sundays paper The young lady selected with her chaperon will be handsomely enter tained by the Florida East Coast Aut omobile Association during the tour nament Transportation will also be provided and a handsome gold medal will be given to the young lady who wins in the contest by the Florida East Coast Automobile Association as a token and souvenir of the great event The design of the handsome trophy which will be given the winner of the races is as follows A crown resting on a winged auto mobile wheel On the crown are the words Automobile Speed King The crown is surrounded on one side by a laurel branch and on the other side by Florida palms These tokens of vic tory meet about the crown in a grace ful curve At the bottom the wheel rests on a shield on which are the words Presented by the Times Un ion Newspaper Jacksonville Fla to the entrant making the fastest time in the twomileaminute event on the OrmondDaytona Beach course Flor I ida U S A Under the auspices of the Florida East Coast Automobile As sociation January 22 to 27 190C Won by Time From the Indianapolis News the following is taken and shows that the Crowning of the Speed King Contest is attracting attention all over the country The TimesUnion of Jacksonville Fla says Morgans Motoring Mes sage has undertaken to find the pret tiest girl in Florida who will be se lected by vote to crown the automobile speed king on the OrmondDaytona beach January 22 to 27 The Times J I Union has undertaken to provide the crown trophy The crowning will be a distinctive e Florida enterprise and it is fitting that this is so as the fast est time In the world by automobile or anything else will be undoubtedly accomplished in Florida on the above dates Two miles a minute is the race that the speed crown will be given for and the driver that makes the fastest time in the twomileaminute race will be the one selected to receive the speed crown It is expected that a lively I contest for the crowning honors will take place The crowning will take place at the club house of the Florida East Coast Automobile Association on the Daytona end of the beach and the grandstand will be erected so that spectators will be able to get a good view of the function The prettiest girl in Florida will be there with her chaperon A keen rival I ry has begun among the contestants 1 in the twomlleaminute race and there is a great deal of speculation in regard 10 whether the crown will re main In toe United States or be car ried abroad by one of the nervy driv ers of a swift foreign machine Standley Companys Auction I The auction ale of horses and mules belonging to the Standley Cos stables took place Friday afternoon Twentythree horses and five mules were sold and brought fine prices The auction had been well advertis ed and quite a crowd were in from the country to atond it The sale took place in front of the stable and over a hundred persons wore present at the sale Mr Sutadtty acted as auc tioneer and proved a most efficient one A citisen from the country who is a subscriber to the Dally Banner said that our last Sundays Issue was to his way of thinking the finest dally paper ever printed in Ocala The little ob servations fall upon our ears as sweetly as the dew of Hebron 1 The Way to Florida The Southern Railway Cos pas senger department has issued a beau bookentitled the Right tiful winter Florida It was written by Road to Mr William E Curtis the widely correspondent and known newspaper the illustrations are from original photographs and artists drawings es pecially prepared for these publica tions The cover is a delicate bit tit color printing and presents an enticing c pic ture representing a scene at one of the great resorts of the American Riviera Within the reading matter surrounds pretty halftones environed shade of by a border in a tasteful The letterpress written in an green interesting style gives complete In formation concerning the railroad fa cilities and the points reached by them Meeting of the Reading Club The first meeting ot the reading club for the new year was held Tues of Mrs day afternoon at the home Frank Teague Eleven members were present and the afternoon was an ex ceedingly pleasant and profitable one The club is now studying French his tory literature and art in the Bay View reading course and the meetings are proving to be very interesting ones The second book of the course How to Look at Pictures was begun at this meeting and besides the reg ular lesson current events were dis cussed Next week the club will meet with Miss Esther Weathers The Woodman Lodge of this place was visited Friday night by Sovereign Dame who is State organiber for Florida The lodge tendered Mr Dame a banquet which was elaborate in all details It was held at the home of Mr B F Garter which had been tastily decorated by the ladies who tho not Woodmen themselves took great pride in making everything pleasant and agreeable and it is due them that his feature was a success rAfter I After this the Woodmen retired to the I lodge where a candidate was carried I through in the good old way after I which Sovereign Dame proceeded tq I install the officers for the ensuing i year Wiiliston cor in TimesUnion m Mr L M Graham of Connor under date of January ninth writes us that 1 he killed six hogs which weighed as follows hog No 1 331 pounds raised in the woods and only fed at night i was fifteen months old and had the run tC of the pinder and chufer field three + months and twenty days Hog N 2 raised in the pasture was fed about half was nine months old and was in the pinder and chafer field two months and twenty days weighed 245 pounds These hogs were a general mixture from good to scrub or from Berkshire to razor back The Tourist Season is Now On The winter tourist season is now on I in earnest All of the magnificant East Coast and west coast hotels are open to the public and Tuesday all the special trains from the north on the varipus lines rolled Into Jackson ville on their initial trips for this win ter Much interest at present is be ing manifested In the automobile meet on the OrmondDaytona course J the last week in January and will be very large attended from all over this country and Europe The indications are that the tourist season this year will be the biggest in her history One of our valued subscribers In re newing his subscription speaks thus kindly After my kindest regards best wishes etc for a prosperous New Year and hoping tho good Lord may continue to smile on you and be as good to you as I feel towards you and your excellent paper I enclose check for renewal Mr Edward L McIntosh who has been so seriously ill for several weeks at Gantts Quarry noar Sylacangua Ala has been taken to his fathers home at Newberry S C As soon as r h is able to traevl he will come to Ocala on a visit in the hopes of recov ering his health < < o o o o o o o o o o 00 0 I Now Open For The Season o I O i THE OCALA HOUSE a O 1 OCALA FLORIDA o 1O O Large Airy Well Furnished 1 Sleeping Rooms 1O Tables Supplied with E o O Everything in Season I Splendid I DrivesOnly five miles f o from the famous Silver Easily accessible from Spings O all parts of the state I O J 1 RATES 75c to J50 per day o I Weekly Rates I American Plan on Application o o Write for Descriptive I Pamphlet I D C EDWARDS Prop 0 C M WHITESIDE 1 tjsiut Manager < i o o o o o o o ° ° o o o o o > ° rE t