Newspaper Page Text
iave '-siem |€»°n '5»the A r* l|M pdb. -•i Coun^vRoirthDUcdtaTTC C. ti.AHLLS, Managltw Editor. ,~r.^ ...! jjws- t,f. 7* fif 44® gjrfpjyff* !w Alace SWen|kajidyw^ W f. i' ***••r^ "*v'w Vw* 'Jft5 H. B. BAIRD, Pft^^«^.H. .WHIPPLE, VICE PRES?' F. H. ROUTIER? €ASHiEi^g N^&j&LfeA. CASJHEER' IPfe® sMMgPt$m^?Wfg\& •.. y-ATv-"1" Wf®5 WSPttS 5tf^£aasaj "ItF'i rii t^K $ the-ej that •we are" 4i^erln^ ^-^d&e 1& scept^the^few monthiB^the panic in Jflw'^ttona?' ^'Ibe&eartfi, «IU thjs^a^-Wppk'lii# bfuSBjiOt' Bsenf^ves^djmngT'theT considerfti pc^6d Sufe lastei^H" one SndTlibo^^., .oflb^sob^r^-III^S':^ |Ui#big show at Se^Ue .on Mlnne '. He ?ras glipH ^%at ova hte westward he^tour k(u^ dlstlngidBbe^ ir.j The m^anlngoi all thlsis th|! hnson to vex^ lllwly ta/b^ahe atlc pomlneeJtOTthe presldab^y &t fime.J ft is tme tbat^he hte erlted the oppo5ttt}on„pf ^Mr. BryAn ion wes» WW^ 'N/DaK HI9 j.. «^»1 1. W,. y« St-y 1 AUGUST i6,tJ909. x, an"1 ^£L2C'"t' MfA~ Germaa bkval-^fflcer-liaa been ^granted a patent ,on an -^electro-mag ^pet wbl0!i vheA datum is^ powe^rfttf l^endugh'ttr itirffi* 'battleship ashore Jjaw^-withto reach* at Stoa^teiF^lafidr''C heavy artillery Texas*.<p></p>'SsUBKrHS. move ra & lot of a) ^enV^&g^tS1booiSsfiown country aba they/ h&Ve,cal> .tb'make-it-^peaT. that Bi^an,: become atflxtjirt to the ^new'- ed high school." ZlmiWim $75,000 $35,000 .,., CT1—rrt"" f^*\ Irig from IB.OOQrtOtZO, ^be^tbdraWfrp .sent -&jl'tfijK toft, letter offcce^oi the poatgitttee department Jvery dafkirhe* ,, •Unsel escapes Into the air ife• r^rm %$Ctir «(5S4 lessen. lEvfir^little t^- try has its b£tilt and the'fanjaers are to do bttsfi|psB by ch Cur shfjjtoento tdthe it^o^ ka|t ed!" light «J far &, iocs! b£mks are concerned, although jrbbably the southwestern centers Mve shipped heavily: ft l8*toaearlyfor an urgent call ilpbn^Shica$f. Monejt has teen bardenlng! slowlyr.forJ gevejra weeks. T|ri§"change wa#h&dp r/M^bWet icent at the .commercial banks- Col' 1 l* ^and ^amer^iWrf '^e^ .tfltoat^* btijS| Iwsti^MgBp5 U^®T[ cars, thftiefcy causing Manhattan of «a*o»*b& expect* *a uona, theT August crop report gov^rnin6nt asemred^y More^, a&ts' ^em. ^dl^lng" id 'Stf sc The International •«»».»««, .,..k ... the" latest Xt to InkSa^ proB^barlng wlft jts, men: ,It/has found/' aad the IndMons arejat placed-at tlTrf WtfM ot its' comblfi^f yieldV the flv6,l«tong: large force of-^iloyes c^rOflcates of Jtb5t0t^5^|^" stock and it l|#1Mfi Ctftf riito bi^hbls^an iacrease Mtose efforts tifie success o^the l^usi- ^riff bourbons may have succeeded wM£0 faff5a#ffertfaityto^^ ^t&^r^hi^hisdf^d^dleftii^yiito prefer red ^n^'poniWgn atQ^k.^1 MisUtttcdfef ^Indepefelent produce^' to3 staitement ^la^^rollq^sred,1 6y a'^ils^ot ^^uniiilrB. Thie^ &e rt^h^K rules governir^ the" lnvesimen^ i^»ia is no excuse' toic tfie* aniafielt action^pri the part of th&Jntei'natlonar In legislation} equality of imi^4ln^w|th nSdirn pay ^Itj^re^i^wF«tfv^w^ea but|4ngs an^pifeye^.tiiS^nnec^aBaryi mlti» Becu[rtQC4 t^y.