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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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?T1^ p!*" iHf !fi -ft* j*- 1 »»r?v J» •'srf 'V & lL »'.^r '8, ifrf-'u: li tat ^1 I^&v^^vyw* L, ^"K f- jjg -.^SrVi-' •s^ 4.r. *t $ *pi1y 1 *JxI»4 6oatsAs Trrf Makers' & yeP *-41 "VS-* 'i ***».#. •£.« ^fF -*f these jin^ Qurlmeof y-s^r? ffiYariei. -Our new separate Skirts in die latent faH ct^es have commenced to arrive and our weeidy shipments of darts w3ifrom Bo\r on contain all. ^JliUit modds and styles Kas 5 «•.•••.•.. •••. /_•:•. ,. ioon as tlejr come out Wearejusdy proud of die rep nation the "Sldris bought at tf willing to pay for a common garment we can sell yon a Wooltex garment v "i *S" -V.""1K. *s»ss£~ "s year.on ^'5^ -r-'v a |, 1- -v -sfe. ki? W *-*?& ^ag- j, '& bj 'i' 'j'HJ •Mwyji.nmu J^I lulu "/n. ny in toior® -SftV ""W- **,*9* v-^f ^f§ *w -tT"^""*^ i. £gzs& inspect the-late? US .Jr *T -~. GARME :ore/ ^e Wooltex people spend annually Sj&O.OO&simply fdt styles. "The ideas for Wooltex garments are taken'fromg models that come .from Londoal, Paris, New Yor£ Berlin, and Vienna, and all the fashjonablgienters of the,world The 'WOOLTEX value does not stopwith styles It gins there. In Wooltex garments are only extra quality materi als and extra careful workmanship. Therefore we will-always:?" guarantee any Wooltex, garment to give 2 full seasons of satis- factory wear. The result is that jfor the same -money you are wf ik & The Woohex Ladies' Coats Run HL.?fices from $12.50 to $45.00 "AA 120.00 We also carry a good Hne of uj^um pncei^aflored suits firafrflie FERFfXTnoN -GAR MENT CX)R^uits that arenidSy taikred/tepttlaf^ trimm^cTand lined with Sktohersi ^tto .Wecarnr them todifferent tOff Aft! all the leading shades. ^ey-^]sdlingfor|tte^i%&^^fc&*^v.:I? f»a»W: For thes case tiafM#rt%^yfctSflbr yjtes lailoringCo date the order is taken. We ca^.^ve,your choice "between 24 different sfyles of suits shown by coiored fashioh-plate^^and can show* ^sw§tQhes of 150 differait lnnda of material.® we guarantee the fit 'Only be**1.=5 '^ma3^m4 Quality of :the-& %jnatetijil ifoed W Skirts -can ft r^Mt^ duidwat^-at^ |he 'last 6 14, ^v.- in^s- i-ssfc. i'l'fe 8S3sa®(S s.y le a great hit with our. Irndtew Ttlm. MW J"*" VswLf wSmM ^'AsT Z~ T*"z -iT'vV Mr. Prloc, WWjtoaTaBpn^ Ustrili^ w«lsbt I **i- $*• means. 4nd do not forget &at evogT garsnentthathas theWocItesK label it ii sold m^Oar GUARANTEE •M VI -a & fesS v'Jrf.