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1 THE NEWS RESUME DIGEST OF TUGS NEWS FROM ALL FARTS CF THE WORLD. (A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happening* of the Past Weelc Called From the Telr •BTftph Reports The Notable Events at Home and Abroad That Have Attracted Attention. T7"»*om Wnsliinnlon. Tlie president has created Porto Rico a military department under Maj. Gen. John It. Brooke. The president has issucil an execu tive order creating the department of Porto Rico, and appointing Gen. Brooke its military commander. The president will recommend that congress revive the grade of admiral, and that Dewey lie appointed to the office. The war department lias decided to send boards of officers to Cuba to in vestigate and report upon the location of camps for the army of occupation In that island. President McKinley's private secre tary has sent a telegram to Webster Davis that the chief executive will not be able to include Kansas City, Mo., in the itinerary of his Western trip. The secretary of the interior has or dered that the land in the abandoned Fort Hartsuft' (Xeb.) military reserva tion, comprising 713 acres, be sold on Dec. 13 next, at not less than their ap praised value. The London correspondent of the Paris Journal des Debats announces that Great Britain and Russia art about to sign an agreement giving the former preponderance in the Yang Tse Valley and the latter preponderance in Manchuria. Negotiations have been practically completed between the postoltice de partment of this country and the Brit ish government for the exchange of lucuey orders between the United States and the colony of British Hon duras. Secretary Long has decided to make too change in the post graduate course of instruction in naval architecture and established last year at the naval academy, and Naval Constructor J. II. tinnard, now on duty at Cramps' ship yard, Philadelphia, has been ordered to Annapolis to take charge of the Class during the present term. People Talked Aboat. James L. High, author of "High on Injunctions," is dead at Chicago. Rev. Cunningham Gieke. the well known religious commentator and his torian, is dead at London. Dr. Louis De G. Sehrain, vicar gen eral of Nisqually, died at Providence, P. I., of cirhosis of the liver. Congressman John Baker of Illinois has become blind, after an active car eer of half a century. He is seventy Six years old. Col. Charles W. Williams, in charge Of army supplies at Jeffersonville, Ind., lias been appointed chief quartermas ter at Havana. Ex-Judge Sidney Smith, a resident Of Chicago since 1S56, an old-time member of the Cook county bar and prominent on the bench and in politics, died suddenly in his apartments in the Hotel Metropole, aged sixty-nine. Rev. Jabez Fox, who was well known in the West in the anti-slavery agitation prior to the war, died in New iXork at an advanced age to-day. He ,\ras born in Massachusetts and went to Michigan, where he edited the first free soil paper in Detroit, the Daily Democrat. Accidental Happenings*. Lee Kennedy, a young man living at Linn Grove, while digging a well, fell to the bottom and, suffered injuries that resulted in his death. Henry T. Samysc 1 of Centcrviil?, Sny der county, Pa., while engaged in ar ranging some gearing at one of the cir cular saws while it was in motion, was caught by a saw and cut in two. Judson Crossman died in the Eastern District hospital at New York from loss of blood caused by a dental oper ation. A Brooklyn dentist extracted four teeth for him. Blood flowed so freely from the jaw that death ensued. Half a ton of powder exploded at Lind's road-building camp, seventeen miles north-of New Whatcom. Wash., and killed three people, as follows: Gus Swanson, Mike Gees and a six year-old son of John MeCulloeh. Mc culloch was fatally injured and Dan Sandstrom was seriously hurt. The re port was heard twenty miles away. The plaek powder caught fire from "a spark, through carelessness. Criminal Record. Scott Saylis, an actor in Julia Ar thur's company, committted suicide at New York. Capt. Thos. Young, who was stabbed by J. A. McManigal, during the G. A. R. reunion at Sedalia, Mo., is dead. The body of Daniel Esselbaugb. president of the defunct New England Loan and Trust company, has been found in the North river at New York. The Insane wife of Joseph Clothier, a farmer of St. Sevarein, Quebec, kileld her four children by cutting their tnroats. A political meeting at Harmony Grove, Ga., wound up in a free-for-all fight, in which two negroes were killed outright and a third fatally wounded. Foreign. The Cuban insurgent party has nom inated Gen. Gomez for president. The Spanish cabinet has decided to maintain the war tax, but to abolish the tax on exports. There are rumors in Berlin of the forthcoming foundation of a combine of the whole German iron trade, to meet the severe American competition. The Italian government has issued formal invitations for the anti-anar chist congress, the time and place of meeting will be fixed hereafter. The report that Count von Thun Ha henstein has resigned is unfounded. He appeared in the reichsrath the other day and made two speeches. The powers have presented a collect ive note to the sultan, demanding the evacuation of Crete by the Turkish troops within a month. Mine. Carnot, widow of President Carnot, who was assassinated by an Italian anarchist at Lyons, on Jun« 24. 