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The Ocala banner. (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.) 1883-194?, January 12, 1906, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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1 > tS
The paper G Of the Peor > le tor the People and bv the People
Local Editor
Mr W E McKay of Summerfield
was in the city this week
Judge Joseph H Bell went out to
t Plant Sunday
Robert Murrell has gone to Jackson
ville to seek employment
Hr A J McLaughlin Fairfield
Ja a guest of the Ocala House
Miss Eula Moore has gone to Gaines
ville to visit friends for a short while
Ur G W Easterling of Martin was
registered at the Ocala House Mon
Ifr Charlie Moody is spending a few
days with his mother Mrs E P
1 Moody
Mr O B Howse has returned from
a short visit to his cattle ranch near
A little daughter has come to the
home of Mr and Mrs Charles E
Mr E P Townsend of Martin was
In Ocala Saturday en route to Floral
Mr Will Morris has returned home
from his Christmas visit to relatives
at Augusta Ga
I Miss Margaret Walters went down
to Coleman Saturday afternoon to
spend several weeks with relatives
Hon J B C Koonce editor of the
Snmterville Times was in Ocala to
spend Sunday with his family
R Mrs Thomas Sexton and children
have returned home from a few days
Tislt with relatives at Fellowship
Dr D A Smith of Anthony was in
Ocala on Monday to attend the special
meeting of the Confederate Veterans
t Mr LJ Brumby has gone to Jack
sonville to spend some time looking
I l after his business interests there
Rev G II Harrison received a tele
gram Saturday announcing the death
of his grandmother who had been ill
for several weeks
Mrs Joiner and her daughter Miss
Carter Joiner of Wilson N C are in
Ocala and are the guests of Mrs
Joiners sister Mrs John Pasteur
Col Adam Eichelberger was called
to Tampa Saturday on account of the
critical illness of his brother Mr
Frank Eichelberger
Rooms WantedTwo or three rooms
for light housekeeping furnished
responsible party references Address
Newton care Banner
Mrs Edward Holder has returned to
tier home near Dunnellon after spend
ing ten days In Ocala the guest of
Mrs J K Austin
The United States must be growing
better There were fewer lynchings
last year than hi any year of the prev
ious nine
Ur and Mrs J II Spencer return
ed home Saturday from Jacksonville
where they went to witness the open
ing of the Pure Food and Manufac
turcro Exposition
The frionds of hl4 Otto Mente of
Jacksonville will be pleas ed to know
that she is very much better after a
very critical illness and is now on
the road towards recovery
Mr Arthur Hardnkcr of Martel
ThOhas been in a hospital in Atlanta
for several months having his leg
treated is at home again and is now
greatly improved
At Robert Andersons party on Fri
day night Miss Leta Camp and Mala
Haughton won the prizes for drawing
the best pictures and they were pre
sented with pretty little stick pins
Mr George B Tyler is still suffer
ing very much from the effects of the
accident that befel him several weeks
ago at which time he was so unfor
tunate as to have his leg broken
lion A S Mann of Good Roads
fame was a visitor to Ocala Satur
day and did us the honor of a visit
He thinks the automobile will soon
r reach the practical side of things and
will help solve the rate problem
t A
V I iI
D ry
Wrapped in the Stainless R > obes of Duty the Old
Hero Ifests From Ijis Labors
Resolutions Adopted by the Bar are
Spread Upon the Minutes in Open
Court and the Lawyers Pay
Eloquent Tribute
At the session of the circuit court
Monday the resolutions adopted in
nuiinory of General Robert Bullock
whose death occurred in this city in
July last were spread upon the jnin
utes and all the members of the bar
paid eloquent tribute to the memory
of the deceased
Judge Richard McConathy present
ed the resolutions on behalf of the
committee and in doing so made most
feeling and appropriate remarks
The following are the resolutions
The death of General Robert Bul
lock at his home in Ocala Florida on
Thursday July 27th 1905 brings un
feigned sorrow to the members of the
bar of Marion county with whom
with their predecessors he had been
intimately associated in various offici
al relations as well as a member of
said bar for fifty six years
He was a native of North Carolina
having entered upon a life of varied
experiences In that state three score
and sixteen years ago Before attain
ing his majority he moved to this
state which has ever since been his
home In early manhood he was unit
ed In marriage to that most excel
lent woman Amanda L Waterman
who for fiftytwo years was the jo r
and pride of his life and where death
caused a heart to bleed ceasing only
when it beats no longer They raised
a large family among the number the
honored judge of this judicial district
While General Bullock was not to
a great extent learned in that which
is taught In the colleges his strong
mind was stored with that useful
knowledge to be learned in the school
of life an dthis with an eloquent and
forceful delivery placed him in the
fore front of the public speakers of the
state He possessed the confidence of
the plain people and they heard him
gladly This confidence was gained
because they knew him to be honest
with them
Probably no matter of great concern
in this state in the past fifty years
