Newspaper Page Text
v-V 4 'itK v: Wliy He Wasn't Tliere. The Rev. Dr. Fourthly—Mr. Wrap peinup, I didn't see you at church ye» terday morning. Grocer—No, doctor. So many of your congregation came to get supplies for their Sunday dinner that I couldn't get away in time.—Chicago Tribune. A Knee Against Fire. The crew of a steamer from Spain discovered in mid ocean that flames were raging in the hold. For ten daya they bravely fought the flames. If men woulfl fight as persistently against dis orders of the stomach there would be fewer premature deaths. The best weapon for such a fight is Ilostetter's Ston ach Bitters. How He Made It. The Jay—And did our congressman have stage fright when he made his first speech? The Josh—Oh, no. He handed it to the printer, as nonchalantly as you please.—Puck. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething,softens the gums, reduces In flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Flirtation is like a piece of chewing gum. the longer you keep it up the less satisfaction you derive from it. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a God-send to me.—Wm. B. McClellan. Chester, Florida, Sept. 17,1S95. What some people don't know they are always talking about. EasHg? Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you shouid always keep on hand a bottle of If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. •r.Agep'sc&errg pectoral Piaster protects the tengs iron colds. Help at Hand. If you have any complaint whatever aad desire the best medical advice you can pos sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. Yea will receive a prompt reply. Address, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. CURE YOURSELF! CUBES Gamuteed •trie ture coniuioo. Use Big for unnatural discharges, inflammations, I irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. and not \\THEEVAH3„HEMICALCQ.Painless,poisonous.astrin* gent or I Sold by DracBTUta* or-sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for $1.00, or 3 bottles, $2.75. Circular sent on rcQueBfe WHISKERS DYED A Natural Black by Buckingham's Dye. Price 50 cents of All druggists or R. P. Hall & Co., Hashmi.N. H. CLAIMANTS FOR PENSION write to NATHAN rtWOIWIl BICKFORO. Washington. D. C., the] will receive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols Staff 20th Cores. Prosecuting Claims llECt 1878 nDADGV NEW DISCOVERY lift VI O I quick relief And cures worn cases, send for b.iolc of testimonials and lO daytf treatment Cue. Dr.ti.ji. euuut'S 60KS.AUaau.a» WANTED-Case of bad fcealth that R-I-P-A-N-J will not benefit. 6end 5 cents to BIpans Chemlca Co., New York, for 10 samples And 1,000 testimonials AITPUT BOCured Oria.nry aHrrtarafKl. Search free. I A I LN I Collamcr & Co. 123 St., Wash. D.C. Thompson'* Eyo Water, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper. ». D. N. C. —Xo. 50.— 1S99. .1 yt r-f" WILL BE COLD WINTER SOOSlE BONES, AND WOOD DHUCKS AMONG "SURE SIGNS" EtmciiH of Severe Weatlier—Oil Your Skates, Brush the Motli Halls Oat of Your I'ura and Lay In Plenty of Flannels. It's going to be a cold winter for man and beast, says the New York Herald. The gripman—place him in either category you wish, for the pres ent weather prophet scorns to inftu snce your opinion one way or the oth 3i'—will flap his arms like the wind mill and swearfully speed away, pour ing maledictions on the climate and on tiis all insufficient clothing and de pending for warmth upon the tempera ture of his own language. The hot chestnut man will transfer his wares to a less enviable position and place his hands over the grateful and com Eorting little stove, the while he "car ambas" at everything in sight and Bighs for the land of the smiling sun and the vigorous vendetta. It's go ing to be a cold winter, my country men, and the only man who will wel come the wave of wind and chill will be the plumber gentleman, whose car diac organ will be as warm as the heart of Vesuvius. To such men as are not weighted down with the wisdom that comes of holding communion with the visible forms of nature and hearkening to her wondrous language, it may not be out of place to remark that the goose bone is very wide and nearly all white. Voila! Is not that enough? Are you not, as you finish that sentence, snatching your hat and top coat and rushing off to the coal dealer, the