OCR Interpretation

Devils Lake inter-ocean. (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1909-1915, July 08, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

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Hall—Ihsurewlth Powell.
Get your bathing salts at The New
York Cash Store.
Johnson, of Grand Harbor, was
a Devils Lake visitor Wednesday.
John ny. Maiier always Hag money
on hand lor farm loans—-no delay.
Miss Mary Norton left Wednesday
for Chicago on business and pleasure.
J1 Interior Decorator.
H. C. Hansen of Churtihs Ferry
Spent Tuesday In the city on busi
Earl Talmadge of Towner Is visiting
with his cousins Esma and Jay Miller
for a few'days.
Miss Esther Mahood has. been the
{•feasant guest fit Miss Mayme Hues
gen this week.
Miss Anna Nelson left last Satur
day evening for a visit with friends
at Foston, Minn.
Vesta Tlce, of Larimore, is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Miller for a few days.
Mrs. Raff and daughter Erma, who
have been visiting at Crookston, re
turned home Sunday.
MIBB Carrie Moorish of Minot is
visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Tom
Turner for a few days.
Be sure to see the new styles in
ladies' shirt waists. Just arrived at
the New Tork Cash Store.
Misses Maud McHaney and Glay
dus Fowler of Mlnnewaukan spent
Sunday and Monday at Chautauqua.
The greatest values in Ladies' black
silk underskirts. Will be on side Sat
urday for $3.98 at the New Tork Cash
StorQ., ..
Mrs. L. Perkins of St. Paul Is the
pleasant guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Roberts and sister, Mrs.
350 yards plain and fancy dress silks
worth 50 cents per yard. Sale price,
25 cents per yard. The New York
Cash Store.
Mr. F. J. Thiel returned last Thurs
day from Minneapolis and other east
«rn cities, where he has spent the
past month on business and pleasure.
The Firs! National Bank of Devils
lake. N. D., loans money on Real
Estate at a very low rate of Interest.
You can pay your loan at any time
*ith us.
Miss Catherine Kelly returned Sun
day evening from Great Falls and Con
rad, Mont., where she has been visit
ing and'wlll spend a few days visiting
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
M. Kelly in this city.
D. D. Sullivan, optical specialist, of
Fargo, will visit Devils Lake person
ally Friday, July 15th. All persons
having detective eye sight or who need
their glasses changed or renewed
tihaiild call and see him. Office at
Huesgen's Jewelry store.
2. Alma Vogelpohl, age 16, left the
graded schools to attend Mankato
Minn.) Commercial College, and took
bookkeeping and shorthand. That was
five years ago. She has held good posi
tions and is now considering a $1,500
offer as private secretary. The M. C.
C5. students are wonderfully successful.
J&ihe State or North Dakota, at the close of
S •. bualneM, Jane
80th. 1M0.•
0^' "Resources
Loans and discount#..... 666,804 42
Overdrafts seeared and un secured...... 6^11 66
fX. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 60,000 00
Premiums on D. S. Bonds -.. 2,000 00
SOodsft Warrants 18.160 77
Banking houB9,furnltur«and fixtures
Total .......
20,000 00
X^fi^approved reserve agents... 70,658 86
Checks ana other cash items............ 8,574 66
Motes of other National Banks...1^66 JO
Fractional paper curreao
J, niokabv ..««*•*
06&tl ••inMMOMHM 68 14
lawful Money Boserre in Bbnlf, rte
Specie ............88,096 66
£esal-te^der notes............. 6.820 00 4^.416 66
Tf. Redemption (and wtth U. B. 'nreisaiv
tt p«c eeflt. -at drenfctloa) 2,600 00
774,638 46
dfpJt^ atock paid ln».......i......."....».... 75,000 00
Surplus fund —25,000 00
Undivided profits, less erpencee and no
OioXe 06
NattonaYBank notesontstanding v« 60.00000
im -J Due to dtherNatioaal Banks, .w ....«..v -64,707 89,
Bueto State and Private Punka and
Bankers 40,666 68
Individual deposits subject to-check 3S8.909 61
Time certificates of deposit —.i 193.612 26
Certified cheeks... 784 00
Votes and billB redlscounted—....—- none
Bills payable including certificates of
-deposit for money borrowed... none
^XlabUites other than those above stated none
.-(774,688 46
fe iBtete of North Dakota, ..