- ^^-'i|gpnir «att working i'makes tbe ,for sclen^^and^whoily Juet ^Etriilte ^dother.polIUcqheConomip ^wirdltibiBI of kenertJ:k proepetity, if^is nUg^# wltil^oj' w^mnneni retiring to {he &ezu$6st to- 1 1 7 J^W A |pslonaj reached by a Chicago bank hatefuL l^er carefully feeling tl^pul^ jij f^tc^bwalp t.jj^fWfc.^1 ofcfiarBi KoinC* the statement ^Tbe' fa^»rfir'%inndimfi^ (mf§? J^s?%-845'W AWWs feMft'»ia»R4»wi«''# Qklahoma. B^crBtajy of the^Oomanche,|jtui^ptoduoerai'''rtfpoii |tooted», as^akkUog^-a^d bjogld lapses ^to^th^mlll|f amrlfaetoidsje :Thi •^^saer '^jiiead fSy^4^J|Sj^^ttag6fti^pLlbelt to & hi^ grinding, pumping, sawing tral'martfet, *^kA:^sj-x w«^^ another(jjpnosea for^hich & mdto^~|i*- "need^^" Ifii? lanaer ha% *%$ y-rf. city mag... Ha has t^travel" ft^ther to "i dohlstradin^^^i social eVeots an1 benefit |f th» motor v^ll yiow the Ifuad, plant a^ harrest^the to ifiark6t ja^, will tai^ the «lgol «hlldrei^.tQ iA" *AK* plaoe la jthfe coun u'"tof *&> cunt or Ml par cent htgfe$r th^n' a oocj.le of weeks ago, Cotinter loani bank consolidation epl capo is SMoapiaM bjr the National Bank pt the, Republic poUtfcaltodb well, nO&tr fof/,5|0,- whether they-,bay: «9mm%or prefer- i^P'^0 bush^ over, Wst yeags ag^oej Board of Trustees ,o^ the etafce pent red ^ock. InAa~ drcular^'lettef "re- ^ga^axid fh© largrtt quanti^r jvfer tentlary under .Gov/^OHer. As past '^n^^»S^|li^'Wu^ 4B3^ttThe compahy desires all emtfoyeq?' upon Whai yi&4 lie' cf^ ^rpowh"^tHTdslle&^^^% for country storeaYtobbe: The Btriking l^at^ire of ti^&fctory S^m mm U1U now ,fe"a^%a ,bee| the' dl^tt^^atlon itfanL having a -flxedj and depilte policy. A platform|lea9 than a year"' old jRas repudiated. X, prtecipl9 over Awhlch polftical batU«s l^d been feft^^€^lrinc|ple to tj^v"^vaeae^ whic aa|tni^f and no^' gMsenali.' .y-^M^cBiTled TT zg 3s r, & «rty» ^p4nt%t4r^ »"in|^s8 w« depen|eU^ sa£t^ bf #tVf the|mai3it)6Bajbfle' ^.polfc _rj ana the Sfre>l^ento^ ojt*fdft€«. "WhWb^ theBe fiwn oeas.a Jo|l|dv^^e wfuC^Doarkto lltUettie4^Jpfeneent^ iAdrdpyph41itok Bort,lSr uopn wh^ tenas --^nbttoaaB^wbft meat li-M- PACKARD FOR GOVERNOR. vocating Hon. A, M. Packard as the next governor ^of North Dakota. In their Issue of th$ istfirih^y. have the followinSgf? t" itifri? q£ the overwbelmlUjBr vW tory of Hon. A. M. Packard in the re cent city electii(»^ tbe Pioneer is tn? pelled to voI65^%fthi rejiubUcaafl of North jjjakota^ a Mn^m^bt that'ihas been ^ldly galn|itg ground In this part, of the attfte some tim6. Far- |11"± S±te^ Packard allow his name to be used aiT|KK the street* ofA oui^local towns. *£sr ir «m in^» cottMerl^|to. ^a^|4f Bta® ^UJe.j^ut«lobK a* ei^y-' He^ 0^v fit the Sttiiaa soffipas b^nsr to' thdfifftnM' #i$iM jfrj^ little" tiira