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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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I 1-4^,'v, *\!c -s wii v.^ "-c /. 4) V* 1 IW&. «?*5S St&W Pure in the ILOCAL NEWS GK Bail was down from Penn Friday. .• .. .... Chaa. Garske was here from Garske Friday. W. P. Atkins wa^hi "Friday. *. Mrs. Geo. Scheffee Glenbura. Cando Jay Miller visited at Larimore over Sunday. 0Z Is MAWw viBiting at J. A. Mclntyre was here from Wol ford Friday.' TOm» Waterstrat is visiting at Crook- ston, Minn. ,r Vm. Murphy of Loka was in Devils Lake Monday. xv' Eev. Meisel was in this city from Garske Saturday. ', Mrs Clarence Fulton watrhere. from Bartlett Saturday. 4V %v D. Teffany and wife were h$rq from Lakota Saturday. was down trom W. Kennedy Starkweather Saturday. Albert Jaqua was a visitor i^tt^ city from Tokio Monday. .... Paul Vornholt was herefrom York last ,week greeting old friends. Harry Rail returned Friday from a few weeks' /visit' in Minnesota. -. C. Smeallie, of Tokio, was a bust ness visitor Jn this city Monday.. JohnJoiiejrwas a business visiter in thls city from Webster Saturday. Miss GftostJ $llar'has been visiting at' Mlchigan-City for a few days#£.v-c Dr. H'. J. Harn%ss has been enjoying a visit' from Site mother, from Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reslerwere ,doyn from. Starkweather Saturday.^ The Devil^Lak% orchestra/witf play for- a dance at Tokio tomorrow everiv 1 ing. .......... "v'vv T. W. MagiU, of Chicaii&f/ Devils Lake the latter partoof last '.'••VI week" "v daue^BV tWfbdhi to Mi1. loat and Mis. A, M. Bond Thursday of Jaat W6efc ft Tom Brophyhaa-accepted a position r«t Hock stake to which, iplape rhe went 'last Tuesday, Mrs. D. R. Chase ai)& :4rfir,OiiiiMy werb in Devils Lake between.trains j- MOUdfty* iwf c" w- nwTis'- i^iixtr ii jJ. W. Brookaf, of Brumbou^C W'ifi thisyrfty the latter part of last week on business. nv« 4^ Sheriff TaUey, of Benson "Bounty, v«f Tjras 'b^lness visitor in tfiis city T"Saturday| fcl f' 1 Fen&Mu ^ho hto isen? in-Efouth I '©a^ota for a time, returned" to this rt'.f city last week. James' Taylor, who has been work lng near Tokio,, returned to Devils I Lake Saturday.^ r'pi __ f^ ter part of last week. $t iwS'S'sSvMi Mrs. Walter gmlth, of Faribault, Ainn., has been ,a guest in thjs^dty it *5 for a few days. ^'flNpan MoKenaie "fras up frbm Grand Forks on a hUntihg expedition the lat- Edward Bellly, of Port Totted? was in Devils Lake last week on hyalness Mtil the Qreat Northe Mu^taln went to Bismarck Saturday W reglster:at vplace lSi Ndrthern'here.. S&9K drawing,. Mr, and Mrs., Thomas Gill are arBls hee packing preparatory to moving to Dan*-.K»Uy?rfitu^ne4' lwne from ,v ha, Mon^i,'Js»t w$ek, where^h^ been Rooking 'after- his larming inter- Mt^^ J. '^^"-'feutfdertotf, -"of as ^"#f€M3t of Mr.^'aind^Mrs ?¥«d ew York. his business at this after oking tv^F. 6 Newcomb, of Oreat Palls, I^Con., %as in this city the first of thfe week looiring after "his farming interests. He was at one time agent-for 1reat Gram "\iot jias" Seen given Ihe 7conf iracttof building a, fine new .residence Ohas. BAch, on -Arnold avenue^ The jtoundatlon will ba ons^. First Lieut Harry Hinck of this City, Attended a meet of the State Rifle Jsoci'ation" held at Hiltstioro last jek^ and( was fortunate in winning the first prize, & gold cup. This Is quite an honor for" Mr. Hin?k as well Mo?. Co. whom he represents, n- -v _.••• THINGS FOR TH4NK8GIV- ING PARTIES. Always ^Uls^Ehe accessories of dress that the effectiveness of the whole and which every girl par 4,,|jtieulariy loves* to,be,properly equip pedNpIth. Fashions in these things change as regularly, perhaps a little faster than, the styleBin dresses them selves. 