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?ti: 1 :i if r^i^t ?h \#i$ & 't .r. runs OF CMLl CONFERENCE. i1" 3 %&&&$*&-• j, Ml -V Ififorf to Proilde central Soerce of Information. lATKM SOCIETY ORGJURZED Workers In Different but Alliod FMda Will B« Brought Together at Big Meeting In Worcester, Maw, Or- Oanization and incre—ed Effieieney Demanded. Tha second general meeting of the Ifa fkmal CbM Conference For Besearcb •ad Welfare is being planned for the test days of June and early July. *hla meeting will be at Worcester. Mam., where the ooliferent® came Into jaxlatence nearly a year ago. Leaders fe various forma of effort for the bet terment of juvenile clttoens will ad dress the sessions. The conference will last five days. This organization -aims to be a central clearing house for Information and for definite action for Hie welfare of children in all depart ments. Instead of taking some one phase of child nature, snch as garden ing or playgrounds or health, the con ference regards the coming citizen as a unit and attends to the unit's needs Sn their relation to one another and to the community. Speaking on this peculiarity of the organization. Henry S. Curtis, the sec retary, said that thirty-three child Itelplng. organizations were represent ed at the first meeting In July, 1909. "It is expected that there will be a «tffl more general representation this fear." he added. "At these meetings matters of general Interest are dis cussed and methods that might apply 4o different fields are considered. It 1b the purpose of the conference to Siring the different organizations closer together, so that there may be less wasted and misguided effort "We all know the results of organi sation In the commercial world onfl the Increased business efficiency that fol lows. We want to secure some such Jesuits for philanthropic .movements. We want to make it easy for various kinds of social workers In different 3mt allied fields to become acquainted with each other, with each .other's "troubles and methods, and to provide Xbem with a central source of Informa tion and assistance when needed. Plan For Centralization. "Further, this centralizing Idea is to offer the general public an way to keep ip touch with pirpg. *ess in the whole field. In these, busy ays not many men" or women have -time to look Into the work of hun dreds of organizations scattered all •ver the United States. But when we Set a central clearing house—call it a philanthropy trust' if you like—then *ny person can find ouf^wlth not much trouble what is being done in any giv es line of effort." Another benefit aimed at In this unity af purpose is the brDiging together ot tbe scientific students and ttu prat Heal workers. The theorists and thr «eld workers have not always. «d Tranced In step. The conference in /tends to aaslKt each class tu under Stand the other .and thus Iwuclii rj. general purpose for wbirb notli ai -Striving by different but equally in portant methods Tbe Child Confenn Jias its eyes fixed on Wash in pi I HI IUU "Wants some day to secure a tedem Children's bureau. Resolutions Bavt already been adopted favoring 'bills be lore congress for that purpose. "The time has come, in the opinion -Uils conference," a last year's resotu 42on ran, "when all efforts for th •melioration of the conditions of child Moofi' of a charitable and philanthropic stature should be based upon and so lar as practicable guided by the re volts of scientific child study, and only thus may the various lines be given a more scientific, and workers Moore professional character." In other words, this organization In tends to kill off a lot of haphazard work that has been going on with the *vowed purpose of helping chiidreu 'mod substitute work that is more in telllgently directed and more bene Jklal to those who do it, to those who \sMre the subjects and likewise to those who support it by money or personal L^nterest A National Organization. Dr. G. Stanley Hall, president of dark university, who is