Newspaper Page Text
•y??, SKSi ft •V ey A1 Mv Vt *ty&L\ Vst LOCAL NEWS first National Bank of Ms lake, N. D., loans money on Iteal Estate at a very low rate of Interest? lou can pay your loan at any time with us. Fred. Iiang was In from Toklo on ^business Monday. ff Louie Myrick was in from the reser vatiori itKe tore -part of the week. jj| and Mrs. Q. Severance, are I spending the holidays with relatives at Grand Porks. 5? s. C. D. Graves of Toklo, ^ras a visitor in this city Monday enroute to Crary, from which place he returned the fol lowing day. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kennedy, of Portland, Oregon, toe guests at the home of Mrs. Kennedy's brother, C. D. Mills. The roller rink 1B drawing largd au diences every afternoon and evening. Open from 3:00 to 5:30 p. m., and 8:00 to 10:30 p. m. Good. music every evening -. We are in .receipt of a remittance for another year's subscription from rF. E. House, of Spokane, Wash., in which hie tells us that he has taken the Inter-Ocean for twenty-five years and wants his home paper. jjs Mr. agd- Mrs. Otto Olsen, living at 510 Second street, can boast of the finest Christmas present of any one ...' in Devils Lake. On Christmas eve Santa Claus presented them with a fv. pair of hoys, weight about seven pounds apiece. f* HaVing taken over the interest -of W. B. Hblmes, of the firm of Holmes !& Strand at Grand Harbor, N. Dak., it becomes necessary to have all ac counts settled before Jan. 8th, 1910. Will therefore cask all those knowing. themselves to Be ndebted to please call and settle early. Very trhly, L. A. gtrand. 'The I-Go Express, Is the name' of ».# new toy and transfer line-recently opened in Devils Lake by J. JR. Way. He has office room in the building first door south of Bell's drug store, whfere .. he will be glad to 'receive orders- for the delivering of trunks, packages, etc., to any part ot the city. Tills com Vpany ls also equipped for heavy dpay -lng. .'Phone 506. ..- Residence 'phone 419. The regular annual meeting pf the stockholders of the First Natippal Bank of Devils Lake «rill- be held' at the office of said bank on Tuesday January the 11th, 1910, at 4 o'clock' P. M., for the election of director^ and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Dated at Devils Lake, N. D., December 3, 1909. Notice to Ray TSx. •f-... We have until January first to col a lect delinquent personal property tax for the. year erf 1908, and we expect to collect where there is any property^ to leVy on. Ho further notice will be given until a deputy and a dray are At your door. All have been notified/'' .V so be prepared for extra costs If you' do not call and settle at once. No .ex-' cuee. will go from now on. I __w, H. Belford, Sheriff. ii t-» f-* wii 't s-'- A 1 «. ^4 "'i. a ri a® FANCY WAISTCOATS. In^UMd by an English Monarch by Way of Economy. The waistcoat—when at oneedlspla y»»rt to men's dress, and :on' Oct.: 1JS t'epys chronicles its tllrst 4ppearane«»on Ithfi- person of Oba rles II. The hovel garment was a "long cassock." as tbe dlarlBt te^nm It worii" close IO ticlily-lHced aiid embroidered. So cost ly., was this mode, of attire A P. H. tfoutler^, Cashier. above on. 3? TTt- If VtJ fr^ To sleep on it one night is to become a Sealy enthusiast. Noth £-i ing like it at any pricel Made only of finest longr-fibre Texas/, cotton, blown into one large bat by a patent pneumatic process,^, Needs no tufting to hold it in shape. 1 1 4- rntress A. bt-4 me .11)9 years experience canmsk and. Nover riilnd which way yonVemotins, Xiocoinote, locomotel Vote, bicombtat Mattress Without ...aRival. 7*3^ iraBt it te "fancy y'em."