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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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$iW ''•fr/^t f^0- 4§tiK HI g* mmm mi Aariciittural Shorf tHi •"&f ~.^See bin is full ibefprg JS^coik leather cpmes. While making ^things tfnug for toe1 winter d'ont forget that ample venti Jfe?* latlon Is aa nfeCessary^ fpr stock and "'^dr huinafia aa lS warmth'. fV £alt, .placed in ^raised, troughs-In IS. T0 WctiudHLlH MCLAUGHLIN &CO. w. MINNEAPOLIS Vim. *r l!S doncn. m&m 1 UNION CENTPfiSB 'iHlit vwieo •PCOIAL AOCNT cvlMMMM 't#3^sv-4 t«- •3 'tl^ii flT, FURNITURE dealers are well pleased with ^J] their .business. They are selling more fur niture this year than ever before in their his tory. There is a reason for this. It is simply that they are livipg up to every promise they make, !lf they say that a piece of furniture is made right you can depend on it that it is the' case, and they stand ready at all times to make good anything that may be found faulty with furniture sold by them. They are perfectly safe in doing this because they buy only from reliable manufacturers who stand behind them. •J.They nowhave in their late purchases and have the finest line of furniture in the 'north-west. From.their mammoth stock you are sure-to find just what you want, no matter hov^particular you may be. It is not necessary to go to the larger cities to find just what you want in this line as the chances are you will not find as com plete a line as we have to show you Corner of Fourth Street' arid Arnold Avenue M. L. Sprung in Charge ing the hprses and cattle in their feed boxes & the 'former place they can get as much or as little as they wish. lF If there's any sj$c]f,jt9ncing to do, do it now. t*J t. Layjtn a stock\pf good agricultural paper£. Those pubuahed nearest home are »^Two' ^4 j1?'v ?PA I* V-,» Don't forget the young trees—mulch th$m water their roots lf rabbits are troublesome put -sackingabout them pat the sacking completely over the spjiil evergfeens. .? j, Are .the strawberries' mulched for winter? Pick up the loose boards, the slack wire, tip odds' and ends. Put the tools in' Bhape for winter draw the sickles tighten the. burrs tafce off the reels}' strip the canvasses pro tect the guards removedthe eveners put ever^jjlag you can under shelter. or asag S«im3 "to three' a h^ dpE^" ^ali be read with profit darin^^ef wfilt^S5 months. The cost of a f^rm pape^ls less than a dollar Dalcota -i & DEVIL® LAKE, N. 0„ l»HONI9»e *a flOur line comprizes Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, etc., and in these we have absolutely nov competition, as we buy ifi such large quantities that we can ab solutely undersell anyone anywhere, in the same grade of. merchandise. '-'M. Come in and look around it will do you good „to see what we have .whether you want to buy or not per „year. One saving hint will pay for it^nany times over. Don't .forget 'your home paper. We are planning 'to give yotf something better in Short Talks as the weeks go by.. They are written to help you. The? are written by men who know the shirt-sleeve side: of life.' Read them. And if you have found- oat how ti» make^a foliar go farther, or how. to" make that dollar easier, write in to your home paper, and telj your neighi ,bors about it If' you Want to find out something about farming, write in-to your editor he will,see to- it that the question Is taken :up and answered by some member of or Wm m&m I m^MsfU your Exp&rjtM«it.Sta- tlon staff Make your hom^ Japer the place where, you. discuss your bjmi ness, and the w&y to better IC t~'°' Valley City ^Normal }totes th the »ry. Up been ^itbubt* School ppene^ Sept 28 largeai to the preset registered and m^ny mf less come in.