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A. ?£1' £S 1:- Iff '. »i -w. *V i® |l if jfri WS& ... ?H.i a if* ^$1$* P. 1 T^6** Professional Cards FLYNN & TRAYNOR LAWYERS Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all courts. State and Federal EDWARD F. FLYNN Specialty, Titles, Corporaton and Commercial Law FRED J. TRAYNOR Litigated Cases Probate Practice. Office over 1st Nat'l Bk. Devils Lake, N. D. Burke, MiddaughJ&'Cuthberi LAWYERS Practice in State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office in Locke-Gram Block Phone 34 Devils Lake Dr. E1NAR ONSUM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Graduate Christiana University. Norway Office and residence over Bell's Drug Store Phone 234 Devils Lake Dr. C. J. McGURREN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat and the fitting of glasses. Office in Locke-Gram Block Phone 240 Devils Lake DR. W. F. SIHLER DR. G. J. MCINTOSH Drs. SIHLER & McINTOSH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special Nurse: Miss S. B. Bray Office in Mann Block Phone 157 Devils Lake Dr. W. D. JONES PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bang Block Phones: Office 2 Residence 117 .[Devils Lake Dr. CLINTON SMITH Devils Lake Dr. A. T. HORSMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Red Cross Drug Store Phone 91 Devils Lake Dr. W. T. FLYNN We have an unlimited amount of money for farm loans, and will make your loans at a low rate of interest. Principal and interest payable at First National Bank, Devils Lake, N. D. We give you any one of the following plans: A straight five or ten year loan. A loan payable on or before five years. You may pay tne full amount at any time you desire to do so. A loan upon which you may pay any part, or all, of the principal at any time and stop interest on the amount you pay. See us before placing your loans. It will pay you to do so. PHYS CRAN AND SURGEON Office in Bans Block Phones: Office 143 Residence 186' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Brennan Block Phone 100 Devils Lake Dr. MAUDE R. WILLIAMS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office opposite New Catholic Church Phone 180 Devils Lake Drs. EKERN & MARSDEN WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS SPECIALISTS Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Plathy Building Grand Forks North Pakota THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Devils Lake, North Dak. Dr. W. H. BATES, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT St. John's Block, Grand Forks, N. D. Telephone 647. Dr. W. C. FOLLETT DENTIST Office: 2nd Floor, Locke-Gram Block Phone 363 0evils Eake Dr. WILLIAM K. MOELLER DENTIST Office in Bang Bloelr Devils Lake Phone 86 Dr. H. G. ROMIG DENTIST Suite 6 and 7, Mann Block. Office hours: 9 to l2 1 to 5 Pbone214 'H: 1 Devils take Dr. W. E. HOCKING DENTIST Office in Banff Block MISS MARY E. NORTON TCACHCR OF PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE. THEORY OF MU8IC AND HARMONY Stadio 61#®. aficth S_„ •Otic# of Spaetal Bseaipt. NoticeJs hereby given, that a Gove ment 74? Hecfilpt ls lisued to Jo Schultas ^ach^ city oi Devils I^ake, of Ramsey county, Kr D.j and the name of the owner of WBlch «*i—t—«-»-»_ MHHRHU4 limi mm n»|t IM INSTINCT AND REASON. An Interesting Illustration of the Two Traits of Monkeys. An Illustration showing the differ* ence beiwwu instiuct and reason 10 monkeys en me under ihb observation of David Starr Jordan, the famous naturalist. At oue time he bad two lively Maiwus monkeys called Bob and .locko. These were nut and fruit rating monkeys and instinctively knew just bow to crack nuts aud peel trans At tbe same time be bad a baby mon key. Mono, of a kind that bad tbe t*{« eatiug iiistini'i. But Mouo had never yet seen an egg. To each of the tbree monkeys Dr. Jordan gave an egg. the first that any of them bud ever seen. Baby Mono, descended from egg eating ancestors, bandied bis egg with all tbe inherited expert ueas of a long developed in stinct. He cracked it with bis upper teeth, makiug a bole in it. and sucked out all its substance. Then, holdiug the eggshell up to the light and see ing there was no longer anything In it. he threw it away. All this he did mechanically, automatically aud just as well witb the tirsi egg as with any otber be afterward bad. And all eggs since given bim be bas treated in tbe same way. The monkey Bob took bis egg for sotne kind of uut. He broke it witb his teetb and tried to pull off tbe shell. When the iuside ran out and fell on The third monkey. Jocko, tried to eat his egg in much the same way that Bob did: hut. not liking the taste, be. threw it away.