—is.''the: lust remaining vestige of the GURKPOUAPESS which WHH tbe body. it was of "black cloth, pinked with white silk under (ft Men will agr^f that the walst^oatf lv coriveuiwiV. and iiHtnuetidHbie gajc-. ment. the abmnu-e of which would dW, prive, theui.tosppak of no other dis comfort. of an invaluable set of poi'k ets. It appears strange, therefore, tliiii It should ii1 have come Into being at an earlier date. .. Sooniifter tbe restoration sleete less vest, which likewise left the waist opeu, was1 Worn under the doublet. It was not a true waistcoat. This style of dress was brought' from France by Charles 11. From beneath the fullness of shirt exposed by tbe open vest "the breeches displayed their expanded width." witb bunches of ribbon al the, waist and lace ruffles below the knees. The doublet woirn over the vest' a that the king resolved to give the lead towant more economical 'and' sbber 'fashion, and ln tbe fulfillment of this Resign be' donned the new garment, which Fepys hailed witb pleasure. Such were the circumstances whioh attended the introduction of the waist coat it came in the name of economy, and reform, bit ere lougit developed into as ezpeasive and decorative a gar ment nd-aoy which man "has ever tak en to, himself. -Gradually: itwas ,es tended dosrit.wArd till .it almost iiwiched the knees. It was'made of |he richest' materials, and the outer coat was Kxi ravatronee and l«ve of finery were simply transferred from one style, to ,anotber. ami «II the wnistHat was mv-r ished all :the embellishment which pre Viously had lieen bestowed. on ttie, breechex. I'lutse flowered and em broldered. .waistemits of sheeny satin, with laced da|w. may certainly h?ve been le« troiiiileRome and fantastic :than tbe^tm-ediug Otshlon. but wbetb er they h*duc-ed the wearer's account witb his tailor, Is highly dpubtfuk 'i be lonj? Happed. waistcoat remalnel in favor mapy years, it was still wpru by tioblettivn awl geotlemeu when «eorge ivas tcin'tr. in the followiUK ireign somewhat,shorter waishnmt waB prevalent, and from this time the flap .ta^^ stead of reaching almost to tbe Kuee it came only balfway down tbe liiign. As men'B.-dress became more, simpii* fled toward tbe close ot the eighteeutb eentai7^and pu^ng. Jacq. and erabrolit, eiy ^'ti^pabaBdoDed tbe 'flairwap^ pea red.—London Globe. i.. v»-rt.Ysp-:'.'-J-. G(Bt a Mova Onl Cbme, you goat Ijocomote! Get :mo?e w, Get H. Gfcrab your rlval by th* throat Tear his, coat By M. QUAD. ICoprrisrht 1906, by Xiberteu'PNM Bbenenr Schermerhorn, ca:.j f&rmec^ hlred nwn, was .in love .with the Wid ow Tompkins, whose farm adjoined that of his boss on .the westl tDbene fer was twenty-four years Old, pilam of face and ungainly of form and without IllOp worth of pfopetty The widow ii'as less than forty and well off. Bbe neiier was rated as good: hearted, but rather, dull. One evening as he drop ,ped in to see the, widow about borrow ing some farm implements next day he found her reading a love story. read & few chapters to bim and after ward actoowl^dged that she 'had al ways b^ rtftoantic ajSd that if sba ever married again it would be to a hero. The farmer's hired man didn't n»h vioht WHS rhi«» A iPi A W COHTftACTOR AND BUILOKR KSTIMATCS FURNISHED .. ON ALL IMNOS Or BUILptNO PEVIU^LAKE, N. OAK. 1 5^^ ... 4 i* Jv 1 •&< hi 4l*- Ik® confidential conversation. The result' f™ J* shaped to bang well opqn to dispiay-f-toto^ flight/"siw^dito^t5^^^sh^ras' Petition signed by John Stewart, iu, umgn,fi^^.^ near at band. What she did say was the^uJ S |w6? on SuSTf that she wasn't 'afraid of any old cess valuation in threshing machine, tramp walklng tbe roads. was read and on motion granted. fibenesEer*s first try was a failure, Moved and carried1 that the Devils but.within a fortnight he was ready Lake Journal be designated to pub for another. Behind tbe farins ran a Ush the County treasurer's notice of river. The widow bad a skiiT bi^ the.