^wting It^e ^xt few weeks. The ^oi^c. of?-enrolling was completed in- and regular class wor\ tegan^ Thursday. Much intejpst 4s' ^elng_5ihQwn anj^isni ^e stadents Jn the nty de pj^iuenM* ^ojnestle iclen» Sg|| -ciil'ftjre/- kindergarten an^i wr^'*r'^ork feiie^Sttekity members thir-year iure Dean Howaird BL Ckwd jb^II, oK thei ckwaervrntorir" ol nutfc "»^t«r^Wer RikUMI 0. Wmdei*art fidea. dlree- 4dl» ,£each- .esteoltopB/1 ope»ea the season. aitufdB^ti-ia'gifie with College, of Jfargo. Srife^Sooie: 16 to 0 in favor- of th? "SMSHS. & In^tke"ttew- ttea! and a ^co^atg tpr^y the last nKtothi1 to teach in anjr c^Wty" kota a pe^od of two Twenty units of ^redit required in the common branches $nd professional ar'sworkls toclBd- ed ill -elementary agriculture, domes tto Mlenoe and manual' training. The establishment of this course is one of' the most important steps taken in receiit year in the direction- of adr vancing the work In our rural schools. The Toung Women's Christian As sociation is being aided during the first weeks of the term by Miss Day ton, a general secretary supported by the advisory board of the association. Monday afternoon an "ugly party" was given, every girl in the cshool, 360 in all, being invited to come and to make heredelf as ugly as possible Great fun is reported and the girls liad a splen did opportunity to become acquainted ^ith each otherr. HAD HIS SUSPICIONS. ThatrWaa th« Reason th* Rabbit« Dlc Not 3urprise Hinii SI Perkins bad never been surprised In all his life. When it snowed%in the latter part of April he allowed he'd sorter felt it in the air for some time, when Jedge Abbott's^barn burned Si' thought it was about .time, and when the town hall was struck by lightning he merely shrugged his shoulders and Baid he'd told 'em that them Ughtnin' rods wasn't any account when they were first talkin' of puttin' 'em up. Mrs. Perkins had just about given up: all hope of ever exciting her husband's wonder when a friend, told her of a marvelous conjurer .who was showing at a variety theater in Boston. Bite took 81. Wben the eonjurer called for a volunteer from the audiedce Mrs. Per kins urged her husband to go up on. the stage. He did. She watched ex pectantly as the "professor" extract ed a five dolfar gold piece from Si's ear, passed a watch through his back and extracted yards and yards of ticker tape from his shoe*. SI looked bored. Finally the eonjnrer hegan to coaxat Sfs beard, and. to the amaze ment-of the spectators, out bopped three little white rabbits. "WaaU" said Mrs. Pterkifia trium phantly wben Si resumed bis seat, "I gu^sft,:that surprised ye. some, didn't ltr v. .v Si seamed almost surprised thWt rile should .tblak so. **Why, ao,^ be flmUy drawh^. "I dldnt J^e to stiy nsth InV.atioat 1t but rve .ibeen SMter sbb pecttn' that them rabbits wus tbar for some time."