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4\ &&*>• '•ii •II Professional Cards FLYNN & TRAYNOR LAWYERS Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all courts. State and Federal EDWARD F. FLYNN Specialty, Titles, Corporaton and Commercial Law FRED J. TRAYNOR Litigated Cases Probate Practice. Office over 1st Natl Bk. Devils Lake, N. D. Borke, Middangh & Cnthbert LAWYERS Practice in State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office in Locke-Gram Blbik Phone 84 Devils Lake Dr. EINAR ONSUM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Graduate Christiana University. Norway Office and residence over Bell's Drug Store Phone 234 Devils Lake PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN We have an unlimited amount of money for farm loans, and will make your loans at a low rate of interest. Principal and interest payable at First National Bank, Devils Lake, N. D. We give you any one of the following plans: A straight five or ten year loan. A loan payable on or before five years. You may pay the full amount at any time you desire to do so. A loan upon which you may pay any part, or all, of the principal at any time ana stop interest on the amount you pay. See us before placing your loans. It will pay you to do so. Dr. MAUDE R. WILLIAMS WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Devils Lake, North Dak. Dr. C. J. McGURREN ^5 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON BESpecial attention paid to diseases of the ear. eye, nose and throat and the fitting of glasses. JOffice in Locke-Gram Block Phone 240 Devils Lake DR. W. F. SIHLER DR. G. J. UCINTOSH Drs. SIHLER & McINTOSH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special Nurse: Miss S. E. Bray Office in Mann Block Phone 157 Devils Lake Dr. W. D. JONES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bans Block Phones: Office 2 Residence 117 Devils Lake Dr. CLINTON SMITH PHYS C1AN AND SURGEON Office in Ban# Block Phones: Office 113 Residence 186* Devils Lake Dr. A. T. HORSMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Red Cross Drug Store Phone 21 Devils Lake Dr. W. T. FLYNN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Brennan Block Phone 100 Devils Lake PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office opposite New Catholic Church Phone 180 Devils Lake Drs. EKERN & MARSDEN SPECIALISTS Eye, Ear, Nose and rhroat Plathy Building Grand Forks North Dakota Dr. W. H. BATES, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT St. John's Block, Grand Forks, N. D. Telephone 647. Dr. W. C. FOLLETT DENTIST Office: 2nd Floor, Locke-Gram Block Phone 363 Devils Lake Dr. WILLIAM K. MOELLER DENTIST Office in Bang Block Phone 86 Devils Lake tk Dr. H. G. ROMIG DENTIST S 6 a 7 a Office hours:'9 to 12 1 to 5 Phone 214 Devils Lake Dr. W. E. HOCKING DENTIST Office in Bang Block Devils Lake Phone 272 MISS MARY E. NORTON tEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE. THEORY OF MUSIC AND HARMONY Studio 616 E. Sixth Street Devils Lake BOYS AND GIRLS A. CB4JTCB TO UIR YOUR CHtfgMUS ffONEY THE SYNOPSIS AntirsMCKine .snowy! *xs «w ten and cliatfr reading wmnmtmt mrtfanm If some people spent as much time in hustling for what they need as they do In wishing for what they can do without, they would be well sup plied with the necessities of life. WESTERN c/S CANADA What 1.1. Hill, the Great Railroad Magnate, 3ays About Its Wheat-Producing Powers The greatest need of this country States! in another genera or two will be the pro Tiding of homes for its people and .producing Bufficient for them. The dayt# of our prominence 89 a wheat exporting country are gone.' Caik aila.ia to be the great wheat country.1* TMB great railroad mag nate is taking advantage of the .0itaation by ex tensive railway build ing: to the wheat fields of Western Canada. Upwards otl25Million Bushels of Wheat were harvested In 1909. Average of the three provinces of Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba will be upwards of 23 bushels per acre. Free homesteads of lOO acres* and adjoining pre-emptions of 160 acres (at |3 per acre), are to be had In the choicest districts, Schools convenient, climate excellent, soil the very best, railways close at hand, build ing lumber cheap, fuel easy to get and reasonable In price, water easily procured: mixed [xarxbingr a success. Write as to viuvww AJOOV uos« IfCDH \DOUb ilro on application), and other informa tion, to Sop't of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to the Canadian Government Agent. CHAS. PILLING Clifford Block, Grand Forks, N. Dakota (Use addrea nearest yon). (4) NOTICE TO CBBSXTOBS. In the matter of the estate of Fran cis