^* Jevy as per section 1544, Revised water and of fen rowed bersfelf up: and Codes of 1905. down. Ofie night the former's hired' Moved.and_ carried to take a recess man -took some toOls down toe the 5 AMKV ":oiation.J *. hlin -and then arouse the house, ^d the vdd^ c^e to Mow/ wT"Suete Ninety-nine out of a hundred would be heroes would have given up the dob right here, but Bbeneser was a man to bang -on. It was while he was limping around on his vacation and'do ing a lot of standing np and wauder iqg over the pelds that he came upon the widow fishing to tbe river at a certain point. He did:not show him self. bpt Uftyfeet from where she mat tmder a tree he discovered a bumble bees* nest ln the graas. It was a large and liberal nest, and it gave him a thought The bees wouldn't bother anybody so long as tbey w.qre let alene. If stirred up they would look for meat There-: was a 'haystack not far atfay, and Bben$ser had matches in his pocket He retired behind the stack and collected a hatful of stones fromv tbe ployed' lahd.- -These be. threw,^one by one at the- spot, where tbe -bees were pursplng. the ^ven tenor of their ways.: The plot-thickened. You:jcan thicken a. bumblebee plot in a v«ry Short tltne- .All -you've, got to do Is to .fread on tl^elr co^talls* When ttie in sects f^und n^ks dropping on ^he» headii they ^w^rmed put -of the i^ass -to look tor tliet enemy,',, They should hfive seen the'/wi4ow ahd descended Q8Q j#r, fn^, J»t her fi,rst shrvt p^epfawr ,^lfl hare^coipe charging down, ytivx. $ wigp of lighted hay to either ht^nd.. Jpai titilngsi went wfo^ig tfbe, b%a? fjien wej^ for Bim ,alone They^ra^ him up sod down the hay stack,..fc^^y ipan h^h^ov^r fencea a^d W-' wwS-, (Continued from page, two.) Lake township 25.00 W. M. Anderson, attorney by order of court In John Bul lard case 25.00 Andrew Huseby, boarding Mrs. Beamer 36.00 Hans Westegaard, repairing sidewalk and building a gut ter and curb along county property on Fifth street ... 200.28 She' James Teaman,'work done on culvert on road across the bay west of town 13.00 «h J^kI k?|$45 for the transportation of Paul a hero. bnt sat down to ttrtnk^ jRingstrom to the insane asylum at Three or four days after Bbenezer't Jamestown was on motion approved thinking bee a tramp came along the and the auditor and rfiairmnn are toad and, seeing the young man hoe-1 hereby authorized to so certify on log corn just over the fence, baited same. Carried. All voting Yes. for a word or two. Ordinarily Ebene-j Moved and seconded, that P. J. Mc ser would have leaped the -fence and, Glory be allowed to pay one-half of all run the wayfarer half a mile, but on hack unpaid'personal property taxr1 this occasion he invited bim over into assessed against the firm -of Mc the.corn add s^t down with "him for a n|°.ry ttlt he'had befeh guarding her for fove, jnissipner aid mUeage ..... ber heart would melt toward him* But prank Smigh, services as com no YobbiBr cajme. Instead of that^hlBi missioner and mileage ^footsteps awoke tb^ widowV itndrpeer- T.'H. Maloney, services as com ing oht. she Saw some one walking! missioner and mileage about, and-sbe got oat a shotgun and -s———• raised a window and blazed aWay. The Making a total 6l •gun Was'loaded'With bird shot to shoot.1 Moved and carried to adjourn. All hawks that -'might come swooping voting yes. down on chtekeas, but ltt this case they answered just as well for a man. Bbenexer received about twenty of them and'ritn two miles to a doctor to fa&ve them picked cw. He also bad vacation from work for a week utider the excuse that' he had sprained bis back turning over in bed. Miwhq machine* the last six montbsr Making a total of ...?4,170.73 The bill of W. H. Belford, sheriff, vs. nut state of North Dakota, in the sum of Barnett 8tricken down and got tangled op with the ®on ^at he had no property in said bM|^. and befo're he could get away' o^motion 'gr^ted^4^ until 7 some toOls down to the and also against the -Vl that .. .ter he has paid into the county ovwt »h^ treasury one-half of all such taxes, to -sether with his share of penalty and peered before the Widow ,Tompkins interest thereon, that he be released, ana maae tbreats of wn&t lie would, from the balance of unpaid taxes and do if she didn't set out victual*' bunt not be held responsible for same. Car np old clothes and come down witb a ried. -iabllar In chsb. Bbene^ wias not fail A petition signed by Wm. B. Smith, '«way, just far enough to -run- asking that this board cancell the .nlng^ up' and .knock the tramp bead tax assessed against him in Bart over heels and rescue tbe widow. But lett township In the sum of $12.22 be' as he started to come running lie fell clock P. m. landing and was bnSy for an liour. ... 