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•a NOTICE We can supply you with every tiling- needed in your line, prices guar anteed. We have a full pp (r* 1 £D LEGAL NOTICES. United States Land Office. Fargo North Dakota, August 1(5,18J8. Notice is hereby given that Jacob J. 1'haneoo of Oakes Dick ey Co. N. Dak,, has filed notice of his in tention t,o make filial proof befoi'c 0. B. Johnson, Clerk of the District Court, at his office in Forman N. Dak., on Friday the 30th day of September, 181)8, on H. E. No. 19005, for the S. E. quarter of section No. 4, in Township No. 180 N. of Range No. 58 W. Ho names as witnesses: Alfred A. Babcock, John F. Bae, jucmuel B. Taylor of- Oakes, Dickey Co. X. Dak., Martin Pear son of Strasibville, Sargent Co., N. D. Chas. N. Valentine. Register. Land Office at Fargo, N. D., August 8, 15'Ja. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. Connor, Clerk of the Dis trict Court, Dickey County, State of North Dakota, at Ellendale, N. D.. on Sept. 30, 1898, viz: Ernest Arndt, Homestead Entry No. 1934(5 for the S. }4, N. E. and Lots 1 and 2—4—131—61. He names the following •witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Robert Arndt, Louis P. Anderson, Michael Liicke of Yorktown, N. D., and George Connor of Clement, N. D. Chas. N. Valentine, Register. 1st pub. Aug. 12. Land Office at Fargo, North Dakota. Au gust 9,1898. Notice is hereby given that the following.named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before O. B. Johnson, Clerk of the District Court, at his office in For man, Sargent County, N. D., on Saturday the 17th day of September 1898, viz: Arthur W. Short, for his Homestead Entry, No. 20021, for the S. E. of nee. 7, Township 130 N. of Range 58 \V. He name the follow ing witneesss to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: F. A. Babcock and John Rae of Oakes, P. 0, Dickey Co., N. D., and Charles Koch and O. S. Stock of Straubville, Sargent Co., N. D. Chas. N, Valentine, E. G. Baldwin, Resister. Agt. 1st pub. Aug 12, IS THE DIRECT ROUTE TO POINTS EAST, CANADIAN PROVINCES, NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK, Solid Vestibuled Train to Montreal. Only Through Sleeper to Boston. IS THE ONLY LINE OFFERING |(jon£|yke I rou he W. E. CALLAWAY, General Passenger Agent, MINNEAPOLIS. M!NH.| .•. |L '. .W w*tf- I Threshers: Line of Shirts, Overalls, Gloves, Blankets, Com forters, Hats, and everv thing else needed in the 5H Harvest Field. And our Shoe department is First Class. You can find any thing' you are in need of. 13 i«Sv 1 7*»atX\ .1 .r' A 'i J. pis BSKr S sa Oh, They Can Do It. Now the war is over we are waiting to hear the pops tell us how Willie Bryan would have '"licked" Spain in a more satisfactory manner than President McKinley did.— Edgelev Mail, Good Advertising. The Grand Forks Herald is giving Tom Marshall of Oakes valuable at I vertising for United States .senator. If Tom appreciates the be no tit of ad vertising he should remit to the Herald its regular rates for services up to date.—Lisbon Free Press. That Was Not War. When Spain claims that it was the United States that made war she can point to a whole lot of facts to prove the assertion, and the same facts will bear out another assertion that Spain has not made war. Except by cable from Madrid and Havana, Spain has not been in the fight.—Havana Her ald. Like Bishop Ireland. Before Santiago, Chaplain Brown of Arizona was seen to seize the car bine of a wounded trooper as the fight began to grow fierce, and work his way to the front of the fighting line. Col. Roosevelt remonstrated: "According to the articles of war, chaplain, yoa are not allowed to han dle firearms." "D the articles of war," came the quick response. "Here's where I'm needed now.'' And there he stayed.—Edgeley Mail. The People vs. Bosses. Over four hundred delegaj •§, elec ted by the people to reprei|'L in the state republican ctw 'eJjtibnt agreed to vote for the nomiuu .|^ of the present state ticket, and now the Opposition press is industriously shouting "stop thief" by calling it a railroad ticket etc. The difference between that ticket and the one nom inated by the fusion forces is that the republican ticket was nominated by over four hundred representatives of the people, while the fusion ticket was nominated by about a dozen po-. liticai bosses who always fix up that ticket for the fusion forces. The people are getting disgusted with that kind of sham reform and it is hard work to get main on the t! Courier. nominee to re C'onporstown i: "3? i?J", ArOL. XY. NO. 36. OAKES, NORTH DAKOTA, SEPTEMBER 9, 1898. $1.50 PER YEAR. What Counts Now. The voters of North Dakota have reached beyond the rudimentary stage of political sagacity whi^h con siders only the personal popularity or genial good fellowship of the candi dates whom they are expected to el ect to positions of public trust. The characteristics that are most sought are those of intelligence and devotion to principle—common sense and com mon honesty. And in their judg ment upon these qualities, the peo ple will not be easilj misled by dis gruntled kickers who wish to ruin a party which they have beeu deserved ly unable to control.