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IV *8- kj-W Profesionals Cards FLYNN & TRAYNOR LAWYERS Att neys and CotuteeOon at Law. Pxactioe in all ooorto. State and Federal EDWABD F. FI/TNN Specialty, Titles, Corpora ton and Commercial Law FEED J. TBATHOR Litigated Cases Probate Prctlee. Office over lat Natl Bk. Devils Lake, N. D. Burke, Middaugh & Cuthbert LAWYERS Practice in Statefend Federal Courts and befare the U. S: Land Office. Office in Locke-Gram Block Phone 84 Derffla Lake L. J. WEHE ATTORNEY AT. LAW Practice in all courts, both state and federal Offlee In Brennan Block DB. P. DABL OB. E. ONSUM Dr». DAHL CONSUM PHYSICIANS AND 8UROEON8 Office orer Bell's Drag Store Phone 294 Devils Lake Dr. J. McGURREN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat and the fitting of glasses. Office in Locke-Gram Bbck Phone 240 Devils Lake DR. W. r. PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN We have an unlimited amount of money for farm loans, and will make your loans at a low rate of interest. Principal and interest payable at First National Bank, Devils Lake, N. D. We give you any one of the following plans: A straight five or ten year loan. A loan payable on or before five years. You may pay the full amount at any time you desire to do so. A loan upon which you may pay any part, or all, of the principal at any time and stop interest on the amount you pay. See us before placing your loans. It will pay you to do so. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Devils Lake, North Dak. BIHLEB DB. O. i. MCINTOSH Drs. SIHLER & MdNTOSH* PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON8 :Special,Nurse:. HissS. E. Bray Office in Ifeann Block Phone 167 Devils Lake Dr. W.D.JONES PHYSICIAN AND SUFCQEOFL Office in Bang Bloclc Phones: Office 2 Residence 1x7 Devils Lake 4 Dr. CLINTQN SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bang Block Phones: Office 143 Residence 186. Devils Lake Dr. W. H. CUTHBERT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to Disease of Women and Children. Office in new Greenbersr Blk. Res. *Phone 400. Office *Phone324. Devils Lake Dr. A. T. HORSMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Red Cross Drug Store Phone 21 Devils Lake Dr. W. H. BATES, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT St. John's Block, Grand Forks, N. D. Telephone 647. Dr. W. C. FOLLETT DENTIST Office: 2nd Floor, Locke-Gram Block Phone 363 Devils Lake Dr. WILLIAM K. MOELLER DENTIST Office in Bang Block Devils Lake Phone 86 Dr. H. G. ROMIG DENTI8T Suite 6 and 7, Mann Block Office hoars: 9 to 12 lto5 Phone 216 Devils Lake Dr. W. E. HOCKING DENTIST Office in Bang Block Phone 272 Devils Lake MISS MARY E. NORTON TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE. 'THEORY OF MUSIC AND HARMONY Studio 616 E. Sixth Street Devils Lake £)RS. EKERN AMD MARSDEN Specialists €yt, €ar, noseaaatftreaf Platky Building, Grand, Fjrfcs,N. D. ML J. G. ARNEBERG, M. D. Specialist in diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. gBee:, "WMkind Building, BEBOLVTZOir. Be It resolved by the city council that we deem It necessary and the best ad vantage to the city to construct side walks according to the ordinance now In force in front of the following described lots in the city of vevlls Lake, N. Dak. On Eighth Street. Lota 1-2-8-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 161. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-#, Block 162. Lots 16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 157. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 158. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-1#, Block 159. On Hlnth Bteet. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 159. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 158. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-#, Block 157. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23 24, Block 140. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18 19-20-21-22-23-24 Block 141. Lots 16-17 18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Bock 142. On Tenth Street. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 140. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 23-24, Block 139. Lots l-2-3-4-6-6-7-8-'9 10-11-12, Block 141. Lots 13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21-22-23-24. Block 138. LotB 1 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9, Block 142. Lots 16-17-18 19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 137. On Eleventh Street. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 139. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 23-24, Block 120. Lotsi 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 10-11-12, Blocjt 138" Lota 13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21-22-28-24, Block 121. Lots 1 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-8, Block 187. Lots 18-14-15 16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 122. On Twelfth Street. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-9*7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 128. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 23-24, Block 116. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 10-11-12, Block 120. Lots 13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 119. Lots 1 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-10-12, Block 121. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 122. Lots 12-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 118. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 -24, Block 117. Lots 22-23-24, Block 115. On Thirteenth Street. Block 92. Lots 1-&2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 12, Bock 119. Lots^2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 11-12, Block 118. Lots 13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21-22-23-24, Block 93. Lots 1-2 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Block 11,7. Lots 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-32-28-24, Block 94. Lots 13-14-l5-16-17-18-lfl^ft-21-22 23-24, Block 95. Lots 13-14-15-1,6-17-18 19-20-21-22-23-24, B©plL. 9ft.' LQt» l-2-3-4 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Blocfe:Tl6.- C6t6~l-2-3 4-5-6-7-8-9rl0-ll-l2 Block 115. Lots 18 20-21-22-23-24, Block 97. On Fonrteenth Street. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8*9-10-11-1!, Bock 97- LotB l-2-8-4-6r6-7-S-9-10-ll-12, Block 96. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 95. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Block 94. Lots 1-2-3-4-6-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, Block 93. Block 92. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 1-12, Block 1, Wineman's First Addition. Lots t-'2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-ll-12-13-W-16 16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23r 24- 25 26- 27- 28-, 29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41- 42, 1 Block'jS ".Wineman's First Addition. Lots 3-4-5-6l7-8-9-10-ll-12-13-14-15- 16- 17-18 19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32- 33-34-35-36-37-38, Block .jf, Winemanta First Addition. The front or east 140 feet of Block 98. Kvf On Z^ord Avenue, ..a Lot 12, Block 97, On 2CanT6l Avonui Lots 1-24. Block 91. Lota 12-43, Block 96. Lot 12. Block 115. On Strstts imtl, Lot 38. Block 3, Wlneman'6-' dition. ,Jjot Additidft. Lots' 1-24. Block 13, Block'95: LotB 1-24* BW^ 12-13, Block 116. o* $100 Over wMm 5v -_-,Ad rSElrst ljfc Lots 1, Bl&ckW WirtKfli -v, xa Sabine Avum Lots 1-2-4, Block 95! Lots 12-13, Block 94. Lots 1-24, Block rr6.V Lots 12-13, 117. Lots 1-24, Block 123. Lots 12-13. Block 122. Oil MoMlllan Avenue. Lots 1-24 Block 162. Lots 12-13, Block 161. Lots 1-24, Block 157. Lots 12-13, Block 158. Lots 1-24, Block 142. Lots 12-13, Block 141. Lota 1-24, Block 137. Lots 12-13, Block 138. Lots 1~24, Bock 1.22. Lots 12-13. Block 121. Lots 1-24, Bock 117. Lots 12-13, Bock 118. Lots 1-24, Block 94. Lots 12-13, Block 93. On Kittson Avenue. Lot 42, Block 2, Wineman's Fist Ad dition. Lot 1, Block 1, Wineman's First Addition. Lots 1-24, Block 93. Block 92. Lots 1-24, Block 118. Lots 12-13, Block 119. Lots 1-24. Block 121. Lots 12-13, Block 120. Lots 1-24, Block 138. Lots 12-13, Block 139. Lots 1-24, Block 141. Lots 12-13, Block 140. Lots '1-24, Block 158. Lots 12-13, Block 159. Lots 1-24, Block 161. On Avenue. Lots 12, Block 1, Wineman's First Ad dition. Lots 1-24, Block 119. Block 92. Lots 1-24, Block 120. Lots 1-24, Block 139. Lots 1-24, Block 140. Lots 1-24, Block 159. Lots 1-24, Block 160. Lots 1-24, Block 177. Lots 1-18, Block 178 Which said Resolution was fluly pass ed by the city council on Hay 2nd, 1910. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given to all owners and occupants of the above described lots and parcels of land to construct sidewalks alone their property as above described at their Own cost ana expense before September 1st, 1910. By order of the city council. Dated at Devils Lake, N. Dak., May 2nd, 1910. Attest: P. J. McCLORY, May0P' S. C. JONES, City Auditor. COHSWHJOTXO* or BOO* THB twa MBBITOn THE AT A&TB8XA2T vmr.-fT Bids stating: the price of constructing a roof over the large reservoir at the ar tesian well in the City of Devils Lake, according to plans and specification on file In the office of the city auditor of the city of Devils Lake, N. £)., will be re vived by the city auditor until June 6th, 1910 at 6 o'clock p. m. A certified check In the sum of Bids must be sealed and marked "Bids for Construction of Roof on the Large Reservoir at the Artesial Well." The council reserves the right to reject any anl all bids. l^Dated Devils Lake, N. D., May 12th, By order of the City Council. S. JONES, City Auditor. IYEf? BffiSBO caf»cat«ra*r£ Bhiidcf (dMWritU' nlMMM i. DWraMiMUmv. Bids stating.theprice per lineal foot of curbs and gutters to be constructed In conformity with the city ordinances now in force and under the'direction on the city engineer will be received by the city auditor until June 6th, 1910 at 6 o'clock p. m. A certified check in the sum of $50 and a bond running to the city of Devils Lake in ttwBum -of $500 for the faithful performa.nce or Contract if secured must accompany, each-bid. Bids must be sealed and marked "Bids for Curbs and Gutters." The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the City Council,* Dated Devils Lake,' N. D., May 9th, 1910. S. C. JONES. City Auditor,: City of Devils Lake, N D. PUBLIC SAZ.Z! OF KOTE8 ASTO AC COUNTS. Under the power given in a .certain trust deed bearing date of November 25th. 1908, made and dellveted by J. W. Whltford, to me, as trustee, I Bhall on Saturday the 21st day of May,. 1910, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the front dqpr of the Ramsey' County Court House in the city of Devils Lake, in the county of Ramsey and state of Norm Dakota, offer for sale and sell at public uuction to the highest bidder for cash, tlm part of the notes and accounts receivable, which have come to my hands uncle.- fcutd trust deed and remain uncol lected at the time of sale. An Inspection of the notes and accounts receivable so to be sold may be had at the law office of Burke, Middaugh & Cuthbert In Devils Lake, Ninth Dakota. Dated May 10th, 1810. HENRY MIDDAUGH, Trustee. BURKE, MIDDAUGH & CUTHBERT, Atorneys for Trustee. JfOTXCB FOB BZSS. Notice Is-hereby given that bids will be reeeiv«-Xdy tin. City Council of the city of Devnig Lake, North Dakota for doing th* Mty. printing for the city of Devils Lake of all Ordinances, Notices and other matters during the year end ing April 80th, 1911. Bi ids must be sealed and marked Bids for printing for the City of Devils Lake, North Dakota, and addressed to the City Auditor of the city of Devils Lake, Noith Dakota. Said bids must be submitted on the basis of the lowest rate per hundred words. All bids must be filed with the City Auditor of the City of Devils Lake not pfM. ,han June cember i'iO at 8 o'clock City Council reserves the right to re lect any and all bids. at '.#10. Devils Lake, N. D.. May Sd, & JONBg City Auditor. NOTICE OF MOSTQAOB «»T.T. Notice is hereby given that a certain mortgage executed an&fdellvered by C. F. Solberg, mortgagor to J. E. Crues dell, of Minneapolis, Minnesota,- mort gagee dated the 12th day of-April A. D., 1906 and filed for record"IK tbC dffice of the Register-, of Deeds of Ramsey coun ty, NorUi Dakota on the 13 th day of Ap ril, A. D., 1906 at 9 o'clock a. m. and re corded In book 25 of Mortgages at page 383 and assigned by Fannie C. Trues dell as executrix of the last will and testament of said J. E. Truesdell, de ceased by an Instrument in writing to J. Solberg dated the 7th day of De- A. ©. 