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IIS: ,*V/ 1Ki /v- ^5 *. 4' 4*4,4,4,4,4,^*^*4*,H»»H»4» *$ «j* A MUNICH |i *P •f.4.4*4*ai**S**i*4**!a4**S'*i**S*4* (Prom The Hearld.) NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Mrs. P. J. Antony Is reported quite HI, Professional business called G. Grim son to L&ngdon Tuesday Miss Grace Sturtevant spent the Fourth at home in Lakota. Milton Kelly left last Thursday for a week's visit at home In Edmore. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brant left Sat urday for their future home in Hamp den. O. A. Drews, Sam Burnett and John Orough were Cando business visitors Tuesday. Miss Inez Kelly came up from Ed more Tuesday to visit relatives here, returning Thursday morning with her brother Milton. Miss Katie Enns left Friday morning for Glasgow, Mont., where she will •pend some time visiting friends. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sper ling, Saturday, July 2, a daughter. Kasper Roth returned last week ~from his winter sojourn in warmer «llmes. He went from here to St "Paul last fall, where he spent a little time. Then he went to Hot Springs^ Art, and remained there until a couple of months ago that he went to the Canadian northwest 4*4**J*4**J**$**!*4*4**f*4'*$'4*'i* •j* gj, 4* HAMPDEN A *3*. 4. 4*4*4*4*4**f**f**f**£a4*4*4*'3°4* From the Guardian. Dr. Craig and family visited relatives at Edmore Sunday. Carlton Code returned from Great Falls, Montana Monday. John Wade was a business visitor at Grand Forks the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brandt return ed from their honeymoon Saturday and will begin housekeeping soon. Mrs. H. L. Mackey went to Devils Lake Saturday and spent the Fourth with relatives and friends. H, F. Shipley and family went to Devils Lake Saturday and enjoyed camp life at the Chautauqua over Sun day Mrs. C. Morzof and Miss K. Morzof •of Niagara Falls, N. Y., mother and sis ter of Mrs. Dr. Craig arrived Friday and will spend a few weeks visiting here. The drought is evidently broken a round here as this section has had two very nice rains within a week. Every thing shows a marked improvement as a result Martin Jessie, who has been second "man at the lumber yard left for Moose Jaw Thursday to look up a claim. Miss Sylvia Mostad left for her home at Vang, N. D. Saturday for a visit Her sister is taking her place as hello girl. Martin Tappen and Oscar Void went to Manitou Man., Friday wihere they acted as the battery for the Langdon team against Winnipeg. The game was a good one resulting in a shut out for the Canadians, not one of them getting past the first station. Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S A S O I A '1 ^.&4%' Law and Real Estate We have For Sale a large number of Choice Ramsey County Farms on terms ranging from Cash to Crop payments. We are in position to get Good Bargains for customers and invite correspondence. City Property Houses Lots EtC. £'f ., f-4* Farm Loans on Best Terms of any Loan Agency in the County- CALL AND SEE US ^T„ 4*4°*i**!*4**!*4*4**S**£**J**Z**l*4* 4* 4» WARWICK 4. 4* From The Sentinel Editor KIrsch was a business visitor at the Lake Saturday. James G. Coulter is building a large addition to his farm residence and the eame will add greatly to the appear ance of the place. Rev. Fahl and family were here from Devils Lake last Friday returning to their home on Saturday. Chas. Anderson was a business visi tor at Devils Lake Friday last. Even though the weather has been dry, there is some satisfaction in knowing that there will be more than a half crop of wheat, barley and oats. Flax stands a very good show of com ing out on top. The Lake Washington church south of town was recently dedicated. A large number of the clergy from vari ous points were in attendance and the occasion was noteworthy. Joe Dutee left Tuesday on a visit to California and other points. Joe has no intentions of moving away but merely wants an outing and an occas ion to get rid of some surplus coin. T. O. Ellefson, who has been teach ing school for the past year south of Warwick is spending his vacation with relatives and friends In Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. John Lollis and chil dren returned on the flyer Sunday from an extended visit to the old home at Holden, Mo. J. L. reports a very pleas ant trip. We regret to report the loss of Otto Casper which occurred Tuesday even ing during the severe wind and electri cal storm. Two of his best work hors es were killed and his farm buildings greatly damaged. Gust Berg reports damage to build ings and injury tot horses on account of the storm Tuesday evening. The wind was more violent in that locality and was of a cyclonic nature. L. C. Wright left for the Zenith city this afternoon where he will transact important business. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson, Geo. Ander son, Messrs. Lovell and Knox, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Granner, Miss Burton, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dutee, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rebillard, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter, Mr and Mrs. A. Wohgemuth, Mrs. Samuel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wright, Messrs Ness, Orchard, Meyers, and a large number of other people, either took in the Chautauqua or cir cus at the Lake this week. f4**!"!*4"!*4*4*4'*!**!"!"!*4* 4. 4. 4* EDMORE. -4. 4» From The Herald-New* Wm. Gibbons of Lawton was a bus iness visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toomey took In the circus at Devils Lake yesterday. Harry Stevens of PaTk River Is visi ting friends and relatives in town this week. E. M. Crary and son, Clayton made a trip to Devils Lake and Crary Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nyhus and son, Earl took in the circus at Devils Lake yesterday. Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie and two little niec es are spending a few days at the BRENNAN D. V. BRINNAN v. Chautauqua. Mrs. C. E. Currier spent several days at the Chautauqua last week and •the fore part of this week. J. B. Clemens went to Devils Lake Sunday where he spent a couple of days taking In Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLean autoed to Devils Lake last Friday where they spent the day with friends and rela tives. Wm. Wright and children left last Saturday for Bottineau where they will visit a few days with hie brother at that place. Milton Kelly came down from Mun ich last week and will work in the Her ald-News office during the absence, of Harry Johnson. The Selgel and Vander Heiden fam ilies add' the Misses Ruth Woldy and Inez Kelly made another camping party that went to Freshwater Lake last Sunday. A. L. Tennis left Saturday for Law ler, Iowa, where he will visit for some time and from there he will go to var ious points in Minnesota He expects to be gone for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hendrix, Misses Nellie Rosine and Mildred Wheeler, Nellie, Bina, Willie and Eddie McLain and Sidney Dahl drove across to the Chautauqua last week where they are camping and enjoying themselves for a week. Among those who went to Devils Lake last Thursday to take in elec tion returns and listen to the returns as they came in were, E. H. Griffin, Martin Viger. Ole Hoghaug, Emll Rein-holt, L. J. Rigelstad and two sons, Andrew Moen and Jos. McLean. The youngest son of MT. and Mrs. F. Reinholt suffered a very serious acci dent last week. While playing with a fork it happened to get to near one of the horses and it kicked him on the forehead, cutting It very badly. The Adams doctor was immediately sum moned, and several stitches were made to close the cut The child is getting along as well as- can be expect ed. Monday evening there was a half inch of rainfall in this vicinity, and It has done much to relieve the crop sit uation. If we can only get good show ers from time to time and reasonably cool weather there is an outlook that we will have considerable crop in this part of the country. While some fields are practically beyond redemption there are many fair looking fields of grain, and the later sown grain especi ally promises fair crops. 4.4.4* 4* •!••$' 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4« 4 4° 4. 4* BROCKET 4" 4* 4*4"f4*4«4«4*4* 4,x4*4*4*4r4* From The News Mrs. A. Bjorlie of Devils Lake, after a week end visit with friends at this place, returned home on Wednesday's train. Enterprise township Is having some long road grade built 14 teams at work on the east and west line near Charlie Anderson's fartn. Misses Luella- and Alice Springen left Wednesday for their home in Be loit, Wis., expecting to stop at May ville for a short visit. Aug. Olson, Erik Niirmi and Andrew Hedman made a business trip to Lako ta on Tuesday. Erik and John Kyllonen were in Grand Forks Tuesday where they pur chased a large gasoline traction en gine for plowing and other farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hooker, Miss Gustava Hukari and Casper Nygord made an auto trip to Devils Lake on the 3rd and 4th availing themselves of the attractions on Chautauqua grounds. Newbre township is not a day be hind others in road building, and neith er is Sauter in Walsh. They are all aware of the ftict that good roads save endless amount of horse flesh and a dry season like this is the season to build them. 4« LAWTON ,i, ,^.,V..,. .'.- ,IV "L.-.Wy.. I: 4. 4. 