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^SjV Tirrfhmrt 4 Iypjgr W/M iff -u "J&S Mr. and Mis. J. J- Brown are the Xnests of E. M. Ostrander and family At Chantaaqoa. Who's filling your prescriptions? One thing certain—if Moran is, they are being filled right. Miss MHJred Vogan, of Albany. *1SL T, is a gnest of her sister, Mrs. A. B. Downing at Chaatauqoa. Bev. W- E- Joobnson and son, of "Wauaan, Wisconsin,'is a guest of his vrArother, Rev. E- C. Johnson, of this «tty. .. M. Sprang will leave for the east Snnday to pnrobase new furniture for the large furniture store of J. Gold lierg ft Co., of this city, The Misses Brennan and Mr. W£ v'1 Srennan of Tokio. were in Devils like Satnrday en roate to Crary rhere they were Sunday, x. tSow* to exterminate bed bugs. There's Just one way to do it so this jot wQl bother you no more. Use 3Bed Bug Poison put up at the Ramsey- If your liver is aluggist and out of tone, and you feel dull, billons, consti pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight be fore retiring and yon will feel all rig$it in the morning. Sold by all druggists- D. Sullivan, Optlcal Specttalst, of vJfturgo, will visit Devils Lake, Monday, August 23. All persons having defect ive eyeaight^cHrwho need their glasses twanged or •v&rV .v' St /V *7! *a ,1m renewed -shoold can and «e Mn Ofiee rt Hnesgen's Jeweby Herb .Bait« agent of the Farm wasinthiscity ,eQddeeted i^th' 'c f.-f 1 -i 5*55' im? 9t» ^2?v!-A ^V- SW *hi.l 4 i^vvi 4fei. jf IN THE FLYNN I LOCAL NEWS William Graham was in Rugby Sat *rday C- F. French, of Penn, was in Devils lake Friday. John Gill, of Penn, was a visitor In this city last week. Mrs. G. W. Fryatt was visiting in 'Grand Forks last week. .- Miss Basstord was at Starkweather 4be fore part of the week. „. Basmns SorenstMi, of Webster, was in Devils Lake Monday. Howard Whipple and Blanding Fish er Snndayed it Fish lake. Albert Jaqna of Tokio, transacted Irasiness in Devils Lake#Monday- D. R- CSiase, of Tokio, was a Inud ness visitor in Devils Lake Wednes •day. Frainfe Palmer, of Fort Totten, was in this city the Tatter part of last •week. Misses Celia Duell and Maade Gra liam Snndayed at the Dnell farm near CSarske. John Tiemeyer, of StarkweatHer, -was in Devils Lake the latter part of last week. .: '-. Mrs. L. Carlson and son Paul were visiting relatives in Uie Twin Cities jifihit week. -. Uy* Mm home. '16m4y 'Ii*s nwwvtly"pKt"£S''a^ Jdads of wagon and btusy nqplriatr *—-1 ro ^^^ub wwji mm to i». %visl Dev3s: Lake: No. 1 Hard— $ 92i No. 1 Northern 91i, No. 2 Northern-^-, 8^r No. 3 Northern 8f»i Durum 78 Flax 1 26 Oats 28 Barley., 43 Butter 25c Efffts 25 Potatoes 70 like at any time to offer a few sug gestions as to whether It wools be a paying proposition or not Yoars Formaldehyde has other wTHm MESSAGE OF 8000 -me eadP^HnT'Siitim tm& fmMrnr ^int ^Inii ihehiw' ie» viattlitg tern tor «r^tepr jm JIB IBWWPWf WBr HI iiffflrdolf trffT ft tMjdl MMM Iv Ik. MMrs Tr r* tehJh^ji «t ShUM paiM* finmter *tactory. Leave orden wtth eWwe K*t«ira, Coant K«nm», tlie iSonisa *r. Maody or Mr. Kuta, or ^QaHlMr SUCM2EST ABATTOII 1Sh» emperor firtrusted to the drile '.