fisls! •r a Vf* */"t t, 134 1 wjm XXVII.—NO !ltf VS »Jt.rtr .'TlKnra,W^ rW Wr Vr* 4 **-. if *& TV® v, The lower floor is given a good slant which makes the stage in very good view from any part of the large room.*,. 1 The stage is roomy and well atv ranged, with dressing rooms up sairs on either qlde and with a scenery loft high enough and a stage openlng wide enough to take the largest scenery that is used in any of the cities. include*} in It the several of the big'city houses that were visited before the architect completed the plans for it, and when completed will be a credit lib Devils Lake jtnd-1^ the £rchitect, '. •:f 4. '/::.The building has Liiest features of sevc Mr j$lwnan, bf^hls _d,ty i^*wejl*ias the" builders^ Messrs. Gram and Jen sen. Abdul Hamid is writing a book. He still persists in persecuting mankind. 1k,\k .fv il os if. N BIK. THE NEW OPERA HOUSE IN THIS ^CITY TO BE VERY ORNA. ,I MENTAL. The work of completing the inter ••'. ior of the new opera house in this city is progressing very rapidly and as it nears completion and the details of the interior decorations are worked out it gives Indications of being one of the neatest and most artistic play houses- in the northwest There is a large gang of carpenters at work following closely upon the masons, who have finished their work in the basement and the opera house audltor .- ium. It was our pleasure to visit the new house a few days ago and we were impressed with the artistic man ner in which it is arranged. There are twelve very neat boes in the house, six on each side, three up stairs and three down. The balcony is very roomy and the front of it instead of being a,plain circle as Is generally the case in most houses of. this kind, is relieved by three boxes built in the front which add very much to its appearance. chases fn a Drug Store. A,"* rely upon the judgement of others^ PM if si 1 *,. it OF TRAINS Three hours havign just been cut from the running' time of passenger trains between St Louis and New York, the newspapers of the former city are discussing the QtteBtlori as to whether there really is any limit to the speed at which trains can. run. Un der the new schedule it is stated that on favorable pieces of track the trains move at the rate of 90 miles an hour. They appear to have arrived at, the conclusion that there is no limit—and that the speed can be. indefinitely In- smoother and- better roads, heavier rails and more speedy locomotives. THE WEATHER MAN HAS PRE SCRIBED WINTER FOR NORTH DAKOTA. It Beems that winter has set in in this state, and there seems to be no complaint from anyone. There is not a state in the union that has had a finer fall than North Dakota, the weather held off until it gave the far mers an opportunity to get well along with their plowing, which had been delayed by the large crop that had to be harvested and threshed. Now when the coid snap comes it is gradual and everyone has had ample time to pre pare for it. Devils Lake region es caped the blizard which visited the Red river section and the states west of US. Clothes Hospital. The Best is always tike &eape»i The only French dry cleaning plant in town and therefore the only place where you. can get your. garments cleaned right, because French .dry 4£ JjjF, P" the MBX.W. it?. cioa& &&&< vSdrtseherv th& "tailor Very few married men play foot ball. They don't want to take chances on letting their hair grow the required' length. Cheap goodb p^iywhere are never We have built up the Drug Busi* «n «N» eduntry by •dHng only corts tt Oe higW charter audi never abusing the con* ndaiefloi Inohe I IV V"$•$• tiss* 1 1 '«heap at aiiy price pes 111 ... 1, M,,m-i,. •V _.v, But, if /jrou are notjudge, yoiU must 6 hp a 2# "W ED. BLANCH FIELD 3AY8 THAT CANADA DOES NOT APPEAL. :v.7:V v:-v TO HIM. __ VT v- was to Devils to latter^rt oF| &*iUehteae* does not look good to Wm there. _The land that Is best is aU taken by railroads and other similar interests,1 and in order to get a homestead it 1b necessary to go from 60 .to 75 miles from a railroad Then^agaln the luti- ber ls sold at from ?30 toJ50 a JfcOu- sand and it costs $30 a thous^d to ture have it hauled to your homestead. The Innrt 1/usVnH fnln Vtn4- in Mit alannil. land looked fair, but in Mr. Blanch field's estimation it did not compare with Ramsey county dirt. He says that the grass does not- stand more than half as high as It does here, and from his judgment the APPOINT THE SUBCOMMITTEES FOR DEVILS LAKE., Following the organization 'cf the Civic Improvement League which was completed recently the executive com mittee have made their appointments of sub-committees, which are as fol lows: Hearth.and CteahllnMCt-r,' Dr. W. F. Slhler. 