-St. Nicholas. Quite at Home. Bacon—Aud did you feel at bpme traveling in RussiaEgbert—Oh. quite at home. When the brakeinen called oat the stations I couldn't understand them any better than I can over here. Yonkers Statesman. Thousand Dollar Illustration Income. $1,000 expenditure. $999.99 —happiness. lucqme. $ 1.00ft expenditure. $1,000.90 —misery. Income. $1,000 expenditure, $1,500— gay time.-. Puck. FLOUB FLOUR THAT STAYS ON TOP as ours does must have merit All the belonging or any wi8e appertaining. clever advertising in the world would "Wejst, together with the hereditaments "i and appurtenances thereunto belohsrlne not Induce a,- woman to buy a se^nd or In any wise appertaining. sack if the first didn't suit her. December ^^Zflw9°H Belford. THAT DAKOTA" gLOUR DOES SUIT SheHff ot Ramsey County. N. Df *i= ,v iyy, I —Butke. Middaugh & Cuthbert, proven thflt those jto Attorneys .for Plaintiff. try it keep (h using It right a So all we have to do is to persiiado! people to try it We invite you to or itera'Back today for our mujtual benefit Made at-home Made at Home & Elev. Ass'h !TP*YSto^ G0NS6LT HUNS»E» ARE Ctcaers muf T^? 3 K" J? TbeBcMplaeeintbeir ehfptit lit) tbe Ormt MHUBI mm T0 8T.PAUL tmotrupGo oyQKRnmA^p^jf cme»a seteored tbe •dieal'Iurtttiite, BLPmL HEIBELBEfit pEIIIOU. HSTimi ^f^Pb. v""?^ «A &•• —Burke, the ground he looked at it for a mo- oiihf„c?v ment in bewilderment, then witb both bauds scooped up tbe yolk and the sand mixed with it and swallowed it. Then lie stuRed the shell into his mouth. This act was not instinct it was reason.. He was not familiar l.v inherited instinct with. eggs, lie would handle one liciter nest time, however. Reason very often makes mistakes at tirst. lint wlieu it is trained 11 becomes a means tar more valuable and power ful than iusiinct. «f -tty a*K Flying Fishet. A dazzling silvery splendor per vades the surface of the body of tbe best known species of tbq flying fish, the summit of Its bea&its.lteck and itt Sid& afe of aztite bhlfe. ^iftiis blue becomes spotted: upon tbe. idffisal fin thepeetoral dp and is the common prey of, ibe pea birds and tbe more yora£ronV ftsfieff, such as the shark. Its enemies afewind in air and water. it succeeds.-in es caping the Cbarybdis or thew&ter the chances are in favor of its nieefing its fate in the Scylla of the atmosphere. If it escapes the jaws of the shark it will probably fall to the share of the aeacmll. Notice of Mortg-ag-e Foreclosure sale. Notice is hereby' given that that cer tain mortgage executed and delivered by Sven S. Nestegard and Anna S. Nos tegard, his .wife, mortgagors, to the First National Bank ofTjeWlfc Lake, mortgagee, dated 1905, and filed ror record in the office of the reg ister of deeds of the county of Ramsey in the state of North Dakota on the 22nd day of May, 1905, and. recorded in Book 25 of Mortgages at page 344 and assign ed by Bald mortgagee to Charles M. Fisher, which assignment has been duly recorded In the office of the register of in J,0°k 1S, of mortgages at page 61, will be foreclosed by a. sale of the premises In such mortgage and herein after described at the Tront door, of the Ramsey county court house in the city of Devils Lake in the county of Ram sey and state of North Dakota at the hour of ten o'elotik a in1. dhthe 10th day of January, 1910. to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises? described in such mortgage and which will be sold fol county D&kots and known and described as the- north east quarter (NEU) of the northwest quarter (NW%) of section 26 and lots 1 and 2 of section 27 and Jots 1 and 2 «f section 26, Sir in township Dated December 1, 1909. —Charles M. Fisher 154. north of range 66 west, .containing one hundred ninety two and 20-100 acres, more or less acording to the govern ment survey thereof. ss tua&jmss paid on a prior mortgage and taxes paid on the premises above described by the undersigned holder of said mortgage, the sum of $2,277.32 besides the costs and expenses of sale aiid the attorney fees allowed by law.