ulster manufac turer and the liver pad maker to get in your orders before the rush com mences? No? You tarry? Sh-h! Not before in eight years—in eight years, mind you—have the goose bones been so white, nor yet so wide. Sure sign. Look at the ragweed closer. How tall it is! Divinely tall, the birds mur mur in their own language. When the ragweed gets as tall as it is grow ing now it as pretty a sight to a non migatory bird as a full hand is to a loser in a consolation pot. That tall ness means a something. It means that there's going to be the. deepest kind of a snowfall around the neck of woods where the ragweed has reared its inviting head. It means that old Madame Nature is taking care of her own by providing a class of food which will refuse to be snowed under. Now, will you go buy that sanitary all-wool suit? You won't? All right. Come closer. Here's more evidence. See the corn husk. Did you ever see a huskier, heavier husk? Of course you didn't or you'd be in the exhibiting business. That heaviness tells the chosen inter preters that there's a cold time com ing. It would seem from these conclusive evidences that the proper thing to do is to get out and corner the wool en goods market. The wool ex change is closed now, so you ought to have little, if any, competition. Oil your skates, brush the moth balls out of your sweater and dig up your fur lined overcoat. LIVELY GOOSEBERRY JUICE. Sparkling Champagnes Manufactured from Fruits Other Than Grapes. Adulteration of articles of consump tion is, of course, a fraud upon the pub lic unless due notice of it is given. But, according to the Lancet,a redeem ing feature of the deception in these days is that adulteration generally oc curs in some wholesome form. Mar garine is an excellent food substance, though it is not butter the potato is very nourishing, but it should not be found in bread. In the same way champagne is an excellent and invigor ating beverage, which in its cheaper forms, however, has often nothing to do with grapes. Gooseberries, ol' course, have placed champagne within the reach of everybody. There was a time when it all came from vineyards, when the poor had to treat the wine as a case of sour grapes. But even in champagne countries there are signifi cant tales of proprietors buying up Normandy orchards of apples, and it is stated that many owners of large pear orchards in France are under con tract to send their entire produce to a firm of wine merchants in the cham pagne district. Lord Palmerston is re ported to have told a deputation of the trade who waited on him that there was never a good champagne year in France unless there was a good apple crop in Normandy. However, though perry, cider and gooseberry wine are excellent drinks in their way, they are not "champagne," and perhaps the public prefers to pay a little more for the higher-priced name. Mean Thing. Cholly—Miss Amy pwesented me with this—aw—lovely stick. Marie— So I understand. She told me she got it for almost nothing,—Illustrated Bits. 1 Mortifying. "The case against yon Is perfectly clear," said the judge. "You stole a package out of an express wagon. It was found in your possession. On be ing opened it was found to contain campaign circulars. The sentence of the court is that you be confined in the county jail sixty days." "Your honor," protested the prison er, "considerin' the value of the goods, can't you make it one day for stealin' and lifty-nine days fur bein' a durn fool?"—Chicago Tribune. I'riicttciil. "My friend," said Mr. Stormington Barnes, "you lack experience in play writing. Your ideas of construction arc painfully impractical painfully so. Why, there is scarcely five min utes in the piece that the star isn't on llie stage." "But I—er—I thought a star rather liked that sort of thing." "Not these days. You must leave liim at least twenty minutes in the sec ond act, so that he may go around to the box office while the money is bciug counted."—Washington Star. Metlicine t'niiling $3,000 a Dosp. Medical science lias been enriched by a great discovery, Mine. Ilonouix, a clover l'ariesienne, has found in pre cious stones a cure for the whole range of human ills the only drawback in her panacea being that a dose of medi cine may cost anything from .