3. H. Bloom, Dr. A. B. Short ridge, Mrs. J. A. Haig. Moral*. JPather Augustine, Rev. A. Q. Bailey, Rev. T. A. Olsen. Law Enforcement. M. H. Brennan, F. T. Cuthbert. tL Goer. 1 Ctvic Improvement. A. B. Kerlln, lln. Aft Powrtl, Mrs. Geo. Juer^ns, Educational. J. A. Haig, Dr. W. D. Jones, Mrs. Wm. Falger. I DEV1L8 LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA, NOVEMBER 19, 1909 of Red our returned from Canada, having visited the Alberta country yith a view «to looking it over and possibly taklngf-a homestead there, but he says ttat^ltw Btacked grain that he saw there would not run as good a yield as it did here. Take it all around he preferred to let the other fellow have the Canada land, but not in his. He was accompanied oh the trip by Mr. Bo of Grand Har bor, and Ed. says that the last he saw of him he was trailing off after an Ox team and a load of lumber making for the frontier where he expected to set tle on a homestead. A 1 J_ will be able to defend themselves 1 .When they get to tnaldng newspa pers out of cornstalks the thrifty far med will take stent of fodder to 'tWun.p as KOod. «B their assodatee. It will aevelop a teeHnr ^f -timidly that will he albeat lmndicap,ln their later fight *rlth the-wprUE' Bon from evil-minded men. Young ladles and let them Belect the pieces Uiey who spend their spare «n»« with as- -'desired.. Thla bill, alone will amount sociates morally their equald will flnd to about 12,500. At the tfame tlme the a, knowledge of Jiu jitsu of little prao- fandtare tor the new opera house Heal'use,. WMMffauttA':. punishment :«r ear-fd'sSil that they are not JM 50.000,000 Fltty million ChriBttoas stamps for the American Red Cross society's war tare on' tuberculosis have bete distri buted for aale at a cent each, several million being assigned tof Chloago, twice as many -to New,' York aid a proportionatfi number to other -cities Ifroih Beil.p^oiis aopieties fl pvv4 at# s^tsa^. ^w»# r" send them as ordered to towns and leader, $500. '. ^5','\ villages. "Every stamp a bullet in the For swearing in court so as to fail %ar on the white plague," is the slo- road a rival politician. to prison) gan used in the west and bullets of $1,000. that kind are already adorning mail, The high fee for false swearing as packages on closet Shelves for Christ- compared with that for murder is due mas giving and letter heads of some to the chances run. A thug might corporations. In Illinois each year the knife a man and get away with it white plague claims some 8,000 vie- fairly easily, but in court he might be as an old offender and be arrested on the spot. tims, for which reason society, busi-1.recognized ness and charity have made the use Cross stampB quite "the Bach state is assigned a prop- er dlstrlbutlng agent, the IlllnolB sanctum branch of the Red Cross having dele- tut®, 158 Adams street, Chicago. The proceeds from the sale of the stamps out side of Chicago are to be used In state anti-tuberculosis, work as dis- from the local work of the Instl.' tute It is hoped that a fiufflcient sum of money w,u be realized tQ re a traveling tuberculosis exhibit which can be' sent Into every large town in state As,de from tMs thg wlll be used fQr educatlonal work ,n the £orm of puWIc lecture8, free lltera. helplng organize antl.tubercilios- ls commlttee8 securlng tuberculosis legislation Frank E. Wing, super- lntendent of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute says: "We will supply stamps and advertising material, free of cost, to those who wish to place them on sale and will fill cash orders for stamps promptly to those who wish to buy them and do not find them on sale In their locality." CITY COUNCIL MEET IN SPECIAL SESSION MONDAY NIGHT. The^e* as a special session of tlfe city council held in the council cham berfi ManfflW-ni^it, called for the pur- regular meet- The Second atreet sewer was form ally accepted and the clerk ordered to issue a warrant for the payment of the same $8 85?.50. 