Newspaper Page Text
pa V-: wk- ifei Jir I I f* & rr •. 5 .«•. Miss Mabel Medean is visiting week- & Harry week. i' Freemont-Bacqn^ Vv LOCAL NEWS Tom Wilson and wife are visiting at Fargo. Miss Theresa Arnold is visiting at Rugby. Miss Anna Webster is visiting at Webster. Miss Mamie Baker is visiting at Webster. Jim Lake was at Grand ness this week. TO YOU During our past short time in bus iness we can truthfully say we have been favored with alibeial patronage from our numerous friends and patrons. ,You will know our entire stock is fresh and up-to-date so by commencing, if you have not already so done, to do your trading here, your New, Year resolution could not be. more satisfactory to you. You can do no better. Wishing you all a year of Porsperity arid continued Hap pines. Corner Kelly Ave. and 4th St. V" Hyland, B.B.„Page,of Leeds, waste De^ls Christmas at Rock Lake. TaIta Wednesday. Miss Mae Connolly has as he/ guest ,»ans Nelson waa here Irpm Churchs,11188 DevJI, UaKe, rela- tives at WilUston. i*— T. H. Woldy was in this city on legal business Wednesday. Farm Loan^:. Money on itertd on. favorable terms. Lowest rates. E. JtnamDerun. days. Jack Ntauno, pf ^Cando, visited in this city this wdek.\ Howard Maher is friends at Crookston. visiting with Advertising in the winter-Ocean pays" and pays bigger. Mr.! and Mrs. Fred are 8°h Lindsay Grand Forks visitors. Forks Send your hides and skins to the Lis bon Tannery. See Adv. C. W. Davis, of Calvin, was a Christ- for jma8 y*8"™ this city. Christmas. I ®®rs' **. Cool Is visiting with her Tom Brophy is visiting at Under- Frank at St. Paul. wood, N. D. Mary Bell, of Fargo, was a Devils P. & Sandie was here from L^ota ^ake visitor this week. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Middaugh were Casper Bye was here 'from Crary at Cando over Sunday. Wednesday. .. John M. Peterson is at Barnesville Arthur ~White spent phristmaa at to spend the holidays. Park River. ,, i" jJ. C. West of Wester, was a Devils Judge Cowan, was at C^do ^busi-' Wednesday. Smith80n' %, W. H. B. Davis and wife spient of Ferry Tuesday. Bob' Kavanaugh was in from Toklo Frank H. forV^e succQ88fulsale8. N. Clark of Lakota was a business M. D. Karnaugh, of Crary, was in visitor in this city this week. this city Tuesday.^. Maba8S- fore part of the week, j? relatives in this city Chrstmps. J. R. Koller has been at Cando insurance Bonds. Installment Loans business this week^ ]r Mooers |. Bangs Blk. Mr and Mrs. Walter Groome are at' Rasnius Sorenson was Sown from Winona, Minnesota, to spend the holt- Webster on business the fore part of MTtova±t of Grand Har- bo^ was'a visitor in this city this Crookston for a few dftys the^fore part Mooers Agencjf .^INSURANCE... Knute Munson, of Fimey, was-the rhamkorltn gufest of his sister, Mrs. Thor Serum- „gard: &is we^t. the week. Mr. and Mrs, iPeter H^ley were at of the an os 6 re at Mom HOtor tbl. Hit vreek. v"4-/f John W. Maher Mrs. "W. E. Hocking has guest Miss Ethel ptsgeral Forks. week-" 1 Fargo on business the fore part of man Schutte are visiUng in Iowa and the week.1?^!^ Wisconsin. if5 Mrs. W. H. M^cGrkw.'of Grand Forks,' C. A. Wagoner, of Cando, Wis a busi A' has been visiting in this city this ness visitor in this city the fore part ^eek. of the week Miss Mary Dion, of Grand Harbor W. D. Wentworth and wife were 4? has- been visiting in this city this visiting at Wausau, Wis., the fore part %-wesk. is Ad el on an He thl®week' Plymat, Wfiw^&iDevilsV Mrs. Geo. E. Tallmadge has as ter Lake gintw the. latter part of last guests her slstero, Miss Ruth and Eliz- visitor the latter part of lost guests ner sisters, ami abeOi Lincoln. of Cando, was Tracy Bangs and C. M. Cooley. pf Writer In this city the |M*t of the Grand Foi^s,,w?re Devils Lake visi waav tors -Tuesday^ wees. tAii When prosperity strikes you, Joatfa tt*t ,you can eit payment date. W Grand Bdward Parry, of Orai®"Porks, waa'A Nyhua «nd H. R. Aslackaon, of |n this dty enroute «o foittvUa on-busl- It Is better io be spoke in the wheel progress than the driving her vacation in this city^fronf hpr Mhooi work at St BernarW a««feiny *t Grand Jbtks.