County of Bamsey. 5
I, P. H. Routier. cashier of the above-named
fr rimwir. clo solemnly swear that (he above state*
ft rmant Is true to the Beat of my knowledge and
—F. H. Routier,
Subscribed and »worp to before me thU 8th
Ml wmaluknk utfiMMwlVUU.
There's more strength
in a bowl of
Quaker Qat
than in the sam
quantity or the sam
value of any othe
food you can eat.
Most nourishing,
least expensive
For Surety Bonds call on a O. Jones.
Martin Fallacy is quite seriously 111
at the General hospital.
Hans Anderson of Churchs Ferry
was In town Wednesday.
Frank Carlson was in from Toklo to
the circus Wednesday.
Dress-making dpne at Miss Prete's
Millinery store near the Sevllla.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholson of
Warwick are camping at Chautauqua.
Call on ,S. C. Jones for steamship
tickets to or from all points In Europe.
Farm Loans. Money on hand on
favorable terms. Lowest rates. E.
J. Ghamberlin.
Mrs. Ed. Ferrell of Langdon visited
with Mrs. Tucker for a few days this
Col. and Mrs. Hildreth visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Kelly Sunday and
Editor Curtis, of the Hampden Guar
dian was a business caller In the city
last Saturday.
Mrs. E. Miller and son of Portland,
Oregon, are guests at the W. C. Wood
ward residence.
Mrs.' Will Drew and children of
Washington Lake are visiting at the
Powell residence.
Children Cry
Miss Hilda BTreeberg and Miss Pe
terson, of Crookston spent Saturday
in the city visiting friends.
Dr. and Mirs. L. C. Davenport of
Fargo are visiting at the home of his
brother, C. B. Davenport
Editor and Mrs. Resler of Stark
weather are enjoying the comforts of
Chautauqua this week.
Mr. H. Fitzsimmons of Great Falls,
Mont, spent several days this week
with his family in this city.
Wm. Falger attended to business
matters at Rugby Tuesday and at
Grand Forks on Wednesday.
20 dozen large Huck towels regular
19 cent value. Sale price, two for 25
cents. The New York Cash Store.
8 C. Jones Is agent for %he Donald
Ma Steamship lines. Cail on him (or
Information about your contemplated
Miss Evelyn Passonault has return
ed from a pleasant visit of several
weeks with her sister Mirs. Whlthy at
Vivian Walker, daughter of A. R.
Walker, formerly of this city but now
of Minneapolis, Is visiting with Miss
Mildred Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Halvorson, of
Rugby spent a few days the first of
the week visiting .wltih Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Burgess.'
Mrs. Evans, matron of the Industrial
school at Fort Totten, left last Thurs
day for a month's visit with her par
ents in Minneapolis.
Albert Hansen arrived last Sunday
from HftvraC Bflont, and spent the
week visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. John' B. Mlddaugh
spent Sunday and Monday as the
gueBts of. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falger
and -Mr. and Mrs. Heniy G. Mlddaugh.
'The rfew Tork Cask Store 1b pie
paring for the largest fall trade. When
crops are poor our trade Increases
most If you must consider the value
of a dollar you are sure to spend it at
the New Tork Cash Store.
Mrs. M. WilliamB and daughters
Florence and Marian are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mro. A. D. Spra
gue. Miss Florence took part In the
program at Chautauqua Wednesday
and Thursday.'
Hail—Insure with Powell.
Mooers Agency
InsurancelBonds. Installment I«ar«
Geo. W, Moper»
Bangs Blk.
Howard MoKee, of Havre is visits
ing friends in the city.
Bert Crary is visiting at the Crary
cottage at Chautauqua.
John W. Maher makes rarm loans
't lowest rates and easy terms.