shaping its history and destiny but
received the impre of his influence
if for the good and his opposition
if he thought it bad
He was an active soldier in the In
dian war of 1856 a brave and effi
cient officer moving from the rank of
captain to that of brigadie general
in the Confederate Army an efficient
member of the 51st and 32nd con
gresses of the United States besides
holding to the satisfaction of the peo
ple several important official positions
in this county and at his death the
incumbent of the county judgeship
That the appreciation of the private
life and public services of our distin
guished citizen by the members of this
bar may be made a matter of rec
ord and as expressive of our feelings
Be It Therefore Resolved
That in the death of General Bullock
Marion county has lost a faithful effi
cient and upright official and the
state of Florida one of the most hon
ored and distinguished citizens whose
wise counsel and successful services
in the many places of high trust which
were committed to him whose superb
patriotism and unswerving devotion to
high principles and the best interests
of his state hns left an unperishable
imprint upon the times in which he
i lived and a fixed place in the hearts
of his fellowcitizens
Resolved further That in the true
and spotless life which he liv Jd
through a long period of years in
which he touch sd at almost every an
gle the various experiences to which
mortality Is subject he has left a rec
ord behind him worthy of emulation
by all who wish the esteem of their
fellowcitizens while they live and an
honored memory when they have pass
ed off the stage of mortal existence
Resolved further That although not
engaged in active practice the mem
bers of the bar honor his memory and
are proud to have his name enrolled
I among those of our profession and
point to his spotless integrity in all
things as the chief characteristic
which marks the career of every successful
I cessful and honorable member of the
legal profession
Resolved further That we tender
I our sympathies to the members of the
i family of the deceased and join with
them in their sorrow in this hour of
I their bereavement butrejoice as they
I too may do in the fact that the shad
ows of the dark hour are illuminated
by the memory of the bright and spot
I less record which Gen Bullock left behind
I hind him here and doubtless carried
i with him into the world beyond the
I veil
Resolved further That these resolutions
I lutions be presented at the next term
of the circuit court of Marion county
t with request that they be spread upon
I the minutes of the court and publish
I ed in the newspapers of the City of
Ocala and in further honor of the
memory of our deceased brother law
j yer and distinguished fellowcitizen
I we move that the court stand adjourn
I ed for the day
I As we have already stated all the
i members of the bar participated in
I this memorial service but the remarks
i I of the most of them were entirely ex
J temporaneous
i Major L T hIm Mr II L Ander
I son and Mr Carlos L Sistrunk had
t their speeches reduced to writing and
we are glad to be able to give them
in full to our readers
j Remarks of Hon Carlos L Sistrunk
r f
The significance of this occasion
saddens my heart as the death bed
scenes of that distinguished gentle
man recur so vividly to my mind and
I while I am one among the youngest
I members of the Ocala ar should I
I remain unheard during he discussion
of these resolutions for their adoption
I I apprehend that my silence would
bring remorse
I Would that I had the power of pre
senting briefly becoming an occasion
I like this my full appreciation of him
I who now sleeps the immortal sleep
I in natures chamber of repose It has
I been beautifully said that in the
I democracy of death all men are at last
equal There is neither rank nor
station nor prerogative in the repub
I lic of the grave At this fatal thresh
hold the philosopher ceases to be wise
j and the songs of the poet are silent
Dives relinquishes his millions and Laz
arus his rags The poor man is as
1 rich as the richest and the rich man
as poor as the pauper The creditor
looses his usury and the debtor is ac
I quitted of his obligation There the
i proud man surrenders his dignities
Ii the politician and worl ling their hon
1 or the invalid needs no physician and
1 the laborer rests from his unrequited
I toil
I Here at last is natures final equity
i The wrongs of time are redressed in
I justice is explained the irony of fate
I is refuted the unequal distribution of
i wealth honor capacity pleasure and
I opportunity which make life so cruel
I and inexplicable a tragedy ceases in
I the realm of death
I The strongest ther6 have no suprem
t t acy and the weakest needs no de
I fence The mighty captain succumbs
z i to the invincible adversary who disarms
arms alike the victor and the van
i My fellow comrades of the bar
though the cold hands of death have
I placed him in the scales of equality
i with all who have gone before thanks
j to Him the Supreme Judge for per
mission to gather together today and
I in memory pay tribute to our honored
r and beloved and whose life is filled
i with brave and noble deeds A pa
J triot loved by his state and country a
leader for the aged and a father to
I the young Let us recall for a moment
I the dark and dismal days of recon
