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& '-J'KV I 'l, W4t% c4c SwB)S^ivSB?5Sl5RBSSSCl!!ROpS Professional Cards FLYNN|& TRAYNOR LAWYERS Attorneys and Counaellora at Law. Practice in all courts. State and Federal Edward F. Fl,ynn Specialty, Titles. Corporaton and Commercial Law Fred J. Traynob Litigated Cases Probate Practice. Office over 1st Natl Bk. Devils Lake, N. D. Burke, Middangh & Cuthbert LAWYERS Practice in State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office in Locke-Gram Block Phone 34 Devils Lake Dr. EINAR ONSUM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Graduate Christiana University, Norway Office and residence over Bell's Drug Store Phone 234 Devils Lake Dr. C. J. McGURREN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to diseases of the ear, eye nose and throat and the fitting of glasses. Office in Locke^ram Blade Phone 240 Devils Lake DB. W. P. SIHLER DR. O. J. MCINTOSH Drs. SIHLER & McINTOSH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 'Special Nurse: MissS. E. Bray Office in Mann Block Phone 157 Devils Lake Dr. W. D. JONES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bang Block Phones: Office 2 Residence 117 Devils Lake Dr. CLINTON SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bans Block Phones: Office 148 Residence 186! Devils Lake. Dr. A. T.HORSMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Red Cross Drug State Phone 21 Devils Lake Dr.W.T.FLYNN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Brennan Block Phone 100 Devils Lake Dr. MAUDE R. WILLIAMS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office opposite New CathoIic Chorch Phone 180 ... Devils Lake Drs. EKERN & MARSDEN SPECIALISTS Eye, Ear. Nose and rhroat Plathy Building Grand ForkB North Dakota Dr. W. C. FOLLETT DENTIST Office: 2nd Floor. Locke-Gram BJock Phone 863 Devils Xjake Dr. WILLIAM K. MOgLLER DENTIST Office in Bang Block Phone 86 Devils Lake Dr. H. G. ROMIG DENTIST MONEY FOR FARM LOANS.. PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN We have an unlimited amount of money for farm loans, and will make jrour loans at a low rate of interest. Principal and interest payable at First National Bank, Devils Lake, N. D. We give you any one of the following plans: A straight five or ten year loan. A loan payable on or before five years. You may pay tne full amount at any time you desire to do so. A loan upon which you may pay any part, or all, of the principal at any time and stop interest on the amount you pay. See as before placing your loans. It will pay you to do so., WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Devils Lake, North Dak. Suite 6 and 7, Mann Block Office hoarse 9 to 12 1 to 5: Devils Lake Phcme 214 Dr. W. E. HOCKING DENTIST Office in Bang Block DerSa Lake Phone £32 't 7i MISS MART E. NORTON TEACHER Or PIANO, ORGAN, VIOLIN. THEORY OF MUSIC AND HARMONY Studio 616 E. Sixth Street Devils Lake Nowis f. ^wVrV* Masculine Opinion. His Wife—1 ordered a bathing suit yesterday and it has just arrived. Do you want to see it? Her Husband—No, I guess not If it is anything like the one you bad last season there isn't much to see.—St Louis Republic. Approval. "What do you think of my musical program?" asks the hostess. "Well," answered Mr. Cumrox, look ing over the tops of his must say it sounds better reads."—Washington Star. Without End. "Your vacation will begin thirty days from date." "Thank you. And when will it end?" "So far as this institution is con cerned, it is to be endless."—New Or» leans Times-Democrat How Ha Did H. 1 beep DnBty Dawson—I've saved er uv munny in de past ten yeers. Ragged Rawlins—How did yer do Itl Dusty Dawson—By not spendin' It fer soap.—Chicago News. His Experience. Suffragette-'We believe that a wom an should get a man's wages. Married Man—Well, judging from my own experience, she does.