Newspaper Page Text
fc fin S'Wti 7 I •0 kTfj '1 IMNflhlKITI S#^ pite 1 uas %KM^P8S&£ lil^ SHjad Jj*" marble, characterlBtiatHy f®8*4' & to&aot^atrM> con.' An annouiwemeni* to thie w« &«ae in Wwhtalfcyl rwentatiVe Hahnfc of North'Dakota, Hanna is president of arratamitraV appointed to expend a fund rWsedj»y citizens of lila state for the ptitchme of a btattaB of Mr.'RobseVelt Sofae weeks nagp Mr.'Hantia wrote Colonel ftooseyelt asking lilm to indicate l/is wishes in thie. maitter. 1A Medora' were d^terml Mm thrt. h^ yould inierjjpse fiq ^OTHERS IN One of Them Mortally Wounds the Itital at Bismarck suffering .from' a bullet wound Inflicted by his bother .Charles," xl appears "thai the .two brothers became engaged. In a quarrel According to the .Btbry of Oscar he ^Shed into the. house, secured a. re-. •61ver and flred at pBCarV. Th^ Ktfllet. Vent through his body just above the *Oajiar Hamh«c, me inju^ ihatt, .:r.. _een aua' innrnte^of the state in iluie Mylum 'and Ws' heen out o'nTy a year. dharleB iftambeck has not ieen *«.& y^Oscar, nqt ejected to live 'and us brother is a^onstant attendant at ta. ,. "gjaag' ENDS HIS LIFE IN JUL hh *r 3 *t 1 former' Mlnrtesota Editor Comhnits I Sulol^le.^-\ h^ Banging to a strip of canvas over the hars of his cell, P,, A. .S^os&ub, a prisoner in jail at Jame^twn, oom fitted suicide, His in^pr(}vii?ed gal lows w«e so^imperfe)?t7tti^t4Wl% If* was found Ms loaves wefe,teoti' snow ing that strangulation ^rould'^hav^ He was forty-three y^ts^dlS^dl^ kaid tp have formerly bpen editor ot a |«aper ft OlenwBSd, Minn., ffe was! t|aent to,th* c$w& ^ail ApHl v8 for M^toliciting liquor orders ^WP rSl-'-J.VV'r & I a 1 1 J- S|JComtrilislon Selects tiestgn for the "North Dakota. Ifa' meeting pt the NorA'DakStk^ \J, 'tilver service commission %t Hllsbort I designs embodying the huifald as the principal: feature, ^nd^ wi& Cheavto.of w^at.aittd the -wiiff %se Include^ wer# ordered. 1 & Nortjt Dakota will attefiap^ to pre ^ent tlie finest silver, Servicb giveh any of the United States battleships -®he-v»S'Stf:K |Uai6^June jjbilltftnfes for Majttdan and Wjlliston Tile omnibus'' piUblic '"building bill,1 i^rhich will b6 reported to ^he hou^e V«8 ^oon as $he Wministratipn" meaa ^pelr are out of th4 ^ay^will iontaih 1 authorizations for the -ereptionTpfrpub |^c buildings in WilUstoil ftndfJ^ptodan. «^t the request of Representatives Hfen iw and Qronna the bill will provide iflo Appropriation ot |100,0(9tior tlwsWUl^ Dr. Thor Moeller of Minot, ^ho was ^Otfnvicted of performing crJiniB^i dp [«ration which resnl^d iii f« young woman, XJina taien, wmmmirnm 'AAP^mLMf ff* to.Pas.:on the. 1 8ttttfte. ^Ih® "State. glSfp MEMORIALIZED W^NMIBLE ite«f 04 1 reply caihe to the tfect that Colonel Roosevelt dlsapproyed.of.the erectlph of ?t*ti$s. of living men, that he. beloved [that statues had not Veen erected 1to» the ,iV p- uon, Word came that' Colony Roo&e. •611, While Jn Chrlstiania, Norwayi had complied with *a s^^stion iha^le: by Mr. Hanna^ t^at. h^ pose ,or• Giis tave Viglland, the sculptor whom fiils North Dakota friends had d&lgnited '$0 LdO There jfiU 'M flora when the statue of Roosevelt is unveiled. The date 'of 'the' &r6m< Wlllnotbe dieWrttiiijiBd tmtU latere '%!k ^^'Marslhall^and.i Oihgrefebkn A.' jr^ronha^ to" Aave tboir tufm^s ^ptsfeed the primiury ejocticftj. bailote' as,.candidates, for the I6ng term, or froV Mkrch'^,' lSli! 