84 The A .cold in the head casts a man down February and mileage. 225.20 for a few da.vs. but if there beSanv' An Wllied. Two pr three farmhouses in dence and jail, was then read to the beeni robbed, and board and on motion same was laid'oV this fa(5t became the basis for his ti^lrd er until the January meeting. plan. One night at midnight tie left' Moved and carried that the follow bis bed., descended to earth by way of ing bills be allowed and warrants or a Window, and. armed with a clpb, he dered drawn in payment of same as became a guard for the widow's bonse. follows: He circled around it and patrolled the Crary, printing and adver gat^den and tbe. onihard. and he felt1 $ that he would'give"a year of his Itfe tf. J-.B- Turner, supplies fur W robher would appear. He would first 111 tell mm C.O- Johnson,, services as com a/" from the tax'list for the rea- W&S read and •R. V. Bice, met at 7 he ww the widow making acrosc^'tbe pursuant to above recess. Present: for. the river, and he was not .long Commissioners Johnson, Mialoiaty, to following her. H« expected ju i»ear Bmi^i, Samuel and Nesseth. cries for help, but they 'did not c^me. I Moved and carried that the follow He expected to tind a woman clinging lng bills be laid over at this time: to a swamped boat, but be didn't She Devils Lake Journal, publish was wading ashore when be arrived ing auditor's and treasurer's on the bank and dashed in and aA he' report in the sum of $ 73.50 got out of It was a good sousing apd a Cox, witness in the chid in the heed. Wright case, January 18 to agreement signed by Haxby & Gillespie, relative to furnishing plans 'and" specifications and superintending J®beD?zfr tihe constructon of the sheriff's resi- 91.46 3.15 BB.30 Be^S 23.30 25.00 35.30 .... $234.5i —R. V. Bice, County Auditor. AT ROLLER RINK NEW YEARS £VE—BIGGEST EVENT OF ltd KIND EVER*ATTEMPTED IN DEVILS LAKE. At the roller rink on new year's eve there will be given a masquerade car- BIG MEDICAL 1 BOOK •Rli* mzmzm MM •rtte ter thl« 'ilMileai Work. TOST trooble tttln wmMaattiaUTe8,T«Jnktlc book[MS pugeij Tite»r*lUble,op«kdateutluatl7«iilI«rT-ooMaietwt oaKSlooihSltlibOwnlotaaMMily PI»»«aiii.T*W»i«« mm jjuwdd JoOT-f. Tbelmst lo«lcottt«ktiid,(ofrrmtolik3-%iUe HCU3EUSERO MEDICAL. INSTITUTC CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Tfeelii^akni«nt )f imiite it the Stiifce "No**? ml SehooljValksr Qty.offws iMtne tion Is voice, piaso, vMln, ud k& the iaiBtra-^ jrndntains b^od •Bd^twO km TSsre are frequent redtate bsr lnatrttetoia, Wdl tt ataS«»U. Stodcuta ot made have many toicintha daasea at the Nam Htwrator^ taMnmrac, «atxreeakm. —andatt,puwi^iichoidieau —__— #«#, It THE STATE NdkMAL SOiOOl^ V«B«y CStjr, N. Stk. nival to wldch we cordially invite the public to attend. The following is a list of prises given by the merchants of our city for the different costumes: KodenbaCh & Mundt will give to the lady representing their business the best a box of bon bons valued at $2. Also to the man representing them the beBt a box of Kem Temple Cigars. The 5 and ten cent store will give a Sterling Silver Manicure set to the lady representing them the best Val ued at $3. Klrchof & Cooper—To the best Ger man couple, the largest turkey in their shop. Ramsey Drag Co.