Newspaper Page Text
L. -S- MA .v We Brush Aside All John W. Maher always has money 'on hand for farm loans—no delay. We pay high prices for hides and furs. Sell guns and traps cheap. IN THE FLYNN BLOCK LOCAL NEWS Northwestern Hide and Fur Co., Min neapolia. The Devils Lake nursery will pay five cents per pound for ash seed and seven and one half cents per pound for box elder seeds until enough are se cured. O. J. Stirk, who has been in this city for a few weeks past looking after business interests and visiting with -relatives and friends, left Sunday even ing for Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Stirk, "who has been at Boston, will meet him there and together they will go to their home at St. Cloud, Fla. In this issue of the Inter-Ocean will be found the card of Mrs. E. P. White, who has opened a studio where she is taking scholars in vocal music. Mrs. White recently moved here with, her husband from Philadelphia, and is an accomplished musician and a valuable addition to the musical circles of Dev ils Lake. H$r. rooms are at 633 Third 'Street, where she will be pleased to meet anyone desiring a course in mu SiC.. John W. Maher makes farm loans at lowest rates and easy terms. Chamberlain's RCTerfailfl. Buy it i~tv. it any life. The ninth annual convention of the Ramsey county Sunday school conven tion will be held at the Methodist church at Starkweather, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 8th and 9th. A very in teresting program is being prepared in which Rev. John Orchard, secretary of the state association and Rev. A. G. Bailey and T. A. Olsen take promi nent parts. Each Sunday school in the county should be represented by its pastor, superintendent and three other dele gates. THE NEW HIRED MAN. The perrenial complaint of farmers that labor .is difficult to get and all but impossible to retain has greatly stim ulated the ingenious to Invent machin ery to take the place of the hired man. The American farm of the future—if the signs are right—will be run by the shifting of a swith or the turning of a valve. A competitive contest was held Jot Winnipeg this year between 18 makes of steam and gasoline drawn gang plows. A 32-horsepower engine haul ing -a gang of 12 plows won the gold medal for the steam class, having plowed 3.6 acres in one hour and two minutes. A 15-horsepower gasoline tractor plowed 1.09 acres in one hour, 15 1-2 minutes. Among the entries was a tractor which could pull plows tmploHKmtU) «ariy 000 pounds over rough roads and furn ish the power to drive threshing ma chines and presses. There are now on the market disc harrows which will pulverize the HIDES AND FURS I will pay to the farmers the highest market price for hides and furs. Bring them or ship them in. You will get a square deal and your money by re turn mafl. DAVIS RUBIN, DEVILS LAKE, N. D. t&~ You can see sign of Davis Rubin from of John Bell's bank "f8l HE WAY OF FAST TRAIN! TO CHICAGO Demonstration is the Best of Ability On August 17th, 1909, request was made for spiecia! train _4?j|»tji to Chicago at exceptional speed. It was the final lap -)f an exciting "Round the World Race." ^^%TTiis train left St Paul 8:12 au in. arid arrived -Chicago, 3:36 p. m/ The first 194 miles were made in 189 niinuto and the actud timecon~ EttrrO^ienf^e lbdftrSM* sumed in running the400mileswgs420mfriutes. ease with Which this remarkable run wasaccpsn ied folly explains why the following schedules oftlie Daily Trains Minneapolis and St. Paul to. Chicago are so regularly maintained by the v». North-Western Lmei..,«.tfw 8^5 a. m. 8^ a. m. Leave St.!• Arrive Milwaukee... Arrive Chicago. '•S' ., '-jj.—rr Leave St.!• Arrive Milwaukee... Arrive Chicago. '•S' ., '-jj.—rr w.teasdale. «v IhrO-WMtan LiadM sss* 8^5 a. m. 8^ a. m. 639 7 £9 p. m. Iihaflir 8^« turn. 9£5p.-mr 10:30 p. m. UitttkOU: 1040 a.m. 8^« turn. 9£5p.