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IFdon'tshould WW fortuble Facts About Florida City Dade County, Southeast Florida Where inv of the best business men of the North and East have bought and are improving for investment and homes. Marl prairie soil, canals for drainage, paved roads, good market, schools and churches, best citrus and trucking land on account of its soil and water protection. Best opportunity in Florida land on account of low price and liberal terms. If interested call or write for fkkk booklets anil Florida ily News to N. PETERSON Box 237 Devils Lake, N. D. you want a S it O a forget that we are always right up to in goods and styles. Our workmanship is the best and we will guarantee you entire satisfaction in goods, workmanship and price. What more could you ask. Don't take any chances but have your work done by a local tailor. Think this over and then come and talk with us. For New Year's Gift--$5 off on each SuHorderedinJan, HALGREN, The Tailor Maxwell TownCar ftfllSS The New 1915 Maxwell Town Car is fast, quiet, and very "smart" in appearance, the equal of any $2000 closed car. The New 1915 Model has 17 new features Price with full equipment $920 The body is strong, handsome, extremely com- and a full six-passenger capacity. A car with a real high tension magneto, sliding gear transmission, left hand drive center control, a car that "picks up quick" and one of the greatest hill climbers in the world. With electric starter and electric lights $55 extra Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. C. O. RUSSELL Devils Lake, DISTRIBUTOR No. Dak. TOTALS NEARLY EIGHTJINDRED Number of Bills Introduced in Legislature. PROBING BOARD OF CONTROL Joint Committee Still Looking Into Charges Preferred by Several Citizens of Jamestown. Bismarck—(Special)—The final day for the introduction of bills saw an avalanche of measures that practical ly took the place of all other business for the day in both houses. In the house 112 bills were introduced and referred to committee. The senate, being more dignified and less precipi tate in its actions, restrained itself and was content with introducing eighty-five measures and referring them. This practically ends the in- troduction of bills of a general nature.^ ,, There will naturally be some com- mittee bills and the budget bills will have to come from the appropriations 1 committees, but the number cannot be sreat. So far we have had 313 Investigating Yet—The opening ses- sion of the joint committee appointed 1 to investigate the charges against the in a manner other than that provided b? the law making the appropriation. For that reason tl* emergency board has b,J,'n 1,rawn 111,0 "le extent that the question has one. as it now is.'but would raised as lo whether there was, unoer the law ns it stands. an emergen.-y such as the law contemplates belore ,, .. use 110 investigated, and a report made as to their work, before any legislation looking to the abolition of the commis sion is introduced or considered seri ously. Senator Heckle's bill is in line with the veto message of the govern or, made in 1913, when he attempted to wipe out the appropriation made for tlie tax commission. This was afterwards overthrown by a decision in the supreme court. .j. .j. 4. Suggestions—While on the subject «f reducing the expense of govern ment by cutting down the number of salaried officers and offices it is plain to be seen that Hie legislative mind is working toward that end. We have measures which propose the creation of one man to handle the board of control work, at a salary to abolish the position of secretary to the board of railroad commissioners and requiring one of the members to act as secretary to do away with the state fire marshal to wipe out the game wardens and let the sheriffs and deputies do the work. Such a trimming up of the plum trees may make it look neater, bat many stand aghast at the short crop that would result. 4- Official Pig Catcher—House bill 71, by C. W. Moses of Pembina county, has furnished about as much fire works as any single bit of proposed legislation. That is a measure to pro- v,de for,the slate ?1,- r\r*or»H nf mnfrnl nac haan wnll rf rtno board of control has been well, done that Dr. Hotehkiss,, the), present su perintendent of the asylum, is elti-1 cient, honest and painstaking, and, that the charges are not grounded in I sincerity of purpose. Of the whole1j number seventy-eight sign approving, tition with reference to Dr. Hotch- kiss. Evidently there is a division of opinion in Jamestown. City for It—Immediately after the committee on the board of control stepped out of the spotlight the tax commission stepped in. In the last! house waiting for passage, grand rush of introducing bills Sena tor Heckle, who is chairman of the committee to invest!gats the tax com mission, dropped in senate bill No. 261, providing for the abolition of the present commission aHd providing (or one commissioner, a deputy and clerks, and appropriating 525,000 or so for salaries and expenses. Inas much as the in-v«stigaWng committee had done little or no investigating the intro'duction of this bill by the chair m£n of the committee at this gme was deemed to be a snap judgment, and the tax eonmission came out with an affidavit in which the commissioners affirm ,.