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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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1 VU I ^HeiHeallpt "ttfiiit the h'u^ng^eaMi J^gun IV^ng ^^Si^Hkter ^an,fo|W '^erly. ^.lso t&at hunting .dogs are pot ^allowp^toHeSdjb tfie 'Splits Jt&£i fia-'gurf- before? Sept'\6r. and thtf fact^f' y6aJbeing ca%ht\with'4. aHd?BogI is suffiolfeojfeeMdenc^P draw a gopd stMt4ine.fc^v3diejK$nf§ '±y Rep«bltean -»^v^- 2^h«|•- 'A-fc&t**'< During the pafct^ few cyOila^k rust haSf developed- Jn .ainany. Jfcbeat iJp jthiB section 2.ahd\|t iarmer^bl» all -doing ^Imany ofthe l|fil$B,^tlate w^ea't,vUJ wheat copy yield mote 75j?ercent what, va4%Uf^i?4? andtwo daughter ,61 D&v V*4$? fiake .Aj&jftei-fe^sts^'df Mfrs.' S4E J||el Qaafly %fis'%^efc^^/'G. 6tftgess: JV^otdayg here,, Mr- Bu^gesslobking' af ter busing matters and !&lrs.Bang^as |& ^yisiting frionds-^JSclmOre ijerajd %M ffsirji' '(^i. Item dolpti transacted busineslf ||it-l]leTils-Uk0itbday.^^H0elle' and |«-J^d,vJ^^.jg|riL ty|re„tt^JQeypj l^^urelj^ha has tbe possibilities.—^^m. ^Kite4^MvK3i^B restaurant" went I $ .^rsdW^n bttsi- W ^ipfee ^jTlv^d'ln^ thj',ci£y Saturday and -j^dfag^sevwal days'visiting with jgw^W $i»Js frotlndepel|^if|^.: ^i»xh|}fs^!ffi|rr1ie doe^nt have, to tfnct^e^ ^IhewuiS^jio "earthly reason with 13, ^e^p^ved 'farm/machinexy his" inbw 5ia8 ia iwe, why" be should .not h#re eigSt ^hpir^ dfty and Such 4H|p8 |ng. an^t|dy as wd^^soon' _^_Jm one the bedt informed inrj»ny- calling.^ ^Why for n-f 33r., and Hrs. Drew transacteff bus '^Jness" at Devils'' I^ako Tuesday.—jSlr. fcand lytrs, H. ^chOIsoi were totisi ^ja6ss visitbisraf^^ls iiake Tues^y —Mi8d"'Edna Eux ^visited -#er sister. \Irs- jV^oodwarjU at Devils, I^ake^tgie lng* a visit' from DT. Farley' Elevator KSKS5aSsi« sSS»J9vi S'wwSiS&vS mmm afis,„ 5M.^- ... .-1- Vbuntoy iMmm 't and 'more? to end oLthe Jarkfiam yms will be -a 1 a a 7 sciEtt'j season r.wr "to the rferop8T •ningham^b On Tuesday R^yi.Cjih Wn^^S SfiMiaMiffi mmSm wwmms^ iifflaiWi r^dllRSB S®?!5 be 'riefefr'IgjAU ttri&F Bs'Wfr'jr*,, 1 a Llsfew-? "%tL ^pSe- A. Minne&itolis writer-pays the foil owltig handfcome" cpmpllment" to our lair "State and-the inhabitants" thereof: 'Ppncfr fie Leon certainly traveled in the, wrongs 4fc*ction'"whan he -was Searching for 'the fabled fountain of y,outl£ }tvi£ sure located in North Da~ kota. -.'There are- gray-haired,_ gary4 bearded rman Jfa^reipbbt no old* men he womep are'all young and growing younger all tbe time the "atmosphere MrV^iucrud at,Efeu GlaireT Wisi wer^ In ^V^^y^oyfer''^fiinday visiting the |a^d^homel—-MIsb Cornelia Cham )6rr#^8 ttp %m«pvils tafee'for'an ,oyer%mday faMat hon^.