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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS Th« only balungpowder trom Sundayed" at Grand J. R. Kollar Fprks.1 S.C.Ellsbury oisMunich Was jfn the city Monday. Mads Mlkkelson was In Wx Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes Finest, Purest Food Absolutely from De Jroat Saturday. T. Thorson was at Bartlett on busl aess Saturday. Pete Leeper has accepted, a position 1th B. J. *r. I Julius Sandlie, Ness. of Lakota, was in c}ty Sunday. Potter was here jregther Saturday. from Stark- ReTi W, D. Rees of Fort Totten was the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rustad have been Isiting at Noonan. W. J. DuBois, of Hansboro jras in le city Wednesday. MrSi J. F. Henry is visiting friends at Michigan this week. ?. U. S. Burdick, of Munich, was in this |ty on business Saturday* •/. Frank C. Louden, of Starkweather, gas in the city Wednesday. Select a pair of new fall shoes from mmm ie great stock of the New York Caslr ggltg- this st^on ^rhep- ytm s. S J. A. Mlnklerof theFirat Nattonal bank of York, was in the city. P. J, McGlory attended business mat ters at Rugby this week'.') Prof. Bach of the Knox city schools was in the city Tuesday. ... A baby.- boy waB born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur- Hunter Friday. &d. Billot' of starkweather was in the city Monday between trains. Robert Wilinott returned Friday from a business' ttip to Chicago. Mike Flannlgan,of Minot, was a business visitor in this city over Sun day. A line assortment of ladles' fine ftira are on sale at .the NewYort Cash Store. A. W Cogswell was at Minot last week acting, as a Juror in the U.18. court •(••••'.• M-i J. A. Shannon ires a business visitor in the western flar^ of the state, last 'week. You will know why the New York Cash Store has sold to date double the number of winter .coats and street quality, Btyle and price. mxtsatite J.* *5 •.iiri'T ij] U.? 1*. Anderson returned Monday from Barnesville where he has been looking after business interests. Special values in ladies' shirtwaists at th®i-Oetofeer sale at the New York Cash Mr. and -MwV^bsf beniiS^ Rogers and Ted Eifaldt went to Aberdeen, So. Dak., the first of the week to register for the big land ^WMMSBS-MiSiSS Tom Burke, of Minnewaukan, was a business, visitor f. in this city Sun day. Dr. Ralson.oMiarlmore, was a guest of fir. C. J. WtcGurren in this city Mon day. C. W. Moran went to Lakota Tues day, where he attended- to business matters. Sheriff and' Mrs. Wm. Belford and Mrs. Chiostri visited the Belford farm. S a a Teder Sorenson of Webster, was in the city Tuesday attending to business matters. .'A! large shipment of ladles' coats has arrived rkt ,K L. Hasse was a business visitor in this city from Churchs Ferfy Friday/ A B. HalHnson of Flnley, N. D., was a 'visitor in "the oity Wednesday. the New York Cash Store. John Young of Graham's Island, was In the city Tuesday attending to busi ness matters.' Henry Medelman of Crary was the city this week attending to busi ness matters. The best values ,in men's and boys suits are offered at the N§w York Cash Store. Miss M^ude Sprague has resumed her studies at the state university at Grand Forks. Mike Cowley left Tuesday for Min^ neapolis where he will attend to busi ness matters. 1 Siver Serumgard left. Wednesday for-Minneapolis where he will visit for a\few days. v''r. 1 .• *. -y/ Milton Webster, of Webster, came In Monday and will attend the Central sphool this winter. ••..•Mrs. "C. Q. Connql^ entertained the ladi^B of the Presbyteriain church^ on Tuesday afternoon,. C. E. Burgess is faking a trip down the Aneta line in hi^ machine to in is el at W ffot only, save taoney on boys! and children's clothing, when you buy. at the New York 'Casfr Sfcpre you get-the 'best made goods ioitlie ^nlted^States^ ag recognize we superior qu 0m X"' kind that has built up the enormous clothing, trade at The New York Cash Store. The most critical judges IS M^lar ^U^omers. Our clothing d^iartme^ strongest departments in this progressive m-m- Eddie Larson has accepted a 'posi tion with the Stevens Grain company.. Miss Anna.- Wernett, of Lakota, was a Devils, Lake visitor Sunday. -V Judge W. 'F. Orr visited at his farm hear (Jrary the first of the week. John W. Mahei .win make farm loans that you can pay off any Inter* est .itayment date. The great values offered In chil dren's .winter coats will surprise you. The New York Cash Store. W E. Turner, of the Great Northern yard office, is spending1 the week visit ing frlendsat Larimore. Marland Hurst left Tuesday: after noon for Crookston, where he will vis it friends for a few days. Mr. and ^Irs. M. Miller of Crary, came up Tuesday in their aiito and spent the day in the city. C. R. Kavanaugh has gone to Mur dock, Minn., where he has accepted a position with the Great Northern. Cut oul the doctors bills and buy good" underwear at the annual Under wear said'at the New York Cash Store. The First National Bank of Devils N. D., loans money on Real Estate at a very low rate of Interest. You can pay your loan at any time with us. All the new style dress goods and silks are selling at very low prices during the October sale at the New York Cash-Store. Supt. W: A. Godward was In Fargo Tuesday attending a meeting of a number of prominent educators of the state* W. C. Nelson, of the local G. N. shops, left Monday for San Francisco, where he' will accept a similar posi tion. Ed. Hintgen who has been employed by the Great Northern shops, will leave for Canada where he wil take up' a'claim. The Gordon bat is renowned for qualities, style and price. The New York Cash, ^tore shows the new fall s*yieB. Mrs. Lewis, niece of the late Mrs. George Qixon of this city, leaves for her home in Montana on Saturday morning. Sielect your fall' coat or «treet suit at the New ifork Cash Store. --•b i': ored Right Clothing Men'I, Young Men's and Boys'clothing of exceptional style and quality are the Men's and Boy's high grade Suits from 1 V, u*. mm Frank H. Hyland, Devils LaaKe, for successful sales. Mr. Williatn Falger left for Cando Tuesday where he attended to mat ters in probate court in that city and returned home Wednesday. Irvin Thompson of the Ramsey Drug Co., left last evening for Thomp son, N. D., where he will spend the week visiting with his pareiits. Bishop Mann of the Episcopal church was in this city Friday morn ing attending a meeting with the Ves try of the Church of the Advent Farm Loans. Money on hand on favorable terms, lowest rates. E. J. Chambeiiln. Wm, Mackenroth, chief boiler in spector of the Minot division, was in the- city Monday looking after business for the Great Northern. Ed. DeMars of Grand Haarbor, was in the city Tuesday closing lip a land deal in which he sold a valuable quar ter of land near Edmore. Walter Pattee, of California, has been a guest at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pattee, in this city for several days past. Mr. J. W. Richter, of Sheyenne, was In the city Wednesday attending a meeting of the directors of the Chau tauqua association of which he is a member. Miss Minnie Shannon who has been visiting in the city for the past few days, left Tuesday for Milbank, N. D., where she will accept a position as li brarian. Lewis Bachman, who is captain of the Larimore High school foot ball team, was in the city Tuesday arrang ing for a game with the local high school. Sheriff Belford went to Minot Wed nesday morning with a Warrant for the arrest of a barber who was former ly employed in this city, who is want ed for deserting his wife. j. R. Kollar has resigned.his posi tion of agent for the Minneapolis and Northern elevator company. Mr. Kol lar will engage. in thp 'auto business With McNughton and Wilmott I want to conduct every auction sale in this part of the country thla fall. Parties send for me hundreds of miles awfey and have very successful sales. Frank H. Hyland, Devils Lake. During our October Clothing Sale we offer you ex ceptional values in Men's and Boy's Overcoats from 150 pairs of -Men's high grade Trousers worth from,.$4.00 to $4.50 your choice at W6 Offer great values in Men's Fur Lined and Fur Collared Overcoats made thte fa- (OH 4a jnons Gordon way vfaU IU OnsMe^|furnishing such as Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Hosiery, and Underwear lowe^ prices and better values. *•55 *iMT .... $ Wheft Ycw^irradfriiWith 'W $4.95 to $27 JO .48 fl i- Jphn W. Mahe$ will make fern* loans that you can pay off any Inter est payment date. John Kolas and. family 'arrived in the city this week and will make thefr home here fpr some time. Mi*. Kolas has charge of the interior decorating of the new government building. Miss Lulu Boynton, of Minneapolis, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W» C. Fosberg 0f this place. Miss Boyn ton has just returned from an extend ed concert trip through the west. Take no chances. Get Frank H. Hyland to conduct your auction sales. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Brennan return ed home' from Minneapolis, Tuesday on number 3. While there Mr. Bren nan bought the mill work for his large new brick house which he is building on East Sixth street. The marriage of Miss Emma Han sen and George Brooks took place Tuesday morning at St. Joseph's church, Father Augustine officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will make their home In Grand Forks. X5©OOCXX©OCCO©CXCCC©C©C©CCOO! Mooers Agency ..INSURANCES. Insurance Bonds. Installment Loans Geo. W. Mooers Bangs Blk. F. P. Graham of Stevens township sold his farm this week and will leave shortly for Oklahoma. Mr. Graham had a fine farm and leaves North Da kota on account of his wife's health, which has been poorly for some time. Quaker Oats is the perfectly balanced human food Cklu lor rear labiate Mm TAILORED RIGHT GLOTIM ALWAYS '1 ,4 I -i j. f-I -v.t r-M !''Mj'*• Til,! *, Vti,, S fc*" ^v r1 A. *\X