OCR Interpretation

The Ocala banner. (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.) 1883-194?, January 28, 1921, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074815/1921-01-28/ed-1/seq-9/

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[ yRXDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921.
: News of the Week :
Miami is building a nine story
hotel. It is destined to become a
great city.
•• • •
Areh Osteen, who bad been married
but a week, killed his wife by cutting
her throat with a pocket knife. With
a number of young people the newly
married couple were taking a stroll
and when the wife took the arm ot
one of the young men the infuriated
husband rushed upon and cut her
throat. Plant City also records a sim
ilar tragedy. Nathan Drawdy became
angered because he failed to find his
wife at home when he returned ear
lier than unual in the afternoon. A
quarrel ensured which ended in Draw
dy shooting his wife and then killing
himself. ?!
** • •
Billy Sunday may go te Orlando
next month.
•* * •
The idle in Jacksonville is put down
at 6,528. Ranks as fourth in the
South in point of unemployment.
■* * •
A sailor was jailed in Jacksonville
because -he kissed a pretty girl.
m* * •
The Selznicks have arrived in Jack
sonville to make inspection tour of
motion picture outlook.
•• •
President-elect Harding is enjoying
the balmy climate of Florida by play
ing golf, surf-bathing, fishing and in
other ways.
* * •
Palmer claims that Uutermyer act
ed in German interests.
A woman will he speaker of the
House of the British Columbian
* *• • •
In the "“'"mint of the Michigan, sen
atorial **ote Henry Ford led Newber
ry 2.t65 votes. This theft gave the
Republicans control of the senate and
defeated the ratification of the league
of nation and brought on the depres
sion which is now causing so much
•• • •
Two persons are dead and three
others were reported dying Tuesadv
others were reported dying Tuesday
preserved spinach.
.. ... ... " , "
Athens. Ga., had a $4,000,000 fire
Tuesday. g
*• * •
Creation of the office of tax com
missioner by the Florida legislature,
which meets in April, and the equali
zation of the basis of assessment in
all 54 counties of the state, preferably
50 per cent., were among the recom
mendations made by Gov. Cary A.
W. E. Harlow
Wifl open a series of
meetings for two
weeks at the
Christian Church
Feb. 6, 1921
* j
aMihHMiliViHllli illllif |l||||M || j
Large Stocd All Sizes Black,
Gaivanized and Extra Heavy
Ship, Tank Boiler
Purchased from local govern
ment shipyards.
black and galvanized
and Steel Bars, Bolts,
-jMWPRrbwi. ■ >SII Wt ... ♦ m
,V • ‘ . " ■•*£vt‘vv. ; .. -,;v. .
Hardee, to tax assessors from all
parts of Florida, who met in Jackson
ville Tuesday.
• 000
An appropriation of sloo.ooo,ooo'for
federal aid in road building during the
next fiscal year was approved by the
house roads committee in Congress
*• • •
It is claimed that if Mr. Hughes ac
cepts a place in the cabinet he will
have to give up a practice bringing
him $1,000,000 a year.
•* * *
Overcome with emotion, Charles M.
Schwab wept on the witness stand as
he told the congressional committee
investigating the shipping board how
shocked he was by the insinuation
that he had collected SIOO,OOO from
the government for personal expenses.
Representative Foster, one of the
investigators declared he believed the
American people owed Schwab a great
debt of gratitude for this war work. At
this the ’crowd in the room began
cheering. Men jumped to their feet,
chering for Schwab, and clapping their
hands. The ovation lasted several
** •
A woman pressed the muzzle of a
pistol to the side of William Wilson,
a negro, charged with assaulting her
at a court hearing in Forest Hills
Borough near Pittsburgh. She pulled
the trigger but the pistol did not go
off. Forty or fifty women assembled
in the court room, cried “kill him!”
and well stand by you.”
* * *
Immigrants from fourteen different
nationalities arrived in the United
States on one ship last Monday.
• o*o
Col. Joseph N. Brown, ranking Con
federate officer in South Carolina,
died at his home in Anderson, on Mon
day at the age of 98.
00 0 0
Gov. and Mrs. Jas. M, Cox were
visitors to Washington Monday. They
are planning a trip through Europe
and were in Washington to obtain
the necessary passports.
•* • *
On January 24 England paid into
the treasury of “Uncle Sam” a debt of
000 0 #
Marianna also was visited by a fire
doing damage to the amount of $20.-
000. The Times-Courier, an old estab
lished newspaper was entirely con
•* * *
An explosion in Memphis, caused by
a spark from a chisel, caused an ex
plosion of a tank of gasoline near a
filling station, which resulted in the
killing of fifteen or more persons and
the injury of forty or more others.
The killed and injured were mostly
Cotton ginned prior to the middle
cf January amounts to 12,016.4**
** • t
The senate has passed the Kenvon-
Kendrick meat packing bill by a vote
of 46 to 33.
*a •
A British submarine, with 56 on
beard, submerged and failed to rise
again off the English channel.