1,000 feet of 2 1-2 Inch Red Cross tiose was:-ordered for the fire depart ment at 90 cents a foot The city engineer was directed to draw plans .for a sewer system. adapt "tett to the needB of tte northern part of the city, so that the council will be able to advertise' for bids for the construction of the samie at some fu ture time. v'sf'" B. W. Gllbertson returned Tuesday from: a business. trip to Minneapolis, during his absence he has beeA- doing a- conlsderable stroke ,Of bii&ness, which will aggregate about seyen n&rr A Chicago professor argues that we [rooently finished by Rasfmua Sorenson should teach our .young ladles and. near .Webster. AIf. and Mrs. Sorensoh e^rls the Jlii JItsu system ttothat theyj^ere eat loads of merchandise sdld through him and bought by him. Among tiiie sale^ was the entire Interior ^qiiilianent of the large sevtftteen-room house at,Minneapoll8, Md Mr8. Gilbert- took titem to the wholesale house building was purchased by Mr. Gilberts son, DvV. Brennan being In j^Clnneapo lis and making the selections. Mr. Gll liertson also ordered & couple of car loads of the latest things In furniture while at. the Twin citles( whiah. jtif ex pects to arrlv^ in the near future, Tak ing it all around Ed. feels that th^ trip was a pretty good one. RATES FOR MURDER member of the "Kid Twist" gang X|& New York, one who had been so Indiscreet as to let the other fellow f&e first, has quoted the prevailing prices for ''seryjOM" ^c^lled tor fn the east aWe t^ldcka uidol punching $R.- For punching, with trlnunlngs of raaor cuts or blowa with blackjacks, $50. For ordinary stabbing, $75. For tnurdertng ordinary person $100. ^political 5w«*r tffW The stbry seems ridiculous. prices fixed for razor-cuts, blackjack blowB and punchings with brass knuckles. SOCIETY* A number of friends were delight fully entertained at a supper party by Mrs. A. H. Shumway Wednesday night Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. H. Crewe entertained a number of young ladies at a prettily app&inted luncheon at her home on East Sixth street Mrs. W. F. Slhler was hostess to a small Informal company Saturday eve ning at her home on East Seventh street A pleasant time was spent with. games and conversation, after which dinner was served. Miss Hope Wallace was a charming little hostess to a number of her schoolmates last Thursday evening at her home on Seventh street During the evening refreshments were served and all report a royal good time. 1 Tjiesday evening Ralph Glerum.en tertianedtw«»ty-Be*^ friends at his home on East Fourth street In ltoiior of- his fifteenthvbirth day. The guests made merry with games and musio until seven o'clock' when all partook of a bountiful birth day spread prepared and served by Mrs. Glerum. After some more lively \3* 1, \"0 |?ii Si^ sNtN toW' I $17^0 to "tN *v. av Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Power* whose marriage occurred at Grand Forks Tuesday morning, November 9th, arrived in the city Monday an® have gone to housekeeping in the cozy home prepared for his bride by Mr. The Powers. Mrs. Powers has many friends ruffian may have been "stringing" a young reporter. Yet In a city where politicians wax weathy by robbing the city, where the police are paid for protecting criminals and many seem ingly respectable citizens profit through the white-slave traffic It is not impossible that murder is re-1 The fourth grade room In the Wash duced to a business, a regular set of. ington school was the scene of a pret- I IW A "VICTOR" iato era Immm. Wfcy eel see abetf __ __ __ I DevilsLake Drug Successors co A. £. Hode^inson J® '•^J' i' 'J^s &' PER YEAH. iil.oO music and high school songs the young people returned to their homes wish-: ing Ralph many such pleasant birth' days. ln the olty who will remember her as Miss Mabel Barlow, one of Grandl Forks most popular young ladies and these with the many friends of Mr Powers will give her a hearty welcome to Devils Lake. ty Pilgrim party from four to six Tuesday evening. The children, after being dismissed for the day arrayed! themselves in Pilgrim dress and re turning to the room surprised Miss Lillian Luckon their teacher. Several merry games were played and then all partook of a delicious Thanksgiv ing lunch brought by the children. Miss Lillian Noben assisted Miss Luckon in entertaining the children. Foot Ball Players Entertained. Last Saturday night the football team of the Devils Lake high school was delightfully entertained by the teachers and students of the senior class at a chafing dish supper. The Eagle hall was artistically decorated for the occasion with streamers of red and white and dozens of pretty banners and pennants. While the girls were preparing good things on the chafing dishes and af= ranging the tables the guests made merry with games and music. A fea ture of the evening was the pretty solo "To the End of the World with You,"" charmingly sung by Miss Isabell Sten— son who responded to an encore with "Sing Me To Sleep." #itpper.Wa» followed, by some witty* toasts and after Prof. Mustain had. dried the dishes a football soag com posed by the sehior girls was stragf and good-nights said. The football boys having enjoyed an evening that: to a great extent repaid them for their hard work on the gridiron. tfi,