topos^ptf to, bwodj 1§ now time for'ttieiif to ii^te on, a ^v^ thle sh(kCco«^8^# fio 1^cuonv he hu *no^ pollt£^'^nen^M '4M' .publican party of thla^state haavbden i^torn and. divu^^ J^n^ e^Jcram^and ^io is ^e community, strong ov^r ther itat4 yrho is not advanced i? && J^tioh'"bhV: tfy the people who have known him for yeara: and who Skw:00ie^» iftf Honesty and ability. Dakota twenty-one yeaw He was a an^miiei' of" the flret aWe republicaii convention and,„a.ttc^ide&: vaany Since th'tit tim6. Hp wasr-,a'*|nrimber o^ the Grand Master pt* tht Grand Lodge of the I.^O.* 0." Ti^-l and Pasi 6rand Patriarch of the Grand, Bncampment he la tbal^nly, matt to th^/st^te ^O Ms evernfeld both hrinarci ijinajqytle^ yrerfe large. 'At die city efectto^/ Wter^a ,4"! fW^,"J^®«ted be ar ,party»- Formation, upon ... •».?. *m •. ... ... «. jm ••. is something.iar aifferent members of the mlnwity party thf to»urge»t rep«bUc«ns.'TOald w^dJbl. if wtth. ch. ,tt wo* di^ CMOT T" endorsed and for ^diclt tjje-leaders iji' ^e-^iaapMgn'|$^'spoken Qie -organdzatl^ b^ n» «k^is^ ^r eXi^teit^.1,«Ji.jSas, in totma P0l! fir ». Senator Aldrich has been quoted as saying that the so-oalled "progressive republicans must flnd tt necessary to Jd^nv%ir Is a stale o^lci|Lt' by a if he were a^caa he ttSild:' 6arry this ^county antt-^e ^ntii^,'^dpTO aiyovejrwhelmlng majority." ^V' their ears -to the grbund and listen tx the rumblings of th^"vd^l1'^ tS( people- Let the' rank, snd ^fput torth their man _aod «ieyvi |y him with their wt^^e pe^plp tbe slope want a fair man," a capa man, a winner, to sHo^tfiey wantct iipiLJfn A,iD reputation of Mr^ Ballinger, e^iieUuQr'of the^tote^tev is^'iid^^n-: hahce^ enterfog Into a q^at^el Wnchot, 13^1^ th^ri^ forestry to t^^ptatgrent boC^l^tuxel^Mr. &^er ie^eLut «^sdit^ with the demorallsa tioa Of the fectonkatlonVsfirvice^'thotte^ he-"haa 4ield office hardly Ai&y extension of powei^ for- d^ttot gSntzatloB «uin6t but suggest that to "ftn&Sjpt bijfv&binet offlcer^ Mr." Taft ^haijm^e 'ynfijrtunate aelw^oa.i 4 ante the. parts^ name b«t eem"iifafroga(lbTe""to" ifa^ th«' iNwshot has coitie on the bad books tus vm been, withdrawn from entry. bat Bal- 3t is bald* haa lntiinated that, either he Abilities of ihe' tWo men and their at taljtments jittte compar- frfrtn 4hisk^:«f Bhod^Ttey^hava'liad iheir. ^rat^m 'toHsoo-^| ^stand. andv#assacih^etto th^ 8»ir influence at ,, h^i 4raw a ^e.^^, froxa' courts ^.thejoventoent, W»tocitft qn ^:.Btiltf^u^t'fo^f' l£ produce oae as ijopotent sa frefe silver and antl-im-l befo perls^sm yere ?^-Toii«di) 'BladtiJ^ ^iave ,-yi wr of the Teservefr was brought about by for'ta&py years,, was cleansed "and raised to ^Mgh" plane of efficiency^ '^Sf!^9S£SSi\, last tract an Immense revenue- will p6ur= the coffers in WaAingto^ •7# &&!&&&? && this demand the Pioneer Joins heart ily. Seldom we believe "hiaj there been.. S 9 »4aa. ?sm!