@v && w*^ Wmm^WSB Will HHP TO BOOST MEETING AT COURT HOUSE FRI DAY EVENING RESULTED IN RENEWED ENTHUSIASM FOR OPERA HOUSE The meeting" called at ,the court house Friday night to" discuss plans for. entertainment, etc., for the open ing of the new opera house in -this city wbb quite well attended and re sulted in bringing out many points which it was well to consider in re lation to the coming opening of the flne new improvement in our city. The meeting was called to order by Col. Jos. M. Kelly, president of the Commercial Club, who in' stating the object of the meeting paid a fine compliment to Contractor V. Gram in praising his unbounded confidence in the city by- building such- a fine building in the clty,.and urged that it was incumbent: upon the city of Dev ils La.Jratf demonstrate that this con fidence on Mr. -.Gram's part was not misplaced. Following the opening remarks by Col. Kelly, A. B. Kerlin talked at some length-.- In the course of his remarks he Btated- the plan under which the new building is to be.man aged, Mr. Gram receiving all that was taken in «by the building above expense, and expressing himself -that rise to the occasion and see that Mr. Grain was not a lpSer In this venture. Mr. F.'P. Mann said: "We all real ize the Importance of having such a magnificent building in our city," and stated that he felt that -the business men as as whole were Inclined, tovbe iMtbfcrj^jfith the Tiigvement now ^lp progrtss' atfd/iisked rwMtvwatf waited that they, do further. ^^55:42,^.1^ This question on the part" of Mr. Mann brought out the real object of the meeting, th^t of interesting the people in the further sale of tickets for the opening night, and the acco- JfjNSc A Uif CV AH? 4 $ .tt.-S,^ 4 "t"* ^ST*. Y'- 'eyki & J«*v s. »-4v -,_ /V i"\a- Ipi VOL. XXVII—No. 37, modatlon of he felt that there was no doubt but some of he leading speakers of the that the people of tills vicinity would U. -S." were" secured for dates here. Uf. +•, Ramsey Driii r-rst-v\ V$, Hon. J. F. Henry was called in and said in substance that everyone should' -have an interest in the project and that Mr. Gram Should have all the support that is possible on account of his unbounded faith in Devils'Lake in building such a magnificent build tag. We should take steps to see that people who come *here are properly en tertained. He felt that the hotels were inadequate to accommodate all the visitors and other arnangemetns should be made. E. F. Flynn felt that the* first night of the opera house would take care: of Itself pretty well but the trouble would be in regard to other nights. It .wie want good plays we must patronize them. If we want to make it a success when a $2.00 attraction comes to Devils Lake we should pat ronize it F. T. Cuthbert in his remarks that followed said, that he thought, that can advertise the city so much as the everyone in Devils Lake should have the' opera house at heart. Nothing opening of a new opera house. First we should get a good crowd here and second-.that~we should see*they are properly taken care of. He stated further that following the opening he thought' that it would be well if F. J. Traynor, on behalf of the Uni versity Club,' pledged their support to assist in every, way what they can do to push the good wor& along. ''Tell us what you-want us to do," said Mr.-Traynor and we are ready and anxious to do It. Cb$&. Russel expressed himself in favoi^ of letting''people In general "know thtat when they attended the production of he "Honeymoon Trail" they were going to get the worth of Alter farther remarks by various" •persons present: a moUon- was made proud of hi'r present in leather. Thcare'i id way* a use for it. They nev«r get enough of than, teems as they hm a bag, a satchel, a purse and everjrtWng else in leather to match each suit W« Ipok at it that and .have stocked with the greatest variety ofHandBags, Satchels, Purses, Hfh Mus^s Rolls, Mudki ever shown Even if the 'floods sure extraordinarily high quality Ae a 'th® visitors in the city,-and carried that a committee pe ap- the night of opening. pointed to assist in the solicitation of Mrs. Dunn was called upon and on accommodation for the visitors!' the behalf of the Library Club expressed night of the 16th, and in the s?,le of the sentiment of that society as the remaining seats In the opera heartily in favor of doing all they house. Mr. Kelly appointed as-: such could for the success of the committees the following: opera house opening and in hearty "accord with everything pertaining to ft. 'ismmM Vsr 4 Kelly Avenue Mr.Ma ^jsj-n j„ b£^ For sale of tickets—W. H. Reid, C. E. Burgess, W. M. Holbrook, J.- A. VanLIew, C. O. Russell. Committees on invitation and en tertainment—Mesdames F. P. Mann, Ole Serumgard, Wm. Hurst, Sr., F. A Stpltze, S. Wlneman, I. Glerum, A. M. Powell, Anna Shortridge, Oli ver Evans, W. D. Jones, H.