-that they have never been in vestigated, that they have prepared their books and held them in readi ness for examination by the commit tee, and have beeri lor seme time past keen ready to make the showing as to the amount of money saved the state im uncovering untaxed property and placing it on tbe rolls. There fore, die commission demands to be appointment by the gov rn°r of,an offlc'al to b? known As IS weU known the sherift bills introduced in the senate and 462 I elective officer and needing votes in the house. Of these a quick esti mate would seem to show that one third had been killed, still leaving a tidy number for the solons to wrestle with during the remainder of the ses sion. Of the bills which have passed both houses the governor has signed twenty-live. a now iut0 three a* enforcement commissioner and :'PProPri^ting $5,000 for maintenance, beinS an the Red RiVer Vallev district number- the Hnu fect it could act. Indeed the whole ponn 1 ,. Norton and \0u11g in the same 1 is me triet—thus nullifying one or the other of tliem, and giving an opening to some Barkis from the northwest cor ner of the state. The bill is not like ly to pass. But with this legislature the most unlikely things happen. of the investigation now bears upon 'lie meaning of the word emergency Was the-re an emergency sufficient to demand the taking of SlUi.l.uOO appro priated for the building of a tubercu lar hospital for in building a farm house, a detention hospital and fixing up the administration building? That "5* is the issue. It is evident that there Stop Hanging—A bill is being giv is issue upon the payment of ?10,- ei serious consideration—house Xo. 000 or more to Sam F. Crabbe, a civil] 33—to make the penalty for murder engineer of Fargo, for his work in in the first degree life imprisonment superintending the new building. The'instead of IiansrinT. The advantage law provided a straight salary of i-Ihiiiko „,vidi di8lric(s two ftree f0 nm east NOTICE OF EXECUTION Judgment having been made and given on the 11th day of November, A D. 1913, in an action in the dis trict court of Ramsey county, North Dakota, wherein the state of North Dakota was plaintiff and Joe Road house was defendant, in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant in the sum of $640.00, which said judg ment was duly field in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for said Ramsey county, North Dakota, on the 11th day of November, A. D. 1913 notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued in said action under date of the 10th day of February, A. D. 1915, directed to me to satisfy the amount of said judg ment out of the personal property of the said judgment debtor wihin my county if sufficient personal property can be found, and in the event suffi cient personal property cannot be found then out of the real property in my county belonging to said judg ment debtor and not having found sufficient personal property belonging to said judgment debtor to satisfy thb said judgment, I levied upon the here, inafter described real property which I will offer for sale and sell at public auction at the front door of the Ram sey county Court House in the city of Devils Lake, Ramsey County, North Dakota, at the hour of ten o'oolck a. m. on Saturday, the 13th lay .of March, A. D. 1915, to satisfr the amount due upon said judgment and the costs accrued and accruing on said sale. 1S not inclined to get a large number of the voters indignant at him for "going out of his way" to catch illicit liquor dealers, commonly known as blind pigs. Therefore the piggers flourish wherever popular sentiment favors them. To meet that situation citizens have contributed for many years to the support of an enforce ment officer. They have grown weary demand that the state UP state board of control of penal and jown 'aws- Hence Mr. Moses' bill, charitable institutions was held at the Hence also the prohibitionists and office of the governor in the capitol. antis and the liberty league men It will be remembered that these I have been mingling, as it were, and charges were preferred by three I the lobbying has been strenuous. The •Tamestown citizens and are of quite hill came out of the committee of the a serious nature. The governor, sec-1 whole in the house with a recommend I retary of state and state auditor were "lat it "do pass," and there was joy on the stand and the testimony was 'n prohibitiondom. made a matter of reoord. The board 4. of control bases its defense upon the Congressional Districts—It appears authority granted it by the emergen- that the present division of the state cy board to expend the state's money burden of enforcing its congressional districts bv Uvo lines rluinin£ north and sonth does not suU evervt alTair' t0 t,lp ,0(ly yr Harald- son has a measlln whieh would leave „f. would be to throw Congressmen of this is that under the old law there nun per annum. Tint, the response is was no chance for pardon after the that a civil engineer, much