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Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure The onty BakingPowdermade from Rognl GrapsXream a/Tartar FARMERS WIFE MEETS DEATH AT HORNS OF ANGRY BO VINE NEAR FLASHER. Flasher, N. D„ Nov. 18.—A ter rible fatality occurred on ,the farm of Christian Dressier, located about 12 miles south of Raliegh, on Mon lay, when Mrs. Lucy Kloslika, a widow lady, aged fifty, was so bad ly gored by an angry bull that she died shortly after from her injur ies. From facts learned in the case it appears that Mrs. Kloshka with a pitchfork in her hands at tempted to drive a two-year-old bull away from a haystack. She wore on her person at the time a bright red wrapper, which evident qualities is®e Ijood. WOMAN IS KILLED BY AN ANGRY BOLL Get a Brownie For the Boy or Girl For Christmas $1.00 to $12.00 The most interesting thing you could get for them. Kodaks $5.00 to $25.00. Anyone can learn to operate a camera or kodak in 20 minutes. Let us show them o you. Supplies of all kinds always on hand. Monogram Stationery Get a box of this for your friend for Christmas, and mail it to them. We sell it for 75j a box, and it can be mailed for 8c to any address. We get them for you all ready to mail. A most useful present and very chic. Order now what you need so that you'll be sure to get it in time. Monogram stationery will be yery popular this season also engraved calling cards. Give your or ders now. Beautiful Framed Pic tures 50c —of the "Angelas", "End of Day", "Simplicity", "The Doctor", "Christ in Gethsemane", "Saint Ce celia", "Age of Innocence" and others. These are set in a good Mission finish frame, Bize about 16 20, covered with a glass. They are copies of the above famous paintings, and have a beautiful sepia color. They are going fast and are a bargain at 50c. Take a look and you'll see that 50c is a very reas able price for them. Pennants The largest line of pennants ever seen in Bow bells iB to be found here, in all sizes, colors and com binations, from 35c to $1.50. We have one specially good one at 85c. This- is our leader and a regular $1.00 pennant everywhere. It is 14 36 inches. Pil lows at $2.00, $2.25 and $4.00. You know a pennant can be mailed very easily to any address for only a few cents. We nave envelopes that will take any pennant in stock. The handsomest and most accept-' able present you can buy. We also have felt Hand Bags, Armbands, etc. for the high school Btudents, 25c to 75c. ly aroused the animal's anger, and it turned upon her and gored her so badly that she died within a half an hour. Coroner Kennel ly of Mandan was called to the scene of the accident and facts as to her death learned aiid a verdict rendered according. Kenmare News: Miss Gertrude B. Grunnett, daughter of V. E. Grunnett of this city, and Emil K. Norberg of Niobe, perpetrated a complete surprise on their friends here yesterday, by taking the morning train to Minot, securing a marriage license, and joining the ranks of married folks and only letting the immediate family know of the event. The young couple ire both well and favorably known in this locaclity and on their re turn will receive the hearty con gratulations of a host of friends. They will be at home on the groom's farm near Niobe, within a couple of weeks- GETS RICH IN 14 YEARS ON N. O. WHAT ONE FARMER DID IN A SHORT TIME IN THIS GREAT STATE Cando, N. D., Nov. 16.—George Blose attended the J. T. Evans sale at Rock Lake, and on his return to Cando, a newspaper represent ative met George and he says that the sale was one of the best he has ever attended. This set Mr. Blose to thinking away back about four teen years ago when, he says, Mr. Evans drove up to Blose's place of business for a load of coal. He had no money to pay for the coal, the team was on a par with one Of the scrawniest looking rigs that could be found among the Turtle Mountain Indians. But Mr. Blose said Evans looked good to him and he let him have the coal. Look at Evans today. He has 400 acres of the finest land in Tow ner county for which he has refused $12,000. Three hundred and fif ty acres of farm was in crop this year from which he got 9,000 bu shels of grain. He bought eighty acres last year, got enough crop from it this year to pay for the land and some money besides. Besides having the $12,000 farm, Mr. Evans has $4,000 cash in the bank. He will not sell his farm, for he says he cannot invest its value in anything else that would bring in more than the increase in value, say nothing about what the land will produce. He has decided to retire from farming at the present, and move to Eugene, Ore., where he can ed ucate his children and have them at home. Sam Herscovitz is not satisfied to limit his operations to this city alone, and after naming his place of business the Burke County Pia no House he proceeded to advertise his goods in several other papers of -the county. For an enterpris ing business man Sam has every thing in Bowbells beaten to a fraz zle and we opine that before an other year passes he will be oper ating all over the state. He is a hustler and is fully entitled to all the good things that are coming his way. For Sale—The F. E. Lyons resi dence in Bowbells. It is in good condition, newly papered and paint ed. Nine rooms and shed. For particulars either see James Beck or write F. E. Lyons, Big Sandy, Mont. tf Copyright Books, Recently expired copyrights, 50c. We have over 200 of the above also fine books for Christmas for boys and girls and grownups, leather bound, from 35e to $3.00. A book makes a nice present and is very acceptable. It can be mailed to any address. Also picture books for the kiddies from 5c to 50c. GOLD FISH REXALL WATCHES CIGARS STATIONERY sl.25 IS SHOI BY GRAIN THIEF MEET AT GRANARY IN FIELD AND THE THIEF OPENS FIRE ON FARMER Kenmare News: John Bird, a farmer living fifteen miles north east of Kenmare was shot and seriously hurt between 9 and 10 o'clock last night by a grain thief, when he went to his granary about a mile from the house to lay in wait for suspected grain thieves. As he rounded one corner of the building, on his way to the door, he came face to face with the tliief. The latter immediately opened fire with a revolver, putting two bullets through Bird's shoulder. John Bird lives with a brother and sister on their own quarter and lease the Mestad quarter adjoining them. They had missed consider able grain from the granary on the latter quarter, and believing that it was being stolen, the victim de cided to watch for the thief last night. He left the house shortly after nine o'clock, thinking that it would be necessary for him to wait some time for the appearance of the thief. But on reaching the granary he found his man there be fore him. It appears that the lat ter had approached the granary on foot, to reconnoiter, leaving his team and wagon in a coulee a short distance from the building and on seeing the owner, he immediately opened fire and fled. Mr. Bird was able to reach the house, however, and immediately sent for Dr. McLean of this city. He found the injured man in con siderable pain, and suffering from loss of blood, but unless blood poisoning sets in, will recover. Neighbors formed a posse and searched for the thief, but without success, and up to the time of printing The News, no clue of the perpetrator had been found. It is stated, however, that the Bird boys have some well founded sus picions, as to the guilty party, and some startling developments may b« looked for within a short time. In all something over 200 bush els of grain had been taken from the granary, the thief having made two successful raids before being seen. To Exchange—A quarter sec tion in the orange belt of Texas for one in he vicinity of Coteau. Address J. L. Martin, Coteau, N. Dak. tf. Phone Ingison for coal, tf Mantel Clocks Beautiful Mantel Clock, good time-keepers, make a fine Christmas present for your wife. We have them at $7.00 $8.50 $10.00 Chocolates —the finest confections to be had. Our's are always fresh: Those who are in the habit of buying confections from us know this to be a fact, for our stock is run out completely from time to time. We do this in order that not one single piece may go stale. If you get a package of any kind of candy at our store that is not satisfactory, come back and get your money. Liggett's, in half pounds, 50c pounds $1.00 in silk Moire pack ages it's $1 25 for a 1 1-8 lb. box. We have absolute confidence in our candies. Christmas candies will soon be in. Get them early. JOHNSTON'S 10c Candies—Pure Sugar Stick in, 10c boxes also 1 Big Sugar Stick 5c Fruit. Tablets, Mints, etc. Benno Drug Company The MERCHANDISING DRUGGISTS TOYS DOLLS CHINA MIRRORS MAGAZINES SCHOOL SUPPLIES Store BOWBELLS, N. D. Seasier "/i'.K't'.V' s Cash Store OMETIMES it's a great deal to fit a man's body than his mind and if we don't do both he isn't satisfied, and if he isn't, we're not, and—money back, which leaves us right where we were before. You see, we've just got to fit you, and we know it before you come, long be fore we get ready to fit you with count less variations and modifications of shape and measurement. We promise satisfaction in fit as well as in quality and values. Just come and see for yourself. See the suits now on display at $10.00 $12.50 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 COMPLETE LINE OF TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUIT CASES Everytning to EAT and WEAR at RIGHT PRICES Bowbells Cash Store Next to T. O. Hunter's Hardware Bowbells, N. D. Big Bens no* Price $2.50 Don't forget the Big Ben when you want a relia ble, good looking clock. The clock that looks good and is suitable to place anywhere. Sunrise Star Cut Glass Our line is now in and consists of— Round Sherbets at $2.25 per half dazeo Bell Ales at $1.00 per half dozen Footed Sherbets at $1.75 per half dozen Bell Ales at $1.40 per half dozen Sugar and Creamer at $2.00 a pair Wines at $1.75 per half dozen and many others at very low prices for high quality "Star Cut", such as Water Goblets, Clarets, Cock tails, Two-ounce Wines, Champagne Tumblers, Two ounce Whiskies, Cordials, Sherries, Handled Catsups, Jugs, Oils, Straight Tumblers, Eight-inch Nappies, Nut Bowls, Individual Almonds, Napkin Rings, Knife Rest. Our line of cut glass is the largest in the city and the prices are the lowest. We buy direct from manufacturers. Rexall Remedies Guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back. We believe in Rexall—because we know what it is and what it has done. You may see the formula of any Rexall preparation, by just mentioning it. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 25c, 50c and $1.00. Rexall Cold Tablets, 25c. —is a combination that will cure that cold. Corn Solvent, 25c—it cures. "93" Hair Tonic, 50c and $1.00—stops falling hair. "Foot Tablets", 25c—for sore and tired feet. Rexall Headache Pills, Tablets and Powders, do the work and cause no habits. Price 25c for any of them. Liver Pills, 25c. Rubbing Oil, for Sprains, etc., 25c and 50c, and many others. TOYS—Now In