1 'r /Velvet bands ar§ fashionable ,in" the neck with evening dress or slightly open necks. A jeweled ornament of pearls or brilliants is slipped over the ribbon to ^decorate the front .' A Simi lar style of jewelry appearsr on the combs which are used with low caif fures. Large hair-pins are designed for the sides of the chignon and a comb is worn above it. Barrettfis are worn in the front of the hair ^hen it is dressed in the pretty parted (Style which is now the fashion. Ssv'As: fo/ the footwear, silk stockings ar^ embroidered in the priettiest and most elaborate styles. The slippers dre beautifully ornamented with, em broidery, beads and buttons."—The De signer for Novemer. .', or tw«i^r-yazds behind. On looking around to see if .^jnilth was cb'mingf he ,.3?as' horrlfiedl^^ see hiin straggling' the wate^ in a drowning condition. Jones. once taade, for hlistttendand wi)£ great difflculhr majQa^a,^o get him l&'shore. fie«toratiVea were at once appl^ii and fiTIa shoit tinitli 'Siniifi'' regaiip^d': con 'Bcjbnunes^,'! when- hla. companiini: said 1»^hinw ^on.)?^ fiUe, you you cud trmm Uke a.'dnckr /'V p'ne IUara&\. "Ai harah criticism no*t aa I kn&w tor a exiMmsivet s- f"* ?^1 ^b^Supti W. A. Qodward and* Prof, L. fa. I mwrt say IT. mounting np.—Baltlmnw Aintricw. YOU EARN $100°° PERMOI »**s£f -II It you Earn Liess We/emPQUBLByopr.Salw"*or^Ineom#' 5 i* Many o! our students I ,are earning %his and more. I One young man was earn ing $f$0per mgnth before he took a course/ with us., We. pl^ced him uv a posi« don and he is now making $15Qft per year. Several of ^tQgtjjwng. ladies.areearn'' in| $7S per month im^ up' ^fnncd.ui| you are interested send lor our free catalo#, And we wiH stew you for me students who we earn' tng SfOO per month ana wtt tell you how yoU '^mwthe same.' ,/jfi Union Commeiviil .CeOe^ KixTT. .-Wiks: 8&i_ 'SCHOOL THAT1 PLACES ITS STUDEHT$H§ 6000 OU,may ii 0 1 A 8oot*s Lament. There was a canny Scotsman who had three sons, of whom he was very proud—one a lawyer, one a doctor and one a minister. He was telling an old' crony about it one day. He said, "If I had kndwn that 1 was to' be the father of three such fine boyri^-a doc tor, a lawyer and a minister—I'd never have had Jennie McCosh for a wife." 8wimming Llk* a Duek.^ Two English farm laboreria, Jones, and, .Smith, spent a day on 4 beach. Dortng the ddy Joo^i suggested dip in the briny isind, c^a .asking Smltk If he'could swim, thaf ^orthy said, "Yes, U^c( .a dTick." Th^ both entered the water.and J^^ hwedlately-struck outand%bon left'BW v:timphnlonflfteen at," saJd^an.S^igllsb critic, "was citn|«ct^' Tind neatty utUred by a bishop ^A^fttmi^^^t^to.a commenfciicy on the 1 ^mentations of Jeremiah': and ww go HUUiflmuiiiniii.. muf Foolscap Pupor. Doabtless many boys and girls who have had occasion to write upon fools cap at school have wondered why this quality of paper ,4s thus called. The watermark gives the .explanation, and a ^vatejrmark. as every ,one knows, is the maker's trademark. 'Visible ih the papa when a~ sheet 1b held up to the light. The watermark of foolscap is, supposed to be 'figure of Britannia supporting a cap of liberty on a pole.1 to -a dancers cap led |i the eommon uie^ the '£aiM \pto^ th« hH^ at paper now bean.—Chicago Mews. vxe critical words, ^W^Wlfn?nr- mus that 1 »Amrzp re" thli ^i^iiatnel^ tbat Jeremiah 1s not living now to compose 1 fveeh book of lamentatioaa on your The FaclSo Mcinthly or iPortiahd, t)re gon„ la a beauOfully, lUuStrated monthly magazine.. It you 'are Interested datryingr, ttnit jnalBlngr, -iotilt*y:'raiaing,in iSSBSSS The {nicer &) fjL 50:a:?ea».i' •iemMM&mta, vn& you BO that you may become acquainted With it Bead the. folowing splendid oX-' fers: Mar *0.1^—McClure's Magaalne, Wo? man's Home/Compimion and the Paci no MottthTy cosUng »4.B0, will be sent at a Bpeclal rate of $1.00. WXaxJKo.:- fcrMcClure'a view of Reviews and The Paclflo Offer '*o.S^HunJajT Lif^iSoiii ^Eoxn^s and the Pacific Monthly sent: f(^r 12.00. Order by number and« ccompanled by PoattTi Be amount to The' PaoW m,. tland, Oregoii Web/tiiVim a ismow youroWer iy order.