also presl 4ent of the Child Conference, approves Ala sort of conservation of organized cnergy. There' Is "a crying need to •orrelate" the societies of tbe country *ay£The. "We could present an inter astlng list of overlapping and lack of jea-ordination. Some committee of -i 3*eneal scope which would not be local «W connected with any one institution «6d which could also comprise and Sfi steake contact with and have every fa 4-J of the child welfare societies rep -/resented on It—that lis the thing that T»pre chiefly desire." To get at its work the Child Confer 7«Bce has established a national organ isation, which will meet in Worcester, Jfasa., June 28 to July Inclusive. It 'Js planned to have local conttfipcjnl to various ceousn' througlidot tbe tfafted States which wpi attend local to wjitylog orgnnisattons and lntewBta Aacal ^tnrpoMh A stmt for has already tMa (Umtion, j^ focal WJ' ^Wli» «fr-va.?:!'tf& .Vto-1 Adjoozned meeUtg o« tfc© Ooonty Oommisstoners of Rameey Coonty North Dakota. Tuesday, May 3rd, 1910. "Hie Board met pursuant to adjourn ment at 2 oclock P. M. Present Com missioners, Johnson, Neeseth, Makmey, Bmig* and SamueL Moved and canted that tin follow ing Mils be allowed and warrants or dered drawn in payment of same as follows: Gus Forstenau, county treasur er, To transpormion for Mrs. M. B. Anderson to Grand Forks 2^0 Gus Furstenau, county treasiu1 er, postage account ........ 33.40 Gus Furstenau, county treasur er, account of B. Daeley for. stamped -envelopes for. Supi. of achoolfl ... 2l4 O. C. Olson, care at Albertina Chrlstianson, April 5th to 24th 12.00 A. M. Powell, house rent Mis. Simmons, April 7 to 3fay 7 .. 15.00 Gus Furstenau, county treasur er, account of John S. John son, road overseer E. Twp. 156-66 for the year 1909 12.00 Chas. EL Taylor, court steno grapher one day .......... 10100 Mrs. Beamer. care of George Smith, March 14th to March 24th 10.00 Gus Furstenau, county treasur er, To court orders paid jur ors ............ 25.60 Gus Furstenau, county treasur er, To court orders paid witr nesses 53JM) Gus Furstenau, county treasur er, To county wolf bounties paid" 56.00 Mrs. J. S, Neathery, care of Clara Arnette, April 11th to April 30th 8.00 A. P. Blonde, blanks furnished as per. contract 20.00 Benson County, N. D., To Vx the costs of repairing the Pip er bridge on county line be tween Benson and -Ramsey counties 104.05 F. W. Mann & Sons, goods fur nished countypoor 22.70 C. H- Baker, fviel furnished county j»oor 23.10 A. M. Crary, balance due on grade between Sections 32 and 33, Northfield Town ship ,14.00 C. J. B. Turner, To office sup plies and stationery as per contract 231.61 Walker Bros. & Hardy, blank books as per contract ...... 86.17 Endell Bros., repairing sink sheriff's residence 2.00 J. R. Haslam, goods for county poor, $65, and supplies for jail and court house, $4-80, ... 69.80 Hyman'Ldeberman, rent for Mia Ullnai, April, 1910 ............. 12.50 Geo. "Vfe Mooerst administrator, salaw of T. T. friorsan, clerk "of crart^ Feb. 1st to Feb. 8th Geo. W. Mooers, administrator, To naturalization fees paid in to the county by T. T. Thor son thru error 208.50 J. Goldberg & Co., .supplies fur nished court house ......... 4.80 Pure Oil Company, sweeping compound for court house .. 2.50 Herman SteQseth, To naturaliz ation fees,pald into the coun ty thru error .........,... 23.00 Mrs. A. Beamer, To care of F. T. Danaher, diphtheria pa* tient, Jan. 18th to Jan. 31st .. 13 00 Chas. E. Taylor, testimony in case of State vs. Jas. Bartley. 26.00 Devils, Lake Improvement Co.^ lights, telephones, water, etc., fist quarter, 1910 .......... 263.96 Devils Lake Journal^ Blanks as per contract 60.00 J. Q. Adams, hardware supplies for court house i.......... 19.40 Making a total of ....... .. .1508.98 Moved that, the bill of Edward F. Flynn for the rent of Detention Hos pital from June 26th, 1909, to April 26th, 1910, in the sum of $150 be al lowed at $75 as according to-agreement with the city of Devils Lake they were to pay one-half of said rent Carried. Moved that the ^bill A of Herald Pub lishing Company in the sum of $12.90 same being for blanks furnished Coun. ty Judge be disallowed for the reason that we have a contract with J. G. Curtis of Hampden for the furnishing of said blanks Carried. All voting "Yes." Moved that the report of E. W. Gil bertson as coroner in "the case of David Gallagher be approved and war rants ordered drawn in payment of same as follows: E. W. Gilbertaon, coroner fe^s .$ 7.20 W. H. Belford, sheriff's fees .... 5.90 M. A. Jones, taking deposltioiiS 3.00 A. E. Panahall, juror's fees ..... S. h. Wineman, juror's fees 1.10 Henry Hale, juror's fees 1.10 H. B. Mitchell, witness' fees v. 2.10 Making a total -of ..: $21.50 Moved and carried that the quarterly report 'ot a. C. Jones from April 1st to April 19th be approved and warrants ordered drawn in-' payment of same as foUows S. C. Jones, justice fees". ,:r'..^.$13.00 W H, Belfdrd, sheriff fees W. I. Barnes,, police fees W. P. O'Brien, witness fees Perry Knapp, witness fees W. Barnes, witness feas Ben Parker,: witness fees W. F. Buse, witness fees W. H. Belford. witness fees 23.60 20.60 2 10 2.10 2.10 2.1^ 2.10 2.10 Making a total" of .f.vT.$70.00 Moved that this board adjourn until 2 o'clock P. M., May 4th, 1910, in order tfaat they may go out as a committee and Jnepeot oertain bridges ttiroughout the county tititt need to be repaired Carried All voting "Yea," S, V. Bice,¥ County Auditor, Adjourned meetlng of tbe board of oounty. coaxmiseUmeni. Wsdnasday, May 4th, 1#ias Hi© board met st $ o'clock P. M. rtiwwart to adjdttnuoert. PraMot f^BitirfwIopWi, JohnaoB, ItifiwiKtU, '•S petKlaa ^saed by !*oi Jotnvtfle tea other raalde^t tsx payeis adt Inc that this bmrd eKpesd So maoh unnuMfcir from the oounty rosd fttnd to repair the roads between Sectiona l? and 18 1SS41 was resd and OD NATION A petition signed by J. G. Jacobeon iking that thls board issue a re funding order to EL Metaob in the sum ot $13.77 on account off personal property tax paid by him In this county and also' in Benson coonty for the Bame property was read and on motion granted and the auditor was instruct ed to Issue aaid fi. T. Kelacm refund ing order for said amount A petitlon signed by F. H. Stoltze asking to have refunding order issued to him lin. the sum of $27.63 on account of clerical ^rror in asaeesment of lots 0 and 7,' Block 1 VmageT of Edmore, was read and on motlcni granted and the auditor was lnstrocted to issue a refunding order accordingly. Moved and carried that the follow ing polling placbe be designated by "ihis^ board April 5th be changed to read as follows: In prednet No. 6, Hope Central School building. A petition Kigned by Robert Wallace and seyentesen other tax payers asking that this board build abridge on the Township line between Section 36 157-63 and Sectton 31-157-62 was read and on motion commissioners Samuel, Rtnlgh and Maloney were appointed to view said location and report as to the necessity of said bridge. "A petition signed by E. B. Hartman and seventeen other rodent tax pay ers asking that this board erect a bridge on the Secdn line between Sections 24 and 25, Township 157-63, was read and on motion commissioners Samuel, Emigh and Maloney were ap pointed as "a committee to view said location and report as to the necessity of said bridge. The bond of Walker Bros. & Hardy with tihe Northern Trust .Company as sureties in the sum ci $500 for the faithful performance of their contract, dated April 5th, 1910, for the/furnish ing of the primary election supplies was read and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. Moved and curled to adjourn until 2 o'clock P. M., Thursday, May 5th, in order that the board can -go out as a road committee to view the Grand Harbor bridge. R. V. Bice, Oounty Auditor. Adjourned meeting of the board of commissioner^, Ramsey county^North Dakota. Thursday, May 5th, 1910, The board met at 2 o'ckxdc P. M., pursuant to adjournment. "Jftnesent