—Best Indian Girl & w-.I-R-IW- •••U£R?4»I A new m3e-post is past i- A new record has been made A new pace has been set and In every department of our big business, this good old, dying Nineteen Hundred and Nine has worked wonders for improvement and growth. Far and away, it has been the biggest and best year of all the eighteen our business experi ence has spanned. And for this sound sane growth we have the people of Devils Lake and Ramsey County to thank. By their loyal support we have been enabled to build up one of this largest retail business in the whole Northwest and to compete with any of the Mail Order Houses and keep the money here to build up our home enterprises. And to you all we send a warm, hearty hand clasp, with a wish that in the New Year, all the good things you so justly deserve, may come to you and yours. & SONS White & Henderson—Pair of $4 shoes to gentleman' who represents maintained lng set valued at 95. A. M. Bond & Co.—Best little girl costume, a bottle of perfume valued at $3. S. O. Bondelid—To the boy wearing the best Viking costume, a suit of Vik ing clothes, value |5. H. P. Hansen—The best clown rep resenting his gallery, one dozen pho tos, value $10. P. W. Gilbertson—To the one rep resenting the Long Man With the Short Price the best rocking chair valued at $8. V. Gram, contractor and builder— The best carpenter on the floor, a box of cigars also best brick mason, box 0f cigars. tbem the best The manager requests that every Hines Mercantile Company—The skater should mask and try for one of: most comical lady costume a box of these prizes as they are all valuable candy and five pounds of nuts. The prizes and should call out considerable most comical gent's costume of box-competition. Qf cigars. Our merchants have willingly and B- J. Ness—For the ladles richest gladly offered these prizes in order to costiuhe a sterling silver purse, value: help boost our rink, and we want ev $5. eryone to do all in their power to Nobby Shoe Store A $5 pair of make this a grand success. No one need, shoes for lady representing their busi-1 be afraid to mask on this occasion for ness the best. jthe management will allow nothing to (transpire costume, hand bag, valued at $5. what they would allow at any other Chicago Store—BeBt clown, choice (time. of any hat in the store. law on the floor during the whole eve Evans studio—Lady representing ning to see that nothing objectionable them the best, one dozen photos, value in any way will occur. Col. Kerlln—Best representation of for their assistance, we »cnl" invite old fashioned country lady marketing the skaters to take part In this carni her butter and eggs, an $8 electric vaL lamp. W: Mann -& Sons—Best Irishman,' Anyone wishing to try for any of pair of $3.50 shoes. (these T. A. Haslam—Lady representing merchants offering the prizes for any business best, 5 pound box of bon suggestions that they might want in bons. regard to getting up costumes for J. Q. Adams—To anyone represent- same, or upon the manager at the Ing hardware business the best, carv- rink. ?'3g££ */»& at the rink different from There will be an officer of the Thanking the merchants very kindly Manager. prizes, can either call on the Without Smoke No matter how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under what working conditions you en counter the The Perfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor diffuses odor. The new Automatic Smokeless Device positively prevents both. Repeated tests during its indpiency and _. ment, innimierable.trials after i^had been .pronounced perfect by the to demonstrated its utility and "sure effectiveness, Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device)] V*" ft you'll not detect the slightest odor smoke. The wick cahnot Ixf, turned up beyond the point of Its greatest eflFectile^ ^V ^'I It locks Atttpi&atiCcdljr^ind thus secures. frliy without a of smoke or 'smelL Removed in an for rf«t»ng Solid trass foot holls 4 quarts pi oil—suiBdent to give out« glowii *Or hours—solid brass wick carriers—damper top—cool handle—oil in J- CWate COXPAmw PttS?