OCR Interpretation

Sioux County pioneer. (Fort Yates, Sioux County, N.D.) 1914-1929, December 28, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88076639/1922-12-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Fort Yates basket ball team
lost to a mixed McLaughlin team
Saturday night at McLaughlin by
a score of 26 to 14. The local boys
are not satisfied with Ifche treatment
accorded them at McLaughlin. A
guarantee /of $25 which had been
promised them was not paid,' it is
claimed, and the home team is
still wondering if the referee
thought he was refereeing a football
Cannon Ball Items
The ferry boat "Opal" is frozen
up in the Missouri below the depot.
Supt. E. D. Mossman was up
1i -on business at the sub station on
Friday.f at
Bernard Mulhern is back from
the Bismarck hospital, and we are
all glad to see Him.
Thos. P. Ashley returned from
the Capitol ^heif he hadr spent a
couple, weeks.
Charlie Black Bear was up here
from Fort Yates visiting friends and
E. Bull Bear and Amos Good
Crow were in town buying Xmas
(foods at the Cannon Ball Merc. Co.
Big Lake Congregational ctiurcl}
held their Xmas program bunday
evening. The program was good
The Cannon Ball Congregational
Church and the Catholic Church
.their Xmas program the same
held its tree Monday evening.
Xmas program of the Bfg Lake
Congregational Church iS?
Song by choir, leader Kate Tibbits
Prayer, Rev. Tibbits
Song, Sweeter Than Days Gone By
Short sermon by Rev. Tibbits
Songby school children, leader Mrs.
g. E. Scott^"
Recitation, Santft Claus, Agnes Twoj
Recitation, Santa Claus is Coming,'
Peter Warrior
&ecitation7 Sing* an Song of Xurfls,
Chas. Bear J^
Recitation, Mrs. Santa Claus, Ruby
B. Bear
The Episcopal Church
Recitation, My Favorite Tree, Jack yP11?
Ring I
Recital ion,'How He Dbes
Two. Shield
Men of Old
Xmas oiienng
-Jfrombone duet, Joe Huff And
Song, Xmas Lulluby,school chiuJ'rei)
Recitation, If You're Good, Harvej
Song by.Choir, As With Gladnef-
Secret of ^Administration.
The culminating' point of adminis
tration: is to know well hbw much
Ofrer, great 0F sma|l, WP ought to
to all circumstances,—-Montes-
Heglectf ul. I:-
Russy, with eyes closed,.was purring
the mat when Archie exclaimed:
i, ma. kitty's gone to. sleep and for
ot to stop her motor I'V-Boston
Swastika Items
Ennis Ackerman and family left
Wednesday night, for Mapleton,
Minn., to spend Christmas and
New Years with Ennis' parents.
Jack Cramer left Wednesday for
points in Minnesota and. Iowa to
spend the winter. Jack says he'll
be back with the meadow larkes.
Steve Roman, teacher of the Ce
dar Valley school, left Friday night
forliis Home at Winona, Minn to
spend the holidays. j:
Fred Butts is working again for
0. J. Brennecke.
Iva Perkins of Petrel, N. D., is
spending her vacation at Swastika
with her cousin Mrs. Ella Smithy.
A. P. Darby is assisting Dr. Ben
nett at McLaughlin at present.
Christmas Celebration Set
New Record for "Dryness"
A record for "dryness" has.just
been made by the Indians of this
reservation that could scarcely be
equaled in these "home-brew"
days. There were between thirty
and forty separate Indian Christ
mas celebrations this week on the
reservation, and, Supt. Mossman
declares, not one case of drunken
ness has been reported, from any of
these celebrations.
"Po you suppose jazz muBiclans will
$o to heaven?"
"Mirybe so," wpUed Ur. OnnipMO.
"According to the modern idea, nearly
everybody 1B going to heaven, bat I
won't present my credentials to St
Peter until I find out whether or not
they'll have to check their horns at the
Hard Labor.
"Well," said the shoe drummer,
"what's going-on In GhiggersviUe to
"Heard about Zefce Dawle?" asked
Squire Witherbee.
"No. Has he gone toworkf
"Yes. Quite a' number of our citi
zens were on hand to see him accept
ppsltton. In fact, the courtroom was
Poor Chance for Him.
He—What would your father do It
I told him I wanted to marry you?
She—He'd refer the matter to me.
He (hopefully)—And what would
you do?
She—Fd refer the matter to Mr.
