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II. yy if s* ''f 0 Jo" '1 :T -,.i 43"£ 4 If Si $8h# fl r*A %.• •&gi 8p. VF Mi ala aX* aZ* al aZt aX* •&> aXa aL ^Z* *L aX. 'y Wt vv vv 4* 4. WARWICK 4. 4 4» From The Sentinel H. H. Burdahl returned from the Devils Lake hospital Monday much im proved in health. J. W. Orchard was a badness visi tor at Devils Lake last Monday. Merchant Chas. Anderson transact ed business at Devils Tata last Mon lay between trains. *i* 4* BROCKET 4. 4 • From The Newa Mrs. E. O. Engesather is on the sick list suffering from the grip. Nels Lillehoff was called to W. Su perior last week on account of sick ness of his sister. Mrs. Butler of Tonkin arrived in town Saturday to visit with her Chil dren and their families for a while. A tennis club was formed in Brocket last week and the boys have been busy setting the court ready. Look oat for your laurels, ye other burgs, as we ex pect to develope many good players this spring, and should there be any mall honors to gain we will be there to claim them. •f. 4* •3* .a I II The county commissioners yesterday {granted the petition of Munich citizens tor incorporation. They have set June 1 as the tote for the voters to pass 'upon it The election will be held in the hall. Further notice will be given later. Last winter Geo. and Robt Schuler filed on land near Hinsdale, Mont This spring they shipped out with a •car of supplies but found thingg were aiot what they seemed before the snow 'was oft. The ground was level but the grass was In few and scattered Xranches with solid hard pan between. -A few feet down was solid rock. The jground showed that it could not raise •enough to keep a jack rabbit alive or «er winter. All who filed in that neigh borhood shipped back except the few "who used up all their money In gett ing there. Those few were left mast •ers of all they surveyed. The Schuler fcoys shipped back to Bay, N. D., and NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS 4* MUNICH 4. 4 4. (From The Hearld.) A. W. Huss went to Devils t-bIta last week. Goldie Jones arrived from Fargo Fri day by way of Devils Lake. She has accepted a position as clerk in the Hew York Store. U. L. Burdlck arrived Tuesday from Wllliston. At Devils Lake he bought a new 40 horse-power Bulck that is a leauty. If any one wants a fast ride now see Burdick. SPECIAL FOR ONE For one week commencing Saturday, May 21st and ending Saturday, May 28th we will make an extra special price on a Solid Oak Dining Table This is pedestal style round top extension table six feet long and is a very attractive and finely finished piece of furniture. We are making a price on them for the week that will surprise you. Call and see what we have to offer, we know you will be pleased with them. Goldberg 31 are there at present breaking with their teams. They expect to take up good JfortlTDakbta land yet bat no more Montana for them. 4* 4* 4|4li 4'4"{,4 4,4, 4» 4» 4» ROCK LAKE 4 4 'i' 'i* 'J' •'i* From The Ripplee 4. Barney Keeney was at Devils Lake last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes:, spent last Thursday at Devils Lake. Mr. .and Mrs. Laph&m visited the Devils Lake Chautauqua grounds last Sunday going down In their auto!, Mrs. Thompson and eon Cl&nde de parted this morning for Chahute, Kan sas, In response to a telegram calling them home. Mrs. Eakrigbt and children return ed from an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Birkman, near Peith. Miss Amy Bangs returned last Fri day after a protracted absence, and Is again at her post at telephone central. The school board has engaged Prof. Colvin, principal of the Starkweather school at present, as principal here for the next term. The present term clos es a week ftpm todaj. Most of the towns cm the Farmers line are waking up this spring and showing signs of improvements. A recent trip over the line surprised us, and we also noticed that more land Is brought under the plow this spring than ever before. This year It will be one vast grain field from one end of the Farmers line to the other.,4,4,4. 4* 4* 4* 4* 8TARKWEATHER 4. 