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if" :'WMM &!)% -lwk^i K\mmm «S T.w,„, l":8,, FOR SALE. The law library and office furni ture belonging to Maj. E. A,' Ma glone, deceased, will be sold at private sale at a bargain. Intend ing purchasers can communicate with Mrs. E. A. Maglone, Devils Lake, N. D. 19-tf We are going out of the clothing business. Stock up at your own price. P. DeFiore & Son. Wanted.— A capable cook. Good wages. Mrs. A. O. Whipple. pwaswsiiBg •v'vs Wirf-fe With Bright's Disetse—Diabetes? Do your kldauys or liver use to do their alloted work Are you gloomy ant irritable heavy ache in your back that hurts when fnu stand hurts when you lie do^rn complete renovation. Begin on the liver and Jtfdnays. trouble lies. Lean Li'Ver cud MJdney Halm 6# Co., WHERE vv \\T should I insure my grow ing crops against loss by lhail BECAUSE Land Man,1088 WHEN the history of hail st_ ms in this state proves that no 1 ccality is long free from hail. shall I insure my crops so that I may know that my insurance is reliable InQiirp iiMfh Who has written reliable insurance in Ramsey county for ten years and will ~v\x7=11 4.U~ Rive you a policy that -will be worth IT UWCllj LI1C 100 cents on the dollar if you have a shall I insure my crops against loss by hail NOW is the time to protect your crops, It will cost no more to insure now ihan later in the season. Can give time on premiums if desired Hail and Fire Insurance, Farm and City Loans, Farm Lands Devils Lake, N. D. W. H. SPANIER W I W A mil I IrlU Enquire at a FEED STABLE Locke's Barn Opposite School House Stalls for Rent bu the Week or Month Good water In thelBarn it drive away tbose racking pains, on a rusty wheel. If yaa tre bottle to-day. Made by St. Louis, Mo. a Kalsomining Prices reasonable Wall Paper sold by sample Ulstans implement store THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. One 16 horse power Case engine. One inch Advance separator. One 150 foot 7 inch rubber belt. Water tank, cook car, etc. Address 1 irst National Bank, at Grand- Forks, Minn. 21 tf Pay up your past due mortgages, drawing high rates of interest, by borrowing money of the First National Bank. Lowest rates given. Oregon and Minnesota strawberries fresh every day at T. A. Haslam's. Sheriff Rutten had official business at Edmore, and other points in that section of the county Tuesday. Insufe your builldings against Rev. J. J. McDoniald, of Michigan City, was in town yesterday on church matters. He says the electrical storm played great havoc in the eastern part of NelBon county, the church at Michi gan City being damaged to the extent of pbout $50. Charles Tnrner Cavalier died at his home in Pembina at midnighfon Sun day, July 27, aged 84 years, 4 months and 22 days, and thus passed to the great beyond the earliest white resi dent of North Dakota, and also one of the earliest'and oldest of the settlers of Minnesota. Constable Birkendahl on Thursday brought Chas. Bowman before Judge Duell on the charge of shooting game out® of season. Bowman is a taxider mist, and noticing a more than usual nicely5 feathered duck, thought he would like to have it for stuffing pur pose. His ambition cost him $20. The De.vils Lake band is at present without a leader, v. has. Roach having severed his connection with that in stitution. Earl Stannard,1 an exper ienced and competent musician, has consented to take the leaf! temporarily, and regular rehearsals will be held Tuesday an^ Friday evenings, and it is hoped that the boys will soon be able to give open air concerts. Hon. W. H. Brown was in the city Wednesday from Man dan. He stopped over a few days on his way to Chicago, to meet his family, who have been camping at the Chautauqua grounds for the past week. The gen ial ex-mayor still retains interests in the town and county, and thinks there is no better place than Devils Lake— the only place he says that seems like home to him. At the Democratic convention held last Saturday the following were chosen delegates 'to the state conven tion being held in Fargo today Sever Serumgard at large Geo. Vannier Jos. Kelly, W.H.Belford, Peter Kerstin Alex. Walker, G. H. Elliott, A. H. Burt, Fred R. Stevens, J. E. McLain, J. H. Gill. Many of the deleages left on yesterday's No. 4, to be on the grounds in time. Capt. Alderson has 390 acres of the finest looking crops in Ramsey county if not in the state. The captain has just finished a 30-foot addition to his large barn and put in a patent hay unloading devise. He will add a gasoline engine