j struction during the infancy of Flor
I Idas statehood a child of the new
I bornSouth when the invasions of
homes were as frequent as the destruction
t truction of dens of wild beasts which
roamed the forest under those intol
II erable conditions looking for leaders
J to battle unto victory or to death the
I hearts of the yeomanry w ere made
j glad by a single thought of General
I Robert Bullock And one like the
bright and shining star which led the
wise men across natures rugged
scenes to the cradle of the young
Christ led his loyal followers through
political crime chaos and corruption
t + t
landing the state government safely j
across upon the shores of white su
Were I asked this morning to be
the mouthpiece or spokesman for the I
young democracy of Florida who have
never seen as our fathers saw I could I
offer no stronger petition or more ap
propriate benediction than to say to
him let us live and be as brave as
noble as true as the honored hero
General Robert Bullock
Remarks of Colonel R L Anderson
We come today to pay tribute to one
who in life filled for many years a
conspicuous pla e in this community
and in this state one who was the
friend of humanity and the lover of
his country and who in his long car
eer exhibited In public and private life
a conscientious devotion to every
General Robert Bullock lived to see
the friends and associates of his youth
and manhood precede him to the
grave His well beloved wife with
whom he had spent more than a half
century of happy years even she had
been called away from his love leav
ing him desolate
Of him It might be said in the
words of Dr Holmes
The mossy marbles rest
Upon the lips that he had pressed
In their bloom
And the names he loved to hear
Had been carved for many a year
On the tomb
While it is fitting that we should
thus publicly testify to the esteem and
love that we felt for him who is gone
and to lay on his grave our poor
chaplet of friendly eulogy and praise
we still realize that our meagre and
inadequate words can never express
to the fullness our testimony to his I
many noble qualities nor set forth
the rich and valuable lesson which
was taught by his useful and upright
life I
> can only regret the weakness of
words and lament the poverty of
speech to illustrate our consciousness
of his worth as a citizen his fidelity as
a friend his distinguished services aS
a soldier of his country and his hon
esty and loyalty as a lawyer and a
public official
I knew Robert Bullock intimately
for the last twentyfour years of his
life When I first came to this com
munity he was one of the first to take
me by the hand and give me welcome
and encouragement Nor did he stop
at that There wero times when I stood
hi ned of friendship and active help
and these being in his power to give
he did not withhold And I am but
one oat of he Urge number who have
felt the warmt of his ready sympa
thj the pjer of his large generosity
and the encouragement of his hearty
He has gone from among living men
leaving behind a life replete with
good deeds full of deserved honors
and illumined by his distinguished
qualities of honesty uprightness fidel
ity and charity He has leftwith us
the heritage of a spotless public and
private life To posterity no man can
bequeath a nobler or more precious
It is for us once his brethren and
fellow citizens while we pay effection
ate tribute to his memory to give
heed to the lesson of a life which
was ever hopeful helpful and strength
ening to others and to profit by his
noble example of civic virtue honesty
and purity
The touch of a vanished hand and
the sound of a voice that is still he
shall ever hold in memory while his
honored dust lies in his grave beneath
the sunny skits or his well beloved
I heartily concur in the sentiments
of the resolutions adopted
Maj L T izlars Remarks
May it please your hODorI rise to
second the resolutions It was not
I my privilege or pleasure to know Gen
Bullock long But It is not always
that long acquaintance or close asso
ciation is necessary for one to be for
cible impressed with the leading char
acteristics of one of his fellowmen
I There exists a pychological process
which often on short acquaintances
and litle personal compact impresses
upon one the leading characteristics
and strong points of those with whom
we meet This is particularly true
of the man who has strong and leading
traits of character which are admir
able and worthy of emulation Gen
Bullock was endowed with many of
these From the short period of time
which It was my pleasure to know
him I was impressed with the con
viction that he was a man of strong
conviction fixedness of purpose
settled principles fearless and bold in
his expression 01 them sturdy devo
tion to whatever his convictions led
ii r J f
him to believe to be right These de i
termined him to follow the path of
duty as he saw it wherever it might
lead regardless of what the conse
quences to him personally might be
And so it was through a long life in i
I which he passed through almost every I
phase of experience to which mortality I
is subject he never waivered or
shrunk back from any difficulties
which stood in the path where duty
called him to go Others might dif
fer with him in his views of what he
conceived to be right but it mattered I
not He boldly pressed on regardless I
of personal consequences leaving it