4.,4.4, From The Times Dan Kelly visited at the home of Frank Maurer a couple of days thin week. Roy Bills, wife and mother went to Penn by automobile last Wednesday for a visit J. W. Wipf, cashier of the Alsen bank was here last Monday morning for a few hours. Mrs. John Kelly of Bisbee visited with her sister, Mrs. Marcus Gaa a few days during the past week. Jtev. Pitman returned from Aneta on Wednesday evening. He visited at Warwick on his way home. Miss Marie Severson came up from Crary the latter part of last week and visited with her sister at place for several days. 1 Will Crlpe is improving nicely at the hospital at Cando. He had a serious operation performed some time ago for appendicitis. Geo. Meiklejohn left the latter part of last week for Iowa where he goes on a business visit He will return early next week. E. C. S prague Is here from Montana where he has filed on a claim. He has not yet established his residence and will make the assessment for the vil- Letfef Farntert Dealers. lage before lie leaves for good. Bev. Pitman went to Aneta last Sat urday to preach on Sunday. Prof. Col vin filled the pulpit here on Sunday evening: The morning services were it Excitement ran high the first of the week when surveyors came into town with all kinds of surveyor's tools, in struments, etc. They were here to survey the (Catholic cemetery. W. H. Houff made a fiying/trlp td Devils Lake last week being accom panied by Mrs. Ora Deal, Mrs. Jacob Deal and others. His automobile seems to be working fine these days. 4.4.4.J4,,4, ig, 4,4, 4»'- 4. 4" EDMORE. 4. Register of Deeds M. A. Hoghang Sundayed with his brother, Ole and family at their farm home near here. Chas. C. Honey was transacting bus iness at Grand Storks and Lakota Sat urday. He returned home Sunday by auto. Mr. Viger of Walsh county was visit ing his sons, the Viger brothers, who live east of town, the fore part erf the neek. Thos. Ruger of Devils Tata was greeting Edmore friends Monday, hav ing came over with E. C. Burgess in his auto. Geo. Smith returned from .Wiscon sin Monday, bringing with him a car load of horses which he purchased down there. They are a nice bunch and will be sold here. O. W. Ohnstad and M. O. Simenstad and little son, Otis, came over from Devils Lake Saturday and spent Sat urday and Sunday visiting friends here. They came by auto returning Sunday evening. John O. Hamre attended to business matters at Park River last week. He expects to move his family here as soon as he can secure a house to live in. The auction sale on the Hartman farm Saturday was well attended and property sold well. Mr. Hartman has sold his farm and purchased a stock of goods at Rolla, where he will move his family and engage in busi ness. Sheriff Belford was in Edmore yes terday morning enroute to Hampden, where he went to take two children who have been staying at the home of Pete Furseth, to Devils Lake and from there they will be sent to the Chil drens' Home. He was accompanied from here by Atty. Morrissey. 4. 4 4 4. LAWTON 4. ^oju-P. -i, K, V}. 2 V* A± A %&V£*4£ .. Frota The Herald-News E. J. Chamberlain of Devils Lake was an Edmore visitor yesterday. Geo. Smith transacted business at Devils Lake yesterday and today. Mrs. M. Gibbons of Lawton visited friends In Edmore Monday night, re turning Tuesday. 4.,4,4,4. Worn The Republican LAWTON REPUBLICAN Tom Fish one of our enterprising farmers southeast of town was able to be out Sunday after a week's attack of tonsilltl8 and lagrlppe. Miss Jessie Eikenbe'rry came up from the university Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. H. Shlreman. She returned Tuesday morning. Dr. Nicholson who has been laid up with lagrlppe since bis return from St. Paul, Is much improved in health and able to be around again. John Alrd expects to go to Mt Clem ens, Mich., to test the curative proper ties of its famous baths. John Is both ered considerably with rheumatism. R. Davidson, with a grip, fur coat and a straw hat boarded the train for Bow Island yesterday morning. The weather is much colder than it was when he left Alberta, hence the fur coat F. E. Ward of Macvllle, arrived Mon day to take charge of the building of the new telephone line. He has a crew of four men with him who will' commence the posthole work Monday. An extra,car was attached to the Great Northedn flyer on this Hn« Mon day. It was loaded ^rlth foreigners to fill the places of the Irish and Nor wegian section men who have moved to their farms and quit railroading. A deal In real'estate was made last Wednesday between A. M. LaBrant and A. E. Bruce, whereby Mr. Bruce becomes t&e owner of Mr. LaBrant's house and lots on Coppenhagen aven ue. The price paid for the property is said to