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THE HOME 1 INVESTMENT CO. We have houses for rent or sale at reasonable prices. On sales he company's stock at par tan be applied purchase price. Some choice residence lots for sale on same t^rms. OLE SERUMGARD Manager EXCHANGES Chris Matson made a flying trip to ihe Lake on Wednesdaj last.—Messrs. Riek and Gloff visited at Devils Lake "Thursday and Friday.—Penn Hustler. Albert Olson and Ed. Kendrick at tended a show at the Devils Lake op •era house last Saturday night.—Space and time does not permit us to write •up the opening play which took place on the 16th inst—but we suffice it to say that it was one of the swellest events ever held in the state.—War •wick Sentinel. Miss Lenn'on visited Devils Lake ov er Sunday, returning to her school duties Monday noon.—There was a ball at Lichty-hall last Friday night when the music was furnished by Miss Bessie Bangs on the piano and Mr. An derson of Devils Lake on the violin. Mr. Anderson secured a music class while here and will return once every two weeks.—Rock Lake Ripples. Jda White came up from Minne apolis Monday on a visit to her aunt, Miss Riley. She returned to Devils Lake Tuesday where she will visit a few days with old-time friends before returning home.—Four of the chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hann of Devils Lake are here this week on a visit to Mrs. M. Shevlin. Churchs Ferry Sun. Jack McCanna was a Devils Lake caller last Monday.—Harry L. Meach am was a Devils Lake passenger on Thursday.—Capt. Atkins went to Dev ils Lake on business Monday morning. —Attorney Moseley and R. P. Abbey went to Devils Lake Thursday of last week to attend the opening of the new opera house at that place.—P. J. McCIory went to Rolla from here af ter court to transact legal business.— T. W. Conyers made a business trip to Devils Lake Monday morning.— Cando Herald. Mrs. J. G. Calderwood was a Dev ils Lake visitor Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nicholson went up to Dev ils Lake Tuesday evening to attend a Masonic gathering including the or ders of the Blue Lodge, the Chapter and the Eastern Star. They report a delightful time.—Mrs. Walke, Mrs. Medelman and M. D. Kavanaugh at tended the opening of the new opera house at Devils Lake last Thursday. Mrs. Walke and Mrs. Medelman were •entertained by Mrs. A. M. Powell, and "Mr. Kavanaugh made up one of the "box party of F. P. Mann.—Crary Pub lic Opinion. ONE COM PRO __vv o, Adjourned meeting of the Board of county commissioners of Ramsey county, North Dakota- Tuesday, December 7, 1909. The board, met at 2 o'clock p. m„ "•pursuant to adjournment. Present: 'Commissioners Johnson, Nesseth, Ma5 loney, Emigh and Samuel. The board then proceeded with the checking up of the sheriff's office. Moved and carried to adjourn until 8 o'clock a. m. December 8, 1909. —R. V. Bice, County Auditor. Adjourned meeting of the board of |Bounty commissioners of Ramsey gpunty, North Dakota. Wednesday, December 8, 1909. 'r^2J 35he board met at 9 o'clock a. m. pur ?wttant to adjournment. Present, Com missioners Johnson, Nesseth, Maloney Xmigh and SampeL .- „. The board continued with the check lug up of the sheriff's office and also proceeded with the checking up of the Afferent officials. 1 Moved anjf carried to adjourn until o'clock a. m., Thursday, December 5\ R. V. Bice. .? County/Auditor *The- board. met at 9 o'clock.'a, m. OPfcursday, December 9, 1909, pursuant the above adjournment Present -Commissioners Johnson, Nesseth, Ma ^iimey, Emigh and Samuel. board continued .with the vgbecktag up of the rariou» offices. TdmeasoddAaied to M*mrn untA ?lclock Friday, December 10, 'y '•-r- county, North Dakota. Friday, December 10, 1909. The board met at 9 o'clock pursuant to above adjournment Present: Com missioners Johnson, Maloney, Samuel and Emigh. It was moved and carried that Com missioner Maloney act as temporary chairman in the absence of Chairman O. O. Nesseth. Moved and carried that the follow ing bills be allowed and warrants or dered drawn in payment of same as follows: Gus Furstenau, county treasurer postage account $ 6.58 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer county wolf bounties paid... 2.00 Gus Furstenau! county treasurer Refund Frank Penner's per sonal taxes 11.86 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer to court orders paid for jur ors 522.10 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer to court orders paid witnesses 355.40 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer account of Mae Flore taking testimony in district court .. 