Johnson, Nesseth, Maloney^ Emigh and SamueL A report g}gped by comniteslpner Q. O. Johnson, O. O. Nesseth and Frank EmlgSi, recommending that this board build a 14 foot addition to this present bridge across the coulee between Sec tion 3-157-60 and Section 34-158-60 also for the putting In of two 36 inch cul vertis 24 feet in length in ths^grada^SB the Section line between' Sections 25 and 26-158-60 and for th#-expenditure of $200 for the repairing erf the roads on the Township line between .Hope and Ontario Townships was read and on motion accepted. Whereas it Is necessary to repair certain bridges in this county for the use of the public at once, be it resolved by this board that we enter lii contract withAl Y. Bayne & Cpii for the repairing of the bridge seated on the Section line between Sections 3-157-60 and 34-158-60, also foi the McDonald bridge between Secttdn 7 155-62 and Section 12-155-63 and-also for the bridge on Section line between Sections\ 19 'and 20-156-61 at a- itdtal cost of $1398.00. Carried. All voting "Yes." The following report was then ifiBiid To the Hon. Board of County Commis sioners, Ramsey County, North Dakotttff Gentlemen:— We, yoiir committee, appointed' to view the location and report as to'tiie necessity of a bridge on the Section line between the N.E, of Sea 32 and the N.W. of Section 33-158-63,^beg leave to report that we have vie'wed the Bald location and would recom* mend that the county purchase'- two 36 inch culverts 24 fleet long and put same in said grade. $,V Respectfully submitted^'/j (Signed) T. H. Maloney# W fi Samitol W. G.. Frank Emigh. ,v The following resolution was then entered into Moved by Ole Nesseth and seconded by Frank Emigh that whereas the costs of lighting the court house is costing the jtountyr too Much money as for the year past it has'cost $533.28 and whereas undeT thp old'rate the cost was $300 per year, therefore, be it resolved by. this board that we make an offer to the Devils Lake Im provement Company to furnish lights for the. court house for $300 petf year and if not accepted by them at' sald price of $300 per year that we hetfeby direct the, said. Devils lake Improve ment Company to cut out all lights in said court house by May 18& at 'ths time of next meeting. fa Move«J and carried that tbe fore going resolution be spread on therinin utes. Moved and cttrried that the fallow ing bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of same as follows: A. Y. Bayne & Company,, part payment of Grand Harbor bridge 465.00 H. EL Thorson, Ta fees errone rifely paid into the county tgj treasurer on July 16th, '08, 8s per county treasurer's miscellaneous receipt No. T. VL Young, part,payment grading approaches to Grand Hartor bridge ....i W. J. Graham, goods furnished county p©or August Raff, services as en gineer oa Grand Harbor bridge, April and May .... Frank Bmisb, servloea as oon» sAMtoneir «nd atUeags fta" *b» T. H. Maloney. •errtoa* as wwimtfiwtooar and mUeac* .. Ola O. Neeeettv aervtoM as oommtaakm^ sod mUeasa W. G. Samuel, aervlQes as same .was referred to the commissioner ot jiedistrict. Moved and carried that the report of Oonmw EL W. Gilbartaoa tn the T. T. *nia«soo esse be: s^earaved, costs ivins b9en paid by the eetafca. 40.00 a total of ...4I,...$1S41J0 Moved and carried to adjoum until Tuesday, May 17th, at 2 o'clock P. M. B. V. Bloe, County Auditor. 4* 4* GRAND HARBOR •US '-j (By Social Corpeeiondent) John Strand took,a trip to Belcourt, North Dakota, last WBek. Mrs. Mackey and- Mrs. Slowman drove to Devils Lake Saturday. F. A. Dion shipped a half car of po tatoes to RusseU, N. Dak., last week. Some of our early risers got up. at three oclock Wednesday morning but failed to see the comet. O. N. Dion took a trip to Stark weather Thursday. Oliver reports everything looking good out there."' Geo. McDevitt, Sr., Mrs. McDevitt and, soa George left Thuraday for Rochester, Minn. The young George will undergo an operation for appendi citis. rf On account of the rain the baseball contest