^T ni' J®'&**&*. ot Am«rfca. ^kwf the delegatum to «arry jHUfi tt any luse oasf aaa them on their trip the but wiahftjof: 38 v.vy»1' »ty TO respectfully, •—Kixchof & Cooper. FRICK FOR CENSUS SUPERVISOR. C. N- Frick, of Nelscm coun^r. has been appointed census supervisor of North Dakota by President Taft KILLING FLIES—NEW USE FOR FQHtMALDEHYDE. During our "early investigations "with formaldehyde when wa were attempt ing to develop the method of distal fee ting seed germs which is now in general use, we constantly observed that flies liked to sip formaldehyde, at least they did it We also observ* ed that it "did things" to the flies, and since that we have made use of formaldehyde as a fly killer by plac ing" small dishes of it in- sunny win dows about our laboratory. Peoj^e generally know the ill effects of hav ing flies about the hoOSe and around food. The old method of killing pt fly paper was not desirable, because the flies dropped about in all sopts of places. The formaldehyde is very much more effective. Flies do iBjt get far from the dish In which they" feed- y-,3wf meritB, & ,, "XkSWc.^ -^.v Jlp^ •M 'mm ^r. «S V, *&$ !?%& ft ., •J k- ONE OF THE FINEST SdHOOil^t THE STATE OPEN^" DEDICATORY EXERCISES WiLl^i iiPK W$&mm Among the many improvernent8 %t Devils Lake which 4ie yew^l90& ^e« completed, none Is at greater imso^b- ance to the town than Is the aratitemy St Mary's of the Lake, erected rJk be- cause in the quantities that would absorb it is practically non-pois onous, go that- flies dropping in fijioff material would not be apt to capcy poinonons material in fact they are themselves in a large part disinfected by the solution which they drink: To "prepare this sort of fly poison put into a dish a small amount' of formaldehyde reduced to one-half or one-fourth strength, sweeten with su gars A few. pieces of paper may be placed upon the dish to allow the flies to alight upon and sip np the moisture from" the wet paper: These dishes should be placed in sunny windows and places where flies con gregate. The owner of the dishes will enjoy the flies' discomfort 1 Opi 1B8| 08SfiK 1 .. eonaMRtel instttartlofW at ToUa, To- tobam*. Osaka asd Na«oym. wltlA wwra fu^nara. tM toralgn •frtephwwi ttiaistw, and in* minister aad ^ke ^adalct^ ot.^. our ioiN^ -lMap^ Madrid, Aog. 19.—According to ad vices receivedJhere from MeWla, Mo rocco, th^ Spanish cruiser Prince Sade Asturlas has begun an. effective lont hardntettf. i)ll~ iiitiar/'M point on t$e coast where the Moors ara conccjt trated. ®f GenereU Marina, the oennmaader the Spanish forces, has sen&fi.OOO by#sea. down the coast to^ *X \'A & 4? 3 Sf C- Btiley, 't" N. D- A- Aug. 12j, 'to. ft/ *)•!«•, Jir^iisa ^11 Ml ?MI IS -i -i S S 'rt? J?5 *. iT *4 V*1+.,' £jfcg. & ,v v- *A s- •»e? V,(£ ^-tfe-js* 3^§s^3 tbythe Sisters of Mercy. s Undertaken with no outride heljj», tiie building completed, stands as z. monument to the ^Uence aM^^ &re sight of the able Mother Sdperior awl her devoted band of Sistera. *nie building is modern In evwey AGAINST M0 "17? W* ZZ *, GENERAI..|IARiNA. sad turn -Jie position of the Aiffs on Guruga mountain. This nawemettt will be supported' t£r the main army, wWch win surdi cHt fn the direction Of Nader.. General Marina ha* for-. Udden tfce war cerrespapdents ia Moc send ont dlspalchaa during tbesi" riiiii nitrms' sfe B5i* «KLU jM» HlMSELf mvzzMJzmSB __ -JSt 1MB. Xtr^WMQW Or. bpoteeeper.