$250 to $3,000, and a complete cure from $12, 500 to $15,000. The world of wealth and fashion is flocking to her sumptuously-appointed rooms to drink powdered rubies or to inhale the odor of burnt diamonds. By Way of Advice. "My son," said the Turkey Cock to the Little Gobbler at his side as the Football Player went by, "take that young man as your model. When lie begins to train, do you the same, ancl pert a ps by the time Thanksgiving Day comes you will get your muscles so hard and our weight so fine that vou will be a winner in the game in which our family is so often the loser."— Harper's Bazar. A Conflict of Evidence. The Judge—But the plaintiff identi fied you as the man who stole the chickens. The Prisoner (earnestly.)—Fo' de Lawd, Jedge, mall wife'll identify me as a man what hasn't been near a chicken coop in six mont's.—Truth. Tliey Are Reliable. The American Farmer is sincere in what it says and whenever it endorses an article, be it machinery, proprietary medicine, or a man individually, we •want our readers to believe that what we say we have good reason to under stand is true. For a year or more there have been endorsements of the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, of 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, by this paper. People have written us to know if this company is responsible, and if its remarkable remedies, for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspep sia, catarrh, kidney troubles, etc., real ly had merit. We have therefore been at extra pains to investigate, and once again we add emphasis to our former endorsement of that company. There may bo isolated cases here and there which, probably through neglect in fol lowing directions, or from exposure or some unexplainable reason, the won derful Five Drops remedy does not do the work. But it is a case where the exception proves the rule. Mr. Swan son is a gentleman of character and personal integrity, and, we believe, would no more attempt to deceive the public than the writer of this article. They still offer to send a sample bot tle of "5 Drops" for 25c or a large bottle, 300 doses, for 51, prepaid by mail or express. Address as above. Plain Enongh. "Mamma wants half a dozen 'em ons,' said Nellie, the other day, to the groceryman. "What is it you want?" he inquired, somewhat puzzled. "I want, a half-dozen 'emons," re plied the little one, wrathfully "don't you know what a lialf-dozeii is?—it's six."—Truth. Dr. Frank Powell ("White Beaver") Has resigned his commission, and is again practicing medicine, Fourth and Cedar streets, St. Paul, Minn. The XCVVOIIS Invalid. "You say your wil'e is much stronger, but that she is feeling worse. I don't quite understand." "It's simple enough. She can be as sick only as her strength will permit, and, naturally, the more strength she has the worse she can feel."—Judge. Placing It Exactly. "Now that my money's gone you love me no longer," he cried. "Not exactly—I don't love you short er."—Harper's Bazar. Diamond "C" Soap is made by the Cudahy Tacking Co. of South Omaha. Sold by grocers everywhere. Crowded. If people use all the new-fangled bread and butter plates, knives, rests, etc., whih are the craze now, there will not be room on the table for a man lo put. his elbows.—Atchison Globe. The best efforts of the ehairmakcr are always- being sat upon. BIINNKAI'OMS. ijiniw Strength A r. Our S9eci.1l Offsr Pries, $16.CO (or three-drawer liaohine, $17.50 for five-drawer, ani $18.50 (or B:vcs-driTer. v': America Leads Surprised. "I never saw anything more remark able," said the young man who claims lo have spent a great deal of time abroad, "than a little scene I witnessed in Spain. A passenger on one of the cars became obstreperous and behaved with the utmost disregard of proprie ty. But the conductor didn't pay the slightest attention to him." 'I don't see anything very wonderful in that." The Crowning Glory of the Age. Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian Ex position. The memory of it will be a marvel for all time. The fame there acquired will live for years. The manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the Exposition. The significance of the. compliment, the splendid character of the endorsement, cannot be underrated. It stamps Dr. Price's as without a peer among the baking powders. The jury of awards, an exceptionally intelligent body, was headed by the Chief Chem ist of the United States Department of Agriculture. They found Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and of uniform excellence. "Foremost Baking Powder in all the World." Tills We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. 3. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all drugcists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. IUh Boots Weigh a Hundred. Few people are aware of the im mense weight which a diver carries with him under the water. The diving boots alone sometimes weigh 100 pounds each.—Philadelphia Record. Wi Look for It. Here it is. Now you know by this sign I ~Wll l"" si! SEND US 97 CENTS will send you this Highest Grade Kobcrts' Scv.-ing Machine by freight, C.O.D., subject to examination. Examine it at your nearest 1'r- \-ht depot and If found perfectly satisfactory, equal to any machine Into market, and TUB BEST SEWING- MACHINE BARGAIN EVElt KNOWJT, pay your banker or express agent Our Special Price, less the 97o sent witli your order. This is jest tis Present to give Wife, Uother cr Sister. We liavo sold thousands of highest grade Rob ertsSewing Machines and guarantee them to give S a M«dlc!nee. G—Mould InitrumenU. II—Oram »nd B«wi«g' ESTABLISHED 1879. •WOODWARD & C0~-. THIS. OUR niGUEST GllADB ROBERTS', AT *10.50 TO 118,50, is the greatest valuo ever offered, the lowest prices ever named on the best machine possible to make. THE ROBERTS lias every modern improvement, every good point of every high grade machine made, with the defects of none. Made by the best maker in America. Solid oak cabinet, bent cover, latest 1899 skeleton frame, piano polish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 castors, ball bearing adjustable treadle, best grade iron stand, finest large high arm head made, positive four-motion feed, self-threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin vsindcr, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable pressor foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar- patent dress guard. GUARANTEED the lightest running, most durable and nearest noisetcss machine made. Kvery known attachment is fur nislied and our FRIJE INSTRUCTION iSOOK tells just how any one can 1'im it !md do ciUierMain or any kind of fancy work. A 20-YEAR GUARANTEE Is sont with every ma chine The mayhine welprhs ISO pounds. Send us 07 cents with your order. We will save you$27. Order at once. PtIPEi! lb. followlnR catylosuoj be lent to jour addreig on rcccipl of two omte ach to thtn! A—Furnltur* f" El El a B-nan.e.f»n4 VcU«1m.*111 C_St om lUnq.j. w«— Mr. E. M. Davis, Division Freight Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road at Clarksburg, W. Va., will be transferred to Cumberland, Md., on Dec. 1st, vice W. R. Mcintosh, re signed. Mr. F. Fowler, Traveling Freight Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road in West Virginia, will sncceed Mr. Davis as Division Freight Agent, with headquarters at Clarksburg, W. Va. Probably Accepted Her Invltntion. "A conflict of arms," he said, "is a terrible thing." "Of course,"' she replied, blushing prettily "and so Inexcusable, too. 1 hold that the disposition a man makes of his arms is none of a girl's busi ness."—Chicago Post. A catalogue of 300 prizes, suitable to every taste and condition, mailed on in quiry. Prizes given for saving Dia mond "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudaliy Soap Works, South Omaha, Neb. The list contains many season able and suitable holiday gifts. All things might come to the man who waits if starvation didn't get there first. St, Jacobs Oil CURES Rheumatism, Nouralgia, Sciatloa, Lumbago, Sprains, Soreness, and this ad. after cutting it out and we lmplra.ntB. HUMSMD-AerieultorU uiaMm (joofa. I.—Dr7 Goods. M—Ready-road* Clothing for Men and Bays. N—Boota and 8ho«R. O—Ladles* Capei aad Cloakt. Scad 15 and our larjo Supply Cutalo^ue coutslning oret 800 pages aad ortr one hundred thoujand outs and prlcsa *111U paid. T. m. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE. Minneapolis, Minn. E E I S S I E N E I N N E A N E S S BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO A I N O I S S I O N Brair-h-C'hi! :nd Milwaukee. Orders lor l'at.trc delivery executed in all markets. sy a* World the •f* ^'txcellence $ 97C. E_B»by C^Jn T-Srutf iTp.™! 1—DicyclM. J-Oum and Bportln/Qoodj. K—Ladla' and QcuU'Pur- DULUTH.