t' 6«ural 1H»$ FBIDAT. Methodists ballot for secretaries and editors. 4 Democrats are figuring on the defeat of Bryan. An unknown priest commits suicide at Niagara Falls. Senator Maginnis' credentials jf are presented to the senate. Washington warns China that the "boxers" must be suppressed. Maj. March and Col. Hare be lieve that they have struck Agui naldo's trail. "f Senator Morgan denounces Agiiinaldo as a political -adven turer and traitor. The three men who dynamited a Wei land canal lock are sentenced for life. Ttte weekly trade review shows that the industrial conditions are satisfactory. Ex-Confederates assist in the dedication of a monument to Union soldiers at Fredericksburg, British troops are nearing the Vaal, and it is thought that a cros sing will be made today or to morrow. The Japanese government vig orously protests against the ino culation of Japanese residents of San Francisco. British and French residents on the Isle of Jersay flight as a result of the pro-Boer attitude of the ^French. Trial heats are held in the inter collegiate athletic championship on Columbia field. Pennsylvania will probably win today. SATUKDAY. A young man is convicted of murder at Bismarck, N. D., after accusing his father of the deed. Bryanites are defeated in Mary land primaries. The senate adopts a Cuban in "vestigation resolution. A portion of Gen. Roberts' force crosses the Vaal river. A New York man confesses that he killed a woman by request. Prince Ludwig's speech in the ui. liutc uuumg O O^CCV/U Xll l/li* freichstag is criticised in Germany Recent elections in England put Lord Rosebery in the ascendancy. The Presbyterian assembly ad journs to meet in Philadelphia next year. Kinley Mack, 7 to 1, wins the Brooklyn Handicap in hollow fashion. Pennsylvania 'varsity athletics win in the intercollegiate track contests. The Methodists decide to keep various forms of amusements under the ban. Many harsh criticisims are made concerning America's pavilion at the Paris exposition. Treasury and immigration officials direct inspectors to go to Northern Minnesota and investigate labor reports. SUNDAY. Boer envoys plan to visit St. Taul June 7. Sunday passes in St. Louis with out a riot. Four new Methodist bishops are jonsecrated in Chicago. A college in Chicago refuses recognition to athletics. French Socialists celebrate the anniversary of the Commune. Fitzharris and Mullet, the Irish unvincibles, are ordered deported. A notorious diamond robber from America is arrested in Germany. Baptists express themselves in favor of political and religious ex pansion. Residents oflBemidji dynamite a dam at thejoutlet of Lake Bemidji. Gen. Roberts crosses the Vaal river and is now encamped on the north bank. American officers in Cuba say that they have been unjustly charged with extravagance. Republican leaders are looking for a good talker for the vice pres 'j idential nomination. President Kruger is reported to have asked his soldiers whether it shall be peace or war. The indications are that the vAClark case will be permitted to drop during the remainder of the session. MONDAY. I The daughter of Senator Clark of Montana, is married in New Roberts is within eighteen miles of Johnamiesburg. Minnesota and Wisconsin paper manufacturers organize. Col. John H. Stevens, "the fath er of Minneapolis," is dead. In the Pennsylvania and Cali fornia field and track contest rec ords are broken. Judge John P. Rea, of Minne apolis, ex-commander of the G. A. R. is dead. Chicago will be the main head quarters of the Republican congres sional campaign committee. Again is the French chamber of deputies thrown into a state of dis order by the Dreyfus case. It is the policy of the army to capture and disarm the Philippinos instead of killing them. A family is shot near Anoka by unknown parties. One is dead and three others are dying. A bill is introduced in the house authorizing the president to place higher duties upon German goods in return for German discrimina nation against American meats. TUESDAY. Serious rioting occurs in St. Louis. Chinatown, San Francisco, is quarantined. A deadlock pervails in the lum ber trade at Duluth. Marquis de Gallifet, French minister of war, resigns, The crop situation in the winter wheat states is critical. The Fifty-third infantry kills one hundred and fifty Filipinos. Democratic congressmen hold a caucus on the anti-trust question. The United States supreme court decides several bankruptcy cases. The quadrennial conference of the Methodist church comes to an end. Russia prepares to take energe tic measures against Chinese "boxers." The Orange Free State is an nexed and renamed the Orange River State. The senate refers a Boer reso lution to the committee on foreign relations. Foreign soldiers land on Chinese soil as a result of the "boxer" in surrection. Lord Salisbury makes an an nouncement regarding the govern ment's South African policy. House conferees are instructed to make a compromise proposition on the armor plant question. McCoy is given the decision over Ryan after a six-round fight. Ryan and Referee Hogan exchange blows. The senate adopts