- Attorneys for gnee of -Mortgage. aroxxoa of kobsqaob sax.e. Notice is hereby glvfen that that cer- .. jjtage and hereinafter described at the There will be due on such mortgage on the date of sale Including amounts paid by mortgagee to redeem said prem ises from tax sale for the taxes for:the year 1906 and taxes for the year of 1907 paid as subsequent the totail-sum of $927.'9S besides the costs and expens-" es of sale and the attorneys fees allow ed by law. Dated December 22nd, 1909. —Charles M. Fisher, As3l^PCC» —Burke, Middaugh & Cuthbert, Attorneys for Assignee. Votioe of Foreolosore Sale. State of North Dakota, County of Ramsey. In District court. Second Judicial Dis trict J. a Brown, plaintiff, vs. Belle- M. Deck, et al, defendants. Pursuant to and by virtue of a judg ment and decree of foreclosure and-sale duly entered In the above entitled ac tion in the office of the clerk of the above named court on the 20th day of I December, 1909, and of a special exe cution duly Issued out of said coui in said action on such Judgment and 'decree of foreclosure and sale bearing date of December 20th, 1909. to me directed and delivered whereby it appears that is owing to the plaintiff the sum of $4,956.52 with interest thereon at'the rate of 8 per cent per annum since the 13th day of December, 1909, and the costs and disbursements of said action taxed and allowed at the sum of S178.14 with interest thereon at 7 per cent since December. 20, 1909 I shall on the 25th day of January. 1910, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at the.front door of the Ramsey county court house 'n the citv. of Devils Lake, county of Ramsey and state of Nortn Dakota offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in one tract or in mass those certain premises- sita* ated in the county of Ramsey and 'state of North Dakota and known and deSccib *d as the west half (W 1-2) of section 13 and the southeast quaurter (SEW of section 14 in Townshln 1 Rfi. Mor+Vi in DR. J. Q, ARNEBERG Specialist fn^iieeaei. of the eye, ear, nose and throat, has rel urned after».yfaranda half of speciaL study and practice in the -ROYAL HOSPITAL of Vienna, Austria, and in private clinics of Berfrp. Gqrmaay^ OFFICE: QRANO FORKS.N. D. EiQIB did FSEfil tiu A# Notice of k«£Hnff Mtitton to *si*Wlsfc Heirship. State of 'North Dakokta, County of Ramsey. ... In county court, before Hon. John F. Henry, Judge. In the matter of the estate of Fred Spill, deceased. Augusta wittkops, petitioner, vs. Erv stine Spill, next of kin, and all other Eersons.toterested tain mortgage executed and delivered new homestead law, and the wile can take np by Brnst {Simmer and Sylvia- Zimmer 320 acrfs of desert land. For further informa his wife, mortgagors, to RamBey County ation write to U.-C. CARRUTH, Havre/Mont National Bank of Devils "XAke. mortea gee, dated the SSth.sdaj of^^une, 1907, and filed for recprd in this-office of the register of deeds in the county- of Ram sey and state of North Dakota, on the 26th day of August, 1907, and recorded in Book 39 of Mortgages at page 272 and duly assigned by said mortgagee to Charls M. Fisher by assignment .bearing date of December 20, 1909. and on that day filed for record will lie foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mort- city of JJevlls Lake, in the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. on the 5th day of February, 1910, to satisfy the amount due upon such. mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to sat isfy the same are described as follows: They are situated in Ramsey. County, North Dakota,and known and described as the west half (W lr2). of the South east quarter (SE%) and the northeast quarter (NE%) of the southwest' quar ter (SW%) and lot four (4) in Section Thirty-five (36) in Township One Hun dred Fifty-four (154) north in range Sixty-six (66) West together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In arty wise ap pertaining. .in. the-estate of .FreJ pill, deceased,- respondents notice bf B&fcrlnff Petition* to BSMfllsh' The State of North Da&ota to he above named respondent and all persons*' interested in the estate or Fred Spill, deceaseu: $ Notice iB. hereby given, that August ta Wittkops has filed in the county court4 of said couirty of Ramsey a duly verlflec petition praying for a decree establish^ kig the right of, succession, to the estate: of Fred Spill, deceased, and that Mon? day. the 14th day of February, .1910,1 at 10 o'cloSk a. m. of said day, being a day.1 of a regular, term of this court, to-wltt] of the February term, A. D. 1910, at the! county court room in the city of Devils Lake, county pf Ramsey, North Dakota has been pet by order, of this court as^ the time and place for hearing said p£-a tJtion. At which said time and place! 