less a reg-' rope had been stretched, whereas un alar architect, cannot be engaged at. der the proposed measure the pardon such a salary. Therefore the neees- ing board could help a little. Corn sity of paying more. After the hear-1 plaint has been general' over the ing at the capitol adjournment wasI number of pardons granted by the taken to Jamestown, where the com- board, and a number of bills have mittee will examine the state prop- been introduced by the subcommit erty, see the work done, hear wit-, tee of' the judiciary and state affairs nesses and listen to argument of coun* committees of the senate restricting sel. Former Attorney General Miller this power both as to pardons and is appearing as counsel for the boards, paroles. If life imprisonment meant •S* 4* I a life sentence, North Dakotans are A Petition—Senator Steele of James-! not bloodthirsty and would not de town presented a petition bearing up-, mand hanging. on the investigation, which was signed by 118 residents of Jamestown. The 4* *J* .... .. .. .. Oil Inspection—By some curious petition recited that the signers be- oversight the measure which proposed lieve that an injustice is. bejng,do„e to,cut.doWnHhe^tate's-charge for^in Sam F. Crabbe .thatfthe work of tlie. spVctlon 0f oils imported into the stalte from 25 cents to 7% cents a bar rel had also some other' important changes worked into it, among these being a nice raise in salary for all in spectors, provision for deputies at in creased salaries and an increase for tbe chief inspector as well as certaia the whole petition, while forty changes in the tests required. It went on to approve that part of the pe- through tho senate that unll0ticed and might ljave gone {urtller had not Hal Davies, a well known newspaper man, investigated and given the mat ter publicity. The bill was called back from the house and changed back to the original provisions of the present law and is once more in the Curbing the Judges—Staal® Hsn drickson's proposed amendment to the constitution, providing that the supreme court must render a urtani-| mous decision, heiore it cau declare a statute unconstitutional, passed the senate with flying colors. It must pass at the next session and then go to the people. Meantime L. L. Twich- en wants a constitutional convention called to meat in Bismarck in June, 1916, just when the primary campaign is getting hot, as house biU 49C speci fies. We have with us again, after a season of neglect^ a proposed amend ment to the constitution to provide for the recall of all elective officials. \Te had the same in 1911, hot over looked it entirely when it came up for passage in 1913. Perhaps a con stitutional convention would fix these little maKers and the feur-yoar terms for official? and other remedial offer* «a. JOHN ANDREWS. The real property levied upon under said writ of execution and which will be sold to satisfy said judgment is situated in Ramsey Bounty. North Da kota. and described as follows: The I South Half (S 1-2) of Lot Five (5) of Block Two (2) in the village of Doyon, according to the original plat of said townsite on file in the office of file register of deeds of said county. The amount due oh the day of sale will be the sum of $640.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum since the 11th day of November, A. D. 1913, and costs of execution and sale. Dated this 11th day of Febraury, A. D. 1915. MARTIN OLSEN, Sheriff of Ramsey County, N. D. Cutlibert & Smythe,' Attorneys for Plaintiff. Citation, Hearing Petition to Estab lish Right of Heirship to Real Property. State of North Dakota, County of Ramsey— In County Court, Before Hon. E. H. Griffin, Judge In the matter of the estate of Peter T. Rudser, Deceased. Thomas Rudser, Petitioner. vs. Bertha Hilty, Annie Semmgard, Lena Haley, Ole Rudser, Emily Rudser, Hannah Brown and Marlin Olson, and all other persons •nloiown elaim ing any estate or interest in or lien I or encumbrance upon the property described in the petition or against the estate of said deceased, respond. I ents. I The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents, and all I other persons unknown claiming any estate, or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the property I described in the petition or against the estate of said deceased: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Thomas Rudser has filed in the county court of the said county of Ramsey, state of Nortli Dai«*e,duly verified petition praying for a decree ascertaining and establishing the right of succession to the real estate within the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, of which Peter T. Rudser, late of the city ef Devils Lake in the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota died seized: which real estate is described as follows, to-wit: the east one-half of the southeast quarter of section 3, township 158, range 62, and lot 11 »f block 10 and south half of lot 10 of block 10 of Maher & Locke's Third Addition to the city of Devils Lake, N. D. And that Saturday the 80th day of March, A. D. 1915, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the court room of this