an amend ment to the sundry civil bill, ap propriating $5,000,000 for the St. Louis exposition. Gen. Roberts reaches a suburb of Johannesburg and will enter the city to-day. He meets with little opposition. WEDNESDAY. Maj. March finds no trace of Ag uinaldo. Prince of Wales Diamond Jub ilee wins the Derby. Gen. Otis reaches SanFrancisco on the transport Meade. A fatal accident occurs at a bi cycle race at Waltham, Mass. The Chinese government stops the Russian troops at the Taku ports. The sheriff at St. Louis is called upon to furnish a posse of a thous and men, President MeKinley speaks at the dedication of a soldiers monu ment in Maryland. What is supposed to be another case of plague is discovered in SanFrancisco. Memorial day is generally ob served throughout the north and at southern battlefields. Millions of dollars worth of logs and timber are destroyed by fire? in the Rainy lake region. Announcement of the annexa tion of the Orange Free State is made with imposing ceremonies at Bloemfontein. The South African war practi cally ends. British officers are at Johannesburg, dictating terms of surrender, Kruger leaves Pretoria and the soldiers at the forts are dismissed. THURSDAY. A large party of immigrants ar rive in St. Paul bound for North Dakota. Afire in a Minneapolis boarding Mi many me thii time for twine. DEVILS LAKE INTER-OCEAN. FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1QOO Had oar twine last year, aid he and his aeigfcbora want -it this year LAKE, OHIO, April 9, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co:. Chicago, IIL Dear Sirs I I would like' if you would send samples and prices of your binder twhie again this spring. The twine I got of you last year was as good a twine as I er had, and a good many of my neighbors want to send wit .1 ever my neighbors want to send with GRAYBILL. Says our twine is all oae could expect RIPPEY, IOWA, April 6, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co. It is with pleasure that I write to you, your twine Is all that one could expect. Please send me samples of your twine, as I expect to order of you again this year. Yours truly, BENJ. SUMMERS. Twiae pleased him last year and he wants it again this year MATTESON, MICH., April 10, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co. Please send price list of your binding twine, als^um* pies. I used your twine last year and it gave good satis* faction, so I would like more this year. I Truly yours, C. H. RICHARDS. Says his twine last year was first class CAVETT, OHIO, April 11. 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago. Gentlemen: The twine ordered of you last summer proved first class and there was no complaint Think I can send you quite an order this year if tne price is O. K. Yours truly, W. E. SUNDERLAND. Our twiae gave him satisfaction ia everyway KANSAS, ILL., April 9, 1900. Montgomery Ward fc Co., Chicago, 111., Dear Sirs: Would like your very best prices on bind* ing twine. 1 purchased my twine from you for two years and it has given us perfect satisfaction in every way. Yours respectfully, C. C. SHUMAKER. Twine satisfied him, so did price FILLMORE, N. Y. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111., Gentlemen: Send me samples and quote me prices on binder twine. We used your twine for the past three or four years. Have saved money by doing so and well satisfied with twine. Yours truly, W.H.SWARTZ. Says ours was the best twine he ever had ROCKWOOD, PA., April 2, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111., Dear Sirs: Please give me the prices of your binder twine, as the twine I got of you last year was the best I have had yet. Yours truly, D. M. WEIMER. So well pleased with twine he got last year that he will order again this year CHARLES CITY, IOWA, April 2, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111., Gentlemen: 1 wrile to find out what you can sell Standard Twine this season. Send me samples and prices. The twine I received trom you last year was all Q. K., and I have concluded to order twine from you again this year. WM. BOEKEMEIER. Was well pleased with last year's twine and wants it again this year PATTONVILLE, TEXAS. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: What will you put binder twine at this year? I purchased from you last year, and it gave per fect satisfaction, so 1 will make another deal with you if you are right in prices. I have found your goods to be what you recommend them. Yours truly, H. H. ABELS. Wants samples and prices, as he liked what he used last year SMITHTON, WIS., April 9. 