10.00 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer sewer assessments paid on court hotjse property 67.50 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer account of W. A. Kimmerly for road work done on road north of town 65.00 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer Account of L. W. Carson se curing evidence in cases of violation of the prohibition law 53.75 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer Account of L. W. Carson se curing evidence in cases of violation of the prohibition law 153.95 CAN YOU EARN too JER MON" If you Earn Less I We can DOUBLE your Salary or Sncome Many of our students are earning this and more. One young man was earn ing $30 per month before he took a course with us. We placed him in a posi tion and he is now making $1500 per year. Several of our young ladies are earn ing $75 per month and up ward. If you are interested jsend for ouf free catalog and we will show you foi mer students who are earn ing $100 per month and we will tell you how yon .can do the same. Union Commercial College Grand Forks, N. D. Ttecfcer Hug&cs, Prteipals.. THE SCH00LTHA1 PLACES ITS STUDENTS IN GOOD .POSITIONS, To Treasurer of North Dakota Improvement Co. $110.00 if sS Gus Fursteuau, county treasurer account of G. N. R. R, Co., to railroad fare for Walter Boughtoti, county charge, to Tacoma, Wn '. Gus Furstenau, county treasurer ....eUhe Dividend Check.... JOHN SMITH (he Older of ONE-HUNDRED AND TEN .... DOLLARS 4th Annual Dividend on Tea Year Profit Sharing Investment Contract. No. Serie*„_ 42.80 J. W. Wheeler, to grading on township line betweeen New land and -Lawton townships 355.74 Gus Furstenau, county treasurer. account of G. N. R. R. Co., to railroad fare for Wm. Jenks, county charge, from Devils Lake, to Rochester, Minn. 10.40. Gus Furstenau, county treasurer account of G. N. R. R. Co., for railroad fare of Ole John son, county charge, from Dev ils Lake to Minneapolis Gus furstenau, county treasurer account of G. N. R. R. Co.,.. for railroad fare of John La 8.45 Plant, county charge, frtfm Devils Lake to Los Angeles, CaL 40.40 Devils Lake Gen. Hospital, to board and care of county pa tients 101.75 F. W. Mann & Sons, goods fur nished for county poor 7.00 W. H. Belford, insanity fees ._ 171.15 Aslakson & Peterson, goods fur nished Ole Hanson, county charge A1 Heddon, to road work done on grade between section 14 and 23, Fancher township ... A. J. Hammar, to road work done on grade between sec tions 14 antj 23, Fancher town ship Englehorn & Moe, nails- furn ished for the bridge between 15.00 36.00 4.00 Ramsey and Benson counties, south of Churchs Ferry Peter Morgan, to road work done in Norway township 58.00 R. Goer, attorney by order of court to defend Ysaki Kujala 25.00 Rent of house for Mrs. Simmons from Nov. 7th, to December 7th, 1909 15.00 Peter Glerum, extra clerk in re gister of deeds office, Novem ber 19th to November 30th .. National Elevator company fuel furnished state's attorney's office J. Goldberg & Co., two cots fur nished Holbrook Merc. Co., supplies furnished court house ., Dr. E. G. Nicholson, expert tes timony in case of state vs. 1.25 20.00 6.60 8.00 Ysaki Kujala 30.00 Joe Meyer, hauling four loads of ashes from court house grounds 3.00 Dr. W. F. Silher, services as su perintendent, county board of health 43.15 D. G. Duell, services as member of county board of health A. M. Bond, services as mem ber of county board of health Fred Baker, to nursing Louis 6.00 9.00 Norton and Leo Weidiger, small pox patients, from Sep tember 29th, to October 7th, 1909 27.00 Making a total of" .