Newspaper Page Text
& I si) if.iH 7 •fTS*' ,v n\ i4» *K-u.':.vfh *.- •••, Vifc? t*v SCHOOL NOTES. Several pupils are out of the fourth grade this week. Stella Kennedy v.sited in the intermediate room Tuesday afternoon. In a and Ira Denning and Earl VanHorn are out of school this week, sick. 'The primary room regret the loss of Walter, Willie and Alfred Michaels. The second grade is enjoying acquaint ance with Agoonack. the little Exkimo. We were glad to welcome Mrs. Johu Scott and Mrs. Lockie as visitorsla»t Wednesday. Many of the primary pupils have been absent this week on account of severe colds. The rhetorical work for December now •weighs heavily on those in the High school. The third grade pupils are greatly inter ested in their study r.f Cleon and old Greek life. Earnest Robinson and Guy Hinshaw are back in school this week after a week's absence. The question of adding to the school library has been raised and promises to end in good. ^rhree new names have beeu added to the primary roll, making six more pupils than there are seats. The intermediate room has three new pupils this week, Ivy Kent, Arthur Bingham and Louis LaClair. The pupils of the primary room are pre paring a simple Christmas program to be given the Friday before Christmas. The number of visitors has been noticably small in all departments during the past two weeks. Visitors are promised a welcome and the parents are especially requested to make it a duty to see what is being done. New York Apple Cider. Two barrels just rei-eived. F. E. Ash. DeWitt's Vv'itcli biazel Salv« the largest sali- of uuy naive ni world. This fuel aud its meri led dishonest people to attempt, counterfeit it. Look out-for the tnau who ant-nipt* to deceive you when you call ior DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saivv the great pile cure S. L. Harris. Western Apples. From Wasl-mgioti, in bushel boxes, at Bush's. St. Paul And Minneapolis. Winter excursion to Twin Cities Decem ber 9th and 10th by the Soo Line. Very low round trip rates. Get information from Soo Line agents. All Aboard Going East on the Soo Line. Trains leave Oakes at 4 a. m. daily except Sunday. Tickets on sale to Montreal, Can ada, from December fth to Hist inclusive, good to return tor ninety days after sale, $40 for round trip. For reduced rates to all other points in (hitario and Quebec call on F. L. Sherman, Agent. GO HOnE, To All Principal Points in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The Northern Pacific Railroad will sell tickets daily from December 5th to 31st in clusive, limited to return within ni:.-ty days from the date of sale, to all the principle points in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, at $40 for the round trip. For further particulars call on \Y. .]. Payne, agent (takes. To California. Attention is called to the excellem service of the North-Western Line to mifornia arid the favorable rates which have been made for single and round trip tickets for this season's travel. Best accomodations in first-class or tourist sleeping car-, which run through every day in the year. Person ally conducted tourist car parties e\' ry week to California and Oregon. Climce of a large number of different route:- without extra charge. Particulars cheerfully given up.i appli cation to agents Chicago & Non ii-Western Bailway or connecting lines. '-i has he has to W. B. KNISKE'XN, G. 1J. t'l V. Bob Sleigh For Sale. Oh r. Groid-! Pains in the chest when a pci' has a cold indicate a tendency toward piv umonia. A piece of flannel dampened wnl, Cham berlain's Pain Bairn and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will piomjitly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. The same atinent will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold at Harris' Drug Store. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold at Harris' Drug Store. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a In.- article than your competitor if you can wl get a better price fur it? Ans.—As then.' is no ditt'ereti.-- in the price the pubiio will buy only lln- tter, so that while our profits may be smu'i.-r on a single sale they will be much gre in the aggregate. How can you get the public to *.•.»%• your make is the best? If both articles are brought pr.inuiently before the public both are certain betried and the public will very quickly pa-s judg ment on them and use only the This explains the large sale on Iain's Cough licmedy. The been using it for years and have it can always be depended upon, occasionally take up with some novelty put forth with xaggcrai- but are certain to return to the on that they know to be reliabi coughs, colds and croup there equal to Chamberlain's Cough or sale at Harris* Drug Store. 'er one. hamber pple have •uud that I liey may i.