1S94, died at Paris recently. Advices received at Constantinople say that fighting has occurred at Alash garb, between the Turks and a numbei of Americans from Russia. About fifty Americans were killed. It is semi-officially asserted at Paris that M. Manu, the procurator general, has sent a report to the court of cas sation which insures a revision of the Dreyfus case. Siiortine .Notes. John WThite, the crack English feath erweight, added another victory to his fast-increasing string by knocking oul Dick I-Iiggins of Birmingham, at the Olympic Athletic club of that city in four rounds recently. The pair were to have boxed eight rounds. Matty Matthews has been matched to box "Mysterious" Billy Smith at the Empire Athletic club of Syracuse, for a. guarantee of $1,000, with the option of (JO per cent of the gross receipts, on a date to be named by the club before the end of October. The weight is 142 pounds. It is announced that Dick Burge will sail from England for this country next week, to take a try out of La vigne, and then any other lightweight who is willing to go the distance with liim.Burge picked up $5,000 expense money by whipping Arthur Akers, a 100-pounder, in 1 minute and 45-sec onds. Akers is the middleweight who knocked out Paddy Purtell when he visited England a year or two ago. Sporting men who claim to know say Lavigne didn't whip Erne at Coney Isl and the other night, because the kid is waiting for a killing. In another match they say Lavigne will let him self out, and take all the money re sulting from the big odds on the Buf falo boxer. Buffalo men who saw the fight are of opinion that Lavigne has nothing up his sleeve for the Buffalo lightweight. General. A general military hospital will be erected on Angel Island, near San Francisco, with 400 beds. California's wine crop is reported to be the smallest in the history of the state. Wheeling & Lake Erie officials deny the report that Senator M. A. Hanna will buy that road. The Merchant's Woolen mill of Deck ham, Mass., shut down recently, throw ing about 500 out of employment. Forest fires are still raging in Colora do, and it is impossible to estimate the damage. The organization of the refigerator manufacturing trust is said to be un der way. Six immigrants alleged to have been imported in violation of the contract labor laws were arrested in Chicago and will be returned to Berlin. Rev. H. M. Dubios of Nashville, Tenn., general secretary of the Ep worth League, reports the present membership as 252,725. A party of distinguished Japanese bankers have arrived at San Francis co. They are on a tour of inspection of the systems in this country. When the Sixth and Tenth cavalry leave Camp Wikoff, Col. Young's regi ment of engineers will be the only mili tary organization remaining. Gov, Stephens, Polic-e Commissioner Hawes and Chief of Police Campbell have inaugurated a war on the usurers of St. Louis. A delegation headed by Gov. Tanner of Illinois succeeded in having the converted yacht Wasp ordered to Chi cago for use of the naval reserves. Gen. John B. Gordon commander-in chief of the Confederate Veterans, says there will be no successor to Winnie Davis as the "Daughter of the Confed eracy." Forecaster Ilammon, of the weather bureau of San Francisco, is anxious to have a. cable laid to the Aleutian isl-i ands and other Alaskan points, for the purpose of improving the service on the coast. The whereabouts of Daniel O. Esli baugh, president of the New England. Loan and Trust company, which has been in the hands of a receive? at New York for several days, is the source ot some anxiety on the part of his friends. The gross earnings of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road for the month of September amounted to $3,693,181, an increase of $482,813 over the figures for the same month last year. The Illinois Manufacturers' associa tion, at a meeting held at the Union League club, Chicago, adopted unani mously resolutions that the ports of all territory, formerly Spanish, but now in the possession of the United' States, be permanently opened to the freest possi ble entry of all products of American industry. Not to His l,fl£lns. "One dollar, please," said the clair voyant. "Not much," he said. "I'll not pay you a cent." "Do you think I reveal the future for nothing?" "I don't care anything obout that. Yoiu told me I was to marry three times, and I don't propose to put a pre mium on bad news."—Chicago News. The Cost of Freeing: Colin. The United States are entitled to re tain possession of the Philippine Isl ands, if the peace commissioners so de cide, for the cost of the war runs far Into the millions. To free the stomach, liver and bowels from disease, howev er, is not an expensive undertaking. A few dollars invested in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will accomplish the task. The One Tiling Xeeilful. Young Lady—1 sometimes think I Will enter the literary field. Talented Author—You possess the chief requisites, I suppose? Young Lady—And what, may I ask, do you consider the chief requisites? Talented Author—Postage stamps.— Chicago News. Hon'* Tills! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. ,T. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. WeBt&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldine, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggist^ Hall's Family Pills are the best. Commercially ExvrcNNed. "That man seems to take a great deal of interest in his work," remarked the junior partner, "although he hasn't ac complished much." "Yes," answered the crusty capital ist, "he's a positive usurer. He can get were interest out cf less actual capital than anybody else I ever saw."—Wash ington Star. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Ufa Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maff netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c. or SI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Read the Advertisement)*. You will enjoy this publication much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements they will afford a most interesting study, and will put you in the way of getting some excelent bargains. Our advertisers are reliable they send what they adver tise. A Winner. "How did you like the show last night?" "Great! Best I ever saw. House was packed, and the people went wild with enthusiasm. They killed a Spon iard in every act."