1908 and recordfed In the office of the said Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, N. D., on the 26th day of January A. D. 1909 at 5:1B o'clock m., in Book 61 of Mortgages at page 10 and reassigned by said J. L. Sol berg by an Instrument in writing to Tbos. E. Engeihom, dated the 17th day of December A. D. 190# and recorded in the .office of the Regiatec. of Deeds of satd_ Ralnsey county, x?ortB Dakota on the 18th diay of December A, D. 1909 at 10 o'clock a. m., In book 51 of mort gages at page 236 will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises ln auoh mort ige and hereinafter described at the cnt door of the court house in the oity °f Devils Lake in the county of Ramsey and State of North Dakota at the hour of two o'clock p. m., on the 4th day of June A. D. 1910 to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of 8ale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will" be sold to isfy the same are those certain premis es situated In the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota and described as follows to-wit: Lots twelve (12) thir teen (18) and fourteen (14) of sec tion two (8) in township one hundred and fifty-six (166) north, range sixty six (66) west of the Fifth principal Meridian. Default having been made in the terms and conditions of said mortgage by the failure of the mortgagor to pay the amount secured thereby, and the un dersigned the said assignee of assignee having been compelled In order to pro tect his interest herein, to redeenr said land from tax sales for several years on said mortgage on the date of~ Me the sum of Six Hundred Twenty-one ($621.15) 15-100 Dollars Desiaes the costs and disbursements of sale and the attorney fees allowed by law. Dated Devils Lake, N. D., April 27th, 1910. THOS. E. ENGELHORN, Assignee of Assignee of Mortgagee FLTNN & TFIAYNORT Attorneys "for assignee of assignee of mortgagee. Devils Lake, N. D. V. GRAM CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING DEVILS LAKE, N.LDAtM IT MAKES OLD THINGS NEW rr dollars shall accompany each bid and also accompanied by bond In the sum of the amount of the contract running to the 61ty of Devils Lake for toe faithful, performance of contract if secured. if ALSO keeps them new. Than' will be no old, dull looking furni ture or dingy woodwork in home* where this wonder-worker i* used. No refinithing or revarniihlng necetr «arr» liquid V«eer isnota vamiili^ but a lumce food and cleaner dutt binlde up the original finiih and makes it lbrighter than ever. Xt matantly rejtorej tbe brilliantne#^ nen and fimsh of PiknoB, Furnlturei picture Framei, Interior Woodwofk, Hsrdwood Floow and alipolitbed,*^ nithedorenameled sur&cei. Remom •cratehee, «tain«f dirt and dnllnew. A child can apply it. Nothing butt a,piece of cheete cloth ia needed u4^i there it no drying to' wait for. NEW.iMZe .PACKAOEi'"! 40UNCK BOTTUT 12OUNCK BOTTUK STOC #ou R"lRAllilAiU TRIBUTE TO EDISON'S GENIUS National EIM Light Associa tion's Plan to Honor Inventor. ONE DAY SET APART FOR HIM. Industry to iBe Represented at Conven tion In 8t. Louis Involves an Invest ment of More Than ffitOOCMXXVOOO. Most Ooatly Exhibit to Be Shown. To the master geidas o( the eleo trical world the eiectrteed Interests ot the United States win pay ^"rtr during the week ot May 23, wbea Ed ison day will be celebrated In St Loots. Representatives ot a baetoeaa which represents over $6,000,000400 Invest ment will be gathered tn 8t Loole from ail over the Unltad States to at tend the twecty-flfth annna) conven tion ot the National Electric Light as sociation, and one day will be set aside In honor of Thomas A. Bdlsoo. In connection with the convention In St. Louis there wfll be a costly ex hibit at the Coliseum hall designed to show the advance of the last thirty years along lines opened by the in ventors, and this exhibition will prove that the greatest proportion of the work of progress In the electrical field Is directly traceable to the intellect of Edison. Some Figures on the Industry. According to Frank W. Froeauff of New York, who is president of the as sociation. there are now abont 6,000 central electric-lighting-stations in the United States. Of this number over 8,000 of the companies engaged In central station work are. also In the electrical supply bnsinesB, a business that twenty-flve or thirty years ago conld have been enumerated In jtwo figures. The central sta/ttan companies oi the United States have an investment of $1,250,000,000, according to Froeauff They have a groes Income of upward of $250,000,000 a year, and they de velop somewhere between 2,000,000 horse power and &500.000 horse power. There is a track mileage of electric and internrban railways of ,»40247 miles, using 82,216 cars and represent ing capital liabilities of $4,557,000,000. /"The cehtral west must' be given credit for the first commercial incan descent lighting distribution system,' declares President Froeaaff. "Apple ton. Wis., Is the place. In 1882 a cen tral station for incandescent lighting was-pat In operation In New York, but about the same time,there was a small plant started at Appleton. It was small aiid could be easily operated, and for that reason tt is Ukely that the Appleton plant startsd before the New York plant, which was located on Pearl.street just south of ESolton street Soon after these plants opened tot business there were plants established in London for exhibition purposes and in Santiago, Chile, and Milan, Italy. "Frank Sprague made the Qrst sierl ous effort at electric railway work in, the United States in 1888, when he started his electric road at Richmond, Va. That same year the first central station was established in Chicago Edison had built and experimented with a little electric road at Menlo Park, but Sprague's line was the first for commercial purposes. Stephen Field had also done some work in con nection with electric railways pri9r to the Richmond road. Enter the Incandescent. "Ellhu Thompson. Mr. Brush Si Cleveland, Professor Houston and few others were engaged In the series arc lighting business back In 18i79, but that was the only electric light service that the United States knew anything about, although in 1878 Edison's ex periments with an Incandescent light Ing problem were first discussed in the newspapers. That talk brought a^ont an extraordinary fall in the price of gas shares. "Edison made his first demonstra tion at Menlo Park of bis paper carbon lamp a year, later, but not until the summer of 1880 did these experimental lamps find their 'way outside of his laboratory. In 1881- the newspapers were arguing'the xjufestlon as to wheth er- the" great inventor had succeeded in subdividing the electric light or wheth 6r lie was simply talking. "The alternating system came into general use about 18^6. and prior, to that time Edison's three wire system was introduced, .and the amount of copper necessary for the direct cur -tent system was cut down about 60 per cent, lending a great Impetus to the electrlc Ughtlng business. Then establishments for the sale of appa ratUB. commenced to appear oyer the United States. However, thirty years ago the only material in the electrical supply line sold was for telegraphic and house bell work. Today the elec trical supply business is of national importance. "In 1879 the first miniature, electrip-. railway carrying passengers was put In operation by Siemens,& Halske at -the Berlin exposition. It was merely an exhibition plant, and not unto twcK yetfrs later was a comm^rctel road put In operation ind EQrope,,,actntle and a half affair outside of Berlin." Froeauff bcUervas that the exhibit at tbe St Xkmis canveotton. ehowtur the irtKtrioa «r«r MM im Ito vatkrt torn mm' IDevils Lake Uleat Market F. T. FOX, Prop. A Roast of Beef That Will Make Your ... Your Spring Suit Step in and look over our goods and let us take your measure. Prices are right, finest quality of goods and workman ship of the best LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME HALGREN, The Tailor Under First National Bank Of any Paint is determined by its covering csp- ,0j acity and durability. Unite these two qualities and you have all that can be expected of any Paint. .. in To answer the first requirement tl$ material miuSt be ground fine and properly mixed with oil It is very generally conceded both by paint experts and by actual experience that the best ingredients to make good Paint are White Lead, Zinc and Pure ''i Linseed Oi). „s Blood's Mixed Paint possess #11 the qualities desired, and if you ain at all interested we should be pleased to furnish sample Color Card and quote you prices. Steve^ Grain aira Fuel Co. (SucoeB»ors to Winter AnxaO S Er IL S Mouth Watei®?"11--Jasm isn't rare with us—every day. 6c currence, in fact. If you know good beef when you see it (ot' couree you do when you eat it) you'll enjoy the sort we serve. Prime cattle^ gt^od feeding^chow ing handling and careful letting explain the reason fo^ our supplying fine roasting Is our coal down in your cellar? If it isn't yod can nave it by telephon ing youroi-derto445. We dso carry a full line of Hard and Soft wood. fp fj fi lp iA» We have a complete lfee of famous 1-/1- eMAY $ QO seeds. Including everything in flower, garden and field seeds and can furnish any quantity from a 5c packagi f-o. v- ^carlpad.!5 I •mm .il/'i .1 .Asa -0* II 0 -l •--ii 1 'i 4 V! Early order early aeliVesy. i§Sk