'to JSgarch, 1917 and Abe cetitlon^ of Ed- Wtefeir changed the'/programme hiiA When, the petitions were presented afid accepted Judge 'Corliss, attorney for. Marshall, gavfe notice that he would going on the bailot without a designa tion as tp the t^rnj he was to run for, Ae^o^the^o^ firfiai Nrri »v» WW' On good authority it. itf'said that the Northern will spend over $1,000, 0.BO in £he improvement i£ its rlght-of7 wky between Barnesville, Minn., and Grand 'Fo^bs this summer. 1 /are'- fa &e re^lacjed_-with n'inety-]iound rails *be roaabed ip^p be rebaliasted. It pradtl6ally-i meanst^e ,enlir6'. f^con struction i^ the1,. line ^e^een- thi a With the jaew rails laid,. the Great Being practically witfipiit grades of any kind, the compapy 'will be enabled to sehd 'its crack trains over" the line wi^h the, highest speed possible, and thus greatly facilitate the handling Of Pastor Who Lost Two Children Also urs. Albert Hild,sWife of a Gern^in minister who arrived, iq. Blsmai^sk A couple of week$ or more ago with Mi family on their yo.y to Washburn from l^ockyford, Colo., and who "lost ,two:,of-fhij} 5hildrep3 fro^. diphtt^tcia the sepndrday ftfteri hjs Arrival, died1 at„the^ tetwti^,-hospital pismwck| of ph'eumdma, following diphtheria, Hild had gone to Washburn^ where he"'had secured ,the pastorate of the' CJerman church. He Is left with one cnild, a sfit-Weeks-old baby, wh^ is being iart of Vy mends -at Washbmn. 1 ... ,' The rjmaijt^ol Mrs. pild werpjn-" tettred'by order of the cojrnty health officers a few hours aftor her deaths ttfliFESSibS.JOT BELIEVED A -1 'Ml. 3 Note,Acknowledong -tturder,' Thought by Offleera^o Be Ruse.,' ^Towner peopl^do^not^ believe „t^e 6ttpposed 'Confession of ""'John Hosen" to the inurderof Alfred Peterson seven years ago SOart Olson ,if serving a life sentence for theIcrIAi^„belng TO BUILI^ (iher£ea£h, of (inj a hotel fatMitsot^fl^teeiigwflted »m|triaii |by the ^tatefsupreih#* cow$vf"MqelW Wa& peDtenfte^ to fcsfn yaaya^iiajpr^bn ment- The new will pyobaWy b? iteld In «»^«earlf^tnre,' as .the sjtate'p, N'eytf ^rlal Depled, wM-4pm alsd# th^suprenif Icowr^wU^hay^ ttourt'9 findings, conducted the blinji uw.'rKi •Qreat ftprtfiern to Erect Wje)w, Strvc jjvtuw^ow the Tnat tbe new $100,000 station 7^ lag erected at Wahpeton by.tbe Great1 the beginning^of improvements ",to be made there: fand at1 ^r^c^ridge,. Minn-, the cojn jug summer is cnoW tfyident.^ Beveral' ofa,cial§ Raited Wahp^to^i Aid titter1 a 'thorough investigation Vas deci&efl ^bu«S A\cohcr6te fridge acrpss the (l£ed'river*, iiejf father, wa» to-Replace the old wooden ono an^ give the. company ample rooai to'^buhW tra^k the liqe between,the two Miw* A* i-v-The raih'oad improvements for the toro tf^^seillr Brohabi^^g^-"-*- 0,K'«_OT.^^ v3tackipg# fohf-year-olf jd^ep^ine Trosdal of^ jassie met, fin almost instant death, sovefctf friec?s «PW«^^W^th#r {eavy pieces' of wo^jd struck fter^fi. fracttif^ «f the aktdl-waa the direot #is^W: tot, The fir^^p^iir¥»yfflwoeiy ay ilSw.Mii^^Re'eiiil^gD MlHetiNiifl*«prIn« into Iteliu fa North a total of 868, ^&^iiy\undta%d that' Secretary'of^tatS fcKlsiell wbttld m* the- petition of, UDhfeerud^an* npmto ftafciof^fe.Marehdi and Ih^n .mandamus proceeding^ Wo$i}d h^ brought to the supreme oourt to forc6 fchet'fiaae'WM^fitan ohtothe ticket and la tjfls'wiy a test base wbuld be made iflt the milttefc^iBvLt atvthejaet ^ome«k it jftp leaded ^t Women Elebt ^fteKr tcaridlciates (hls 1 vcon- victed -ln 1905,, aid the" evWM.ce| against him was so strong' ancr con clusive^ that the, officials^ aj^.t8lojf tp belieVO he Is not guilty.,, c:i -.Olspn'attotoptedwecentlyw secure a paiflwil b»t,wfB imsuocessful. The general, ."belief |n McHenry diOtinty-is thc£t ^he note* found