^|| \«0iM ||tmake.C-6im "'(p.'iuiy toteih: ,-lp. M. J. G. Gunderson, of Aneta, was a Devils Lake visitor Tuesday. F. C. Louden, of Starkweather, was a Devils Lake vteftor Monday Tom Brophy, was 'down from Rock Lake the fore part of the week. Dr. J. A. Carter, of Warwick, was a Devils Lake visitor Wednesday. George Wood is spending the hoM? days at his home in Barnesville. A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Pejter Westergard Saturday. Don Prosser has. been visiting with friends at Grand Forks this week. John W. Maher makes farm loans at lowest rates and easy terms. S. P. Hanson was a business visitor in this city from Crary Wednesday. -Geo. Mikkelson was down from Starkweather the first of the week. Tom Downey is at Barnesville' to spend the holidays with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant are spend ing the holidays at the twin citiesr H. J. Hinck, of Langdon,, arrived In this city Saturday for a short visit. John W- Maher always lias monej on hand for farm loans^no delay. Miss Anna Glerum is at home from Tower City to spend her vacation. W. J. Rainbcth was down from Starkweather on business this week. Misses Blanche Elmslie and Ruth B&ughman are visiting at Dunseith. Mrs. C. J. McGurren and son were Christmas guests at Mrs. McQurren's parental home at Casselton. "Aeronautic politicians" is the up to-date way of speaking of the kifid that can't stick to terra flrma. Sigurd Haig, who has been [visiting in this city for a time went to his home at Seattle Wednesday. William .Wilpoii accompanied the vaudeville company, whichs was at the Grand last week to Cah'doSaturday. It don't peem' so .long from one, Christmas to another when you" get old -enough-, to do the buying of the Christmas preset) ts. The Walker Pilot man wants a yoke, of oxen, He, probably figures that's dbout .th.e right pace for a coun^ try newspaperman, to travel. Rev BurlesOh, of Lakota, will fill the pulpit of the Church of the Ad vent in this city at the regular service Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Mr.: and Mrs. D.% R. Chase arid chil dren, pf Tdkfc?,^e 1$ Devils LAket^ fotfe part of ithe-week visiting at the homei of their daughter, Mrs. Otto Oi •seni^ifei it"' .r Mrs. Braar Onsum left Tuesday for ied Wisconsin, where she visit rela- George Johnar oKiWWJfefc Mrs. J. N. Gill, of Penn, was visiting ^united In iararriage at the badly needed. Annie Hamilton Don 1 XI 1 1. -V S&ilT October 1,5th, ^nd^'Cftn supply you with Arnold' and Flint avenues, on Fifth at. The Colonial theatre is .playing to large audiences, and giving their pat rons good satsfaction. Miller & Sny der were the vaudeville artists for the first half of the week, and -gave the best of satlsfaQtlon. The films are fine and the song very pleasing. Mrs. Joe Fonbert'and daughter left MopdajMor St "Pai^. where they will Join ^Mr. Foubert and doake their future home. The many friends of Mr. "and Mrs, Foubert in this city will regret to learn„of.their determination^ l$ave Devils Lake, and will wish 'thts,m,.uc cess in their new home.' The Rebekah lpd^e ln thls city gavV a v^ry enjoyable dancing party at Odd Fellows hall Mondays" evening,- There was a good attendance^ the^ Devils LAkf^orehestra furnished:^excellent mu sic, «nd -delectable -refreshments left nothing to" detract-fri)ih the full enjo^ meat fit, the jeyeniri^-by all present. J. M. McGulre, of Webster, was a business visitor in this city Tuesday. J. A. VanLiew was at Grand Forks on-business the. fore,part of,.the. week. A. C. Harden, of Hansboro, was a business visitor in this city this week Mrs. M. J. StoU and son have return ed from a three weeks 'visit with rela tives at St Paul. Judge Orr was a visitor at the home Of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Medelman at Crary Christmas.. Mr. and "Mrs. B. A. Glover, of Sarles, were visiting Mrs. Glover's parents in this city this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Melsberry, of Sock Lake, have been shopping in the me tropolis this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reinecke left Tuesday for Fargo aftfer a visit with Prof, and Mrs. Judges. Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh spent Christ mas at the home of her sister,' Mrs Henry Medelman at Crary. Our neighbor's troubles never appear large until we run up against the same thing ourselves/ In this issue of t"he Inter-Ocean will be found a chronology of the leading events of the past year which gives in condensed form all happenings of im portance from Jan. 1, 1909, to Dec. 30, 1909, including the deaths of notable people and great achievements throughout the world. It is carefuUy and accurately edited, and a very in teresting summary of the events of 1909. The Grand Opera house has be^n giv ing their patrons an exceptionally Strong bill this week. The vaudeviUe artists this week were Princess Tar pela, the handcuff queen. She is a wonder in her line,. being able to es cape from any handcuffs or shackles that have been produced. It is also impossible to tie her so that she can not escape. The Haydens, wirei won ders, consist of a very clever team of four wire artists that are leaders in this business. The moving picture films are exceptionally" strong, as is also the illustrated Song. The Grand is giving performances that are well in line with the best houses in this section. Tonight will be the second amateur night The one last Friday was a great success, some of the tal ent being so funny that it was a hit Tonight promises to ecUpBe it. The Ladies' World for January, which is just out, has a large amount of unusually good fiction, the idea of tffe editor being to provide in this and -the next number stories that will prOVe excellent reading for the mid winter season The opening contribu- tion is a delightful story .of a boy cal- Rlchard Ge2r?e? on® of D., ana MiIhh Anna T^nt^nhftr of &ts1 the course of true love when it seems ,, 1. mi ii BOdl- P.. P. Bottolfson, of Garske came down Wednes^iyi': returning (nell ey Monday afternoop.t one' of those strong, domestic dramas that she does so well. I. A. R. Wylie brings, to a conclusion' John Har greave's Shadow—a really remarkable woman's story and Charles* G. D. nhome Thursday.-.. During Vs stay, in the city he made ye editor's heart glad by re newing, his subscription for another year. ment.of botany in theyMinn%sota ag- experiences told by Albert Blgelqw jlcultural: cojiege at: Minneapolis,-, was .1Paine in, "The Hollow Tree." There a visitor'at the -home'of his sister, Mrs. are two special articles -worthy of W Mr Vebb. In-^ils city from Friday until Wednesday. series—and Clerking as an Occupa Tom Young's Wood "yard opened on all kind's of wood. Have a big stock S°P4 things, and there are the usual of dry.'oak oil hand. Office with C. excellent papers on Health, Good Etl A. Dodge, 'phone 40. Yards between quette, Needlework, Puzzles, etc.— Df^-J» G. McIntosh of fldsjoi^r 'Miss Mabel Xktjson wer^ married 'at Minneapolis Christmas dsy .and have returned to this £lty:whe3re tliey -ace resolving Uie -congratulati^ttB^ of jWaii1 many friends^- "The doctor mther stole a narch on tiis friendfl In »evils Lak?. bat th6y are -hetveraiflte« -rihoere. & wishing he='«^iniis. esiiiaaMe^ife1 ZWBf ft the Lion Heart, by S. Ten Eyck Bourke. It is full of tives the dO^rcwfU 4pln her interest" so much desired just now. «heart whose friends helps W*' has, in A Disturber of the Peace, Roberts continues: with Behind the Rainbow, his novelette, which com bines love and adventure. There is W. S. Oswald, head Of the depart- also inore of those'fascinating animal note (tion In William Penn—Great Preacher for Women. The Household and (Fashionable Departments are .