—pThe bar-! ^ej^,jthat |s pelng cut in jtl^e vicinity ft Cftiurchs Ferry, sho,Vs pl^nt^ Qf eyi den^e, o^rusCa^many farmers1 are' of the^ihe €piiiIoh that when tfiey get Intp to^jfhqatvitlje same .conditions: .faljd that «ve yield W fc$$g ^a&e, *"W^t jromise and expe^ationt the "pebpfe,' ^nd eveiy minute-oj( their time, life ng and no on^ die%\^^Jl h^" st{iiifl areattitng. North Da&oj&^Js' 6ertaiii| ^tiir- to thelr. boys, and gKrlssakd ad a great 'country andriii^mt" §tate^ xnjt»wtiat, th^f'topw^ t9'l« -true—that Its people are broad^de^^p^B.^^^-^ sive^Uberalj and theuy ffcTbig iwings Jn big wa£ Sere hav^.tlj^Newl England consclehce ^withojt 'tie England narrowness,Cth®'- southland hospitality without tile south9r?i x^ste^ t' hreezinesB of the far west with out Its 'i toughness."-—MeBsrs.. CliHs Dof^ba«a and Shrank Hoffman, of 5 wiU faij^a&^f sho^t6f expectations -tck has ki y/r ning for ^udgetCO|f^^^e'up vthe line on %|ening, Ringing- up a ninb^ ber ofTnen to"work on his farm east of lere. The1 judge sSys" -that^he wa^ u6ky-«nough to d&dg^'thVmost of the ^^il.'storiii x^us^fea1 through hitf 6ighb^rti hi£fonly on Mu comW of his^fann1 —Ifrs. Ppii srinS *&u|ht^f"lBlelii'" were Detils Lake visitor^ last Saturday.—Mra Hinep cam® up.froni. DevilB~La&r lftst Wednesay^enin& for, 4.a ^isit ,yitfc Mr- and "M|s||S6 A.jI^o^r.-^Thfri&r mers southwest of starkweather have 6«tr4sfiiwc hdve a Tjooth^in the officer of J, A. Heij,dxlGfc8fth and Company |r:*Wri^d/-fc! '^£Jf d7a~^ mds foi^niBM|M fi^.-^I¥(wA.%o« ^athe^ fariil a. W. b»W^o "J, Ara strong, Elias^Krickatad, Toilet Hrfck- ^Joim^Z itertrtfeiaO dita a wagonand er? trsMble arisss and fCtt LAkajtUa eek- &MM d^hrict school t6r which ifea$ £atlie An^^motheKcwentt^In fact iris^e school B/stem that, the schools ww werV good' ^nougii^ for "therfatl»rs or the' .ijhild^snJ are gewa^fino Mlliiir" rm&BQ automo sfflai ^5^ ItHWe^w^te^OTld fo^rriviflefr' for the boys and" girls" hi- town and the old, 'old schools of a generation agofoKthe boys and^glilfcln -the country" ._ That isn't ^Siuaaf^ deal for tlie farm "boys and girls. The: boys add girlsr realise thai they/are not getting justice in^the country and that Is why so manj^f them getvaway: from the farms as soon ajKthey1 can toe' town offer?. President^ l^sevelfr •called "attenti?^ ir fjiia fapt' fb MS njes sage bn. the Report of th^ tsountiy. life ebnuhtsBitfn and the'(iommiSBion itsplf coiiimto school whenr Jnd not put/their ^weighi/jftjSJd^ihe •^heel of ^progteas.-^es" Moines^ Eeg- THE'DESIGNER FOR SEPTEMBER. E^eryBody^wrftes*"- 156^S3I|y studies ^f -from points each ,n^nt£ *th£ magaiislne#ireient hither&'JsMl^i ^eyealejf to^e^ lie. In the 'Designer "fet SelJiemtjer ?C ambitteus women food "'for various thought. Other fei&ures of intet^t iEis^ progi^ssi^ ma^aalne ^facludev fSavIng tge ^ruant "Itn'd flit&king ^Ihb of tiie Poor,"* by l^^Eonrester ^3?ne Jjette^s xfanA|hl«iic^ Girl?',^y_ Anne ^latd "Farming de Irti^e,'' bytSjiJVIaj^ ian Becker "The Danger ofiG»wing Apa*t"Mentally," -^by pWUlain JJporgeJ JordaiK and "A» Wild ^Flowier Kurist/'i hy Wliliain Fales!»'r'--,J'^" .5 *i!he flction Jfor Heptetnbe^ is^chqice indeed," ^Affile gtenllton "DonneTlS i8hort story, "'The Jifqvbig" of iliBB^ar jj^ine,*' will jbe^muoh^njoy^d. "Th HOutfe ofn the sHUi/' the aeiW by' The' 'odbsia GatTison, reaches 'a ^polnti '{lee^eSf interest *-5 -01 «ourseJthe Deslgnex^nsexs-jth^ best possible advice concerning, the fall fashions. The forecast of autumn-. mod6s flo^erg^a wide ta^ge^tsiibje^s and cut Be/Wlied'on when one Is choo^inV on^s winter war3rob^ "3 The -magazH) beautifully printed^ Av*i '•v 0-i bacl^ -fM^tho' chatty He wuldyii* been taking' tntnxsy n1 •f&r5^*.'' \t :'PL'-: China baB not set from it w^mni ctmse i^apwi! wmm f- ^7. jJ J" .* a I :-l -Jr S^r ni- jt S v. 1 C- -s 5# 1 *•*c ^--ir rv* 1 raft 5^0? WITHOUT FRICTION .V* W""'" ^^Pekliig.' r- V^ here from Mancbum tite trtiie effect that the ifert: of te-1 road by Japan from Antnng orth Is Ing rapidly and According to oe Information the work of r9 before aj^^fiuyf! tho reopening of the negotiation! *m?sm To be S3&d< recpnstTocUon of eved that Russia Manchuria ns do not regard inXJhina a)ad -ot. them KNOW tbarit is poswble ftr lT, =±1 13 the University as ,_v pxi are gping^to build call on me and I- will show ij| plans of femi&nt houses costing $500 to $10,000. $gjS-3&Pl~* .'OR ~.n I 88'* COIU Mi3S0yBmD4tltg -XOHw J0U5NLrEry ,.TELEIHONE 326." Ptoptlztot. c«4-!i..r:'iv''• i^i '.I{?'.•••••*?.i-.^~ li v*hb*r.lH tX „tv -V -3^^v7* h- C" fJ" k*1" 1 -i-i ^-rr i- *-i 4i» 1 .s^-i --r et 4 «S S W •, j, *-r j\ ^-d-1,.) )j '-v v«vi v,' *'&&& -1 *"r'- Sf 1 I •-J J''".- I. ^ZZ- A cement ^ouse will last practically for ever. It is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. i'-s. -.-r~ -'i ~p— pamt and no repairs. ,r- \^5-, -. ejeiements. ^.d most of|all a well built, stylish cement house is always gkleable in case you warit ^to '^ispb^e1of it if' jf'Jzi *ji 1 oone .OWOT ito» T„^tac:Mo» mml -vi -X %.£••$• £r Sat t- 1 4«%V ings win follow., The case is one Whefe Blll Jcraesattaclced a straw' a* ^.*f4 stack with one of our *,cfe Ut r* 4 -.a ». 1 -.TU -v w. :sc "*i ^£r -v-~ 1 -V 2 _,i -^v MM\ 11 i. 1 •5-f^ st thesame price. •JJ. ji I• tz. ^0* Z***T.rj /-wrt?L —£^2—.-. 9 w«/sWp Z&o? r* ff ,» s'ps^i 6 ^?vr» 1 J! #$** 1 0ENEVA KORKS' Bill says it is *the best fork, he K^Sf^ ever used, and hereafter he will buy no other make. Be paid as SO ^e-HJ ifto "3 s» ?r ?v?i. a v# il r^'vVi •i-m *§r 1 ^utiu.4 ftr ?yW i"J4 t£*s l?^r^Vv-J xoi 1 a r#1 '^y 1 ^p\ rf^- *&! •4? ii-4» ?i3 2 v» :^5 \'OSSj(SKa 4i"V^-W ^k WW®* ,,v:. ^x^SiS- iWwil ^rf V1- 1 --u«tAT 4* 290 i. iHiS#' a iL -»t J? 1% v*a£ iJT» v, S^r .wfcjf'lif' ESM&S: ..Fm rf«f *4 •'!?. tsssi