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Profesionals Cards FLYNN & TRAYNOR LAWYERS Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all courts. State and Federal EDWABD F. FLYNN Specialty, Titles, Corporaton and Commercial Law FRED J. TRAYNOR Litigated Cases Probate Practice. Office over 1st Nat'l Bk. Devils Lake, N. D. Burke, Middaugh & Cnthbert LAWYERS Practice in State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office in Locke-Gram Block Phone 84 Devils Lake L. J. WEHE ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all courts, both state and federal Office In Brennan Block Dr. P. DAHL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Bell's Droit Store Phone 234 Devik Lake Dr. C. J. McGURREN PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN We have an unlimited amount of money for farm loans, and will make your loans at a low rate of interest. Principal and interest payable at First National Bank, Devils Lake, N. D. We give you any one of the following plans: A straight five or ten year loan. A loan payable on or before five years. You may pay tne full amount at any time you desire to do so. A loan upon which you may pay any part, or all, of the principal at any time and stop interest on the amount you pay. See us before placing your loans. It will pay you to do so. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to diseases of the ear, eye. noee and throat and the fitting of glasses. Hiss Helen L. Young, Trained Nurse at til« office. Office in Locke-Gram Bhck Phone 240 Devils Lake DR. w. F. BIHI.BR DR. G. J. MCINTOSH Drs. SIHLER & MclNTOSH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS [Special Nurse: Miss S. E. Bray Office in Mann Block Phone 157 Devils Lake Dr. W. D. JONES WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Devils Lake, North Dak. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bang Block Phones: Office 2 Residence 117 Devils Lake Dr. CLINTON SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Bang: Block Phones Office 143 Residence 186] Devils Lake Dr. W. H. CUTHBERT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to Disease of Women and Children. Office in new Greenberg Blk. Res. 'Phone 400. Office' Phone 324. Devils Lake Dr. A. T. HORSMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Red Cross Drug Store Phone 21 Devils Lake Dr. W. H. BATES, M. D. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT St. John's Block, Grand Forks, N. D. Telephone 647. Dr. W. C. FOLLETT DENTIST Office 2nd Floor, Locke-Gram Block Phone 368 Devils Lake Dr. WILLIAM K. MOELLER DENTIST Office in Bans Block Devils Lake Phone 86 Dr. H. G. ROMIG DENTIST Suite 6 and 7, Mann Block Office hours: 9 to 12 ltoG Phone 216 Devfl* Lak« Dr. W. E. HOCpfc DENTIST -i" Office in Bang Block Devils Lake Phone 272 MISS MARY E. NORTON1 TEACHER OF PIANO, ORQAN, VOICE. THEORY Or MUSIC AND HARMONY Studio 616 E. Sixth Street Devflj Lake DR. J. G. ARNEBERG, M. D. Specialist in diseases of the EYE, .EAR, NOSE aodlTHROAT. Office: Widland Building, Over Daiiy TeL N. W. 491 and Tri-S. 488L. GRAND FORKS, N. D. Yon cannot help Jielplng yourself. others without In the drawing Hoc brains the num- Ih^ of blanks asonr to have been nnm- NOTICE OF SEWEB ABSESSMBHT. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing is a complete list of all the lots and parcels of land in the iCty of Devils Lake, Ramsey coUnty, North Dakota, benefitted by the construction of the Sewer System, together with the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land, and that each lot or parcel of land has been and is hereby assessed the amount set opposite the description thereof. All persons interetsed are hereby noti fied that on Saturday, the 16th day of July, 1910, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, the undersigned Special Assessment Commission will meet at the Council Chamber of the said City of Devils Lake, North Dakota, to hear any and all objections which may be made to such assessment by the owner or occup ant of any such tract so assessed, or other person interested, or their attorney or agent. CITT or DEVILS LAKE. Cleveland & Kennedy's Addition. Block 4. Lot 12, $163.50 lot 13, $163.60 lot 14. $163.50 lot 15, $163.60 lot 16, $163. 