-hionable claims, remedy and for nothing Advertise ia tfcc Republican. Remedy. MONANGO. J.G. Hoydeof Merricourt, was in town last week. Mrs. W. B. Dille has returned from a visit in Aberdeen. George Merritield and wife drove to Ellen dale Wednesday. Mr. Lilly of the Empire Elevator Co. was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Piper were visiting in town last week. James Scott Jr. closed up his wheat buy ing for the Empire Elevator Co. yesterday. The shoe race Friday evening was won by Edgar Merrifield, th# prize being fifty cents. Snow flurries occasionally give promise of sleighing but are too light to be of any con sequence. D. Cortrite an I W. B. Dille went to Ellen dale Thursday evening to attend theA.F. A. M. lodge. The gasoline engine and fixtures were taken from the feed mill Saturday and moved to Ellendale' Mr. White of LaMoure is here with a fine line, of millinery and goods suitable for ladies' and children's wear. Eating pie without hands was contested Saturday evening between four yo"ng men John Doherty won 50 ets besides the free pie. There was a social dancing party atT. M. Southams of Valley Township last Friday. Quite a number of young people from town attended. John Thome has found his horses which were duly advertised as strayed in a county paper, proving beyond a doubt that advertis ing pays. Magoffin and Helferty and W. A. Caldwell have filled up their stores with Christmas goods which are very attractive at this time of the year. The stock holders of the Monango cheese company held a meeting December 1st and were well pleased with the results of their business ths past season of '98. ttoy E. Douglas left for the Twin Cities on Monday's train having been called by a telegram, and thereby bringing his long looked for but short visit to a sudden term inus. Ina Chapman and Miss Humphrey came to see the sawing wood contest Monday evening. Mrs. N. Falk, Mi«s Ella Wilson and Julia Alexanderson were the contestants for a silver and glass fruit dish. Miss Alex anderson being the champion sawyer won the prize. The Casearine Medicine Co. have had sev eral specialties for their evening entertain ments also having made many sales of their remedies. Wednesday night was the draw ing of a caie of table silverware. This closed their entertainments here and they are now continuing their business along the Soo Line west on the new extension of their road. Boston Baked Beans at the bakery every Friday. One Minute Omgn Cure surprises people by its quiok cures and child ren may take it in large quantities without the least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of any preparation used to-day for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obsti nate coughs. S. L* Harris. New York Apples. That came direct, from the state of New York. Northe?n Spy, Greenings, Baldwins. Kings and Russets at Bush's. Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's© Early Risers are reliable little pills for reg ulating the bowels, curing constipa tion and sick headache. They dont gripe. S. L. Harris DreadfuUy Nervous. Gents:—I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted iny nerves arid strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trou ble. Your ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly re-iained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,. Conn. Sold by S. L. Harris. Cure that Cough with Siloh's Cure. The The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by S. L. Harris. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxa tive. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by S. L. Harris. He not deceived! A Cough. Hoarseness or (.'roup are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Khiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by S. L. Harris. Ladies, Take the Best. I you are troubled with Constipation, Sallow Skin and a Tired Feeling, take Kar's ("lover Tea, it is pleas ant to take. Sold by S. L. Harris. Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalize!' im mediate!) relieves Sour Stomach, Coming up of Food Distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by S. L. Harris. More than twenty million free sam pler of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have beea distributed by the manu facturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest Bpace of time. S. L. Harris. LUDDEN. WT. D. Huffman's younger son is ailing. Mrs. G. M. Taylor is seriously ill of drop sy. R. M. Faus received a load of Ellendale flour last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Huffman were Oakes shoppers Saturday. Agent Lane and family are eozily settled in the Adams house. S. G. Cady was in town Thursday on his way home to Oakes. Coal bins are being placed in the sheds of Barnes and Emmons. R. M. Faus will have ina stock of holi day goods in the near future. The eight jurors from this place reached home Saturday from Ellendale. Capt. VanEtten delivered an able address from the Topic "'Save the Boy" Wednesday evening. F. B. and W. H. Gannon ware over from Ellendale looking after business interests, Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Yeoman attended a success ful social at the Dennison home near Guelph Tuesday evening. John Kyljander's horse took a lively spin southward, one day last week with John holding the lines. Mrs. Taylor, mother of G. M. Taylor, ar rived last week from Winona county, Minn, to spend some time with her son's family. The entertainment of Miss Marie Knibloe was well attended 'lhursday evening, and like the first, gave good satisfaction. Miss Knibloe was a guest at the parsonage the days she 6pent here. To Our German Friends. And all others who like sauer kraut, we have just received a barrel of the finest we ever had in stock. BISHOP & WALTERS. A stubborn cough or tickling in he throat yields to One Minute Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable aud just what is want ed. It acts at once. S. L. Harris. To The Ladies of Oakes. Home-made miace meat constantly on hand at the Little Gem. LANIGAN & DONOVAN. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure con stipation and sick headache just as sure as you takn them. S, L. Harris Art Linens. Doilies and ceuterpeices, drawn work, needle and embroidery. From 50cents to $6. Miss SIPE. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and espec ially piles there is one reliable reme dy, DeWit.t's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disapointed with De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. S. L. Harris. Bank Statement. Report of the Bank of Oakes, at Oakes in the state of North Dakota, at the close of business December 1,18!)8- RESOS-KCES. Leans and discounts. $31,S3 !. 46 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 272.77 Banking house, furniture and lix bures 4,500.00 Collections in Transit. 820.80 Due from, other banks 13*%0.42 Checks and other casta, items 25.77 Cash- «vl82.9S TotaJ $57,390.15 I.IABILITIES. Caipltal stock paid in $£0,000.00 Suiplus-fund 1,270.00 Undivided profits, less- expenses andi taxes paid 705.37 Individual deposits subject to check 36,242.54 Demand certificates of deposits. 3,6(54.30 Time certificates of deposit 5,374.95 Cash over 132.93. Total $57,35)0.15 STATE OF NORTH DAKO/TA, I COUNTS OF DICKEY. 1 I, H. C. McCartney, cashier- of the named bank, do solemnly swear ^that the above statement is true to. the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE H. C. MOCABTSKY. Cashier, Subscriber and sworn to before me this 7th day of December, 1898. M. N. CHAMBEHI.IK, Notary Public. [KEAI.] Correct,—Attest: H. C. McCartney, Eva E. Marshall, Directors. OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY of Dickey. In District Court, Fourth Judicial District. Boyd Bliss, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie Bliss, De fendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant, Nellie Bliss. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you exclusive of the day oT such service, and in case of your failure to appear and answer judgment will tie taken against you by de fault for the relief" demanded in the com plaint which is now on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Dickey county, North Dakota, in Ellendale, in said county and state. Dated at Ellendale, N.D., October 27, A.D. 1898. E. E. CAHSKLS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ellendale, N. D. w? ,^3 «rf J.. .-•• 1 "jut® v*. \s 0 *,*(.^iY WfU* .* If the mother or brother of William H. Crookham, who died suddenly at Glendale, Oregon, September 29,1898, will address Mrs. Faunie Roberts Miller, at Glendale, Douglas county, Oregon, they will hear all the details of the young man's death. [North Dakota papers please copy.] Pig taken Up. A black aud white pig about four months old, weight about 130 pounds came to my place about November 1, 1898. Owner can have same by pay ing for this notice and the pig's keep. James Curtis, Yorktown, North Dakota. Apple Cider. The genuine article right from Pennsylvania, forty cents per galloa. S. L. Harris. For Sale. N. E. 28-131-58-Sargent county, North Dakota, containing 177 acres. Make me an offer. Cash or on time. Address Harry Downes, 700-1 st Ave. South,Mplis., Minn. Only Through Car Route. The Soo Line will run a through car to New York, Boston and St. John. This ser vice will greatly facilitate European travel and is the route to take for Christmas ex cursions to Europe. For detailed informa tion apply to Soo Line agent or W. R. Call away. G. P. A. Minneapolis. Home Seekers' Cheap Excursions. On November 1 aud 15, December 6 and 20, the North-Western Line will ?ell homo seekers' excursion tick ets, with favorable time limits, to numt rous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply to spints Chicago & North-Western R'J A Pleasant Feature Is the dining and cafe car service, serving a la carte meals, attached to Fast Trains running from Minnea polis and St. Paul to Milwaukee, Chicago and Eastern and Southern Points, via WISCONSIN CENTRAL lines. Your nearest ticket agent can tell you about other pleasant features on the Wisconsiu Central. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pass, Agt,, tf Milwaukee, Wis. Land Office at Fargo, N. D., November 7th lu98. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. Connor, Clerk of the District Court, Dickey County, State of North Dakota, at Ellendale, N. D.. on December 30, 1898, viz: Augustus Smith under his T. C. Entry No. 6320, „for the S. YV. 34" of section 2 -!, Township 129, N of Bange 59 W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: William Roe, Evert Roe, Samuel Case and Oscar Vivart all of Ludden. Dickey county, North Dakota. C'has. N. Valentine, Register. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. SOUTHERN HOMESEEKE.RS' GUIDE, New 1898 Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Giving Facts and Conditions Broug ht Down to Date. This sew 264-page illustrated pamphlet contains a large number of letters from northern farmers now prosperously located on the line of the Illinois Central Railroad in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mis sissippi and Louisiana also a detailed write up of the cities, towns and country on and adjacent to that line. The home seekers or those in search of a farm this pamphlet will furnish, reliable information concerning the most accessible and prosperous portion of the south. Free copies can be had by ap plying-to J. 1?. Merry, A. G. P. A., Illinois Central R. R., Dubuque, Iowa. TAKE NOTICE. FARMERS OR DEALERS Whom has any Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Of any kind for sale would do well to drop a few lines to uie, stating the quantity and the kind of goods you have for sale, and get instructions as to how to ship and how to get your money cash from the express agent at the ship ping point on the same day the shipment is made. TONY P. CESARE Sand Coulee, Montana. ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH AND POINTS EAST &. SOUTH «&&&.'> TKh' 1 '"PV^J 4 "fW '"PVM Vs"A*iyb V*V* STATE BUTTE HELENA SPOKANE SEATTLE TACOMA PORTLAND CALIFORNIA JAPAN CHINA ALASKA KLONDIKE W. J. PASNK, Agt. I Chas. S. Fee, G. P. A. Oakes N D» 8T- PACL MlNW -1 V* v.: 1 -Hah,- J. S. W. TEAL, VETERINARY SURGEEON AND DENTIST Oakes, North Dakota. OAKES FLOUR & FEED CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DALER8 IN FLOUR & FEED. CUSTOM GRINDING AND WOOD SAWING S. G. CADY, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Collections, Laud Office Practice &c. OFFICE OVER BAKBEK SHOP H. P. HOAIII).'MAN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Concrete lllock. OAKKS, K. D. CHK. PETERSON, Manufacturer and Dealer in A full Line of Tobaccos constantly On Hand. UNION STHBBT, OAKES, N. D, IS THE DIRECT ROUTE TO AND POINTS EAST. CANADIAN PROVINCES, NEW ENCLAND, NEW YORK, Solid Vestibuled Train to Montreal, Only Through Sleeper to Boston. IS THE ONLY LINE OFFERING 5TOUTHI Klondyke W. R. CALLAWAY, Gerieral Passenger Agent, Minneapolis, Minn. CHEAP FARM LANDS Located on the Illinois Central It. R. in Southern Illinois and also located on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R. in the fa mous Yazoo Valley of Mississippi—specially adapted totthe raising of corn and hogs. Soil in the world. Write for pamph lets find maps. E. 1J. Skene, Laud Com missioner, Illinois Central R. R. Co., Park Row, Room 312, Chicago, 111. OP NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY of Dickey. In District Court. Fourth Judicial District, Roiland E. Barney, Plaintiff,vs-. Eva J. Barney, Defendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant, Eva J. Borney. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in, this action which has been filed in the office of the clerk of the District Court in and for the County of Dickey in the Fourth judicial District of the State of North Dako ta and to serve a copy of your- said answer on the subscriber within thirty days after ,tihe service of this summons upon you ex elusive of the 3ay of such, service, and in case of your failure to appear and answer as herein required, theplantiiff in this action I will take judgement against you by default for the relie demanded in the complaint. Dated October 31st A. D. 1898. E. E. CASSELS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ellendale, N. D. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN CO Y. TIME TAKLE. OAKES Departure of trains going south. Passenger, No. 6 (Ex Sunday) 6:30 a.m For Huron, Pierre, Yankton, Sioux City and Chicago. Freight train, (Ex. Sunday) 5:1.5 a. m. Arrival of trains from south. Passenger, No. 5 (Ex. Sunday) 10:35 p.m. Sleeping cars between Hawarden and Chi cago. No. 6 connects at Redfield with trains for Gettysburg aud Watertown, and at Huron for Jierre, Tracy, Minneapolis, Winona aud Chicago. Freight train (Ex. Sunday) 5:45 p. m. For further information inquire of W. B. KNISKERN, H. C. GARVIN, Gen. Pass. Ant., Gen'l Agt., Chicago. Winona. W. J. PAYNE, Agent, Oakes. VESTIBULED TRAINS—DINNING CARS. TIME CARD-OAKES. SOUTH BOUND Mixed tram, No. 122, Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays "NORTH BOUND Mixed train, No, 121, Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, Arrives at Jamestown 6.40 pm and connects with through trains oast and west- PULLMAN FIRST CLASS ARRIVE. 1.30 pm 2.30 AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS