Newspaper Page Text
jp." I. *. c~ IP .1 :a S •.»vw •&1' -^w". ,)«• "SS'/if v.r^ fe -H si 1 The Reading Club Organized. Particulars of the organization of the reading circle were received at the Republican office too late for publicHliou ifi our last issue, and we 'iihf therefore give our readers the follow -:.• ing in formation this week: arid TOTV^' The circle or club is a branch of the Parmalee Library association of Chicago, organized by G. H. Swasey. The library consists of 1000 volumes in twenty sections, only one section of fifty books beiug available to the circle at any -ue time. It is retained here for three mouths and then ex changed for an other one. There iire tweuty-eight members of the circle, who are Dr. Boardman, E. G. Baldwin, H. C. McCartney, C. J. Fenton, E. J. W alton, E. P. Crocker, T. W. Bush, W. J. Payne, Rev. Bish op, E. A. Porter. Mrs. VV. W. Hutsin piiler, Mrs. Mattie White, S. L. Har ris, \V. D. Lynch, E. W. Bittman, E. S. Bly. E. E. Mayhew, Chr. Petersen, Miss Julia Faus, E. T. Howe, A, Mc Donald, W. D. Bryan, C. D. Daniels, Chr, Grorder, Miss Jennie Piper, John H. Coulter. W. R. Bishop and Mrs. E. B. Allen. T. VV. Bush was selected as librari an. and the books are at his office. The society desires a few more mem bers to take their certificates, which cost $5, and are good for five years. The privileges of the library and the use ol the books is restricted to the members of the circle. There is also in connection with the library a course of stud}-, simiiiar to the Chaut aquan course. The library will be open for the selection of books on Mondays and Wednesdays after ni. and on Saturdays alter 9 a. in., or at any other time when thr librarian is in the office. To Our German Friends. And all others who like sauer kraut, we have just received a barrel of the finest we ever had in stock. BISHOP & WALTERS. To The Ladies of Oakes. Home-made miuce meat constantly on hand at the Little Gem. LANIGAN & DONOVAX. Art Linens. Doilies and centerpeices, drawn work, needle and embroidery. From 50cents to $6. Miss SIPE. To Exchange. Good Cotswold buck to exchange. Inquire of Charles S. Brown, Oakes. Notice. Notice is hereby given to the parties who buried a body on my lotiu the Oakes cemetery ou the west side of the hill about xifty feet from the fence sometime during last summer or fall to remove the »ame at once or the body will betaken up and buried in the Pottersfield. J.LIBBY. Western Apples. From Washington, in bushel boxes, at Bush's. New York Apples. That came direct from the state of .New York. Northern Spy, Greenings, Baldwins. Kings and Russets at Bush's. Boston Jiaked Beans at the bakery every Friday. New York Apple Cider. Two barrels just received. F.E. Ash. St. Paul And Minneapolis. Winter excursion to Twin Cities Decem ber 9th and 10th by the Soo Line. Very low round trip rates. Get information from Soo Line agents. All Aboard Ooing East on the Soo Line. Trains leave Oakes at 4 a. in. daily except Sunday. Tickeis on sale to Montreal, Can .ada, from December 5th to Mist inclusive, good to return for ninety days after sale, ,£40 for round trip. GO HOflE, To All principal Points in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The-Von horn Pacific llailroad will soil olcHiv. r.uit'.'i toivf rn .with'.'' from ili« made for i:ii. n!i !ls' 1 r'.KciijJr- poinin in'«ilitut'io. Vf-.v i»ruii.-Vi'iCri Nova Scotia, at .1') ior the round trip. For ,'urthur particular:- caii on \V. J". l'a nc. agulit (Jakes. To California. Attention is called to t,h" excellent s-rviee of tiie Norlh-W(intern Line to ('alifomin and the favorable rates which have been "i single and round trip tickets lori this season's travel. Host, a'.-coiuoda:.ions 1 in lirst-clims or tourist Sleeping cars, which run through every day in the year. Person ally conducted tourir-t car parties every week to' California and Oregon. Choice of a large number of di flu re lit routes without exira charge. Particulars cheerfully given upon appli cation to agents Chicago A". North-Western Railway or connectni^lmes. '"••IK O. &T. A. ALL AROUND JVIONANQO. J. H.Newcomer Sundayed in town. Wednesday was a fine day, just like spring Miss Ella Wilson is in town for a few days. The Ladies Aid quilted Wednesday after noon. Newton Davis of Belle Valley was in town Saturday. U. E. French returned today from a trip to Ellendale. Miss Leta Merrifield came home for Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving ball was a pleasant af