which was to have taken place with Penn Sunday, between Grand Harbor and Penn was postponed until the 22d. A number of pur Norwegian friends went to Devils Lake Tuesday evening to attend a dance giVen by the Sons of Norway. A very good, time was reported. Doc Welsh is hack among the. boys again. Doc has been visiting west for the last six months for his health and the boyB are glad to see'himv)ack again looking fine. Sam Strand and wife had to stay over night in our burg Tuesday night. Mr. Strand's auto got balky on him and the party had to drive toJDevil% lake Wednesday morning. Qeo. Bailer was married some time as i: -\^vr r#S., The utmost perfection of a comfortahio tinneau of ungual depth and plenty of cellence. The weight of power planf to eliminate all side motion, aci^ spension*,,, t" Spe W3i 116S.00 cm Isat weeirla GrwQd Itadt* to Wm ^vs CatchelL Geo. ntorned last Friday from his wedding trip to BollA and' has beea aettlng no tiie tigam boys ever alnce. The danoe given Dor the benefit of the baaebaQ club last Friday was a complete eaocess, a better tints'apd better crowd could n*t be had" and everybody went home happy, promis ing to be^ back again at our nex^ Our station agent hai a^^iiinfer' paper hanger working on "the Brttton residence foe two weeks and the. boys are.-all guessing what ls going to hap pen. "There Is a murmurv In. the air, youcan hearlt every^herje" and some body will have, tov^u^d oat the dgars new" home in Boxelder, Mont Mr. Miackey has been In this town for over twenty -yearn and his many Mends are sorry to' see him go. ../At the same time we all join In wteblng him all kinds of prosperity his new ttovsrnor PsBss^ofllllnola, Ssys Abont lti Deneen. ei!XUinola, oma a no- of^SaikBtehewan, yimaih. Hell— afld to |u interriev: iXaat ue the re- |0sa£s,andlliave me ftlno waIL There Uaoaroel/'s oom mnnltx In the Middle or WMtem Statee that Juu 125 MIDion Basheh of •mn**' frias® 'JWatem OuaSa Held will eaaTlrVloM to elr»170.000,0M.OO In EtaeHomeeteadsot 1 and iblepri «CT hne paid foe their aia' -rooeUent raUwar &cUltlee, low lot pamphlet "burnt tosoIU c3SSi® -v oiler Sliding gear transmission tfv?i" Bevel gear drive 34 in artillery type at the price. Ready ^pr immediate d& A S PI N O Clifford Block :v ,a Grand ffodes, N. D. (Q«e HOrtm na«w« yooQ 0J MODEL Model 4-Cylinder. 30 H. P. Touring Car $1500 2 JOP EXTRA u) 'i elbow .rcqm, MQQCU t&.IMi AA. 2 Cylinder, I2 H.*P, RuMkat $600 This is the runabout' they are all talking about^fjlave them "here 4®^ Call and see the cart and let us give you a demonstrc v* Signature of 4 ASTORIA -j'&or TufaTitg ana CUldwai.§x Hi Kfed Yon Rail Always Bosgbt For farm, stock and __ 'poultry buildings, KBClt ROOFING is unequalled. It keeps out the cold in wmter.and the beat in summer^ and k^eps tl\eia dry at all times. ItEGAt, ROOFING also "gives longer service than ordinary roof ings It is made of best quality y?ool felt heavily saturated^ana coated with genume J-M Trinidad Lake Asphalt—a mineral which has stood the broiling son and the raging Storms of tbe equator for Centuries without deterioration^ OUR WARRANTY 'We give the most liberal warranty wilb RBGAL that -was ever made by any toof' ing firm. And this watranty Is backed by a ^,'000.000.00 concern that bas newer broken a promise nor shirked an honor able obligation during mc^O yearsil baa manufactured roofings, FR^E SAMPLE AM) BOOH Don buy any roofing until you see a sample of RBGAI. and learn more about roofings from ourNBook No 76 Wntefor Uiem to-day—or simply write your name and address on tbe margin of 6ns advet-, lisement and mail it 10 tik JOHNS-MANVILLECO. 251. TUrf Ave. S., MINNEAPOIJSfSx Derfla Lake Asente JEWELL- 4 COUEAMJEitrfKW5! ,"3?/ ™,th,smslu8par %The I power''ex- family car appointments --is- distributed so carefully/ hich, together with the~ideal spring su B^fcmd in no other car.* V, 11 IS o\ ,le magneto ^nd battery Force feed ead, one reverse Multiple-disc clutch inch weel base best car on the market ?1 Mi •wvwiy-vifs'