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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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1 .J 8 '•-•'/I* -••1 I IPS-V pmir 1 diifli H. E. BAIRD, PRES. P. H. ROUTIER, CASHIER Capital Surplus Devils Lake Inter-Ocean Published every Friday at Devils Lake, Ramsey County, North Dakota. Official paper Ramsey County and Devils Lake. All Bills Collected Monthly. C. D. MILLS, Managing Editor. Subscription Price $1.60 a Tear. DECEMBER 17, 1909. RIGHT AGAIN. "Perhaps the example of a democrat from North Dakota in the U. S. senate may prove a valuable object lesson to the people of this state along that line."—Devils Lake Journal. There is not a particle of doubt about it. DISAPPOINTS THE DEMOCRATS. es state that when Speaker Joe took his seat 'friend and foe' alike cheer ed. Like as not there will be no war at all. The president don't want any tariff stir this session. And he prob ably does not want any other kind ot kind of trouble." PRICES ADVANCE IN LITERATURE Ex-President Roosevelt receives for his African hunting stories a dollar a H. WHIPPLE, VICE PRES. N. J. HALEY, A. CASHIER First National Bank Devils Lake. N. Dak. $75,000 $35,000 The Journal of last Friday in com menting on the fact that a week of the session of congress had almost passed and there had been no noise like a scrap in the republican ranks said: "As a nation we like to see the fur fly, and hear the yells of the combatants- Polishers and the growth of maga but lo! the always veracious dispatch- ^nes- While we do not think it was inten tional on the part of the Journal nev ertheless we feel that they spoke a truth in this regard: Taft probably does not want any kind of trouble*. That is very commendable of the pres ident. The U. S. congress is assem bled not to fight, like a democratic convention, but to make laws for the people of the United fcSates who, not withstanding there may be a few ex ceptions, are a peacable nation, who would rather see harmony and unity the governing body at Washington than a see-saw sort of democratic tac tics where there is nothing accom plished and a lot of dissension stirred up. word. Rudy&td Kipling is supposed to receive the highest prices paid any author of fiction. For the English and American serial rights of "Kim," he received $25,000. Sir Arthur Con an Doyle hit one of the highest marks when he received sixty cents a word for the American serial rights of his latest "Sherlock Holmes" stories. This compares amusingly with the rate of $2 per thousand words—or one-fifth of a cent a word—received for his first and generally considered best stories. High prices for literary work be gan practically with the great success of Sir Walter Scott. The compensa tion for his "Life of Bonaparte," aver aged $165 for each day of work spent upon it. Thackeray was offered $1,000 for ."Henry Esmond," and he jumped at the proposition. Both Dickens and Hugo made good money, but when Eugene Sue drew $20,000 for his "Wandering Jew"—a novel of probab ly upwart of 500,000 words—the liter ary world gasped. Prices have risen steadily, with the increased success of auth°r' h°wever' in a» th€ history of literature has ever made so much money for each actual word in a literary product as will Commander Peary. I Dr. Johnson, it will be remembered, wrote his immortal "Rasselas" to pay the funeral expenses of Ms grand mother. Milton sold his "Paradise Lost" to a bookseller for $25. Poe's "Raven" brought him the grateful sum of $15. The Outlook, which was most se in criticising Ssecretary of the wholly legitimate and honorable and the charges that publication brought against him are withdrawn. Attor ney General Wickereham investigated the entire matter after the charge ap peared in Collier's and he declares that there is nothing dishonorable or Persistent selling of the highest standard of merchandise at the lowest prices has gain jed for us the confidence of discriminating shoppers. The progressive policy of this store is -'conducive to profitable shopping. Our prices are always just a little lower than anyone •else—and the goods we sell always prove satisfactory Our Jewelry is distinctive in ap pearance—and there is a newness about it that will surely appeal to you. Watches, Dia monds, Sterling Silver, CutGlass, Opera Glasses, Gold and Silver handle Umbrellas, Silver ree than ever you to do gyour Christmas Shopping. 309 KEi-i: vere Interior Ballinger does the proper thing by tendering that gentleman an apology after a careful examination of ago. ui ims tnere is circulation, the records touching the matters in $3,131,310,934, an increase of $6,631,877) controversy. It declares that the over a month ago and $13,749,901 over conduct of Mr. Ballinger after leav- a year ago.' ing the position of commisioner of| the general land office and before he An official report foreshadows thq became secretary of the interior was enormous business that will be tran- •?-&r "S (5f •i «& iipp even censurable Ifa the conduct of the 000,000. The total for this calender secretary. President Taft some days ago declared his confidence in the integrity of his secretary. All of this evidence ought to convince muck rakers that their artillery should be, turned in the direction of sqme -one else. The American people have gone mad in an effort to discredit .every body holding high positions. If the republican party ia to accom •plish anything in the way of advanc ed legislation at the coming session of congress it will be necessary jt« get together. Factional alignment will only divide strength that will be required in the accomplishment of needed reforms. There is no dis guising the fact that legislation Jilt this coutnry is largely the product" t)f party organization and party fealty. There is not a law upon the statute books of the nation that was placed there by insurgents. There has been enough crimination and recriminattoii and peace should now be declared. Speaker Cannon could render the. re publican party great service at this time by "coming down off of his high horse." He should be a pacifier rath er than a disturbing element Let us have peace. Walter Wellman is the latest foS: sil to take a shot at Dr. Cook. Well man made a bluff at seeking the north pole by means of a balloon jthdUafter posing for two seasons in the lime light and getting all of the