to time and experience to verify the
correctness of his views His record
shows that in most instances time vin
dicated the wisdom of his actions
He was a patriot and deeply devot
ed to the best Interests of his state I
ann never failed in any emergency to
make any sacrifice for the good of his
fellow citizens In war and in peace
we find him meeting all issues as they
arise with zeal devotion and ability
But his long and useful life has
ended His sun went down uncloud
ed Wrapped in the stainless robe of
duty well done he is resting from his
labors The people mourn the depart
ure from among us of a loved and
honored citizen while he is reaping
the glorious reward of a life well
He is gone from among us We
shall see his face no more here but
his words live after him Let us cher
ish his memory for
Lives of great men oft remind us
We may make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time
The memorial services were said by
all that were present to have been ex
tremely feeling touching and affect
ing 0
Special Services Continue at the Pres
byterian Church
Dr Roscborough is continuing the
special services at the Presbyterian
church and is l delighting his audiences
His discourses are scholarly strong
forceful and instructive
He preached Sunday night to a
crowded church and his sermon on the
Shortness of Time was an able one
He preached for nearly an hour and
handled his subject from all points of
view His manner voice and gestures
are all pleasing and out of the ordi
nary and his sermons are not only en
joyed by the older people but delight
the younger ones as well
Mr Gordon continues to conduct the
singing and at each service sings
pleasing solos j
The services will continue through
out the week >
Runaway Accident
The double team belonging to Mr
F E Haskell of South Lake Weir
after being hitched up was left in
front of S A Standley Companys
livery stable and the horses became
frightened at some passing object and
ran away The horses turned the cor
ner of the Varlet store and when in
front of Mr Fishels store very near
ly ran over a crowd of little girls One
of the little girls whose name was
Mary Pinder was barely struck by
one of the horses and was very badly
frightened but uninjured
Mr Eld Carmichael who was pass
ing at the time in his automobile
pacified the children by taking them
to the drug store and treating them to
soda water
The horses were finally stopped the >
only damage done to the leum being
the breaking of the pole
Mr and Mrs Raymond Robbins
latsKetl through Ocala Sunday on their
WRY to Chicago after spending sev
eral weeks at their beautiful winter
home on Snows Hill near Brooks
I ville They were guests at the Ocala
House for dinner
Mr Howell M Hampton left Monday ti
afternoon for Arcadia where on Wed
I nesday evening he was married to
I Miss Laurie Carlton The wedding1
was a quiet home one and was
witnessed by only a few of the friend
of the bride
Miss Carlton spent several months
I with relatives in this city last year
and made many friends who are de
lighted to know that she will now bo
here permanently
Mr Hampton is a young lawyer and v
Is in the office of Hon Herbert L Anderson
I derson His Ocala friends gave him
a cordial welcome when he re
turned home with his bride We extend
our congratulations to the young cou
Crossctt Dancy I
Wright Chittenden
Mr and Mrs Simeon Dudley Chit
tenden of Tallahassee have Issuod In
vitations to the marriage of their
daughter Augusta to Mr Walter Lee
Wright of Cairo Ga on the evening
of January the eighteenth
The wedding of this popular young
couple will be one of the most prom +
I nent social events in the capital city M
this winter
The wedding of Mr Howard Clark
of this city and Miss Lillian Brown
I ing Bonner of Mexia Texas took
I place Thursday evening at nine 0
clock at the home of the brides par
Mr and Mrs Clark will reach Ocala
about the twentieth of the month and f
after spending a few days with the
grooms parents they will begin keep
ing house
Rev M N McCall Baptist Mission
ary to Cuba was in Ocala Sunday
morning and preached a very inter
esting sermon at the Baptist church +
at qleven oclock on his work In the
island republic Mr McCall loft on
the afternoon train for Gainesville
where he preached Sunday night 5
Mr A P Gilmore and family have 1
moved into the residence on Watuln
street belonging to Mr P C Davis and
formerly occupied by Conductor Wit
ter and family
Yrti t
Formerly Advertised and sold as
No change formula or package The imme
only has been changed to nvid on fusion as we
cannot afiord to have > valuable preparation
confused with any other
f AI > INOI Ai guaranteed end mottry will be
N refunded in every cast where it fails to re
move freckle pimples liver spots collar 4t
cotoraUotnsFallowneSA stern tan black bends
disfSg urainK eritption etc The worn cages in
t twenty days Lravexthe kin clear oft h MUty
and restore the beauty of youth
Price socand ffoo Sold in each city bf ail
leading druggists or by mail
Trejwrtd only by
Paris Tenn
Sold in Ocala by leading drug stores
atssrres c J > xoar as te umartomacer
H ROBINSON Pres J 0 IJOO ftR AiHl 11k
S H mITCH Mgr rr CJ BUTCH Tellef
o e
I 1 l t 4ry t
Avoid risk oil Robbt n Fire and the JVecewifa of
I Bookkeeping by intrusting your business to us I x
I o
Jo Mt
> 4
j c
x r r S
Z o 3

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