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m* 4 i*r •5 $& fcw-' "UT, V'! Mr, •'.fl H' .V' t' t' i' f» 1- 1 %i-'.* -1 .• J- .1 TKl tr c,' LOCAL NEWS For Surety Bonds cftll on S. C. 1 1 fofv'W 1 j^-vl I v' .K'^r:# fer^a^ "1 V, M-W:i':^ hi-: .'»• VfifjAj ., ,::ar?Ht%f -.'v' 11 jf SI" %„xfh l"f"r"8 5 J" si i-I: n*? ti ./Iv'1"*: -{r a .v'' .A- :ft- •j'r ,ts V. s= i-T' 1 "*t V* .n« |W: .' ., '. V*' ^'".'"T.- '..jv1'' V') $1J0Q shoes for 2. JoneB.- O. R. Wade was In from ToMo Mon day. „.r,.,., 3f^""fMr. and Mrs. W. D. Gile, of Crary, I, tnere Devils Lake visitors Friday. 'David Shelvery underwent an, opera tion for appendicitis last Friday. 1 John W. Uaber makes Bum loans •t lowest rates and easy tonus. A. L. SMITH Interior Decmrator. Miss Hilma Freeburg of Toklo was |n, pcjvlla Lake between trains Satur -.dajr* i. •v .' V8 j~ -. ^Jobn W. Maher win make farm loans that you can pay off any Inter "«st jpayment date. 'Ignatius Court Of the ToSlo Mercan tile Oo„ was a business' visitor In Dei lis Lake Saturday. Editor and Mrs. F. X. Klrsch of War wick were In Devils Lake Friday even ing attending the MOOBB dance. it'The fire department was. called to the residence of Wm Hurst, on Fifth street Saturday morning, the house was found to be burning quite brls quely having' started from gasoline. By cutting holes in the wall the fire which had gotten, between the walls was, extlpifulflfoed.v 7he damage to the iuriiiture and the. building.will roaeh^ el^ouV flOOO, covered1 by Insurance, '|f you leave your/buggy and black smith work at M. H. Mandy's shop i, you c&$ rest assured that It will be done right, as theme are none em ployed, In his shop but the best of workmen.*' Makes 9 specialty of ail klnds'of 'buggy"work, wood/work, rub ber tires, and first class horse shoe ing. If you,: want the best of work you will make wo mistake by calling \«iEE Mandy. ""P Gi B^BIeBSum hact tented' tli^ Glerum f«ottage at Chautauqua^ and will oc cupy it with hfs famlly ln the near future. Mi1. Blessum Id the represents^ ttve of theMcClellan Paper Co., In this Wte, and Has been maldng'ihls head quarters at 'Grand Forks. Mrs. Bles •nm waa formerly Miss Jessie Tayliir of this city and has many friends to, .arscHlafiraf® -t 1 VI U-'M*tf i4 1 »j.iS O^i o:r v': WHESE are aM$ruMcally neu shoes. JLadief, children's, hoys' and men's.r Alt kinds. The greatest shoe values ever offered in Devils Lake, Wednesdayj May 18th. W. D. Mcpilntock, was here from Rugby Friday. A. Biy^her, of Cando was a Devllst Lake .visitor last week. ,, ,:i FrtmciS: Chase was 1A from Toklo between trains Satuviay. ,1 George Charlesworth was In frcta Toklo: Monday onr business. T. D. Hughes of Fargo, was a busi ness .visitor in. this city last week. Shooting Gallery ,vand. Soavenir Stand at Chautauqua. Enquire of H. Hues£ei). Jr J? 1 ':'yh- C. D. White, of AlinneapQlls was Devils Lake the latter part of the week. Big line of tires and autonioblie re^ palrs and accessories at the State. A^ to Coi Chas. Doyon and family of Doyoii were In Devils Lake, the^ latter part of last week, !&'" IS Geo. E. Duis of Grand Forks "was a Devils Lake .visitor the latter' part of last week. The Commercial club held a very, enjoyable smoker at their club rooms. Friday evening.'^ Misses Belle Estes. and Josephine Hamel, of Petersburg,,were the guesja of the Misses Norton over Sunday^ a C. Jones it agent tor th« Donald jjkm Steamship "lines. Call on information about yoiir oont^m F-uonaia him fpr ^mplated Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks who1 have been spending several weeks bt Hot Springs, Ark.,' taking treatment, returned home Friday night mu«h im proved from the treatment th$y underr went at tihjs great health resorti The 'ball given by the Loyal Order of Moose at their hall Friday, night was Well attended and was a very succesgfM function from every stand point.) iThe -music by the Devils Lake orchestral of five pieqes was thorough }y en Joyed, by the large crowd present and we understand that-the affair was a success^ financially. Their new hall raakes an admirable place for a dance: as the room is large the floor fine. ti^Btaliment'K^A s* 2L_J KL_12L__A_^*1 *j5tfjB-^La—t—.t •*i *v g'f •!•..••. u:.'J r:.'e TOKIO 4! 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4^ 4! (By Special Correspondents' Mr. Venable was,out to his clam ov tr Sunday. Albert Jaqua returned from Minne apolis Friday. .Ignatius Court was at Devils Lake on business Saturday. Miss Hilma. Freeburg was shopping in Devils Lake Saturday. Fi-ancli Chase Was 'in Devils Lake between trains Saturday. 