Smart, who proposed to me and was
accepted while you were trying (9
"Whit Wild Qf «»«l do you with,
"Dear me, I am so Inexperleneed
V'*1#**. Are there various
kindef i--
"Oh yea. We have egg coal, chest*
nut 'f .-y
HI UK, tus ,M|, ws
Swat I
The '«ke'eter» «lnc on airy wing
lln*er ln,n*rl,y
But oft their son*, like that
la the lut befor* they di*.
X^fiada fo
the wfttpr.piJMipf .Qr (bf worW.
An Jntopnttattt Crgal iBfrtuaiutfur ^tthlUtfpd in
The wonderfully mild weather
contributed in no small degree to
ward the perfect Christmas tjde.
This iB one of the Warmest holidaj
seasons old timers can remember in
Recitation a
Christmas Acrpstic
Piano Trio
Song and tableau
Worth Pondering Over.
Some people complain because of
poor health, but many more have poor
health because ihey complalu.—Kxi.
Mlcr 'a Happy Hunting ground.
Aceo 'ir.tii to estimate the humab
body contains a microbe population
equal to a thousand million times the
whole human population of the earth,
All the Symptoms.
When a man begins to tell a woman
all about his' past love affairs, it Is
a very good sign that he Is about to
have "just one more,"
Life estimated by discontent ibay be
a desert life measured by gratitude
may be a garden.—Anon.
Can Buy Joy Rides.
Money can't do everything, but
there's a tendency in human nature
to be pretty well satisfied with the
it can do.
Confidence Must Be Natural.
Confidence Is a thing not to be pro
duced by compulsion. Men cannot be
forced Into trust—Daniel Webster.
Wonderful Weather Aids
Christmas Joy and Happiness
Five Christmas Entertainments and Trees
Held by Churches and Schools
Christmas at Fort Yates this'years. Many visitors from across
year was indeed a joyful occasion,
fully in keeping with the true spir
it of the happy, season. In addition
to the usual special religjou* Ser
vices, revealing the real, essential,
holy meaning of Christmas, five.sup
arate celebrations and entertain
ments were held.
Program Given Sunday Evening by the Agency Boarding
.» School
(EnuittB, 2?nrtJ? Batata
the. river and other neighboring
localities attended the celebrations
The public school gave their en
tertainment Friday night and
the agenuy boarding school Sunday
evening A large an appreciative
audience attended these two splen
did programs.
The St. Mary's and Ht Joseph's
societies, the Congregationals and
Episcopal* lielil tlieir trees the even*
sng of the 21th.
O S a N a a
"Come I^et Uh Be Joyful" 24 pupils
Christmas Lullaby" First and Second A classes
"Save A Little Christmas" Sain Crowghost
"Two Sides" Michael Treetop and Jerome Martin.
"A Lady 8anta Claus" Cha ilef wynne
14 pupils
Julian LifeCouiDte, Retina LeCumpte, .Ji iine Eagle
Silent Night"
Piano and violin .. '/i Julian LeCompte and Cl.as. Middle
Christmas Song
"My Littl^lui^'
"The Second Table"
"Beautiful ^^Dughts for Christmas'
The atmospheric pressure oa Mars
is about one-quarter^: as great as on
the earth.
First and Second A classes
Josephine 8p^i-dhorse
AnUiinei Howard
5 git if
Boat Driven by Waftr.
A life boot invented In HollnnJ Is
driven by water drawn Into one own
ing and expelled from two others by
steam pump, steering being lon6 by
controlling the outlets.
In That Senw, Anyway.
"Failure is sometimes the
Fifty Thousand Winka a Day .my time I would nfake him my prime
A nervous person may wink as often, minister. It,Is not his poetry I admire
perhaps, as 60,000 times during the
16 waiklng hours of the day.
St«ry—"Herfrv&i iiiii
$.fsai*!.« frwn.he^ ey* teeth, prob
comments T. M. O.—Boston Trs»
of success," says a philosopher. At
any rate, seeing one's finish Is apt
to give one a start.
Evening Things Up.
Tilings are about equal In this
world. In a brass-band it's harder
to play the piccolo than the bass
drum, but lt'a harder to carry the
For rlusbands Only.
Easiest way to get over a message
to friend wife is to pretend you are
talking in your sleep I—Brooklyn
When a 8heep la a Goat
Up there the sheep and goats will
,, be divided, but down here the sheep
are usually the goats.—Eugene, Ore.
Dally Guard. ......
'*s-. Joy for Auntie.
jimmy eame running Into his aunt'a
home, which was just across the street
from his own, and said, "Oh I auntie,
wants to know, will you
A Poet With Qood Sense.
If such a man as Corneille lived In
so much, but his good sense, his knowt
edge of the human heart aud, In a
word, his profound policy,—Napoleon.
