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|ifr kt* IT 1 i* ... -a** "J?: »s .. I-' Page 10 'Military ar rommerrlit!. wM» Ml of 18.000 men, lufliull"* AND BO reaewe force «f PR1 tlon ox civilians a an a mission co. ithe allies ai' sentence are to the coil G«rma~ of of ,U' ••Y ELT Conscription is abolished, only 1 service being permitted, with fa •period of iiB years' service /.(« and 12 for men. No member1 man meg me alt I' till •lad "\3t BARGAIN FEAST OF ITS KIND EVER HELD IN WILLISTON Clothes Wringers 7.00 Clothes Wringers, this Sale.: 4.95 6.50 Clothes Wringers, this Sale 4.75 6.00 Clothes Wringers, this Sale 4.25 5.00 Clothes Wringers, this Sale 3.95 ALSO BIG REDUCTION IN WASH TUBS AND WASH BOARDS McKrill Funeral Held jfhursday Bertint) A. -V'Srfll, wife of Ed ward C. McKriLy, of Williston, died of ptomaine poiloning Monday after noon, May 6, aftjer a short illness, of about four days She leaves tof mourn her loss a hus band and th*ee small children, Ed ward, aged rpne, Virginia, aged seven and Nejk'%ed four, also an aged mothejfC a sister and two brothers, all residing at or near Watford City. jertina A. McKrill was born at /i1§7£hlen, Norway, and was 37 recog 9 months and six days old class,d services was held a St. boats Bargains in Oil Stoves Episcopal church, on Thursday 'man.*? the Rector Rev. N. E. E's Conducting the service. Inter 'of her made in the Williston cemc- boats. committector took as his text St. free frc®» a man Ge to bull keep my say- AS anall never see death, and said the of theoes not abolish the fact of Fnl^th He does not abolish its part to" in its pains. AND YET HE .two"^ But how? Just as the sun jeredhes stars by flooding the world so much greater light that we longer see them. They are still ..iere but we forget them in the pres ence of so wonderful a glory. Thus Jesus has abolished death by illumi nating life the life here and the life beyond. When I was a boy I would frequently stand outside our church at home and look upon its graceful proportions and its beautiful win dows. But it did not look beauti ful then. It was dark and sombre and opaque. And yet I knew it was beautiful because I had already seen it illuminated on the other side. He who accepts Jesus and His teachings for his guide shall never see death, because he will see through it and beyond it. That which seems dismal and obscure, shall be lit with glory, and he shall catch the music of anthems, and the voice of one within Regular $21.00 Three Burner PURITAN OIL STOVE NOW $17.25 Regular $15.50 Two Burner OIL COOK STOVE NOW $13.00 Regular $6.00 Ovens to fit either of the above stoves GOING AT $4.75 PRE-WAR PRICES AT THIS SALE saying "I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." He. hath abolished death by bringing life and immortal ity to light. In the brightness of that brilliant effulgence, "old things are passed away and all things are be come new." He hath abolished death by illuminating life. Thus it is my friends, in our burial service, amid songs of triumph, our church sends forth it exultant chal lenge, "Death is swallowed up in vic tory. O death where is thy sting, 0 grave where is thy victory?" The sting of death is sin, and strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus. Is that a death bed in which Xian lies Yes, but not his, 'tis death itself that dies. When the body of Henry Ward Beecher lay in Plymouth church, where he had preached the comfort able words of the Gospel of Jesus, it was guarded by a military watch from the regiment of which he had been chaplain for many years. And all through the night, as the sentry marched backward and forward, every hour his voice was heard ringing out solemnly but cheerily, "All's well." And this is the message I would bring to you, sorrowing relatives and friends. Sometimes, aye many times 1 have consigned bodies to mother earth with fear and trembling but in the case of this wife and mother I somehow seem to hear and believe that those of you who knew her best can almost (hear somewhere around or about us coming down from that toher world, the "All's Well." My friends if you believe in Jesus and you are trying to live His life, whether death shall come to you fifty years hence or tomorrow or today, "All's Well." They who become his discip iles shall never see death. Even though death shall be present, they shall never see it. They will only see Him. Jesus abolished death by dissipa .} Regular $110 Round Oak Ranges NOW $83.50 ting its gloom. He teaches His dis ciples to act and think as though death for them did not exist. He teaches them that it is in itself, neith er the end of life, nor any great ca tastrophe, but a mere incident a nothing at all but a crossing over, to believe that it is not a finale but a beginning a beginning of something greater and more glorious than has ever been conceived, that "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, jieither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love Him, but God hath re vealed them unto us by His spirit. I know it is hard to understand all God's doings. The way is oftimes dark, our poor finite minds are per plexed and we know not what to think yet my friends if we study God's word it will answer all our questions and solve all our dificulties. We cry unto the Lord., "Oh my God I have a long journey before me and know not the road—whither shall I go. WILLISTON GRAPHIC REMOVAL SALE On account of the bad weather and roads and the busv season, during the two weeks of our sale, we have decided to continue this sale till May 31. We have a great many big bargains left and it will pay you well to come in and make your further pur chases here. Extra Special Bargains Will be Offered Every Day of Sale GRANITE WARE SPECIALS Husebye Hardware Answer: I will bring thee forth into the paths of righteousness. Question: My Lord, perils environ me, the savage lion walketh about seeing whom he may devour. I am unarmed and weak and shall fall a ready prey the thieves are also ready to strip me, and wound me and leave me half dead and naked by the way. Answer: Fear not my son, my loving kindness and protection shall follow thee all the days of thy life. Question: But gracious Lord, the journey is beyond my strength I shall faint with thirst and hunger and exhaustion of body. Ansfrer: My son, thou shalt go on from strength to strength, the pools shall fill with water,, I will annoint thy head with oil, prepare a table for thee in the wilderness, and thy cup shall be full. Question: O dear Master, see I stand upon the brink of the valley, and the river flows cold and gray and ghastly below, I fear. Answer: When thou passeth through the waters I am with thee. Question: Master, the chill of the MAIN STREET WILUSTON, N. D. I \. BERLIN KETTLES STEW PANS TEA KETTLES COFFEE POTS TEA POTS etc. Regular prices $1.75 to $2.50 per piece. Now $1.49 RANGES AT LESS THAN COST 0 IF YOU NEED A RANGE THIS IS YOUR CHANCE wave of death has reached irte I am horribly afraid, the wave goes over me. Answer: My son, I give thee My rod and staff to comfort thee. As I stand today I seem to catch across the ages, the voice of the Apostle with all the assurance it con veys to the human mind, "I have fought a good fight I have finished the course I have kept the faith henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness." And then, my friends, the Scrip tures think so little of Heath, they do not even tell us that Christ died.They are not dealing with death but life. And last of all I seein to hear an other voice. It seems to come from Calvary, "When Jesus .therefore had received the vinager, He said 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost." And^hen in only three days came "the hope of the age," the fact of the resurrection of the body, the doctrine of the immor tality of the soul. And out oi the past there comes a poem whiclfL I read many years ago. If I were told that I must die tomor row That the next sun Which sinks* should bear me past all fear and sorrow, For any one All the fight fought and all the jour ney through What should I do? I do not think that I should