in a ,coat on t6 Missouri river bridge ^f the ,North«Vn i*aciflovi,t!Blsma^k, was left by friends of Qifoi^ who tempt ing to get him'out of- stktfs $ tx «t ^ln^ty-^lipelnew banks wtr* organ i*®d in this state the paat year accord-' ate".to «tato Sahfi JOxAMier' 61iver" TSfiiidftbn.' qf the €ewnttanks." tfixty seven!'aW'^te banks, Jhile^ tie re 'Wjhing t^ftyitwo ard working under' hational banking laws. N A ooftrdiondijlgiiiu r«MaBe'in the re-'' sources of,^ the. banks if also shoW being at thb present time £l00,088r] ^th^ i^aoiirceB the i'Brute banks are |6l^7^076.51 while thos^ were $7§,W3,080,45^ th^lncreifee bemg' ^2i,94p,p,04. i*'xi TAKE, PART IN,AN, ELECTION vf6r *^4 S^hoorBoaird, i1?' V'ff V' PWwfeWfSag^. Reports from Hankinaon state one rt Vh rv1 Ani ''.jit MkDi'-Li'M:'1itlbk? The occasion for the fight was the an- i'Wil ci'1 •'OA^ittrtl.: A^XAtir\rt l'"*» ti"ri tVVirt^iK1A••• I'Numerotis p^ople^wWe incViti^d to endorse,the former board for the'she iCeeding term, but several, including a number of, women, were decided a new b'pa'rd shpuld be elected. All 'day elec-" tfon day the" ladles of the -city had teams and Automobiles out' 6arryin£ when the votes were counted the can dilates endorsed by the women of Uie FAm QoMUta liiiinttii as- sorted was due him for wages, a farm- men were shpt forn/where he came |rom and' he opefied fir* Then he jgave himself up.' The Texan's name is Robert A. Beat ner and heiis ield initheiBicJte/ eohn 'fy-jail, at Efflfndale '^pwaf a&tlbtffff the. 'County aUthWties ohargfng l£im .With the^^urdter of .^cgafd A. M/ct, who dled in a hospital Minneapolis. Beatner admits that ha shot Mock, bat claims action was provoked And Justified. Mock was buried at EK iendate, his ,body having been shipped taere by hit wife from Minneapolis. $ -L -K T{T Pf ^i k,. Death Takes Four In Family*' r, within a year Mr. and Mr?. E. Her-" Wick of Park River have b?en reavedi by the death of children and 11677 they are childless. Twelve months ago four children, the eldest but six yearB old, were apparently in the bpst of ^health., Tjftg death of the l^t" |:hlld^didenly. Two physicians were'summoned. but the lit tle fellow filed three hours ,lat«»r. He wits four years of age. fv I 1 Shock Kills Young ,6lrt.' V-x The shock When, she thrust her tbly hand into a holler of aoalding water caused: the death «f tlM three-year-old daughterofMr.andMrs.OieRosland, residing five miles Jiorth of Williston. The:ohlld had been lelt in the.kltcheh (done when l^e accident occurred.. Al though only one Hand was scalded that was suficient lo cause deatl^r" ., '', 1 'r Open Ifort Berthold Reservation.'' Tlie bouse of^ representative i^aV: passed the Huina-Gronna bill opening to settlement approximately £0(11,000 scares'of land in' the Fort BerthpldfeS' irvatlon in North Dakota. Am amend ment was lnooi^porated in the measure PIoKIbl|ing the- sale' of liquor oik the lands until congress otherwise, so ili xectBs' A 1%/ .Tjty^•''.^vf:' *r= j- »v 1*".i •."• ..-. :r-.p•••y -,i_ l' 1 trsiftg a hahdlcerchief, whioh bhe^tied about he£ h&ck1 and with one cofher tied t',to/V "bedpost. Mrs. ""'Augpsta 'giUhwaSfti reading near Oaks Junc tion, doitoiltji^d^ suicide. tfihe Was mentally unbalanced, ^h^r ondi^ion b^ )^stmgt Jiipp^a. .. .. ,+ playing ?beald&, *th^ sohooj buildlji ^When^thei accident dccurtfd and stores a W1 Unn-wjm ins,ta,6ti35 kin««.