—Boston Transcript Da Beega Head Men. Da 'Mericana man he com" for shave free tirrva a waa It He want HoittfwoeU torbaoB J***. H« say rnt fnnii ^pclr, He wantone. two, freopat on Treat. bees heada feel so bad. An' teepa me fl' oen' eacb time, for doo eet I am glad. Wat for hee* heada faal so toed he inel Bet feel so vera bMg, h« iaj£ beefc: book keep' no oan sea. Be Ilka gat beer head-massage* den go for Work agen. Be teepa me ff cen', I like tat, shava beeg bead men! I know mooch playnta dagoman wfao cqm' for shave, but den Der. no want beega head massage Hke Kerlcana men. Don* see' Wat mak* sseefc bead so mooch Must be som' awfla strain. Maybe, porhap" da dagomen no gat S9 beega brain. —Joe Cone In Boston Herald. Catalog 044 shows how cheap can bqjr any Gtan, ivtdverjanntiog 8PORTINC AND ATHLETIC CQOD8 House in the World. Ziverytliingfor TBVlnter sports: Basket Ball, Foot Ball, Skates, Boxing Gloves,PimohlngBags, Kodaks, Mash Lights, Bicycles. Talking Machines, Thermos Bottles, Safety Baam. WWTE TWAT FOR CATALOG HO. 944. Se/wmfalCZtiMtix KANSAS CITY, MO. SMP For best results and 55- if CARGILL COMMISSION COMPANY MinneapojUs and Dahth Stevens Grain and Fuel Co. (Soeeeaaarato Winter &Ames) COAL You can save money as we are making special prices 4VM —J*- jr*r *••••. on August delivery of Hard Coal Prepared to take care of^your CsJliiT* -•S£°V M'iv'..' 1 •w fi #*#*a Rsmc ScrapBook A Sensitive-Soul. A poor foreign musiciau was: doggedly wrestling with his trombone outside an English village inn. vHe knew that ''The Lost Chord" was 'somewhere in that instrument,. but" the latter seemed loath to part with it At length the landlord appeared at the dook The poor musician bowed "THE LOST CHOBD WAS SOMEWHERE. and. doffing his cap, said. "Musig hath jarmB." and smiled. than The innkeeper smiled also, and kindly. "Well, not al ways," he said, "but try that tun? outside, that red brick house and give yon sixpence." "TOP VOS BIGHT," HKBA1D SLOWLY. rii Three minutes later the trombonlBt was back again, mud bepattered and forlorn. "You vos right," he said slowly and sadly. "Musig hatli Jarms not always —no. A mad vellow out ov dat house came, and me mlt a brigg he knocked down—yes. He not like that tune, no, nor And he rubbed the back of his a "1 thought be wouldn't," said the landlord. "He's just done a month's hard labor for stealing a clothesline from a back garden." Ambition. "The narrow vale Is not for maT' Cried one .oSame with youth's 'fl fires. i' "Til climb a mountain, peak and Bee The world and all my heart desiresr* 'Twas loner and hard On bended knee He reached the topi:. What mournful cry! He oould not see—' Age dlmmoa hla eyet-" -^Heart, Xhrpb^'. In NfUonal MaSasine. Particular About tK« Plates. A Washingtonian who has lived at ,lutels and- restaurants nearly gall his Me aa^l wj$o"^ n^taUy absfedtminfled,, especially wlheh fcttwtrboft Id tritrlri^ about a subject that Interests tiim, went out to dinner,- tha. ^th^r higbt,, He had plunged idto a dlscussion. W fore dinner acd was continuing it anl at jr soup courses. Wben'~tbe' fish pi were, placed on the tabteuhe followed the usual custom of tbel nian ,w{u Vv& at hotels and wiped the piate off with hia napkin Instantly a butler re moved K' and placed anocber. A Deep in his discussion, the guest wiped that ona with Jtia napkin, and the butler repBceed *"p pened a third time, anatib«tJ3i6 hbst^ 1 ess said: "Please do not do that any 1 Boots, Decoys, Shells, It's next host to seeing our store—the largest more. I assure you the pUttes are per fectly clean, and, besides, I liave! no, more of that pattern.M—8aturday Even ing Post .. An Ignorant 8AI«snian. /. An -uncouth looking and overdressed young man entered a drug store and said: fcfe/v.' 1 "Gimme a brushr' «'t' -i-'- 1 "Very good, sir," said the polite as sistant "What kind- of a brusl^-a toothbrush?' "Toothbnish! Nawr snarled the, young man. "What would I want a toothbrush fur? Do yjB think I've got hair on my teeth?" fel A Very Common Crime. A certain judge who bad got into the way of using a regular form of ex pression when Imposing sentences, «ays Arthur Train in '^Fhe Prisoner at the Bar," was sentencing a. man for the crime of stealing ship's anchor, which he had carried -away in a dray drawn by six horses. The Judge, who could not escape from his regular formula^ pronounced sentence In ithese ter^f: "Yon have pleaded gullty to tha cnnie of stealing a ship's anchor.