im "i.1 ¥Mt V--. £'®8S -«v -VI MV •••av4 VOL. XXVII.—NO. 81. if 7* "CM W Ltj ij V»r US** v| Kiv. ADDING THE 4tli STORY NW OPERA H0U8E WILL BE PUT UP FOUR 8T0R1E8 IN FRONT. pontraetor Oram has announced that they have received sufficient encour agement to warrant them building the frdnt of the opera house block four stories high and accordingly the work is progressing with that object in vie*. In the meantime the interior of the opera- house proper and the basement, .which is to be used as: a skating rink are being pushed to completion, so as to nave them ready for the opening of the season on time. The interior represents a very busy scene and the men-are'Pushing the work forward with vigor. It has been to assume an aspect of the real thing and when finished Devils Lake will have one of the most up-to-date play houses in the west DIED AT ST. PAUL GEORGE RUHB&RG PA88E8 AWAY IN THAT CITY AFTER A FEW WEEKS' ILLNE38. Although not unexpected the word received in this city Sunday that Geo. was a great shock to Ms many friends here. 4 .. .. could be done forhim* He^agaln went to St Paul-where it-was his Intention to rest until he was able to return to this 'city, but he continued to fall un tll the end came Sunday, Mrs. Ruhberg was wtth her hu&band constantly, and their little son Noel was also with the fjather when he pa* sed away at the home, of his- sister, wThe remains weft sent to this city and the funeral services wpre "held frota the family residence in this city Tuesday afternoon at 3i00 o'clock. »-ti" tr 5 Wvfjnsyn'A-*- #r,y£b iff Im !-]CTf men who travel a great deal, he went 4he letting of the, contracts 'is legal. St' Paul and' consulted specialists About nniy fhing »wnTnpn»iho^ tut n0'fell8f 'trip'found, as a last re- by tbekickets tEk~the out!ylng dI»tr! vistied the Mayo&at Rochester Ja to delay £h§ ^tork xm ti TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Teachere' examination will be held JUDGE KNEESHAW HOLD8 THAT COUNTY 'COMMISSIONERS DID NOT EXCEED AUTHORITY. Judg9 Kneeshaw of the seventh ju dicial district, hashanded down his decision in the maker of the letting of the contracts for the building in this, city, of a. sheriff's residence and It will be remembered that the con tract was let last July and that a few of the citizens at Edmore and Crary filed a request with the states attor ney that he appeal from the action of the board 'of county commissioners, stating as a ground" for such a request that the board had exceeded their au thority in.granting the contracts with out first submitting the question to a vote of the taxpayers of the couhtyi States Attorney Duell wasthus forc ed to make the appeal which was tak en before Hon. 3'. Huhberg passed away Jn that city befbre Judge Kneeshaw at Grand Dalteta^ by paiils IDta^ pl^ Board of County Conunlnloners of .Ramsey Go^ty,. NortbDalK^ dfr fondants. hf .: .* The ^bove entitled matter being an appeal by l^is 0. jpnell, as stajtm at county commissioners of Ramsey coun ty, North Dakota, ln- lettlag «nd award A5 S&ni of, VJ doubtleatat Ipreatviengll^l Our story of how We reached the will of prefec- tion the putting up of Physician's Prescriptions' we purpose telling hriefly here to-day. jMf chum to priority whatever» bat, ^ittSstafces!'" are avotdod and iJtriadi only the g^ folato ess are ^Viyv/^ '^.1 riv^ oAiuuiuauuu WU1 UO UtUU *vw4«v«vw «uu at the court house in Devils Lake, Oct 29th tad 30th, commencing" at- 5:30. a. m. All writing material will be' furnished applicants. F. Cowan, Of this city, who being a taxpajjerin Ramsey county, ordered that the case be taken Forks, which was doiie. The case was tried before Judge Kneeshaw, ^lew Mr. Hulibewf was taken ill a few I weeks ago and the decision has foeir the utatter makes tho, foUowing find weeks ago, afflicted with'an affection handed down that 'the .commissioners lngs of fact: of the liver which' 16 common among 'did ntit exceed their 'aufliorlty and that w*1w v* ami nuu vui vii auuuM mvwpv torney, from the action of the board of for tbe current year of said] Ramsey nraintv AnmrntttBtMnAM nf Itiunmnr nnn anmitv county. ing certain contracts on thd 15 th day Bald Co. Supt. of School GAN BUILD NEW JAIL ttua. com jieius nuiy aavi9oa in logs of fact: That the said defendant on the 16t&L day of July, 1909, after due n^tice^ awarded contracts as follovs jforjl^|d %gjj shjecHTg .reddence" and "wunty Jaifihafec^ntTofSair- Dtuile by The decision as banded Judge ^eeBhaw follows: .... The County of Rapisey, State, of North That the amounts of tbo different Contracts for the" erection of said, sheriff's residence and jail can be ibet a^d paid out of* t^e annual,| revenue Wherefore: Th^Tcourt finds as con clusions of lawa: That the said de fendants have not exceeded their au thority In entering Into ithe contracts heretofore described, without submit tlng the question Of such expenditures to a vote. -, That, the appeal of said plaintiff, be dismissed. Let judgment be entered according^ ly* fir i.*~ By b^' Court, Dated this 15th day of October, A. D. mt -W. Kneeshaw, Judge. THE SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT Coulee,,. Grahain 'Newmap Ay lor the erection ol of July, sheriffs residence and county Jail tor 09Onty of Ramsey upon the grounds and 'for the reason that the' expenditures upon fiald 'contracts #up- ex^^ the current year and th^: :ij» saidex penditures was hot submufed to a vote to the people of Riamsey[ county. And the said plaintiff and^ihe said defendant having stipulated -in writing that all matters involved apfa set forth In. the petition of appe^' Mght- be brought on for trial before Bon. John P. Cowan, judge of said didblct on the 28th day :of August 190? at^ the court hOuse in the city of Devils Lake, 61 T\ iUw* '*.V f,k 1&). •V»* s« 7 **«n fsl :'V^ ^i^.:^ '^i.:,^^-V^' ''~4rV ^^-|''''V DEVIL* OCTOBER 22^1909. OAKOTA, AM0MNT8 APPORTIONED. THE VARIOUS SCHOOL DISTRICTS^ IN RAMSEY COUNTY dounty Superintendent Haig has an nounced the apportionment of the school funds for Ramsey county, and the following1 shows the'amounts each of thejyarloua districts has- been* ap- BED8 JUST RECEIVED- BY GIL portioned (or, this quarter: esertsom Clevelaiid 151JB3 losSSd ZZ!rr^I'i!Z:Il2Z!!!v:I m!?6 •Oreo JGroyo hMz*ti Pleasant Triumph Sptath Minnewa ST-.:::::: Victoria uumt iiuiuio xii uie ciif gj uBYiw aga_ lats week, and the name Washing- is reported, the legislature of Alabama North Dakota at the hour of If,o\aock kad the predominance of the vote last August Adopted a resolution in the forenoon of said dayg and it? ?with Lincoln as a close second. There similar to that enacted In other having been further stipulated^by and was a wide/range of votes as will be which resolution will reach congress between the said plaintiff-and^defend- seen by the following, which is ... ant that all of the matters Relating way the votes were cast: to the letting of said contrasts, and Washignton the proceedings had therein n^ght be Lincoln I...I* finally determined by the court upon McKihley"""""" said hearing, and the Hon. iohn F. Roosevelt Cowan, judgfe of the second judicial Franklin district, having requested in writing Abraham ..— that Hon. W. J. Kneeshaw* Judge of 5^?on the Seventh Judicial district Jf said state, try and determine the said cause, because of the disqualification of the said judge of the Secong judi cial district and the said matt& hav ing come on for hearing at thef court house in the city of Grand iporkfe, Paul Revere Longfellow Creel ...i... Jefferson Clara Barton Emerson .... Shortrldge .. Whipple Orr Grand Forks county, North.' Dakota, before the Hon. W. J. ^eeahaw,]^^-!"""""