have been $1,200. Robert Davidson who was called down from Bow Island, Alta., to Grand Forks, last week oil account of the Ill ness of his wife, arrived In town with Mrs. Davidson Tuesday afternoon. She is much Improved In health and Bob expects to return to Bow Mand as soon as he gets through with business attaint Mr?., Davldson wlll remain hem nntll Mr. Davidsbn gets his new home in AUtert* ready for hwr recep* Hon. He reports ttmt crop conditions are very ttrach the same as here. Last »i damage was done to the crops. He likes his new location well. His fath er and brother are both well and bi oh the farm. •J* 4. HAMPDEN Jas Code returned from ETAO Jas Code returned from a tWo. weeks business visit at the .Twin Cities Sat urday. The auto fever Is hitting titfa town bad. There are two or three more parties In a very critical stage of the disease. Dan Murphy our popular barber left for Devils Lake Tuesday for a visit with friends. F. Licum of Edmore Is wielding the razor during his absence. At their meeting last Thursday the decided to purchase the McCabe Eleva directofs of the Fanners Btexatot .Co. tor at ithls place, the consideration be ing $4,500.00. This gives them a mod ern elevator also coal sheds, L. J. Wehe, candidate, for the nomi nation of state's attorney on the repub* lican ticket was here Friday and Sat uyard. Mr. Wehe. is a graduate of the N. D. U. B. A. admitted to practice law in the United States Circuit and Dis trict courts and If nominated and elect ed promises the people a square deal. Martin Tappen, of Cumberland, Wis., arrived Saturday and will do the catch ing for the Hampden team this season. Tappen needs no introduction to the fans around here having caught In this neighborhood for the past four years. With this addition on the Tig ers, they are going to put up a very strong line-up one hard to beat From present indications this dis trict will have but one candidate for county commissioner, and that Is J. R. ^fttdey of Noonan township We of the north end would much rather haVe had the candidate closer home but we do not hesitate to say that Mr. Henley will give us all a square deal There are some reports to the effect that the south end of the district will have a democratic candidate In the field tails fall but we do not think they will. There are too' many reptfbltcaos in this district for a democrat to stand much show of election. 4* 4 4* penn •«f. $ ?4:* 1%"\ J*, pfi&i ,i(»v" bu^y J. 4. •fc 44a| 4'4'4,4 4i4a4,4,{,4"{ From the Guardian. School started Monday after being closed for two weeks on account of sickness. If. E. R. Swartout is up and about after being confined to his room for the past two weeks. Miss Westrum returned from Mln newaukan Saturday where she hat} been visiting during vacation. Martin Hoghtmgh, republl»n candl date for register of deeds was a poli tical visitor in town Friday and Satur day. H. M. Boe and son went to Devils Lake Saturday and purchased another Bulck auto. This he tried a white one. 4. 4*,4,4. From The Hustler Mr. Alex McLean of Devils Lake was a caller in town Monday. Miss Ida Ressner was a visitor at the county seat last Saturday. Mr. George Bail sod daughter Edith visited friends In Devils Lake Monday. Blr.01e Skyberg made a business trip to Cando on Wednesday, returning Friday. librs. J. Skyberg made a business trip to Devils Lake the latter pvt of last week. ,: Mrs. Ed. Gessner is down from Rug by visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Ges sner.v Ed. Farrlngton, our village black smith, made a business trip to Devils Lajke Tuesday. MIsb Maud Lane returned from Hat- ton this week and Is now at the F. A. Gessner home. Our village has an epidemic of meas les, nearly every family reporting one or jinore cases. ,A bouncing baby boy came to glad den the home of Mr. and lira. F. A. Gessner Sunday, May 8. Miss Klaus who has been visiting here for some time, returned to lier home at Roc)c Lake the first, of the week Miss Sylvla Manseau of Devils Trfm who has been visiting Mends In Penn returned to tier home tine latter part of last week. Meedames Albert and Bd. Gessner were called to Rock Lake tills weak on account of the serious Illness of their mother, Mi*. Madeford. Messrs. Frank Ball a&d Alfral M& ler made a business trip to Devils Lake Saturday. The trip was made In Mr, Miller's auto. Ste and Mrs. Frank Eaedlng accom panied by their daughter Clara, went to L^ds Saturday for an over Sunday vis it with Mends. Mrs. Wmiam Stoesser was caSed to the bedside of bar daoghiter, Mrs. Os car Rlmele at Rock Lake tU$ wdek, the huly beJng very fll with pneomoa- lA AtWiitf !3/Vik4v 1 isSSgi $& lar druggjst was a Sunday visitor In Churchs Ferry. Herman makes foe-, quent trips up the ilne. We wonder what the attraction may be. 4. '4* 4f'.' CRARY 4* 414.4.4. 