M. Dixon, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed Dallas G. Duell, administrator of the estate of Francis M. Dixon, late of the city of Devils Lake, in the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said de ceased, to exhibit them with the neces sary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator at his office in the city of Devils Lake, in said Ramsey county or at the office of the county judge of said county. Dated this sixth day of December A. D. 1909. —Dallas G. Duell, Administrator. First publication on the 10th day of December A. D. 1909. Notice of Special Tax Receipt. Notice is hereby given, that a Govern ment Tax Receipt is issued to W. A. Wilson that the date of such Receipt is July 1st, 1909 that the description of the property where said Tax Receipt is posted is the basement room of the Wineman building situate on Lot 12. Block 33, of the city of Devils Lake, Ramsey county, N. 1) and the name of the owner of said property in which said Tax Receipt- is posted is S. I.. Wineman, and the name of the lessor of said property is W. A. Wilson. Dated Dec. 9th, 1909. —W. A. Wilson. Premises moHkm wtm rtiti wmmrm KM tVBKt mitBOKimOtt rtw nm ra.err AcuiBiiti |apwMt gmemmmmmmt*. y&fe Dakota, county of State of North Ramsey, ss. In District Court, Second Judicial dis trict. John Lenhart, plaintiff, vs. John Schlosser. defendant Summons. The state of North Dakota to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in the above entitled mat ter which has been filed and is on flle in the office of the clerk of said court in Devils Lake, Ramsey county, N. D., and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers, within thirty days after th_ service of this summons on you, exclus ive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judg ment will be taken against you by de fault jr the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated October 13th, 1909. -—Flynn & Traynor, Residence and Post office address,' rt^geff Devils Lake, N. D. Notice of Mortguge Foreclosure SaleT Notice is hereby given that that cer «executed and delivered bj Sven S. Nestegard and Anna S. Nes tegard, his wife, mortgagors, to the First National Bank dfDevils Lake mortgagee, dated May 16, 1905, and filed for record in the office of the reg ister of deeds of the county of Ramsey in the state of North Dakota on the22id dfy May. 1905, and recorded in Book £5t at Vage 344 and assign ed by safcT mortgagee to Carles M. Fisher, which assignment bas been duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds in book 13 of mortgages at page 51, will be foreclosed by a sale or tne in such mortgage and herein after^ described at the front door of-the ^tasey county court house to the city of Devils Lake in the county of Ram state of North Dakota atthe hour of ten o'clock a. m. on the joth Jay of January. 1810, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described mortgage and which will be sold to satlsf^ the same are described as fol ffflSS and. known and described as the north east auao^r (NB%) of the northwest %?tlon» 28 and lots 1 and S of section 2? and lots 1 and BStlon 1^'township 154, north of range 66 west, containing one hundred -ninety two and 20-100 acres, mote 'o* less acdrding to Uie govern ment survey thereofv -:v -y&'f. .Ther^win be dui oi^ sntdi mortgage -at the-day -of sale tacludhig intuit J-paid on,# prior mortgage and laxe# jpaid on the premises above described jb the ©e«inberl, IgMj. —Charles It Flabar. CALISTA'S CHRISTMAS How a Girl Was Changed Fr0ITI*^The Selfishness to Charity By CLARISSA MACKlE. (Copyright, 1909, by American Ptess ciatlon.j 4 For twelve long years^Callsta had fought against, ttiset jjrlm which had removed her It/ within the space of a short month and left her hofele8 eyed In the midst of an emp% hou even now echoing wltte happy' stilled forever. She was a frail little wo a bruised heart which she bid to a cold exterior, defiant blue eyes a'tidf a bitter tongue. All the softness^Sf. her youth had congealed. She was estranged from happiness. Twelve times since that awful y^ar had Calista hung the stockings before, 'the fireplace to, the, Mttteg,, .room mother's warm woolen hose, father% large sock, Bobby's two stockings (gaping expectantly), little Ann's white* ones and. last of all, her own, limp black one. And twelve titnes had Calistri'^ftljetl them with shining eyes and swe^fin^ heart. Then when Christmas morning dawned and she awoke to the bitter ness that awaited her In the silent house and in the sight of the row of bulging stockings hanging before the smoldering fire she would By down to the sitting room ancf tear them from the shelf and empty each one of Its burden. The