."""""""""^" judge of the Seventh judicial district Dread-Hnntt on the 10th day of September,' 1909, J" ad is on at the hour of two In the afternoon of said day1, Dallls G. Duell appearing as attorney for above named plaintiff and P. J. McClory appearing- as attor ney for the above named defendant, and after, the taking of testimony in said cause and the introduction Of evl-|56iumbus: ~r~~ dence upon the part of said plaintiff Abraham Wart" School" and upon the patt of said defendant. Gen. Breent and the court being fully advised in D. L. International School Taft Superior Napoleon Red Wing .i~. Gen. Grant Flag Central Ward School Uncoln-Washirigton Ramsey-alit-sta#^" ing $23,250,00 To DiebOld Safe St Lode Co., pells and steel work 8,470.00 TO Fargo Plumbing A Heat ing Co. 2,862.00 To the Electrical Supply Ca, of Fargo 467.50 .. t.k'Wk [. O a 1 9 7 5 3 E W so ^S^kaV1 mure man, received a large shipment a an 1 9 8 8 4 0 0 on be is a a id to BSy. ,v.,.^,_4 170.47 ^P^nt of talftad to JVeahw^ter^.-^,^ 189.41 received by any dealer to the state. DeGroat 173.18 In'buyiilg direct from the manofactur- purpose CHILDREN ATTENDING NEW hind each resolution Is the desire to WjARp SCHOOL VOTE ON NAME elect United States senators by direct ,3 FOR IT. vote of the people. Some time ago the children attend- Inasmuch as there are only forty ing the new ward school were given six states the action of the thirty an opportunity to vote on the name legislatures brings up to the verge of it should bear. The ballots were open- the requisite two-thirds, and if, as the 114 111 3 5 2 2 Ttsx v'H. •?«». Feeble words are in^dequate to prth perly, express the feelings of- tlie at torney, and we have not been inform ed "Whethei he loaned the Indian the 15c or not 400 NEW IRON BEDS AN ENORMOUS NEW STOCK" OF ia able Bergen 140.70 Mr. Gilbertson will probably.start IftKM the practically unknown fact that thirty legislatures have already, by resolutions formally adopted, peti tioned congress to call a constitution al convention. The moving spirit be- in December, it is evident that the question of assembling a constitu tional convention must, soon receive serious considerations. Two import ant questions are involved in the situ ation. The first is whether there is a time limit upon the period in which 2 the legislature can act No such limitation is imposed by the consti tution, and it will unquestionably be insisted by the advocates of the sys tem Of popular election of senators that when a legislature has spoken, lta action cannot be questioned until it has been rescinded. In the case now under discussion, no legislature has yet revoked its previous affirma tive resolution. The record is clear and Unlmpeached. The opponents of the new scheme iinay point to the fact that the first resolution was adopted by the| Idaho legislature in 1896, but it is also true that there is nothing in the constitution to out law this action. INDIAN PA88ES HIM A LARGE 8IZ E E O N "JL good Joke. is out one ia Our local .attorneys. A few days ago as he was seated at his supper table he received a telephone message to the effect that, a /certain Indiana against whqin he ha£ for coUectlon a note, i«w, uh xeaenu *2 lV to save the jobbers' profit w-hol68^e 116.35 at furniture store In oonnec- S&92 ^on with his retail business, in fact arrangement are being made by which §4.94 anangempnt are bidng made by which 1J8.11 era of this part of the state most of theJr,atfck' a' wholesale furniture of the tJnited States, Which has hlth ,u.v» erto been regarded a« a dlfftant lf oofc fact Is ^tat 254.36 hand that the altuation vrafraal^ There also seems to be somie uncer- talnty whether the convention, when it assembles, c^jrestxictJitsStt. to^the* consideration of the one proposition which Inspired its origin, the best