free adver tising possible out of the venture he "folded his tent like the Arabs and silently stole away." Wellman made Un attempt to reach the north poie himself some years ago and failed af ter untold suffering from accident and exposure and because his methods were impracticable and resulted in disappointment he is hardly prepar ed to, criticise the plans of others who succeeded. Governor Burke says that President Taft's message will be generally disap pointing to the people-of the middle west That may be the case with the democrats of the middle west, but there are a very small per cent, of the republicans of the middle west wH£ are dissatisfied therewith. The peo ple in general are enjoying prosperity, and are not anxious to have matters stirred up that will cause business un rest and the subsequent tightening at the purse strings that inevitably fol lows. :5V Every person in the United Statep, should have $34.98 if the "monejr circulation December 1 was evenly di vided. This is based on the treasury's estimate-of a population of 84,524,000. The monthly circulation statement shows the general stock of money in the United States to be $3,429,602,048, an increase of $712,935 since a montlf Of this there is in clrculatioi & AVENUE 4 sacted when the Panama canal is com pleted. The great volume of Ameri can merchandise now being carried by rail across the isthmus of Tehuan-j tepee is shown by the fact that for the fiscal year of 1909 goods transported amounted in value to more than $60,- Ml Our Stock Is*,*, Complete V" j, year will probably reach $75,000,000. No more powder, paint, hair puffs dangling jewelry, fluffy lingerie, etc, uBt plain blacS or white shirt waists, black skirts aiid hair done neatly, is ^e order of a Chicago store to its &male employes. That store must intend to build up: a business on first principles and cut .out flirting by its male customers. A couple of Nbrth Dakota land owners while in Minneapolis a short time ago, bought a: gold brick from one of the Flour City's frenzied fin anciers. The next morning the brick had turned to brass. They must have a peculiar atmosphere there to affect 'metal that way. Those people who claim we ought to work only two hours a day will never realize their dreams, because Such a condition as that among the class commonly called the working people would necessitate the work ing of the criminal court machinery night and day. Hampton's Magazine has purchased the exclusive right of publishing the complete narrative of Commodore Peary's discovery of the north pole. Hampton's, it is understood, pays $50,000 for the story, about $1.20 per word. This price is the highest ever paid an author. Speaker Cannon and some other al leged obstructionists accompanied President Taft down the Mississippi with the deep waterways commission The speaker is alleged to have follow «d out his alleged policy of obstruction by dropping a "damn" here and there. It will be necessary for the demo cratic papers to say a great deal about Senator Thompson while he holds his seat in the U. S. senate, else the peo ple of North Dakota will forget that he. is there. If home was a place requiring some cabalistic word and mysterious sign to gain admission, it would have larger evening attendance. Did you ever think you would like to give some poor family a iift and then find out that, they kept and fed four or'five mangy curs? If Uncle Joe wants to go inta vaude ville after leaving cpngress, all this advertising he is getting will be valuable asset. The sweetest voice sounds unpleas ant when used to waken a sleepy man to ask him to get up and tend to the baby. In Turkey the women are so mod est they wear heavy veils so people (ian't see their naked eyes. Some people waste enough time and energy deploring hard luck to make a success of most any business. The man who bides his light under a bushel is in a large measure re sponsible for his own failure. The wise man saves iip his money— and the fool comes along and bor rows it. i--:- Somehow or other a woman's figure seems to fit any fashion. fiSome brainy people are thoughtless.' When justice sleeps, prison yawns. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Devils Lake will be held at the office of said bank on Tuesday, January the 11th, 1910, at 4 o'clock P. M., for the ielection of directors and Bach other business as may properly come before the meeting.. F. H. Routier, ®'-v fl® 4fF. »i ...v1 Cashier. ^Dated at Devils Lake, N. D., December 1 11 :r: i1 'J THE HOME fp- INVESTMENT jMf W tfw&i£&u GO. 1*1. if 'We have houses for rent or sale at reasonable prices. On sales be company's stock at par tao be applied or *orchase price. Somp choice residence lots for sale on same iwrms. mmm *\f qLil, .5.1 .Bangs Wt, l-\5 a f' _\' *-f "r' »-*5& 35. fS#l! Holiday Gifts for Men and Boys Bath Robes Slippers Neckwear 6loves Suspenders Collar Bags Hankerchief Gases and Everything in Men and Boys' Apperel White & Henderson TWO STORES Devils Lake, N. D. and Jamestown, N. D. 2 Per Gent. Off on Outside fur Goats •5 SuitaUe Christmas Gifts flls what we are all looking for at this time of the year and we had this in view when we laid in the large stock of goods suitable for this purpose. I you are looking for holiday presents that will give real satisfaction we would call your attention to our list, and are sure that we can please you. We have the following articles in silverware which we sell with a 20 year guarantee: Carving sets, Knives and Porks, Fruit Knives in sets, Children's sets, Berry Spoons, Butter Knives, Pie Knives, Sugar Tongs, etc. We -also have safety razors of all kinds, boys sleds, skates, and num erous other articles that are very suitable for presents for both young and old. v. Smoking Jackets Mufflers Hankerchiefs fancy Waistcoats Hosiery Cuff Gases O'Brien Brop The Up-to-date Hardware Dealers\ _mail order department o: Smte, Sfcocs, Carpets and ft Upholstery, Jewelry, Toys and HoUday Goods .v Srnt ^L^!S^tlyrSqiilp^ at a1^ -u jz ~.3 j* 1 thatwe received. Trained shoppers do toe wr% absolute satisfaction. No sale is com plete'untilthe customer, is absolutely satisfied. We times to adjust any complaint-r in* with' wCS 8°°*® pac*- Your trad S S a a a a MA°XyoU your *vl" mvyyinii mm* ATHULOBiaS WHi CONVINCE "Jti v- J* fit*** ts. ifc 'A 4si 3pi4f' I\ *11 or far? •*. i- sboppinft to persoaT^ !$5#, Hz. 4