fair in every way. Mr. and Mrs. N. Falk entertained the family of Geroge Wild. Gertio Guygen boards at E. C. French's home so as to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dille entertained the family of R. John*tonbaugh. Mr. Griffin, our school teacher, went to LaMoure for his Thanksgiving. Wm. Bed well and family ate Thanksgiv ing dinner at the home of D. B. Piper. C. K. French served turkey at his home entertaining D. Cortrite, wife and daughters. Mrs. Dora Bennet was again subpeened Tuesday as a witness on the case that is now being tried in Ellendale. The Cascarine Medicine Co. are at Hotel Hagerty and will give entertainments every evening for nearly two weeks. Willie Cortrite and Earl Douglas, went out to Merricourt for Thanksgiving, enjoy inga fine spread of the good things of life. A large crowd was In attendance at the Medicine Co's entertainment Tuesday even ing and were well pleased with the pro gram. We are not quite up to news for corre spondence this week as we were happily sur prised by the arrival of our oldest son whom we had not seen before for more than two years. "Lours Rudou of Valley Township unfort unately lost a ten dollar bill Saturday night the wind having blown it out of his hand. But he was fortunate, enough to find it Sun day caught in some high weeds. John Morow while in town Monday even ing left his horse standing carelessly which at once unproved the opportunity of dashing around through town and continued its run reaching home with a broken carriage. 1STotice to Subscribers. In purchasing the Oakes Republican plant I purch ased the subscription list, "and all sums due on said list for subscription" at the time I took possession the first of August. There are on the list quite a number of subscrib ers who have not paid any subscription for two or three years, and a few are as far as six or seven years be hind. Statements of these accounts have been sent to all these subscribers, and another will be sent during the month of December. All these accounts not paid by the. first of January, or arrangements made for their payment, will be put into the hands of an attor ney for collection. After the first of January next no paper will be sent for more than one year without a payment being niacin, unloss ran ..• me,:..!: in tiier credit, will nor account: run seven done..! spocial si ar- 1 i'or jturc pay ment strictly in advance, but must insist subhcribcrs that il pay at 1( it lid hot let tlit1. I'mm three to is many have years tin past. Very .Respectfully, Ed. A. Smith, Publisher, Oakes Republican. THE COUNTY. LUDDEN. The VanHorn school will have a Christ mas tree. R. M. Faus got in a car of salt the first of t)ie week. A. C. Foster has purchased the farm on which he resides. W. D. Huffman went to Sioux City with a car of hog6 Monday. C. H. Lane's family moved into the Ad ams house Wednesday. Rev. Yeouian prcached a Thanksgiving sermon Sunday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Yeoman attended a social at Guelph Tuesday evening. G. C. Dorsey of Straubville spent Tues day and Wednesday in town. G. M. Taylor had his feet badly frosted coining from Ellendale last week. L. W. Crandall has been confined to the house lately from au attack of asthma. O. P. Emmons and G. S. Stewart took turns at clerking im the absence of T. H. Faus at Ellendale. There was a meeting Friday evening to make arrangements for a Christmas tree and entertainment in town. T. H. Faus reached home from Ellen dale Tuesday. The remaining eight Lud denites were retained on the jury. Mrs. D. VV. Holbrook came down from Oakes Thursday and took tha Great North ern to join her husband at Ellendale. The VanHorn School has been continued a month, which speaks well for the progress made under their teacher, Mrs. E. G. Barnes. Mrs. Crandall, mother of Mrs. Yeoman, arrived from Sanborn, North Dakota, last week, and will spend the winter with her children here. List of letters remaining in the Ludden postoffice for the month endimg November 30,1898: Mr. G. Bchoston, Mr. C. A. Jones, Mr. A. P. Peterson. William Adams left with his car of goods Monday evening. He was followed the next day by his mother, the rail road time making a stop in Oakes necessary. H. E. Wedal and wife were j^irehasing a house keeping supply in town Wednesday. We did not learn any particulars about the wedding, but wish the young people al) pos sible happiness. Bob Sleigh For Sale. Chr. Goider. Wedding Bells. On Thanks-giving