Miss Louise Prindeville of Grand
Forks is visiting friends In the city.
C. W. Buts, of Mlnnewaukan, was a
business caller In the city Tuesday,
Miss Edna Fglder of Leeds spent
Sunday and Monday at Chautauqua.
Geo. Woods left last week for a sev
eral days visit at Pelican Lake, Minn.
Mrs. H. Mackey of Hampden visited
with Mrs. Belford a few days this
Miss Nellie McGraw of Grand Forks
Is visiting with the Misses Fox this
Tom Miller spent several days the
first of the week at Towner on busi
If you buy Oxfords this week at the
New York Cash Store you'll get big
Mr. and Mrs. Murdlck and daughter
Velma of Hansboro came down on
Watch the rush at the busy New
York Cash Store. Special sales In all
Ole Houghaug visited with his broth
er Martin Houghaug a few days the
first of the week.
You can buy wash suits and dresses
at your won price this week from the
New York Cash Store.
Lee Beauchamp came up from Far
go and spent Sunday and Monday with
his family in this city.
Miss Lulu Winton, of Duluth, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Breidert
at their Chautauqua cottage.
150 yards 5 inch black ribbon worth
30 cents. Sale price, 19 cents a yard.
The New York Cash Store.
Emil Carlson of Toklo spent Tues
day and Wednesday in the city and
took in the circus on Wednesday.
Miss Elsie Anderson returned to her
home at Greene, Iowa, Tuesday-after
a pleasant visit with Miss Bessie Fow
Little Miss Ball, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ball of Grand Forks, is
visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Burts
~Mr. and Mrs. James Hoff of Minot
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Crawford last Saturday and
45 dozen ladies' black hose, splendid
values at 15 cents per pair. Sale price,
10 cents per pair at the New, York
Cash Store.
Dr. P. P. Ravensburg who has spent
several days as the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. Hocking returned to his home
at Aneta Tuesday.
Mrs. G. E. Woodward is entertaining
her granddaughters, the little Misses
Grace and Ruth Grosser, of New Rock
ford, this week.
Mrs. Oss of Knox and Mrs. Ole Nes
seth and Mrs. Swensen of Crary were
entertained several days this week by
Mrs. H. Ugland.
Master Everett Beauchamp who
has been visiting with his grand
mother, Mrs. Beauchamp at Berthold,
returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Edna Ashwln, of Grand Forks,
i& the pleasant guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Rodenbach and Mr. and Mrs.
L. Mundt at their Chautauqua-cottage.
Miss Katherlne Spelllcy has finished
her school In Cleveland township and
has been engaged as principal of the
school at Grand Harbor for the coming
Arthur Holt, formerly with the Bur
gess Elevator company In this city,
bnt now. of Hope, this state, visited
with friends several days the past
The roof of the smoke house belong
ing to F. T. Fox burned Saturday night
about 1:30. The fire alarm was given
and the department responded quickly
putting out the blafte.
Miss Belle Stenson came over from
the Fort Friday and will visit for a
week at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Stenson, then return
ing for the remainder of the summer.
Miss Cora Wetness returned last
Thursday evening irom St Catherine's
Academy at St Paul, where she has
been attending school, and will spend
the summer with her Sister, Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Woodbury,
arrived home Sunday evening accom
panied by Mrs. Smith of Sauk Center,
who will visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Mann and son, Charlie Smith
for several weeks.
The audobon society held their an
nual meeting at the Round Table tent
yesterday afternoon at three o'clock
and elected officers for the ensuing
year. Other buslness waa also dispos
ed of.
Mrs. Bert Green left Wednesday for
Inkster on a short visit
The county commissioners are In
regular session this week.
Hans Benson came down from the
Harbor Wednesday for the circus.
Tou do not have to be a "stick" to
be spoke in the wheelB of progress.
Mrs. Susan Richardson and daughter
of Warwick are at Chautauqua for the
John R. Williams of Milwaukee, is
the guest of his daughter Dr. Maud R.
Mr. and Mrs. Budde of Minneapolis
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Huesgen this week.