bureau' drawers In the" sinnt roofed bedrooms were filled with the little treasures Calista had bought for her loved ones. Again It was Christmas eve. and Calista had come home from shopping. Her arms were full of parcels, and the mow flakes .powdered the dark .hair, that framed her small pale face paler than usual, for the young minis ter bad met her at the corner and walked home with her. At the gate he bad timidly reilevod himself of a burden that troubled him. He had' remonstrated with Calista Thorp because of her selfishness. Her cheeks burned as she remember ed bow his spectacles had reflected "HEBBY CHBXSX1IAB, MIBB CALISTA!" the moonlight ^until they seemed like luminous supernatural eyes reading her soul. He bad ventured only a few words, and his concluding sentence still rang in her ears: "Surely there is room In your heart for others outside your loved ones who have gone! God grant you a hap py Christmas, Miss Calista!" He was very young and very poor and very much in earnest, and be had a young wife and family at home awaiting him. yet he had found time to concern himself over Calista Thorp, the most skeptical member of bis flock. For the first time a light broke in. on Calista's brain. For the first time she saw herself in her true character. She saw that in giving herself up to those who were goue she was hiding her talent in a uapkln. It was not those loved ones she was benefiting it was the living she was denying. What right bad she to keep all for the dead, who could use nothing she would give them? Was she not ip giving It to. them hoarding it for herself? .All of a «iid den a realization of, her true position •rushed upon her with resistless force. And' "how long had she shot herself In this world of her.own peliteb tnak- tog? Twelve years. A shame came In fiffer hea^t that Bhe had ali iQils ^vhlle takeQ po iiitere&^in a single living being' at Christmas time. There were the children among her Wlatlves, the children of her friends, bnt, above all, the chifdren of th« poor. When she thought xA^be many little ones whom even a penny toy would delight she was sejzed witb a desire on this Christmas to i^Jpe out the stain.,. The parcels tattled to the floorr^the pipe which her fathei* woftld nevef smoke, the soft wools which ber tHotb fingers would never knit, the toys with which Bobby might not play the morntog, #hen Chrlstniiaa ,\Viis stirring Arouud, iier bouse. Two great baskets were tilled with' gifts from the overflowing drawers In'the closed chambers, and Calista's best cloak and bat lay on the sofa. ijoorhouw was three miles away on the highroad, and a snowplow had levelt'tl a broad trai'U to the very door. Galis.ta. olttd in her best, put on her Mtershoes and started forth, a basket Sftjltbfer. hotjd. ie was (juite pale' and tired when [e turned Jiitb ilje high white gate ^advance^ up ih|j|ath, bordered on jfiltLsIde vi'lthigli^m^e^ar trees. Keyfcs was the qjfotqgfer of the Cj^verdale:3poor^6^ a^d it-^as cou ig^d„ institution slfterMi lie "fwit _anai Ijkirid.Jii the s|ite.^' in the long dining hall wfi^nX'allsta rang the ben, and when th^door opened the bluff, brown eyed doctor himself stood bjefore her. ^^lt rry Christmas Mlss'Oallsta! So yoH?are pla.vtuftRa'nta Claus this morn 1 am glud of that, because some ofvjny old people are feeling very blue today." He relieved her of the baskets and led the way into the cheery warmth Of his comfortable office, where Calis ta sat down before the glowing stove and thawed out her frosty fingers. When she spoke her eyes were fasten ,ed on the red coals, and the words came hesitatingly, "I've kept Christmas alone—for twelve years. Somehow I didn't care about seeing anybody. 1 Just wanted to try to bring back things as they used to be—before"— Dr. Keyes wiped his glasses and re placed tbeiu on his fine nose. Had be not stood side by side with little Ca lista' Thorp and fought hopelessly the battle of life and death—and lost And had not Calista turned on him like a little wild animal and con deiuued him because he bad failed? She had avoided speaking to him afterward, and this was the tirst time they had met. aud she was talking to bill) now as it she bittl forgotten that be had Inst the grim battle for her loved ones. V-T "before my folks died," weut on Calista steadily. "But it can't be done! The luiuisii'r talked to me about It. and 1 got to thinking last night tuay b« the best way to live over happy times Is to give thera to somebody else that never bad any, so I've brought all the presents I've given mother and father and the children ever siuce-then— and 1 want the folks here to have them." Two tears rolled down her cheeks from Calista's overcharged heart, and