this fall with which he will grind feed and pump water for his stock. Mr. Alderson has farming down to a science, and is prospering as he well deserves. The funeral services over the re mains of Mrs. E. C. Carruth, who died at the Deaconness hospital, Grand "Forks, Saturday last, was held Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resi dence of W. E. McKenzie, brother of the deceased, at Crookston. There was a very large attendance of friends from Grand Forks and at Crookston, including many other points, many relatives being present from Crooks ton and the east. Anew disease among horses in the northern part of the state is baffling the veterinary surgeons of that section infected, and the state veterinary de partment has been applied to without much success. The disease is popu larly knowp as "swamp fever." It has been known in Manitoba for sev eral years and veterinarians of that province have been studying it in vain for several years to ascertain what really causes it. Will sell horses for cash or on time at Whipple's barn. Call and see them. An unusual sight were the mon strously large timbers, which passed through this city one evening this week on their way from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast. There were six pieces of almost equal size, meas uring about 100 feet in length, 26 inches at the bottom and about 18 inches at the top. It required three long flat cars to carry the huge beams, which are intended to be used in the navy ship yaitjls for mastbeams. Complete line of buggies, carriages and wagons at Prosser & Serumgard's. Reliable goods, low prices. Terms to suit purchaser. Miner & Hartley Tuesday dissolved partnership, Mr. Hartley taking the insuran branch of the business, and Mr. Miner the real estate part. The latter has formed a partnership with his uncle, .Herman Kuchenbecker, and will continue to handle real estate and loans under the firm name of E. W. Miner Co. J. C. Hartley will act as local agent for the Connecticut fire, lightning and tornado insurance company of Hartford. SUMMER RATES VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. To Colorado and Utah during June July, August and September, with stop-over privileges. For particulars inquire of any Great Western agent or J. P. Elmor, G. P. A., Chicago 111- Sept. 15 DEVILS LAKE INTER-OCEAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 1002. IQSS by fire, lightning and tornado. J. C. Hartley can write you a policy in the best company in America. tLake "P^ J: The postoffice confectionery is now under new management with a full line of cigars, fruits and vegetables, delivered to any part of the .city. Prompt attention paid to my custo mers. I solicit a share of the patron age. J. L. Gibney, Prop. The special train bearing the board of the state railway commission, reached here Tuesday eyening, an'd after a brief stay passed 'on to Buford. The party aboard was made up of about fifteen persons, among them Commissioners Lord and Shea, Mrs. Lord and Miss Shea, Secretary Ham mond, General Freight Agent Sum mers, Supt. McLaren, of the Dakpta division, and several others. Com missioner Youngblood failed to join the commission on their departure from Fargo, and it was decided to proceed to Bufo.d and begin inspection work on the return trip. A somewhat pecular incident in the case against William Airhard, charged with counterfeiting, and who was to be tried for that crime in the U. S. district court on Tuesday, but whose case was dismissed, was the testimony of the two witnesses for the defense, who swore in turn that one of them had sold the prisoner a pint of whisky, and the other one a bott'e of beer, just prior to his arrest. This testimony was elicited to counteract the statements of a states' witness, as to the exact amount of money the pri soner had when taken into custody— and it won out for the defendant. All parties connected with the affair are from Ransom county. For fifteen years the Outlook has made its first of August issue a special illustrated educational number. The issue for ths y6ar is not remarkable be cause of the number of eminent edu cationalists who contrbute to it, and the importance of the topics discussed, but also from its general attractiveness as an illustrated magazine. Among the contributors are President Nich ols Murray Butler of Columbia Uni versity, President Hyde of Bowdoin, President Harris of Amhest, Dean Jordan of Smith College, Pofessor Geo. E. Vincent of the University of Chi cago, Professor J. R. Wheeler of Col umbia, and Dr. Edward Everett Hale. Albert L. Jossman, formerly of Devils Lake, who enlisted in the Philippine war from his home at Clarkston, Michigan, was wounded by being shot through a lung during the capture of Moro fort on the island cf Mendanas about three months ago. Letters from the war department, and Albert himself were to the effect that he was convalescing and his relatives were encouraged to believe he would soon be well again. A telegram re ceived Wednesday announced that he died in the hospital on the 28th of July. The news will cause genuine sorrow and regret among the Devils friends and acquaintances of the deceased. He was quite popular and a general favorite among the young people. He was a brother of Police man Jossman and Mrs. J. F. faenry of this city. ^?wt This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine the remedy that enres Tablets a cold in one day A hail storm, 'doing considerable damage, visited the country north east and southeast of Crary Monday afternoon. The losses range from ten to thirty per cent, a few totalis es being reported. The Odessa stock farm in Odessa township, re ports a total loss of about 800 acres, no insurance. J. S. Kirk, manager, also reports the loss of 300 acres, which he had in on the Currier farm. There are only a few instances of total loss. Flax seemes to have been damaged less than any other crop. A heavy rain fell over a large area of the county and it is estimated that the benefit of the rains will more than off-set the damage done by hail. The storm was quite severe in the vicinity of Jerusalem, some farmers, among whom are Andrew Axelson, re porting total losses. Mr. Axleson was partially ingju-ed with Agent Po*well of this city. THREE TRAINS DAILY. Between Grand Forks, Rugby and intermediate pionts there are now three trains daily. It is safe to say that the most popular of these is the new local train reaching Grand Forks about noon daily, except Sunday, and leaving Grand Forks, west-bound, at 6:25 p. m. NOTE LOST. 'While in Grand Forks recently lost my pocket book containing $40 in cash and a note made payable to' me for $750, dated July 17, 1902, and due November 12,1902. Finder will please mail the note to —Geo. Meiklejohn, 21-23 Evanston, N. D. FARM FOR SALE. An 80-acre farm in section 13, De Groat township, three miles from rail road. Frame house 14x28, barn and granary. Will sell crop and stock if buyer desires same. Must be sold at once. —L. D. McGahan, 20-23 Bismarck, N. D. rrn Believing the time has arrived when] Devils Lake needs an exclusive grocery store, and support it liberally, came to fill the want, There are many things that can be said in favor of the exclusive grocery store—but we are too busy ^now to explain. We "intend to sell for cash—no badi debts—and will be satisfied with the lowest profits. Our* ex penses will be light and our" prices will conse quently be lower than any other store town. A trial order is all goods, prices and service are not right cannot expect you to come We carry everything and solicit your patronage again, NIMMO BUILDING, DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA. OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. We own 100,000 acre* In North Dakota couatlM where the greatest flood of land Metiers are gola^ Rich, nutritious crassest deep, black soil, very productive. Where corn (rows. Pure water a springs, streams and wells. Coal It per ton. Price$5 to 1(9 per acre. |gg ACRE FREE HOMESTEADS .d,.^. w. In large or small tractsisplendla for stock raising meral farming. FOKM COLONIES. GO NOW? •T WAIT UNTIL BETS THERE. EXCURSIONS THE OTHER' FELLOW FREE TICKETS If yon buy land from us, take receipts for R. R. and see our agents in your city forfait particulars, THEN BET ABOARD FOR MANDAN. for Exeonlaa Bate* Call Upon Cssr Writs to Our OSes. 205-206-207 TACOMA BUILDING, Cor. La Salle and Madison Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Bad MANDAN, MORTON COUNTT, N. DAKOTA F. W. COCKBURN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats Fish, Oysters, Etc. Home-Cuted Hams and Bacon a Specialty. Special Cleanliness used in Sausage making. Try it. B^PHighest market cash price paid for live stock, hides pelts, furs, etc, Kalley Avenue. DEVILS LAKE, N. D. ±^X 1 tailor-Wade Clothes For the next 60 days we will make special prices on 2 all of our 5 Heavy-Weight Goods 5 Now is the time to get a good suit cheap. Come in and leave your measure. 2 H* No Halgren, The ailor. in ir our we in the grocery line, ri