-mr 10:30 p. m. UitttkOU: 1040 a.m. 8d5 p. m. 7yft5 a. m. 8'MtL, 8d5 p. m. 7yft5 a. m. 8'MtL, m. m. If you contemplate a trip east you 'will be best served by ctk^f the North-Western Line tor apart of the journey. reservation of ttapfng 9KB, Tmmltatf riMMUr uxamaofatloati a&bm turn furrows, cultivate, pile dirt about plants or pull it away. An improvement lnthereaperties the bundles with their own straw. A corn picker grabs the ears from the standing stalks hasks and throws them into a wagon. Another machine takes the corn in shocks, husks and delivers the ears ready for the shelling ma chine, while at the same time cutting and shredding the stalks, blowing the shredded fodder through a pipe into the hay mow, or Into stacks ready to be pressed. Mechanical contrivances more or less in general use on the farm saw wood, pomp water, run cream separators, the duirn and the washing machine, shear sheep, gin and compress cotton. t: With the increase in' the prosperity of the farmers one may expect the agriculturist soon to have his own little electric lighting plant, his water and sewage systems, elaborately equip ped repair shops and automobile gar ages. 250 Good Stories. The Touth's Companion abounds in stirring stories of adventure and hero ism. One may describe an escape from accidental peril, another a strange encounter with wild creatures —man or beast Many of the stories are. true as to facts, and only disguised as to names and places. A score or moret of such stories will be published during 1910 in addition to nearly 200 others—250 good stories in all, and no two alike. And this is not counting the serial stories, which it is believed will be considered by old Companion readers as the best the Companion has ever published. Every new subscriber will find it of special advantage to send ait once the $1.75 for the new 1910 volume. Not on ly does he get the beautiful "Venetian" calendar for 1910, lithographed in thir teen colors and gold, but all the is sues of the Companion for ttte remain ing weeks of 1909, from the* time the subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Companion building, Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions received ftt this of fice. Be sure you are right—and think it over awhile. then A Tennessee man and wojnen have lived together twenty years, ,^nd dar ing that time have only spoken to one another twice. Apparently there are yet a few happy marriages. ,A,,.... Eugene V. Debs may bti ifeoiig'tin luauy things, but he wfes/ rtgfit when he said: "There is something wrong with a country wherein the .wealthy and aristocratic women will pay one hundred dollars for a pug-nos£d bull dog to hug and kiss and fondle' while many a bright little orphaned child holds up Its ttny ham^ in a vain ap peal for a mother's love -and car esses." VotlM and Citation, Mnal Account and Distribution of Satota. In County Court, before Hon. John F. Henry, Judge. State of North Dakota, county of Ramsey. •*?.*. In the matter of the estate of Kd ward Blanchfleld, deceased. William J. Morgridge, Petitioner, •«. Edward Blanchfleld, Jr.. Lottie Lively, Ettle Stoeaer., Elizabeth Hufcut and Wil liam Blanchfleld, Respondents. The State of £{arth Dakota 'to the above nanmedresmmtenta:. You, the said Eld ward TTtawnhflnYfl Jr., Lottie Lively, Ettle Stoe»" Hufcut and William Blai hereby notified that the Ann.! sftonnt of William J. Morgrldge as executor of the last will and testament of Edward of J. Mor ae executor of, Blanchfleld, deceased, has been rendered to this court, therein showing that the estate of said deceased is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petition ing that his accouht be allowed, the res idue of said estate be distributed to the the persons thereunder entitled, his ad ministration closed and he be discharg ed that Friday, the 3rd day of Decem ber, A. D. 1909 at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, at the court rootns of this court in the court house, to ^'the city of Devils Lake, county of Raaosey and state of North Dakota has been duly appointed by this court for the settle ment thereof, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writr ing, to said account and petition contest the same. -S And you. the above named respondents and each of you, are hereby cUedwand required then and there to be and apiear before this court, and show cause, ifnany vou have, why said account shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and said William J. Mor pridge, as executor of the last wlll -and testament of Edward Blanchfleld, ^de censed. discharged. Dated this 21s.. day of October, 190ft '-f, By the, Court: —John P. Henry. Judge of the County Court. Let- service St the above citation be made by the personal service thereof Up-?, on the .respondent Edward Blanchfleld. Jr., who la ft 'resident of Ramsey county and by the publication thereof in the Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, a newspaper printed, and published at Devils LakfL N.