^iiiit sold tmtimttf wooded Us am.Omi*mp£ihm, Jri sad IhaaldBed hiinaetfst^Jrhoo^ ka«u The elder Isst tw dmwn F~w it i* the largest muaibat oi mem dk Ssad withdrawa far temporary ititv' W totor departmeni wias made when Aettef ••'8ecs»ts^^--jW1Iw»* withdrasr 9IX& ««re« skaS» t^ CMomilo rtvef la Vtsh. ptajtm '*nd"with-* mmm teyfussOfln trap ADEMY OF. ST. MARY OF vis^r W #$ MfV At I I CJ $&sf ir 1? 1? St f! S^ *, fS, fx Si &-fP5S y~w 5& & respect, and the ««inipment such as to proyide jfor all the needs of a fin' ishied educatlon~aceottiing to the stan dards of the ds^y.r. Moreover the suc cess of thtr school tt assured by the fact -that It has already attracted two -thirds' af the nifimber of students that it will accmnmodate.'^ 7 Thus the Instttuticm become? an^ Integral part of Devils Lake business. concerns, adding niOt only to the cul ture of the towb, bnt also to its popu? altion, and business. Realising all thiS, and mindful !r li(EN ERAi. W4 LL1AM BOOTH.1 which he has been forced' to abandon ^hls evangeiiBtic tour of the provinces. ftbe general jecently underwent alt' operation for cataract, but It failed to restore his faillng sight and today Ims to be led «couni9L.. _/v.~ Bis condition Is growing worse and total blindness is thre&tened. [bechver retains control 'IteS Yeikeileat^e, %eid- |f«r.- Ttbm 4e^«aon d&aIlb#BvtM! jjtibk ekecofa«5 W fk^d-pM^ui£ C%:n«!ixe i& Zmtie*. vaipwts, was dsBaredst^„|i -in.-hte ^nnftr^td that he had made a oontlnuou* '«rt to t«|te -OB the assets, but "waar of ttwa hsd aojresd m|rtcet value theyJxmia not be turned &*nUh iageti, Au^ 17,—The mlois- *erW crisis which fc»Uowe4 xe» feaa^on of the Danish cabinet last mo!^ lMs«auB6 of its fallure to secure the sopport of pcrUameat fdr pro wUftaiy d^WMO «a^(4rtth-ti)o fomation of a Aew ««1k /mmss /%-t v» -8?-? «, ,^j"W Ai at the bet tha^ noSasslBtance- has been asked bom our peopie, it Is nowj^ut ned by the many fri&nds of the sisterB to make the ded}caticm an event prof itable to ths sctool management ?|n General Booth Threitened WIth, Total h»ih undertaking fill the friends of the Sisters, irrespective of creed, are taking part and Tnesday, August 24^ w|ll be a day set apart to show the good will of all Devils Lake citizens towards an institution which means mtich to the town. KMwnpnr^ PLOT OF CASHlEfl London, An§. 18.—GentetO Bobth, ^. head of the .Salvation Army, Is in dan- Springfield. TB^ Ang. 18.—^That~ Jthe robbery of the Farmers and Mer chants' bank at Franklin raoantly was carried out in a plot and that there was no Inoney stolen tram the bank at that time la the substance of the oonfeasion nude 1qr Joseph Grant aUas Vigua, oi 8pringfleld. who was arrested immediately after the robbery •nd held as a sospeot In the case 1 New Tort, Aug.. 18.—Harrington la continued aS Teoetver of estate of the late Otailwi^i' fa .it 'decision filed by the StabrcMt conrt of appeals llie receiverr^inas. mpotftted tp£ f^tlon instituted Iqr the tinder ind Electrie BaBway company of Xosdao, Sag., a creditor, askln sOmiiilstraUon and distrlbnUon of the *lt*te. Appeal from hls appotntmen'. token bgr Lotds S. Owsley, t»: Getty Wright." caahtoT oT Oe bank. *?, sad James Tilbble ars cbaqed with eonco^lcg the plot ,. Tbe oonfesslon was made to 8heilff Araff sad Is signed hjr