1- George Cliarl|swprtih went to Devils I^ake on business Monday. Mrs. Garvey came out from Devils liake .toi her claim this week. ^Mrg D.'R. Chkse.and little daughter "me wiBht tb Deviis Lake Tuesday,. .R. L.v Wade has the contract for building an addition on the Mills resi dence east of this .place. Chas. oisen brought 'eleven head of cattle over to his homestead place froni: acrt»s the lake last week. There has been gang of about six «ty Greel^tr working In this vicinity for about a week past surfacing the rail- 4 JI' ,v Smeallle is now occupying his fine new store buildings Every&lng has been arranged In sliape and looks neat as a pln.'i- J'1] Mrs. Victor Ruth was at Warwick oVer 'S^nday^ where she officiated as organist'1 in' the' Lutheran church for confirmation services., D. R. Chase Is contemplating enter ing the bu^iness circles of this place again, although he has- nqt decided det finitely what he will do., Toklo Is ^teceivlqg numerous visits from political aspirants ithese times, Abe P. Quale^ candidate for sheriff was one of the late dneB^ Fred Lang Is busy. With, carpenters building a machinery shed on his lot facing Main. Street Toklo's Main street is begrtianing to .1^1 The little daughter 4f Mr. aitd Pred Lang was clrrfsteiiisa at th$ Stlfl sion Sunday. wai ohristeo^d *ljatonir' HsbM''Vraeburg aeled a* G^motlMir^: '4' mIkmI- tjAaals ^.y^V^V A*c «&-^v*^ -rft-r-Axf#* ij ?.~. 60c 90c 1.50 A SAVING TO YOU OF 40 CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR ithlB HV Ji}}lMW^ Z**'~"P%r ,„ }. .'u ~J icr^l 1 *f.. l." :?1 F. W. Mann & Sons for 50 cents on the dollar and will be put on sale at the shoe department of the Big Store on MEANS $3.Q0 shoes for. 330 shoes for Wood Lake Friday which was partlcl pfited in by the school children for. several miles around, the largest crowds going from Toklo and War wick. A picnic dinner, and many games in the beautiful woods sur rounding this picturesque lake was the order of the day, and a most en joyable time was had by all In attend ance. 2 'The people of this vicinity are justly indignant on account of not being able to get an agent located at Toklo. There has been no end to delays and loss of merchandise by the merchants and residents of this vicinity on account of there being no agent here to took after the goods and see that they are received and delivered. This want has never been so keenly felt as at. time when there are a large num ber of steam plowing rigs working in .this vicinity, who are working under a very serious disadvantage by not being able to get repairs and coal thru making It necessary for them to re main idle a large part of the time. -5 CHILDREN ARE NOT NATURALLY RELIGIOUS. In the home, as well as In the church, there Is probably justification for instruction in religious creeds and ceitemonles. But it must be remem bered that healthy, growing children are not naturally very religious young creatures, and that too much doctrinal teaching may lead them to morbld mindedness or tend to weaken their faith in all religious mivtberB. This country Is full of homes, bow ed down with deep sorrow today all because of the fact that the nature and disposition of some growing boy was not: understood by his over-an xious parents, who, as a consequence, drove him Into dissipation toy insist ence upon too much ceremonial prac tise of his life. Too much zeal In urg ing the' practise' of the church cere- Antoniatic Coin Operated Mask B« to be o]d »tAt a Bargain 1 ys£*je C-AV €1 4 1 & M1? viSI*/ "''l .UfcvV 5.00 shoes for. 3.00 F. W. MANN SONS monieB upon the attention of growing boys and ^girls often results ilk bring ing a klnd of cloud over the spontane ous joy and hope that naturally belong to every normal" young person. If a little more electlcism in religi ous, matters, as recommended above for the teacher^ could be practised by parents in such a way that the child in the home might not feel coerced but rather enticed to grow In grace -h m. ^JIPj 4 **«•.• *••'*?•.5 •.' a ••«••. ,' '... .£H0 •, v'.^yfijj V* *s 1 $1.80 2.10 and in the knowledge of .things spiri tual, then we should have more satis factory results from our effortB at home training.—The Designer fo* June. The man who goes out after things will often find them at home waiting for him when lie returns. The "pen" Is mightier than a thir ty million dollar fine. jffs we arc leaving tfte state we will sell at our town residence on Saturday, May 21 Commencing at 1 P. M. 4 STANDARD BRED HORSES Bay mare 10 years oldj wt. 1250 Black mare 4 years old, wt 1200 Bay mare 4 years old, wt. 1050 Bay mare colt. 4-Cylinder Haynes Automobile,' 5 Passenger 25 Foot Gasoline Launch, 2 Cycle Engines Ice Boat complete Sail Boat complete Studebaker Buggy New Cutter, Potato Planter, Potato Digger, Potato Softer* two Potato Cutters, one Weeder, one Harrow, Three-row Cultivator, Two-row Cultivator, some other machinery. Repeating Shotgun and Rifle. Ten Bedsteads, 1 Cherry Bedroom Suite, 1 Birdseye Maple Bedroom Suite, 1 Golden Oak Bedroom Suite, Marble Top Dresser, Morris Rocker, Upholstered Couch with spring, Center Table, set X)ak Chairs, Set Birch Chairs, Set Porch Chairs, set Oak Sec-, -s tional Book* Cases, Se1 Birch Book Cases, Dining Room Table, Sideboard and Buifett, Majestic Range Stove, Gas oline Range Stove, 4 small Tables, 4 Wash Stands, dozen Rocking Chairs, Chiffoniers, Writing Desk, Kitchen Ta ble, Plant Tubs, 6 Mirrors, all Kitchen Utensils, Singer Machine, 6 Good Rugs, Large Pur Auto Coat Sale at 1 YtSfl&gM1 iiic" F. H. Hyland Howard Whipple A-1 *Tm