% Hie high talents and the patriotic purpose 'of 'TBtlBjin Allan* HltCbcock must surely^be-"riil8sefti,aK)und" the de partment of ti#Jnterlliir- V~- inflSIMfOF TARIFF^1 GOSlf BALI MtUtON *-T -t *31 ^w££Z3F!*J5 ^E4 NCOOPSS. ys 4 ^7y7X A" 1 -. rir t-Hy' or oongreas whldai re^ UM tarfff law cost the AmM&ir tt has been estlxnated .by! Smtsti statisticians aKmnd thei' Qipt Itxmt fSOOyOOOi ffanr diflhrent Items enter fartb:tk^S tf&i tf whim' A sallea^ TJ*i Imum^. expense ojqi' this aecobhi%ipM^t^4l«4,(00 Bxt» wy!u«nploy^(T oii both 0«^4M,060. fi4eclal :ed iS,oomplll%Tlaform«U$i|o»r Ma. W tbe oommittees rele^v% to the tariff were paid good ssjarfrs. ^ernn^nt j^rintii^ oa^ h^ ipp'lied la statement eottcern las the costof printing the tariii bill.' MpoVtkabd^heaHngs, but Ufa knbw^ii that this will be largk rt 1 1 °». ji' REGOURSOilERS past •M •S*#? w$ r*'"t"" yeara he wM a member of the volun teer fireme^s or^azdzatSn ^f tblft dity and was chiefs o( the Are (e Xartment In. 1 $86r v^he^v the railway fliops were burneff.2J-iHe has ftl^ served aspresidexit of the state Fire men's association and has been a membef ©i-tha legislature from Mgr ton county. He^ la- a member" of the legal fraternity." His acquaintance in the jjtqte-^is'jrtder jV* in offe'ring Packartf' as 'a can-l didate for governor his ^frleudB point with pride"-to hiB vote getting abilities. He Is the present register of.deeds.for Mottbti •feottnty and -rhas servfid' lfor "our ,pic^^v^tei?n^and a$ «o^h4a & painstakrng" olltolui H^-wW elected Troops Wbolpeg Arrive tt Fsftwilltisi 4S^r«C *U^rtT Ontj Aug. 14.-JThe presence of armed militia in the strike district has had the desired effect and dlAordertf Have ^asfBd. Regular sol diers, the Can^dlcor Kpmited Rifles, hav* arrived frota ^tMfiij^eg and re- Bevc« the citizen soldiers. Each of the^regularp ls alm4d v^tIf 8(K) rounds of ammroitlon anlljlunder/the experi ^ncbd dlrectiott of Col6i^tf Steele, who was in charge of the South African following c^Mtabulary for ttuvM j^ars folloi •cfr Stoh of !t,laJ®"i itellfcatton is^to band. Sot ^. Amerlck 'Veterans dlera have begun a stereh of every servioe. house. to the forelnr quarter for BTCT#aang liiuit has.the fs a result of Mirea, shah of Persia, Ity and honor, sits alone i^teh*£ erfli for On July 7 he was father separate htowrtf .fERS|A*S *©Y rttwir Jeweled swwd that was as high as ha .HP, wit and Ir tottb. «otmtrfe% 4"$ i'. '^iF' ,.