—Tower City Topics. -ff! vS flajor Edwards' Riddle. Streeter wants to know what is the matter with Iialiand? So far as the Forum is advised—there is nothing '.-r^ -t •-.^r '$? **•*,» Advertising Does It. The fact that Montgomery, Ward & Co., and M. Roberts are adver tising their bargains in the weekly press is a matter which should open the eyes of the average letailer. This state has bought thousands and thosands of dollars worth of goods of these two concerns. The retailer has stood by and seen the business saken right out from under his nose. Oc casionally he has kicked to the trav eling man and claimed that the job ber was not making him prices by which he could compete. But the main trouble lies in the fact that the retail merchant fails to let the people know what he can do for them in the way of prices. He fails to advertise his bargains in a way that will at tract the trade. T. M. Roberts takes advantage of this failing, uses print ers' ink liberally, and the result is easy to see. If the North Dakota re tailer holds his own from this on he must do more advertising.—Plain dealer. The Taxing Question. There is no law on the statute books of North Dakota fixing the assessed valuation of railroads at 56,000 per mile. The legislature of 1887 passed a joint resolution declar ing that it was the sense of that body that the railroads should be assessed at $5,000 per mile. This was in no sense a law, but it was an instruction, and whether the equalizing board acted for the best interests of the state in adopting a less sum is an open question. Whatever they did was in the belief that it would con tribute to the settlement of the un paid railroad taxes, and it is true they have been paid as it was then understood they would be. There is no truth in the statement that the railroad lobyists offered to accept $5,000. The attorneys of the road insisted upon the old assessment, but the board raised it considerably, but not to the point demanded by the people, but there is no reason to sup pose they acted corruptly. An ex amination of the records of assess ments and a comparison of assessed values with actual values will show the property of the state is assessed about one third its actual value. Tax reform should extend all along the line, and all property should pay a just proportion.-— Lounsberry's Re cord. PT"?® Republican. THE NORTH DAKOTA PRESS the matter with him. HalJand lives to militate against the So does ick—years Col. ago-- .^tr.Ts ,. The Major Confesses. As it often happens—the re publican state convention gave the voters an exceptionally good plat form—but not as it often happens— also presented a list of good candi dates. If the platform is lived up to, the people cannot ask for anything better, and while the dominating power of the state convention, might have wished it different, as a fact the nominees are all honorable men. Fred Fancher has been in the state siuce territorial days and in every place he has served, has done excep tionally well. There can be no ob jection even to*the railroad commis sioners nominated—as to their reputation for doing well—the re vengeful spirit manifested by the railroad gang, in turning down the tried and true members—ought not Wall ou is all De Groat. Jim Hill Simons is an old tim iu Traill Away gave De old now tre oi his eye—or maybe he aid fed to farm hands as choice man in McHonry county fresh beef. What has this to do with uew board will not have the Hallaud Nothing. Halland is a ence of the old, may be true young man in the full vigor of youth- would also be true of their oppon ful manhood. We only mention him in connection with Uncle John—be cause he is a neighbor cf the colonel —and of the bull.—Fargo Forum. Groat a bull. The bull is I Barnes county -years have dimmed the lus-: sheriff in territorial day.-'., eye—or to farm right.—alw and a popular who was and Mr. business republican, dead Erickson stands high as with the advatage in their favor that Mr. Walton has been with the pres ent board, and knows what has been done, and how to continue the prose cution of the rate cases which the gang had hoped to break down. There is nothing to com mend the support of the Opposition ticket, in anyway better than the republican nominees.—Fargo Forum. A Few Cowan Facts. It was the lortune of the editor of the Times to be present at the last two meetings of thu state board of equal ization prior to 1898. and without criticising the action of other mem bers of the board he feels it a duty to speak iu praise at this time of the action of Attorney General Cowan at those meetings. From first to last General Cowan favored a high assess ment of railroad property. There has never been a time when General Cowan has taken any other stand. At the time when the famous rail road bill was passing through the last legislature he watched its every stago and the writer well remembers how ably he combatted the arguments of the railroad attorneys when the measure was discussed in the senate chamber. All through this fight General Cowan has been with the people—has been their champion. He has conducted the case of the railroad commissioners against the railroads with signal success—the case is not finished yet—but the farmers of Cavalier county can ship their grain two cents cheaper than they could before—and Cowan is still working for you, voters. Are the voters of this county going to be against a man who has been faithful to his trust—and to their interest?— Langdon Times. Clear of Debt. Neither the United jjStates nor Cu ba will assume any part of the Cuban debt. It does not represent rail roads, turnpikes, or any other sort of public improvements in Cuba, It represents corruption, extortion and oppression of which the Cuban peo ple have been the victims. Not a cent of that debt should or will be paid by a resident of Cuba. Spain will assume the whole of it. It is hard to tell what she will do with it. Probably she will repudiate it. This however, is a consideration about which the United States need have no concern. Cuba, at the outset of its career as an independent republic or as a part of the American nation, will not be saddled with tiiat load.—• Lisbon Free Preso, }. r? NONE 80 GOOD nominees. ,ys. John That the experi but it nts rnn 1 Calumet Baking Fourth. The Australian ballot has proven in this state of no advan tage to the intelligent voter, and no system can supph intelligence to the ignorant voter. Fifth. The restrictions and regu lations about the polling places brought in with the Australian bal lot are mostly good, but could be ap plied to any other sj stem of ballot ing. Sixth. The Australian ballot does not fit in with our system of caucus aud convention. We should either repeal the form of the Australian ballot, ot pass laws for nominations to be made in a similar form as in the English colonies, which i- somewhat similar to the primary election laws proposed by some papers Free Mail Delivery. Arrangements were completed to day to give the country adjacent to Mayville free rural delivery, commen cing September 1st, or as soon there after as possible. Two routes have been selected, one for North May ville and one for South Mayville, the carrier to divide his time every other day to each route. The north route leads off to the junction, then east then south into Mayville, a distance of twenty-five miles and touching fifty houses. The south route goes directly south and around one section Blanchard township, then north, then east into Norway township and home on the section line one mile south of this city. The farmers re ceiving this service will be required to put boxes along the road, and sev eral families in that neighborhood may be served by the use of the same box. This rotue will probably be the first trial of free rural delivery in the state, and our farmers have rea son to congratulate themselves on the convenience ol their mail facil ities at this oflice.—Mayville Tribune, The Salvation Army, connection with the In Thanksgiving Festival of the .5 %::fry Powder A Primary Election Law. In discussing this proposed law the Pembina Pioneer Express gives the following facts which are worthy of consideration: First. No law can force voters to attend to then duties as citizens at any form of primary or general elec tion. Second. If voters would attend, caucuses and vote intelligently and independently they could express their choice for candidates aud the same would be effectual. Third. A large number of states in the east have "primary" election laws, some of them for niaiy years, and the evils of "bcss-isrii" sire just as plentiful as in slates when* the cau cus and convention system is prac ticed. Harvest Salva tion Army, the lofcal Corps is making determined efforts to raise the sum of $15.00 towards the support of their social work among the poorest, as well as well as the payment of vari ous indebtedness. Friends aud sym pathizers who are desirous of assist ing need not n'ecessaily contribute in cash, but may give their donation any article of merchandise, made goods, or products of field garden, live stock, from a chicker to a cow not being excluded, sideling the acknowledged am_ of good they have done to the munity and the country, there sb be no difficult}' for these de I workers to ra'usi: the above amot l,: i1 'h C- •:4£ ••ii j.. ii