shrink or falter, But just go on Doing my work, nor change, nor seek to alter Aught that is gone But rise and move and love and smile and pray For one more day. And lying down at night for a last sleeping Say in that ear Which hearkens ever, "Lord, within thy keeping, How should I fear? And, when tomorrow brings Thee nearer still, 7 Regular $100 Garland Range NOW $76.50 Do Thou Tfry will. I might not sleep, for awe but peace ful, tender My ^oul would lie All the flight long and, when the morning splendor Flashed o'er the sky, I think that I could smile, could calm ly sav, '^This is His day." DEATH OF GEORGE BELI^lH On Saturday, May 10, eight/fniles south of Arnegard, occurred the death of George Linza Be^lach. He wa? born February 26, 1005, and at the time of his death wars 14 years, 2 months and 13 days Wd. He was the sonvof Louie £& Ljnnie Bellach, who formerly raided near Williston. His death was caused by a large rock falling on him. I About five o'clock in the afternoomhe went to his play house not fmr, worn .the house and two hours later w^sround dead by his younger brother. ....He had endeared himself to all who came in contact with him, and lis loss will be keenly felt by all who knew him.. He leaves to mourn his loss a mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harfy his brother and sister, Lkyd and prances [Bellach, a-hdf manyvfriends and relatives. A FOR RENT—Furnished modern flat. Inquire at Graphic office. 47-tf FOR SALE —1918 Model Maxwell, run 1400 miles. Good as new, $750. Rev. N. E. JElsworth, 618 1st avenue east. 47-tf FOR SALE—One *8-16 Mogul Tractor in good condition $850 cash. Brug ger Mercantile Co., Williston 47-tf BELOW WE LIST SOME OF THE MANY BARGAINS MANY MORE AWAIT YOU AT OUR STORE Cream Separators VIKING, number 400 Cream Separator, reg ular $75.00. Now 82.50 VIKING, number 600 Cream Separator. Regular $100 value. Now 82.50 Lamp Globes and Wicks Lantern Globes, two for 25c Lamp Chimneys, standard, two for 25c 65c Bracket Lamps, Sale Price 40c 1.25 Bracket Lamps, now 1.00 1.50 Mining Lamps, now 1.25 35c Oil Stove Wicks, now 25c Haying Tools 9.00 Grindstone, now 7.50 8.00 Cruger Sickle Grinder 6.75 1.75 Hay Forks 1 1.40 Three tined Bundle Forks 75c Paint Snaps 4.50 Harrison's Town and Country Paints, now going at 3.85 A fevy^ gallons of Berry Bros Interior Varnish at. 1.70 ALSO NUMEROUS OTHER BARGAINS 'U Thursday, May 15,1919 FOR RENT—Furnished room at 320 West Fifth street. Phone 393. 46tf WANTED—Clean cotton rags for wiping purposes at the Graphic office. 5c per pound. 37-tf. FOR SALE—Plate glass refriger ator show case, fifty dollars if .taken at once. Hogan's Cafe. 43-tf. FOR SALE—Two fine lots, each front, 100x140 f^et. 1 Mock from West Lawn school. Graphic of fice. LOST OR STOLENj-Black mare about 6 years old. Wire cut on left front foot in oof. $10 reward for return. Fritz Nehring Zahl Post Office. 45-6tp FOR SALE—Pure bred large type Poland China pigs eijther sex for sale. 8 to 10 weeks old. $15 each. Pedigree furnished. These pigs can be taken between Junfe 15 and July 1. Albert Nelson, 5 .miles east of Bonetraill Po O. address Bonetraill, N. D. L\ 'M 47tf.„: FOR SALE—One ^modern 8 room house, two lots and large barn, two blocks east of Post Office. F. A. Craighill, 200 East Fourth St. 48tf rFOR'SALEr-yne five room house, two lots, all modern but heat garage and shed two blocks east of Post Office. Inquire F. A. Craighill, 200 East Fourth St. 48tf MAN WANTED TO SELL GRO CERIES—SELLING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY One of the world's largest Grocers, (capital over $1000,000) wants am bitious man in this locality to sell di rect to the consumer nationally known brands of groceries, teas, cof fees, spices, paints, oils, stock foods, etc. Big line, easy sales. Values beat any competition. Earn big. money. No experience or capital re quired. Complete sample outfit and free selling instructions start you. Long established reliable house. Write today. John Sexton & Co., 352 W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 48-lt