-T *xm Tailoring & Dyeing Company W'\ Ife fa* ctoss Tailori ngJ(t Pmich Dry cleaning snd'S: ^•ncy^ Vyafog' &I4 sgw e^|l ^pelefln-'W^dx^ i^Carpets, Bqgs, Shawls,^'® ^vheavy CoatB and Ckwits,'^^ ^^Kid Gknres, Feathees ',"]^ pdric ^ak« it lobk like'4. iW 'rierw. ?e,^araht«ie our' Mfflensky:1# Hjelle 4 doors out Whlt^ Se'^mdtition'e Store. Devils Lake, N. D. HEW OFFICERS Aft£ OHOSil Colonel Jewett' Commiini?4 of Phlflp ,^ T4 frtna Veteran^ »'ja Pittsburg A»»r 185—The proceed iDgi of th^' Z^tittppMa Veterans' bteldtton were'iaaae' specially lnter^|t-Jg flliig by the presenCT Of ^treral TcW*« QPCklC eriok D. Grant, who aroused enthuit Ovuw asm by a apeeoh unoa (be valor of &• #fen ^o'fo^ht ttw^eouimy's bat^fte In foreign lands. At the cqnolasibb^ of General Grant's speech ttie follow Ing oMcera were elecfedV J. Commander# Jojbnel C. L. Jew^tt^ New Albany, Xad. vioe cdmmand^r A. H. Anderson, Pittsburg Juipo^ commanders Major W. H. AnderfW^ Manila, P. Captain F. W. Latter/ Oalesburg, Ili Major Charles A. ard, South Dakota F. IS. Bjramb^ Itt. Paul Nicholas W. Muller, New T«& paymaster general, W. B. Rrown, Chii. eago Judge advocate general, Gap tain W. H. Keating, Iowa" survabn general. Major George W-rNaff. sontown, Pa. chaplain, Samuel Ji Smith, Nineteenth United States ii^: fantry.' After the installation of Oie offloan the new commander addressed "the oonvention in opp^iitton to' awr^ng Of the Army oftte Philippines with Amtmt^r ........ distance flight for an aeroplane to 00£a KOI ISLtSII HIS JOB coimW-wM «, 0. Will ard, the amateur aviator, to the fm Hit of kings 1 «lncAiu htepalao* his par V^-S CROSS COUNTRY RECORD |j AUl3t»r r.nv*r. T».iv. mii*. JA5I Aviator Cwert Twelve Miles Minutes. "_H'' Mineola, L- I., Aug. 14.—Whai is •i^^o be a across country Golden flyer, when he covered twelve tnlles to 19% mtoutes. Much logger ilreni«r* fltght8 hare -been, made? by 4he ^rl^bits, however, ^ad koier croap conntry flights have been made fWIIKISBSSiSSil pIRST SinfCE STRIKE BECSbl vt' .•» ., 'Attendpt Madt^to Damage Property at $ ,T ®^ckho,m- \n Stockholm, Adg. 14.—For the Hrst time since th^ ^ginning 9! the gen eral strike to Stockholm the strikers are attempting 'to damage property. A stlc&t4pf fdyna&iite was iplaced' on the tra«3t of one of the street railways, btit fortunately the dynamiie was dis covered before there could be an ex plostot^A i^aboyif electric ... ENGLISH SID FOR CONTEST Offer of «5^»0 and Half the Gat# H5 IGSnaonC -Aug. 14.—An offer 0IP* purse of £&,000 and half the gate re celpts has been cabled to Ja^k Jobs son and James J. Jeffries to fight to Ijondori. The $yiidl ate backing the scheme i»-ihe ~Bame one that recently*? pulled off tbe BrittSummers ^tcr The Idea is td hold the contest at the •^SafiMar^r ettowliorO touts open'alr.. Wf lf!LL*GB IH REV8U «lM^'fketosi .to ".P*jf Taitsi TwrkMi fiovernmsnt. Opnstantlnojde, Aug. 9.—The giiai Vbiu has lust rWelved a telegpun announcing tost nineteen villages to the vllayeta xrf Scuturi «bd Albania have risen against the authorities w»l itfMad to W taaesi The wtiti&a* poipte feste great anxiety In *ha a tter. is believed that this its jjMfea&sap the city of LeavenwMli and troubles before Wid after the Civil -"•.Tt5WCSWW*^W»..'.'%'.WPR-'W"wWW 1 fj 4%z ~5m£ IrttA