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: I bought binding twine of you last year, and was well pleased with it, so I would like to have you send me a sample of your twine, and also the prices of it. sample of your I Yours respectfully. Found us, but never touched the ice. Remember, we still sell ice, wood and ground feed, and until we rebuild, you will find our office next door west of Crawford's blacksmith shop. We will attend to farmers' grist as usual. Our telephone number is 24. prices c. OTTO DKAEGER. Gave him satisfaction and he wants our twine again this year OKLAHOMA, O. T„ April 2, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: Please auote me prices, as soon as they are established, on your blue Label binder twine, as I used it last year and it gave good satisfaction. Yours truly, M. E. FRISS. Says, considering quality and price, it has no equal LENA, IOWA, Jan. 10, 1899. house causes the death of two fe male boarders. It is reported in London that President Kruger was oaptured by the British six miles beyond Pre toria. A warrant has been issued for Ex-Gov. Taylor under an indict ment as accessory to the Goebel murder. The Fire LARUE-MILLEB CO. Wm. H. Brown & Co., Report that demand for land is still quite brisk, especially from Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa, and they are expecting quite a number from that section during the next few weeks. During the last few days .they have sola the following: 160 acres known as the Cowan land to Ezra Frantz, Towner county. 160 acres known as the Hill land to Peter Johnson, Bottineau county. 160 acres known as the Ole Hougen land, to P. McGuire, Pierce county. 320 acres known as the Beaver and Rosberg lands, to D. D. Hart sock, Rolette county. The Brinkman house and lot in Minnewankan to W. F. Brown. DON'T BE FOOLEDI The market being flooded with worthless Imitation* el ROCKY MOUNTAIN •.TEA. Te protect the public we call especial attention to our trade •ark, printed on every pack­ age. Pewanit the genuine. Per Sale fcy all DrAggUU. Montgomery Ward & Co.. Chicago. IU. Has used oar twiae for past three season, always foaad it food, and cheaper ia price thaa others offered for myieU *af inT,™ .ViTs&T receive samples and prices. W&hing you every BLUE LABEL BRAND STANDARD PULL FROM THIS END Montgomery Ward & CO. CHICAGO Sportsmen's Association. The sixth annual meeting aad tournament of the North Dakota State Sportsmen's association will be held in Grand Forks, July 12th and 13th. This year's program is the most liberal one ever offered in the history of this association. President Clarence A. Hale says, "the two days under the manage­ /•"2V Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestle In her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture In her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away- much of the Joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Mother's HEDRICK, IOWA. March 26. 1900. iuccm?I remain. Your* respectfully. II Binder Twine Will be scarce this year! Order It at once! It has been predicted that there will be a serious shortage of twine this year, owing to the scarcity of hemp, largely due to the war in the Philippines. More thaa 25,000 farmers purchased their binder twine of us last year, and we had less than twenty-five complaints all told. No other brand of twine can show such a record. Montgomery Word & Co. CHICAGO Tried Blue Label Twine with different binders and always found it satisfactory DAYTON, IOWA, Nov. 6, 1899. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. DearSiri: I'have used Blue Label Binder Twine for the past two years, and it has been entirely satisfactory. Considering quality and price it has no equal that we furnished him, and expresses his satisfaction, his binder being the McCormicIc! Dear Sirs: We are greatly satisfied with the Blue Label Binder Twine, and our opinion is that the Blue Label Twine is the best twine used by us for binding grain with the Champion Binder, and also one of our neighbors used some of the Blue Label Twine Yours truly, R. CAMMACK. Respectfully, BERGMAN BROS. Friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature Intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An InteUigent mother in Butler, Pa., •ays: Were I to need Mother's Friend again, I would obtain 9 bottles UI bad to pay $B per bottle tor it.n Get Mother'# Friend at the drag store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADfELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6a. Write tor oar free Illustrated book," Before Baby Is horn.- JOHN H. SHORT. Our Blue Label Binder Twiae is the best ia the world. The average breaking strength of our twine is 80 pounds and we guarantee every pound to give satisfaction or we'll refund your money. Our 1900 Blue Label Twine Is put up in 50-lb. flat bales, each bale containing ten 5-lb. balls. We do not break bales. PRICES Standard A!m| Save 485 to 525 feet to the pound, in 50- lb. flat bales, on board cars II ft Chicago or Minneapolis, per lb. 11V Pure whi^e Sisal, 485 to A|SS|| 515 feet to the pound, in 50-lb. flat bales, on board cars Chicago or IIA Minneapolis, per lb IIV Manila Averaging from 580 to 615 feet to the pound, in 50-lb. flat on board bales, on board cars Chi cago or Minneapolis, per lb. I34c Our prices are net cash with order no discounts to anyone for any quantity. All orders must be sent to us at Chicago. We will be glad to quote freight rates to any point upon ap plication. We have the twine in our warehouses at Minneapolis, and all twine shipped to points in Minne sota, North or South Dakota will be shipped from MINNEAPOLIS the day after the