others followed and fell into the glass of grape jui -e which Dr. Keyes held at ber lips, aud perhaps it was that or the large warm nand which rested on 'her shoulder that revived the. tittle woman to.renewed strength. "You need never be without a famj ly. Miss Calista," said the doctor at last-in a husky voice. "1 have a fami ly here—forty people—old and youn^, and little children. The.v need help and encouragement and comfort. Some may have another chance in the world If they receive a word of womanly sympathy in season. Will you be my right hand here V" "I'd like to." sobbed Calista thank fully. f. Together they distributed the con tents of the two baskets, and Calista found her tongue saying soft pleas antries a|id her* cold face responding warmly to grateful smiles. She saw ber mother's kindly look and her father's approving nod in the faces of many of these indigent, old people, and the delight of Bobby and little Ann were repeated tenfold by the orpbaned poor children of the doc tor's household. "Too have been an angel in disguise to them this Christmas day," said the doctor as he. carried Calista,home in his sleigh that evening, for Calista had stayed to the dinner of pork tenderloin and apple sauce, with vegetables and many dainties contributed bjy the good overseer from his own scanty pocket. Calista Thorp's house was empty no, longer. There was always room for some broken soul from the poorhouse —some one who drooped in the at mosphere which conld never be lnsep-' arable from the institution and who needed comfort and encouragement be fore taking up the burden of life and attaining Independence in the end. The following Christmas Calista was welcomed as an old friend by the in mates of the poorhouse. At ber bidding each one had hung his or her stocking on a line stretched before the dormitory doors, and that evening Calista and Di4. Keyes had filled them all. Calista's blue eyes were shining with happiness as the doctor drove her home nnder the Christmas stars. "W6 remembered every one," she said contentedly, leaning back among the soft robes. "Every .one?' he repealed doubt- folly. "Wbyj who have we forgotten?" "Mfc" be ««id gravely. C^Ipn's heart tbomped painfully at the nisr nottt in hlsjdepp, tofc%. ^Yt?o.Aave forgotten^ me. Caljsta. have Klven xou my heart. TlIs mv WWIWtt girp. ~xou ntM'e iod »•jlft. too. tne tofcs.'v, of my poorT.people-add his your heart. I, too. waut a gift." There was a bushed silence then un til Calista found courage to ask shyly "What shall 4 give—to you—my best friend?" "Give me a' place in your heart,' Calista. I must be there also. We will" work together. Surely you have room? in your heart for m$ too!" He leaned over and looked in her eyes, where joy shone serene. She gave her band into his with sim ple faith. "There is room in my heart for yon, Henry—room for the memory of my dear ones, room for the whole world.", Chamberlain 1 itur Never fails. B'-*- Staliionwith K.CT7J- HE demands of the coming "social season" are such that every lady or gentlemen will require a party slipper. Anticipating your wants along these lines we are prepared to show you a variety of styles and the prices are in reach of ali.v We will be glad to have, you inspect these lines. 309 Kduey Ave. Flynn Block Shoe Repairing Step in arid look over our goods us take your measure. Prices are riglft finest quality: of goods and workman ship of the best. ... ... LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME HIDES AND FURS I will to he a he a for hides and furs. Bring them or ship them |n. You will get a square deal and your money by re turn mail. DAVIS RUBIN, DEVILS LAKE, N. D, 512 Second Street. I®" You can see sign of D^vis Jtubin from corner of John Bell's ba^n. Our Coal Is S^em Grain «id Fuel Ci (SneecMMts to Winter A Amek) Importers of Percheron, Belgian and Shire Stallions Wif"**0' North Dakot^ 00 ilwaefcSete. Fargo, Dea Moiaps, BURGESS & IIIKEH. KE Rafts, Etc. Horse and Cow Hldm tanned and 119 made up into a finished Coat (or, 9 $8 to $ 10 Send for Circulars and Shlpplng Tags. TAUBERrS TANNERY MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Money talks—and is certainly an ^J entertaining and forceful con versa-4 tionalist. The Tailor Under First National Bank Down Price is what we mean—price I $ down. Is our coal down in your cellar? If it isn't yon can have it by telephon ing your order to445. We .also cany a fall line of Hard and Soft wood. ,i order Mttni early delivery. ol Milwaukee Depot direct to fiti, and be abte i» rim and bay from owner VIFER-1.. .V- a 71. ...^5 ii Draft Dent tm to the chwnPioa iMMMCMi Flrat Nit spring. onrwcheiOM at State Pain BMA,Farm .i jyii.yii|iiiJii!iiHiHpnp