- E. Baird, C. M. Fisher, W. M. Thompson and Clinton Smith. DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION LARGEST AMOUNT DEPOSITED IN THE BANKS OF DEVILS LAKE !N THE HISTORY OF.Ii(i The deposits in the three banks 1, DEVILS LAKE, NORTHH)AKOTA, FRIDAY DECEMBER 3, 1909. THE CITY. -fW* •The statements of the banks'of Dev ils Lake which-were published last week brought out the fact that there is on deposit in the three banks in this city over $1,000,000.,.- This is the first time in the hlstor# ot-gthe city that tills amount has evei-^een reach ed by the financial institutions of Dev ils Lake, and when it Is taken Into: ac count that this year has also seen the largest amount of building operation^. :arel as follows, as shown by their stated ments of condition on November 16th:1 First National Bank... —$ 643,064.53 Ramsey Devils Lake State 140,375.00 1181 These reports show that there has been a phenomenal increase in depos its of. over $300,000 since this time last year, and is dnly another Indica tion that Devils Lake is forging to .the front'as one of the leading1 cities of North Dakota, i" ORATORICAL CONTEST -J TO BE GtVEN UNDER AUSPICES OF W. C. T. U. AT PRESBYTER «. IAN CHURCH TONIGHT. There will be a medal contest given this evening at 8:39 at the Presbyter ian church under the auspices of the local W. C. *T. TJ. which promisee to 'be a very enjoyable and entertaining eveidng's program (or those who at tend, as Hie personell of the program is made up of the beet talent -of the city. There will be an .admission of 25c fbr adults and 15c for children^ The program is as follows: Instrumental Solo—"The Maiden's •Wish" -—-JF. Chopin Song—"How Firm a foundation". .... Congregation Prayer Rev. Bailey No. I—"The Convict's Soliloquy".. Kathleen Cowan No. n—"Christian Citi*en8hip" i... -i Ralph Glerum Mrs. John A. H«mey an^*^. It •wvi j?. fefkr- Ot} on vHBlsetf Sunday, 5th, HW, at 11 tMafl^ 43»e Sairam«®t otfeeLord'A Jtapper will be c«ommeanor4te^g .^onday^stAool at o'clnxik. -^Ijnnior JEJndeavor b'olock. j|^Senior Endeavor at fl.'SO ofclock. .^lESvenipg yorshlp at 7i30 o'clock. lllft will be assisted by one of the neigh boring pastors who is especially good in work of that character. 616 StRIKifON 6. N. RAILROAD SWITCHMEN OF ALL THE ROADS OF THE NORTHWEST WENT-OUT TUESDAY EVENING. Wednesday morning a general strike was put in operation on all the refusing to grant an increase of about 20 per cent in wages and overtime for Sundays and holidays. requiring large outlltys of money,, the1 merchants are considerably handicap-' the time he was called* fit-consultation condition is all the more gratif^gi, led In the way of receiving freight ^rith his lawyer and ^tf'iorfeiture or This is also an evidence that the Io- which cannot be unloaded on account der was rescinded. callty surrounding our municipality is of no crews to switch the freight cars. State vs. H. O. Merry was called, reaping the benefit of their large crop} This will of course tie up freight the defendent not appearing his bond and that they have unbounded. confH trains all over the country ami^ greafc was declared forefited $500. dence in the solidity of the financial^ ly hinder the successful operation of, The case'.of the state vs. J. J. Da lnstltutlons of Devils Lake., passenger trains. "h i1outs invited. In this city the freight office has re-1 of $500 was declared forefited and a ceived instructions riot to receive any! bench warrant issued for him. He freight until further orders, and the reported later and explained that at Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday, Decembe'r£5th, 1909. 11:00 a. in. Moniing Worship. Sub-: GIVEN A TEST LARGE CROWD GIVE THE FLOOR8 TEST MONDAY NIGHT WHICH PROVE® SATISFACTORY. The fioors of the. sew opera house -were given a severe test Monday night to make certain that they were ade quate to accommodate any slxed crowd that might congregate in the] building, and the tests which were the severest that could be planned: were not such as to cause the least Quiver of the building, showing that it was built strong enough to withstand any pressure that might be brought to bear upon it As a means of making the test the band played on the streets and drew a large crowd who were Invited into the flew building, the military com pany was also present as were the members of the city ocmmercial club, council and others, making quite a large aggregation. Then the band Clayed in the building and all formed oTVCTrtiwf double file line and marched over goto, Selected MUw Cuthbert _No. HI TJxe JWh tag around in the balcony each stinnp A a a No. IV—"Gtood JSlght, a J«w4e* Etenley Duet—"Springtime of the Soul",, a aa tfiey walked. TbiB was done without the least tremor being felt any place in the building. There can be no more iwsere test made than, this, and the opera house la declared by **pert*.who know, to be absolutely safe no matter how .large a crowd is District opart convened in this city Monday jfaorning with Hon» J. F* Cow a® presiding, '-'/J IntormatfoiL waB oWer««J( filed'In the cases of State vfc: John Johnson State, vs.- Jqhn fiuUard State vs.: Ysakl Kufaloi State vs.Barti Shea State vit J. JT. Daoust State vs. James Dolan State vs. Henry King.' Tr 4^ "t,?''«, i" Jh-lffipSii*': V-? ^\?, SiifflsllPli! Subject, ^'Divine Salvage." The following cases were continued a club causing Mm injuries from To these services the "church with over until next term of court: State which he has never recovered. Ex a welcome for the people" cprdiallyj vs. Charles Meadean Fidelty Deposit pert testimony was Introduced and Invite the public. Strangers and those Co.,' vs. Ole Skybury William Britton the case discussed at some length by with no church home especially invit ed. Seats free. Good singing. vs. B.- B. Regan F. H. Stoltz vs. E. Plans are in progress looking to the Larson Mengent holding of a series of evangelistic Nelson: Young & meetings beginning withthe new Insurance Co., of Missouri Young & tiff, year. In these meetings the pastor (Stotler A M. Crary and O. S. Wing State vs. E. R. to the jury about the middle of the Nelson vs. Chas. afternroon Wednesday. The jury re ntier vs. Citizens turned a verdict of vs. German Alliance Insur-J The ance Co., of Missouri. Martz Shea which was tried by jury Motion was made to strike from the and they retired at 4:30 Wednesday calender the case of Citizens State afternoon. A verdict of guilty was bank of Brocket vs. S. R. Johnson, returned roads in the northwest from Duluth to! tried and went to the jury, who re-j Thursday morning the first case cal the coast, as a result of the railroads turned a verdict of not guilty. led was that of the Cando Implement The case of the State vs. Tom Slutz, Co. vs. John Caldwell, et al. This which has been on the docket for a case was heard by the court and the next tip Impossible to get freight ship-1 son was called and' as the defendant ments through as things now stand. in the action failed to appear. The case of Goldle E. Dodds vs. Following this case the action of Willard Dodds was called fot trial.' the State vs. Yosiki Kupola was called This was a case wherein the plaintiff for trial. This was an action wherein was suing for a divorce from the de- the state charged the defendant of at tendant. The defendant made no ap- saultlng Geo. Wesburg with a danger pearance and the court granted the ous weapon with Intent of inflicting decree. bodily harm. The jury was selected Naturalization papers were granted (and to Herman Carl Kolge and Peter Link., Wednesday afternoon. A verdict of Tuesday morning the case of the'guilty was returned late Wednesday State vs. Henry King was called and night. The strike is long, time was called and tried re- attorneys for both the defendant and of such mammoth proportions and the suiting in the case being dismissed the plaintiff moved, the court to direct forces on both sides are so well lined there not being sufficient evidence to to verdict in their favor, which mo up that the outcome is likely to cause convict. jions the court now has under consid considerable inconvenience as it is! The case of the state vs. John John-' eratlon. MB bond was called and tried going to the jury, who, after due deliberation, agreed to disagree and the case will have to be again tried. ject: America for the World. I The case of EmIUB.eecher .ys. Wil 12_:OOV ifl? Sunday School. .tfSmi 'MacNamfr" was called 'and tried' L.3f30"p m. Children's Church.. consuming the balance of the day 6:30 p. m. Epworth League, Young Tuesday, Tuesday evening Wednes People's Meeting. day morning and apart of Wednesday 7:30 Evangel!tic Service. A afternoon. The case was one in service for the benefit of those who, which, the plaintiff through his guar are seeking the way of the Christian dian was suing the defendant for life. Seats free Public cordially, damages, charging that MacName had struck the defendant on the head'with $1.50 A YEAR the attorneys on both sides. It went $3260 the case continued throughout The case of L. D. Gooler, vs. erts was called, jury was drawn and the case was tried until noon. Follow ing the noon recess the attorneys an nounced that the case had been set tled. Fine box papers are in grow ing demand as holiday gifts. They are not only practical, bat a very acceptable gift, especially whore well chosen. We have the largest and best stock of popeteries in this localityand itincludse&Ilthat Davis Rubin vs. Ole Olson was the next case called, and at the time of our going to press is still on trial be fore a jury. This is a case wherein Olsen is asking for a division of the crop grown by him on the Rubin farm this year "and Rubin is seeking to re cover damages on account of the de fendants not living up to the contract, which seems to be conflicting in many respects. The case is one filled Wltiu^ legal complications and will probably consume considerable time in its dis position. President Taft was made an honoiV ary "tarheel" by the people of North Carolina. The St. Louis Globe-Demo crat foresees that this will enable Mm to do some hot tooting in 1&12. Sonne of the paddtgef are wofks of (I.*. 25c to $6,00 DEVILS IAKE DRUG k. 1 •V Ms I for the plain- next case tried was that of 1 ^4, -!r :S I $ II $ 'HI A. Rob­ Vj5 •r& .mi fl 81 1 St 2 hIIPP