day, J. H. Jncob 80n of LaMoure and Miss Dora Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. T|K)mpson, were married at the home of the bride's parents in Wright township. On Wednesday, Andrew Olderness of Oakes and Miss L^na Haagenson of Clement were married in Oakes, Rev. Moe officiating. On Sunday, November 27th at the German church in Albion township, Herman Wedal of Port Emma and Ms Minnie Hoermann of Albion were married, Rev. Bode officiating. On Thanksgiving day in Chicago, C. C. Bowsfield of Chicago and Miss Inez Pierson of Dickey county. Mr. Bowsfield will be remembered as a former newspaper man of Ellendale, and his bride is one of the talented school teachers of the county. They will make their home in Chicago, where Mr. Bowsfield has a good posi tion on one of Chicago's big news papers. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel dampened with Cham berlain's Pain Bairn and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relievo the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. The same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold at Harris' Drug Store. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon arid is pleasant and safe to take. Sold at Harris' Drug Store. Two Pointed Questions Answered. WhfiS In I in U.I" «l il m-UiT ai'Ucle (.il ui .i uur i-iiu-,pe iu iI' yu j. rl a Ijett• pric nir il Ans.—As liieiv is !iIVIJIVIIIV. in Ihu prici- the pullie wnl liny only the, MI thai, while Mir prulits may lie s:.:allrr mi a sinuli* sale'they will be much i'eal,cT in t.ho agiiivoiil.e. I low can you get the public to know your luUK'e is I he best? II hoiii articles am brought prominently before i.hc pnbli'- boi Ii am iMTlain to ln-l rii'it iui'l I he public will very quickly pass j'.i'.i^' lii'-nt, on them ami use only the better one. This explains 1 he large, sale' o:i Chamber lain's Ci/Ugh ileniedy. Tjie people have been using it for years and have found hai, il. can always be depende 1 ufjoii. Tlicy may occasionally take up with sopie fashionable novelty pui, forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to Undone remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale at Harris' Drug Store. rfcwBurajwtta* a ... If the mother or brother of "William H. Crookham, who died suddenly at Glendale, Oregon, September 29,1898, will address Mrs. Fannie Roberts Miller, at Glendale, Douglas county, Oregon, they will hear all the details of the young man's death. [North Dakota papers please copy.] Pig Taken Up. A black and white pig about four months old, weight about 130 pounds came to my place about November 1, 1898. Owner can have same by pay ing for this notice and the pig's keep. James Curtis, Yorktown, North Dakota. Apple Cider. The genuine article right from Pennsylvania, forty ceuts per galloa. S. L. Harris. For Sale. N. E. 28-131-58-Sargent county, North Dakota, containing 177 acres. Make me an offer. Cash or on time. Address Harry Downes, 700-1 st Ave. South,Mplis., Minn. Only Through Car Route. The Soo Line will run a through car to New York, Boston and St. John. This ser vice will greatly facilitate European travel and is the route to take for Christmas ex cursions to Europe. For detailed informa tion apply to Soo Line agent or W. R. Call away. G. P. A. Minneapolis. Home Seekers' Cheap Excursions. On November 1 and 15, December fiend 20, the North-Western Line will sell home seekers' excursion tick ets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply to sponts R'j Chicago & North-Western A Pleasant Feature Is the dining and cafe car service, serving a la carte meals, attached to Past Trains running from Minnea polis and St. Paul to Milwaukee, Chicago and Eastern and Southern Points, via WISCONSIN CENTRAL lines. Your nearest ticket agent can tell you about other pleasant features on the Wisconsin Central. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pass, Agt., tf Milwaukee, Wis. Land Office at Fargo, N. D,, November 7th la98. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. Connor, Clerk of the District Court, Dickey County, State of North Dakota, at Ellendale, N. D.. on December 30, 1898, viz: Augustus Smith under his T. C. Entry No. (5320, jfor the S. W. of section 23, Township 129, N of Range 59 W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: William Roe, Evert Roe, Samuel Case and Oscar Vivart all of Ludden. Dickey county, North Dakota. Chas. N. Valentine, Register. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. SOUTHERN HOMESEEKERS' GUIDE. New 1898 Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Giving Facts and Conditions Brought Down to Date. This new 264-page illustrated pamphlet contains a large number of letters from northern farmers now prosperously located on the line of the Illinois Central Railroad in the states of Kentucky. Tennessee, Mis sissippi and Louisiana: also a detailed write up of the cities, towns and country on and adjacent to that lino. The home seekers or those in search of a farm this pamphlet will furnish reliable information concerning the most accessible and prosperous portion of the south. Free copies can be had by ap plying to J. F. Merry, A. G. P. A., Illinois Central R. R., Dubuque, Iowa. TAKE NOTICE. FARMERS OR DEALERS Whom has any Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Of any kind for sale would do well to drop a few lines to me, stating the quantity and the kind of goods you have for sale, and get instructions as to how to ship and how to get your money cash from the express agent at the ship ping point on the fame day the shipment is made. TONY I'. CESARE SiMid Montana. To ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS I3ULUTH AND POINTS EAST St. SOUTH To BUTTE HELENA SPOKANE SEATTLE TACOWIA PORTLAND CALIFORNIA JAPAN CHINA ALASKA KLONDIKE W. J. PAYNK. Agt. I Chas. S. Fee, G. P. A. Oakes N I ST- PAUI" MINM- 4 8. W. TEAL, VETERINARY SURGEEON AND DENJIST Oakes, North Dakota. OAKES FLOUR & FEED CO. CUSTOM GRINDING AND WOOD* SAWING 'fet S. G. CADY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Collections, Land Office Practice &c. OFFICE OVER BA11BEK SHOP H. P. HOAKDMAN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Concrete Block. OAKES, N. D. CHR. PETERSON, Manufacturer and Dealer In A. full Line of Tobaccos constantly On Hand. UNION STREET, OAKKS.N.D, IS THE DIRECT ROUTE TO AND POINTS EAST 5 CHEAP FARM LANDS Located on tVie Illinois Central R. R. in Southern Illinois and also located on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R. in the fa mous Yazoo Valley of Mississippi—specially adapted totthe raising of corn and hogs. Soil richedt in the world. Write for pamph lets and maps. E. P. Skene, Land Com missioner, Illinois Central R. R. Co., Perk Row, Rootn 312, Chicago, III. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY of Dickey. In District Court. Fourth Judicial District. Rolland E. Barney, Plaintiff,vs. Eva J. Barney, Defendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant, Eva J. Borney. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which has been filed in the office of the clerk of the District Court in and for the County of Dickey in the Fourth Judicial District of the State of North Dako ta and to serve a copy of your said answer on the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you ex clusive of the day of such service, and in case of your failure to appear and' answer as herein required, the plantifE in this action will take judgement against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated October 31st A. D. 1898. E. E. CASSELS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ellendale, N. D. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN CO Y. TIME TABLE. OAKES Departure of trains going south. Passenger, No. 6 (Ex Sunday) 6:30 a.m For Huron, Pierre, Yankton, Sioux City and Chicago. Freight train, (Ex. Sunday) 5:1.5 a. m. Arrival of trains from south. Passenger, No. 5 (Ex. Sunday) 10:35 p.m. Sleeping ears between Hawarden and Chi cago. No. 6 connects at Redfield with trains for Gettysburg aud Watertown, and at Huron for _Jierre, Tracy, Minneapolis, Winona aud Chicago. Freight train (Ex. Sunday) 5:45 p. m. For further information inquire of W. B. KNISKERN, H. C. GARVIN, Gen. Pass. Agt., Gen'l Agt., Chicago. Winona. \V. J. 1'AYS!•:, Agent, Oakes. ARAGACJULFXGUNJEA-FLI VESTIEULEO TRAINS—DiNHiNG CARS. TIME CARD-OAK.ES. SOUTH BOUND Mixed tram, N. 122, Mondays, Wed-: nosdays and Fridays NORTH BOUND Mixed train, No, 121, Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, Arrives at.Iamcstowii 6.40 pm and connects with through trains CMS! md west- J. WHOLE8ALE & RETAIL DALER8 IN .,7 FLOUR & FEED. CANADIAN PROVINCES, NEW ENCLAND, NEW YORK, Solid Vestibuled Train to Montreal, Only Through Sleeper to Boston. IS THE ONLY LINE OFFERING OThI Klondyke W. R. CALLAWAY, General Passenger Agent, Minneapolis, Minn. A I E 1.30 pm 2.30 PULLMAN FIRST CLASS A|\D TOURIST SLEEPING CARS .•«v im