^l fWH Society? ii iisii fe '^/tf0DA¥ i'i We ftqeatn bright dreams ^tomorrow OUT cables are fcuilt in the air And" with huee.suUim^, of the ooming •WMlma Tv^ paint is a picture falr.r5*| ,v Bu^ we never stop, to contfdei' 'Ivl^t the future flyaway, And thai vthere is 'naught into beihjg ^iW'rou®'1t *, ,4. {,^%688 It l8 "^roight today,'f I® "I is' 4ft rt 1 4 1 t' ,' To^the cherished haunts of the old .tirne Our^yes are backward cast^ Ah^tyA sweet voice calls through mem ,/.£ps balls, jt'1", v^i( %,f To wooix* unto the'pastr/A" But howe^er dear aVe tbe vlsions, S' '1,$? ^o not dare to stay^* rJ''', tfaara out of the gone," we^muit yete 'unoveon ^To the duties' call today. lie -'now. in which 1»: labor iWe've'the "no^" in which to ibel •A^d 'tiiie "now" albne we call bhr^ own To us tis given to budid our heaven ,ln, the kingdom of today. V'£' —J. A. BDGBRTON., *'™5. Avery Johnson was hbstoss.yes aifternoon. to a i^e number of th^iadies aid of the Methodist dhurch. •The ladles' aid of thje. Presbyterian cAiirch wais bharinlngly .entertained yesterday afternoon by. Mesdpnes T. A, Hqslam, Burgess and Hopkins'at the handsome Burgess residence on East Mfih. street A' treat for music lowers, fprtunaite erio|®h to revive invi^tlOns, will be the: piano recital g^Ven by: Miss Mary JE. iN6rton and her pupils the'flrst wefek in.June. -A splendid program is heing scared and the occasion promises to bei^ie of r^al enjoyment. A party of near-by neighbors of Mrs. Hanson called at her pleasant East Seventh street Tuesday f,ft8^ioon, to help- celebrate the third birthday of her youngest son. Delici .f^srefreshments were brought by the indies and the'affair proved a happy ^xe.for all present. U^ses Helen florthrop, Emily Saw yef iand^i^nefre'd i^pFthroj9 .^^ye-a ,sl^»^^fc^^y^forejkoh^in-h«i©r.of ^s^^aryr'D, Van de Grift, who^e mar riag&'jto Atqtrney F. T. Cuthhert will take-place in June. Breakfast will be serves at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Av Gi:3aifey on East Sixth street Owing to the illness of Miss Mary D. Van de Gift a "shower" which was 'to be'givea in her honor this week by pome of thq .popular teachers of the Deafschoolj ?was put off until a later 1 S 1 t^HOT WATER HEATING &W' F4&.M vS 't Ml JAMES STENSON ^.-.PLUMBING Shop One Block Eaat of Favmen' UHL Phone GO 07^" 1 tfc.ri tic ,date. Miss Tan de Grift's marriage will take.plaxs© in'June and a, number of pretty articles are be^n|^ .pnepared for her bridal' chest^by her many girl friends In this city. this city, was a gracious hostess to a large company, at her "country home' near Ci*ary, 'last S^urday afternoon. During ijhe early afternopn Five Hun ^red was played and at five-thirty ii def lectable refreshment course taftti serv ed. The' bostess was charmiiigly as flsted. by Misses Catherine Medelmaa and 'Florence Whitcqmb of Crary and Misses Mary Burice, Afad Amy .^yfer of Devils Lake, ^ollowihgf the lunOheon a happy informal evjehlng. w^ spent guest* from this city: wtagMn.' H. f^te eimmons and Mrs. Fred Matin.' T-%^ I- Methodist Episcopal phurch. Sunday, May 22nd. 11:00 A. M: Horning worship. Sub ject: "Going D,eeper." 12:00 M. Sunday School, i, 3:30 P. M.-Children's church. 0 7:00 P. M. Epworth League. "A Measure for Plrayer." Leader: R. C. Gray. .. 8:00 P. M. Evangelistic service. Seats free. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to worship with us. A yvi, t-&5" Quite the haadsomest t|^^^&tia week wps. enjoyedat the, cp|y/ Ohlos^i home, wben Mesda^s. vvt^. tt Bel ford an^i Otto Chiostri entertained at a handsomely appointed :6 .o'clock din ner, in hondr of Mrs. Weier of .Gottod wood, Idaho,, and iMiss O'Brien., of Grookston, Minn. who are visiting friends. Md relatiy«s herb.' The hos "ses. were assisted during the even ing by Dr. Maud Williams aiid the din ner was followfedi by ah evenlhg of c4» dial^sOCiftl visiting and cards, •uoiuedcnoQ s.qjnoi— .aspoBq qsm uo uavoo^- .eap Xouom jup UB p(M 1 sbm ojap ,qb 'dmspjeq ou )oS l.ajB 11 omoo J3)U|M ep UqM UB '9ABS I ,ub oabs" ,ob 'miq dAon,q *qss '8BJ£^ leS.oso OSJBR aAaji.q 1 ,uy„ jq3» iOB ,8BJ 83SBM fii 9ABS ,ob injja&j eq ,oi os 'aejftiii. preq .