4. 4. 41 From the Public-Opinion Mrs. S. J. Dean was shopping at Dev ils Lake Friday. Mm M. D^Kavanaugh visited In Dev ils Lake Thursday. .' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steyens were {call ing on Mends In Devils Lake Saturday. H. P. Hanson of Devils Lake came down .to Crary In his auto Monday evening, Martha Severson visited at Stark weather from Saturday till Tuesday this week. D. W. Hunter and A. C. J. Lars en were In Devils Lake between trains Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rutten drove down from the Lake In their automo bile Tuesday. Mrs. Hadley of Brandon, Man., arriv ed Tuesday on account of the Illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Shirley of Rol la arrived Tuesday for a visit with her parents south of town. Mrs. Medelman visited Saturday and Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs. E. R. Walsh, in Devils Lake. Richard Burke of Devils Lake was attending to business matters In town Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Powell came down to Crary Sunday with Rev. E. C. Clattenburg and Mr, MogsrBi ta fits tatter's car. The band boys are pushing steadily onward and it is hoped that they will soon be well organized. At present they practice In the opera house two evenings each week under the leader ship of Merle Adams. Edgar Anderson and family will leave for Decorat, Iowa, next Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Anderson and children will stay several weeks, but Mr. Anderson will be aibsent only a few days. C. T. Swenson from Palermo was here this week visiting relatives and attending to business matters. He is agent for the Farmers Loan and Trust company of Crary, N. estate loans in Montrall county. Mr. Applegpte has completed the town well, and the same has been ac cepted by the. committee appointed to examine the water. The well is 198 feet' deep aid c6st $297.50 which amount has been raised by private sub scriptions. R. V. Bice, Gust Fursteneau, E. W. GUberteon* John McLean, Wm. Belford, Chief of Police Barnes, Herman Sten seth.C.W. Greene and several-other gentfemen from Devils Lake came down to Crary last Friday night to at tend the wrestling match. 4» J* ^AST4%&p^-< c?V v» V:,% Yjy. *«. D. in placing real vQ 4* 4. CHURCHS FERRY 4. 4* 4.,4,4,4, From The San Sherman Sterrett of Devils Lake was in the city on business Thursday. R. J. and Mrs. Walker returned Thursday bom1 their annual winter so ourn in Florida. C. T. Studness returned from Grand Forks Saturday whebe he has been undergoing medical treatment Miss Georgie. Chambers went to Penn Sunday for a few daya visit with Mr friend, Miss Zoa Noltimier. Mesdames Gus Meyer and Jennie Dttvls made a trip to the county seat Sunday, returning the following day. Miss Welllverf and Miss Hazel Mor gan came up from Crary for an over Sunday visit with friends In Qhurchs Ferry. A. Moe went to Devils Lake Wed nesday to instruct the Norden chorus of that city in vocal work. He return ed Thursday. Mir. and Mrs. John McLean drove up from Devils Lake In their auto Tuesday for a short visit at, the McOormick home. Dr. James JL Dow has been in Fargo the greater part of this week attending the big state convention of the North Daklota Dental association. Mtos Nellie Thomson^ returned Sun day from St Michaels hospital, Grand Forks, having afearly recovered from the operation die underwent four weeks agn State Veterinary Crewe of Devils Lake was In the city Monday Inspect ing the pedigree stock In tails locality and issuing temporary breeding licen ses, as prescribed by the new state lav. Hon. W. M. Miller, register of the Devils Lake land office, was an arrival from the east Monday, hut he merely1 "hesitated" long enough to board One of the auto liveries and hike for Mlo newaukan, where he had some busi ness matters to look after. Mrs. Norman Nelsou re turned Bun 4ay M»m a vtsit to Leeds. She was accompanied homo. by t3ui yotnuMtt •on of Mr. ana Mn. A. J. Wlrts wbo srtll remain" here fw a few days whllo t^ B. Page of Leeds attends the national convention of women's clurbs at Clndnl nati, Ohio. w. .. 