Grant He ears that be was hired by Tribble to "rob" the buk and thst Cor his servloes he m* to receive $TB. He ssys that he was made acquainted with Tribble by wulard Jonee, a bartender ln Bvans' aalooa at Springfield, to whom Tribble told the story o* the finandUd straits fa which WMght, the cashier, found hlnieelf fallowing specnlatkm on the board tri^de. GURTIS8 SPRAINS HIS ANKLE Ajwerioaw Aeronsot Injured la Aoot tfent In Franoe. Rhelms, france/Aug. 18^-Glen H Onrtlss, the American aviator, ^rtdnodhls ankle la an accident here, tat is able to direct the repair* of Ids aeroplane. HftcgqU not say when *»W •1. & a*4*v -nr j, "jSSr'Kt^ ^T 1 It Is planned by the ladies of the town to serve dinner and supper at the nevt. schooL building oil that day, and it is believed that the.imdertak ing will be liberally patronized. Hie completed program, of the d^y. Tnesdsy- morning "'lO al ml, Mass, and at.lts^close. tiie regular 4edicati(m Twelve o'clock dinner.. Afternoon from S'to 6 a musical prc ^ranmie 'to'be-furnished bylocal tal ent." Snpper from S o'cldck-to 7. Zir*'s Mndi enthnriasm in the caose ls: being ediibited by the^ladles in charge of the affair and It-is:believed: that: none of our citizens will refuse to add their mite to the general fund of good will and appreciation- "-'TJ t~ai ger of jtptal bltoineaB, on account of' gjj *3^. HELP iin«iiipi^«i«n»^ ,vi Vi "." T_ rr. .-• v.j. -.. '••-•'•-.-f^^'^y-',**n''' ^'^''t.'^-\--~.i"\T-fr^ •T WANTED—3lrt Jtor work, inatilre at otte»jDr.. Jonas. fc WANTED—Sewing girte wanted, 601 Six&. streetk Mr* J&-«jT WANTED^Man, and wife* iraat work in North Dakota whoat flrtds, wife to nm oodk cSr, four yeaw mpsri$ enoe. Man or bnstdle team, F| Thomas»"238 JL TJniwr%il»ft,"StC: Paul, ainii. PsZr TO THE FARMERS.-^ frm »*y «he top price for Mdes, woal attd scrap iron. Davis RnWn. 5« Second «t Weigh your load it the dtky ocale, (Haley ft B^land) before] the yard. gg he wonld resume h& iQg&£i The storm that destToyed tlio rooi of the Aerodnune here was jreeponsi- *SB533E&& BMEHSBBEH ^•C^fiLENN blia tor -KV s'-rsj slight InJuHes to 200 men,. Cortland Field Bishfirp, jtoreign representative of the Aero, cdub ^ai America^ denied that the WSrildJl ^aotbers^purpose .jsttbig IfiK'-'tdarOtt tor alleged violation of fltribr rights, added the yglalions between ImisteordiaL BLUE ARMY. REPULSES BoateiiTe Attaoklno Force at ila BoBtoii, llmg.. 18.-^An attire Minneapolis, JlW.' trail ot blood in Its wsk«^%^mlomO' blle ran over Fred State*, "a Mry farm hand, on SupeiW boulevarxL two miles sonth of the city limits, killing him Instantly^ and thes disap pearing faf'the, •wsa foond four hoors latw by a v®*.«ardener TOS r' vera «. AnnUmated^l^^ lortifications at Boston harlmr by tito led army, of invasion was )md succeasfnlty repulsed by the M«s dgtena^ being totaQy annlhllated in the iqpin Ion of the umpire, Captoln H. ^T. Fat ten. The attacking ftfroe consisted of shoot 200 m«u composed of troqpu Horn Forts Totten and Hamntow. The defenders suffered a loss at only ~e!gbi sen men rat of aferce 13^, 3»e •ncsgemeat occuned ''Mat ft"* tnni the resldsooe United States Senator Henry Cabot ,'ti6dge. •ad followed an attadk W the^n vadem npon the aeoondary ststkm ift Nahaat itato Kills Wan -a^C&^siifS I on his ^ay to town. v„