- full, of (New York Fifty Cents a Year.) A Diplomatic Way. wEvon If i'ear.v had doubted -Cook he nwln't have comp ewt flat and cnll ed him a llnr." might bnve grinned, chucked him in tiu riiis and said. 'Ob. you kid derp j?^ Kansas City Times. The Frozon Utopia. Oh, take me to tbe north pots. Whefe the. mighty glaciers croaa. ffhfre IM 8 free anij tlll«^(ar «oal Ar« tbfngs that are uoiauMni: One suit ot clothes wJU ta« all-»par 'No fashions stir Hp «tnte.' On the frazty eMt that c^»^as «phere You'll flna-^he^simpie JOe -tmerngb News. A IWinj^sBw* you crying. Johnny "We was |tlaylng train and I was the engine."' "A ltd pa ^mpd in and switched nM wiser u" Speed the Speeder. toox tint' auto for a eplar, And spun the town around. jBe qulcKAs ran int? Asfe sA And ~8ptll& upon the ground. aped him to the .•pen^. two months and ten. M-i lift never had the spunk ta\aptt And spill agMp again. ^Tou. aeoundrelHust ,*a had' a! IMpt soe&etfed In thinking HbCQt I^P^rNf*Ort««na By BEVEftLY WORTH INGTONi tC&pyrigfait, 1909, bjt. American PneH :Ajnp- elation.] "Mr. Bickford." said tbe president. "you a[re aware. 1 suppose, that this business Is solely for making money, What pays goes whut doesn't pay does not go. Besides, my stockholders .j keep me up to making dividends. If 1 don't pay dividends my head goes off.! We can get your work done for half of the salary we pay yon. We shall: not need your services after the 1st of I January." I "But,/Mr. Tinkbam, I've been with you sixteen years. I'm now thirty-six. Places are being filled by younger men. 1 fear I may hot get another." "That is your misfortune." "1 don'-t know what 1 shall"— "I have no time to listen to what your future may be. I have other mat-: ters to attend to." I Bickford fretted over his discharge1 till it made him ill, 'i«» »Krm said to him: "Bickford. I tell you what you do. You've got $1,600, I know. Spend half of It having a good time. Resign your position_ and go off where you'll tiud something to distract your attention from this bugbear. When you feel strong come back and go to work at anything you can get to do. If you stay here you'll go under." he paid .$5 a day for his board, and stayed there, a month. Instead of get ting matters into a better he got them Into a worse flx. He fell desperately In love. The object of Bickford's affection was Miss Maida Tibbetts. a young girl who was staying at one of the less pre tentious hotels. It was more quiet and comfortable than tbe caravansary where Bickford was staging, and Miss Tibbetts' mother, an Invalid, was with her, and tbe house was better fitted for such a person. Nevertheless from appearances there was no money in the Tibbetts family. Bickford felt that he was-playing a contemptible part in making it appear by the amount that he daily expended for board that be was opulent when in reality be was without any Income whatever. But In bis affair with Miss Tibbetts he found at least a temporary mental relief from his troubles and bad no heart to break with her till he was obliged to. When his $300 was spent, except enough for his railway ticket home, be found himself in a po sitlon to make an explanation. He told the girl the facts. Probably she would have blamed him for what be bad done had It not been for her repugnance to the treat ment he bad received. "These modern ways of doing busi ness," she said, "are execrable. As soon as a mean man has established a successful business he capitalizes it. This gives him a board of .directors, to whom be pretends to be responsible. This in turn gives him an ostensible excuse to run the business without a soul. Then he grits rid of those who have helped him build it up and re places them by cheaper inen, mere cogwheels in