Mrs. and Miss Martinson of Menom
onie, Wis., are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Gilbertson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mosher are en
tertaining Miss Mary Chiles of Grand
Rapids, Michigan this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goer have returned
from a pleasant visit of three weeks
with friends and relatives in Iowa.
"Tilly Olson" was played over 100
nights in Chicago. Its great. Opera
house next Friday evening.
"Tilly Olson" a comedy drama of the
Northwest at Grand opera house next
Tuesday evening. Don't miss It.
G. Harmonson, of Edmore was a cal
led at this office on Wednesday and
subscribed for the great family week
Carl M. Dalton presents the great
Swedish Dialect comedy at the Grand
Tuesday evening, a great laugh pro
voker from start to finish.
A letter received from B. H. Moore
formerly with the U. S. land office of
this city states that he has resigned
his position with the government at
Great Falls, Mont., and accepted one
with E. C. Carruth in a land office at
Havre, Mont
Martin Follacy died Wednesday
morning at about 10:30 after an Illness
of only a few days. Death resulted
from an elargement of the liver. He
was a kind and loving husband and
father and his absence from the home
will be keenly felt. Mr. Follacy leaves
to mourn his death his wife and eight
children. Funeral services were held
at the residence Thursday afternoon
at two o'clock and were conducted by
Rev. Olson.
Children Cry
Be sure to see "Tilly Olsen" at the
opera house Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Horton have tak
en up their re8idence in the Brennan
cottage on Third street
Frank Corlgan, catcher of the Dev
ils Lake baseball team was called to
Minneapolis Wednesday evening by
the serious illness of his mother.
Siver Serumgard attended the con
vention of the Sons of Norway at
Grand Forks on Wednesday, of which
order Mr. Serumgard is a state presi
Mrs. C. A. Holbrook who has been
visiting at Pasadena, CaL, for several
months past, returned the first of the
week and will spend the balance of
the summer with Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Gollmar Bros, circus visited Devils
Lake Wednesday and gave very good
satisfaction. While their show Is not
as large as some, it is showing great
advancement and bids fair to be
among the biggest In a few years. The
performance was clean and snappy,
there being no waiting but something
doing all the time. The afternoon
crowd was large but in the evening the
tent was only about half filled.
Rev. Father McPhee, who has been
for some time past in charge of the
Catholic church at Cando, died at St
John's hospital In Fargo on Tuesday
after a somewhat lengthy illness.
Father McPhee's work has always
been of the highest order and he was
universally loved and respected as a
scholarly clergyman and an Intellec
tual gentleman, and was well known In
the city, having visited here often. The
funeral took place from St Mary's
Cathedral last Thursday and Interment
made in the Fargo cemetery.
At the council meeting held Tuesday
night J. S. McClory was appointed
city justice of the peace to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of William
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the*
Signature of
You Can't Afford to Miss Such
A party from Churchs Ferry consist'
ing of Misses Clara Tollefson, Bell*
Tollefson, Enga Tollefson, and Merisrs
E. Tollefson, S. O. Nestegard, K. (X
Nestegard, Leo Studness, Henry Burg
and A. Listad, came down to attend the
circus Wednesday.
Death again entered the home of
John A. G. Dahlen of Cleveland town
ship last Thursday and took from them
the youngest child, a baby only a few
weeks old. The little one was sick
only a short time, death being caused
by pneumonia. Only a few short weeks
ago the mother was taken and the
little one has now gone to Join her.
The family have the sympathy of the
whole community in their double sor
row.—Edmore Herald.
Cut Glass
If N:ever before have we shown
so superb an assortment of
Watches, Diamonds Cut Glass,
Ste&rling Silver and Plated
Ware as now.
If Whether you desire to pur
chase or not, come in and see
the array of beautiful things
within our store.
1 When you reach our window,
the glimpse will remind you of
this invitation. We always
like to see lookers, for those
who have no thought of buy
ing cannot resist saying a good
word for us and our wares.
Drop in. Seeing beautiful
things will interest you and
rest you.
309 Kejly Ave. Devils Lake. N. D.

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