- lor Monthly, tvf/ FLOUR ASTHEiilLY ''2V- is^ the guarantee we make regarding Dakota fiour. There is absolutely doth-, 'ing In it butf tfte dean, selected "ker nels, of the ,be^t„ ^hj?«t grown.-vl It costs Itpore to mato.. Hi OTHER FLOUB,'* wr'iall It4 i&'the same prlc||:jjMi who have tried! it say they wouldn't ox^linaryladur in wde^bat everyone iM«t}|Itetter may afford the best. sack and.see how good it t» withoii#^ tor. an/monvX l|| at Home fanm^sMill & Clev. idwreu.iMdrtMi. z* fz,u :iHi- 11 1 "u. tr as:faras you like^but wlierevff place lijie" home and you'll find there are no clothes like kinds of. wagon, and buggy, repairing -y p- rk/i j- aj'tfrV .9m BUYING You don't have to take, our word for these things iwUg Investigate for your self the way the Mon arch is built Let us show you how the Malleable Iron an heavy steel plates are rivited gether, making air-tight joints without the t.j 'I la Oflwt 1 O'BRIENBROS Devils Lake,^ M. H. Mandy has recently put In a in connection with 'Ids blacksmith petent wood worker and all woi U». ot wood Work "xP. rttt mbter materials', iind( prepared to do aU «r«»- ™s department is to chaise Jim Malleable Rang«e! It Pays for a Monarch Raage is like investing a little n^me3r§t *ue splendid interest uat it n»ays back tHe iwrindp^ in a year or so, aud then for unlimited years brings a returh of fnmi 25 to SO' per'Cent A Monarch requircs but little nsore than one-balf die fuel burned up by a "steel range" of the common type^. ^Moreover, it does, away with the^usual repair bills—saves much time-' eliminates the hard part of ldtehen work— and in adddition does it's work so WELL that it satisfies as no otherjean. Use PUTTY. See tbe brightly polished top and body, which will retain their fine appearance forever without the use ofj stove blacking. Also notice the duplex draft and other exclu sive features. These things PROVE our of STOYE N NoHatfa£ "T" importafioniu'e in the pijjk^of condition^ a. 1 urgess&LuIqrn 1 V- I O 1 -a-- Hart ochairner & Marx clothes and no better place to buy them than righkhere. Our selec tions from .this great line have been made with special reference to our own particular trade You may think nobody can pick out clothes to suit you but when you come to look at these you'll see that we have most successfully anticipated your exact needs and .wishes. ••... See the new patterns in grays and blues for suits the new weaves in overcoats, top coats, rain coats the smart new models for young men. Suits $20 to $45. Overcoats $16.50 to $60 This store iB Punier, .a tiwrouc^ily com- either the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes & SONS H." iv# or Mr gnTm 81B V6 127. t«aeplioi Steel Ranges built in the cdiuoy are wasteful- -extra vagant They are not made in the right way noi even of the right kind of material. It is noi wise to buy one, nor even to continue using one, though you may have had it only a fe&j years. Ifs seams have already opened upf the stove bolts worked loose, the putty h& fallen out said these "air leaks" into the flues and frebox cause a waste of fuel every yeas equal to a large part of the cost of a Monarc^. years' experience in the Tange tiasacqumpted with all ranges and we klfcw Uiat the is tne one and 01 justify t^e abcrye Percheron, Bdgian and SWre ^ffions N0f|TA DAKOTA, REAR OF MILWAUKEE DEPOt impossible to find In any barn in America. We spare neither tone or expense to Joy the very best that are raised inlPrar ana Belgium,-1We strongly advice FaraerMnd our Friends to avoid these auction sales, Wwa-e a lot of mnAatsnee Stalbc Lehigh price of horsee can you affordto be withTOtaStallioninj will save all mkiffiieirain's' fairand re PROFITS AND QUICK SMALL ^v--%*'ut 4 A Personal Ward to Intend* Ing Range Buyers |J. In ranges as well as other Hues, we aim to baoidle tie best to be had. Oar business ukes of and we kafcw Uiat tbe Monarch is/tne one and only .range that could class draft Stallions it and be able to bay from the ow Fall, $tta Hotdi ^esa, VMW -r