50 lot 17, $163.60 lot 18, $163.60 lot 19. $163.50 lot 20 $163.50 lot 21, $163.50 lot 22, $163.60. Blook 5. Lot 1, $163.50 lot 2, $163.50 lot 3, $163.50 lot i, $163.60 lot 5, $163.50 lot 6, $163.50 lot 7, $163.60 lot 8. $163.50 lot 9, $163.60 lot 10. $163.60 lot 11, $163.50. Orr« Addition. Blook 3. Lot 13. $81.75 lot 14, $81.76 lot 15, $81.75 lot 16. $81.75 lot 17. $81.75 lot 20, $81.75 18, $81.75 lot 19. $81.75 lot lot 21, $81.75 lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81. 75 lot 24, $81.76. Blook 4. Lot 7. $163.60 lot 8, $163.50 lot 9. $163.50 lot 10, $163.50 lot 11, $163.60 lot 12, $163.60. Blook 7. Lot 1, $163.50 lot 2, $163.50 lot 3, $163.50 lot 4, $163.60 lot 6, $163.60 lot 6, $163.50 lot 7, $163.60 lot 8, $163.60 lot 9, $163.60 lot 10, $163.60 lot 11, $163.50 lot 12, $163.50. Blook 8. Lot 1, $163.50 lot 2, $163.50 lot 3, $163.50 lot 4, $163.50 lot 5, $163.60 lot 6, $163,50 lot 7, $163.60: lot 8, $163.50 lot 9, $163.50 lot 10, $163.60 lot 11, $163.50 lot 12, $163.50. Blook 9. Lot 1, $163.50 lot 2, $163.50. Johnson Addition. Lot 1, $81.76 lot 2, $81.76 lot 3, $81. 75 lot 4. $81.75 lot 5, $81.75 lot 6, $81. 75 lot 7, $81.75 lot 8, $81.76. A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 34, Township 154, Bongo 64," thence north along the east line of said section 273.6 feet to an intersection with First street extended, thence east 300 feet thence south 273.5 feet: thence west 300 feet to point of beginning. Un platted, $981.00. City of Devils Lake. Blook 41. Lot 13, $81.75 lot 14, $81.76 lot 15 $81.75 lot 16, $81.76 lot 17, $81.75 lot 18, $81.75 lot 19, $81.75 lot 20, $81.75 lot 21, $81.75: lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81. 75 lot 24, $81.76. Block 40. Lot 13, $81.ia lot 14, $81.75 lot 16, $81.76: lot 16, $81.75 lot 17, $81.75 lot 18, $81.75 lot 19, $81.75 lot 20. $81.75 lot 21, $81.75 lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81. 75 lot 24, $81.75. Block 39. Lot 13, $81.75 lot 14, $81.75 lot 15 $81.75: lot 16, $81.75 lot 17, $81.75 lot 18. 181.75 lot 19, $81.75: lot 20, $81.75 lot 21, $81.75 lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81. 70: ot 24, $81.75. Block 38. Lot 13. $81.75: lot 14, $8175 lot 15, $8175 lot 16, $81.75: lot 17, $81.75: lot 18. $81.75 lot 19, $81.75 lot 20, $81.75 lot 21, $81.75: lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81. 75: lot 24, $81.75. Block 37. Lot 1, 81.75 lot 2, $81.75 lot 3, $81.75 lot 4, $52-.32 lot 5, $40.88 lot 6, $40.88: lot 7, $39.24. Blook 47. Lot 1. $81%75 lot 2, $81.75 lot 3, $52. 32 lot 4. $42.51 lot 5, $29.43 lot 6, $39.- 24. Iot 18' Lot 1 *81-75 lot 19, $81.75 lot 20. $81.75 lot 21, $81.75 lot 22, $81.75 lot 23, $81:75 lot 24, $81.75. Block 45. $81.75 lot J. $81.75 lot 3, $81- Jf lot 4, $81.75 lot,5, $81.75: lot 6, $81. lot 7, $81.75 lot 8. $81.76 lot 9, $81.75 lot 10, $81.75 lot 11, $81.75 lot 12 $81.75: lot 13. $81.75 lot 14, $81.75 lot 16, $81.76 lot 16, 81.75 lot 17, $81. II iot 18, *81.76 lot 19, $81.75: lot 20. if 1.75 lot 21, $81.75 lot 22, $81.76 lot 23, $81.75 lot 24, $81.75. Blook 44. *£?-75: lot $81.75 lot 3, $81.- II'' J°J t' !81-75: '°t d, $81/75 lot 6, $81. 75 lot 7, $81.76: lot 8, $81.76 lot 9, $81. 75 lot 10, $81.75 lot 11, $81.76: lot 12, ff1'!! is1 J3' *81-75 lot 14, $81.75 lot 15, $81.75: lot 16, $81.75 lot 17, $81.75' 11 111." it. I81.JB: lot if'wi.: biooiTM. .Lot l, $81.76] lot 2, i?1.7f lot 8, 76 lot 4, $81.75 lot 76 lot 7, $81.75: lot 8, 76 lot 10, $81.75 lot 11, $81.76 Tot ~12. $81-75. $81. *81. 11. 76 lot 6, 76 lot 9, Blook BO. $81.76. We certify that the foregoing is a true and correct assessment of the property herein described according to our best judgment and tnat the several Items of expense Included in said assessment are as follows: Amount paid on contract ....$18,357.62 Interest 6,489.22 Advertising and cost of assess ment 125.00 Total $24,971.74 Dated at Devils Lake, N. Dak., this day 27th day of June, 1910, Herman Ratten, Chairman. Michael Noonan. Henry Bale. Special Assessment Commission. Call a spade by any name you like —but get ous and use it Tariff talk is still on the'free list— while the patience of the people Is 'befog taxed. SrOTIUX Or ».. follow er is a complete list olall, of the lots ana parcels of land in thef City-of Devils Lake, Ramsey county. North Dakota, benefitted by Grading, together with the amount assessed each lot or parcel of land, and that each lot or parcel of land has been and Is hereby assessed the amount set opposite the description. All persons Interested are hereby noti fied that on Saturday, the 16th aay of July, 1910, at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon of said day, the undersigned Special As sessment Commission will meet at the Council Chamber of the said city of Devils Lake, North Dakota, to hear any and all objections, which may be made to such assessment, by the owi^er or occupant of such tracts so assessed, or other persons Interested or their agent or attorney. OBADXXrO. City of Devils Lake. Wlneman'B First Addition. Blook 1. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8. $16.82 lot 9, $16. 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82. Blook a. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, "16.82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, 16.82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 17, 16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16. 82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82: lot 24, "16.82 lot 25, $16.82 lot 26, $16.82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 28, $16.82 lot 29, $16.82 lot 30, $16.82 lot 31, $16.82 lot 82, $16. 82 lot 33, $16.82 lot 34, $16.82 lot 35, $16.82: lot 36, $16.82 lot 37, $16.82 lot 38, $16.82 lot 39, $16.82 lot 40, $16.82 lot 41. $16.82 lot 42, $16.82. Blook 3. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 Jot 8, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16. 82 lot 10. $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16. 82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22. 82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82 lot $16.82 lot 26, $16.82 lot 27, $16.82 lot 28, $16.82 lot 29, $16.82 lot 30, $16. 82 lot 31, $16.82: lot 32, $16.82 lot 33, $16.82 lot 34, $16.82 lot 35, $16.82 lot 36, $16.82 lot 37, $16.82: lot 38, $16.82. City of Devils Lake. All of Block 92, $403. 68. Blook 93. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6. 16.82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9. 16.82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot $16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 -. .... if, $i lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16. 82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 28, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 94. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, *10.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16. 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16. 82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 95. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 8, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16. ,10- *16-82: lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, *16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15. $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20. $16. 82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 96. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 8, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16 82 lot 10 $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, 13- *16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot Pi ?i6-.8,2i JP1,16' *16-82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16 82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 97. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2. $16.82 lot 3, $16 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, 16.82 lot 7, $16.82: lot8, $16.82 lot 9, ,16-82: lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12t |16.82. Blook 115. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, *16.82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8. $16.82 lot 9, *16-82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, flviSfl. Blook 118. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16.82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 7, $16.82: lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16.82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82: lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. 22, $16.82 Block 117. Lot 1, $16.82: lot 2, $16.82: lot 3, $16.82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 7. $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16.82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lo{ 12, 16.82: lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16. 82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 118. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82: lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16.82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82: lot 12, $16.82 lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, 16 82: lot 18, 16.82 lot 19, 16.82: iot 20, $16.82: lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 119. Lot 1, $16.82: lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82: lot 8, $16.82 lot i), $16. 82 lot 10, $16.82 $39.- Blook 46. Lot 1, $81.75 lot 2, $81.75 lot 3, $81. lot t. $81.75 lot 5. $81.75 lot 6, lot 7, $81.75 lot 8, $81.76 lot 9, $si.,5 lot 10, $81.75 lot 11, $81.75 lot $81.75: lot 13, $45.78 lot 14, $65.40 lot 15, $75.21 lot 16, $81.75 lot 17 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12. $16.82: 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lnt 15, $16.82: lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $ 1r lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 2U, 10.S2: lot 21, $16.82: lot 22, $16.82 lot 'IZ, iitf. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 130. Lot 1. $16.82 lot 2. $16.82 lot 3, 516 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8. $16.82 lot 9. $16 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82 13, $16.82: lot 14, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19f $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82: lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Block 131. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2. $16.82 lot 3, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot it, $16.82 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 15. $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18. $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21. $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $l£ 82 lot 24, $16.82. Lot 1,' $lM2j®1ot \1$16.82 lot 3, $16 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6. $16.82 lot 6, $1« 8 2 Blook 137. Lot 1, $16.8 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6. $16.82 lot 6, $16 7, il«." 137. 82: lot 82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 22. $16.82 $16.82 lot 3, $16. $16.82 lot 6, $16. $16.82 lot 9, $16. 18, $16.82 lot 19 18, $16. lot 21, .82 lot 8, lot to,6-$16.82 lot lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16." .82 lot 14 $16.82 13, $16.82 lot 14 $16.82 lot 1$ $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17. $16.82 lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20. $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 139. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $Ifl 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11. $16.82 lot 12, 82 13, $16.82 lot 14. $16.82 lot 15, 82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lo{ '16.82 lot 20, $16.82 $16.82 $16.8* 18, $16.82 lot lot 21, $16.82 lot 2: J, $16.82 lot 23, $16.i 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 140. Lot 1, $16.82: lot 2, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot il, $16.82 $16.82 18, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 loi 18, $16.82 lot 19. $16.82 lot 82 16t 7.Tfl6.H2: lot 8,116.82 IoO. tlB: 82 lot 10, |16.82 lot 11, $16.-82 lot. IS. $14.82 IS, )$16.82 lot 14, $16.88 lot lS, $16.82 lot 16. $16.82 lot 17, |l «.i"" 16.82 lot 16. $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 149. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot S, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7. $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Devils Lake, N. D. 3. $16. 6. $16— 9, $!( .- Biook iaa. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 8 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7 $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9. 82 lot 10. $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot HZ, $16.82 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 1$ $16.82 lot 16, $16.82: lot 17, $16.82 ISt r8, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20. $16.81 lot 2.1, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16 82 lot 24, fl6.8S?f I life 9, $16.- §18. $16.- $16.- 82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18, lot 21, $16.82 82 lot 24, $16. $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot '20, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16.- Blook 157. 16. 16.- 16. lot Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot S, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, 82 lot 16. $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 168. Lot 1 $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $18. 