« eq aei' ^P^v^vCB^i aq ,n* )sbi dm o) euioo eq. eS,060 dsjBK,,'. .. :vBnq| eoM fo e|B^ eiqnidA s(q q^joj pajnod ponoRsenb uaqM pub nopoBjsnBBSip jo eoBj ooi Q3Ui QAOi, punoa. SatoS sbm. rlta Pio nosBM ataos ioj Stqads dno *saep SI 2UJABS eqt J31JB U3A3 *sunsB3[d KJI sb TI3Ai sb sujBd sji sBt( ^tnonoD® '£ux)s SapAonoj eqj oq Saipidaoy •U|«A uj 6U|ac^ STEAM FITTING .#• I .hW a" *r* DEVILS LAKE, N. D. fW ui" mmsm .CL^RK* CARRIER EXAMINATU^b\f The United States Civil strife*' PomnaJ^io^ announces that o& 28th 1910 in this city, there will be held an examination for the poeltlas of clerjfc and carriers in the Fostoflta*, Service. The salary for these positions nigpft from $600 to $1,200 a year, according to rank. The sabjectfl which will be ccmsUB ered ln the examination and tbelr weight are as follows: spelling 10s arithmetic, 20 letter-writlng, 20} manshlp, 20 copying, 10 TT. S. Geo graphy, 19 reading addresses, 10 lt» 100. The age linalt Is from lS to 45 years. IMe appilotato mnst i» at least 6 It ^r tnl In bi^ifiAit and weigh not than 125 pounds. Female applicants ire not required to be of any specified heightor weight All appUcaata-miulr be physically Bound and of goo* healCh. For appIIcation blanks, instruction* to applicants,' and other information apply to Mr Pro v. gressive eucbre was the game played and the head prises went to!Mrs* Fen nih aiid .Mr. Belford and the consola tion prizes to Mrs. Weier tmd Mr. Wm. O'Brien. The serving of light refneshmente. blo^ed 3 very pleasant evening for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kel ley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien Editor And Mrt Bloom, Mr. and Mrs.' Rich ard Burke, Miss Reideie, l^Crs. Feimin, Rev. Father JduguBtine, Rev. Father Olesewski, Mr. Belford, Dr Williams, Miss O'Brien and Mrs. Weier. V**»J *. v? !Kii/A: fn yfiy. __ LAKE AUTO CO. 3t."« f\« jdmpsmti?®,nMify onfar one in! th® city on the ground 'floors Give us a 1 11 -f 32and S *A X- VSMl V't* Fred A. Soott at the Dev ils Lake postoffice. Applications ijD not be iaoceplted unless filed In time to be in the hands of the secretary oC the district at St Paul iwlbr to tte hour of closing business on May 2Sth. CHICHESTERSPILLS lADISSt BRAND at£8SS^to^£S2»aA. Gold metaUic boxes,. »ealisd with Uac(v/ Kbbon. Iaki mo othk*. BntfrnrW DrawM aad aUc tor DHMffln.lni :V MAMOKD BBARD PZI.I.S, for twenty-fl»» years regarded Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS XU) EVERYWHERE S THE HOME INVESTMENT CO. We have houses for rent or sale at reasonable prices, On Bales he company's stock at par tan be applied w* purchase price. Some choice residence lots for sale on same terms. OLE SERUMGARD Manager 1 *«, c-:: 4 BARREL HEADS may nave a most high sounding iltia pointed on them. But you don't the heads. What you want Is THE FLOUR. If the fiour comes from us there be no disappointinent about it, even if yon don't care for .the design on tla» barrel head. On the contrary yoaV. 'declare it the finest flour'you ever used and the most economical. Ha^o your grocer send youv a sack of "Da kota." Made at Home Farmers Mill & Elev. ASS'R 1 Shr i^°?» W in •i fl 6 1 t» 1. -v .vW 11