- D-. the third publicaion. to be jit least- twenty day prior to December 3ro, 1909, and"hy tne mainhg of a eepy #or said cltation to the respondent Lot Lively at: Esmond, N. D., a copy to —"-me, Washingl :ufcut to Rusi toWllliam Blan tie. Stoelaer. «t' ,Spokane, Washinglonl a cp)^ j£^ai»beth Htrfcut to Rushfordi Minnesota asd'ja copy toWillift&i field at Rusbford. Mfhn^sota, all copies^ to be of mailed at least twc .... __ twenty-i days^rlor to tbe 3rd day df 'Deceml 1flA9.^and sueh service thereof shall sofldent .S' (•—John F. Henrv. 4 Ju iry, uaget MWtWM:90 omiiiToai . tn County Court, before Hon John Henry, Judge. State of North Dakota, County Ramsey., In the matter of the estate of Kfeil Thompson, deceased. tfotice Is herebyvglven hy the -undesf Bigned, John Bergi- Ah -administrator of the. estate of Kan Thompson, deceased, late ,. ot near Doyon in the cotinty of Kaibaey and state of North Dakota, de ceased, to the creditors of and. all per sona, having claims against said' deceatM ed .to exhibit them with.the necessaries voucher*,within font1.'months after the of this notk* td the ed, administrator at hta^res inHthe county at Bm&Ay North Dakota. ted October 2O, l90fc —John As AdmlnistraWr of the estate-Heffi WANTED—Position on farm by man and wife by year. Address' Mc, Inter Ocean office. WANTED—By man and wife, a job on a grain or stock farm. Have had good experience and references. Write the InterOce^n "G.' NOTICE to all persons: On account of David Gallagher leaving my bed and board I will not make good or pay any accounts which he may in cur. Mrs. David Gallagher, Devils Lake, N. D. HELP WANTED*—MALE. WANTED—Lady or gentleman to act local manager for an adequate rate fraternal order issuing limited pay ment life, whole life and term plans of insurance, health and accident department Splendid opening. Ad dress P. O. Box 652, Grand Forks, N. Dak. BOYS! GIRLS! COLUMBIA -BICY CLE FREE! Greatest offer out Get your friends to subscribe to our magazine and we will make you a present of a $40.00 Colubmia Bicy cle the best made. Ask for par ticulars, free outfit and circular tel ling "How to Start" Address, "The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22nd St, New York City, N. Y. WANTED—-Success Magazine wants an energetic and responsible man or woman in Devils Lake to collect for renewals and solicit new sub scriptions during full or spare time. Experience unnecessary. Any one can 8tart among friends and ac quaintances and bnild up a paying and,, permanent business withoht capital. Complete outfit and Instruc tions free. Address, "VON Suc cess Magazine, Room 103, Success Magazine Building, New York City, N. Y. FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT-rCash or on shares, will furnish seed, machinery and some stock. Good. buildings, three miles from Toklo, N. D. Enquire of Albert Jaqua, Totrfo, N. D. FOR -RENT—One farm with buildings and 300 acreft under plow, and one farm^ with buildings and 200 acres,, iisder plow: Both farms west bf Edmore. Enquire of C: A. Dodge & Co.,. Devils Lake, N: D. TOR 8ALE. FOR SALE}—High grade 5 passenger, 22 horse power automobile, in ex cellent condition. Will sell at a bargain. Address Inter-Ocean, Dev ils Lake- FOR SALE—Pure blooded White Wy andotte chickens, Duston strain. Call on or address C. D. Mills, Dev: Us Lake or Toklo. Taken Up One red mully heifer with white spot in forehead at.yiny farm,3 miles southwestjof Grastd.Har boiv'*'^d^er can havd same liy paying are costs of advertising. Albert A. Bryn. A man -seldom expn matter of course, but 9* aaperWive excellence. Hiri *6m*rh?*£i lnt ittlfla ar* a# y? us. We have a record of which we are proud. Why shouldn't we be? Think it over after yon have surveyed the following and we know you will agree with us. 8UKKOHS In Justce Court before Hon. William Orr, City Justice of the peace. State of North Dakota, Gounty of Ramsey. William P. O'Brien, J. W. O'Brien, and J. E. O'Brien, co-partners under the trade, name and style of O'Brien Bros., plaintiffs, vs. U. S. Stanley. Defendant. The State of North Dakota to said de fendant: By this second summons herein you are directed to appear, before me in my office- in the city hall in the city of Dev ils Lake in the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota at nine o'clock a. m. on the I7th day of November. 