Paris Plret to teach Blind.
The first public school for the llnd
%aa-estdblished In Paris in I7»i.
Chronicles of the West
The program at the Pretty Rock
hall was well attended. After the
program the community tree was
lighted. Santa Claus was there
with a big sack of candy for every
Mr. and^ Mrs. Hans Thompson
visited in Lfmmon Wednesday
Mr. Dakken, Mr. Thompson,
Mr. Davis and John Davis made
a trip to Coflin Butte mines Satur
Ira Herbert and family moved to
Biemarck last week. Mr. Herbert
will work in a garage. Their
friends are sorry to have them leave
but wish thein Buccess in their new
Mr. and Mrs. Hency Trager and
daughter viMted at his parents
home Sunday.
Will Assist in Instituting
Five-Year Prograin
Fred B. Campbell, Supt. of the
Blackfeet agency, is expected here
in a few days for a short visit while
on his way to Washington While
here Supt. Campbell will assist
Supt. Mossman in instituting the spent their money ru
five-year program recommended bv
Commissioner Burke.
A couple of sailors got into a dis
cussion over the Jrind of animal a
heifer was. One sailor claimed that
the heifer belonged to the hog family,
the other that it was a variety of
'I'hMlly they enlled in Boatswain
"ImII, wut's a heifer—Is it a hog or
is it ii sheep?" they said.
Routs nln Bill bit off a large chew
reflectively. Then he said:
"To tell you the truth, mates, I
dunno much about poultry."
The Cashier.
A young woman went to call on a
lady who luid entertained her. The
latter's flve-yciir-old daughter who
was playing on the lawn, said: "Ma
ma isn't at home."
"I am very sorry," replied the young
woman, "for I have come to pay my
party call."
"Oh, I'll take the money," said the
child promptly.
Not She.
Patient: Wowl I thought you
aald you extracted without pain.
Dentist: V/ell, it don't hurt me a
Passing the Responsibility.
The cost of living must improve.
Yet with determined frown
Ea:h waits (or eome one else to move
-To put the prices down.
iJ:- '.: Alwaya,
The best angle from which to ap
proach any problem la the" try-angle.
Charging Thunder, one of the
few remaining Indians who wn.i
witii Sitting Bull at the Lillle Bin
Horn, passed away Inst Tlmreuay
evening at the agennv hospital,
age 70, and was buried here the
following day. Chariiii« Thunder
was an old time Indian of consider­
able reputation. He was liked and
renpected by a'.l who knew him.
Local Happenings
Mr Ida Fisher is spending the
holidays with her relative* at Mc
J. M. Ciirignan Sr. vUiud in
Lin Ion yestecday, going over with
Oscar Bauumnri.
Supt. E. I.) Mobsman leavt' to
morrow to aR niiipan.v a number of
Indian children to Toledo, Iowa,
where they will enter the Sac and
Fox sanitarium.
Where It Went.
•lack Spratt could em |)0 j,jg
wife could eat no lean. you
Listen and Obey.
We need only obey. There Is guid
ance for each of us, and by lowly
listening we shall hear the right word.
—B. W. Emerson.
Something in That
It Is not good for man to be alone,
but It is much less expensive.— Kx
"The prima (lonqa says she will Novelist Peddles Own OooKe.
climb to the top of yon snowy peak, A young novelist stood on a promt
and sit there while the world rolls' Bent street corner in London recently
"Believe me," replied the sardonic
guest at a fashionable summer resort,
"she won't If the photographers refuse
to follow her."
peddling tier own books. She sold iiO
copies in an hour.
Oally Thought
Love, vows, promises, confidence*,
gratitude—how queerly they read af
ter awhile.—Thackeray.
First Queen 2017 B. C.
The first woman with sovereign au
thority was Semlramla, queen of Aa
syrla, 2017 B. a
Thirteen Daya in Ancient Waefe~
Thirteen days comprised tho urealb
of the ancient Mexicans.
Dally Thought
Art Is long, life short judgment dif
ficult opportunity transient.—Qoethe.
The Principal Inducement
"What sends men Into the far

he Jitney's gaso­
line.—Fresno, Cal., Republican.
Ancient Doors.
Greek and Ifiuniin doors always
opened outward, nml when a man waa
passing out of :i house he knocked on
the door so ns not to open it In the
face of a passer-by.
New Steel Wheels.
Forged in one piece, a steel Wheel
has been invented for automobiles.
Including rims, spokes, hubs and brake
ners of the world?" asi-8 one of the
magazines. Our guess Is that It Is the'
hope of seeing their names lit the^^l
newspaper headlines.

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