—Chicago News. Dear Editor:—If you know of a solicitor or canvasser in your city or elsewhere, especially a man who bas solicited for subscriptions. Insurance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or 6 man who can sell Roods, you will confer a favor by telling him to correspond with us or if you will insert this notice in your paper and such parties will cut this notice out and mail to us. we may be able to furnish them a good position in their own and adjoining counties. Address, AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO., Chicaco. Gave Himself Away. Mamie—Why do you think he just from Boston, when he claims to be English? Anna—He wrote a little poem about me the other evening, and made my name rhyme with "banner."—Chicago News. Dr. J. H. RINDLAUB, Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Fargo, N. Dak. The man who always counts on his frierds seldom figures on their calcula tions. My doctor said I would die, but Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me—Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, Ills., Nov. 23,95. He who has a handsome wife or a castle on the frontier is never without fear. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bronlo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. A fertile imagination often produces a crop of rank thoughts. A woman may be loyal creature with long hair and short ideas. ,j Pormftne*»tlyCured.Hoflts or nervousness aftei irst day's us* of Dr. Kline's Groat Ksrve Restorer. Bend for FREE $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. DB. K. H. KLINE. Ltd..931 Arch St--Philadelphia, Pa. No man is ever,so friendless that he can't fiud someone to jolly him along. Mrg. Wlnslow'H Soothing Syrup. Forchlldren teething, softens the gums, reduces In flammation, allay pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Things are actually what they seem about one thing in a hundred. No-To-Uao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weatt men strong, blood pure. 50c. 81. Ali druggists. Choose neither a candle light. Why let your neighbors know it? And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or ten years more? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy for nothing tells of age so ymi quickly as gray hair.<p></p>Ayer's vigor is a youth-renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never fails to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, and short hair becomcs long hair. It cleanses the scalp re moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we will gladly send you. I If you do not obtain all tto bsne. I fits you expected from the use of the I Vigor, write the doctor about it. I Probably there It some difficulty with your general system which may be easily removed. Address, Dr. J* C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass, 1 Cf wife nor linen by MINNEAPOLIS. ESTABLISHED 1879. WOODWARD CO., Kdncato Tour Bowels WItn MH.Tn.Rin 1 Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever, iOc, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggistsrefundmoney. Every man knows how a wife should be managed, but few are able to do it. TAPE WORMS "A tape worm eighteen feet long least came on the soeno after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years., I am still taking Casoarets, the only cathartlo worthy of notice by sensiblo people." GEO. W. BOWLES, Balrd, ,Mus. CANDY m. CATHARTIC Lwaoeto TRADE MARK RIOISTIRCD Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Qrlpe lOc, 26c, &0o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Re«dj Co*p«ny, Chicago, Moalrrll, New 8,old IE write to NATHAN If afflicted with sors ayes, use "He don't chew Battle Ax, yet Honor." "He looks it!" Ignorance of the Law is no excuse, but ignorance of BATTLE AX is your misfortune—not a crime—and the only penalty is your loss in quan tity as well as quality when you buy any other kind of Chewing Tobacco. Pemember the name when you buy again. IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED,' SAPOLIO GRAIN COMMISSION, Branch-Chie.ipo and Milwaukee. Orders for future delivery executed In all markets. Yor*. SIS and guaranteed by all drug- nW" IU-DHU gists to OIJKE Tobacco Habit- BOYS I VTe will give choice of a Wateb, I Camera, Pair of Skates, Books, I Htuleal Instruments, RlejeleSup* I plies, Sporting Goods, Games, ete., AND GIRLS I absolutely free to any boy or girl who will sell 18 packages of Crown Ink Pow- ders at 10 cts.each. We do not ask for a cent. We ship the 18 packages with premium list and instructions every 10 ct. package of Crown Ink Powder makes 80 cts. worth of fine, writing ink, every family, business house or school boy will buy ft package. We trust you with the 18 packages, when you have aol4 them send the money to us and choose your premium. Thousands of happy bovs and girls are possessors of valuable presents obtain ed in this way without investing a single ccnt. We send the outfit postpaid as soon as you write us. Write today. Address CKOSBIE CHEMICAL CO., Ucpt-V, Chicago, Ilia. CURE YOURSELF! TTso Big O for unnatural discharges, inflammations, I irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Guaranteed stricture. Prevent* contagion. !l Painless, and not astrin UTHEEVANSCHEMICALOO, gent or poisonous. Sold brDranflits, or sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for »1 .(*), or 3 bottles, |2.75. Circular sent on reiiueifc PENSION I BICKFORD. Washington, D. C.. they will receive quick replies. B. 6th N. H. Vol*, et&ff 20th Corps. Prosecuting: Claims since 1878. nPnDQV NEW DISCOVERY giT«« UnVr W I quick relief and cures worst cases, send for b.iok of testimonials and lO dava* treatment Free. D.-.K. H. aUKN'S S0H8.AUsata.iH*. WANTED—Case of bad health that R-I-P-A-N-8 will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Blpans Chemical Co., New York, for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials. Arrested! for not chewing RatHeAgfc PLUGW —I [Thompson's Eye Water. DULUTH.