1909, there to answer tha complaint' of Wil liam P. O'Brien, J. W. O'Brien and J. Fu O'Brien agalnst you alleging that here tofore and between the 6th day of April,' 1909, and the 11th day of September, 1909, both days inclusive, plaintiffs at thp 'special instance and request of de fendant sold and delivered to defendant goods, ware and merchandise of the agreed worth and value of $27.10 and that payment therefor has been demand ed and payment refused and that under and by virtue of a warrant of attach ment against. the .property of the de fendant issued in this action the sheriff of Ramsey County, North Dakota, has levied upon and now holds certain chat tels, towit: One" Monarch cook stove one box and contents arid one Sln ger sewing' machine and demanding Judgment against tire (Jefendant for: 327.10' witfK falterest thereon" at -7 per cent, per annum since September 11th, 1909. and the costs and disbursements of this action and that the chattels so levied upon and held by-the sheriff be applied to the satisfaction of plaintiff's elalm and jrou are notified that unless you so appear and answer the plaintiffs will take Judgment against you accord &&en this 20th day of October, 1909. 1 —William Orr, City Justice of the Peace in and for Ramsey County, N. D. The foregoing summons raav be serv ed by publication thereof in the DevilB Lake Tnter-Ocean. a newspaper of gen eral circulation printed and published at Devils Lake, N. D., such publication thereof to be made in one issue of said newspaper each' week for three successive weeks, the last publication to be at least three days be fore the time at which the defendant is directed to appear and by forthwith mailing a copy of the summons, -post age paid and directed to the defendant at R. F. D., Devils Lake, N. D. The North Dakota fogxyrement Com was incorporated under the Dakota laws, April 30, 1906. licensed to carry on its business in the state of Minneasota Oct. 4, 1906. In three short yekrs, the comeany has grown to be a power ful factory in North Dakota nnanc& showing the remarkable rate of increase in tangible assets from Sept. 1, 1906 to Sept 1909 of over 529 per cent These assets are represented by live income pro-, parties, so located as to be assured of a normal in crease in value. Grand Forks and Fargo already show the results of our plan of improvement Devils Lake shalllsoon boast of one of the finest hotels in north-west, now being erected by our company. Dated. October 20th. 1909. t- —William Orr. City Justice of the Peac'e." —Burke. Middaugh & Cuthbert. -Attorneys for th.e plaintiffs. Men ol AM Ages Wear "Gitchg fisnnx" fOuM K5 Sa ^.'^^.1° •*.y?E^- r9^cg»:pAmig- And we are iust beginning to grow. Watch Other cities of North Dakota shall benefit from our plan. It you are interested in North Dakota's growth and improvement if you want to become a cog in a weel tnat moves if you want to invest your surplus funds where yon will share in the pro fits of an institution that has paid regularly 11 per cent dividends to its investors, write us at once for information. NORTH DAKOTA IMPROVEMENT GO. FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA. Capital $100,000 Surplus $10,000 Reserve $115,000 2,700 Investors 's $2,000,000 Investment contracts in Force. a***** any^ t^theri w?U!e font SCHOOL 8HOI prucfm ii lirni tcjithaw rt tl •IOSTMKSN SSOS CO, SUMITN. RINfk For a person with his experience Cupid makes some mighty poor shots. 1 Mrs. E. P. White Voice Cuhure a Specialty }, 623 East Third St, 'Phone |1 161, Devils Lake, North Da kota- Cqfl or tclephtMie for a{foitmaits. Treasurer's Report For Uhmewaalcan. school district No. i'l, Cduntyot Bamsey, State of North" Dakota, j. for the year 190B-1H09.,. Receipts Cash on hand et beginning of achool year. July 1,1906... Tftal amooiit received daring the year 1mm the apportionment' of the8t*te tuition rand .... ToWaraant received daring the year .Amonnt 'received dtuiing 'tbs 'year from toa».leTied by the district yhgol boai^ inc^difigcn»rtaid icg WBrrmntsredeeinad or endonied in the Dolloetion of taxes..— Total receipts for the year, in cluding cash on hand, Jolyl, 1MB.' Whoi. jjjpountof bood* ouUtandlng 1 Jan*90,1909........... 897 48 IK Tottf lndobMnan of District are mAo^pi^ WO« -V*" 1,891 81 M80 98 Expenditures Amount mdd during the year tor teacher, waaee.. Amount paid duritag the rear forser •Ices and expenieffof MOOOIoffioon Amount paid doring tbo year for in* toreat of bonds and vananU.....^ Amonnt paid dnriug the year for in* eidentuexpenset.......... $1,648 7S 86 10 42 GO 29# BO Total expenditures for the year Cash on hand June 90,1900 Grand total expendttaree and eaih on hand, to balance above total receipU— 1880 1.970® 88018 Clerk's Stateneot of indebtedness of District a ¥5 0* 80000 [OFIu&A: he district —G«ol H. UeAeCh*r,%% Jp flftf jjl^ 1 4}?«T(V