** * •
Night riders warn tobacco growers
in Kentucky not to sell their tobacco. |
m • •
Big tariff convention assembled in
Atlanta yesterday.
** * *
Five white men and three negroes
were hurt in race riot in North Caro
*• • •
South Florida Fair begins next
** • *
D. C. Gillett of Tampa, and a* num
ber ef others have purchased 5.000
acres on the Hillsborough river from
the estate of Mrs. Potter Palmer and
intend planting the entire tract ta'the
Temple orange. By all odds it will be
the biggest orange grove in the world.
•• * •
Lakeland had a $65,000 fire Sunday
{right. The Morning Star, belonging
to Editor Bloom, was entirely de- (
stroyed. The opera house and other
buildings were burned.
•• • a
The Republicans in control of con
gress has closed the Hog Island ship
yards. The last ship has been launch
•+ • •
Governor Hardee and cabinet have
made an official investigation of the
state hospital for the insane.
•• • •
Sheriff j. M. Summerlin of Okaloosa
countv. was recently killed by the
automobile he was driving coming in
, ■ " r f - yv* ••• - rfr 9 ****- : -
to collission with a train at an obscure !
crossing. Three others in the ear
with him were either killed or fatally |
injured. One only escaped.
mm m m
: ■ . ■ ..: : . .; ■ /. ■ ■ , 4
A former lieutenant at Camp Gordan
is facing a trial for using the mails
to defraud.
•* • m
Jews of Palestine ask for $125,000.-1
000 for the restoration of the old Jew
ish capital in order to invite immi
•* * m
In the Miami election the city man- j
ager ticket was triumphant. The Her
ald’s ticket was defeated.
•• • •
Fred. Van Roy. founder of the
Baum and Van Roy Crate Company at
Crystal River, has sold the entire hold- j
ings to the Root boys of Plant City. !
•* * *
A schooner from Cuba, loaded with j
booze, wrecked off Fort Myers, while
the ofScers were ashore, seeking
help, the boat was raided and a thou
sand cases of liquor secured. A num
ber are under arrest. *
Wm. R. Haager. on trial in Tampa
for the murder o fDaniel W. Hall, was
found guilty in the second degree. I
t• • t
I Mr. Root thinks that discussion of
disarmament should be deferred until
after the inauguration of Mr. Harding
[ while Senator Borah thinks it should
!be pressed forthwith.
Robt. Lawler, prominent lawyer of
: St. Augustine, met a tragic death on
i Anastasia Island by coming in con
| tact with live electric wires, was buri
ed Tuesday and his funeral in the
Cathedral was largely attended.
• • *
F. C. Norfleet resident manager of
tbe Otis Phosphate company at Bon
etic. Taylor county, committed sui
cide Tuesday by taking striehnine.
Milch Cows
For Sale
w w inn • ■
11/E now have Thirty
three fine Milch Cows,
fresh now or will be soon.
Some with young calves,
all gentle and well blooded.
Anyone interested or desiring to pur
chase one or more of these cows can
inspect them at JOHN R. ROGERS
STABLES on South Magnolia Street.
J. pTPool
Ocala .u Florida
Benjamin Hasn't Trace of Rheuma
tism Since Taking Tanlac
“This is the medicine that relieved
my rheumatism and built me up to
where I can now work as well as I
ever could, and I don’t intend to be
without it,” said John Benjamin. R. F.
D. No. 2. Jacksonville. Fla., as he pur
chased a bottle of Tanlac at Williams
Pharmacy a few days ago.
“About two years ago I began hav-j
ing rheumatism, my knees and ankles
swelled up and I suffered no end of
pain. At that time I was working on
the river. loading and unloading barg
es. and often when night came I could
hardly walk to the car line. My left
side from my shoulder down to my
waist finally got in such a bad shape
I could hardly do any work at all, my
legs hurt so bad I could scarcely walk j
and my ankles were swollen to almost
twice their natural size.
“Well. I worried along for quite a
while, trying medicine after medicine,
but nothing helped me until I got
Tanlac. The first bottle helped me.
so I got another and then another,
and kept on taking it until now I feel
like a brand new man.
The pains have disappeared from
my side and shoulder, my knees and
ankles have gotten all right and in
fact, I haven’t a trace of rheumatic
pains, and can do as much work as I
ever could. Tanlac certainly pulled
me out of a bad' fix and I am glad to
say a good word for it.”
Tanlac is sold in Ocala by Gerig’s
Drug Store, in Oeklawaha by John T.
Lewis & Sons, and in Mclntosh by L.
T. Hickson Drug Cos. adv.
Cane grinding and syrup making
time is here. The Banner is already
printing labels for the farmers. Send
in vour order. 500 forSS.73; 1,000 for
$4.75. adv.
: Soodaf
\ *
| Bitting & Company
16 South Magnolia 430 North Magnolia
i * *
L 4S3flUKaßSi&am
KilhThat Cold With
C.M., Cou-hs Lb Grit"
Neglect _d Colds are Dangerous
Take no chencas. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first mxa-ra
Breaks cp a cold in 24 hours—Relieves
* Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for W—*
Quinine in this form does cot affect the head—fo„ T Tonic
Laxative—No Opiates in HilFs.,
Banner Ads See the People Who Buy
—J '‘ e .. —"" ,■! „■ j-'m ■
_ \ . - ■ ■' : '• •V- ..

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