4, 4'4'4'4»,i"H^4'4' From The Republican Jake Berkowitz has finished build ing his new bam. Jas. Donahue left on yesterday'B train for Crookston, Minn. J. P. Lamb and Geo. Lamb of Michi gan were in town last night A. F. Moravitz of Brockett was business visitor in town yesterday aft ernoon.! O. Hagen is fixing up the old school for a dwelling and will live in it until his new house is built A. H. Woods went to Michigan City Tuesday on a business trip. He ex pects to return in a few days. Miss Clara Johnson who has been teaching school at Montrose, Williams county returned home Wednesday. Fr»nk Garvey came over from Graf ton Saturday to look after his firm near town. C. E. Burgess of the Burgess Eleva tor Co., passed through town Tuesday evening in his auto, going north. .Hre. John Bottle expects to leave on Saturday for St. Paul to visit her sister. From there she will go to Sprague, Wis., to look after their farm. Mrs. Ruttle will be accompanied by her two sons. Geo. Dougherty of Bow Bells, N. D., visited Lawton last week In company with his brother, J. P. Dougherty of Edmore. They were on their way from Lakota where they had been to visit their mother who Is in poor health. Mr. Fred Fish and his bride return ed from their wedding trip to the twin cities Wednesday afternoon. They are stopping with the bride's parents un til their furniture arrives, when they will commence housekeeping in their fine homd on Main street. J. R. Kollar of Devils Lake was down Tuesday looking after his farming in terests here. Mrs. Frank Gessner and son Elmer visited Churchs Ferry the latter part of last week. George Bail made a trip to Devils Lake last week Friday, returning the following day. Adolph Schultz came down from Leeds the latter part of last week for a few days' visit Dr. Schuessler of Brinsmade was ov er on professional business the fore part of the weejc. Mrs. Boyle of Eureka, Cal., is here on a visit to her brother, W. J. Doyle This is the first meeting that Mr. Boyle and his sister have had in forty years. Miss Vernie Gloff, accompanied by little Mable Gessner, left for Wolford, N. D., on Thursday, where they expect to remain a-few days visiting friends. Sybilla Stoesser visited at Gronna, N. D., the fore part of the week. Charley DeMars of Grand Harbor was a Penn caller Tuesday evening. Mr, Frank Ball was a caller, at the W. J. Doyle home la^t Sunday even ing.- Mrs. J. H. Gessper spent Monday aft eraoon a* the home of Mrs'. Gessner. Mi^e and Henry Doyle, two of our prosperous fanners were Sunday visi tors here. MTS. Frank Gessner is reported sick with tonsolitis. Miss Lenore* Thompson of Devils Lake was visiting here the latter part of last week. IS a-icw ua.ys vraiung menas. During the electric storm Monday •'oytag night, the chimney on the Schutte house was struck by lightning. Slight damage was done. Miss Vernit Gloff left Tuesday for Sheboygan Falls, Wis., after having spent a very pleasant visit with her cousin, Mrs. F. A. Gessner. cool and white no heat, 4- 4. PENN 4. 4.4a4**f**S**l(*I *J"*I*°!**f**I*4**l* From The Hustler Mrs. Erhardt visited friends here Saturday. A. Kluften of Norway township was in town Monday. Mr. O'Brien left for Bottineau the fore part of this week. Bill Jacobson of Norway township was a Penn caller Tuesday. August Piper of Graham's Island was a Penn caller on Wednesday. Miss Graff of Rolla, N. D., is here visiting at the W. J. Doyle home. Mrs. Francis Flynn and Miss Graff returned Monday to their home at Rolla. tit 8TARK WEATHER 4. 5 From The Time» O. P. N. Anderson took his son Oscar to Grand Forks last Saturday to have an operation performed. They return ed on. Monday afternoon. Ellas Erickstad returned the latter part of last week from Indiana where he spent several weeks at the Springs. He is feeling better since the trip. Haaken Huesby and Miss Gina Brl ness were married last Wednesday evening at the home of Halvor Gran east of town, Judge Hilden performed the ceremony. Editor Lindstrom of Langdon passed through here last Sunday on-his way home from his farm-in Benson county A. T. Hilden and. wlfe returned on last Wednesday evening from a visit of several weeks at Mr. HUden's old homes in Minnesota. Mr. Hilden spent most of his time fishing while away and has some good fish stories to tell. James Houff and wife were here as Cantlonary Note you that L. D. Maurer and family are comfor table located In their cottage at Chau tauqua. from Minot Friday and Saturday of last week for a visit They took Roy Saturday for Hatton for a few "weeks Houff the little boy of W. H. Houff ... .. Adal and Clara-Nees were united for life. Both marriages took place at the Chain Lake church. several days the past week. Mr8. Arcbie Currle is spending the the season at Chautauqua camping no dust. No old-fashljmed contrivances. WICK BtLE Is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. elaborate dinneir without heating the kitchen. Bofls, bake8, or roasts better than any range. Ready in sure Perfection. with the families of Henry King and LaMoure Freeborn. Boyd Freeborn has accepted a posi tion as assistant cashier in the State bank at this place and