constitutional authorities agree that any SMd all subjects' may' Be 'laid ''shall call a convention for prcqoslng Uquor law, tbe federal regulation of thl^OTefs7^oL.rt°S7^A™«Ph^ trusts, and every other phase of legls- fen better opportunity to acquire rertrtcted to once hMteaed down to the, etty^ a gtrict comtnicthm of the constltn- .HH fand took the Indian to his office where ammaon. he figured up what the note and'inier» est amounted to, a matter of some, t&0^ and told the red man what lt was. The debtor pulled some papers out of bis pocket and be|»n looking through them," and at last'Informed the attor ney that he had lost a grain check he had for something like $26.00 aad that he only had 10c, and asked the attor ney if he would loan ftim 16c more .so. that he oould'. get his supper. 4-^ proposing amend- tloa ments to pur' national charter. Thej It Is beyond the mind of to recordB of the United States disclose prophesy what will be done with the constitution the moment that its mantle of inviolability is laid aside. Vv mented tbe amendments." The' plural jlastlc PoUcy toward the conservation of the phrase makes It certain that,of PuWic rescnuces. Having progress the score or more of subjects whldij^ 80 hqve been suggested as topics, a con- °®®e» ®®d being, moreover, a shrewd stitutional amendment will be offered for consideration. The federal mar riage and divorce law, the federal W The Snaps ^ooocmyfecooocoocQeeee •. -.: You Snap JOOaooooooooooooo^^ Those you have already snap ped and those you intend to snap'," should have expert treatement if you desire tbe best negatives that ^can be made from them. 11? vl ^r £r PER YEAR. It is this fact which gives a profound and almost anxious significance to a at the constitution itself the congress of the United States may soon be com pelled to call a constitutional con vention.—Grand Forks Times. BALLINGER'8 CHANCE. The government has spent five Or six years in the prosecution of land rfrauds, the investigation of timber thefts and unlawful fencing of the public domain. And with what results? There was the case of Senator War ren, the "cattle king" of Wyoming. A survey of the land he had run his wire fences around disclosed that hundreds upon hundreds of acres had been gob bled up without the payment of' one single solitary cent to the United State treasury. Ethan Allen Hitch cock put the case up to the depart ment of justice. An opinion handed down by one Purdy, was to the effect that no crime had been committed since the fences all had gates. The fenceB came down shortly after. The name of Land Commissioner Richards became involved In deals In the Big Horn basin. He was permitted to re sign. The Union Pacific coal seizures, land obtained, it was charged, by the employment of dummy entrymen were forgiven after the return of a small fraction of the property. An indict ment has been brought against Govern nor Haskell for alleged thefts of lots in Jluskogee, belonging to the Creek Indians. The case has been pending many months. The prosecutions of timber thleraft in Golorado have not materialised, thoufeh the ietrs about them came out two yeans ago. Secretary Ballinger has been act! Utt sBeteff se^ms off'the forest beffeffgH^loonv!|ntion.: -The constitu-i Mmsaf. «1WI whan I bringing ttie reclamation Bervice tur^ of twO*tWrd« oif sti^ Bhall f^^ ^1111^^ of the law.» tuiea of have made petitton, the Tfts presldent himself, has compH- secretary upon his enthus- far in the reformation of his and aUe lawyer, is he not fitted, above all others, to make these cases of land thefts' stick, catch the real principals beMna tte dummy entoymenr Few We wa. •m»aw.e th. 1 Reasombli s-,% We do deoelopmg 'i and printing 4 and giiaraatee diebeslr possible for anybody to do. Send your films by mul if you camkot Ining &«do. W an MS: SK-Tt