court, at the court house in the city of Devils Lake county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, has been set by order of this said court as the time and place of hearing said I petition: at which time Qtnd ]Awe any •person interested may appear and object to the granting of said petition, And you, and each of you, are here by cited ,and required then and there to be and appear before this said court and show cause, if any there be, why said petition should not be granted. Dated the 4th day of February, A. D. 1915. E. H. GRIFFIN. (SEAL) Judcre of the County Court Let service of the above citation be made by publishing the same for four weeks successively in the Devils Lake Weekly "World, last publication to be at least twenty days prior to March 20th, 1915, and personal service on all respondents residing in the state. E. H. GRJFFIN, (SEAL) PROPOSALS WAJTPBO Bide Per Burial of Oeuatjr Poor Sealed proposals will be reooiv^d by tjio board of county catBBjisaioneMi t* rtomsBV county. NT. D., tn to two (J) nclo"'i P. M. February 1-915, for the furnishing of material, la16r and ne«ess"ry nprvices for the proper bur ial of paupers and county pear. Bids must cover tots# ooat in each case for the following sins: infants, children sJnd adults and must in each case cover rought box, c**1n. robe, dig ging of grave, embalming, team hire, etc in fact must cover total cost to ooiAity in e'.ich size above enumerated. All bids must be sealed arid plainly marked "Proposals for Bifrial of Oapnty Poor" and addressed to the itndtirsigiied. The board reserves the night te re ject any and nH bits. By order of tSe tkfai-4 of aoanty com missioners. J. A. KRAMER (SEAL) Count? AmdUor. Dated at Devils Lake, 9 this 23rd day of January, lilt. Jan. ri-Feb. t, It SUB8CRIM EOP 2SB WOKLD NOTICE OP CASTCSWATXOIT OP COJT TBACT. To Clara. E. Faust and Jt. R. Faust, her husband Please take notice, that you have de faulted In the performance of the con ditions: on your part to be performed in that certain contract for deed entered into by and between you and each of you of date January 12, 1911, whereby you contracted to purchase from the under signed those certain premises situate in Ramsey county and state of North Da kota known and described as the North forty feet of lot 14, in block 6, of Cleve land & Kennedy's addition to the city of Devils Lake, Ramsey county. North Da kota as the same is officially platted and recorded, and agreed and covenanted therein to pay to the undersigned J. A. Shannon, the owner of said premises, certain sums therein specified as and for the purchase price thereof, which were represented by promissory notes of said date made and delivered by you to the undersigned in the amount of 1525.00 and 11500.00 respectively and a cash payment of the sum of $500.00, said promissory note for $526.00 being pay able in monthly installments of $7.50 and said $1500.00 note in monthly In stallments of $22.50, each monthly in advance and wherein you further agreed to Insure said property in the sum of $2,000.00 and further to pay all taxea assessed against said property and to keep and maintain the same. Tour default consists in non-payment of three years' taxes and non-payment of insurance and in not keeping said premises insured, in permitting said premises to become damaged from want of repair and in default of paymen ts due in accordance with said contract. The undersigned has been obliged to pay three years 'taxes and interest which with legal rate of Interest to date from the respective dates of payment, amounts to $135.44 also to pay insur ance tn the amount of $65.45 to pay for the up-keep of said premises the sum of $5.75 and You are In default in back payments on principal of the notes in the amount of $30.00 and in interest, $180.91, mak ing a total amount of $407.56. You are therefore notified hereby, that said contract for said premises will be cancelled and terminated on the ex piration of thirty days from the service of this notice upon you, if within that time you do not pay to the undersigned the amount aforesaid, together with the costs of preparing and serving this no tice. Dated January 12, 1916. JT. A. SHANNON. Middaugh & Hunt, Attorneys, Devils Lake, N. D. JTOTZOE OP MOBTOAQE BXUt Notice Is hereby given. That by reason of default in the terras and conditions of that certain mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Christian J. Graber and Freni Graber. his wife, mortgagors, to Emily R. Smith Haseltine, mortgagee bearing date the 9th day of April 1910, and filed for record in the office of the register of deds in and for Ramsy coun ty, North Dakota, on the 4th day of June, 1910, and there recorded in book "44" of mortgages at page 535 and there after duy aslsigned by instrument in writing to the North Dakota Mortgage Co., a corporation, which said assign ment bears date May 3rd. 1910. and was on the said 4th day of June 1910, duly filed for record in the office of the reg ister of deeds in and for Ramsey county North Dakota, and recorded in Book SI, of mortgages at page 19, will be fore closed by the sale of the premises in said mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of the court house in the city of Devils Lake, in the said county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon »f the 1st day of March, 191S, to satisfy the amount due on such mort gage at the date of sale, together with ttie sum of $47.84 taxes paid by said North Dakota Mortgage Co. to redeem said premises from sale for 1910 taxes thereon. The premises described in said mort gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are situate In the county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: I,ot Four (4) and the southwest quar ter of the northwest quarter (SW 1-4 NW 1-4) of section Five (5) and lot one (1) and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SE 1-4 NE 1-4) of section six (G). all in township one hun dred fifty-eight (158) north of Range sixty-three (03) west. I There will be due on such mortgage on the date of sale, including taxes as aforesaid and interest, the sum of $1365.35, together with statutory attor neys fees and the costs of this foreclos- 111*6 Dated this 14th day of January, A. D. 191B* North Dakota Mortgage Co., Assignee of Mortgagee. Dickson & Devaney. Attorneys for assignee of mortgagee. Langdon. North Dakota. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given, That that certain mortgage executed and deliv ered by Clarence E. Burges3 and BJh k. Burgess his wife, mortgagors, lo Jacob R. Roller, mortgagee, dated the 15th day of December, 1911, and fdel for record in the office of the register of deeds of the county of Ramsey and State of North Dakota, on the 6th clay of August, 1912, and recorded in hook 58 of mortgages on page 220 thereof, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and herein after described at the front door of the court house in the eity of Devils Lake, county of Ramsey and state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 13th day of March, 1915, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises des cribed in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The northeast quarter (N. E. 1-4) and the southeast quarter (S. E. 1-4) of Section Thirty five (35) in Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) North of Range Sixty-one (61) West, Fifth P. M. There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale the sum of Two Thou sand One Hundred Nine and 19-100 ($2,109.19) Dollars, together with costs of sale and statutory attorney fee. Jacob R. Roller, Mortgages. Cewan & Adams«n, Wineman Bock, DevUs Lake, N. D. Attorneys for Mortgagee, Dated February 4th, M)15 Presbyterian Church. (One block north of postoflWe.) 11 A. M.«-Morning worship and ser mon. 12:10 P. M. Bible Schml, J. A. Haig, Supt. 6:30 P. M. Young Peo ple's meeting. 7:S0 P. M. Evening worship and sermon. All seatb free and a hearty invitation to afl. Church of, the Adveat, Protestant Episcopal. Horning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:90. Sunday school at 12:1S. AH services begin promptly «n rime Strangers welcome. Rev. Frederick H. Oefalsr, Restor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS COWAN & ADAMSON Lawyers j. Wineman Block, Devils Lake BRENNAN & BRENNAN Law Offices BRENNAN BLOCK Devils Lake, North Dakota L. J. WEHE Attorney-at-Law Practice in all courts, hoth state and federal Office in Wickert-Schultz Block DR. W. E. HOCKING |. Dentist |. Office in Wickert Schultz Block Phone 272 Devils Lake DR. W. C. FOLLETT Dentist Phone 368 Devils Lake I CUTHBERT & SMYTHE Attorneys at Law Suite 7,8 and 9, Locke Block |, Devils Lake, N. D. DR. P. A. BOYUM Physician and Surgeon Over Bell's Drug Store Phones: Office 234 Residence 146 DR. 6. J. McINTOSH I Physician and Snrgeoa I Office in Wineman Block (Over White & Henderson Store) Telephone: Office 61 Residence 7 G. F. Drew, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted j! Locke Block Devils Lake Jf. D. HENRY & LEWIS Suit 4, Bank Block, Devils Lake North Dakota J. F. Henry E. M. Lewis LAWYER INSURANCE Specialty: Investments Probate Practice. Loans and Collections Real Estate Phone No. 74. W. M. AKDBB80N Attorney at Law Brennan Block Devils Lake, N. D. ITiYNN ft TBAYNOK Attorneys and Counielon at Law Practice in all Courts, Mate and Federal XSDWABD f. TLYVK Specialty: Titles. Corporation and Commercial Law FRED J. TEAYNOB Specialty: Litigated Case*. Probate Practice Booms 8, 9,10 ad 11—— Mann Block Devils Lake, North Dakota DBS. McOUBBEN ft DUV Offices Locke Block O. .T. MeGhuma r* Physician and Burgeon Phone No. 840 P. r. DBEW, Ber^ *Jooa gnd Threat Phone 296 CfeXKTOX SMITH Physician and Bnrgeon. Baiifii Block. 9 Phone: Oflco 143 Sea. 1M. jJevils Lake, Nosth Dakota. E. M. MOOERS Insurance Loans, Bonds and Rentals Phone 407. Bangs Block Devils Lake, N SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WORLD* QPPos/re"c)TY"^^ MODERN SU&OP'ekrt-P'.s.'H LOCiTID III HEAKT OF ll'SIXKSS DISTRICT RATES: Rooms with dctacheri bath and ahower bath One person 75c, SI.00 and SI.50 day „^I?S,PePons in Ul" room, 50c extra ROOMS with private baths and toilets— One person SI.SO and $2.00 per day 1 wo persons in same room, 11.00 extra. Send postal card In tolotrnd bMlett. WE AIM TO PLEA&EV