took up his duties last week. J. Q. Adams and family ran up from Devils Lake last Tuesday by automo bile for a visit with T. E. Morgan and family. Martin Benson and family left yes terday for their home at Bismarck aft er visiting here for a couple of weeks. Levi Briggs left last Tuesday morn ing for Neche for a short visit with his brother. Miss Ruth Lathrop .of Northfleld, Minnesota, is here for a visit with Miss. Irene Dougherty. ., Mrs. W. R. Haig and family aref en 0 ^ditfasewna. FitMW^Ca%etTopii^#»llap8rbilo **:3 tests, ioWel rack, andivety up-to-dats feature imaginable." Y6u'want it, bt it will cook any dinner' and sot beat the room. No beat, no bmD, 00 binolie,nb'c6ilt6 bfingftit W MtalO to casry out. Itdoes drudgery of'cooldng, aiffl nwkwi'il pleasure. Women with.tbo.Ugbt touch for pastry especially appreciate it, be. cause they can immediately have •., quick fire, simply by turning a handle. Evi write agency of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) """'V thelr camP ... .. very much. *o Hte at Chautauqua .4.. .A. O. Sather spent several daya' at Chautauqua during the past yreek,. the guest of N. Greer. 4, CHURCHS FERRY 4. ^a* 4* 4*^» 4« 4« From The Sun Jim Davidson and Phil Wilson went to Chautauqua Mpnday. for a short out ing. Matt Englehorn enjoyed a few days' outing this week at the Chautauqua grounds. Mr. Norman Nelson returned Satur day evening from a businesfl trlp to the Pacific coast Gus Noltimier went to Rugby on busr iness Thursday afternoon, .returning in the evening '%. 'k Mr. Falger of the law firm of Burke, Middaugh &>Cuthbert of Devils Lake, was in the city Tuesday on business. Rev. C. L. McConnell spent the greater part of this week in Grand Forks looking after church work there. John Thomson and Ray, also Mr, Mid Mrs. McCormick came up from Chautauqua Tuesday for a short stay. Emil Berg of Perth who has been spending a few weeks at the West pad Gh, Ind., springs is expected home to day. j'i't "Off?!'! Miss Georgia Chambers Teturned mday from a very pleasant-week's wsit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. £jL McConnell. 7 j? Vi With them, where he will make his es Lulu and JesBie are also visiting there for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elling Nelson, accom- home for the summer. Pastor Melsel officiated at two mar riages lately. On Tuesday of last week panled by their guests, Mrs, 0, Adolph Mikkelson and Amanda Gus- tefson were married and yesterday Joe son of Baldwin, Wis., left Wednesday A ASM AflA nlflra MAAfl utaha ... for a few days' visit with relatives at Miss Anna Buck visited with the Thursday where he expected to loin $flsseB Tlllie and Petra Romstead for the excursion from Chicago to the Na tlonal Hardware Dealers' convention to Mrs. John Morgan, nee Hannah Mo lonnell, came up from Grand &&rbor. junday for a few days' visit at the |ome of her parents south Of tpwh. Walter Fulkerson was up from Crary Wednesday, stopping here a iijiort jftne |n his way home from the burial of his Jlephew. ff ®®r. and Mrs. J. H. Fulkerson came »P from Crary Thursday for 'a few jiays' visit with Ohurchs Ferry friends vyhey were guests at the Chambers 'home while here. Mrs. J. B. Steen and children left visit with Mrs. Steen's parents. Miss yaiouiB. miSS Johnson :of Minneapolis and Miss Nel- Perth. Mr. H. A. Moe left for St Paul on (Contlirad paffe thne^l -i a dairy. No smell, no smoke, Th# a second. No half-hour preparation. It notOnly is less trouble than coal, but It COW leB8.: Absolutely no smell, no amoke and it doesn't heat the kitchen. The nickel finish, with the turquoise blue of the enameled chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners the S and 3-burner stoves can be bad with or'without Cabinet. very dealer everywhere: If not at your*, •ite for Descriptive Circular to the Beaien GRAM CONSTRICTION CO. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING DEVILS LAKE, N. DAK. It is not the principles that you be lieve in that makes you what you are. It is the policies that you fulfill. The world Is benefitted by the lives of some people—and by the ,demise of others. THE HOME We have houses for rentorsale at reasonable prices. On sales he company's stock at par tan spplied op purchase Bfice. Some choice residence lots for sale on same terms. OLE SERUM6ARD Manager DEVILS LAKE STAMP WORKS Makers of high-grade "Air-Cushion" RUBBER STAMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .' y422 E. Fifth kV'E, Phone 31 HOUSES for SALE occur good-a mdn'td properly with as a real estate man i'}i ^ave made numer ous sales of city proper- #*y in the past and have several good properties for sale at this time. 1 have two houses on Fifth stmet, centrally lo cated, two on Sixt St and two on Flint Ave^ which I will be pleased to show prospective buyers and quote prices* J. HALLIDAY 515 Sixth St. 'P|om205 V-