** Th«s, raising his voice, he cbnttnoed v^h perfect so lemnity: "The crime of stealing asides anchor is becooding entirely t66^HE^a lent I sentence you to three yeara jand a half in prison." -OE, Don't Stay Down. »j&nd if yon, f^lj, wfiy/ rise again. jjGfet up-aifitd go oh. Yo$ «ay be sorely bruised and soiled wit&your fall, but is that any reason fo^ i^ing still and giving up the strug&0|: cowardly!-^ Charles Kingsley. W & Unproteenn^" ,, A little girl was grainy, interea$|d to watching the men inJ»r grandfath er's orchard putting ^ffends of tar around the fruit freehand asked a ffreat many questions!-' Some weeks later, when in the city .with her moth er, she noticed a gentleman with a mourning band around'Id* left sleeve. "Mamma-" she askeft fwhafs io I- rf Almost a Disturbance The talUindivldual with the frayed newspaper in his hand approached the pudgy little man In the wilted collar. "My friend, you look intelligent Tell me which is correct—flee or fly?" The little man mopped off the per spiration and glared pitchforks. "Aw, go on! What do you "think I know about fleas .and flies? Go to some nafr ural history museum, beau."' J. "Pardon me, but you do not under stand., I said flee or fly." "I know what you said. Do you think I am an insect factory?" "No, no. my friend! I"— •«Then what do you want to ask me about fleas and flies for?" "I only thought that you could en lighten me. You have an intelligent face and"— "An intelligent face? And that's the reason I look like I study bugs, ehl On your way before I bat you on the beak." And then the pudgy little man mop ped his collar and wondered whether the tall chap was a iubatic.—Chicago News. A Scotch Yarn. A newiy appointed Scottish minister, on his first Sunday of office, had rea son to complain of the poorness of the collection. "Mon." replied one of the elders, "they are close-»vera close. But"—confidentially—"the auld meen ister he put three or four saxpence into the plate hlssel', just to gie tbeni a st^rt. Of course, he took the sax pences awa' with him afterwards." The new. minister tried the same plan,' but the next Sunday he again had to report a dismal failure. The total col lection was not only small. But he was grieved to find that his own sixpences were missing. "Ye may be a better preacher than the auld meenlsterX' ex claimed the elder, "but if ye had half the knowledge o' the world, an' o* yer ain flock in particular, ye'd ha'e done what he did an' glued the sixpences to One Redeeming Feature. "They tell me the play hasn't one re deenilng feature/* "I wouldn't go so far as to say that' The Star was taken ill suddenly last night, and' the managemebt redeemed all the tickets that had been sold."— Cleevland Plain Dealer. The Returh Trip. Mr.. Flatfoot—Qod mawnin'i Miss SnowbalL Wter'is yof ail gwine dis mawnk»!5 wbar :dis November. sum awwnin', Mlstah Flatfobt Ah done bin: whar' Ah's gwine.—De troit News-Tribune. zroTica or a&scnov. y- Notice Is given that oni Friday, election will be' at U»e«Ity hMl held In the ehpritu^: 3akot« Issuing of "-Twenty-flve Thousiond Dollars war -Bsued by, the Devils Xiake• Special School'District of the city of :Devils Lake, Ramsey county. North. Dakota, and shall become payable November 16th, 1929. .iThe polls In the city or Devils Lake, Ramsey county, |Jortfi Pakota, for the purpose of voting on the Issuln- J"~ of pbnds in the ousand ($26,000.00) to pay outstanding rants, Said bonds to be: Issued fc wUl be open from* nine-'- o'clock a. m. until, four'o'clock^, mi of that day. By. order, of the Joard of education. Dated at Pevlls Lake, North Dakota, this 12th day of October, 1909. —C. E- BtireeSs, President of the Board ol' Educa tlon Devils Irakis Special School District •. rAttest: ~-01e 