$2293.43 It was moved and carried to take a recess until 2 o'clock P- m. Afternoon Session. The board met at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to above recess. Present, Commissioners Johnson, Maloney, Emigh and Samuel. Moved and carried that the follow ing bills be allowed and warrants or dered drawn in payment of same, as follows: W. H. Belford, boarding pris oners for the month of November .....$ 150.45 W. H. Belford, attendance in district court, etc. .' W. H. Belford, postage, tele graph and long distance phones August Raff, measuring grade, Webster township {Grand Forks Herald, blanks.. TWO COM PPRO etaoi 00 Grand Forks Herald, sup plies ......... Journal Mfg, Co., supplies fur- A Reward For Payable B*nk, Every man feds a eener sense of pleasure in receiving, an annual dividend check than he does: his monthly pay envelope. Why the difference)' .., ttte:resMt of toil to provide- lor living eqeiues odier is the Reward of sacrifice and self denal that hav« made possible die'creation of a fund for investment .. The Iraij*ov$nent Can4aBy'« Ten Yev Proj^ Shating mfertiuent C^n&ract, bcud any denomination, fumifbe^ the ideal plan of mvestment for your surplus eammgs, com bming th«e important features: DtricJend», l«ed on pro fata ihaie of the act earninp. 2. Dnrideadt, due and promptly |wd Jm: lit of each y«ar ip3. Seearity in Kve mcocte proper^, rtrtfe^caOjr loeated. 4 Ccotraett of any «ze on^Uy payfa^or U&x 231.25 50.32 7.00 .22 3.00 NO._ FARGO, N.D., JAN. 1st, 1910. 3 •VE'i faai tx»U& ex. NORTH DAK0U 24 years nished 21.00 C. P. Brainard, supplies fur nished 6.80 W. D. Gile, burial of Oscar Erickson,' $83.50, allowed at 36.00 M. H. Brennan, rent of stete'B attorney's room for the months of July, August, SejP tember, October and Novem vember 75.00 O'Brien Bros., supplies for jail and court bouse .$13.91 and culverts furnished for county 163.20 Total 177.11 W. G. Crocker, publishing, re views for November and December a 2.00 C. D. Mills, stationery'as per contract 33.50 W.' B- Belford, summoning special Jurors Is.Ji.10.00. W. H. Belford, committing and discharging prisoners.. 43.00 W. H. Belford summoning dis trict court jury and mileage 105.50 Jos. M. Kelly, account Christ Gorder, part payment on bridge contract, dated May 26/1908 8.00 Mercy hospital, board and csre of county patients for, October and November .... 163.00 Cha8. £2. Taylor, taking testi- ,•. I: mony justice court, stkte vs. Johnson and "Hill7 ...... 10.00. Chas. E. Taylor, taking testi mony justice court, state vs. Mart Shea ...u.T 5.00 Rodenbach & Mundt, supplies i'OrOiBhed court house and jaU P. W. Mann & Sons, supplies furnished to county poor.... Walker Bros. & Hardy,'blank" books Thomas Toung, to part pay ment on Grand Harbor Efcrbar bridge as per con tract 1,715.00 C. H. Baker, coal furnished Mrs. Beamer, ?6.80, and fuel for court house $203.30, to-{ tal t- 210.10 John F. Henry insanity fees.. 18.00 Mrs: Kate Cale-witness fees,-', Tfajto. tJline insaptty fees Mrs. Henry Vaqa^r,, witness i? fees Ella TJlirie 5 i.f.\Insanity.'- Verai'^to Tyle, witness fees,f Ella.TJUne insanity case ... R. V., Bice, postage, freight, expresp, long distance phones -for the nlonth o? Blbnde, blMisf as 1 October and November 20.08 JQurna}, p^blish.^ ^r Ing 1908 dellnquept ta*„ „yf,. list .r-22&.05 Devils take Journal, BtatJon*^# e«r blanks .^,....^*^69.00 aTUs Jomnali priOtlngj 20.06 A. jr. «mtra?t J. Q, Adams, hardware. snpO^ pjies furnished ^)urt house I P. 3 McCIory, services and e*3ea*e*-in'oase"Of~appeaK^' Plthland ^5 li Before making a farm loan please call at our bank and let us tell you what our terms and rates are. There is no plan that you can propose that we can not meet. The loans run to our bank are payable at the bank, interest payable once a year in the fall and as late' as you may wish—privilege given to pay the WHOLE or any PORTION of the principal at any time. Title' passed on and money paid over the very day the p$pefs are signed. In case of loss of crop we are in position to and will carry you over on the interest and the princi pal, if it is due. in dealing with the farmers of Ramsey County—never a foreclosure—assistance al ways cheerfully given by us to help farmers through any difficulty. The Ramsey County Devils Lake, North Dakota j.*-*** T" -fr'A •W-.7W To Our and Matrons New-Year J. 0. ADAMS Up-to-date Hardware It#i "t i.x I 1 *0. a *. .- f. 0- IS-' *~Ui