1 any and all peroshs interested may ap-j pear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted •. Rl Dated at Devils Lake. North Dakota,-! this 10th day of December, 1909. .By the court: —John F. Henry, 3ud?e of the County Court. Let the service of the above citations be made by serving personally on Er stine Spill, and by publication of this notice for three successive weeks in the Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, a weekly news paper published at Devils Lake, N. D„ said publication to be 20 days prior to the date of such hearing, towit. Feb. 14th, 1910. —John F. Henry, Judge. HOXXOB TO 0BBSXTOB8. In the matter of the estate of Fran cis M. Dixon, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under-1. signed Dallas G. DUell, administrator of the estate of Francis M. Dixon, late of the city of Devils Lake,'in the county of Ramsey and state-of ,-North Dakota deceasod to the Creditors -of, aiid all persons haying claims against, said de ceased, to exhibit them with the neces sary vouchers, within six montlis afteri the first publication of this notice, to said administrator .at his office in the. city of Devils Lake, in said Ramsey county or at the office of the county judge of said county. Dated this sixth day of December A. D. 1909. —Dallas G. Duell, Administrator. First publication on the 10th day~of December A. D. 1909. QOA ACRE HOMESTEAD5 in Chouteau County, Montana. OOA ACRES OF DESERT LAND in Chou le«i Cotinty, "Montana.. C/|fl ACRES IN ONE FAMILY. The hus band can take up 320 acres under the-' Horse and Cow Hides taiued and (10 made ttpinto a finished Coat for -y 1 it $8 $10 Bend for Circulars and Shipping 4^8. TAIBERT'S TANNERY MINNEAPOLIS, .MfNN., SHIPY9W !TO C'. OERlip. ST. .v= Dnl Amti# the l^rsestan'd oldatboaie in the Wwt. HlehMt tltote 4nd ImiAeQiste bash RMtitt. Write (w pzioe Ust, tags FRED D. LOCKE SPECIAL AQCNT uul tnll.lnfoniuttion,. .. .r For beat mutts and careful attentionto CAROLLCOMMISSION COMPANY Minneapolis and Duloth Whet Prof. Slipw, thc Watl-Known Agri colturlsVSay* Ab«i«t lt3 I wotrid «poocr r#iso cnttle in ^Mtern Oonsda thao^in^.ite oprs belt of thoPnltod Btatee. Feed cheapnr and cUmB^s bettor for the purpose. Yoor maHcct iwill Im prove taster tban your xermers rap^Ilea. Dan be nJieLl raational Mryl. iKrar vaoent wlll to tulren: at a rate clone who want thlrtand." H«u)r 000 ir tttow i'O tilO j/ 'etiw UNION CENTRAL LIFE fPSWC OO ..v NEW UP-to-DATE P0LIC1E8 €tijfR!in€€€$—^Annual redaction pg^imnr''aatoliwtiH^ extended assurance, paid up assurance, annual loan and cash values^, days of inrace. yi pa^ng premiums More money loaneKl in Loans for S$ate of Dakota $4,413,106.2^, Insurance the State of iDevils Lake fljeatJfylafket It is tlie turn of. all to ktart New Year aright and there is nothing more important in thefee reiwlutioiis than *elfe&n£^he^proper place to choose ^our ihioes miRi. We have at all times a stock which stands para mount and up-to-date in every resr ^ect Thanldng oiur mrnm Step in and look over our goods and. let us take your measure. Pricesayeright, finest quality of goods and workn^au^ ship of the best., LEAVE YtiUR MONEY AT HOME .The UnJrr First National Bank HIDIi AND FURS Our -Coal Is' DbWn wsdmmemm If North "Dakota $2,995,S22.00: DEVILS LAKEi N..O.I •PHONE A Roast of fteef Tha jiill illaie Mouth Wtaer F. T. FOX, Prop. isn't rare" with us—every day bc^ currence, in fact. If you know?: good beef whien you see it (of course you do when you eat it) you'll enjoy the sort we server: Prime cattle, good feeding, know4"^ ing handling and careful cutting explain the^reason for our always supplying fine roasting beef. Y: patrons and friends ^fdr there past favors and hope for a. continuance of the -same the coming New Yeai*, Yfity, sincerely yours. FlynnBlbtk Tailor 5 "'v1-Pa^ the farmers the highest market pjrfcel for Ivden ard lurs. Bring them or ship thein iiU rou a square deal and your money by re*:' turn maili DAVISS RUB1N, DEVILS LAKE, N. DV 512 Secord Street. You car see s\?n of Dpvis Rubin from corner of John Bell's barn. kE "r •,ffl tJ rJ jp?-' ,v ui*m, ShoeR«pairiag I \w ti Pnce is what we mean—price is down. Ifpur^oaJdo^, your cellar? fjg" If it iia't mmmM j.-*,. y«u cm" 1 ™«Jotoori«rh»445i «l«o 1 K^i Kg b^l fe" a Wu ^1' eurr rM