8kratiMS( CXeti^. (SEAL) BEDS »OS COAX*. Bids will be received up to -2 o'clock' p. m. Tuesday,' November 1, Gertminy, mm®.' Wm. Jttpk1 jker^B. 1909, by the board of county commissioners of Ramfeey coimty, North Dakota,- for the furnishing of two' hundred tons (more or less) of dry native lignite coal or one hundred tons (more, .or lest}) of Hocking Valley or Youghiogheny coal in car load lots, delivered in tne coal bin. at the rear of Rainsey county court. house In Devils Lake, North Dakota. All bids must be sealed, addressed to the undersigned and plainly tnarked "Bids for Coal." .' The board reserves -the' right to reject any or all bids. By order of the board of county comr missioners. —R. V. Bice, County Auditor. Dated at Devils Lake this 8th day of October, 1909. DR. J. C. ARNEBERC SpedalUt ln diseases of the eye. ear, noee and tnxpat, has after a yesx and sMialf of special •t•••••/' study and practice in the BOYAti HOSPITAL of Vienna, Anstiia, and in private clinics at Berlin. OFFICE: GRAND FO^kiB. M. D. V. CRAM CO«tR*CTOR AND-BUlLOER ESTIMATES FURHISH*^ ON AU. KINDS OF BUILOINa DEVIL8 LAKE, N. •j THE HOME INVESTMENT CO, •g Wehave houses for reja$£r s&le at reasonable prices. On sales he company's stock at, .par tan be applied o^ iH^sshas© price. Some ebojee residence lots for sale on siims tstrw 'gA* OLE SERUM6ARD Manager I 1 XeMkhcet— HANSWESTERGAARD Desires to'submit estimates 6n all'kinds'of m..r_ —i Cement and Tile Work and Fanc^ Flooring Shop on Farrington Avenue and 10th St Residence at 411 8th Street 4, if J-A ©evils take HJeat F. T. FOX, Prop. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete and com prises the best there is obtainable. We invite you to inspect the stock, as we are sure that we can meet the wants of the most fastidious. .' Among other things we have Toilet Soaps, (P) Tal cum Powders: In this We call Special attention to the fact that our powder is as'gbod as any on the market and we can sell you tltfee times as much for the money. Call and be convinced. ., Shavirig Sticks, Toilet Waters, Sponges, also rubber sponges, Turkish Bath Towels, Perfumes, Chamois Skins, Tooth Powder, paste and brushes,' Combs and Brushes, Hair Tonics, Cold~Creams and face lotions. Rubber bathuig caps^ gloves and all kinds of Rubber ^oods* ••.,»•. .» WWW. With the Same Fuel in Air-Tl^ht Stove Ung Ring, which is covered With: cement. The drum is riveted to the Anti-Buckling Ring and not the firepot. It is firmly held by bolts and cement, which becomes almost'as 5®fias*hei™n This Anti-Buckling Ring protects ^e arum, where the fire,is most intense, and it remains air-tight as long as the stove is used. In other stoves Qie drum is simply riveted to the top of the zSfP"**. warps and leaves an open space which kills the draft and peirmits the poisonous coal gras to escape into the room. .. T118,1'8 wby there is such a strong odor abotit some stoves, worse ^han unpleasant. It is dangerous. t-. All this is prevented by the Kpig Bee's construction. The KING BEE to toe stove for soft, coal, hard coal: or any kind of tueL It burns everything, the. gases, as w^ll as the solids, giving, you far more heat With the same amount of fiteL has an exposed firepot JlQWUU verrbest. which, with t®~5cim^ ^,tnalFea 'fc.a Perfect its beat and powerful heater, equal to^ if not stypaasi^g. I hard coal base heater made. C. P. BRAINARD COASiGN YOUR GRAIN TO 1 being exTOged. dutlasts a do*en en- CMed flrepots and gives ten-fold better results. jJFh ®n8T Bee tas a large baled ash pai Most convenient Other stoves of this tyc ihave no ash pan. Ask for Sing Bee booklet, oBipwndM Loomis-Benson Contpanv GRAIN COMMISSION ncy.y. A of all kinds is* offered at trns meat marKet. Whenever you want something extra nice for your Sunday diiiner, or when yoa are expecting visitora, sejB wnat we have in tSe line of poultry and meats. For every other day in the,week and for ordinary oc casions we are also ready to serve you. A •V' 4* tjfi -,S iK: 9 Prescriptions a Specialty fj~: ic jSS'K. If h-m: