Newspaper Page Text
-asbk, VOL. XXVIi:—NO, 39. ^IMPROVEMENT 'a* ^w-ilMs#&icwfi»ty M®*. WATER COMPANY iPLAN- INNING TO GET BETTER WATERS^ S^cVsS^feti'FOR CITY USE. MfiWlll *WlJ JgSgfe ^i^Thfe^tfevils Lake Improvemerif opm is planning'on commencing wotkj making,the mistake of their livesv a£,: 'J" the "spring to connect their plant Swfth. pure floft vteteffor domestic iifee -In DeVllsLake." They have found that Jthere Is every prospect of finding an -'v^ample .supply of good'-water for this ^purpose south of the "city and It is their intention to connecttheir pystem J§y|»rtth It inthe spring./ tC This will be welcome Ta&WBto the ^citizens of Devils Lake as that is prob tw.Jirtrfy the greatest drawback the city J..1UM at this time. People do not in maritf «as«8 coan%ct their- homes with ttS city water,because it is practically ji ^useless lor domestic purposes. i??C OMPERI •m .^IM^SEY COUNTYzLAfclD INCREASE ~1N ftflCE. dfcj SHOWS 4 Las week a deal was consummated ^whereby L.- D. Maurer paid 940.00 per acre for three quarter-sections of land £?s^ adjoining his already large farm In 'this county. If this means anything, nieans that the advance oflajid l^^the'most''level headed men'to '«£&• this viciinty is increasng and that, too, &r. Maurer is one of when he .paid the price he jdid'for Jt|te „land it /was because vjjaiiftaghS was woft^ the :aad,wl ?&"***• .aiM-fer -the 1 £?%&* say t1»»t land tni^W^viclntty will *r*i2do«Me in ^v»iue in»l«!e Mt t^n ^rs: ^Nortl^iDota, Bbouid tl^ v^dot bttv,^ vaife., .We are growing all llif'w-j ". I if Every, Lady feels proud of rl^Tpresentin l6ather.%|There,» ^WJ tunes elsewhere are having no difflcul ey finding purchasers, but they am HOLD YOUR an acre form. You think if some ton languages, a Catharine Hayes In melody, a Parepa Rosa In sacred Brtefi is supreme.1" Tickets 35c and 50, "get enough of them, seems they have gt bag, a satchel, pur#e /wid everything else-in leather to match each suit. We £:wlookatit that n»y- and Imve^,^ stocked withthegreateet variety of Hand Bagsf Satdbels» Purses* Pocket, Books, Portmanteaus, 'M-u mm mm *u -s Music Rolls, Music, ever shown here Even if th(B goods-are extraordinariiyhigh quality the^ prices are not. lndeed» pric^ arie exactly oppidte.:^See stockheforeyou amsey 4 WMB o|i| n.i^ kinds of cereals successfully in North Dakota. The latest returns from the treasury, department shows that North Dakota Is the richest state per capita in the union. It is also born out by statistics that' I^amsey county is the richest county in the state per capita. We have the money here and we have the soil, why should not land values jo gyms LAKE STORES DECORAT advance? People who are selling' North Dakota land to seek their for- 3 REAL ESTATE one wouUPcome and offer you $50.00' •—James J. Hill. -fat- .Mme.Ro&tt'd'Briu'K 'iVeland's trijna donna soprwio, and tsoncert, organist, will give a sacced concert at fit. Jo- has ft 't-5 XI* -S 8W —,, H:^f4 •, t-V^ '1^ ftffli Vtfl Sj$E '$&$' MS?(p a DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA, DECEMBER 17, 1909. GHRISTMAS REIGNS ED IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE ANQ FH.LED WITH PRETTt Tfiere has never been to ^hdv-mslory "tof Devils Lake a time wheti the. stores were as largely stocked with holiday goods as thia- year. Bvery store in tbe city has put on the holiday atiire and is beautiful in its deeorattonsj of green and^ red, with here aa& therfe a Bprinkling of tinsel and gol& to add to the resplendent' beauty of the dec orations., This year is a pn»perous one with our people. The merchants of Devils Lake realised thiti- and Wve lidd in the largest stocks ofiChrist- ADVICE GlVEN BY J. frtL'C "RE GARDING NORTH DAKOTA Land. laid In the largest stocks of^Cbrist- average rate paid for fire Insurance 'mas goods that has ever been on dts- higher 8tjjj it. ..The tittle will come when it will it }8 a a Mi^'s chur^i W this city Sunday eve- The snow has come to. such ?Sj ejf nlng ,at1^it O'clock. This will be a t6®1 that there i&, n£ likelihood .of raremiusical treat tftat no one shquld "there being a ?gre«n- Christmas. The be worth $100.00 an acres If you take stores where the .large dlBplat^ Qf fire toss of Berlln r&rely exceeds $150, oare of it, .and there is no reason toys are on exhibition and waigh, tlie 000. If these comjtarative figures why It should ^not be wo^Bt- $150.00. tb? The good land In. this state, every piay jn this locality^ The trade is Are are each about one-tenth of the av- cember state a year ago. They are acre of it, can produce at a low es- enormous. Already the stores are erages In this oonntry there will forth-j looking forward to the biggest per timate from $12.00 to $15.00 per acre, being packed with young and old, all with dawn upon the popular under- iod In their history in 1910. It can be made to produce $20.00 pesr wearing the smile that comes to the standing, that there is afire problem The dividend just declared is the acre. If It produces $12.00 per cheerful giver. ,in this country. Another instance.fourth annual dividend of. 11 per cent acre that is 10 per cent on $120.00 while the aflsortmenta are- Jargkr which ought to appeal strongly to the 8caie than hereto^re,^0lular «een the rural population coming ,nto nnnor vhl 1 at- Aa lUi intAmrAfnf nf cuuv. ShODDillj?. fhttfr" nmnltilllWb.v^fej t^e city ta do their Christina^ 1a X, Wy, 7'™ ot you in making your selections. ^hava been for a jiun&er of jreaif^stJHE POSITIONS OF SENATOR The'farmers hav$ prospered"tad have PROM NORTH DAKOTA: b\8ta«f ln take that it has ever ^d to one w^ekv^^ The clerk wm be worked to the limit wd our ad^ce would be to get to ear- ly'and avoid the finalgrand1 rush, and ma?!/°ULS,! fC^ln8 bef°rfi the readers look over the advertisements in the Inter-Ocean as aU the leadlnr ®RBCEF FIRE 10SS TfST been expected but it ch^stallzed last We woulj also advise that, our *§fSS W r~^jJ 1S&C1 anwunt, North Di&ota has borne her ctnAp^gn-'of^educating the putillc io the necessity of checking thte enormous fire w^ste Is becoming Wlt? S$neral and ik ,«upto^l6low Nan "~J '1'" ^iire afad "O "3 ®p»s iw, ut"%* 1 ir^s-V^?3ife? that before any marked progress could be made in keeping down losses by flije,-there must be forced to the popu lar understanding that there is a Are loss problem. The average layman be lieves, if he gives any thought to the matter whatsoever, that a certain anderstanding: $75.00 or $100.00 an acre you would former years and it 1b aBtbnlshipff how CMcago. It has grown during recent on the company's profit earning pow stick Wm. Now if you can't buy an far Httle folks as they feast their eyes on were generally known it seems prob-f pretty things from toy land. :^s They be -created oii the popular understand about the atores with their la- ing. To get such Information before' people of.thfa» 'country Is certainly* ,„1 one'' then another. a task worthy tite prolonged and seri The weather'^ ideal for Christmas, oss.effort of any newspaper. num. ber of flreS and a certaip percentage of fire loss is just as necessary a mani festation of Providence as our fore fathers used to think of the epidemics of disease. That these great and de vastating epidemic .of sickness, which once carried oft thousands, are pre ventable, and that} they are now pre vented because people,- Individually and collectively, give proper heed to sanitary rules governing in the matter, is pretty Well understood. Comparable with the foregoing it is very probable that when cUlens -gen erally come, to know that In Germany, Prance," Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Switerland and Great Britain the av erage annual fire loss per capita, the and ANNOUNCEMENTS 1, na have sent out announcement that they will be candidates before the pri- for ltlonfl of torB for and 8hort epectlvely. has able BpeculaUon relatlve to mat. ^r some time and this action has when the annonncement waa the o£ the noauncemen w6re merchants of the city use the columns' f,„ ot ,tll» ^aper. Jn -rtll Hod Uom there tt»t wHl be ot service to „pabU(an i|^|bnited States senator for the long 'v'tenn subject to the ..decision of the .^jprimary election. stand for the principles- of pro 4*gresslve *. republicanism and) aga,inst [the policleis of such leadens as Aid rich and Cannon.--. •!./' j. .1 both printed on The contest for the control of the republican party and tbe government -^f^8 *etween the people and the Inter- INSURANCE COMMIdSlONER COOP- esta centered in Wall street, and on TREATS OF IT IN LAST BOLLETIN. HI8 ^^that issue I am witti tiie people. ^||:pvrtUf platform I shalL.adopt. 7 We are to receipt of Insurance Bulr^ —Thomas^ Marahdl.^ letta No,' 26, which', among other OaM.s North Dakota, things touches upon the great annualDecember,,fi, 1909^ loss by fire in tiie United States,-in I hereby anifeunce myself as a re compari8ionv with other countries. Ip publican candidate for 4Jnlted States tor the short term subject en^rse3nent .iWe have from time to time called the primary. the attention through these bulletins Hy record in congress upon public to the Enormous destruction of propel questions is well known. I pledge my ty in tfte United States each year4y fflelf fire.lind urged tffion them the progr^seive republicanism" to the end a little car^ and attention on their. that Aldrichism and Cannonlsm shall 'part would, very materially decrease, 6e eliminted and the control of the re thS annual fire 'waste In this state. publican party returned to the people *Oie,fire.tosjr^torthe past ten months. Wd fidelity to party, princf of thisiyear inrthe United1 States and,pledges heldinviolate.,! Canada amounts to the stupendous1 The platform upon "which' I stand sum sf $168,865450. and of tWa,m^:«ipn«Miced at slater date. m' of the people at to carry forward the principles of AT J. Gronna. Pashignton, p. €., Etec. 1909 ^^ffit»?Sf:-CARD-'OF.'THANK8. "life" and Mrs. %rawhecker and tear ily wish to thank their many friends tbr the otters of assistance, expres sions of sympathy and ^ifts of flowers Ae 4i^«t1l{M||ii w& .£ **T «w -^v*. Inter-Ocean the average annual IOBS of life byJremarkable Increases over the De- (paid prices show no advaiice ov^r' population about one-third larger than such proportions reflects great credit uttie money will go lii ®e»8e8 as rapidly as Chicago, and 1b ers." equal number of acres for less mon- ,the hearts of the friea^i add Quite as strenuous In its activities. ey, daat^U^^ your land. Hold on to J. I |TUe annual fire loss of Chicago ap- GORDON STRAWHECKER CALLED pleasing sight visit tfte PHBtfmates $5,000,000. The annual wonderful-dlsp&yp of able that a profound impression would j'^promlnent farmers of Lake township, —E. C. Cooper, Commissioner of Insurance. /^v-- DECLARE BIG PROFITS N. D. IMPROVEMENT CO. SHOWS HAND80ME DIVIDEN8 FOR INVESTMENT CONTRACT HOLDERS. This extract taken from the Issue of the Fargo Forum, Dec. 9th, wiU~be of interest to the three thousand five hun dred investors of the North Dakota Improvement Co., found in almost ev ery town In North Dakota: "At their regular monthly meeting Dec. 7, the directors of the North Da kota Improvement Co. declared 11 per' cent dividend on their profit Sharing investment contracts, pay able Jan. 1, 1910. "The directors are very enthusiastic over the results of the year's business, as the December statement showed by this company to its investors, Berlin has a,The maintenance of a dividend of HOME. On December S, occurred the deiath ,°f Gordmi Myrl Strawhecker, third of Mr Mrs_ strawhecker, residing twelve miles north of Devils Oordon was a sturdy, manly little fellow, having but a few days before his death celebrated his seventh birth day/ He was taken sick quite sud denly and succumbed after but three days' illness. The nature of the dis ease .made a funeral imposible, the funily being 3 barred by quarantine ftrom even accompanying the remains to the grave. Several of the neigh bors, however, joined the pastor and t&tf 'md&taker on^: their way to the v^vse cemetery, .where the burial service of. to be found at thiB store. The circu the Methodist Episcopal church was!lar was from the press of the Inter read by Rev. T. A. Olsen, as the little Ocean job department. Shorten the long winter evenings by getting an $1.50 PER YEAR flower covered form was placed In its last resting place. The hearts of their many friends and neighbors go out in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Strawhecker and their, remaining sons, in their'sad hour of bereavement. THE ELECTION of Prof. H. H. Aaker as mayor at Moorhead some nine years ago inject ed into that badly governed city anew era. Houses of prostitution were Im mediately closed, saloons remained closed according to law, and the city was saved thousands of dollars and was placed on a debt paying basis. If he handled the law-breaking element In Moorhead, his influence would prob ably be felt among that element in this state as governor, for which position he is now a candidate. OFFICERS FOR THE F0RE8TERS. The Catholic Order of Foresters elected the following officers at their meeting: Herman Huesgen, C. R. Herman Rntten, V. C. R. B. P. Flynn, R. C. Wm. Neimann, F. 8. F. H. Routier, Treas. Aloise Walter, P. J. Kersten and Jos Wlckert, Trus tees R. Daeley, Speaker. If you want, anything done ln the line of carriage or wagon work call at Mifee Mandy"s blacksmith shop where they make speicialty of that kind of work. Competent men are employed to attend to your wants to this line also do rubber tire work, and sleigh repair ing as well as build sleighs and do all kinds of job work. A specialty of all kinds of blacksmith work and shoeing. Tom Young's wood yard opened on October 15th and can supply you with all kinds of wood. Have a big stock of dry oak on hand. Office with C. A. Dodge, 'phone 40. Yards between Arnold and Flint avenues, on Fifth at The Troppman Co. issued the first of this week: probably as tasty a Christmas circular as has ever been distributed in tills vicinity. It was in three colors representing Santa Clans presenting to the- peopte tbe bargaiiis Edison Phonograph, everything from a tomic piece toj grand opera in your own home. Any one can have one. ,- Sold on.„ install ments. Tm TkT/~\TT[T DO-IT'NOii $27.00 iq IAK PHOJX)S*—NEAR POST-OFHCE -w- 4 mm® mm and 3?