order is received at Chicago. ment of the Grand Forks Gun club are 'crackerjacks,' and it is our aim to make this meeting the most successful one even held." The Grand Forks Gun club is the only one in the Northwest that owns its own club grounds, and they are fitted up in elegant shape. Mr, Hale hopes to see a large number of the sportsmen from the Lake at the annual shoot. He be­ $100,000 Says he doesa't care fer staples as he kaawa from experience that the twiae la faai LEWISVILLE, TEX., April 7, 19001 Montgomery Ward ft Co., Chicago. Dear Sin: Please send me TOUTpricat an bindertwiaa, at I will need abaut 800 pounds. Onre me yoor best prices* please. I don't care (or any samples, as I know the twiae is good. Yoontraly, E. F. ROB& Used oar twiae for three yean aad saved aroaey by doiag aa VALLEY SPRINGS, S. D., April 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co. Please quote binder twine prices. Han used twin* from you lor three years, and saved good money by it. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. Sirs: Please send me samples and prices of your twine. I ordered my twine from you last year, and it me the best satisfaction. It was the best twine 1 ever ad. Yours truly. JOHN M. DEUTSCH. Bought Biader Twiae from us last year aad fouad it 0. K. DAWN, OHIO, March 29, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III. Dear Sirs: Please send prices on binder twine for this season, as I found the twine bought of you last season to be all O. K. Yours truly, C. L. BYARD. Used it last year, was well pleased with it aad wants more WEBSTER CITY, IOWA, March 28,1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III. Dear Sirs: Will you please send me samples and prices on binder twine. We used the Blue Label Standard last year, and were well pleased with it. Likes twine and intends getting in his order early GRANGEVILLE, IDAHO, Mar. 34, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III., Dear Sirs: Please send me samples of your binder twine, also prices. Was well pleased with twine last year. Want to get order in early this year. 3 AGEXT FQ^ iiiiiiijliB|jiiwyi!i)|pii|i Yours truly, W.J. KYLK. Twiae was all right aad prices lower he could obtaia elsewhere VERMONTVILLE, MICH., March 25,1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, IIL Deaf Sirs: How about binder twine for this year? It was all nght last year, and cheaper than we could hare bought it here, although some predicted it would be no good. Yours truly, JOHN McCARTY. Has used oar twiae for several years aad always foaad it good BRISTOW, IOWA. March 30, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, IIL Dear Sirs: Please send me prices on binding twine. 1 have used your twine for several years past and find it all right. Yours very respectfully, J. W. PIPER. Says our Blue Label Biader Twiae was the best he ever used HELENA, MINN., March 23, 1900. Vours truly, C. E. McCONNELL. Liked what he got last year and wants more RED WING, MINN. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III., Dear Sirs: What is the price for twine this year. 1 bought some of you last year, and liked it first rate. Please let me know the price. Respectfully, OSCAR ANDERSON. Don't care for samples as he knows twine is all right and wants it MATTOON, ILL., March 10, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III, Dear Sirs: Please send prices of your binder twine on or about June I. You needn't send samples. 1 used your twine for the last few years and find it O. K. Yours truly, WM. H. TEBUREN. Yours respectfully, GEO. S. SCHMADEKA. As good as the best, and much cheaper la price than that offered by local dealers THOR, IOWA, Nov. 4, 1899. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III. Gentlemen: Your Blue Label Binder Twine is all you claim for it. It is as good as the best binder twine I ever used. It was cheaper by 4 cents per pound than any other twine sold here, and it gave entire satisfaction both TO LOAN ON In Ramsey and adjoining counties at low rate of interest, with privilege of making partial payments. Both interest and principal made payable at First National Bank. laMamnswiwMsuu^^ OF DEVILS LAKE, I was a little afraid of your twine ter recommend it to anyone. Yours truly, A. C. HOLM. in price and quality. before, but will hereafter recommend it to He and his neighbors were well pleased with our Binder Twine MONITOR, W. VA., April 10, 1900. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, III. Gentlemen: .Will you kindly give me quotations for this season on bifAKt twine? I ordered of you last year for myself and quite a number ol my neighbors, and it gave entire satisfaction. Respectfully yours, UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY '5*5*3' «ft J. M. WINDELL. lieves there is sufficient material to organize and maintain a club at Devils Lake. If a club could be organized here, the state meet ing and tournament could be held on the Chautauqua grounds, and the Grand Forks boys promise to help the scheme along. Our local sportsmen should attend the Grand Forks tournament, and then organize a good live club. IS