1+1^ 1 Richard Thompson, brother of John uid Tom Thoinpson of this place ar-^Y'^t1 ilved Saturday from Lansing, Iowa.^1 coming via Winnipeg, and the Brandon St John and Churchs Ferry routes. M& Thompson spent the week here visiting' his brothers and their families and his children', Frank and Miss Rosa Thomp-* son. treasury from last year. The old offl cers were re-eletced for the coming year. The matter of program was plao ed in the hands of the executive com-' mittee. The celebration will probably be held Wednesday, June 22, but the date will be definitely announced next week. Mr. James McCormlck was ap pointed a committee of one to collect dues from the members and to receive such additional donations as citizens might feel disposed to contribute. Mayor Roach of Cecil has been vis iting in town the past week. While we are not authorized to make an an nouncement at this time, htope next week to publish a piece of news that may relieve the minds of the mayor's many anxious friends. Later—Mr. Roach's friends have for some time suspected he contemplated something serious, but their suspicions were «on-' firmed Thursday when Mr. Roach pur chased two tickets for Misbee and had two trunks checks to that town. A number of friends assembled at the de- .• pot, but what was their chargln to sea the mayor and his finance emerge from a side entrance to the hotel, step into an auto in waiting and be whirled rap idly away to Maza where they caught 'the north-bound train. Their friends gave them a liberal shower of rice as the auto wheeled loway, and then turn-' ed their attention to the baggage at the station, which was very properly an ai^7 tistically decorated with labels, pos ters, old shoes, etc. 22 YEARS AGO Items of Interest from the files of the In tier-Ocean of Mayl9, 1888. F. W. Cockburn Is off on a buying trip. .* Mrs. C. M. Fisher returned from St. Paul Monday. The Minnie made her flret trip to Ft Totten yesterday. Robert Cairnes and family left tor their new home at Langdon Tuesday. Wheat sowing Is about completed and the farmers are putting In and barley. Capt Heerman and his daughter, Miss Mlnnis returned from the east East'Saturday. Edgar LaRue who has been spend ing the winter in Chicago, returned home Wednesday. Capt Palmer will remove to Ft. Totten this summer. His residence on*' the island is for rent Mrs. P. J. 1 The third annual cqnvention of the Bankers Asio(dation of the Second Ju dicial district will be held in Churchal^ Ferry Friday, June 10. Cltizens tiiould ,§ prepare to open their homes to guests^ and that our village may appear at Its best let'every resident make an extra effort to clean up his premises and do a little decorating for the occasion. The village dads will look after the streets and alleys. Let the town don' her Sunday-g-tomeetin' garb and er« erybody help to make the guests feel welcome and the occasion a success.' The old settlers met in the Commer cial club rooms Monday night-to set tie the business of last year, elect of ficers fAr the ensuing year and outline a program for this season's celebra* tion. The treasurer's report showed a balance of forty-five cents In the 1 -t.: McClory left for Wis., Wednesday to spend the sum-" mer with her parents. „4 A huge quantity of boulders are bo- .•*» Ing plied up on Kelly avenue for th#^ First National bank building. Wm. Hurst has closed out h|B fmw^V' nltuie store. He still continues in the undertaking business and contracting./ tVK' formerly proprie-f^S^ tor of the Oomzneroial House luui puiwf -1 chased fhe Graham! farm three mllea'V '"'l/V"1 north of this dtyj'.i*:.'"^ i. JI ^41^' A. ft. WhlnnlA mn«i x— A. O. Whipple went to Mlnneaoolls^ —jt dent of the (First Natonal, who ha»»-j i.»t Just returned'from Europe.1-j ,4 ^. BVaak Palmer has 90ns east to toofc|%C after matters connected with the selfkTl feeding threshing machine attatiunenO# for which he owns the patent ^4 The St Olaf Evangelical Lutheraa society have began the erection of a new church building on the corner of Sixth street and BIB avenue. Prosperity Is evidently beaming on Sam Wlneman. His new xestdmo* •will be second to none In the olty, ai4 In another ye*r his present frame atoratrtii irWIi 1 Tianflnoma brick stiroctur^ 85 feet joni $16 *0*. les high. Sam has got his -mvmt, vlnd, wWch means unquestioned WM 7 I yf -.ft