—Er«r7body*k Magadan TH* O^f atwVi A jfi man whio SBfwee ftron a nbW^T^eWB ^''rllew: T^:~i|^^ po|ra ina^ Jcnew ip the** a«ldB(. bini tw lit lieOBOW' 'tooit libtehait wt&eV to stay orernlght In l^e ^ettjr. ak Mife ..ww|. g^nc^to sqll l^aope. &t, wfiuKI-rlM^ bflter tp Wtof than to ifrltt a ^letter.Se decided*' too, that it wouW be best |f th« yo^ng woman put': up «t-the Astosr Hooae, convsolent to a mpralng sailing on the American Bo be jaent her this dlspeteh: "Tou had better stop at Astor House." Wh«J- the operator up in the small tamlxf 5own got-.thtimgh with tran seriblnff the meRw^^^onveyeiSl' to the. young woman' §Qw fallowing Ulur mlnattagmdrie*: "Ton fiad better stop' at a stoce- Men Are Feur. Men are four. ETe who knows, and tooirs be knows—he Is wise follow Um. JG|« wbo knowH, and knows not hokrews, he ts asleep !wak* bba. He wto feaow* not. and knows not be know* Bot^-fce Is a fool shun Mm. He wbo kanm not, and knows be knows ao*-l» to a eb&drteaeb biab-^-AiatMn ,ua Ai^c. a* :r •whe a DewitfaH. Qreen-^^a^ed off «jy mwtwfce yeatertey. Bsowa ires, I mOhC Qritt a (tvaMI, wasat Ml Jaiy's Ubmir. 4 fl S I 1 1 "Where the Wtirt Lrnne. She ee«|* Mold lwr bead la tie aK She eoaM hold bar own x»o«t anywhere, Site eouUt-bold a man tUl ba.-.was etuac, Bati alaa. aba oouldat hold b«r toovoel —Chloaco M«nra. fe Hew Me Mat Than*. BeM—Be aays lw's n^t a *ood our people slnce b# got his antomobtte. Green ^riaeipally Jod#iw, 1 sa^ Mti-TeokM Btatesmaiv. M.®? 1 v- S&X Prlw»o"y 'AJkrcw*. SSwna' ao, abroad to itay at* .f^Tlwtr aeth^^-ooaatrr *laWL 1 raj Iff, _We'lliic»«jrmi tMrflo* tatt y«mi $30.0QlasttWU»W. 15.09 im»-/rf '-"J •I IHNOi konr* aMnMr Just The Shoe for Men's .i" Pall wear. LeatHer lined, cushion sole shoes in Kang aroo and Box Calf uppers in the following heights of 6, 8 and 10 inches prices $4.50, $5 and $6 Women's gun metal and tan shoes for Fall Knowing this was to be a tan and gun metal season, we anticipa ted your wants in this line and they are just a little the nicest shoe of its kind. We have them in the Button or Blucher styles. Prices $3.Stfand$tO02 91400.00 Buys a good 6 room house. Lot 60x140, East Fourth street. $2200.00 BuyB goodS room house Lots 100x140, East 7th f' street 91800.00 Buys good 7 room house Furnace heat, Lot 60x 140, 8th st., one block -J from Centril fchooL 92000.00 Buys good 7 room house house on"west 7th st, nice locatltm on corner. 98S00JO Buys good 6 and 4 room houses. Lots 7fixl40 3 blocks from passen ger depot, good bargain 9t?fii.0t Boyr good O rooxa house i^ats 50x140 East 2nd -rl at 1° P«° house' on West 8th at, 26x140 monthly j?ay- 7^~~~ 'cniiMi iMm KA AAn4a OrfriA 9m fco» On w«f4^i'!| SHOE STORE Shoe Repairing. Nelson Bros., Props. Watch Devils Lake Grow tMiwOi the atxr**—CeU% *«a ikMOartiWht L&rit*. •pacawmaa "iS i°!a» '"i1-- O"ADAMS ^e{"mimJrMrWxTXaa' L^W*4?btflriiadL4* awj*4ap*ft&jmw<l ments to right party. 93500.00 Buy« good 8 roonif mod ern house, lots 50x140 East 3d at, 3 blodn from passenger depot 91*00.00 Buys good 6 room house on Flint Ave., near Far mers mill. Lots 25x136. 93000.00 BuyB gbod 7 room house Lots 100x140 East 8d it', ••:. 9300040 Buys a 4 and 9 room house. Lota 76x146, -Uline Ave., between 7th and 8th sts. I2S0QJH Buys 9 room house, lots 50x140, 8th at, Bear CentralSchooL B«sident lot* In thf best parts of the city from 9160.00 up. Business location the best to te l|^ )i smmm ilUiCE pFiS, REAL '0snt0S&SSS^WB£Sl< •mstas&ws&sz^, FRUIT ... ..... •. A is used to make the flavors that go into our soda, l^o chemical make believes, no colored" imitations. A glass of our soda is tbdcWoi«l as wholesome as it is delicious, and wie couldn't say more than that* Sparkling and ice cold, it banishes the discomfort of warm weather Stop at our fountain and refresh your self with a glass* ^o other such plea- ns TT^ roCremate aWntithr sPMSP mm •i 'f*£ •••a liV.:... }••:-.. -4 v. 1 Jp 1 Wf'