the great machine he has been constructing." The question between Bickford tfnd! Miss Tibbetts was what should they 1 do. They loved,, and. Bickford could not support a' wife. Miss Tibbetts was an ardent believer in love as a basis of matrimony, with or without money. She said that when she got back to tbe north she thought she could find something among her rela tivcis for Bickford to do. He bad $300 In bank at home, which, with some funds of hers, would last them for sev eral months. Bickford saw that she f&vored the plan of being 'married then and there, and, with many mis givings. he consented. He bad come away without^ any income with which" to support even himself. He went back with a wife requiring—so he con sidered it—'a 'far greater Income than for one. Mrs. B'ickfo'rd after the marriage in sisted on.remaining a npupth 'longer in Florida. Her motber^tnwded to stay 4 V« fr, x- ''-Act-. 1 9 1 0 A Happy and Prosp New Year To One and All Mi Commercial School of Typewrit ing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Elo cution taught by a thoroughly experi enced teacher Any one interested is re spectfully invited to call. Rooms 2 and 3 over Chas. Turner's confectionery store in the newWineman building on Fourth street. there and would stand tbe additional expense. The young wife did a great deal of writing and received a number of letters, with the contents of which her husband was not made acquainted. One day a chum When the extra month had passed they all packed their trunks and went back north. They arrived in the city in the morn ing of Jan. 1. Miss Bickford sent her mother home in a carriage, while she and her husband remained in the busi ness district, where they breakfasted. After breakfast the young wife told her husband that she bad a position J-for him and would make the final ar- Bickford took the advice. He went: rangements before going home. She to Florida, putting up at a hotel where led the way and stopped at the build'- lng where he had been employed. "What does this mean?" asked Bick ford. "Take me to the president's office." "But this is New Year's morning. He will not be here." "I think he wUL" Bickford led her to Mr. Tlnkham's private office. True enough, tbe presi dent was there, evidently waiting for something In a mystified condition. "Mr. Tinkham," said the wife, "you have been notified, I believe, that the purchaser of a certain block of stock recently giving the purchaser the con trol of this corporation wished to see you this morning at your office. I am that, purchaser. I desire to put the concern in other hands for the ensu ing year. 1 Would like your resigna tion." "And whom do you propose to put in ray place?" cried tfee astonished, man. "I shall give it as a New Year's pres ent to my husband. Mr. Bickford." The Wild Horse of thejBkies. Through the infinite meadows of heaves The comet sweeps by like a gale. The stars are the daisies It tramples. The planets are burs in its tail. —Kansas City Times The inevitable. "I knew it bad to come." "How now?** "That show at the town hall tonight has an Eskimo quartet"—Louisville Conrier-Journal. Signs. ring around the moon mesr rain. As many of us know. One round the finger of a girl— Ah, that means reign also! —Boston Transcript* Wherein They Differ. -Her—When a man starts to talk he never stops to think. Him—And when a woman starts six. never thinks to stop.—Chicago NewB. His Method. With candied truths and some few lies My rival praised the to the skies. I swelled. 1 soared—but, ah, tbe brute Did not provide a parachute! j, —Cleveland Leader. Circumstances. "What do you think of'a girl who vrould break her promise?" "I^should have to know what lb&> promise-wasi*'—Boston Herald. Facilities Lacking. Mid polar seas he chose to roaaL.. His fate is hard to bear. |£e could not.send a postcard horn*- To prove that he was there. —Minneapolis Journal. rous