82: lot 4, $16.82: lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16. S2 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16. 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82 13, $16.82 lot 14, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot 17, $16.82 lot 18. $16.82 lot 19, $16.82 lot 20, $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 23, $16. 82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 159. Lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16. 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot 12, $16.82: lot 13, $16.82 lot 14, 15, $16.82 lot 16, $16.82 lot lot 18, $16.82 lot 19, $16.82. $16.82 lo 17, $16.82 Blook 161. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3. 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 5, $16.82 lot 6 82 lot 7, $16.82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, 82 lot 10, $16.82 lot 11, $16.82 lot $16.82. 3, $16. 6, $16. ». $16. lot 12 Blook 162. Lot 1, $16.82 lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, $16. 82 lot 4. $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, $16. 82 lot 7, $16.82: lot 8, $' 82. .82 lot 8, $16.82 lot 9, $16/ We certify that the foregoing Is a trut and correct assessment of the property herein described according to our best judgment and that the several items of expense included in said assessment are as follows: Amount of contract $7,681.00 Interest 2,652.60 Advertising and cost of assess ment 125.00 Advertising 26.07 Total $10,484.67 Dated at Devils Lake, N. D., this 27th day of June, 1910. Herman Ruttpn, Chairman. Michael Noonan. Henry Hale. Special Assessment Commission. DISSOLTTTIOBT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership previously existing between EL H. Howe and C. D. Mills Is dissolved. All person will therefore take due notice. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SAX.E, FOBE CIiOSTJBE MECHANICS XXBN. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Ramsey—ss. In District Court, Second Judicial Dis trict. Thomas M. Searles, Plaintiff, vs. W. H. Arnold and Emma Arnold, De fendants. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the District Court in and for the County of Ramsey, State of North Dakota, upon a judgment rendered and docketed in the said court on the llth day of Jnue, 1910, in an action wherein the above named Thomas M. Searles was plaintiff and the above named de fendants W. H. Arnold and Emma Arnold were defendants, in favor of said plain tiff and against said defendants for the sum of $115.09 and whereby It was further adjudged and determined that the plaintiff possessed a mechanics lien for the above sum upon the following described real property, to-wit: Lots six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) of Block 8 in the city of Devils .Lake, Ramsey County, North Dakota, and thiat said premises be sold to satisfy said lien and. costs, which execution wftS directed and delivered to me as sheriff in and for said county of Ramsey and did command me to execute said judg ment by making sale of said premises herein above described or BO much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said sum so adjudged to be due to the plaintiff with interest thereon from the date of judgment together with the costs and expenses of sale. And that X, the undersigned, as sheriff as aforesaid, will sell the above describ ed real property to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, at the front door of- the County Court House In the city of Devils Lake, in the County of Ramsey and State of North Dakota, on the 23rd day of July, 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M. of that day, to satisfy the said execution together with the interest and costs thereon. There will be due at the time of sale the sum of $116.03 together with recording fee of $1.00, and accrued $2.00, costs amounting to of $119.03 together expenses of sale. making a total with the costs and Dated June 13th, 1910. W. H. Belford, Sheriff in and for Ram sey County, North Dakota. Flynn & Traynor, SECOND SUMMONS. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Ramsey—ss. In Justice Court, before George Juer- fens. Police Magistrate and ex-officlo ustice of the Peace. Louis Mundt and George Rodenbach, co partners doing business under the flm name and style of Rodenbach *nd Mundt, plaintiffs vs. Gilbert Thompson, defendant. snmioin State of North Dakota to said defendant: By this second summons herein you are directed to appear before me at mv office in the city of Devils Lake, County of Ramsey. North Dnknt ». at 9 o'clock A. M., on the 26th day of July, A D. 1910. and to answer to the complaint of Louis Mundt and George Rodenbach, co partners under the firm name and stv).» of Rodenbach and Mundt,- the above named plaintiff against you alleging that you purchased from them between January 1st, 1910, and June 10th, 1910, goods, wares and merohiuidlse amour.'. lng to $10.80 and that you have not .ald the same and it appearing in saU matter that garnishment proceedings were In stituted on June llth, 1910, In which tite Great Northern Railway Company, a cor poration, was named aB garnishee and saW «arnisheee havingnoi" the 26th: cay iu,ne» 1910» disclosed In said matter to this oourt that tt is indebtei to the defendant In the sum of $85.99. The said plaintiffs demanding herein that the said sum of $86.99 so held by sail (rarui «»e and? mowing to yon,: bo1 applied ito the satlsfactioi qf the. plaintlffS claim ^hatunleks yau so and you are notified Police Magistrate anS ex-officlo Justice of the Peace. Flynn & Traynor, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Devils Lake, N. D. 82 lot 19, $16.82 leii ... 23, $16.82 lot 24, $16.82. Blook 138. Lot 1, $16.82: lot 2, $16.82 lot 3, 82 lot 4, $16.82 lot 6, $16.82 lot 6, 82 lot 7. $16.82: lot 8, $16.r~ 82 lot 10, $16. $16. 116.82 13, 1«. ,16.- NOTICE TO OBnnzOU. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Ramsey, In County Court Before Hon. John F. Henry, Judge. 20. $16.82 lot 21, $16.82 lot 22, $16.82 lot 28, $16. lot 24, $16.82. Blook 141. 82 Lot 1, $16.82 lot 3. $16.82 lot $, SIS^ lot t, llMii lot Hf-S lot ?, il6 Estate of Joseph H. Teo, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, executor of/the last will and testament of Joseph H. Yeo, deceased, late of the township of Noonan, in the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, to the creditors of and all per sons having claims against said deceas ed, to exhibit then) with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication cf this notice, to James R. Henley of Fox Lake, North Dakota, agent of said executor, at his residence In Noonan township in said county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota. Dated June 13th, 1910. Joseph H. Teo, Jr. First publication June 17th, mo?Ut°r' Burke, Middaugh & Cuthbert. Attorneys for Executor, Devils Lake. North Dakota. Children Ory FOR FtETCHEITS CASTORIA We have everything that needed in this line including Paris Green Strychnine. Gopher Poison Etc. Etc. cfT. cM- Bond (Jo. Hed Qross Store Devils Lake fTJeat l^afket F. T. FOX, Prop. Step in and look over oiir goods and let us take your measure. Prices are right, finest quality of goods and worktiimi of he LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME Under First National Bank THE VALUE fl Of any Paint is determined by its covering cap acity and durability. Unite these two qualities and you have all that can be expected of any Paint. To answer the first requirement the material mu£t be ground fine and properly mixed ^with oil. *3 It is veiy generally conceded both by'paint experts and by actual experience that the best ingredients to make good Paint are White Lead, Zinc and Pure Linseed Oil. Blood's Mixed Paint possess all the qualities desired, and if you are at all interested we shculd te pleased to furnish sample Color Card and quote you prices. J. Q. ADAMS Z'ltL IJ£I£ /lis. Stevens Grain and Fuel Co. (Succ«Moni to Winter* Amca) $ sr.'-Vt aii'i' ts ':nof This is the time of the year that you ould get after the pests and exterminate them before they get thS" best of you. The most efective way is to poison them., A Roast of Beef That Will Make Your Mouth Water isn't rare with us—every day oc currence, in fact. If you know, good beef when you see it (of course you do when you eat it) you'll enjoy the sort we serve. Prime cattle, good feeding, know ing handling and careful cutting explain the reason for our always supplying fine roasting beef. wna Is our coal down in your cellar? If it isn't yon can have it by telephoa? ing your order to445. We also carry a full line of Hard and Soft wood. order means very.